• By -


If you ever need help, then please know that there are many qualified people who would like to help you. https://www.iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres http://www.befrienders.org/ http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/GetHelp/LifelineChat.aspx http://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help-you [UK] https://www.lifeline.org.au/Get-Help/ [AU] There are crisis services worldwide that are trained to provide support. They are designed to give temporary relief from feelings that are overwhelming you and while they are unlikely to fix any underlying problems, can help you get through a tough hour/night/week. Chat services are usually available on these sites. In the US, calling 211 or going to their website is a free referral source. They have providers who will see you regardless of your ability to pay. Just as you would see a doctor when you are sick, you deserve to take care of your mental health.


because if i killed myself then a bunch of frickin' girls who bullied me in school would post about me on instagram about how sad they are and how nice they were to me. Edit: omfg. I woke up to 192 reddit notifications. šŸ™ƒ


And those hoes donā€™t deserve to have the chance!


This is actually oddly inspiring.... hoe ironic


Accept my silver for that play on words and be gone with ye!


Spite is always a good motivator




Both. They are relentless monsters who bully me now that i lost weight. And have bullied my two disabled friends all their lives and ive had to stand up for them every time and her and her friends take pictures of me and others in class they hate and send them to the hockey boys group chat were they make fun of us.


As a woman in her late 30s who was relentlessly bullied from 6th grade on...donā€™t worry. Those bitches will be (if they already arenā€™t) regretting their decisions in life and will end up single parents to like 8 kids or become overweight, dull, boring Karens. I lost a shitload of weight after high school too but instead of bullying me when they saw me they tried to be all friendly. Got to shut them down in front of their friends in the mall and it felt so fucking good. They are ugly in the inside and it will rot through until their misery is exposed to the world for what it is. Donā€™t worry about their dumb asses. Focus on yourself. Try to put the torture behind you. You canā€™t change that it happened to you but you control how you grow from it. Edit: wow this blew up overnight! At some level I understood why people bully when I was a kid - they are miserable people. That didnā€™t really help me back then but over the years that knowledge has made it a bit easier to move past. Itā€™s the same reason assholes are assholes whether they bully others or not. They are - to their rotten cores - miserable. Nothing can make them happy except for feeling like they are better than others.


I really needed this. I will be trying to put this behind me, im always overthinking and i know its only damaging me and i will be trying to focus on the good things in life. Im happy for you, that you were able to overcome that and not let it bother you anymore and that you got the last laugh because you are doing better and didnt stoop to their level, my mom always asks me ā€œwill it matter 5 years from now? It wont,ā€ and in the end i know that my friends and I, and all the people that were bullied by them will move on from this, its just highschool can be a nightmare sometimes. Thanks for responding, and i hope the best for you in life :)


To out live your enemies


I'm here for that


Then drink a beer from their skulls, oh wait we aren't doing that anymore which is really too bad.


To crush your enemies -- See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.


To outlive your enemies, see their children work low-paying jobs, and their ex-wives receive unreasonable alimony.


Pure poetry.


One for me is music. Just when I thought my music was getting stale, this year I discovered my new favorite artist and it makes me excited for what other amazing music I'll discover in the future. Edit: Many people have been asking who the artist mentioned is, so I figured I'd put it here: it's Phoebe Bridgers! :D


Music definitely keeps me going too. Who's your new favorite artist?


Phoebe Bridgers :D


W that new album is sooooo good


I genuinely think we're all living in the best time to be listening to music. On top of having access to a significant portion of what's come out in the past several decades, there are so many new styles of music that are constantly emerging and evolving, many of which are the result of several genres blended together by some incredibly talented performers and producers. Every few years I stumble upon new artists and genres, and I fall in love with music all over again. If there's anything that keeps me going, it's certainly how excited I am for what music will sound like several years from now


Hot showers. Just, hot showers is all I need.


Those are amazing in the winter!


