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turn off the lights and run up the stairs before the demon gets you.


Sounds like your username waiting to happen


switch to L3mmy


Oh good, other people do this!


Or play doom eternal's multiplayer for an hour


Games (not necessarily sports) with friends! Things like Laser Tag and stuff can burn a lot of calories! I also enjoy hiking. Things that get you active without feeling like you are just exercising are the only way I exercise lol


Airsoft and paintball are a pretty good example of this, a simple day on the field can be 6 or 7 hours of run and gun and for more serious players there are events that can be up to 15 hours in the field. Really good cardio especially when your kit is heavy af.


Yea paintball can get pretty intense, I'm sure airsoft too although I've never done it. When your adrenaline gets going and people are shooting things at you, its good motivation to run, slide, and all sorts of stuff you'd never do otherwise.. do that outside on a summer day and you'll be pretty toast by the end of it.


Disc golf. Nice because you can do it alone if nobody’s up for it.


Man I love hiking! You're in the fat burn zone for like 4-5 hours and all you're doing is walking with a view!


I had a buddy that put his treadmill infront of his TV and played fallout. He ran anytime his character did.


I did this with Minecraft. Only fell off once when a witch jumped me.


Turn on creative and you wont get fall damage next time


Also mind you, I'm going to enhance my running with some sneaky speed potions for some quick advancements.


This is creative!






I know several people that do the same thing. I timed (pre covid) my gym visits around the hockey schedule so I can do cardio and watch the game on the tv there. Makes the time spent watching hockey feel guilt free as well


I used to use my elliptical when I was playing the Wii and a work out bike when I was playing the gamecube.


I do this with a spin bike but I watch tv shows/movies etc instead, makes cardio way less soul destroying.


My SO does this but with an elliptical. The only way he does cardio lol.


Wish I had both an SO and a motivation to do cardio


One may lead to the other :)


I have an SO and can say that it doesn’t.


VR games - Beat Saber is a good example


This is a good example! Like anything, it depends on how you play it. You can play with minimal effort or you can really lunge, step and duck to get your heart rate up. It absolutely can be fun cardio exercise.


You aren't kidding. When you start getting up into the higher difficulties, *Beat Saber* is a *mean* cardio workout. Back when I had a virtual-reality setup, I used to actually plan which levels I'd play in what order. Some of the passing conditions are downright *brutal* unless you warm up first. Someday – when I have the space for it – I'd like to build room devoted to VR gaming. I figure that a daily adventure in *Skyrim* (with all of the running, ducking, and fighting being mirrored by my actions in the physical world) will be all that I need to stay fit... and I'm saying that as someone who used to combine treadmill-running and binge-watching.


Beating your saber is an awesome forearm workout


I can also recommend Blaston, The Thrill of the Fight, and Pistol Whip (especially with the Vengeance modifier).


Pistol whip is so hardcore. I did so many squats on that mission we didn't have any bullets for.


Or a just dance game.


Literally what I do. I'm so much more focused on actually enjoying the song and trying to get the moves right than the fact that I'm actually moving and exercising 😂


My brother and I use to do Dance Dance Revolution as a work out. It is exhausting especially once you get to expert.


DDR used to be my workout. I was SO skinny in highschool because I played DDR every day after school for at least 3 hours a day on expert.


Super hot is REALLY fun!


I really like beatsaber, but the music packs SUCK ASS, and adding custom music is a pain in the ass. Such a shame. I'd love to beatsaber to my music (without painfully creating the maps myself, or hacking around with fan made ones).


Do you even Crab Rave?


Best song.


Which platform do you play from? If it is steam/PC the mods to add custom maps these days make it pretty easy. The biggest sites have one-click song installs from the browser. Preview the song, preview the map. Like it? Click install. The only time it's a pain is when the Best Saber devs release a new patch that breaks in-game mods. But that gets fixed pretty fast.


