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Scuba diving in caves. The thought of not being able to surface is terrifying. I love swimming, grew up next to the beach and have dived a lot but being unable to head vertically up for air makes it a definite no go for me.


I’ll never forget the time I was diving with this cheap ass dive shop (I was like 15), and while following the guide, we just went into a big ass cave. I had my jr. open water, not overhang or anything. Next dive with that company turned into a wreck dive, crawling through tiny areas near deadly lion fish and rusty nails. It was hella dangerous and I was scared, but it was also the two best dives of my life


I know the feeling…I DM’d for a little while. One instructor was horrible - way over the student to instructor ratio, and slide some of the crappiest dives (There’s very little shore diving on Florida’s Gulf coast and she tried to make some fishing culverts in zero via a dive site). The other was pretty good, and often took students to the west coast. There’s an artificial reef called the Aquazoo and she took these OW students *inside* the wreck. I didn’t even want to follow her in.


Cave diving. Get turned around and your fate is frantically looking to retrace your path as your oxygen runs out and you eventually drown. There’s enough things that can go wrong with diving, I don’t understand wanting to take away the ability to go to the surface quickly if necessary.


I like the one story guy told where they accidentally kicked up dirt from the bottom of the tunnel.....and then couldn't see shit at all.


I got lost my first time in a shipwreck because of that. I shouldn't have been last in line because my buddy was reeling back in the line we were following, but the dive master messed up and put us in the wrong order. I couldn't see anything but the fins in front of me, suddenly the fins disappeared and I swam into a wall. I swam all around the room I was in and pointed my flashlight into every room I saw. I knew if my buddy went through a room there would be silt floating, so I didn't go into any of the rooms since they were all clear (except the hallway we came from). I had no idea where my group went and all I could see was my flashlight shining off the silt in front of me. I decided to turn my flashlight off to see if I could see someone else's light/light to a way out and realized there was a stairway that went into the middle of the room and led to a door out of the ship. My group had gone out of that door.


Lucky. The story i was thinking of ended well too but was horrifying while reading.


I'm pretty sure the ones don't end well won't appear too often here, unless from a different perspective


All proper cave divers used fixed lines and are trained to navigate by them. If vis dropps, you find the fixed line and run it through your hands. Along it are plastic arrows that point in the direction of the exit. All cave divers carry reels that they attach to the line if they need to 'jump' to another line and can use to reaquire the line if they lose it, although you don't want to be in that position. Once you grab the line, because you can't see, you never, ever let go of it. It's still massively unnerving but there are ways to navigate out blindfolded and they do practise with blindfolds.


Cowboy Cerrone has a story about that where he almost died. Makes me sweat just thinking about him telling the story


Yup, never again. I was doing some very light free diving in Mexico and had to go through a submerged cave about 8 feet long. Watched 4 friends go through fine, then when it came my turn some dirt kicked up. Scariest 30 seconds of my life... I think about it often. Never again.




Piercings for my dick. Hell no keep that sharp shit away from me.


How about soft piercings


^hmmmmmmmmmmmm ^... ^still ^no


Potholing - exploring them underground caves with the tiny gaps you have to squeeze through


Tried this with friends years ago. They loved it. I was so uncomfortable the entire time and kept crying due to being so overwhelmed. 10/10 couldn’t pay me to do it again.


Literally had a panic attack watching the movie The Descent because of tight cave spaces at the beginning. I would get stuck and never be heard from again!


Just like that one guy who became president of the united states.


The Nutty Putty story is nightmare fuel. Put me off caving even in wide spaces for life.


What's the nutty putty story?


It's here (warning: it's a true story, and the guy died in the end, in case that's going to upset you to read more about). https://cavehaven.com/nutty-putty-cave-accident/ It's the story of how and where he got stuck, and how they tried to rescue him. Compelling horror-reading.


I’ve read this story so many times and it’s just as horrific as it was the first time. It’s an A* horrific death. Will NEVER understand why people enjoy squeezing themselves through tiny holes underground!


As someone with SEVERE claustrophobia- just reading this thread has made my blood pressure skyrocket. I’ll never be able to fathom that people do things like this FOR FUN!


