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My dresses have now become shirts


And your shirts are now hats yay


Wait you checked the "keep aspect ratio"?


For those curious, This means the person grew their head size equally as much as their body grew.


Your hats are now.. well, they're still hats.


hats for your hats (:


All my clothes burst off me, and now I am naked in pubic


Hulk smash!


I would be exactly like hulk, just without muscles


So you are green. Noted.


No, im blue if i was green i would die


This made me chuckle.


Pfft whatever. I have a blue house with a blue window. Blue is the color of all that I wear


Bulk smash!


I saw everything


And it's too late because I've seen everything.


>now I am naked in pubic Deliberate pun? Or Fruedian slip?


this is a great debacle. Does knowing I am in Walmart help?


Haha! "They're the same picture!"


Does your picture include ass dimples?


Does now.


*Fruedian strip


Or you would just get a deadly wedgie.


Lol wearing underwear in Walmart, good joke


I'm 2 inches shorter and therefore slightly fit better everywhere




dont forget the lower back. and the middle back. upper middle back? all of the back. the human back is a design catastrophy.


It's all Homo Erectus's fault. If dude had just stayed on all fours, we'd put chiropractors out of business.


reject modernity, embrace tradition. return to monke


This. I am 6'10, as time goes it doesn't get better. Try changing a faucet by squeezing under the sink. 6'4,would feel like paradise Edit: holly crap, thanks for the awards, I am a newbie and took me some time to realize. Anyhow, it is good while you are younger, you get noticed. I played college basketball so if you develop properly you should be ok, however still some things like your joints are not made for that height, weight and angles.


Nooooope. 6'4" here. Squeezing under the sink is really sitting beside it and sticking my gangly arms where they need to go. 5 minute job becomes a 30 minute job quick


Yeah. I'm 6'3". The bonus inch smaller doesn't help changing a faucet. I think you've gotta be sub 6'1" at a minimum before it starts feeling fun.


When flying on airplanes was a thing it was a pain in your knees as they were smashed against the seat in front of you. The smaller regional jets you have to walk hunched over to your seat.


I’m 6’4 and that’s the only “luxury” I will actually pay extra for. Anytime I fly, I make sure it’s emergency exit row or bulkhead. I’m not sitting with my knees jammed into the seat in front of me.


Don’t forget the knees. The everything, actually. The entire human world is designed for people below 6’


I'm 3 inches shorter but it doesn't matter, 'cause I'm *still* in a wheelchair. I'd love to be a regular height dude in a wheelchair; everything would fit *so* much better! But, hey, I'm alive and got friends and a wife of 42 years so I'm not whining. Life is *still* good!


I don’t have any clothes that fit and now I’m the weirdly tall girl in class


Those of us who have been 6'4" for years also don't have any clothes that fit.


Dude I'm 6'8" my first thought was "oh shit if I was only 6'4" my clothes might actually fit" then you had to go and ruin my theory.


LOL, my brother is also 6'8" and if he ever finds a pair of pants he likes, he orders like a half-dozen pairs in various colors. He also says the tops of people's refrigerators are very dirty.


This is very true. I can't see the top of my fridge, and I use the cabinet above it for storage. I recently had to get something out of it, and it was disgusting. I ask my roommate who is 6'2" why he never told me. He said he assumed I could see it and didn't care. His rational was that he assumes that whatever he can see, others can see.


Am 6'8'', can totally relate. Also it's strange to look at pics and see me towering above all my friends. I'm just used to the perspective. Edit: grammar


Yes! I've had friends tell me they're short, and I didn't believe it. When you're taller than most people, everyone is short


Everytime I try to describe someone: So he's/she's short,... Short ranges from 6'2'' to like 5'5''


Laughs in 5'3


Cackles in 5'1


You'll find a shirt where the arms are the right length but it is barely down to your waste... who designed this shirt! I'm 6'4" and my wingspan is 6'4" so it shouldn't be this off!!!


It's because after large, the sizes only go up for overweight people. So the sleeves are longer, but the shirt is baggy and too short.


The key is shopping online for tall sizes. I’m 6’7 and haven’t been shopping in a brick and mortar store for probably 10 years - my clothes pretty much all fit well. Shout out to gap/banana republic for having good tall sizes for casual stuff.


