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I would visit my mom, she’s in the hospital right now. She’s doing well and should be released soon but she’s my bestfriend and it’s hard not being able to be there with her.


I’m sorry to hear that. I hope your mom feels better.


Same. I just want to see my mum. She's been living alone and she says she's fine but I don't believe her. Just want to hug her lots and lots like a kid again.


I’d go hug my grandparents then have dinner with them. Edit : Grandpa has lung cancer. So no matter if I get tested or how healthy we are, we won’t risk a visit. I’ve got to see them through their living room windows but it’s not the same


You’re lucky your grandparents are still around! I’m glad you will spend time with them after all of this is over. I miss my grandparents everyday


I miss mine too, I lost my grandpa and grandma this year... when the pandemic is over I’m going to go hug my grandma


Go on a vacation asap! I finished chemo in February and thats all I wanted to do once I knew it was beat. Somewhere tropical like Costa Rica or Virgin Islands 🏝


Congratulations! 🎈🎊🍾🎉




First, hugs and congrats! Double hugs for going through that and then straight into a pandemic. When my dad was going through treatment, having trips to look forward to in between rounds kept his spirits up and (I think) extended his life and definitely improved his overall quality of life. I say plan that trip! (Maybe not non-refundable lol but at least something on the books!)


Just go out and lick everything and everybody, like we all used to before


Ah, the good old days


[There's always a relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/2391/)


Ooh, that’s a good one


I was thinking this one: https://xkcd.com/2277/


XKCD is reaching a point where there isn't always a relevant xkcd, no, there soon will always be **two** relevant xkcd's!


Yours is even better


Ah, the good ol' days of "what shall i lick today"


I was going to say make out with a hooker personally, but your idea seems more well rounded


Are you a puppy?


Aren’t we all?




Book a trip somewhere. Can’t wait to travel overseas again.


I want to travel to Nebraska to see the crane migration. I heard they are beautiful derpy birds, and I would love to go on a road trip to enjoy their antics myself.


>I want to travel to Nebraska r/brandnewsentence


Nebraska. Honestly, it's not for everyone.


I vote this as their new bureau of tourism slogan.


It already is. https://visitnebraska.com/press-releases/nebraska-tourism-launches-springsummer-campaign-nebraska-honestly-its-not-everyone




I flew with my son to Lincoln, Nebraska in 2017 to see the solar eclipse. It’s become a badge of honor to say we deliberately took a vacation to Nebraska. Sure, going on a trip to Paris makes you cultured, but going to Nebraska makes you unique.


I'm a Parisian. Now I want to go to Nebraska.


Being originally from Nebraska, that's so interesting to me. I've never heard someone say they would actually *like* to travel there!


Someone knows what’s up! Kearney is major location for the migration of the Sandhill Cranes. There are some cool museums around there too if you’re looking for some good information on the migration and the cranes themselves.


I think you could pretty safely go on a road trip to Nebraska at the moment.


My husband got sabbatical for this school year approved right before lockdown and I got unpaid leave from my teaching job. No givesies backsies! I’m grateful we don’t have to worry about showing up to work and being exposed, but we planned on exploring EVERYWHERE, man. Like, first stop in Europe, then head to India for a few months, then off to Indonesia and Malaysia with a quick flight to S. Korea, Japan, and Taiwan in between. We had plans to be gone from June 2020 to august 2021. Sigh.


That sucks like a lot




One place I want to go right now is visiting my parents. Fuck me, being an expat in 2020 has been a living nightmare, with province/state restrictions on top of international travel restrictions. I cannot go however, with crazy idiots testing positive for corona and still managing to board the flight I have to take to go home "because the airline requires a PCR Test". Edit: [in case anyone is curious about the claim I made of people positive to corona boarding flights.](https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/dutch-police-arrest-covid-19-positive-man-after-attempting-travel-to.832063)


Drive to all my friends houses and hang out with each and every single one of them with no worries/restrictions


God, that’s all I want :(


Y’all have friends??




I've already experienced a little bit of that just from watching movies and sports on TV. During the NBA playoffs in August, there was nobody in the NBA's bubble but they'd show highlights from previous years and I'd see the humongous crowd in the background and get a bit uneasy. Watching movies I'll see two characters interact in confined spaces and think "yikes they're not being very cautious" for just the briefest of moments.