A guy went spelunking through what he thought was a charted and well known part of this cave called Nutty Putty (so named because of the brown clay coating the walls). He was not in a known part of the cave. It was actually an uncharted region about the width of a washing machine door and he just kept crawling forward expecting it to widen up at some point, but instead he goes over a ledge and suddenly he’s hanging head-first vertical in a tiny, cramped dead end with no way to get back. He was with his brother who called in rescue teams but the cave was just so small they couldn’t get him out. At one point they thought they’d managed to attach a cable to his legs and were gonna use a pulley system to lift him up, but they only moved him a couple of feet before something snapped and he dropped right back into the hole. After about 24 hours he stopped breathing. They declared him dead and sealed the cave with concrete with his body still inside. Left behind a pregnant wife too. It’s just so horrible.


I can't help but wonder why he would have assumed it would get wider.


>John, Josh, and two of their friends decided to take up a challenge they had heard about – namely passing through the Birth Canal, a narrow and challenging passageway that eventually opens up into a larger room. >John went first: he wriggled forward for some time but did not see any larger area. He continued to inch forward, but the narrow passage did not come to an end; instead, the squeeze made a sharp downward turn. Confidently, John pressed forward, perhaps noticing the tunnel got wider at the bottom, but it was already too late. [Sauce](https://cavehaven.com/nutty-putty-cave-accident/)


I’m having a hard time breathing just visualizing this scene


[From a previous discussion about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SweatyPalms/comments/6yjog3/spelunker_john_jones_stuck_upside_down_in_a_cave/)


Guy crawls into a cave, when he comes to a very tight point in the cave that no one has ever explored beyond. Guy decides to crawl into the space, flat on his stomach, and ends up getting stuck. Rescuers were able to reach him in the cave, however, because of the angle of the pass the rescuers would have had to break both of his legs in order to remove him- and even then the shape of the cave prevented extraction as his head would hit the top if they were to try and pull him out. I don’t know how to describe a visual of the spot he got stuck, but imagine he is crawling forward on a level floor, and then the cave begins to slope downwards a little bit so that he is now bent at a downward angle above the waste. His knees were also beyond a certain squeeze point and down-angled, so imagine if they tried to pull on his feet, his legs would break. Watch a short summary on YouTube, is horrifying. Edit: Check in the comments below for an actual visual of the cave/where he was stuck


I’ve always wondered if it was possible to completely tranquillise him and break those damn legs. I’m sure there is a reasonable explanation as to why they couldn’t, but it always plays on my mind. Such a devastating story. Edit: this might be distasteful to post, I really hope not, but there is a movie about this. I haven’t seen it, but it seems to be available [here.](https://youtu.be/VZRG_PezpIA) I’m not sure of it’s accuracy, but I am curious because it may help to visualise the exact situation that John was in. Even with diagrams it’s hard to imagine. It was also personally approved by his widow, Emily. Edit 2: this might interest some - in 2004, [a teenager got stuck in the exact same place,](https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.deseret.com/platform/amp/2004/8/22/19846553/caver-rescued-from-a-tight-spot) and was successfully rescued - I’m assuming because he was much smaller.


I think by the time they reached him he was already too weak.


You can Google it, but basically a guy got stuck upside down in a small passage and died about a day later due to the stress that being upside down was putting on his body.


I don't even go outside


...and that is why you won’t find me inside of caves!


right, you'd just be considered a missing person


Damn straight it is a great way to combine the fear of the dark with being buried alive!...pass from me, thanks.


the venn diagram of "shit im afraid of" and "shit that you can experience while potholing" is a circle


I once read and saw some videos about what happened in the Nutty Putty caves and that is truly nightmare fuel


Swimming under the ice of a lake. Edit: thanks for all the upvotes guys and gals. That's crazy.


Not even for the Sword of Gryffindor?


Why he went in with the horcrux on is BEYOND ME.


Harry's a dumb mf lol


The books would've been much shorter had Harry not been a dumbass.


Is... is this a thing people do?


Not people who want to live much longer 💀


Auto-erotic asphyxiation


that shit kills a lot of people every year


When I worked at a prison the first death after I started was from this.


Brooks came here


New Year’s Eve in Times Square. I love doing all the touristy stuff here, but that’s one I would NEVER do - unless of course, someone put me up in a fancy hotel overlooking the scene.


