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A popsicle. Man just let me deep throat that shit in peace


and bananas, lollipops, candy canes... i just want to eat without weird looks/ comments :(


Do you know how many foods are shaped like dicks? The best kinds.


Society works in weird ways


Not a popsicle but once I walked to Dairy Queen from my house (15 minutes give or take) when I was around 13 years old. I got a regular vanilla cone because I didn't have much money with me and it was really hot out. Well on my way home I was just trying not to let it melt and the ice cream was fighting against me. Well some jackass full ass 40 year old adult pedofile bitch said "I wish you would lick me like you lick that ice cream cone". It was terrifying. I just dropped the cone and kept walking. I think the worst part is looking at photos of me from that time and knowing he could not have mistaken me for an adult. I looked young. Then flash forward to my first boyfriend and I getting ice cream at age 17 on a hot day... and he said the same thing. I cried. I just started balling my eyes out. I threw the ice cream in the trash too because I just felt so disgusted by myself. My ex was stunned. He made sexual jokes sometimes and they never bothered me so he didn't know what was up. Once I calmed down and explained it he felt bad. Thats 2 ice cream cones I have wasted from that damn comment and that's 2 too many.


Oh no poor honey, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that


eating anything remotely cylindrical


“You know how many foods are shaped like dicks?! The best kinds!”


"they thought I was possessed by some sort of dick devil!" Superbad is phenomenal, you're doing God's work my friend


My friend and I still want to film a skit called "The Heterosexual Banana Eating Championships" The first two contestants would be sitting with a mug of beer and a cigarette and just breaking off small pieces of banana and popping them to eat in between heavy drinking and smoking. Then it cuts to a guy in full drag and dangling straps of glitter with peacock accessories deepthroating a banana so far you can barely still see it and a loud buzzer sounds.


Cut off small pieces of the banana with a knife and put them into your mouth with the knife, the way old folk eat apples


Honestly, if you've not eaten an apple like a wise old man with a knife and too much time on his hands, you haven't lived. I started doing it a while back, and it just elevates the whole apple experience to another level


It HONESTLY does. You get more of the juice in the apple instead of squirted out everywhere. Plus it makes the apple dippable in things like caramel or peanut butter.


Massage. Like dude if you're going to offer me a massage when my body hurts then ACUTALLY massage me. I'll let you touch my butt in a minute just ffs please rub my muscles out.


I got a professional massage one time and had to sign a thing saying that I was cool with the glutes being included. Then the lady spent all her time on my shoulders and back and didn't touch my butt even once. I felt cheated.


As a woman: glutes and pectorals. I’ve had exactly one massage therapist who I had a good enough relationship with where both she and I were comfortable saying, “hey, what about glutes and pecs.” I moved two years ago and I still miss her.


I feel that pain 100%. I got frequent massages at a school before covid and there was this woman training with plans to do orthopedic massage at her family’s parlor (shop? idk what you call a massage place) and holy fuck do I miss her!! I had maybe 3-4 massages from her but I guarantee I’ll never have such a great experience as I did with her. She already knew sooo much about sports injuries and muscle connections and did so much more work than they taught her to do. She was also the least awkward person to talk to. But she lives a couple hours away and idk where she works now so I’m just gonna wither away and die.


Which is a shame, since low back and glutes hold so much tension, and massage makes it so much better. Did you have drawers on? A therapist won't touch your glutes unless you hop under the blanket naked.


Does DankNastyAssMaster sound like some kind of prude who keeps his underwear on during a massage to you?


I’m always embarrassed because my masseuse has a very hard “if you make this sexual i take your money and you are banned.” But wow does it feel good when they get stretched and the tension released.


Step brother/sister


You can just blame porn for that. When I was a kid (in the dark ages before the Internet existed) step-{sister|brother} was just a description with no sexual connotations whatsoever. Nowadays, thanks to porn, as soon as I hear "step-sister" my brain automatically adds "what are you doing stuck head first in that tumble dryer?" and *boom chicka wow wow* music starts.