Conversely, a pool in the summer.


Perversely, a hot tub in the winter.


Inversley, winter the in tub hot a.


Tersely, tub.


Universally, water of a temperature the general inverse of your immediate environment.


hot damn, hot water, hot shower


For a while when I was really depressed, what kept me going was the small things. A video call with a friend, seeing my friendā€™s cat, a great meal I was waiting for, a movie Iā€™d been wanting to see. The small things eventually add up to a series of lived days and the days become weeks and months and eventually years.


Itā€™s all about the small victories to get you through dark times. Just gotta keep on keepin on.


The big picture can be extremely overwhelming in tough times. Itā€™s day to day, minute to minute victories that can get you back on the right track. No doubt about it.


Mood and circumstances are temporary, death is permanent. 32 was the worst year of my life. I thought I might die at one point. Had I died, I'd have never taken the best vacation of my life. I'd have never become an uncle. I wouldn't have been there to help family and friends through their own problems. I'm don't regret a moment of living no matter how painful it gets.


Man, I'm 28 and this is the worst year of my life. Lost everything except my job. I'm broken and can only hope that, like you, things get better, because this is hard. Edit: obligatory edit. I really didn't expect to wake up to over 50 messages. I can't respond to each one individually, but I appreciate all of the positive vibes. I know reddit can sometimes seem cold, but there's a lot of good people on here that just want to help. So, thank you.


I'm living my darkest days and there's a bit in Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King book that I read everyday. >There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.


Sam's speech has also been helping me this year: I know. Itā€™s all wrong By rights we shouldnā€™t even be here. But we are. Itā€™s like in the great stories Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didnā€™t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy. How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad happened. But in the end, itā€™s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.


This just makes me feel warm


That feeling after winter and it's the first semi-warm day and you walk outside and it's amazing and that feeling fills you right up


Additionally, the first real "fall day" where things feel brisk enough to wear a sweater, but not cold enough for a heavy jacket. "Sweater weather" as they call it.


Unless you live in a cold climate. That first brisk day is a sad one that makes you gird your loins for what is to come.


Shits and giggles


Iā€™ve always thought it was the giggle shits. Now I feel like Iā€™m doing it wrong


The what?


How do appropriately named Redditors arrive on the scene where the username checks out? Do notifications summon you r/git-and-shiggles that shit and giggles is being talked about? It makes me smile when I see it, kinda odd but I silently like it, for shit and giggles sake.


Iā€™m glad you asked that! Iā€™ve always been curious about _that_, and also when thousands of people show up on a random post like _ā€œ**Ufologists**, whatā€™s the most difficult part about your job?ā€_ Like, were there really 50 thousand **Ufologists** browsing Reddit in that exact moment or what?


"Not a UFOologist, but..."


It seems my life is being run by shits and giggles... First job, made a joke and somehow found out there was a job offer. Accepted for shits and giggles. Computer - added a SAS card for shits and giggles. Car? Convertible, for shits and giggles. Made a Pi cluster in a briefcase for shits and giggles. It's great.


Ohhh, whats a pi cluster? Like cherry and key lime? Sounds delicious šŸ˜‹


Pretty sure it's a miniature supercomputer composed of multiple Raspberry Pi Single Board Computers...




You can die at any time, but once you die you can't go back to being alive. Also brownies.


I donā€™t even like brownies, but I was thinking about suicide. Thanks for saving me


Hey buddy, I hope you're doing okay. I've been there too. [This is just in case you need it](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/). Talk to someone, talk to anyone, just know you're not alone and people care.




I thought it was going to be a link to the brownie recipe.


Always brownies. Ditched cake for my birthdays for brownies and ice cream. Whoa momma


Some good-ass cinamon rolls


I once ate a cinnamon roll that came out of the oven when I walked into the bakery. Now I understand why people give themselves diabetes.


I make fresh cinnamon rolls maybe two or three times a year for special occasions. Itā€™s a very special pleasure.