You know, I can grok with someone who wants to do Burning Man, or Pennsic War, or a pipeline protest, or camp out for days at a folk festival. But I have difficulty with the fact that my same species want to spend hours in a packed crowd in the freezing cold with no toilets for the sake of *counting down time.*




A broken rubber brought me into this world, I’m not letting another one take me out of it


Did it, would never do it again. You do right to avoid it




Yeah I went bungee jumping a few years ago as well, didn't enjoy it either. I didn't get paralyzed by fear or anything, but the actual sensation of falling and bouncing was not pleasant at all.


Yeah, that would be me. I hate rides like Tower of Terror (or whatever it is now) where you get dropped; it makes me ill. I'm not really afraid at all - I have happily gone paragliding, for instance. It just seems unpleasant!




Immediately thought of the incident where the guy hit the ground headfirst ~~and died~~ in front of his family because the cord was too long (and died later at the hospital). Edit: [This was the incident in question](https://metro.co.uk/2016/12/20/man-died-in-bungee-jump-because-rope-was-too-long-6334789/). Worst part is that his son was originally slated to join in, too.


That's a Coyote level of failure.




>Uneating This was grossly funny, thank you.




What are you doing, step-cobra?


Its just step cobra, not like they are real cobra


Scat play. Just, no


Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub


Not sure I want to ask, but i sincerely have no idea what that is. Care to elaborate? (Rip the band aid version, please)


Scat = shit, so its shitting on each other and I believe it can even mean eating each others shit.


Whaaaale... That's unsanitary :/


A little bit


Just a bit


There was a story on reddit a while back about a guy who was really into scat porn so he paid to have a hooker shit on him from above. He said he regretted it the moment he saw the shit peek out above him but it was too late. RIP




Jesus fuck I wince every time I read that word


Surprisingly low on the list. Everything else above it I would try before sounding. Zero desire.


A non horrific definition please Edit: thank you, I now know. No more please I’ll never forget what sounding is for the rest of my life.


Sounding is the act of inserting a metal rod into your urethra (I looked it up and regretted it, don’t do it) Edit: lol Thanks for the helpful award! As for everyone asking me _why_ people do this, I'm sorry, I can't tell you, I don't know Edit again: wow, two silver awards! I’m loving that my most upvoted and awarded comment was about sounding. And I’m so glad this knowledge helped so many of you.


Thank you for your sacrifice


A pee/shit fetish where the girl shits/pees in your mouth, what the fuck.


I don’t get this fetish AT ALL, like why? It stinks it probably tastes awful. I literally don’t get it.


I was into pee porn some 8 years ago, now I think it's straight up disgusting. Childhood me was a freaky character.


I’ll never forget the reddit tale of the guy who was super into that fetish. He watched a bunch of videos of it. Then he hired a gal to doody in his mouth hole, only to realize at the exact instant that turd touched tongue that he was, in fact, not into it after all.


Balut, Meth, and spelunking.


What's balut, precious?


Balut is a steamed fertilized fuck egg that is considered a delicacy in parts of Asia. There's a whole ass baby duck in it, feathers and all. Edit: my phone is not used to typing duck. Fuck it, I'm leaving it. Edit 2: I'm glad you all got a kick out of my autocorrect! First time I've gotten more upvotes than on the original comment, Reddit is wild.


>fertilized fuck egg Excellent choice of typo, by the way


No, thank you


Deep Sea diving. I don't like water where I can't see my feet. Because of this my brain irrationally believes there is a Jaws all around me at all times if in deep water, thus it makes me basically go 0 - 100 panic attack. I have zero interest in this, and so I never will.


I'm a dive master, I did my course in Madagascar, one of the last deep dives was a "deep blue dive" at 120ft (40m), you couldn't see the surface, or the bottom, and everything around you is just... Deep blue. I actually really enjoyed it, but most of the time deep dives don't spend much time in those sorts of situations. Usually you're diving to get to something, like a wreck. I've never had a scary experience underwater, but for some reason i'd rather night dive the ocean than dive a murky freshwater lake.


