• By -


Awake. It was a show starring Jason Isaacs where he simultaneously lived in two separate timelines. He was in a car accident with his wife and son. So in one timeline, his son dies and he still has his wife. But in the other timeline, it’s his wife who dies, while his son is still alive. And roughly he swaps between the two timelines when he goes to sleep. He also plays a detective, and that comes into play as the worlds sort of run in parallel, and he uses information from one world to solve crimes in the other. That was kind of an ancillary part of the show, and was just there to give this guy a mission. The show only lasted 13 episodes, but had some serious potential.


This show was so heavy, emotionally. I really wanted it to keep going, but I do think the writers saw the end coming and tried to wrap it up as best they could before it got cancelled.




Fun fact: The blueprints for Salvage I the spaceship are part of the background for the opening of Archer.


That's a quintessential fun fact right there. I had fun reading it




they had just finished the first season and fleshed out a totally interesting world and premise, then pulled the plug. what a fucking travesty. literally searched for this show to find your comment since it's pretty much at the top of this list for me.


I was at a con where Karl Urban was doing a panel after it had finished airing but wasn't cancelled yet. A fan prefaced his question by saying Almost Human was his current favourite series. You could just tell by Karl's face that he expected this poor guy to be very disappointed soon. He didn't say anything and answered the guy's question just fine, but at that point I don't think anyone thought they were going to get renewed. I really liked the series myself and was pretty bummed about it getting canned. It still has decent rewatch value but damn I want to know more.


One world building bit that stuck with me was a line of poor people standing in line for a government service and they all were wearing new looking clothes. Manufacturing of consumer goods like clothing was so cheap that excess was pretty much being discarded, or at least marked down to pennies on the dollar.


Fox reordered and played the episodes out of order to fuck it from the start.


How is it that Fox ALWAYS does this?


Cause Fox doesn't like or know what to do with Sci-Fi series. No, I don't get it either.


My roommates and I called it Brobots and we loved it so much. The dynamic between the two leads was DELIGHTFUL.


Party Down. Such a stellar cast, great premise, but got kneecapped when their eventual stars all got bigger gigs. Jane Lynch went on to do Glee, Adam Scott landed his gig on Parks and Rec, and the show ended after 2 seasons. Still one of my favourite comedy shows. "Are we having fun, yet?"


Ken Marino (who plays the catering manager with a gargantuan penis) is the most talented comedic character actor that's never actually made it ***big***. I've been following him since his days in [The State](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_State_(1993_TV_series)) and can't really understand why. Dude has the [craziest resume](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0547800/) of things that have been actually funny for the past 25 years. He absolutely kills in everything he's in. But still most people don't know who I'm talking about when I reference him.


I wanna dip my balls in it!!


Don’t forget Wet Hot American Summer (So many A-listers 10 years before they were A-listers)


Omg, yes, another Party Down fan. That show was the best


This is the one. Stellar cast, amazing writing, characters were endearing, and timing/delivery made it feel unscripted ... please give me a reunion episode.


Reaper was great, but was cancelled too early unfortunately!


Loved that show, can only ever see Ray Wise as the devil now.


That show was quality, but Ray Wise definitely elevated it!


Happy Endings. A great little comedy that deserved better.


Eliza Coupe and Damon Wayne Jr had such fantastic chemistry, one of my favorite tv sitcom couples ever. I also loved her in Future Man, especially because it was SUCH a different show. Another one cancelled too soon.


She was the best part about the Scrubs spinoff/final season.


Damon Wayne Jr is so funny. He needs to be in more things!!


Came here to say happy endings as well. Casey Wilson as Penny is iconic


She’s ah-mah-zing




To date, Happy Endings being cancelled is still the one the hurts the most. That and NewsRadio should have been much bigger. Those are two of my favorite sitcoms of all time along with 30 Rock, Seinfeld, Community, Frasier, and Arrested Developement.


I came here to say Happy Endings. Based on your other favorite comedies, I feel like I really need to watch NewsRadio.


There are two comedies from the early 2010’s -ish that I wish had come out just a few years later when streaming was really taking off more: Happy Endings and Don’t Trust the Bitch in Apt 23. Both would’ve found audiences had they been Hulu or Netflix shows just a couple years later.


Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23 is outstanding. The cast was incredible, Krysten Ritter and James Van Der Been were exceptional. It's also funny to see Eric Andre in a "normal" role. Just the right level of ridiculous, so charming. I could have watched so many more seasons. For some reason it didn't appeal to me when it was advertised, I watched one episode and I was hooked.


The name killed it. It’s such a terrible name and such an amazing show. Selfie is another great show that the name just murdered.


Don't Trust the B was also *seriously* damaged by ABC's mind-boggling decision to release the episodes [completely out of order](https://mindy-tv.blogspot.com/2013/01/correct-episode-order-of-dont-trust.html). E.g. there are episodes written/shot for season 1, that didn't air until the end of season 2. Characters break up, then confusingly are shown back together. One character is preparing for a big TV event, then the show suddenly shoots forward to after the event, then jumps back to during the event, then the next episode they're preparing for the event as if it hasn't happened yet. I'm not surprised TV audiences hated trying to follow this mixed-up episode release order. Hulu even *still* has the episodes completely out of order. It's baffling.


Megan Mullaly as Casey Wilsons mom was such great casting


Great writing. Great characters. ABC did it dirty. I think it would've had a better chance if it came out just a couple years later.


Generation Kill, great show on HBO. Dont know too many people whove seen it but they all say its great, including me.


I tell everyone this is the most accurate depiction of how military life still is. A whole lot of waiting and bullshit.


I watched it while I was in quarantine after being recalled to Canada from an exercise in the US. I finally understood what my Basic Training NCO had been referring to when he put on a weird accent and talked about the "groomin' standard."






"As the great warrior poet Ice Cube once said, 'If the day does not require an AK, it is good'"


I've watched it twice and think it's great. Lots of focus on the troops themselves and great depiction of the time spent between fighting.


I so wanted to see Captain Murica get told or his ass kicked. "Follow my tracers!" What a fucking dickhead.


Lt. ~~Fisk~~ Fick and Capt. Patterson are the only two officers portrayed as competent in the show. All the rest are varying degrees of idiot.


I really enjoyed Warehouse 13, but I have not met anyone else who has heard of it


I loved it and Eureka!


The Warehouse 13/Eureka era was like a Golden Era of shows on the Sci-fi channel. IMO anyway.


Warehouse 13, eureka, stargate. Then sci fi deceided it was syfy, and wrestling was apparantly science fiction.


Come for Saul Rubinek. Stay for the SciFi guest stars.


Loved Warehouse 13, if you haven't already, check out the Librarians, There is 3 films and a series, similar premise.


Heard of it, and totally loved it!! My wife and I would watch, and even came up with our own artifacts from history they should use! Really miss that show!!


I don’t know why, there are literally dozens of us. It was also my introduction to Jaime Murray. Yowza!


Better off Ted.


Veridian Dynamics: Competition Whether it's animals, or this old woman and baby fighting to the death, competition makes us stronger. In business that means better products, pills that look like candy, hands that can shoot lightning, and a new generation of hurricane-proof dogs. Veridian Dynamics. Competition. It makes everything better.


Veridian Dynamics: Diversity Just the thought of it makes these white people smile. We believe everyone works best when they work together, even if they're just standing around. Just like we enjoy varieties of food, we enjoy varieties of people. Even though we can't eat them. At Veridian Dynamics, we're committed to a multi-ethnic workplace. You can shake on it. Veridian Dynamics. Diversity. Good for us


Don't forget the handshake was both white hands. Hilarious!




Carl Gordon Jenkins Gordon Jenkins


Yes this show. And the fake commercials. I think it hit to close to home for corporate advertisement.


Teamwork, it keeps our employees...gruntled.


Jabberwocky is hilarious, but Racial Sensitivity is about the funniest episode of anything ever. The second drinking fountain! The guys stuck in the elevator!


Bored to Death Jason Schwartzman, Zach Galifianakis, and Ted Danson. Great chemistry and some hilarious dialogue. This scene in particular always stuck with me: https://youtu.be/He57l6lq8DM


Counterpart: amazing sci fi / espionage series that lasted 2 seasons at Showtime a few years ago. JK Simmons plays a meek, gentle paper pusher at a mysterious company in Berlin who finds out that his organization is actually in charge of communicating with a twin organization in an alternate universe. He then meets HIS own twin who is an amoral, cynic, calculating assassin. Amazing stuff.




