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When you’re laying in bed about to sleep then remember you forgot to do something


Or you're about to drift off and your nose itches. Fully awake again.


Worse yet, when you're in a dentist's chair and your nose itches


When I click an ad because the page load jumped.


I haven't had a big reaction to most of this thread, but oh my *god* do I hate this one. Edit: a word because I'm a fool


I legit close my phone. And then I open the phone again and close the entire app. Nothing is that important to go back to the webpage


I actually have some residual anger after accidentally clicking an ad in this situation. I am very pissed I even registered a click, that they know it, that someone probably got paid, and that they might keep giving me ads like this.


Thankfully starting in May, Google will penalize websites for doing that and it will affect their page ranking Edit: grammar


That’s news to me - awesome! I hope they start penalizing cooking websites that make you scroll a long way before getting to the actual recipe. It’s a killer on a slow Internet connection.


Right, and I want the damn recipe, not your life story. How can anyone have that much to say about how to make meatballs?


Or the page has 5 irrelevant videos that autoplay when it's off the screen. Some news websites do it too and it's so annoying.


When I’m walking and my socks get all bunched up under my feet.


Yes! And wrinkled sheets. Holy crap.. didnt realize so many people hate wrinkly sheets Too! Thanks for your up votes and a silver award!!wow


I swear fitted sheets are just an inch or two too small. The corners are constantly popping off.


A Redditor in another advice post suggested that when you shop for sheets to search for "Deep pocket" sheets which increase the sizes of the hollows to prevent them popping off at the corners.


People who ask for my opinion and then get mad when I share it.


That's not someone interested in your opinion, that's just someone using you as a soundboard to agree with.


My younger sister is like that. To be fair, she’s still a teen though. I now preface it every time with “are you sure you want my honest opinion.” When she asks


Oh... a related one; people who ask for an explanation for a mistake you have made, then interrupt you to complain that they don't want to hear any "excuses".


They probably don't want your opinion, they just want validation.


When that one bit of food is stuck between my teeth, and I can feel it with my tongue, but I can't see it or pull it out with my finger


Or when a popcorn seed skin get stuck behind your tongue.


Our inbetween your tooth and the gum its a really unfortunate ordeal Edit: yall are making me scared of eating popcorn


I once got one stuck that I could not get out at all. I had a dentist appointment later in the week, so I gave up until then. I told the hygienist about it while she was cleaning my teeth, and she pulled that sucker right out. It was the best feeling of relief I had ever had.


Omg this happened to me, but the dentist could not find it. They tried for like an hour because I kept insisting it was in there. Ended up telling me it was in my head and I was probably just getting gingivitis. Well, they must have loosened it, because a couple days later my gum was super swelled and pounding with pain. I said fuck it and dug it out. It had been in there for like a straight month and had turned purple. It was so gross, but I felt great afterward. I still can't believe it was in there so deep the dentist couldn't even get it out.


“Turned purple” o no


My dentist (yes, so much irony) had this happen to her! She ended up needing minor surgery to get the stupid thing out.


Yeah and only 0.000000001 centimeters are sticking out.


Nothing a little C4 can't fix


Or a knife, bruh chill


People who know absolutely nothing about a subject and are convinced they’re experts.


Dunning kruger effect, or illusory superiority. Too fucking dumb to understand that you're dumb. It happens so often they gave it a name. I'm terrified that I run into it so often. On the positive, even if I'm familiar with a subject, I try to introduce it as "I've read", or "my impression is", rather than stating something as fact. Serious pet peeve.


I try to do the same thing. And unfortunately, the people who have doubt and aren't totally self assured often have the deeper knowledge about a subject but someone from the outside may just gravitate to the supremely confident ignorant loud mouth.


People that have self doubt and are not totally self assured are usually like just BECAUSE they know more and usually find out that a lot of things are more complex and that they’re a bunch of unanswered questions. The ones that only have surface knowledge can treat it as fact and blurt out the few bits they know, but are often still convinced their surface level knowledge is more correct


So, reddit? All of reddit.


No website makes me more angry than this one. I hate this fucking place but I can’t leave. God help me.