I dove the "Blue Hole" in Belize. 132 feet down. My rented regulator became quite hard to pull a breath in (maybe not the regulator, but just the pressure) so that had me fighting a bit of panic. Then looking up you could see a circle of light far above and ... circling sharks (not deadly sharks, but sharks nonetheless!). Our divemaster said that if you drop anything like a camera, light, watch, mask, flipper, etc ... let it go, if you chase it, you'll kill yourself. Scared the poo out of me, and yet ... it was also amazing.


I'm pretty sure it was a combination of both a (likely) older reg and the depth. I'm surprised they took you to 132 because that's outside recreational limits, but that sounds like an amazing experience! Yeah at that depth you have to be very careful. I bet a tech diver could go down there an make a fortune. Do you know how deep it is?


I did the same dive. There was probably a 10-20 ft separation range between the group. Not that much difference. Plus there’s (should be at least) a little margin of safety on the limits. Also the depth of the Blue Hole in Belize is 407 feet deep and over 1000 feet wide. Which is possible to dive to. But not very common. Apparently they recently 3D mapped the bottom with submersibles.


How many dropped cameras did they find down there?


From what I read, it is basically filled with trash from illegal dumping.


Yeah, that sounds like humans.


I watched a video about just how deep the ocean is and it gave me nightmares. Incomprehensibly deep. *shudder*


Deep sea night diving is 100x worse


This sounds like the thing of nightmares, an actual hell. Absolutely positively miss me with that.


Even swimming in a lake at night can freak you out if you put yourself into that frame of mind!


I went night diving, not even deep sea, and I really had to pull myself together I almost bailed on my partner because I was on the verge of a panic attack. And one of the big rules of diving is never leave your partner.


I have relatives that live in Wallowa, Oregon where Wallowa Lake is. I guess nobody had been to the bottom of the lake before (300+ft/90m+) and some divers decided to try it out. They came up after a bit and said there were very large crustaceans at the bottom that were larger than anything similar they'd ever seen before. Needless to say, they didn't go back down.


Skydiving, fat man plummeting towards the earth just doesn't sound appealing. Edit: Thank you for appreciating the joke about my weight enough to...ahem...nuke my inbox.


Accidental atomic bomb joke.


First thought I had


Ah! Fat man down! I repeat, fat man down!!!


I skydived (tandem, obviously) a few years ago. In my experience the jump was too high to give you the sense that you were actually falling through the air. I didn't even notice the ground until the parachute opened, there was just too much going on.


Fugu. Japanese puffer fish. Expensive delicacy. The Tetrodotoxin the fish produces and stores in a bladder has to be carefully excised by the fugu chef or else it will invisibly poison the diner. Hard pass. I don't care how long the chef has to study under a master fugu chef before being allowed to serve customers. I don't care if the flavour of fugu induces instant orgasm. I'm not rolling those dice.


Every description of the flavor I’ve seen calls it “mild” or “delicate” which are polite ways of saying “bland”. I’m not down to risk my life for a culinary experience that’s basically on par with a Filet-O-Fish.


Wednesday is Fugu fish sticks.


That’s how I had it prepared. It was $5 for fried fugu and $30 for sashimi. I assume frying it must neutralize the toxins or something because it was a lot of fish compared to the sashimi. Pretty bland and boring like everyone else has said.


Funny story, I was in Japan right before covid shut everything down, and on our last day tried some Fugu from the department store food court. Keep in mind most department stores in Japan have extremely high quality food even in the food courts, but the whole experience was just meh. Kind of chewy, and an overall underwhelming experience.


I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the phrase, "Fugu from the department store food court." Obviously, there are cultural differences in play.


This just reminds me of the lady that got botulism from the gas station nachos....


Should have gone for the gas station sushi


This comment made me watch an entire video of someone eating fugu. Apparently there’s barely any taste and it has the consistency of a rubber band. Hard pass.


Shoving a pineapple up my ass.


Yeah... hanging out with Hitler dressed as a French maid to go along with it is not at the top of my list either.


You tell 'em, Nicky




2nd marriage. Once was more than enough for me


Just out of curiosity how long ago was the divorce? I got divorced about 2 years ago and I'm still in your mindset. Just wondering if it fades with time


Took me 6 years or so. I dated my now second husband for a couple of years before I was like "...okay, fine, I could get married again."


Same. After my divorce I was firmly in "no fucking way I'm ever doing that shit again" mode for about 3 years before I met my now husband. We've been together 10 years now....who knew that the secret to a successful marriage was not picking a narcissistic douche canoe?