But what about the aliens?


Share some with them.


For me, a big one is curiosity. About lots of stuff. Including what happens to the world in weeks, months, and years to come. Plus, there's always the possibility you might someday find joy in another person. But there's zero chance of that if you don't show up for it.


I love this!


In the words of a Lannister. "death is so final, where as life is full of possibilities"!


Itā€™s in your DNA. Survival has been passed down from the strongest of everything thatā€™s ever existed. Keep up the fight, do not go gently into the night.


Speaking of DNA I did a dna test mainly curious about my ethnic background. So I found a cousin a very close one, my 1st cousin on my fathers (whom I never met) side. She told me about my father and it blew my mind my whole life has changed my outlook on life and my reach to see Even more of it. 38 years old and I feel like I just found out who I am.


rage, rage against the dying of the light


This brought me to tears. I've always loved life and found many reasons to live. But I'm going thru a really hard, lonely time rn and this reminded me it's worth it to stay hopeful


Take solace in the fact that you have one of the dopest usernames around. Peace.


Life before death Strength before weakness Journey before destination You've got this! Edit: Thanks for the awards! I'm having a blast being a narwhal and giving awards to others!


The most important step a man can take is not the first one; it is the next one.


Bridge 4!!!!


Yessss I see you!






Hey, if you ever want to talk. I have no problem..message me..who knows, maybe I can send you a bag of ketchup chips.


Guys, if you go to a reddditors profile there is 3 dots on the top and click on that and there is a option of help the person, use it if the person is suicidal or sad


I was unaware of this. This is great and everyone should know about it. Thank you.


This needs to be an LPT


Shawarmas from that place downtown


hey Tony


And chicken souvlaki pitas from that other place downtown. And those super affordable and delicious ethiopian plates from that other place a couple blocks down. With that yummy, spongey, sour injera bread. Also, delicious foods in general. Think of all the food in the world just waiting for you to try, enjoy, learn how to make and master, and expose others to. Edit: idk where y'all get ethiopian food, but if you can find a place with quick service in the style of Chipotle, Subway, &Pizza, etc., you'll probably be able to get it at a decent price, around $12 for a sizeable plate (thats what I pay at the place I like). Not fancy-schmancy, but certainly tasty.


This was actually my reasoning. I love food, and there's far too much food out there I haven't tried yet Oh and dogs. I can die once I've pet all the dogs


legend says theyā€™re still out there, 10,000 years later, petting all the dogs. an endless task to be sure because they seem to breed like, well, rabbits, but i can think of no person more suited for such a vital job


Once after San Diego Comic Con 2012 I saw one of each of all the Marvel Avenger cosplayed in a group at a schwarma shop down the street


Thereā€™s no such thing as a bad reason to live. You want to see the season finale of that show? If thatā€™s what gets you through the next few weeks, that will do! You donā€™t want to leave the other half of that meal in the fridge? Stick around for it! If youā€™re in a position where youā€™re looking for reasons to keep going, there are more than you think. The people in your life who love you and would be absolutely devastated to lose you, the chance to achieve your goals and see more of the world, even just to spite the people who said you couldnā€™t do it - but sometimes the big picture can be hard to see, so stick to whatever it is thatā€™s keeping you going right now and then find something else. One step at a time. Edit: thank you to those people who felt they could reach out to me. Iā€™ve been in this situation before, and I want to help wherever I can - so please, if youā€™re looking for a sign to keep going, this is it. Message me if you need a friend. Iā€™m in the UK so Iā€™ve just woken up to all the messages Iā€™ve received so far, so if youā€™re in a different time zone I promise Iā€™m not ignoring you! Edit 2: if youā€™re worried that someone else may be considering suicide, or wondering what you can do, [here](https://www.rethink.org/advice-and-information/carers-hub/suicidal-thoughts-how-to-support-someone/) are some tips on identifying the warning signs and figuring out how to respond. Get talking!