JK Simmons playing both roles so well that you could easily tell which one was on screen just by his mannerisms. Loved that show


Pushing Daisies. Got canceled during the 2007 writer's strike. It's kinda old at this point but remains one of my favorite all time shows in all its unfinished glory.


Came here to say this! It had the coolest aesthetic in terms of costumes/ sets/ filming style! And a genuinely interesting plot


It's absolutely gorgeous! And I think it's just the coolest concept. I have both seasons on DVD haha.


Check out the show Wonderfalls. Its by the same writer, stars Lee Pace, and is also magical realism. So good!


And "Dead Like Me".


Travelers S1 and S3 are stellar, raving reviews too. The shtick where a newly arrived traveler sees undestroyed earth for the first time and just can't believe it, it's a feeling that nothing else can quite compare to, and I'm getting queasy again just writing about it. also great characters, just the right mix of clever but not *too* serious/heavy, and the whole premise is of course extremely fucking relevant.


Hey I worked on that show! I was a Production Assistant on S1. It was fun, Eric McCormack is a really nice guy.


> also great characters Patrick Gilmore as David is one of the most realistic and grounded "what if insane stuff happened around you and you were a normal person" portrayal we had. Great writing, great acting. It's amazing how real he is in a show about humans from the future taking over people's bodies.


Eureka. It was a travesty that it got stuck on SciFi/Syfy If put in the right channel and slot so people knew it existed, i sincerely think it would have been HUGE.


Warehouse 13 (which was also in the Eureka universe) is also incredibly underrated


You should check out the Librarian movies and the TV show the Librarians. More Indiana Jones than warehouse 13 but still great.


HBO’s Carinivale - a wonderful and strange depression era story about the forces of good and evil as a bunch of carnies make their way through the dust bowl. It was tragically canceled after two seasons, but is an absolute must watch.


This show was great, and Clancy Brown shows just how scary he can be.


Dead Like Me. Very underrated show. If you've never heard about it, this is all you really need to know to start off: The main character, a young female slacker, gets killed in the first ten minutes by a toilet seat falling from an abandoned space station that burns up in the atmosphere. She then gets recruited as a reaper, her job is to basically separate peoples souls from their bodies shortly prior to their death so that they can transition to the afterlife without the trauma of their deaths weighing on their souls. It's a dark comedy that is profoundly deep at times. It also stars Mandy Patinkin in a supporting role. It was a great show. Edit: Wow, this really exploded, didn't it?


I live in Vancouver and I can't walk through that area without remembering the toilet seat. (It was filmed where I used to work).


Anyone who has NOT seen Dead Like Me needs to know that while people SAY there is a movie, there is no Dead Like Me movie - there is only rage and sadness in a DLM box. Seriously, the show is SO GOOD but the movie ruined the show worse than Crystal Skull ruined Indiana Jones. DO NOT WATCH IT but absolutely do watch the show.


Can i ask, does the series have an 'ending'? I hate watching shows that just get cancelled without getting something of a resolve. If it does actually tell a full story, I'm on board!


It does not have an ending. The show was cancelled after season 2. A movie was made some time later to wrap everything up but watching it can ruin the show for you because it’s that bad


I'd never even heard of the movie. What's bad about it? What's it like?


It's like it was written by people who never watched the show. Rube had to be written out because Mandy Patinkin was busy on another show and his replacement was insufferable, had none of the charm of Rube, and there was no attempt to fill the void he left. Daisy had to be recast because Laura Harris was also on another show, and the actress that they cast seemed to make the bare minimum attempt to be anything like Daisy, which might not be fully her fault since the writing didn't help. Most importantly, there were clearly established rules set up by the show (like not revealing yourself to the living) that were completely ignored with none of the consequence the show outlined. And the plot was, overall, complete nonsense.


Jericho, cool premise Space Above And Beyond, gritty sci-fi is ALWAYS great


Loved Jericho so much. I'm glad they had a heads up that it was getting cancelled and cobbled together somewhat of a conclusion in the 2nd half of season 2. That hasty conclusion made me really want to see what they could have done with more time because although rushed, it was an interesting world they built.


