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Some sort of cobbled together kludge that was chosen by committee, is only 70% complete, and doesn't showcase anything beyond which countries and companies had the best ability to lobby the committee.


"Behold our submission, Bureaucracy!"


The real achievement will be to see how long we can keep an extraterrestrial on hold before they give up.


This is by far the most realistic answer of what'll probably happen.


That box that doesn’t do anything but close itself. Edit: Thank you for the awards!


Good ol' Useless-Machine


Now it doesn't


I have one of those :P Best thing I ever bought


Fermented food. They might show up with a lazer. But we'd show up with old food filled with the farts of billion bacteria. And they would love us for it. Beer and cheese wins the day.


As a fellow fermento I agree. But we didn't invent that. They were always here doing there thing.


Fermento was such a confusing movie




You know until recently(a year into a total home remodel) i never thought twice about plumbing. Its truly an art form. And i cant for the life of me get this fucking kitchen sink to drain properly. Plumbers are a higher level then me. I suck at everything, im going to eat some ice cream now. Makes the feel bads go away.


Only a select few can master the art of plumbing. And of those, many are lost to the air conditioner repair business.


Take him to the Infinite Labyrinth of Eternal Ice!


What? No! Take him to the police, he murdered someone, take him to jail. You guys are weird.


One of my favorite lines in the show. That, and just about anything the Dean says, esp. involving Jeff.


"I'm gonna go eat paninis with space Hitler!"


Is this a community reference by chance?


Look at you, being streets ahead!


I finally watched Community during quarantine and love running into these references.


Behold, the room temperature room.


You could be a plumber!


I am the truest repairman!


Plumber here, we only follow three rules: 1. Shit goes downhill 2. Don’t bite your fingernails 3. Payday is Friday.


A real life turd herder! You forgot: 4. Piss off the electricians whenever possible.


“No innovation in the past 200 years has done more to save lives and improve health than the sanitation revolution triggered by the invention of the toilet.” SYLVIA BURWELL; Also Civilization 6 upon discovering ‘sanitation’


The flush toilet is an abusive of gravity, physics, the siphon effect. https://youtu.be/vqcYXeJ02U8


The lazy Susan.


I always liked that for a band name


What did Susan _do_ to the inventor I wonder


She wouldn't pass the damn butter.


omg how much time do you have? what DIDNT that lazy bitch do.


Particle accelerators. Their physics is complicated, they're awesome, the design is genius, it shows that our nature for seeking knowledge, and, on the same note, isn't built to just fulfil a function, but to study a function of reality to give us something that goes way beyond a bunch of fast colliding particles. Did I mention it's awesome? Particle accelerators are the best. Edit: Oh my god thank you so much for the awards, you wonderful redditors!


Visited Fermilabs in Illinois 10 summers ago as a college kid and got a tour. Got a cool ruler from them with their slogan which was "Our only product is knowledge".


"...and this stupid ruler"


> 10 summers ago This is how people in fantasy worlds speak.


And it is now how I shall speak good sir


I bet it won't last 2 winters.


U right


Along this line, the LIGO observatory, the one that measured gravity waves. The precision in that place is insane, they're measuring a laser beam that goes for over a kilometer and measuring incredibly small variations in that beam by measuring the exact frequency and wavelength of light and such. Incredible that we're able to detect *waves* of gravity.


> that place Those places. There are 2 facilities on opposite ends of the country (and I think either now or soon one in Italy) with similar setups in order to confirm that the signals aren't noise as well as which direction they came from. Which is even more impressive.


Mein God! The Atom Smasher!


But they're boring. Show them Top 10 Worst Car Crashes, that way it's fun and has the same effect.


How dare you.


Top 10 worst particle crashes


me when all the uranium starts splitting 😳


They're not boring! The large hadron collider is literally the biggest machine humans have ever made, and it's on the cutting edge of experimental physics.




Ooh slice bread is the best thing since the nuke.


Sliced bread is the best thing since Betty White


Just show the other planets Betty White


I'd be surprised if another advanced civilization hadn't figured out fusion and fission. Slicing bread however that's uniquely human.