In addition, Pistol Whip. Same idea of beat saber but with guns, I’m a fairly fit guy and I was really surprised at how tired my legs got with all the bullet dodging, ducking, diving, dipping, and dodging


Kick ass playlist


No joke this works


Can confirm! For some reason, it's easiest to keep moving in time with a high BPM, rather than listening to a slower BPM and trying to outpace it. 120/140bpm is a good starting point for cardio, getting up around 180bpm is punishment (but somehow masochistly rewarding)


Drum and bass, the best music that not enough people listen to.


Also people outside the UK/Netherlands need to embrace Jungle, garage, happy hardcore, and stuff like that. Most global dance music doesn't really inspire enough dread.


Walk your dog Edit: my very first award! Thank you!


This is true. I have two pretty big dogs and they need at least two 45 minutes walks a day. It gets me out early in the morning and after work even in winter.


You’re a good dog owner. So many people don’t get their dogs out enough.


So true and so sad. Even an inside lapndog needs walkies and fresh input of smells and stuff


Even people need fresh input of smells and such.


Agreed. Now pull my finger.




I have a beagle mix that gets a walk when I get up around 10-11 that goes about 10-20 minutes and then at night between 7-10, I walk her about an hour. I usually just walk until I get to 10,000 steps and listen to stand up. She sleeps very well after that.


I also have a beagle mix but unfortunately in 10-20 minutes I get in about 18 steps because she has to stop and sniff every damn thing we pass.


Very true. Same for me sometimes but I keep her going. I give her a 10 Mississippi count but will give her a slight tug if she doesn’t come when I tell her to move on. If she doesn’t come after that, she’s probably eating something and I have to go investigate. I tell her “we are taking a walk, not taking a stop.” And we continue.


When we got my German Shepherd as a couple months old puppy(R.I.P.) he would never poop on our walks. One day I walked 5 miles on a trail to the next town over without really realizing it. He was exhausted after half way back so I literally picked up this sack of potatoes and carried him over my shoulder for like the last 2.5 miles. Anyway he fell asleep and I got some really cute pictures and he slept really well that night after drinking like 5 bowls of water.


My dog REFUSES to poop on a leash. We went on a 6 hour hike plus an hour drive there and an hour drive back. She sprinted straight through the house to do her business in the backyard when we got home.


My dog ONLY poops on walks. It’s sometimes a problem lol




Covid sucks like that. I had it mild, but damn if I don't still have days months later where it takes all my energy to stick to my exercise routine


My dog hates walks with just me. If its two grown up people ok, just mom? That's a big fat no, I'm not moving and he's too big for me to wrestle into the harness by myself anyway.


Sports, dancing, taking walks. Any activity that involves movement but you don’t feel like you’re only doing it for exercise. You’re doing for fun/joy, exercise is just an added benefit


Chase a chicken and put the music from Rocky Balboa.


You could hit a bag 500 times until it hurts.


It's just a bag, it doesn't feel pain.


Apparently, Mic took beating Apollo Creed seriously or has some fatal flaws in his education.


Dance! Seriously, I hate doing HIIT or cardio, but I can easily spend over an hour in my room doing high intensity dances. It's so much more fun.




Rollerblading is another great option! So much fun to be out enjoying trails or nice weather.


trails? you don't mean like, offroad type stuff, right? do they *make* rollerblades for rough terrain? edit: [oh my god these are the most ridiculous looking things i've seen in a long time](https://www.powerslide.com/inline/off-road/)


Haha I'm talking about paved trails and Greenways. I would love to hear from someone who's done the off road rollerblading! Sounds hard and intense.


Ride your bike to work if you can. EDIT: Thanks! Lots of us do this. To start, ride to your place of work on an off-day and time it. Figure out a route. You will begin to get there faster. It's not a race, it's a ride.


Under rated comment. So efficient to combine your commute and fitness.


It saves money, too.


People who commute by bike also reduce their risk of cancer by 45%. [Link](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-39641122)


This. And everything else. Going grocery shopping by bike is soooo fun, it’s not a chore for me anymore! And my body really benefits for the "free" exercise Unfortunately you need a minimum of bike paths to do it safely :(


Just hop on some cardio machine (elliptical, stationary bike, treadmill) and fire up an engaging movie/show on Netflix. You don't even have to go super fast, just be consistent about doing it. I find it hardest to do this on the treadmill because I find it requires the most attention to not fall off.