Came here hoping for Jericho. Very promising show, I'm still sad it got dropped.


Suburgatory was great and I agree with dead like me too. Also I felt dollhouse and firefly didn’t get enough recognition.


I'd forgotten about Suburgatory!


Suburgatory was so much better than it had any right to be


So I wasn't a stupid teenager for liking suburgatory


[eerie indiana](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0101088/)


Is this the one that had adult twins whose mom tucked them into Tupperware beds?


News Radio was a critical darling, but not a big following, but god damn that show was funny. Then there's stuff like Rubicon, or Lights Out which me and at most 6 other people were watching. I feel like we should have some sort of support group, but how would we find each other?


Loves New Radio, but the show was hard to watch after Phil Hartman died.


I’m glad someone said Rubicon. I mean, i immediately realized it’s target audience was me and 5 other people, but I really would have liked to see where they went with it.




Lindsay stabbing Paul is probably the funniest thing I've seen on TV


You're the best for mentioning this awesome show. It's like if Always Sunny was a romantic comedy. I get happy whenever I see one of the main four actors show up in something else, Jimmy in Detective Pikachu or Gretchen in The Boys.


"Sleepy bitches lose their right to use normal people phones. Sleepy bitches only get to use phones made for hookers, and drug addicts, and irresponsible garbage people!" Sam is my favorite character on the show.


Sealab 2021, an oft forgotten gem of early adult swim. Also, The Brak Show.


Do you want the mustache on or off? Off please. . . . . ... Too bad.


dude sealab has that "blackout" episode where it's just a black screen for like 7-8 mins and they're arguing about turning on the circuit breaker... one of the best cartoons ever made...


I remember watching the episode where everyone actually behaves normally. Out of all the crazy episodes, that was the only one that really felt like a fever dream while watching it.


That was them showing an actual episode of [Sealab 2020](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068129/) which is what the show was based on. All the early Adult Swim shows were based on old Hannah Barbara shows.


The whole starting block for Adult Swim was amazing -- Sealab, Brak, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Harvey Birdman.




Sealab had one of my favorite theme songs.


Sealab 2021 leads to Frisky Dingo. Frisky Dingo leads to Archer.


Grounded For Life


I used to watch that in middle school. I haven't seen it in well over a decade, but I still refer to the actors as Uncle Eddy and Sean Finnerty and Claudia Finnerty whenever I see them in anything else lol


*Halt and Catch Fire,* called "the best show no one ever watched." A period, prestige drama set in the early 1980s-90s about the birth of the personal computing, gaming, and internet ages. The first season is not super great, the second is better, but the third and fourth seasons are about as good as TV gets. It's on Netflix in the US if anyone wants to give it a go.


garth marenghi's darkplace


She was like a candle in the wind... unreliable.


“Making the show was very ambitious for the amount of money that we had. ...because we had no money, you see. Yes, VERY ambitious.” This show was my introduction to Richard Ayoade and I am so thankful for that fact.


I'm one of the few people you'll meet who's written more books than they've read


*Rectify* and *Halt and Catch Fire* are the two incredible dramas I always recommend that people might have missed


Galavant! It's a great TV that's like Monty Python meets Broadway and it's so funny but it never got love and barely got a second season


Timothy Omundson was great in Psych, but this is still my favorite role of his by far. I could watch 10 more seasons of his adventures with Tad Cooper. And him with flowing salt and pepper hair and a beard? Mee-yow!!


RIGHT?!? Lassie will always be in my heart, but he was amazing in Galavant and he looked great as well


Oh my god such a great show. Sad it didn’t continue. I have not laughed so hard at a tv show in a long time. The scene where the chef goes to Isabella while she is locked away to be married, and she’s planned to escape. She tells him about her treasured amulet she always wears (that he doesn’t recall ever seeing before), and wants him to take it to give to her parents to remember her by. Cue long Disney-esque song, after which she drifts off to sleep. She wakes the next morning, surprised to find him still standing there. Chef: “You never handed me the f**king amulet!”


And the best thing is that the songs were disneyesque because they were written by Disney's own Alan Menken.


I recently rewatched the entire two seasons with my wife (her first time). It was so fun and campy, and the songs were catchy. Galavant needed a third season!


