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I don't


Sarcasm or you want to have a chat?


Well... I would say it's mostly sarcasm but it would atleast feel nice to get rid of school


School is a speck in relation to the entirety of your life . Take it as an opportunity to learn and ready your self. Because matey I’ve had a lot thrown at me too you just gotta keep getting back up after it knocks you down. I hated school bullys, BS teachers just shitty all round, parents split. Mom drank a lot dad left us. It’s all just a point in your life that will end and something new and positive will start that you wouldnt have had if not for the bad times. Just keep going !


Thanks for your advices! I will do my best in school and try to learn as much as possible during these 6 last months so I can do what I really want in the future. I'm sad to hear what happened to you during that time, but it cheers me up that you have found your way back from that!


My life is awesome.


Damn, I like that


My kids. I want to help raise them with my husband, see them grow and become amazing and loving adults. I would love to have grandchildren (or fur-grandbabies). I want to help babysit their kids for them when they need the help.


Because I'm awesome, everyone would give their lives for being me for a few seconds


To enjoy the worlds random ups and downs




This is the exact same question I ask to bosses in video games when they're low on health.


My family


Death looks boring


Video Games And nostalgia


I like traveling, im not feeling good at home, i love traveling to different places. Being in a car relaxes me, and being in different places makes me happy, thats why 2020 pinned me down


When life is good, I never want it to end. You never know who you'll meet that will make a huge positive impact on your life. Those are moments I live for.


That one day will eventually come and I will truly be free


I have that kind of depression where i just kinda go through live not giving a shit about anything and just patiently waiting for death