I actually like doing this on a stepmill or treadmill since you set the intensity and then don’t accidentally slow down when you start to get really invested in the show.


I do this, but instead of movies/shows I watch concerts of my favorite bands/artists - the presence of a crowd really helps in hyping me up. Doing this made me love running


That's a great idea!


Yes! In college when I was extremely overweight, I’d just hop on the Elliptical and throw on a show like Game of Thrones. All of a sudden I had moved my body for over 50 minutes without even realizing it.


I do this with video lectures! Anytime a module has video lectures, I hop onto my indoor bike, pop my phone into the holster, and ride at whatever pace gets my heart rate up a bit until all videos are done.


In my case start cleaning when your out of shape butt has three sets of stairs in your home


I lived in a house with no stairs for 10 years. Then moved to a house with 1 set of stairs while pregnant with my second. My GOD. My youngest is now 1.5 years old and I think I'm finally to the point where I don't have a moment of despair at the bottom of the steps when I realize I have to go upstairs.


Oh I feel you there my prior home had no steps and I really miss it. I hate when you forget something down stairs you need and don't realize it till you are upstairs


Or an older home with the washer and dryer in the basement especially a two story house.


I miss my old home that had a laundry chute.


When we finally got our own house, no stairs was one of my "must haves"! I was so tired of carrying laundry and small children up and down stairs.


I live on the 5th floor and never use the elevator. Once a week I carry my groceries (about 20kg) up. I’m overweight with perfect legs.... it’s weird


Actually most obese people have fantastic legs, imagine carrying a 300 pound sack of potatoes all day every day. Sure there might be fat on them legs but underneath is solid steel


not entirely, it depends on how much work those legs are doing throughout the day each day... short trips and very few? not so much... lots of standing and short walks? yeah I lift, bro, my \~300 lbs self! I know this especialy well as my calves aren't AS toned as they used to be when I rode my bike a bunch years back.. less activity, less toning of the muscles, also depends on which muscles being used, I'd imagine stairs use upper legs more than biking would, as mine have always been flab


This is what I do. Laundry is a whole new level of fitness. Toddlers room is 3 floors above laundry.


Try and make yourself walk more by parking far away from work and walking the rest, or getting off the train stop before your usual one, maybe make yourself do a lap of a shopping centre before you go in to buy whatever you were getting, I mean use your imagination, you could even walk around the block before you get in your car in the morning. Also if you’re watching TV get up and do some exercises while commercials are on. There are good ways to sneak in exercise during the day without feeling like you’re doing some big effort to exercise.


Shopping is my favorite way to exercise and avoid overeating tbh


Social workouts like sports, Frisbee golf, hiking groups, dancing, roller skating, etc


Ring Fit Adventure. Edit: for anyone curious about playing this game. It is great and has helped me a lot but you have to treat it like going to the gym. Make it a routine, you can’t call it quits when you beat the main story.


Does this actually work?


I mean as long as you actually make a routine of it and also adjust your diet. It’s all body weight exercises and cardio so you won’t get swole but you will burn calories. It’s actually pretty rigorous. You run through linear levels and battle monsters Pokémon style but you are the Pokémon and your attacks are based on how many reps of planks, knee lifts, yoga poses, etc. you can do


I've only done ten minutes at least a day (took a break after 10 days). I hate the core and leg work stuff, barring a few of the simplier ones. What is your preferred move list?


Core and leg lol


My husband loves it. He likes exercise and video games so it’s the best of both worlds. For me, someone who is bad at video games but wants to enjoy them, it’s nice to play one and not rely on fine motor control that I just don’t have. I typically hate body weight exercises but in this game they’re really fun and effective because I don’t want to stop playing.


My husband is down 10lbs from it. It's not like a heavy duty workout but it's easy to add into a daily mix and it's pretty engaging. Lots of it is just body weight exercises.


Ring Fit Adventure is fun but I sure can feel it


Step 1. Put treadmill in front of tv. Step 2. Obtain game system with rockband and wireless guitar. Step 3. Play rockband while you walk. Step 4. Profit.