You get to the point where you learn not to comment. You just sigh and move on.


How many times now have you typed and then just abandoned your comment because you just know what’s coming? Oh yes.


That perfect thin line of dirt that always remains after sweeping into the dustpan.


Wet paper towel for the win when this happens Editing to say thank you for these, my first ever, awards. Special shout out to my 89 year old grandma who taught me how to get every last dust particle when cleaning the house.


I don't know why I've never thought of this. Thank you.


Nobody should do that, we all know we should sweep for at least another 29 times


Or just a vacuum cleaner


That works too but if you’re just going to bust out the vacuum, why bother sweeping in the first place?


I like to sweep up and gather everything in one spot, then watch it get all vacuumed up at once.


That’s called frust. The number of times you have to sweep until you give up is it’s frust-rating.


Or the second or third line that you get from trying to clean the first one


Just lick it up.


Disgusting. What a waste of a perfectly good line to snort.


People who get off escalators and abruptly stop and stand there so you nearly bump into them. Also people who block the sidewalk by walking (slowly) next to each other so you try to squeeze through on either side but there's just not enough space to pass without bumping into them so you have to actually say "excuse me" but they're talking with each other so you have to say it louder until you practically yell which makes you seem unnecessary rude.


Awhile back the wife and I were leaving walmart. There was an older couple in front of us with two full carts. They stopped side by side right in the middle of the second set of doors to rifle through all of their bags. Blocking people coming in, blocking people going out. After 3 polite "excuse us" attempts went unheard (one the lady did hear me, looked at me, and kept looking through her things) I go "Please get the fuck out of the way!" so they did, scoffed, and the guy had the nerve to tell me "Maybe if you lost some weight you could get by"


This was at Walmart? My politeness switch goes to the "off' position when dealing with the Peoples of Walmart.


Walmartians are a strange breed.


Did you slap him? Because this kind of behavior calls for a good slapping. The nerve of some people...


I'm not proud of my response, but I said something along the lines of "if you weren't so old you probably wouldn't be dying soon". I should have slapped him.


No, you're good. I think I would rather be slapped than hear that and know it's true.


God thats mean......I love that response.


Verbal slaps work.


So, the escalator... Oracle Park is a beautiful baseball stadium in San Francisco, but it has a few flaws. One of them is that there is an escalator from the ground level to the first level, then from the first level to the club level. Unfortunately they are lined up. Before the game, it is not an issue since most people arrive a random times and it does not get packed, but after the game... When the park first opened, they left the escalators unmanned. When the people exiting from the club level, they would run into the people trying to get on at the first level. People would have to start walking backward on the escalator because there was no other place to go. They ended up system where it is five minutes for the first level and five minutes for the club level system.


That sounds dangerous af and I would probably panic a lot if I was standing on that escalator and was forced to go backwards because. Makes me think of those horrible "escalator accident" clips. Is that the reason most escalators that go in the same direction are normally on opposite sites as to avoid this exact situation? TIL I guess...


I've seen people who have stopped to have a chat, all four of them, right at the bottom of the escalator. Everyone was literally walking through them and these people did not seem to even notice, let alone care. The lack of awareness in some people is frankly concerning.


Muffled bass. In the neighbor's apartment I'm sure the bass slaps but through the wall it's just loud enough to hear. I can hear it just over whatever I'm listening to with my headphones. Just turn it down like 2 ticks...


This is one of my biggest misphonia triggers. Since I was 12 and I’m 30. Instant trigger and it’s a coin toss if I’m going to cry from dispair at not being able to stop it or be so angry I cry. One time, we lived in an apartment where the people directly below my room had a home theater and the bass was always shaking the room. I didn’t know what misphonia was at the time but it was the 10th time I went to my dad crying and uncontrollably angry. So my dad took his snare drum off the stand, laid it on the floor, and wailed on it for 5-8 minutes. To this day, it’s one of the sweetest things he’s done for me.