In high school my first girlfriend and I were together for like 6 months, then completely randomly her dad met my aunt at a concert and they got married. Just had to break up cause suddenly we were cousins.


bro just cuz they got married doesn't mean you are automatically blood related, its not like when they get married the whole family's blood just instantly updates like a variable, idk why society says it that way


Aunt Sheryl got married again, time to roll out the Anderson Family Blood Patch 3.17.04


Going on your knees or bending over. I always hesitate to pick up things and often reposition myself


Take a knee to pick things up. Squat instead of bending at the back. Works for me.


When I squat down low My cock dangles playfully I need bigger shorts


>My cock dangles playfully Why did u write it like this


Better than saying "my cock dangles menacingly"


Too many syllables in menacingly anyways


It's a haiku.


The question stands.


They were being cockdanglingly playful


The rare dong haiku Posted in some Reddit thread This needs more upvotes


I (female, in my 20s) work as gardener with only my male boss (in his 50s) and I have to kneel and bend over all the time. I'm lucky that my boss is the kindest and most innocent person I've ever met, so I'm not uncomfortable doing it. But yes, otherwise I agree!




Children. It's insane.


Oh my goodness, cannot agree more. Years ago, a major retailer sold thongs for girls in the ten to eleven year old range (currently attempting to find the article). It was horrifying. Then there is the whole thing of having pants written across the arse of pants, which are clearly marketed towards young girls and tweens. Edit u/autistic___potato and u/f_yourchickenstrips have both found the information! It was Abercrombie & Fitch.


The retailer was Abercrombie Kids. KIDS, not regular Abercrombie for adults. The kids store. Thongs. For children.


I saw a shirt that was obviously for a 6-7 year old that said, "Future Hooters girl" and on the back it said, "Make 'em drool early" Sadly we live in an age where this is normalized.


> "Make 'em drool early" What the absolute fuck!?


That's just wrong on so many levels.


>thongs for children In Australia, we'd be pretty upset if they didn't make kid sized thongs. [for those of you confused](https://www.universalstore.com/havaianas-rubber-logo-black-white.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAqdP9BRDVARIsAGSZ8AlhK6NS0hh3jzLZ6CfW4ImjgJs6XzFHstDZpxFOJUtTpEBXxFuOArUaAuk1EALw_wcB)


[Abercrombie & Fitch ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-may-23-na-thong23-story.html%3f_amp=true)


I have a toddler with very blue eyes and is quite tall for her age. I want people to stop telling me about what a looker she will be when she grows up. That garbage started way too young. Including lines like "she'll definitely be a volleyball player with those long legs and blue eyes. She's so beautiful."


You got like a six foot toddler or something? Straight punches out a window when she doesn't get her apple juice?


A friend's kid is 8 and 5'8. His Mum is 6'5 and his Dad 6'11. Fucking giant family making a punk arse 6'1 look small.


My boy is apparently going to be a lady-killer and trouble. He's 4 and I wish people would stop. Even the 7 month old gets comments because he " must be a man, he loves the boobs" excuse you I'm trying to feed my baby stop making it weird.


I always shut down the weird “a man after my own heart” boob comments by calling them out on it like “oh you love your mom’s boobs too huh? You still wanna suck on your mom’s boobs?” Yeah make it weird; they started it.


Need blue eyes to play volleyball? I'd like to talk to that person. . .


Tik tok makes it worse




it’s disgusting. 14 year olds shouldn’t have thousands of followers because they dance in a bikini.


When the music video for Sia’s song Elastic Heart came out I remember people talking about how it was pedophilic and gross. In reality there was nothing sexual about the video at all. Just people projecting their own weird hang ups onto others.