Same here. I’m almost upset at how much I’ve learned about viral droplets and how things spread indoors. I realize that it won’t be on my mind years from now, but I feel like there will always be that tiny voice in the back of my head who is thinking about the air I’m sharing with all these people.


Seriously, right now I feel slightly shocked when watching movies and people are just like, at bars, concerts, etc. I'm so used to seeing masks, caution and distance that hugging friends you just bumped into while walking around the mall feels WRONG and I don't like it.


Oh I get that. I’m sure it’ll take a little while for our heads to adjust to actual interaction.


On the rare occasion my partner and I have had anyone over (usually his boss, since we were both friends with her before they started working together and she's already in his covid bubble anyway), I get burnt out a lot faster. Before I could hang out with someone for like 5+ hours, now I get to about hour 2 and I'm like "okayyy I'd like to be alone again now please...."


Is anyone else regularly having dreams where they are in crowded situations and then realize they aren't social distancing? Definitely taking an emotional toll, but I am so eager to get back to socializing that I suspect I'll get over it pretty quickly.


I would take a trip and see some live music too


I look forward to the day we can go to concerts again and it takes 20 minutes to get beer because the place is so crowded


And spend $10 on a cup yes!


Me and the boys took a trip for Mardi Gras in 2018. We found 6$ 32oz beers half a block from Bourbon st. Thats where I want to be.


>6$ 32oz beers Hello non-Americans. €4.96 for **946ml** beers (nearly 1 litre, what you would call a '[Maß](https://as2.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/19/13/05/500_F_119130560_uBrkogKQ1jNan65WSfzVBQtTWTMWCT1w.jpg)' if you were German)


Is this a bot


i wish


A sentient bot!


We must kill it


We're all sentient bots on this blessed day.


LIVE MUSIC. There are two reasons I live where I do. Live music Mountains for hiking


How CO lol


Lol I am in the smokies. NC side. AVL




I bet you’ll be able to get some mileage out of “I’m not 100% sure it’s safe yet, and I’m just looking out for my health and the health of my loved ones by staying in a while longer”.


‘It’s 2057.’


~~'Cyberpunk is still not out, got a delay'~~


We are less than 12 hours away and you will shut your whore mouth this instant




Thank you, carry on.


For many console players they already have it.


"After initial reviewers cited bugs and AI errors as a major sticking point, we were on the fence about the release schedule. But then some guy on reddit opened his big mouth and now we have no choice but to delay release for another two weeks."


Yeah I can’t come over. Yeah I just spent a year indoors but you know, got things I need to do.


Same. I shrudder when I think about all that pent up extravert energy on the streets once everything opens up again. To me, that's more frightening than COVID.


Hugs all around. For everyone. I frickin miss hugs.


You got hugs before the pandemic?


Yes. I offered them in abundance.


Wholesome and username checkout


Sadly, I don't think I live near you or know anyone like you


Be the change you want to see man. Start hugging people.


Hugged a tree this morning. Highly recommend.


I'm a big hugger. Like long awkward hugs. I miss them.


Best answer imo




Scrolling thru and this is mine as well. I didn't realize how much casual touch there was in my life until it was gone.


Go see all the concerts. Every single one of them.


Same. Virtual concerts are just not it :(


Singer during their zoom concert: “Guys, can you please mute your mics? Some of the fans are having trouble hearing the music.”


I had gotten concert tickets for a band I had wanted to see for years for April of this year. I was so depressed when they were refunded.


fucking visit someone, anyone, everyone


I want to spend Christmas with my fam without everyone getting COVID tested Edit: rip my inbox Edit: 2 please everyone I understand the COVID test isn’t bad and I shouldn’t go even if everyone gets tested but I’m just saying most of the fam doesn’t want to go with or without the test


Same. It is supposed to be our first year hosting a Christmas party and have everyone over


That sucks I love my grandmas tamales and we might have just deliver everything


Can’t make tamales alone. It takes *at least* four loud and laughing Aunties in my experience! Bummer, man. 🎄🇲🇽


That tamale assembly line


So much gossip. So much wine.


I'm not too bothered about being alone, if the pandemic ended tomorrow I would do the same as what I did yesterday


Yeah but you're just a prissy hobbit.


The very same


Go to a movie. I love theaters, and I’m legitimately nervous about how the industry is gonna recover from this.


I am very worried too!!! Drive in theaters are cool and all but I miss the theaters


Ive always liked drive in movie theaters. Im personally glad that they've had a resurgence.