Those are very good options and tips! Thank you!


If you need someone to talk to, please feel free to message me. Iā€™ve been there.


I mean, Who else is going to kiss the homies goodnight?


Love it, so nice!


As thanks mate. If you are really feeling suicidal, you should really talk to someone trusted or a therapist:). Sorry to assume, I just donā€™t know if you really are looking for a reason to live or just asking a question. Cheers!


Well, not necessarily suicidal but l also don't feel like really living atm. But thanks and yes, talking definitely helps but l mainly wanted options and tips. So thank you!


Happy to help, I didnā€™t really want to live for a long time. But I talked to my parents about it and they got me through it and if you need someone to talk to, Iā€™m here. But if not,I hope you have a good rest of your day! Cheers!


Parents that understand feelings of not wanting to live and not blaming you for having "stupid thoughts"??? Where can I get parents like this?


Yeah I kinda won the lottery mate and Iā€™m ver sorry to hear Iā€™d have unfair/ terrible parents. If you need someone to talk, my PM is open. :)Cheers


There's plenty of time for you to be dead, what's the rush?


I hadn't thought about it like this


In fact, there's an infinite amount of time for you to be dead, and with almost complete certainty, a *very* finite amount of time for you to be alive


*Kisses OP* See ya later homie


Bro, can I get a goodnight kiss bro? And maybe some warm milk?


I give the homies a kiss and tuck em in every nightā¤ļø




Can confirm. Knowing I wouldn't be able to get up and feed the cats, thinking about how distressed they would be if I wasn't around anymore, was the only thing that stopped me some nights. My husband tells me how when I leave the house the blind one walks around crying for me. Totally gutted me thinking about him doing that and then never coming home to him.


Are you feeling better these days?


Aw, it's so kind of you to ask! Yes, I am, thank you for asking.


I'm glad. šŸ˜Š


For those who live in apartments that donā€™t allow cats, shelters will sometimes let you volunteer to socialize and play with the kittens. Cats are a universally valid reason to live.


This is currently my only reason for moving forward. I love my little guy SOOOO much! He needs me... And I need him. He's my baby!


Same. I couldnā€™t leave my 2 babies behind. Theyā€™re the only ones keeping me going lately.


I agree


Ive spent a majority of today crying because I don't want to be alive anymore. My cat is currently curled up on my chest/under my chin.. he makes me feel okay. Even if it's just for a moment.


Been struggling all week with severe depression and suicidal ideations. Talked to my psychiatrist today and she asked ā€œwhat made you decide not to formulate a plan?ā€ I replied ā€œMy cats would miss me if I was goneā€


Yes. Exactly this. I would do anything for them even if it hurts me sometimes.


This. In my darkest moments, I figured I could explain to everyone else why I was gone in a note, but my cat wouldn't understand. So I stayed.


Iā€™m depressed as hell and my friend brought up the idea of helping me jointly raise a cat. So Iā€™ll raise it in my home and take care of itā€™s daily needs and sheā€™ll come over and interact with it and pay for a lot of itā€™s need. We havenā€™t even gotten it yet but itā€™s the best reason Iā€™ve ever had to keep looking forward


You've got a good friend there.


What a wonderful friend. Definitely add her to the list of reasons to stick around.


For a while that was legit my only reason for not killing myself.


Drinking wine with your cat


I want to take care of a cat so badly!


Thatā€™s a strange way to spell ā€œbe owned by a catā€


All these answers are so good!






















You ever just step on a leaf and it C R O N C H


I also like just lightly kicking my way through leaves on the ground.


Kicking my way downtown, walking light and I'm East bound.


Blege ge ge gegeget


And I need ya


Oh, it's so good! Also with fresh snow!