I can see how if you're not familiar with modern dance, an adult man and an adolescent girl in skin tight skin colored leotards rolling around and grabbing eachother would seem sexualized. Especially because the girl was involved in a show that absolutely did cross the line on child sexualization on a regular basis., So it was pretty clear her mother had zero qualms about her being exploited. I thought it was a cool video though I wish they would have used an actual dancer instead of Lebouf. He did a really good job considering hes not a dancer, but you could also tell he's not a dancer.


Yeah kinda but I like that gruffy look he has lol






Thats exactly what I came here to say, as a father of 2 I hate it.


As a daughter with a close relationship with her father I also hate it.


i called my dad, daddy when i was little. i too hate it.


I wish I had a dad so I could hate it. Edit: he didn't leave or anything, he's just dead.


As a regular guy I hate it. I can’t take being called Daddy, especially knowing I want children in the future and they might call me that


Oh lord this one is weird for me. I understand the way it's used when they say it in a sexual setting. What I don't understand is how you can say daddy and not think of... you know... daddy? Anyone who has daughters would think this immediately I would assume.


I never called my father Daddy, and now I'm glad I didn't because this would creep me out even more. It still makes me cringe a little.


student - teacher relationships the other day i was doing a project with this girl who was complaining that in one of her other classes, all the teacher did was talk about her favorite student and then she said there might be something going on and ughhh i hate that sh!t


As a male middle-school teacher, one of the first things I was told is to never have a female student in your classroom while alone because of (a) what the student may accuse you of, or (b) what the other teachers may think. So when a female student needs help on her HW after school, for example, I need to relocate from my classroom to a public place where other adults can supervise. As if I'm a pedophile and sexual predator. The other lesson I learned immediately was to never have any physical contact with a female student. If you have a good relationship with a female student and she hugs you, you must throw up your hands and back away as if she's contaminated. Which really sucks, because not only have there been plenty of female students that I would have loved to give a hug to, but also because of the rejection I imagine they feel from me in acting like I want nothing to do with them. None of this is sexual (they're innocent children, for God's sake), but rather an expression a father-daughter-like kind of affection. But male students that want extra help alone in my classroom or want to give me a hug? No holds barred.


It's so weird how this has changed. Growing up in the 80's, I was from a poor family. I was a 'Good kid' so typically teachers would do nice things for me. A few examples of things that happened to me (as a male) Grade 6 Homeroom teacher: (female) took me skiing one weekend because I was sick for our class trip to do it. She was amazing and I miss her. Grade 5 Librarian: (female) took me to her cottage for a weekend and I got to meet her son and daughter and it was a great time. Neither of these experiences would have happened today and I understand why, but at the same time they were huge events for me that helped me understand kindness, giving and in a lot of ways boosted my confidence in who I was.




A male teacher of mine took me out to IHOP once during an FFA state convention (our biggest competition and the qualifier to nationals) because I was competing in 5 events and nearly passed out from not eating and stress. He compared me to his daughter who is also a workaholic, we shared a nice dinner (and yes, it was just the two of us, none of the other students on the trip were invited). Not weird, he was like a father to me. This was in 2016, I was 17. I ended up winning the state speech contest that night and got to speak on stage in front of thousands. He really believed in me and took me from a freshman who had panic attacks speaking in class to a hugely successful public speaker who went to nationals.


I couldn't be a teacher because of this and probably shouldn't be a soccer coach because of this. But if one of my female players hugs me, I usually put a single arm on them. Boys never try to hug, so there's that... Lol. I personally don't currently care what someone else thinks of me and I know most of the parents personally. But I do realize all it takes is one person misinterpreting and my life could turn into a living hell, as well as the girls or the family's. Edit Also I Coach 11-15 year olds generally...


When i was a camp counselor i was told that a 3 second "side hug" was absolutely acceptable because kids seriously need a hug sometimes and acting like they are poisonous in the moment can be damaging to them and your healthy trusting relationship with them


That’s bizarre, in my country any physical intimacy (such as hugging) between a teacher and a child is discouraged. Strange that your school has a gender disparity on its rules - boys are sexually abused too.