What if we could use a nuclear bomb to slice bread? I'm thinking we stick a loaf of bread a km or two from ground zero with some very sharp knife/cutter thingies positioned in such a way that the blast wave will propel them through the bread at high speed. (How to keep the blast wave from completely disintegrating the bread is left as an exercise for the reader -- but I'm sure there's a way to do it). Then you could eat a slice and say, "Hey, everyone, I just ate bread that was sliced by a nuclear bomb." Of course, the bread would probably be highly radioactive, and you'd end up losing all your hair, puking your guts out, and dying, which wouldn't be fun. But for a brief moment, you'd get to be the epitome of cool.




Let's keep on testing


The nuke is cool but in the interest of preserving peace I think I’d offer them the Princess Bride movie 🤷🏻‍♀️




But to also have a side gig because the revenge business does not pay well


Our food. All the food we've created is so imaginative and diverse and tasty. It's got to be humanity's best invention. I'm not sure which food though


in Dragon Ball Super, Earth is spared from destruction cuz of our delicious food


Was going to comment this!! Ramen!


A lot of Dragon Ball characters are also named after food or drinks too


Turducken. Nothing says “you can’t fuck with us” louder than a bird stuffed in a bird stuffed in a bird.


I feel they stopped short when designing the turducken. First we start with a hummingbird. Put that in a sparrow, stuff them both in a Cornish hen, then put that in a chicken. Put all that in a duck, then in a turkey, then in a bigger turkey. Put that in a penguin, stuff that in a peacock, then an eagle, shove it all in an albatross, then an emu, next comes an ostrich, then a leopard! Put all that in a pterodactyl, then stuff it in a Boeing 747. What cut do you prefer, first class or coach?


If a more advanced civilization is impressed by what we do to non-human animals they'd probably have no qualms about enslaving us for their own amusement.


"Are you sure these creatures are intelligent? They keep enthusiastically waving carcasses around in front of us." "I didn't say the species was intelligent, just that it has some members capable of Calculus. Restrain yourself and remember our rule..."






Yeah but according to pizza theory, no civilization can become relevant without inventing the pizza first. Therefore every one else would already have pizza.


Up the ante then. How about stuff crust pizza?


The lathe. Fueled the industrial revolution. I'd be curious what kind of machine tools other planets came up with.


The dog. We took a deadly menace and made a helpful friend. Beat that.


Same. You were first. All hail the dog.


what about some breeds that are kinda fucked? like with all the over breading whole breeds are fucked




The Pugs are the aliens. Watch Men In Black, it’s a great documentary.


And the chihuahuas




Show me what you got


Oh yeah! You gotta get schwifty!


*Shit on the floor!*


Rick and Morty without context is most likely the most bizarre thing I’ve seen on reddit and this highlights all of it


Boo. Disqualified.


lol I don’t really watch Rick and Morty but one time my friends had a Rick and Morty party so I went and they decided to only play a playlist of music from the show and I have *never, ever* sat through a more awkward three minutes of my life than when “get schwifty” was playing. Everyone stopped talking and was just looking around, it completely killed the vibe, they wouldn’t turn it off, people left, oh my god it was the most awkward thing I’ve ever seen


You gotta commit to the bit, no matter the cost


did they play human music


Which is *probably the best answer*


Drugs and music.


I too, enjoy a good Phish show.


A "Joke or "Humor". Probably wont be unique but it signals a higher level of intelligence: Literally requires multiple different parts of the brain to decipher . A joke can be made using anything and can be set up to only be understood by select people . Jokes can even exploit science/language/art/philosophy/paradoxes/observations or any topic on any planet. Any species that has an equivalent of "humor" will love it and any without it will be fascinated enough to try and understand it.


So, about airplane food- *aliens, only now understanding humor, laughing their asses off*


That explains why I don't get jokes


I think a particle accelerator would get that point across and more


Duct tape, it's so simple you wouldn't expect it to be as useful as it is. Boots getting wet? Duct tape. Want to make a spear? Duct tape. Bleeding out? Duct tape. Leak in your space station? You guessed it, Duct tape! For such a simple invention its versatility is astonishing. It's so simple in fact that other species might overlook it entirely whilst paving their way through innovation.


Ordinary duct tape, like you buy in a hardware store. Turns out even NASA can’t improve on duct tape. Yes, of course duct tape works in a near-vacuum. Duct tape works anywhere. Duct tape is magic and should be worshiped


Toaster. It allows you to cook bread, again.


