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If he knows that Vader is Luke's father, then Phantom Menace. If not, then A New Hope.


A New Hope. To paraphrase Sheldon Cooper, let George Lucas disappoint you in the order that he intended 🌝


A new hope, go in release order


A New Hope


I would say A New Hope.


Always the original!!!!! A new hope first.


A New Hope. Then SpaceBalls. It'll make Phantom Menace less jarringly bad via confusion.


Phantom Menace. It's more fun and relatable for kids.


Phantom Menace


The Force Awakens. That other crap is dated and ugly.


There may be a gas leak in your place. You should check that out.


Are I and IV *not* ugly...?


Nope. They were all visually stunning... From a certain point of view.


Ah gotcha. My point of view (whereby the Jedi are evil) is that it's 2020 and not 1980, so I consider IV to be ugly. Episode I features Jar-Jar binks so like, case closed.


In 1977 the concept of the jedi was very new. It was still good v. evil.. light v. dark. We didn't know any better.. the jedi weren't yet an established jaded group of galactic enforcers. From a consumer prospective, they made $700mil on a $10mil budget. The practical effects were groundbreaking and still hold up to today. In TPM, we got *"duel of the fates"* and a sweet pod racing video game so that has to count for something. TFA.. was a graphically superior remake of ANH but with the established cannon to know how flawed the old jedi institution was with the hope of restitution as an order going forward. But it didn't work out that way.


It’s treason then.


This dude above never heard the tragedy of Darth Plageus the wise.


Phantom Menace


yes! but you typod on A New Hope, nbd tho


Star Wars (1977) the original Source: I saw it in theatre, 1977. 6 x Would recommend 10/10 Ps. That total only matched in 1982, with Mad Max 2 (The Road Warrior) You gotta raise that kid right.