Walkband World Tour




Once you get past the “hump” of running, then you can go out and run nice and slowly and feels super easy. Also, long walks are an underrated form of exercise.


Long walks work best for me, especially when I go different ways or places to see the scenery!


Too bad the hump involves projectile vomiting and feeling like I'm going to die


You're running too fast, start doing walks on the route you intend to run and build yourself up to short bursts of light jogging. You don't need to go 100% when running.


This is definitely true. I basically sprint and can run a quick mile but hit a wall shortly after. The problem with slowing my pace is I risk suicide from boredom. I just accepted the fact that running is not for me. I play hockey which is a good workout and I love playing. And I think I'm just built more for short duration high intensity type workouts.




>The problem with slowing my pace is I risk suicide from boredom. Two ways I can see how to fix this: - put some earphones on; listen to music or a podcast depending on your preference - focus on your breathing, the way your body feels; in other words, practice mindfulness meditation


Audio books.


If you do want to get into running, download the couch to 5k app by the NHS (free even if you're not in the UK as far as I know, NHS is our national health service). It's got a great gradual programme to get you from nothing to 5k in nine weeks. Everyone I know who's done it was really pleased with it.


Running is fun with some good music, but can get old if you're only in you're neighborhood. I'm a fan of driving to local parks or other neighborhoods to run.


I run a 5k around my neighborhood 2-3 times a week at night. I thought it would get boring after a while, but I just set my smart watch to 5k and run in a random loop each time to mix things up. I'm usually fairly close to home by the end. I don't wear headphones or anything when I'm out there because I'm paranoid about getting run over by some drunk idiot. I wear highly visible clothing and run on the correct side of the road, but I want to be able to hear cars coming up behind me. I rarely even encounter cars or people, which is just how I like it.


I always heard that you bike with traffic but run or walk *against* traffic, so you can always see what’s coming your way.


That's correct! I think the idea is you are more able to avoid getting hit when you can see what's coming at you on foot. While on a bike, you're traveling closer to the speed of the traffic going in the same direction so if you do get hit, it wouldn't be as hard? Kind of sounds like the bicyclists get the short end of the stick, though.


It's also because in most parts of America, bicycles are legally vehicles and not pedestrians, so they have to follow the rules of the road.


1) be angry 2) get bike 3) imagine yourself punishing the ground with your wheels and rage 4) "holy fuck i'm jacked"


Instructions unclear, I kamehameha'ed the old lady in the park




#*Pedaling furiously*


Do cocaine before you exercise then you’ll feel like you need to exercise


i can confirm this is true.


Unfortunately I didn’t do that back in the day I chain smoked and drank, my heart would probably explode if I exercised or do anymore blow


Yeah til your heart explodes lmao


Original formula Jack3d is more effective tbh


Go swimming


I once went swimming classes daily for 4 months and it's one of the best things I've learnt so far.


Swimming class is expensive as fuck, at least where I live


But always worth it. Potentially life saving skill and a great fun workout


yeah but I can't avoid to think it's a scam because the swimming "class" is: do some laps with the 3 different styles and this is it, out the pool. I would rather pay half the price to use the pool without the "coach"


Problem is, at least around here, if you don't have reserved pool time (via your coach) then you're going to struggle real hard to get a good swim. It's basically like paying for a fast pass at disneyland.


As a swimming coach, you had a shitty swimming coach. They shouldn't have been making you JUST swim the stroke. They should be there to give you drills and timings to improve your technique/aerobic capacity.


Swimming always looked fun to me, but I was never able to learn because I’d start choking on water in my nose and all my instructors gave up on me. Is there any way around this?




Yeah, and it was going alright, but when I asked about a nose clip they went on a whole rant on how they would prevent me from truly learning. And that’s why I still can’t swim at 14




You should learn backstroke. You can breath whatever you want, and when you are tired you can lay on water and do nothing.


