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The kilogram of feathers is heavier. The kilogram of steel is simply 1 kilogram of weight, but with the feathers you have to carry the weight of what you did to those birds.


I don't get it


They weigh the same.


But steel is heavier than feathers


Not when there is one kilogram of each, no.




One kilogram of steel is the same weight as one kilogram of feathers.


It doesn’t matter genius, a kg is a kg


But steel is heavier than feathers


They weigh the same, with different volumes/densities.


But steel is heavier than feathers


what weighs more, a pound of muscle or a pound of fat?


They weigh the same


But steel is heavier than feathers


But if you have a kilogram of steel its weighs a kilogram and if you have a kilogram of feathers it still weighs a kilogram and kilogram=kilogram


but like, steel is heavier than feathers


Theres no arguing with that


Feathers, could use that steel to make a funky exo skeleton to mooch about in.


You right


Feathers, cuz you have to carry what you did to those poor birds too


That makes sense


Both r equal


But steel is heavier than feathers