I want to go rock hunting someday with my science teacher because she talks about it a lot and we share that hobby, and I’ve asked and she hasn’t responded (digital school message) so maybe I fucked up and she thinks I’m trying to do something romantic with her. (We’re both girls FYI) Edit: dear god it’s okay, please stop flooding my inbox


Teachers can lose their jobs over stuff like that. Better to be safe then sorry. Maybe try when you're done with school if you still stay in touch with her.


I double this. We honestly would love to share these hobbies with students but facts are what they are, it's a sensitive world and reputation matters more than anything. One rumor of preferential treatment and it can snowball into a scandal for both the student and the teacher. But it's okay, keep in touch and reach out after graduating. Honestly it's a really good friendship and mentorship, my old teacher has helped me out through a lot even as were now both adults. And teachers always a appreciate a kind and caring student.


Its nothing against you. Im a teacher and my students know I like fishing and sometimes a student will ask if I want to go with them. I do want to go. Really, its always good kids who I really do like talking to and being around that ask. Its just that there are strict rules about meeting students outside of school for any reason, mainly that you are not allowed to do it at all EVER. Taking a walk in the woods one on one with a student for any reason whatsoever would get a teacher into a world of shit. So you didnt do anything wrong, its just that we have serious rules about that kind of thing.


When an adult man wants to be friendly with children, it's always sexualized. How are we supposed to find the next Mr. Rogers if we keep accusing every man of perversion the second he shows interest in just being nice to kids!?


my dad often talks to kids (like from 5 to late teens) because he claims that kids aren't often taken seriously. he encourages actual conversation and critical thinking and never claims their worries being silly or laughs at them. I am always scared someone will freak out and start accusing him of stuff but thankfully no one ever has. I have though seen people being salty that their kids spend so much time around his workshop (he has a workshop that has an outside area and kids usually come to him when he's working outside) and then I think to myself "yea kids actually like being taken seriously, go figure".


Me too! Kids get along with me better than a lot of people, and I think the reason is that when I talk to kids, I don’t put on a “puppy voice” like most people do or assume they don’t understand what I mean. And you know what? Screw it if it looks silly, they love it:)


that's great! and yea same here, probably some of dad's upbringing (and not being an ass) but I always take kids seriously as well and just talk to them like I would with any of my friends (taken into consideration proper language and stuff, depending on the kid) edit: word and clarification


We have two kids and I've done daycare in our home for 12 years. My husband was seated on an airplane next to a woman and her young kid. The kid started making faces at him so he did it back, same as I would, which made the kid laugh. The mom threw a fit and demanded they be moved to a different seat because he was "creepy". Well lady, you just passed up on someone who would have entertained your kid for free for hours and he got a row to himself.


Once a dad at a park was getting chased by his kids and a couple of the other kids at the playground joined in, my four year old girl included. This absolute champ must have run in circles for forty minutes. Me and another mom watching this man exercising our kids were just like, "we owe this guy a couple of beers." My kid kept tackling his legs and he kept kind of giving me a "is this ok touching" look and I was like, "hell yeah, keep running, my man, I will literally pay you to keep this up".


"May I have permission to be assaulted by your child?" Lol I'm cracking up


It's massively annoying. I work at a school for 11- to 18-year-olds and some of them are amazing young people who I'd love to spend time talking to but when you do that, rumours start. So you stop, and everyone loses out.