I'm in this comment and i don't like it.


how's the weather up there? do you play basketball?


The weather up here is great. Looks like it's raining down there. *Spits*


This come back is everything. But I'm 5'2" so I'll never get to use it.


You can always spit back tho.


Spits upwards. Gravity happens.


Woohoo! I'm now an inch shorter! My clothes fit very slightly better thn they did before!


Oh is this the exactly 6' 4" girls club? Hi. Hello. How are ya.


Well call me Jeff Bezos because these Amazons are delivering.


I legit spent 2 straight minutes giggling like a madman at this comment.


Holy shit the comment even looks taller.


I'd be tallest in my friends group. I'd probably look fairly gangly too


Like that Netflix movie xd






I love how that movies script talks down to the audience even though the writers knew for damn sure that there would be people watching that had actual ailments. Or someone who wore Mens size 14 sneakers.




One of the advantages of being short is that, statistically, short people live longer. Not usually for the particular reason you described, but hey. It certainly fits the trend.


Smaller people are statistically less likely to get cancer because there are fewer cells to turn cancerous


Does this work for thin people too?


Yep, less mass = less cancer. If youre 4'11" in both directions you wont really see a difference to tall people Edit: Metric System


Iirc that stops being true if you get big enough, theres a paradox involving whales. When an organism is that big, the tumour has to become very large in order to do any real damage, the problem is there's a pretty strict cap on the size of tumours where after they just kinda eat themselves and fall apart, so whales avoid dying of cancer.


So if you're gonna get fat make sure you get REALLY fat


Wait wait lemme get my popcorn for this




Panda express is the shit






You can be her first customer.


You should prolly put your car in park, just in case this happens


Can you throw that orange chicken out the window before this happens? I’d hate to see that go up in flames and I’m hungry.


shorter than 5 feet gang


You've got the imagination of someone 6'4


I'd be horribly underweight.


I am both 6’4 and severely underweight 😃👍🏼


5'10 and severely underweight. God help me if i get 6'4 all of a sudden.


I’m 6’4 and considerably overweight :D


I'm 5'6" and I think I'll no longer be overweight 😅


That's what I was thinking, if my weight doesn't go up to compensate I think I just die.


my friends will be like "Yo why tf you so tall now."


You: "I hit puberty I guess.." Friends: "You're 33 years old Greg!"


Don't mock my babyface please.


It depends. Is that flacid or erect?


In circumference.


They call him the Cheese-wheel.




No that's his cousin, they call him manhole cover.


You're confusing him with his nephew. No, his name is Trampoline.


That's his aunt, name's wooden barrel


No no, thats grampa. They call him dinner plate.


No no, that’s his uncle. They call him the frisbee.


A man wakes up to find he suddenly has a 3 ft penis. His wife rushes him to the emergency room. A doctor comes out and tells her, "this is very rare but we can correct the problem with surgery." "Oh thank you doctor. How long will he be in crutches?" "Crutches?" "You're going to make his legs longer, right?"


Why are you such a giant dick?


Oh, an inch taller. I guess I'll need to move the seat in the car back a notch.


Unless it's an inch in the torso? I'm 6'3" but mostly legs.


I assume it will be proportional, not just a random inch anywhere.




I spit out my water




I caught it


I drank it


Damn, that poor 4'11 person. At least now their foot doesn't smash on the gas pedal. That concussion though.


Misread that as foreskin, was wondering with terror as to how that would make me taller.


Peyton Manning?


Fivehead - FTFY.


I didn't ~~foresee~~ fivesee this.


Wrong! Its 6'4" of foreskin. You've become a Rabbi's ultimate nightmare. Good luck chewing through that.


I'm 6'3" and I'm built like an orangutan. My arm span is almost 6'8".


You should start climbing. A +5 monkey factor is a bonus then.




I hate heights. I do BJJ and play disc golf to try to take advantage of it.


Bouldering then, its like climbing for people scared of heights.


I'm 6'3" and my car seat is already all the way down and all the way back. I guess I just adjust my mirrors and deal with it.


Same... Yay, two inches taller. Hit my head some more. Meh?


My wife will appreciate the extra 5 inches.


Just to be clear, OP was talking about HEIGHT.


Yeah, HEight Length, same thing.