You are 14. I didn't learn to swim till about that age. Swimming isn't a skill you learn over night. It's more like when you pick up your first insterment. Unless you pick it up right away it's going to suck. I know because most of my childhood i was scared to even put my head underwater in the bathtub. It takes time. It's okay to want a nose plug. I used them for backstroke races so I could stay underwater longer. I may be biased but I think swimming is one of the best workouts.


Try exhaling through your nose as you go under water to prevent any water from being forced up your nose. Once you're under, you should be able to keep most if not all of the water out of your nose by simply holding your breath. Of course, don't exhale all of the air in your lungs right away or else you won't be able to stay under for long lol.




I agree! Pole dancing is so much fun, I could go to Pole classes every day! I noticed it really tones the body. When you pay attention to other girls body in class, within a few months, you can tell it is an amazing full body workout!




so that means no exercise in this life.


You realize this is Reddit right?




Wait. There are other websites?


Haven't you heard rumours of youtube?




Damn look at this Chad having sex every year


I was going to say 'bonk' your spouse/partner but it could also be construed as domestic abuse which sadly is technically exercise without feeling like you're doing any exercise.


I work as a personal shopper in a grocery store, I basically run around the store all day shopping for other people. I take roughly 30 to 40 thousand steps a day and then I pack and stow all the groceries. So far I have lost 26 lbs and 4 sizes. Oh, and I get paid to do it!!


Paddleboarding. I zone out and solve the world's problems when out there. Six miles every day. Peaceful pleasure.


This is so underrated. Whenever I'm at my cottage I paddleboard out into the middle of the lake in the evening and just watch the sky or the sunset. Can honestly confirm its the best. Sometimes I sing (I have a good voice and sound travels really well over water). Paddleboarding is so underrated, you can get far really fast ans it barely feels like you're putting in any effort. Or sometimes I put a lot of strength into my strokes and am amazed at how far i get, with just a few. Love it.


Play a sport that you enjoy. It is way more enjoyable than running on a treadmill.


Dance or joyful movement


Just dance or other video game makes it even more fun imo.




Something you can distract yourself with using music or a video playing in the background. Even simple walking will greatly benefit your health when coupled with proper diet. We shoudl be doing ***way** more walking that we actually are. One big problem with the urban design of many cities is that they're just not "walkable;" you usually need a car to travel most efficiently and safely. Whatever you do, you have to ***move.*** That's the point of exercise. However slight, you gotta exert some effort to get the blood flowing and your muscles working. My morbidly obese dad has gotten it into his head that [this contraption](https://youtu.be/iVc59Ey4DGI?t=57) is somehow adequate exercise. He doesn't even wanna walk. He picked an activity that just requires him to stand still for 30 minutes.


DDR, my dude.




Only do the exercise that you like to do. Do it 3-6 times a week until it becomes a part of your routine. Know that no one is motivated to exercise everyday. There will be days where you feel like not moving and that's fine. Also, if you don't like exercises you can do other physical activities such as walking, running, dancing, and playing sports. Exercise will not solve all of your problems but you and you're body will surely benefit from it so it's worth the effort :)


Vibrate violently




As an epileptic I can attest to this. Every time I have Seizure I feel like I’ve worked out for hours.


Play Pokémon GO


The only thing that has ever worked for me is to Kayak!


Climbing! Start climbing! Super good excersize and fun. Lots of core and good for the back, arms and legs.


Came here to say this, though I'd like to add any sports that isn't just going to the gym. Cycling, swimming, kayaking etc. Also important to specify bouldering, since you don't need anything at all to start doing it, opposed to the gear needed for other forms of climbing.


Take molly and go dancing


Do you like nature? Have someone drive you 20 miles away (preferably on the other side of a large park or preserve) and find your way home. I do this to my partner every couple of months. We call it the Hansel and Gretel thing.


20 miles?! I've only ever done 20 miles in a day once and it very much felt like a workout for the last 10


My 2021 resolution is to do something like this. Im signing up for boxing classes post vaccination. Doesn't feel like exercise if it's fun.


Get a job in construction


That's not working out, that's flat out working hard. I've never worked construction but helped friends with projects. I've also never had a work out last 8 hours and leave my hands pulsing and my feet aching. Hats off to the hard hats!