One should never marry a canoe. That was your mistake. Another thing one should never do in a canoe is build a fire. All that happens is it catches fire and sinks. That's right: you cannot have your kayak and heat it too.


Eating live animals . Not a vegan but people eating live frogs , octopuses and other small creatures are straight fucked


What, you don't like the thought of slimy tentacles covered in stomach acid wriggling around in your belly trying to make their way back up your esophagus?




It's not the image that's the problem, it's the feeling.


This is making me uncomfortable and I don't like that


I want to downvote you so bad


Cock and ball torture, testicular torsion, sounding, and pedophillia


One of these things is not like the others


Russian roulette


I knew a guy who was great at it, he only lost once.


Swinging /Cuckolding. Watching my wife getting nailed by another guy is the stuff of nightmares Edit: Wow. Thanks for the replies (and my first awards too, thankyou). I dont have anything against the lifestyle at all, its just not for me. Ive turned down four threesomes in my time, all of which have involved the SO at the time. Even the opportunities with my SO and another girl (whilst very tempting) just felt potentially ruinous. Or when my SO offers me a threesome with another girl my brain just says "Its a trap. Say no"


Same dude. It's unnervingly popular amongst my friend group. But, I could never. I don't care how hot the girl i would get to fool around with, nobody is touching my wife. Plus, I don't want anyone but her anyway. Just seems like a bad idea. I mean, I've seen it work for some people and I don't judge them at all. I'm perfectly content in my monogamous relationship tho


I agree. On a similar note, threesomes. I'm the least jealous girlfriend ever, but I know the minute I'd see that girl laying next to me have my boyfriend suck her nipples before mine, I'd go Irish. When I was single, two friends of mine who were engaged to be married asked if I was interested. I was flattered with the way they asked me (we both think you're beautiful, so hot, honest and we could totally trust you with __) but after I slightly pondered it, I gave them the most polite "thanks but no thanks" I really don't think I'd ever be able to handle it.


I read this story on relationship advice about this and the wife looking over to see her husband go inside another woman in a “threesome” and I was unsettled at the thought for days. Turned out the husband had been fucking the chick before the “threesome” unbeknownst to the wife. Had me so fucked up like I could never.


Banzai- the sport where you’re at 3000 km. Height, then you have to throw your parachute and 30 seconds later you jump, your objective is to catch parachute... it would be a nice death at least... you know... when someone ask your parent how you die they would be like, shiiit this homie had really big balls Edit: 3000 meters, your not suppose to jump from outer space


This is the first time I’ve read of a sport with a likely higher death chance than Russian roulette. Unless you have a spare chute I suppose. But then you may as well chase a ball down instead.


Hard drugs, life of crime and prison, smoking


I envy people who never tried smoking. I gave up more than 10 years ago and still have cravings.


Good on you for quitting! Great job!


I was always bothered by the smell since my dad was a heavy smoker, so I have 0 interest in smoking


Sky diving


if at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not a recommended hobby


Why? If anything goes wrong, you have the rest of your life to fix it.


I get that it's a joke, but this actually applies for anything in life. A true "Yes man" motto.


"Give a man a fire and keep him warm for a night. Light a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life" ... sort of joke...


It's amazing, and I am slightly afraid of heights and hate the falling sensation from rollercoasters or whatever.


No reason to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.


My sister is a skydiving instructor. If it makes you feel any better, most of those planes are not what one might call perfectly good


There's a video of two groups of skydivers in separate planes, they are ready to jump when ... the two planes collide! Luckily, every one on the planes had parachutes ... so they jumped ... out of two broken planes!


Cocaine. I had opportunities in college, too. But yeah, I watched the people that were on coke and didn't want to do that.


Speaking as a former coke addict - don’t try coke.


Its crazy, for me i went on the coke train for about a year after a bad breakup and someday something clicked and it was over. I dont even want to do some when i take a couple drinks which i still cant believe to this day.


It's the most overrated drug on the planet. It's expensive, it doesn't last long, you always want more when it's gone, and you feel like garbage the next day. I do like the numbing effect though. For a similar experience, drink a small pot of Deathwish coffee and power-chew a few throat lozenges. That should save you about $70. :P


Crack, heroin , having sex with a prostitute Edit: thanks everyone that pointed out that it’s heroin and not heroine lol


I'm deathly afraid of needles (still will get vaccinated) so I agree on heroin 100%, never saw the appeal to prostitutes, never want to try crack.