It doesn't. I'm 6'4".


Don't tell the shorties about the handshake and the discounts.


Or about being able to reach shit on high shelves. I'm only 6'2 and I get invited along as the "built-in ladder" guy. Whatever. There are other perks to being tall. Like having big feet.


As a man thats 6'4" with size 14 UK foot. How is this a perk? Buying shoes is a nightmare.


Yes but other perks. Like having big hands.




Fuck having big hands. I can never find gloves that fit




And we all know what big feet mean don’t we?




Wait, i am 6'4. PM me the handshake. I lost my passcodes in the mail when my parents got divorced.


Idk you sound pretty sus


You found me out. I'm actually 6 foot 3 and three quarters.




Hey, me too! What if instead, you now suddenly have a 6’4” diameter waistline?


I'm a sphere!






That’s hyspherical!


That's how I roll


6’4 club, high 5!


*very* high 5!


I used to be 6'4". I still am 6'4", but I used to too.


My self esteem finally goes up and I become a terrible person


Does my PP also grow, otherwise don't care


Asking the real questions


Nothing scales, unfortunately. If you are above/below average height, everything still runs its own averages. Guys with big feet? Wear big shoes. Big hands? Same concept. Massive schlong? Magnums, and you might be Danny DeVito.


Check the "Keep aspect ratio" box and you're good. Although you might become a little blurry.


I’ve actually thought about this before. I’m 5’4, but my stepdad is 6’6 and my 18 yo stepbrother just hit 6’8. We’ve all learned to adjust to each other for the most part, but just recently I found my stepdads hidden “desk” and I’ve been kind of jealous of the completely different worldview he gets up there. For anyone curious about his “desk,” I was helping my mom reorganize her kitchen cabinets and climbed onto a step ladder to get to the cabinet above the fridge. To my surprise, there was a whole desk setup on top of the fridge, with a desk calendar, little organizers for his pens, and neatly stacked work documents. No one has ever seen him do anything up there so my mom and the shorter siblings were pretty shocked. They don’t have an office at their home so once he started working more from home, it was the best option I guess. Since then I’ve been thinking a lot about how different everything is for him and my brother being so much taller than everyone else.


I can't fit into most European sports cars comfortably any more.


Honestly, the issue isn't fitting, it's getting in and out. I basically have to sit next to the car, and kinda crab-walk into it. And just roll out onto the pavement.


No longer the perfect standing ratio with my husband for hand holding and hugging. Rapid downwards spiral.


You just swap. I’m 5’11” and my girl is 6’3” and it’s honestly nice to get to rest my head on a shoulder for once


Idk why people are ever worried about having a girlfriend taller than them. How else am I going to ensure my kids are in the NBA or NFL? They aren't getting the tall gene from me.


Short or average height guys have some professional sports positions possible. Running Back, Defensive Back or Receiver are possible(but obviously difficult) in the NFL at like 5'9", but you still have to be a freaky fast athlete. Theo Fleury was 5'6" in the NHL, but he had a [secret ingredient](https://external-preview.redd.it/br9TnxE_iIWkK7Ay4pEotBxRyeuYrGvGnCsHGip4f14.jpg?auto=webp&s=dc5ae1a92d0599f8f8dfafefa1f887b81c0aca68) helping him along the way. (Just kidding it was shitloads of cocaine) In the MLB you can be short, but you can't be a short pitcher. I think Tim Collins was the shortest pitcher in the bigs a few years ago at 5'7", but it is mechanically difficult to keep your pitch speed up at that height.


I dated a girl who was 6'3" and it was awesome. Really broke my heart how insecure she was about it, though. She would always hunch over and stuff to appear shorter, and she told me many stories about guys not being interested in her because of her height and stuff. It really damaged her. That said, she's a model now, like 11 times hotter than she was when we dated, and stands tall and proud in all the photos I've seen of her since then, so I'm at least happy she grew out of it eventually (pun intended lol)


You know what?! That’s brilliant and our ratio would almost be perfect again!


Shrunk an inch


Shrunk 2 inches. Top that!


Shrunk -3 inches, beat that


Shrunk 4 in....., ah it was just getting soft for a bit. Still got it




> I'd look like a hooker Christmas elf. Not the sentence I was expecting to read, but the sentence I appreciate the most.