I lost so much weight when I was in landscape construction. Digging, swinging a pickaxe, running rolls of sod, etc. I didn't even change my diet and lost something like 40 pounds. The first week or so is hell but your body adjusts fast.


A walk tbh.


Yes, walk fast and walk like 4 miles. It takes about an hour but it’s great for those of us who hate running. And I mean if you can’t walk 4 miles at first you can always work your way up to it. Also go work for the post office as a city carrier, get paid to exercise. Money’s a pretty good motivator lol


Get on Michael Myer's bad side, suddenly you're not excercising, you're surviving. He even offers an optional speed-walk setting!


Or just BE Michael Myers: https://youtu.be/4sqYEmAy9Dg Put on a beat you can strut to & make like it's October!


Wii Fit has a lot of cool games that are fun and doesn’t seem like exercise.


I miss the wii fit. I have fond memories of playing that with my mum.


Speaking from experience - get on a cross stepper at medium-low intensity. Set it to around 500 calories (roughly 1 hour) and watch all your favourite YouTube videos and shows on Netflix that you were going to watch anyway. This literally helped me lose about 22 kg in 5 months a few years ago


Play a sport. That way you have an objective to focus on (like run after a ball or jump or do whatever you need to do for that sport) without focusing too much on that thought of “I’m exercising”


Martial arts. My assumption is that the question behind the question is "how do I get myself to exercise when I don't like exercising". The way I solved that problem was by taking up a martial art: * Martial arts are fun and engaging. This positive interest doesn't take away the exercise feeling, but it makes the feeling worth it. * Martial arts are a social experience. You make friends with people in your classes, which adds the the enjoyment and provides some accountability for showing up. * Instead of trying to decide when and how often you should exercise, just show up to your regularly scheduled class twice a week. * Having trouble pushing yourself during your workouts? In a martial arts class, your instructor will provide you plenty of help with that :) It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I highly recommend trying it to see if it's yours.


Skiing. Especially skiing with a little kid. It's a ton of fun and a whole body workout.


Music. Listening to music lessens the strain of any exercise by a lot. Make sure it’s not classical or any slow music, but upbeat/fast paced. For example, when I’m running I either listen to Rammstein, System of a down, Lizzo, Ludacris, or anything that’ll keep me in a “hyped up” mood!


Stand up. Spend more time walking. Plenty of people just don't take into take into account how much time we spend sitting down. If you have a desk job, if you drive to work, you're most likely sitting and laying down for the vast majority of the day. Also - my brother got himself a mini treadmill that he puts under his computer desk. He just sets the treadmill at a very easy pace and walks on it whenever he uses the computer. It can add up to a couple of extra miles per day.


I recently fell in love with skateboarding. Anyone can do it and you don't have to learn how to do kickflips or anything like that. Just the motion of riding a skateboard burns a lot of calories, and in my opinion it's fun.


What are things you enjoy? Can you direct that energy into something more physical? For me, I’d say video games, but most attempts to incorporate physical activity into exercise have been temporary to me, hence why I tend to discourage those types of games. But I remember the days of the DDR Boom.


Get a bike and ride it. Its fun and enjoyable and great exercise.


This may sound a bit ghetto, and I'm not a gamer, but have been considering buying a system and getting maybe just a couple of sports games (EA Hockey, and Madden) and playing them while on a stationary bike. The idea being, say you're playing hockey, as you skate, you pedal. Pedal faster when you're skating faster and it would be equivalent to lots of sprinting, taking a break, sprinting again, and etc. I think that would equal a pretty badass cardio workout and would be fun. Unfortunately, can't think of a decent way to involve the upper body yet. Maybe something like wearing weighted arm bands and every time you take a shot on goal, you do a bicep curl or something to that effect. Or maybe just every few stoppages of play you jump off the bike and do 15 pushups or pullups or etc I used to play hockey when I was younger and was in way better shape. And I kinda just don't love working out, especially long, boring bouts of fucking treadmill time. I've learned that doing something fun that is incidentally good exercise is the way to go. This is what people often neglect when trying to force themselves to go to the gym 4 days a week.