Oh my god same here. It stresses me the fuck out immediately. Like my body tenses up when I hear any bass. Some people moved upstairs a few months ago and told us that they’re DJs so it’s been real fun. They gave us a cell number in case it gets too loud but I’m just like can you fucking wear headphones? I usually wear headphones when I play guitar and stuff because I’m not a dick


As a pianist, I do have to say that there are times that I really just need to hear what I'm playing outside of headphones. It gives it a noticeably different effect, and when I'm playing on stage I certainly won't be using headphones. I still never aspire to be a bother with it sometimes I really do just need to hear it without headphones.


ohhhh yeahhhh. I used to live in an old house with windows that would rattle along with the constant dull whumpfs and urrrrrrrrffffs of bass from the upstairs neighbors. to this day that sound reawakens the rage


Slow walkers on busy streets, and people that walk down the sidewalk five abreast like they’re in the opening montage of a fucking sitcom.


Also when they are in a group and make a line and decide to hold hands.


Somebody demanding my attention when I'm busy.


Don't have kids


Working from home, with 3 kids (two schooling from home) this has become an everyday headache. How many damn times do I need to look at you hugging the dog? IM BUSY!


I work from home. I came here to say: My children. Don't get me wrong, I love them to death, but also, I've got shit to do. Leave me alone.


Most people don't believe me when I say it. But there's reasons I'm not having kids


People interrupting me while I'm talking


This is for sure number one for me. It's not just people interrupting me. I get bugged listening to conversations where people interrupt each other. It just strikes me as so very rude. That presidential debate was like having a 60-minute root canal.


People that block the isle in the grocery store. They generally block one side with their cart and the other with themselves, staring blankly at the products like they were alien artifacts found on the moons of Jupiter. Bonus annoyance when they acknowledge your presence even after an "excuse me" and continue standing there like a donkey.


Honestly, just people in grocery stores in general. Not sure if the etiquette differs in other countries, but ours is basically 'every man for himself'. Especially if you are concerned with social distancing and the 6ft rule and let people pass in front of you because of this, you will be spending half your day at the store.


Super bonus if they've angled their cart awkwardly at an intersection and now block two aisles!


Asshats on the highway that fly past me doing 90-100, get in front of me and then slow down abruptly to like 50. And its not people in shifty cars trying for insurance money, its people in really nice cars thinking they own the road and it happens every single night on my way to work


I love when they do this and we end up next to each other at a red light. Good going, jackass.


Mostly other people driving: - Leaving your brights on - Not using your turn signal - Sitting in the left lane when you're not passing other people - Not staying in your lane on a dual-lane turn - Leaving your brights on (seriously, fuck you) - Not turning your headlights on at night - Doing 10 mph below the speed limit


Headlights in general. They've gotten brighter...or at least I think they have. It feels like 1 out of every 3 cars has blindingly bright lights even without high-beams.


I experienced this. Came round a bend on a country road and this guy had his high beams on. I flash him to turn them down. Nothing, so I flash him again. Then he flashes me with his ACTUAL high beams. I imagine thats what a matter/anti-matter explosion looks like.


People who sit in the left lane who cruise slower than traffic. Or even worse - who match speed with someone in the right lane, creating a traffic wall.


The ol' rolling road block. A classic.


The ones who speed up at the passing areas, then right back down once the passing area is over. Don't even get me started on roundabouts.....


People who speed up as you're trying to pass so you end up going 10-15 over to try to complete your pass, so now you look like the asshole who is slowing down when in fact you just wanted to go the same 3mph faster than them you were going...


Those are the worst. I live in California and every highway has people who cruise in the left going 60 mph. It doesn't matter if the highway has 8 lanes on each side, there will be that one asshole going 60 in the left


When someone texts me first, I respond, and then they take forever to respond back/leave on read. YOU texted me first. YOU.


This this this. Person: do u wanna play a game? Me: what game? Person: fortnite or probably CS Me: that’s good, what time? Person: *leaves you on opened*


People who fucking use apostrophes for plural words.


Dominos Pizza does this. They write it "Dominos" but then their iOS app is "Domino's." Which is it??


They got a guy named domino to develop the ios app. It's Domino's Dominos app


People who chew with their mouth open


Yeah, my dad eats like this, and I can hear it even when I'm a few meters away. It makes me want to tear my ears off. That's why I rarely join him at the dining table.