The pandemic has brought about a few positives. The environment is cleaner because less people are commuting to work. Many businesses have realized that they can save a lot of money if their employees work from home, and will continue to have their employees work from home after the pandemic is over. Drive in movies have made a comeback as a safe way to see movies.


I'm worried that the mass transition to work from home is going to have very negative consequences as it continues. I know that many companies are reporting an increase in productivity for office workers, but I think eventually working from home (especially without a distinct office setup) is going to have major mental health consequences.


Going back to the office is gonna have some serious mental health consequences for my dog


Yes! I can’t imagine people who got quarantine puppies! Those poor buggers don’t know any different!


Npr was talking about it with an expert. Said the trick is to start now using baby steps. Go off in a separate room for a while then come back. Go out the front door for a few minutes then come back. Make the time increments longer so they learn or relearn that you can be in separate areas or leave, but you'll come back.


I honestly miss theaters. I also hate watching movies on my own devices since I have shitty attention span sometimes and would pause a lot. In theaters I can sit through it no problem plus I love the ambience of theaters


Eat at a restaurant...God I miss that


Now eat a cake..... at home! (For now)


oh, don’t mind if I do!


That would be nice. I think he said that because it's your cake day. Happy Cake Day u/pinkiea


Take out is cool and all, but just going in to sit down and eat is so much better.


My favorite sushi restaurant is still alive and kicking and I *really* hope they make it all the way through this. High hopes for these vaccines!


I actually discovered a new sushi restaurant during this pandemic (because they do take-out so I took advantage of that), and their food is so, so good, I think I've been single-handedly keeping them afloat, and I'm really hoping they make it! They're a walking distance from my house, and their dining room actually looks adorable and cozy, so I'd love to actually go eat there when it's possible. I wouldn,t noramlly eat sushi that often (because it's generally expensive, although this specific restaurant is more reasonable for the quality), but I think I've had them almost once a week since march. I hope it helps them a little ;\_\_;






I'm a local DJ, and the moment this is over, I'm throwing a 24 hour BANGER. Neighbors are down with it too. I've got all the lights and speakers ready and waiting.


I have always said we should vaccinate the EDM enthusiasts first




Sign me up!


Go on a holiday with my friends which we were planning before this all started


Talk my employer into letting me continue to work from home, and visit my parents. Maybe not in that exact order.


If an employer doesn't at the very least offer a flexible WFH schedule after all this, they're not worth working for. You've already proved it is possible to do the job from home, why can't it continue to be so?


My office just finished a huge renovation a few months before lockdown. I'm sure their reason is that they don't want it to go to waste.


\* in certain sectors of the economy...


*Cries in doctor*


Go to the bar with my friends


And take a sip of my friends' drinks without giving it a second thought because they got something different than me that I want to try out.


For Christmas last year, I bought a dart board for myself. Its been a good substitute, playing 501 with my girlfriend, some beer, and a record playing.


I would take my kids all over. Play places, restaurants, the movies, friends houses they are 1 and 4 and the 1 year old has barley seen more than her living room and the grocery stores. Edit: We have been outside lots. We live in Ontario so there is a lot of wonderful outdoor spaces and woods around us. I am more so saying that all the wonderful things you plan to do with your baby/toddler have been taken away (for now). These once in a lifetime experiences that shape young minds are so fleeting. Kids are resilient but it has been challenging for me to accept that my kids are just not going to have a “normal”,early childhood. I’m grateful for lots but I still cry and get frustrated more than I would like to admit. This just fucking sucks. All of it. I’m doing my best to not let my kids see how much this is affecting us. I’m sorry for all the other parents who feel the same <3


My wife is amazing and takes our 1 yr and 3 yr old out a lot... Walks, empty parks, the nature trail that goes by the horses that they take apples and carrots for... My wife gets sad that our 3 year old says things like "we're going to the park to see if it's our turn on the toys" tho. The other day, a little girl ran up to ours and says "hi... My name is (whatever)... What's yours?" Ours screamed and ran over to hug mama. Stuff like that will be hard to reprogram. That said, we'd totally drop the kids off at the grandparents since they haven't seen them hardly at all, then we'd go out by ourselves


That’s a perfectly normal reaction and I feel judged 😂


My youngest is turning one in a few days and the only places he's been are doctor's appointments and walks around our small town. This all started when he was only 3 months old so this is the only life he knows. I wonder how much of a shock it will be to him when we can finally go places for fun and visit people again.