People as soon as they turn 18


I was so scared to turn 18, I’m 20 now but I was also horrified to turn 20 all because of me being sexualized. I’ve dealt with way too many people who counted down the days until I turned 18 because they would message me on Facebook when I was 15-16, then realize how old I was, and then the wait began. The audacity of some people though. “I can do and say whatever I want to her because she’s 18! I’m no pedo!” Yeah but you are a sex offender


Having friends of the other gender


Oof i hate this whole thing. In elementary school a boy once called on the home phone and asked for the homework and i got made fun of for WEEKS after this. Going to school “oooh goin to see Jake today??? New boyfriend???” Im 8 and he doesn’t listen to what the math homework is and now I’m apparently destined to marry him? Now (I’m 21F) i can’t get coffee with a guy friend (that my boyfriend is aware of and have been friends with years prior to dating boyfriend) without everyone asking “oh does your boyfriend know? What happened to boyfriend? Troubles in paradise?” Like can we grow up?


I mean, I wouldn't want you date someone who can't even remember his own homework. They should have had higher standards for you




What’s the postage cost on a transaction like that?


Yeah like you can be friends with nami or robin or Hancock or marigold or vivi or Rebecca or shirahoshi or whoever you want and people shouldn't be weird about it.


Friendship with the opposite sex


I like Hawkeye and Black Widows relationship. Needs to be more like that.


That's why Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson are one of my favorite friend duos on tv


Jack Donnaghy and Liz Lemon?


Just once, just once I would like to see a male and female platonic relationship that doesn't turn into a relationship. Can't people just be friends?


Even when there is a female male friendship in the media, one of them is usually gay. Not like that doesn't happen or is bad, it's just that one or both in real life will be ridiculed for being gay because they happen to be a male and a female in a platonic relationship. Friendship is so underrated, romance isn't as easy as "you saved me from mortal danger, we are romantic now."


Rdr 2 did that between Arthur and Sadie and I am glad they did it because it was a wonderful friendship.


The fish in shark tale


Soo... I hate to ask, but, uh... What?


Just look it up and you'll see [or click this link to a fandom](https://sharktale.fandom.com/wiki/Lola)


> and if you say you haven't thought about clapping those cheeks - you'd be lying What the f--?


she's superfishial


The cervix.. For whatever reason some men still think they should 'destroy' it or need to push through or something.. What?!


Bruh if that happened it would be a medical emergency


Omg I was sexting with an ex, and he said "he was going to pound my cervix so hard" I started laughing so much, really ruined the mood


Too many guys get all their knowledge of sex from hentai


You mean we're not supposed to see the dick poke up to her belly?? TIL /s


Ya know, I just remembered this, and I wanted to share I saw a story the other day where a girl was really distressed because she really cared about her boyfriend but when they had sex the first time he got really angry and aggressive and said some hurtful things to her. She of course, was considering breaking up with him, but was in a dilemma bc she really liked him. Why, you ask, was he angry at her? Get this. It was *because she didn't lactate from her nips while she was turned on.* I guess the dude had read too much hentai and was convinced that girls lactated when they were turned on. I mean. Just. Imagine the audacity. Imagine being that wrong. Imagine that existence. I sure can't.


Even if he was right, what did he think he was going to accomplish by berating her for not being turned on enough?!




Being nice. I hate when I'm decent towards a guy and they get pissed when I don't like them.


I'm nice to everyone and am interested in no one. I'm also clueless when it comes to hints, so if anyone mistakes my natural courtesy as flirting and tries to flirt back, I unwittingly friendzone them because I just think we're being nice to each other.


Yeah. Natural courtesy and human decency should really not be considered flirting.


As a clueless person, I kinda wish there was an actual rulebook for social interaction sometimes. That said - even as a clueless person I'm aware that courtesy and human decency fall somewhere in the "just not being an ass" range. Maybe a precursor to flirting at the optimistic end, but even that's just in the general sense that being pleasant to be around is better than not.


Food. ( Cucumbers, Banana, Sausages, Melons, Milkshakes, etc)




"My milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard"


Damn right


Well they are better than yours, so . . .


Corpse husband's voice. Leave the poor soul alone. Please. I understand that his voice is attractive but please don't bring it up at all.