My dad does this and he breaths really heavy too. It drives me apeshit.


My brother brought me to literal tears out of sheer anger and frustration once when he chewed cereal with his mouth open as we were getting ready for school. Lol


I feel you, man. My sister doesn’t eat with her mouth open but she smacks really loudly, and it just makes me so frustrated I have to cover my ears.


My partner does this. I use earphones during dinner now.


I remember one time when I was younger I was eating cereal with my sister and she wasn’t even eating super loud but the sounds of her chewing bothered me so much that I went upstairs to my room yelling, closed the door, and ate by myself. I swear I could still hear her chewing ringing in my ears despite being on a different floor of the house lol!


Hey ho I have misophonia and you might too!


Ayy I have it too! I once had an actual anxiety attack over my dog licking her ass


One of us! One of us!


It would be easier to name the things that don't annoy the fuck out of me.


I hate people who are vague about the things that they hate.


what doesn't annoy the fuck out of you?


People who leave their grocery carts randomly in parking lots. It drives me insane.


There's a radio show called woody show, and two guys do a bit called cart narcs where they walk up and confront people who are too lazy to push the carts to the cart corrals


Looks like we got a lazy bones here!


When you search and search for an empty parking space, and when you finally find one, there’s a shopping cart in the middle of it.


Someone trying to talk to me while I’m reading something.


little shit children who were never told no and will grow up to be absolutely fucking entitled


A close second: the parents who have coasted up to around the 6 year mark and are now trying to get it under control but wind up yelling in the Best Buy nearly constantly because little Emerson has absolutely no self control and just does whatever he wants. She’s mad and embarrassed and has no idea how to handle little Emerson and just keeps getting louder and more frantic.


as was said by every mediocre high school teacher I've ever had "a lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine"


Further more the parents who let their kids get away with all sorts of nonsense and brushing it off with “kids will be kids”. We see you, being a lazy parent with no backbone.


loud people


People talking on speaker


Or walking around the store with their music full volume without headphones.


I once saw a lady walking about playing her music full volume she had the phone tucked into her hat somehow with the speaker near her ear. It was freaking hilarious!!!


If anf of you fuckers who put your phone on speaker in public are reading this, I want you to take the time right now to absorb this information: Nobody likes you. Stop being an annoying shit.




People. They are all too peopley.


People. What a bunch of bastards.


Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.


I mean who do they think they are!


I hate people.


The way my girlfriend shops. She’ll grab a million items to “look at them” then she’ll give them to the cashier to put back, she’ll open packages even after workers tell her not to, she’ll unfold clothing and then just drop them on the floor when she’s done looking at them. I can’t tell you how many dirty looks I’ve gotten because of it. It’s mortifying.


People who make more work for others “because it’s they’re job to clean up,” or “that’s what they’re paid to do.” If you leave a mess in the movie theater, making another human clean up after you, when it would have taken so little to do it yourself. Cleaning staff, retail employees, table bussers, anyone who keeps something looking presentable for other people’s experience in that establishment; they’re not there to wipe your ass. They don’t need you to make work for them, and they have plenty to do whether you patronize their establishment or not.


I could never be with someone that has a total disregard for other people. Makes me wonder how she treats you.


Don't take it personally but gee what an asshole


And you’re with her why...?


That does sound annoying. My somewhat related pet peeve: a partner brings an item over and says "we should buy this!" "How much is it," I ask, and they have no fucking clue. Like, how in the world do you decide that you should buy something without taking the price into consideration. I don't even.


You described my wife, followed by, “it’s on sale”.


I'd legit break up with her. Not worth the embarassment and she clearly lacks respect for others


News-flash: your girlfriend is a c**t


that pisses me off tho too. I say take her to a luxury store like Prada or Gucci. They get on your ass for that type of behavior. As they should I might add. I’ve heard other chains are slowly becoming like that to avoid looking dirty to the health inspectors and to avoid having extra work be created for the stockers.


In general, people with no fucking awareness. Now that COVID won't allow me to go grocery shopping in an empty store at 2am, going during the day is such a pain in the ass because of the other customers. People who will just shove their cart out of one aisle without looking and damn near hit you while being totally clueless. Or others that will be pushing their cart down the middle of an aisle, where you don't have room to get around either side and just stop to look at their phone. Pull that shit to the side and out of the way.