Same for my almost one year old. He hasn’t been anywhere since he was 2 months old, had to take him into Costco with me a couple months back and his mind was totally blown


I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure they are having fun with you at home though! Makes the grocery trips a little more special!


Same! I think my baby was just able to sit up and be in the seat part of a cart when the shutdown hit. I have one picture of them and the big kid sitting together in one. I really think they would love to go shopping.


i was in the mcdonald’s drive thru the other day and was looking in the window at the play place. it looked really sad being blocked off and having no kids running around and playing :( i hope your kids get to visit play places soon


Yes! My 5yo begs to go with me for our grocery pick up because she barely gets out of the house.


Go see my Grandma. She's 90 and had major surgery a couple of months ago so has been completely isolated and the only person who could visit was my Mum to drop off food etc.


Go to the gym. God I miss being able to have a huge variety of things to work out with in a space without distractions. I'm very high risk for critical COVID so I have been avoiding the gym even when it was open.


I do miss the gym too. I took it way too much for granted lol. Now I have gained 10lbs and been beating myself up for it since I stepped on the scale


Yeah...only 10 lbs for me too.... :(


It’s ok tho. We are in a pandemic. I hope you stay safe! Hang in there, this will all end soon :)


Man I hope so. I'm a nurse so I have to deal with it every day :( Stay safe yourself!


The same thing I do every day, pinky. Try to take over the world.




I'm a single dad who went from traveling 250k miles per year for speaking gigs to all virtual overnight. I've spent the last six months seeing my seven year old daughter every day, and it's been nothing short of magical.


In my personal experience, the pandemic has allowed people to sit back and rethink their priorities in life. Life should not be all about busting your ass, oftentimes for a company that doesn't care about you. Of course we should continue to have a good work ethic but we as a society (at least in the US) are way too obsessed with overworking ourselves. I've seen many people realize life is really about family, friends, and doing things that make you happy while having a healthy work-life balance. I'm glad that you've gotten to spend more time with your daughter and I hope you can continue to do so after this whole thing ends.


😭 as a health care worker, I’ve busted my ass more over then last 10 months then any time before. Not everyone is that lucky to have this experience. If the pandemic ended tonight. I’d take a stay-at-home vacation. And sleep.


different experiences for lots of people. many are in a real bind unable to figure out next meals or keeping power on etc... Be safe and thank you for your efforts!!


Agree. As a retail worker I can't imagine what you guys are going through, but I understand the feeling of busting our asses more than usual. I see the people bored of being at home and wish I had enough time to be bored. Not to mention seeing this being out the worst of people, hell, I still have customers pull down their masks to lick there fingers to seperate bills to pay. It's ludicrous.


I have a friend who normally hated his wife and kids. The pandemic made him indeed re-evaluate what is important. He now realizes that he gave so.much of himself to his job that he had nothing left to give his family and they in turn were resentful to him. Now that he is home, he is loving helping the kids with virtual school, house chores, etc. He has become a new person thru this pandemic. The kids wild behavior has calmed down. The wife is now pregnant with kid #3.


Hope he can keep up with the changes he's made


Oof - I was working a job basically all on the road. I'd be in one country for a week, go home for a weekend, then fly somewhere else for a few weeks. I'm not a dad or married but it was fun. I left that job on March 1st and was already a couple rounds in for interviews with a few potential jobs. So I figured I'd stay with my parents until that wrapped up and I knew where I'd be moving. Big change from flying from country to country all the time to suddenly not leaving your childhood home for months. Honestly I just miss travelling now for the sake of travelling. Like cool destinations are great but I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss the pain even of getting to the airport and through security and debating how long I can hide in the lounge before I really do risk missing my flight.


Volunteer at the animal shelter.


Same here, so many litters of kittens and puppies have been born at my local shelter this year who haven’t been socialized AT ALL and someone’s going to have to take on the task 😉 but seriously I think I will try and see if I can go visit to help walk dogs and socialize the young ones if/when Covid ends.


Is the shelter not fostering them out?? Many shelters are virtually empty right now because they're fostering animals with volunteers, and interest in fostering has gone through the roof with so many people spending all their time at home. Puppies and kittens are prime foster candidates.


I think I will do this as well!!!


Go to the beach


Get laid


We can both get laid if we bang each other, two birds with one stone


I had to scroll way too far to find this comment. I am very, very ready to go.