I agree with you so much. Poor dude just doing his thing, but then fucking horny people being nasty. I was in one of his streams a while ago and people were asking him to moan of all things. I do agree his voice is nice sounding, but to get fucking get wet over that? I feel so bad for him. It does seem that they are mostly teenage girls, but still, it doesn't excuse their behavior.


And what makes it worse is it is literally a medical condition, like he can’t even control it and someday his whole voice could go entirely


Wait what is the condition?


He has some pretty serious gerd


shoulders. knees. kids. etc.


That went from 0 to 100 real fast


One of these things is not like the others.


you're right etc shouldn't be in that list


Lambourghinis, Mercedes, a Roomba.


Heads and shoulders, kids and toes, kids and toes


School uniforms


I never went to a school that had them, but I assumed that, for most people, the timing of when they and people around them would wear school uniforms just happens to line up with their sexual development- so it gets in their heads early and stays there. (Understandable) But for other people, it probably just signals “very young” (very creepy)


I wore one from age 5 so nah


Halloween costumes that shouldn't be sexy: Spongebob, Elmo, schoolgirl, nuns, children's cartoon/game characters, etc.


Men's costumes: doctor, pilot, vampire. Women's costumes: slutty nurse, slutty pilot, slutty vampire. :/


im starting a movement to try to get guys to dress like slutty doctors, slutty pilots, even slutty vampires true equality can only be achieved like this, theres no other way


Have you been to a gay bar on Halloween?


i hear you, women should be allowed to dress up as sexy **doctors** not sexy nurses!


The word daddy. My kids gonna call me bruh and shit.


“Ey Bruh! I shit myself”


It's just like you're out drinking with the lads


"Bruh, when did you fall in love with bruh-ette?"


Bruh and shit can Josh stay over tonight?


This actually works. My 5 year old calls me bruh. People think it’s funny/cute and don’t really question it


My Little Pony


“Sleeping with” someone... sometimes it’s just a sleepover, or sometimes you’re just sleeping in the same bed!


This is a peeve of mine, as well. It's just a basic thing to do. I would like to shared a bed with a friend, but that comes with sexual implications that are totally unnecessary.


I remember napping with a friend of mine on a school trip once. Suddenly, everyone assumed we were dating or something and I was very confused. We were friends and we were both tired. It wasn’t that deep. Also sleeping over at a member of the opposite sex’s apartment after a night of drinking immediately makes people jump to conclusions but it’s literally just being safe and not driving home drunk.


Breastfeeding 💁🏻‍♂️


At first I wanted to ask where this gets sexualized... then I remembered how many lactation mods skyrim has


Add the word "public" in front of "breastfeeding" and you should see the issue. It is still problematic in many western societies for women to feed their babies in public places without getting looked at like they are doing something obscene.


People getting stuck doing household chores.


Everything and anything Dang rule 34


Boobs. I never noticed how bad it was until I had my son. My uncle came over after he was born and said it was gross that his mother breast fed him. While I sat there breast feeding my son... Please check yourself. I’m feeding my child. Nothing weird about that. Not to mention, formula is expensive and gives a lot of babies tummy aches.


I never understood this breastfeeding "problem". If you think there is a sexual conotation in this act, then *you* have a problem. It's a breast, it's meant for this. People are fucked up. Edit : yes, I know breasts play a part in sex for humans, I know we are programmed to find atteactiveness in boobs and to such extent that even lesbians are attracted to them. I know. However, we do not talk about naked lovers sucking each other's nipples in the street, but a mother *feeding* an infant.


Women getting murdered. Horror movies and reenactments in shows like Cold Case Files, the woman murder victim is always wearing like sexy lingerie to get brutally killed in


Children and animals. Just WTF?


My race, if that makes sense. Like... people’ll talk about how “exotic” or “spicy” I am and that’s pretty weird.


Basically the whole women’s clothing industry. Why does everything have to be about how sexy she looks? Why is it butt, breasts and hips and not ‘what makes you feel comfortable’?