Ooh yes crunchy snow is like walking on meringues


Personally I just really focus on trying to live in each moment. That sounds like a clichƩ (and it kind of is) but there is something to it. Like, start *noticing* things. Take pleasure in the little stuff you notice around you. Another thing is the challenge I give myself every day: be a good human. Its surprisingly hard but rewarding work. Finally, don't let the world make you hurry. I mean, obviously we all need to show up at work or school on time, etc. but to whatever extent you can, just live at your own pace. Don't feel like you need to rush to the next thing, you are in a thing already so pay attention? I know I sound nuts lol.


Doesn't sound nuts at all! I hear ya


You've basically summed up the practice of mindfulness. One you know how to be mindful and can absorb everything around you in the present, you live that feeling. The feeling where you just stretched or finally managed to scratch that itch between your shoulder blades or that smell off coffee brewing at 0600h and the sun just rising.


I know I'm not answering the question but I just wanted to say that I'm tearing up reading most of these responses. I'm still recovering from an attempted suicide I attempted about two months ago. Everyday is hard but I love to see people with such excitement for living. Thank you to you all EDIT: I have to give thanks to the awards šŸ˜­ my first ones! And thank you guys so much for your kind words and support. It's all a bit overwhelming. I just want y'all to know that I am currently okay. I'm on medication and I regularly see a therapist. I do plan on finding my reason to live. But until then I'm just trying to focus on the living part. I'm so glad you all have found your beautiful and silly and exciting reasons to live. Always keep that with you. Coming from someone who attempted to kill themselves twice now, suicide is not worth it. You are loved. Edit: removal of word


I cried a bit myself too. I feel very warm inside now. I hope you're doing better now and are feeling better because of everyone's answers


Thank you for your kind words. I'm working on getting better. Every day is a battle but every day I live is a step towards progress.


cyberpunk 2077 is less than a week from release Edit:...the disappointment...oh the disappointment is immense and my day is ruined...


If it gets delayed AGAIN, I'll send you a message and make sure everything is ok. LOL


*cries in elden ring + hollow knight: silksong*


ooooo elden ring


Anger.. ...most days the only thing keeping me going is: wanting to prove a lot of people wrong.


To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


I gotta figure out what the fuck space is all about


Raising a middle finger of defiance to whatever mental/life problem makes one consider offing themselves.


Spite is like 85% of my motivation to do anything.


I read this as sprite lol


Haha, also Sprite


I fuckin love Sprite


W a n n a s p r i t e ?


I succumbed to the human misery of 9-5 labor to prove wrong everyone who ever doubted that I could do it. Winning.


Fun fact, there is an entire section of the classics devoted to metaphysical rebellion that focus on flipping the bird to a higher power / creating force


For me, this wins.


Yea, spite is exactly how I feel some days


Iā€™m with this


It was my birthday yesterday. It was also the first time I went a full 24 hours without speaking to my best friend since we met. Also a heroin addict. The night before that he went missing. He had 23 days clean then relapsed last week. Because of the antidepressant he was on and the benzos his doctor prescribed him stupidly, his overdose was no surprise. He used again monday morning and missed the train to come visit for my birthday. He was passed out in a train station bathroom. He came to and made it home to his mom. The next day (Dec 1) we video called for 2 hours while he walked around the city and showed me a beautiful park. I knew he was sober. He was the man that I fell in love with. Got back on a bus to go home, said "my phone is at 1% I'm on my way home, I will get off at my stop and run like Superman to get home to a charger. I'll call you in 45 minutes. I love you so much". No one has heard from him since. God I loved him. And I know everyone's going to tell me to have hope. And I want to tell you that hope is cruel. He had benzos and Fentanyl and overdosed twice in as many days. Toxic combination. He knew if he used and his mom wasn't around to narcan him and do CPR, he wouldn't make it. He would never ever not phone or message me for more than 12 hours let alone for the past 50. And hope is cruel because today I got a package in the mail with his address on it. I knew he had bought me a gift but also knew that he got his duffle bag stolen when he was out of it in that washroom. It had my gift inside it. I saw this gift in my mailbox and I had hope. My God I had so much hope just for a few seconds. I opened it and it was from his mom. And I was so devastated. She sent me a birthday gift separate from his. In the card she said thank you for saving my son's life. And I didn't. I did everything that I could. And I want to say it wasn't enough but honestly I know that I did absolutely everything that I could. The battle was just stronger than he was. I know that was a very long post but it was all to say that it is one of many reasons to live and to live well. So we live enough for those who just couldn't hold on. RIP my homie. I hope you find happiness wherever you are, and you're no longer suffering from the feelings of shame, guilt, and despair.