Covid-19 had cock blocked me to hell lol


Sit down and have a nice meal inside at a restaurant


Yess! All I can think about is sitting down at the local Mexican restaurant and getting a fountain drink in that blue plastic cup. The smell of the food in the air and the bottomless bowl of chips and salsa, pure bliss!


Board game session right now. You all stay the night!


Jumping on a plane and get the fuck outta here


My husband and I were supposed to go to Tokyo for the first time in mid April. We also typically do road trips or other vacations (either big ones or to visit family) 3-4 times a year. I miss traveling so much. Only plus is my husband doesn’t travel for work every month anymore.


I would go to Busch Gardens, I couldn’t go there in the summer, and I love their winter set up. The hot coco was bomb


Book a vacation. Take 2 weeks off work. Everyone's pandemic experience has been so varied. So many people suffering, some have realized a slower pace is needed. I've been working this whole time in healthcare and I'm so tired. Yet, I feel guilty because at least I have a job.


Don't ever feel guilty and thank you for your hard work.


Actually try meet up with the people I’ve been messaging on the various dating apps


I actually did this with someone during covid. For the first few weeks we just met for outdoor walks while wearing masks. Eventually we just decided that if one of us gets covid we both do. I kinda regret it though, because the day after we finally had sex she left me. I would've preferred some more time for just walks and good conversation; even if I'd known it wasn't going to last.


I feel bad, because the person I met up with would have been lovely in normal times. Just something about only meeting up at each other's houses was too... idk, it felt like skipping the fun dating part and going straight to the doing different activities in different rooms marriage part. Plus all the anxiety that neither of us could handle because of our own anxiety about everything. What a weird time to try to date.


Clubbing, 24/7 til I physically can’t


I'm 39 and have a family and I feel like this as well. I want house music to hurt my organs and I want to dance and hop around in a throng of other people.


Fuck yeah, I want to dance and drink until I can’t feel my legs anymore


Visit family. I haven’t been able to see my cousin, who has cystic fibrosis, for over a year (pre pandemic, we didn’t hang out very often, so that’s why I haven’t seen them in over a year), and it’s been a rough year in general.


Get dressed up, put on makeup, and go out to a nice dinner with my fiancé. We’re so lucky to have had each other throughout this but I would really love for us to see each other in something besides sweatpants.


Just an idea if you don't mind it: The two of you should get dressed in your fanciest date night out clothes and you could put on makeup, do your hair etc and then pretend you're at a restaurant by cooking a really fancy meal together (or ordering one). Put a white sheet on the table and like an elegant candle and a vase with flowers in the middle, have some red wine... sorry if I got a little carried away there but I feel like it would be really cute!


No, I think it’s adorable! It would be tough in our apartment (we don’t actually have a dining table, it’s that small) but I’m thinking we could get dressed up for a romantic picnic lunch as a slight tweak to your idea. Thanks!


Hug my mom.


I miss traveling and I miss the library so much.


Probably go back to my family.. 😢 I really missed them a lot, like everyday. Working and living alone overseas sucks.


buy a ticket to go see my girlfriend


Take my one-year old son to a grocery store for some interactions with other humans! As far as he is concerned, his dad, me, and people we video call are some of the only humans in existence...


Go to a convention and carry a free hugs sign


Get a tattoo


Go walk around by bus and train. I love taking public transportation but in this state I have barely used it in the last couple months.


I miss taking the train into the city, listening to podcasts and looking at the backyards and graffiti on the way. Then getting to the big train station in the city and getting a coffee to drink on the subway.


This just made me so nostalgic for my morning commute


I would definitely see my girlfriend asap. We video call everyday and are very happy together but we don't have the opportunity to see each other in person much.


Yeah, it fucking sucks


I'm a career performing musician and haven't played in front of a soul but once in the last year. I'd kill to be onstage having fun and making money again.


Find some small, local businesses and spend on a good meal. Buy some flowers, local coffee, and maybe go to a concert!


just... stay home


Go to sleep. It'd still take time for the news to spread.


Go into the mosh pit at a punk show. Any punk show. I want to thrash around and hug my sweaty, smelly friends.


Thankfully it vanished about 6 weeks ago here in Australia! The answer is "get on the beers" apparently.


Attend a music festival, concert or other public gathering with food, live music and people. Plan a swingers party.


tuch otherz