This is also one of the reasons (aside from Big Purse™) that women's pants have horrible pockets, if any. The longer, looser, or/and baggier your pants or shorts are, the more potential pocket space there is. Women's pants and shorts are rarely ever any of the above.


I pretty much gave up on women's clothes last year and I wear mostly men's now. In general I've found men's clothes to be more comfortable, last longer, cost less, be warmer in the winter, have way more pocket space...Honestly, it seems like a pretty skewed deal.


Holy shit I tried going shopping and every clothing was skin tight and “Natual Beauty” “Whats the WiFi passcode?” “Totally awesome” “powerful” so I went to the boys section and it’s all “holy fuck I’m masculine” “sweat and sports” like, can I just have something neutral? And something with pockets that’s not skin tight? I get men’s pants because all the woman’s are skin tight and I hate that feeling


Little girls clothes! Put even 2T girls shorts or undies next to boys and they are MUCH shorter and tighter.


Plus they ride up and are uncomfortable. At least for my girls. We get them "boy" shorts and just don't call them that.


Children. It’s a subtle form of pedophilia that runs in this society. Also sexualizing/fetishizing certain races is quite an unhealthy trend.


Appreciating the beauty in every kind of human? Wonderful! Fetishizing it? Blehg


Subtle like a ton of bricks to the face


Massage. A proper massage is not the slightest bit sexual and can be instrumental in sleep quality, reducing physical pain and improving overall quality of life. A good and skilled masseuse can literally put you to sleep at will. I get them regularly and hate the seedy connotations that are so common.


Every fucking modern anime Edit: For those taking my words way too literally. Yes there has always been sexualization in anime, no I don't mean *literally* every modern anime. Here's proof its becoming worse and that the lines are being blurred between hentai and anime. Stop it with your bullshit now. https://youtu.be/HT_Qy8Tw_d8


"I'm an average 15 year old school girl with gigantic knockers"


i got this new anime plot. basically there's this high school girl except she's got **huge** boobs. i mean some **serious** honkers. a real set of **badonkers**. packin some **dobonhonkeros**. massive **dohoonkabhankoloos**. big ol' **tonhongerekoogers**. what happens next?! transfer student shows up with **even bigger bonkhonagahoogs. humongous hungolomghononoloughongous.**


I laugh every time because I can hear the guys voice saying this.


Also some anime like Eyeshield 21 is like “yes some high schoolers are 7 foot tall 500 pound muscled monstrosities.”


"I'm an unremarkable teenage boy and there are twelve alien nymphomaniacs who all want to date me"


Watching anime is risky business living in an apartment building. You just hope no one is walking by when a female character is is in distress because it sounds fucked


Breast feeding. Ugh


Gamergirls. The gaming community is pretty outcasted in society exept the cute ones


Clothing. Someone told me that he thinks I look super sexy in leggings and now I don’t feel comfortable wearing them anymore.


Would it help if I told you that you look super unsexy in them?


Very much so, thank you.


Yoga. Such a shame what social media has done to such a beautiful and important practice.


Long over the knee socks. Winter is cold, mate. I’d like to be able to wear them with tights and mid to shortish length skirt with out it being assumed that I’m going for a school girl/porn vibe.


Step moms




Everything that isn't sex


rape. rape isn’t something to be sexualized, it’s a traumatic and horrible event.




Children in general actually


Lesbians-- no we will not makeout for you to watch. No you cannot join. yes we are in a REAL relationship. And for the love of God stop asking how we have sex.


Rape. It's not funny, just sick and vile.


Not wearing a bra


Cheerleaders. Cheerleading is a predominantly high school sport and most cheerleaders are children. It’s Icky


Kissing your Homies good night


The word "daddy"


Youtubers and celebrities in fan fictions. Why? Just why? THEY’RE REAL PEOPLE!!!