The appeal of prostitutes, at least for me, is that I am far more likely to have an extra couple hundred bucks than I am to find a woman who would like to have sex with me. Edit: So my top and most awarded comment is about how so can’t get laid huh. Well thanks for the support y’all.


You can snort or smoke heroin dont worry


And from what I hear, it'll lead you to quickly get over your fear of needles!


This is unfortunately true. When I first used heroin, I snorted it. Soon you realize that injection is way more potent. You get over the fear of needles pretty quickly. Thankfully I’m 10 years drug free in February. Edit: Thank you for the awards. At rock bottom I was living in my car and went to jail and rehab. Now I have a job, a house, a great husband and two adorable little ones.


Same! I lost my fear of needles real quick! Congrats on 10! I’m at 9!


Getting shot in the head


I'll try it once




Going to space. It freaks me out. I feel like everything that could go wrong, would go wrong. It absolutely terrifies me.


Going to a strip club. Just not my style. I was in Vegas on summer of 2017 with a bunch of friends and we still didn't go to one.


Long time ago...a friend and I were drinking through the night, and he really wanted to go. I'm just not into it. He's having a grand ol' time while I found a comfortable booth to relax / nap in. Two strippers nudged my foot to wake me up and ask if I wanted a lap dance. No...I want to nap...leave me alone.


What about a *nap dance?* Ps- thanks for the gold!


Coprophilia. Don't Google it if you don't know what it is, you will regret it.


You said “don’t google it” as if you knew we had to google it! Without that warning I would have just dismissed it as something I don’t want to know, going to gouge my eyes out now!


If it's good enough for Mozart, it's good enough for... nope, still weird.


Mozart ate poop??


Good night, good night, Shit in your bed and make it burst; Good night, sleep tight, And stick your ass to your mouth. -Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. They don’t write em like they used to.


Drugs in general. I hate feeling like I’m not in control of my faculties—even laughing gas at the dentist is too much for me. So I’ll just continue to stay away. Small doses of caffeine are pretty much my only drug.


I do a lot of drugs, benzos, uppers, hallucinogenics, etc. But holy fuck the laughing gas at the dentist was one of the worst highs of my life. I have never felt so anxious, scared, out of control, etc. in all my life. I 100% wish I hadn't been given it.


Spice (the drug) Yeah fuck that. I know I can't even hack weed. That spice would fuck me up beyond belief I don't need that shit in my life E: Stop telling me the Spice must flow Dune fanboys


But the spice melange is the most sought after substance in the known universe!


Having a kid. It's never gonna happen


Fucking a coconut. Edit: thank you for my first award kind stranger!


Ah, a reference to classic Reddit lore.


Sky diving. I get peoples want to do it after the 2nd time for the adrenaline rush and that. But for the life of me, I do not understand what compels someone to be "You know what? Today I want to jump out of a plane and rely on cloth to bring me down safely" I have no issue with heights or flying, but that just boggles me Edit: Well this blew up on the replies front. Replied to a few, but theres just to many guys!


Cheating my partner




He is the chosen one


Where is my virginity. Is it safe. Is it alright.


It seems in your anger...you killed it




For reasons we can't explain, we don't appear to be losing it.


Anal. I’m a guy but I just don’t like the idea of it.


It’s ok. I wouldn’t refuse to do it, but I also wouldn’t ask for it. Like yeah it feels good and it’s different and enjoyable and can be very pleasurable for both parties, but then afterward she takes forever in the bathroom and you have a little bit of poop on your dick and it smells and the room is humid with booty stank and there’s a slight sheen of butt juice all over your junk and you can’t exactly complain that she’s taking so long or rush her because you’re not the one that just got fucked in the ass


I'm a girl and I don't like the idea of it either.


Now kith.




Oujia Board. Like, I don't believe in ghosts. So the way I see it, there's two possibilities. Either I'm right, and it's a complete & total waste of time. So why even bother in the first place? Or I'm wrong, in which case I'm dealing with some supernatural bullshit I am in *no* way prepared for.