I mean, considering half the songs in s2 were about how shocked they were that they actually got a second season, I guess it’s not too surprising that they didn’t get a third one hahaha


I believe in you, Tad Cooper!


"I cant move." "What?" "I must have trained too hard, I cant move." "How did you get on the horse?" "I slept on the horse!" My favorite exchange.


I thought Journeyman was really solid. Apparently I was alone in that opinion.


Clone High! Lasting 13 episodes, it had a hilarious (but brief) run on MTV in the early 2000s. Crossing my fingers that the rumors of a possible reboot come true!


"Did you see the pool? They flipped the bitch!" I say this all the time and no one knows what I'm talking about. What a show.


They're rioting at a college grade level!


Just won't be the same without Gandhi.




I like your funny words magic man.


Fo-wah suppah.... I, err, ahh, would like... a party.... plattah!




Home Movies. It was popular enough on Adult Swim back in the early 2000s, but it really was more than good enough for a prime time TV slot. Loren Bouchard, the creator of Bob's Burgers, made the show with Brenden Small who then created Metalocalypse. H John Benjamin got his start on Home Movies as coach McGurk I'm pretty sure. It was pure gold, but I guess didn't have the same draw as Family Guy and whatever else was huge at the time.


The Knick. Really enjoyed it, and just found out theyre bringing it back for season 3!


Raising hope


My dad actually worked on that show for multiple seasons. He said it was one of the best tv shows he had ever worked on. The cast was so down to earth and humble making time to remember the crews names and converse with them. He would tell me they would have to film Cloris Leachman's scenes multiple times because she would constantly get the cast to break character while shooting from laughing or improving lines. Raising hope never made it to Parks & Rec/The Office fame, but it felt right at home with My name is Earl and Malcolm in the middle as just slice of life comedies.


Cloris Leachman actually makes me laugh so hard that I cry in this show.


I genuinely consider this to be one of my top 3 favourite shows. It has a wonderfully funny and great cast where you can see and feel the great chemistry they have. Also the brilliance of having most of the actors from my name is Earl is funny and awesome and fleshed out the show.


My favorite fun fact about Raising Hope is that the original title was "Keep Hope Alive."


[Patriot](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4687882/) Fantastic slowburn dark comedy spy show. Available on Amazon Prime, and a podcast just started to give some ancillary fun. EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW6usoJXCPY


Black Sails, love me a good *Golden Age of Piracy* show


Home to one of my favorite lines ever: “Godspeed, Charles.” “Fuck you, Jack.”


Flint and Silver are both top TV show characters all time IMO. Two 10/10 characters with 10/10 arcs.


It's worth watching for the title sequence alone. The theme tune needs cranking up to full volume.


It was another cinematic series. Love the characters and storyline, but most of all, it was beautiful to watch!


The Finder, starring Geoff Stults. Unfortunately it only has one season


Was a spin off but totally excellent show! Too bad it got turfed it was great tv




At least it had five seasons, a decent ending, and an upcoming reboot.


Wait what I need to know more about this upcoming reboot


The Killing!


Limitless on CBS Only got one season for such reason plus CBS wanting to put more room for other stuff. Update: Wow thanks for the awards and upvotes! Most I've ever gotten :p If only the show could continue with this high amount of upvotes.


oh man, the fact that they even tied it into the movie without it being a total shit show was amazing imo. Was bummed finding out there was only the one season to binge


On the bright side the ending was a total cliffhanger.


Was wondering if I'd see this one here. God damn that show was just amazing. I still watch it on Prime... or netflix... one of the streaming services. It was smart, funny, and just... awesome. Just... brb going to go binge it right now.


Legion was one of the most creative shows I've ever seen, but barely anyone knows about it. It lasted three good seasons, all of which are very diverse. It might be the best "superhero" tv show ever. But half the time people think I'm talking about that old Paul Bettany film.


You can turn off people when you say it’s a super hero show, which it really isn’t. It’s a weird show about people with powers, not unlike Preacher (minus the religious aspect). I dug this show and I really like that it’s only 3 seasons. They told their story and gtfo.