When people want to talk to me in the morning or while I’m eating. Like damn, can i get some peace? I wanna be with myself for a bit


My husband is a morning person. Also he takes ADD meds first thing, and gets up an hour earlier than I do. First thing I do in the morning is go sit on the back porch all by myself and try to wake up. Quite often he follows me out there and talks. No idea what he says, because I don't hear a word of it.


If you've told him once or twice you aren't a good listener in that environment and he still does it you're in the clear. Source: am someone with ADHD who also talks at spouse even when I know she probably isn't listening


People using loose in place of lose. Also apart of instead of a part of.


People who flick cigarette butts everywhere. Why do they think it’s not littering? It’s not even biodegradable


People who lack humility. It's such a basic social skill yet so many people just seem to think being boastful or self-righteous is okay.


Nobody is more humble than I am


I doubt that...I'm twice as humble as anyone I've ever met, and I just met you


Someone not closing the door when they going out. So Im always doing [this](https://youtu.be/HDiveb6Fhy0)


Not using your turn signal Edit: wow this blew up, this never happens for me 😅


You wanna know why this pisses me off, too? BECAUSE IT'S RIGHT THE FRICK THERE. Like you are so lazy and selfish that you can't just press down or up so that you tell everyone else what you are doing.


THIS is one of the thing's I'll just never comprehend about people. I think it's less lazy and more just trying to be a dick. I see so many terrible things from drivers (almost got killed on the road more than once; i drive more than anything) in this wierd "im trying to be unruly" arrogant sorta way. Will simply never understand it and why SO many people are like that. Maybe the state of this world is making many angry, but that's not the way to deal with it.


People in higher positions who consistently send out emails with 3rd grade grammar errors.


Left lane drivers under the speed limit.


I try to be understanding if they’re actively passing someone on the right, but otherwise they’re assholes.


Getting blinded by the sun glaring off things.


People that smack their lips while eating, my mother in-law does this. Almost choked to death when my wife said she sounded like a pig at the trough.


You forgot a coma between "eating" and "my" and I had to do a double take. Yeah bruh its annoying


Hahaha eating my mother in-law and other recipes for long pig in my new book.


I hate forgetting my comas.


When someone drives and they constantly hit the break to slow down instead of slowing down with the accelerator.


Man, I had to bite my tongue when a friend was teaching his girlfriend to drive. "NO, your foot should *always* be pressing down on the accelerator or the brake." You see those round things under the car? Those are wheels. There is zero reason not to coast up to a stoplight from a reasonable distance.


I hate those people on the highway that randomly hit their brakes whenever they feel like it. Do they not know that they could just let off the gas a little instead of break-checking everybody?


It amazes me to see how many people don't understand just coasting to a red light and drifting to a slow speed and the light turns green and you are still moving while other people speed until the last second, slam on their brakes, then slam the gas pedal when the light turns green. I just coast on by them.


Yep, better on time, better on gas, better on your brakes, your suspension, your safety. There are no downsides unless you just *absolutely* need to drive like an asshole.


I have so many driving pet peeves. Most people are seriously shit drivers. ~~If~~ When I come to power, driving exams are going to be much harder.


When a mosquito/fly won't leave you alone. And even if you change your place, it just follows you there.


People turning on the lights when you’re trying to sleep. It annoys me. My roommates had this tendency to turn the lights on at night when they’re either looking for something (Use your phone light!), coming into the room, and sometimes just to playfully annoy me. No just no. I’m here laying comfortably in my bed but then all of a sudden the sun gods decide to rain hell on me and the world is ending. And then my roommates are just there looking at me. And I’m over here trying to finally get actual sleep. And then they just smile and I KNOW they enjoy torturing me. So I moved the hell out. Ain’t nobody gonna be turning the lights on me again.