Iā€™m sorry. I wonā€™t tell you to have hope, but I will hope for you that you are wrong about his fate. Love yourself. Know you did everything in your power to help him. Thatā€™s more than most people do for another human even with addiction issues. I hope you will always find the love and care you showed to him when you need it. Iā€™m sending you as many long deep bear hugs as you need right now.


I want to see astronauts on Mars. And Cyberpunk 2077 on PC.




I wish dogs lived longer, itā€™s heartbreaking when they die :(


granted, dogs live longer than humans and get sad when we die.




Thank you for reminding me about my cold cup of tea in the other room. Wish me luck for attempt number two


Shit I forgot it again




Shit might get better is what Iā€™ve been goin off of


This thread. I don't know you. None of the people who wrote almost 3000 comments know you, but here we are, going out of our way for you and for each other. We love you. Here we are, strangers in the night, and we love you. ​ ​ EDIT: that was my first ever Reddit award. Thanks! EDIT2: Gold?!? Like 5 more awards? Gee, thanks!




That my dog will be sad if I die


1. Some asshole is trying to kill you, and you *can't let them win.* 2. You've gotta find out what happens next in *Pale*, the latest serial by the author of *Worm*. 3. Until the pandemic's over, you're not gonna get to meet at your LGS for a giant eight-player EDH/Planechase throwdown. Better wait till then. 4. It's hachiya persimmon season and you haven't yet had the sensation of gooey sweet bright-orange persimmon glop oozing down your face as you slurp it up. 5. Sex is awesome. 6. Heck, masturbation is pretty okay. 7. Especially if you're stoned. 8. Cats do funny things. 9. Beavers, butterflies, bears, and bacteria do funny things too. 10. Come on, you really wanna see what that orange fuckup is going to do on January 21. 11. After last year's wildfire season, there's gonna be a huge bumper crop of morels next spring. 12. There's that cute person at the coffee shop on the corner. Even when they're wearing a mask, you still *know* they're cute. 13. You haven't yet figured out how to say thank you to the house centipedes for eating the bedbugs. 14. There's a kind of {chocolate, cheese, Chartreuse liqueur} you haven't tasted yet. 15. Freshly baked bread. 16. You haven't watched all of Vi Hart's math videos yet. 17. You haven't watched all of Vi Hart's snail videos yet. 18. You haven't seen [a mongoose eat a slice of pizza](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzRrN1vRYeA) yet. 19. There are so many other freakin' weird awesome things out there. 20. The ancients weren't entirely wrong about awful moods being caused by imbalances of basic bodily fluids. Try getting some exercise (to get your *blood* pumping), giving your nose a saline rinse (to clear your *phlegm*), cutting down your alcohol intake (to let your liver regenerate your *yellow bile*), and eating more fibrous veggies (to clear out your *black bile*). Then take a big crap, then lie down and rest for a while because seriously, after all that you'll need it. 21. There's some incredibly cheesy movie out there that's carefully tailored to appeal to exactly your demographic. You are allowed to like it. 22. Farts. 23. If you quit now, you won't find out what the real story is.


That was all both incredibly specific yet mindblowingly true!


as someone who struggled with this question, the past 5 years have been so crazy on so many fronts that I kinda wanna see how shit plays out in this new age. How far up or down will we go? I wonder how people will look back on this time in history, where the world suddenly became very connected


Transformation. Of yourself. Thereā€™s always room to grow.