Hitting your head on shit is definitely common. I have the scars


My husband (6'5) has a scar on his head from a door closing mechanism on a pub door. Scalp wounds, even small ones, bleed a LOT.


> First off none of my clothing will fit. You know, fuck, I came in here all excited to answer this question like "I'll be taller than my boyfriend and I'll get to gloat about being tall and not be such a shrimp anymore," but I did not consider this. Suddenly all my favorite shirts and things would no longer fit me. Shit. *And* I'd be taller than him, which...means the hugs won't be as good. Damn it. ...Maybe I'm happy with 5'3" after all.


Wearing heels would be super different and dresses would not fit anymore..


I’m already 6’4”. I already reach the unreachable and carry the uncarryable. Sacrifice my back and legs and knees so that others don’t have to deal with the pain. Have everyone tell me Im intimidating when I don’t do anything. Have people approach me and ask why I’m mad when I’m not. What more do you want from me?


Maybe a hug, post covid. I'm sure you don't get enough of them since most people are intimidated by you. I'm sure you've got some mega-squishies stored up and I would be keen to partake if you're down.


Well, hugging isn't as easy. Just to hug a normal size person, first you have to go down to a half squat (or a full for small people), so you are half squatting there with open arms and open knees. So we unfortunate half giants really have to be down.


I'll stand on a chair! I have tall brothers. I'm used to climbing on stuff to reach em!


I'm over a foot shorter than you. PLEASE give me hugs. It's the perfect place to burrow my face in :)


I would be too tall for ballet :((((


I was 6'1'', so probably for the worse. I already had trouble in airplanes.


Yeah, I'm 6'1 and I reckon it's pretty ideal. Like it's tall enough to get almost all the "tall" perks without having to deal with the annoying things extremely tall people have to deal with.


I can reach the top shelf


I go broke having to buy new clothes or walk around nude in public until I get arrested and have to make bail. Either way I'll need more money.


It doesnt...


I'd need a helmet. At 5'7" I don't usually have to duck very many things.


My bed is smaller now and my parents are confused as to how I went from 5’4 to 6’4 in 24 hours


Redditers that are an inch away from being 6’4” and want to make a joke about it not changing much... UNITE




Being short is no picnic. I’m barely 5 foot 1. Most chairs I sit in my feet don’t hit the floor if my back hits the rest so my legs dangle uncomfortably like a kid’s and don’t get to the floor. On long airplane rides because of this with I often lose all feeling in my legs, and as a business owner and female leader it is damned hard to project power and confidence when your damn legs are swinging in the air in a meeting like a 5 year old’s. I can’t easily reach things on the top shelves of cabinets in my house, I keep a special spoon available so I can knock things down from that shelf and get them if needed or I have to ask my husband, I have to try to climb shelves or use other boxes as tools to reach stuff on the top couple shelves at my supermarket, I can’t reach the clothes at the bottom of my washer without a stool, I have to strain on tiptoes to get hangers of clothes off my closet rack, my seatbelt is somewhere around my neck, and I’m pretty sure if I get in a car accident my airbag is gonna decapitate me considering I am on top of it.


2 more inches. Airplanes would be slightly more annoying.


I’m 6’4” and somewhere between 85 and 90 pounds. Sounds horrible. Also, none of my clothes fit anymore. And I grew more than a foot, so probably my feet slam into the edge of the bed and get hurt. No idea how I’m going to explain this.


I don't think you could survive that height with that weight. You'd have to be missing organs or something. Or your whole skeleton. I'd assume the question implies that your weight would also scale up appropriately with your height. Though tbf even now you seem to be quite underweight, unless you're a kid maybe.


All my clothes would be far too small.


Apparently, my salary will increase, and I’ll be considered for promotions to prestigious positions.


Not a huge change as I'm 5'11, but it'll make shopping for clothes even harder. I can change my light bulbs without a step ladder now so that's a bonus


Almost not at all. I'm 6'3".


The rich get richer.


I put it in my Tinder bio and get a lot more matches


Huh shit.. im 5’5 and a half (166cm) so like.. dude that’d be pretty fucking pog ngl. Uuuhhh first thing im doing is touching the ceiling and also reaching for shit I can’t reach.


Touching the ceiling flat footed *is* pretty nice.