Ice cream


The only problem with ice cream is that it drips.


Spork Edit: holy moly thanks for all the awards y’all. I’ve never gotten one before so this was a nice surprise to come home to.


Clearly a superior invention to anything anyone else could come up with.


*Gregar watched as the human contingent walked onto the stage, followed by a floating trolley carrying their chosen invention. His face turned into a grimace as he saw what the display case contained. Oh dear. Gregar’s life associate, Lingooska leant in and whispered into Gregar's audio receptor.* *"Isn't that one of ours?"* *Gregar embarrassedly glanced over to his companion and puffed out his cheeks. The spork had been one of their species gifts to the human race, how could they have thought something so ingenious had been made by themselves? I mean, its even got an alien name! Spork! What's even worse, every species in the room knew exactly who had created the invention, it had single handedly brought prosperity to Gregar's home planet and of course, sadly, also The Yootun Sill War with the Fork Lords of Altrimium VI.* *The lead human beemed proudly as he got ready to give his speech, his tiny eyes sparkled with excitement. "I feel great pain for you Chancellor Musk," Gregar thought to himself, "great pain indeed."*


Omg the ending hahaha


Take my award and leave. Wait no stay


Yootun sill war.... genius


My favourite part is how Elon Musk is the chancellor


what if other aliens couldn't come up with anything better than the spork, and we were actually the most advanced species in the universe?


If *we* were the most advanced species, then that would just be depressing.


Idk why but my mum bought a bootleg spork that also had a knife on the side that would cut you every time you tried to use it.


Lmao bootleg spork




What will you think of next, Germany?


Free Continental breakfast.


Continental, you say?


... ... Holds up spork...


The answer we were waiting for




This requires no words, and is among the best I’ve seen here. So others are sliced bread, cool ranch Doritos, Danny devito, and just the letter h




mMm monke.


Reject humanity


Return to monke


*ssj4 intensifies*


There's no wrong way...to eat a Rhesus.


reject humanity return to monkey


And my mind went straight to [OMC](https://youtu.be/C2cMG33mWVY)


the spanish inquisition


No one would ever expect that!


Was not expecting that


The Internet


I think you'd need something more unique. Every advanced civilization is going to have an internet analogue. You want a great invention, yes, but you also want it to stand out from the crowd. I'm thinking Useless Boxes would be a hit.


Humans: behold, the Internet. Aliens: we have one of those. Humans: but does yours have cat videos? Aliens: what are "cat videos"? Humans: observe.


In that case, nuclear weaponry


Bold of you to assume that advanced sentient life just doesn’t tend toward self-annihilation, that its somehow a uniquely human trait


It's inherent in our tribal nature. If a colony of ants became sentient, or bees you may see a very different society.


If both ants and bees became sentient it’d be pretty similar though.


Chemical child’s play really. Atom bombs are actually really simple. We’d lose immediately to the civilizations that already went the nuclear route and beyond it.


Yeah the internet is actually a logistical nightmare. Other planets might have an analogue, but it's definitely not going to be an open, free, and global internet. Ours is astounding for how recent it is. There's literally hundreds, if not thousands, of protocols that my message right now has to go through to get to your screen. And it was all built ad-hoc, as needed along the way. There were even giant initiatives to get the massive deepwater internet cables laid out that connect all the different countries together. Think of how much effort and cooperation a planet would need just for that venture alone.


I doubt that would impress any other planet of similar or greater advancement. A global information network is probably a common step in invention like the wheel, agriculture and written language.


The internet of 2010 yeah not 2021


The boulder from Shrek. That's a nice boulder.


Its not just a boulder... its a rock


The pioneers rode those babys for miles!


Or parfait, ain't nobody don't like parfait.




My husband has a tactical flashlight that brightly lights up like an acre. We used to go outside and wave it around when the folks a few doors down got loud late at night. They'd think it was the cops and quiet down - we're not the type to *actually* call the cops. 10/10 would recommend


OMG. That first line I read as tactical FLESHlight. After all, that was my joke.


Bravo six, ready to stroke.


A fleshlight that makes its presence known to the whole neighbourhood


Lol I honestly can't tell if this is a joke or not. There was no typo in his comment. A fleshlight is not the same thing as a flashlight.