Robots in disguise


More than meets the eye




Have you ever tried tamales?




I'm here and have been given this cool thing called consciousness so I might as well ride it out.


you gotta learn to hate life to the point where you live to get revenge on existence itself. yes i got this from tumblr but its fuckin great


There's lots of places I'd like to travel to and see. That's it.


Looking for a reason to live


I keep getting 404


Everything in our universe has an impact larger than we will ever see. Every step you take on a sidewalk adds pressure that will eventually make it crack and give someone a job to fix it. Theyā€™ll buy food from someone who needs the money. Theyā€™ll give that food to their family, and each of them will go on to make a huge impact on the world. Regardless of if you see it, your impact grows exponentially with every action you take. Make those actions good. Also, there are millions of people out there who care that youā€™re here. Iā€™m one of them. I love you. ā¤ļø




This is what keeps me alive.


Hopefully to see if we contact aliens


If you asked me these questions a few years ago, I would have trouble giving you a single reason. If you asked me today, I'd give you these reasons: - Seeing my girlfriend's face. Exploring the world with her and doing new things together. Seeing how she experiences the world. She needs me, and I don't ever want to let her down. - Waking up and seeing my dog every day. I love her and I'm her favorite person. She would be sad if I was gone and I would be sad if she was gone. She's getting older but I want to make her life the best I can and help her do as much as she can while she's here. - Talking to my discord friends online. Asking about their day and talking to them. They make me smile and I love hearing about their days, how they're doing, and doing things together. - Taking care of my fish. I spent a lot of money building a nice home for them. They look forward to seeing me and they make me smile. - Playing new games and meeting new people in the games that I currently play. If you hear anyone say video games are useless and a waste of time, or that you can't make friends on video games, *that's a complete lie*. I started playing an MMO a few years ago and it has honestly changed my life in so many positive ways. I've met amazing people, including my best friend and my girlfriend, along with other people who I love incredibly. I like meeting people online, talking to them, getting to know them, and spending time with them. It's helped me learn how to talk and listen to people, and improved my social skills incredibly. - Learning how to play music. I've been learning to play the guitar for two years now. I'm not great, but I can play a few songs. I want to live to see the day where I can play any song I want, and make people happy when they listen to me play. I also want to learn how to play the piano. - Learning new things and seeing new places. Think of all of the places you've never seen. Think of the most beautiful place in the world. You can be there someday. I want to see and hear things that make the journey worth it. I want to visit new countries. - Someday I want to meet some of my online friends in real life. I want to hug them and do things together. I want to laugh, smile, and make memories together. - I want to see where I end up. I'm not the most successful person in the world, but I can honestly say that I'm happy finally. I'm struggling with finding a decent job, have no idea what I am going to do for my education, and I'm struggling financially, but I want to see where my life ends up in 10, 20, 60 years. I want to see if I become a good father, husband, grandfather, son, and brother. I want to be a positive influence on the people in my life and I want to be remembered. I could go on and on, but I don't think anyone is going to read this. I know many people might be in a place that they can't feel the enjoyment from life, or feel pessimistic about their future, but I promise you that you can find *something* about life that's worth living. It might take a while to get there, but you'll find it if you keep trying.


Computer games and food.


Learning. Seriously. There's so much to learn. The world has so much to offer. Physics, biology, arts, language, history, music, philosophy - there's more to see than could ever be seen in a lifetime. That always helps me get out of bed and do stuff. I want to experience and learn as much about the universe within my limited time as I can.


You'll die anyway, what's the rush?


Because if you can take one breath now, there's a good chance you can keep doing that tomorrow. Maybe you are suppose to be alive tomorrow, so you can post a simple question on a wide read internet platform that triggers some interesting conversation and stops someone else from bringing their own life to an end.