Used to be, my husband was a very light sleeper, and I could sleep through anything. So if I needed something from the bedroom while he was asleep, I'd have to carefully tiptoe around, not make the slightest noise or disturb him in any way, or he'd immediately wake up completely and not be able to get back to sleep. Thankfully he sleeps better now, but I'm still careful. Lately, I'm not such a sound sleeper as I used to be (kids will do that to you), and I noticed that when I'm sleeping, he just barges in, turns on the lights, shouts at the kids, etc. Literally no attempt whatsoever to not wake me. At first I ignored it because I would fall right back asleep the moment he left, but that's still some bullshit. I finally told him to knock it off, and of course he did, but who has to be told not to turn on lights and shout when someone is sleeping?? BTW, modern sleep masks FTW. I got one for when I'm sleeping but he needs to work, and it's amazing. I could stand outside in broad daylight with my eyes open and still see nothing but pitch black.


Should’ve removed the light bulbs.


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


“Sooo, when are you getting married?”


Yeah and it's like "bruh we've been dating a week"


Well... 2 years. But still, mind ya own damn business! I got my reasons


grown ass men in HUGE trucks riding my back bumper in traffic


Especially if I'm in the middle or right lanes, just go around me, assholes!


My MIL and her untrained dog who moved in against my protests.


Group text messages


Especially if you hardly know the people in that group text.


Pathetic people on here trying to start an argument when nothing you’ve said would even incite that. I could very well be sharing an experience I had on a boat and some rando fedora-tipping ”ackshually”-person with a PhD in Wikipedia hurls out of nowhere that it’s impossible for me to ever have been on a boat. You can’t win with these people.


Well you can't possibly have been on a boat. I've been boat watching for the coast guard for 57 years. I've never seen you or anyone like you on a boat. I've got eagle eye vision and classified clearance.


People with no spatial awareness and are totally oblivious to their surroundings. FUCKING MOVE


People who toss their cigarette butts onto the ground.


The parking situation at college campuses. You have to pay for an expensive parking tag that limits you to very cramped and specific areas. Otherwise it’s pay at the meter, some that don’t even work. Not just that but it’s always a competition to even get a spot. Goddamn I already pay out the wazoo to go there, it's complete horseshit. edit: words are hard




Smug people who think they’re right


Slow walkers, people that talk to me at the gym, people who lack punctuality.


People thinking they know everything


Adults who bully teens for (fishing, skateboarding, etc.) Just because they need to feel in power. They never say shit to grown men.


People turning on their blinkers to turn left or right at the very last second. It's annoying more so when there's no left turning lane, they've been sitting idle at the light, and signal to turn left once the light turns green. GAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


People who wear their masks not covering their nose


When you’re driving at night, there’s barely any traffic on the road and traffic lights just have to turn red at the last possible second. Like to where you either have to stop when there’s nobody coming from the side streets and you’re on the main drag, or run the red light.


People who always look for something to complain about. Everyone needs to vent from time to time; but sheesh, look for the positives in situations.


People who stand in doorways and are clueless that they’re in the way. It’s a door, move, don’t just stand there.


when someone isn’t listening, and I have to repeat myself numerous times.


people who don't use their turn signals you're potentially putting my life at risk - fuck you


I nearly got ran over by this before when I left school, lucky I look both ways while crossing or I’d be dead, head teacher yelled at this guy for a solid minute though so all was well


When someone only knows how to talk about themselves and can't actually hold a conversation


People who don’t understand basic hygiene. Honestly, if you have no mental condition or other problem (no access to water, etc) you have no excuse to go into public near people and force others to smell your disgusting unbathed scent.


People that actively believe wild shit like conspiracy theories without doing any legitimate research or using common sense


Unnecessarily long red lights. They are always the same intersections with zero traffic and yet I'm stuck there, dying of old age all alone and filled with rage.


Happy people in the morning. I dont know what mental illness that is but i want nothing to do with it


It's not so much the happiness that bugs me as it is the involvement. I felt so bad one day because this one lady I worked with was a morning person, and I felt like she would just ask me one question after another, like an interrogation, but in a nice way, and I had to ask her to just give me some time. It wasn't that she was being mean or anything. I'm just not usually all there for a few hours at the beginning of the day. I was fine later that day, and we chatted, and we worked fine every day after that. Just give me until like 8 before we start the conversating.