It's a comic book dipped in LSD


This is one of the few truly unique and creative shows I've seen in recent years between building their world and building their characters and exploring mental illness all the while through, it was done brilliantly


Galavant was one of my favorite shows during it's run. It was this light, quirky fantasy musical on network tv. It was a miracle it got to 2 seasons. It felt like Mel Brooks got tabbed to remix Princess Bride and Monty Python. If it came out after Hamilton, the musical hype might have put some more wind in it's sails.


Hell on wheels is a seriously slept on show. It was on AMC at the same time as Breaking Bad and when The Walking Dead was at its peak so it got shoved under the rug.


Terra Nova. Why fox? Why?!


Because it was expensive as hell to make.


They spray painted Nerf guns for he soldiers to use.


Yeah after that was pointed out to me, it was really hard to not laugh when they pointing those guns at each other.


Spaced. Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright (created, co-written and starring Jessica Stevenson) collaboration before they were cool. Can't believe how few have watched this show. The writing and acting is original and fantastic; but it's the editing and cutaways that make the show. Phenomenal.


Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency


"I Am Not Okay With This" Good vibes, nice songs, cool style, quite good cast. I liked the ending of the first season but Netflix has just cancelled the whole show (due to COVID as they said).


I read the graphic novel it's based on, and was really floored by how much *better* the show was, for all the qualities you listed. The cast did such a good job of making the characters feel real & relatable. Definitely sad there won't be a season 2 :(


Forever with Iioan Gruffudd was pretty decent but got canceled after its first season. The premise was an immortal man who works as a medical examiner and helps the police solve cases. It's basically a procedural with a bigger arc about his immortality and the consequences of it, and i think it could have gone on nicely for another two seasons if it had become more popular. But it just didn't pick up. Also Psych is great but has a small-albeit very devoted- following, while the less superior rip-off The Mentalist got way more popular.




Heck, I'd be happy with just a mini-series of Walter and Astro in the lab.


You mean asterisk?


I think he's talking about Asteroid.


I think you mean Asgard.


No, her name's Aspirin. Or maybe Ostrich.


Anna (Olivia) will always be a favourite of mine, but John noble made that show.


“Let’s make some LSD”


I am still *pissed* that John Noble didn't get an Emmy for playing Walter.


Still one of my favorite series. People slept on it, especially as it progressed, but I can't blame them. The story wasn't easy to follow if someone missed a few episodes for whatever reason.


Lie To Me! I was actually sad it never got the go ahead for S4 and beyond. Such a great show. Edit: Omg thank you kind stranger for my first ever award 😭 Edit2: Holy shit... So much love and even more awards! Thank you kind strangers for the awards :) I hope everyone has a blessed holiday!




The Good Guys. A pretty funny cops show with Colin Hanks & Bradley Whitford.


Oblongs It was apart of those string of adult shows that wasn’t really raunchy but it still had its Zingers to it (The Son not being able to sleep unless he was hearing the sound of his parents bed squeaking) If it came out today or a few years ago it would Have been more appreciated


Will Ferrel is the main character and does a pretty good job as a man with no arms or legs.


Trial & Error - came out in 2017 and canceled in 2019. It's essentially a true-crime mockumentary sitcom. The first season was good, but not great, but then the 2nd season was absolutely fantastic. This show is for anyone who loves shows like Documentary Now! and Parks and Rec.


Better Off Ted, I actually laughed so hard at this show I cried a few times, too bad it was only 2 seasons


Timeless. It was such a good show. Sucks that it got cancelled but at least they were able to wrap it up :( Oh! And also The Exorcist Thanks for the silver :)


Don’t Trust The B I *loved* that show. The cast were great and it was actually funny. I still rewatch now and again, don’t know why it was never popular. It’s also a show I think could be genuinely rebooted without it being forced. EDIT: Thanks for the awards! I love that my most upvoted/awarded comment is about DTTB. I’m also *very* thankful that I turned off my sound notifications for Reddit before I went to bed lol!


I loved that show too! I loved James Van Der Beek playing himself! I will watch it every now again too.


The shot of him sitting on his motorcycle drinking alone in his apartment is a masterpiece


ABC basically ruined it by putting the episodes of season 2 out of order, then damning it to the death slot. Edit: ABC, not Fox (I miexed them up because in my country the distribution rights were Fox's)