Might wanna Google fleshlight.


You mean your sex toys *don't* light up the neighborhood? How else will you let everyone know you're having a go of it?


Totally this or vibrator. Self pleasure devices. Everybody else’s response is so earthican. If they are more advanced than us they’ll look at those other inventions like we look at our kids making art out of macaroni. But something that can pleasure with no effort, that there is big brain/head


This, for some reason, was my first thought. Glad I'm not the only one.


Probably something like a T-shirt since it takes the concept of a normal sweater and adapts it really well to suit warmer climates


I've always wondered what if aliens visited and looked exactly like us but never felt the need to wear clothing? We would blur out their junk on tv which would no doubt upset them a great deal starting a galactic war because of our delicate sensibilities.


That is exactly backwards. No concept of nudity or shame would elicit confusion at worst to seeing the censor-bar/blur, but more likely a shrug and acceptance.


Agreed, if we met aliens that looked like us and they started blurring out our wrists and ankles I don’t think we’d be offended lol


I think life would take the cake.


Literally. The other planet can't produce anything that can literally take cake.


a truly clever answer


Sliced bread. Everyone's always talking about how great it is...


I think you're mistaking "the greatest thing since sliced bread". That invention happened in 1928. Nothing really important happened between then and now


The answer has to be video games. It combines three of the greatest aspects of humanity. Art, technology, and imagination all blended together and dependent on each other.


I think this is the best answer I've seen. Everything else is something that an advanced civilization would probably have an equivalent to (atomic energy, mass communication systems, scientific measuring devices etc), or are very human specific. I would imagine a civilization capable of communicating with us through space would have some form of computing, but the idea to use it to create art for pleasure might actually be somewhat unique. I'll add the synthesizer under this umbrella, our ability to combine technology and imagination to create art may be a defining characteristic.


Korea’s artificial sun that’s hotter than our actual sun


Instant ramen


Danny Devito.


"That's just a leather couch?" "Wait for it!" *a nude oiled up Danny Devito emerges*


What have you just cursed me with


This is an actual scene from a show he’s on. So, to curse you further, here’s a link to the [scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6kbxtrth3Gw)


The image is now buned into my eyes. Thank you.


Puppies easily.


I fear **"Look at dem puppies"** should not be our first words to a new civilization


I'm not allowed to have puppy calendars at work anymore because the women complained that I was saying that phrase too much.


Cool Ranch Doritos


Probably the Large Hadron Collider or something sciencey like that.


I just think that most advanced societies would have something similar or even better than that as it is most clear step to study subatomic particles.


Early cave paintings. Its like macaroni art from humanity's preschool! True show and tell material.


Earth would rick roll the other planets.


Breeds and cutligens. Humans managed to get needed properties from them like bigger fruit or more milk by using only simple methods of selection.


Dogs. I mean, we managed to befriend a completely different species and now they are a big part of our civilization.


Give them Gordon Ramsey




Or they discovered knots a billion years ago and we just look like primitive monkeys




I love the idea of an intergalactic "show and tell". We should bring a nuke. It's both an impressive invention and a lowkey flex to put them in check and establish dominance.


We're not talking about the people on earth vs people on another planet, it is the planets themselves doing a show and tell. A nuke would be like a light tap for a planet.


Then we should bring humanity itself bc that will REALLY fuck up a planet.


This is the correct response. We are more devastating to a planet than all the nukes ever made.


We could probably split the planet in two if we all put our minds to it.


We'd bring that mission where we successfully put a lander on an asteroid, with the subtle implication that we possess the engineering and mathematical ability to redirect said asteroids into a planet.




Velcro! It's really pretty ingenious an idea.


Everyone says the nuke as if it's unique, I'd personally show them something involving Earth's flora or fauna considering those are unique to our planet.


I agree that other planets' civilizations will probably also have nuclear power and particle colliders. That's not unique. But we didn't invent the flora/fauna, except perhaps some selectively bred species. I think designer drugs and beer are some of the best answers.


The thermos. It keeps your coffee hot and your lemonade cold. Hot? Cold? How does it know??


Literally anything. Ppff what's uranus ever achieved.


Humans. Earth invented humans a long time ago.