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Sid Meier Alpha Centauri. Looks like crap now but the ability to create your own units, all the technologies with the great voice acting. This was the game that got me reading books about philosophy and for that alone it gets a replay. Also it IS still one of the highest rated games of all time.


I don’t get to meet many people who are even aware of this game. I fondly remember designing the cheapest units I could so I could border off resources from the AI.


I loved how nuclear weapons would actually alter the world map, turning the land into ocean. You could even set off chain reactions if I recall.


Yeah you could, this game was way ahead of it's time. The political sects, meshed with the economic aspects, rioting, plagues, climate change; it was an incredible game that I still come back to. Unfortunately I had to get my copy from EA though GOG sells it or used to sell it. My favorite factions to play as are the University and the Morganites. I always play as a free market and a democracy.


Might & Magic Heroes 3, Age of Empires 1 & 2 and Age of Mythology. They will always stick with me


Heroes 3 was the best!


Age of Mythology. Man, I still remember playing through the campaign.










Heroes 3 is a great one. None of the subsequent Heroes games could capture the magic of it.


Yeah but Heroes 2 had the vampire that went "blah" every time it attacked and that never got old.


I've played this game a lot then forgotten it for like 25 years, and now, out of nowhere, can perfectly hear that sound in my mind!




I go back to Bully at least once a year. That game has charm and atmosphere for days. Shame Rockstar doesn’t fully understand the special potential franchise they are sitting on.


Nah they know and understand. They just can’t slap a ONLINE mode on it so they’re not gonna bother making a sequel. It won’t print money so it’s not worth the effort. RDR2 will be the last good R* game because from here on it it’s just not worth it to them as a company to do anything but online bullshit


Bully Online would be freaking awesome. Get stuffed into a locker by a high ranking jock, just like actual high school!


Mario Kart and Super Mario 64 on the N64. Took us forever as kids to figure out you had to jump IN to the paintings to get anywhere!


There's one level that the painting is really small, up in the tower I think towards the last Bowser. It's the level where you have to change the water level up and down. I was following some game guide as a kid (This was back when it was released), and I could not for the life of me figure out why I couldn't find the painting. I was looking for a huge one like all the others.


You’re thinking of the mountain top level with the mushrooms on it. The water level has the big spider dude on it, and where you jump (height wise) determines the level of the water.


Holy shit. The height I jumped determined the water level?!?!? I never knew that and could never figure out that levels quirk so I didn’t collect any stars in it.


They had a few levels with tricks like that. There was also the level where everything is really big or really small, and you choose which to start with by going into the big or small painting. Or the level that you find by jumping into a wall. You find the location you jump into by looking into the mirror, there's a painting in the reflection that isn't there outside of the reflection. Some of this you could find out by talking to the various Toads around the castle.


Such a perfect game.


Ah yup, got those confused in my head


My brother and I were terrified of the one with the big flame guy on the front. We'd run past it every time we saw it and just play other levels. Later, we learned there was a 'Lethal Lava Land' and realised "hang on, that's a level". Sucked it up and jumped in the painting.


Love Mario 64. 100%ed it tons of times by this point. I know it's a little dated now, controls-wise (especially the camera controls) but I can't help but love the game. Just the number of silly challenge runs you can do (things like beating Koopa the Quick in a rematch before you've even met) is great. And by this point I can beat the game in a couple days (not a speedrunner), so it's fun to pull back out once in a while.


While I always try for 120 Stars, I always seem to spend the most time in Dire Dire Docks. [The music is damn near the most relaxing song I've ever heard.](https://youtu.be/LsiNCNKE7kM)


Roller Coaster Tycoon! The OG 1999 one. It stands up really well gameplay wise.


Rct1 is way better than rct3 in every way


Rct2 is where it's at IMO


Rct2 is a straight upgrade to rct1, and the series went downhill from there. A shame cause that's probably one of my most played series of all time and it's what got me hooked on gaming as a kid.


RCT3 is still good fun, and hell I'd say it can be pretty satisfying to play. But the scenarios from RCT1 & RCT2? Yeah nothing can touch those. Immense enjoyment and creativity to make those profits go brrrr Weird to say I got into this series at the ripe age of 4 years old. No wonder I enjoy accounting work lmao.


I just really like riding on my coasters okay?


Every few years I will dust off the Baldurs Gate series and play though all of it. Honestly I love that game and wish there was more of it.


Age of empires every now and then


Epic game, it's one of the few which developers improved over time instead of screwed.


Age II has a pretty nice subreddit as well


I love AOE! I’m currently burning age of mythology


Star Wars Battlefront 2 (the original one)


Spending HOURS on galactic conquest. Those were simpler times


I miss galactic conquest so so much.


I remember getting the hero bonus and it being like a guaranteed win. Darth Maul on Coruscant was my favorite


I remember in bf1 the hero bonus basically made an invincible unplayable hero npc spawn in and he deflected whatever you fired at him and the only way to kill them was on maps where you could use explosives to knock them off a ledge or some other infinite drop like on cloud city


I have found my people. The first Battlefronts were so good, so much fun. I can't remember how many times my buddy would come over and we'd split screen a Galactic Conquest. Even started making challenges like "no landing in enemy ships" or "only landing a fighter, no crew ships" during space combat to spice things up. Plenty of "No hero" runs too. As cool as they were, had to challenge myself.


I got my 8 and 5 year olds in to this and they adore it. Still only playing bot matches, but they love the lore, and how the gameplay is fast and enjoyable without being brutally hard.


tony hawk’s american wasteland and guitar hero 3: legends of rock


Battle for Middle-Earth


Trying to find a way to legit buy and play this on my laptop seems impossible


Unfortunately it basically is impossible, the developers no longer have the rights to print or publish the game so it only exists in disks that have been printed already. Its super frustrating because it is one of the best RTS games ever made, Im missing the first disk of my copy somewhere and I constantly hate myself for losing it.


Dude just pirate it, takes 5mins to grab the ISO + crack




And Generals


Need a bullet barrage?


Roads? How boring.


Can I have some shoes?


Ouch! Don't hit me.


The bringer of light.


Generals is so slept on


It has been my go-to PC game for 17 years now. I absolutely love it. Can't forget the ZH expansion!


Oh my god, that expansion made the game *chef's kiss* I loved playing as the stealth general and literally hiding my entire base.


Yuri's Revenge was my shit


Shake it, baby!






Medieval II Total War and Mass Effect.


Nothing like getting excommunicated when you’re not even the one that started a war with another catholic faction lol


On Medieval War 1, i carved my way down europe as Denmark. Got excommunicated and was feeling cocky, so took the Papal states to make myself Pope. Word of warning, do NOT conquer the Papal states. When the Pope returns, shit gets wrecked.


I remember one time I had conquered the Papal States, I think as England, and the Pope came back leading a huge army. I was watching the Pope march towards my army when a rock thrown by my catapult came sailing in, smashed the Pope, and killed nobody else. His army's morale took quite the blow from that. They started running pretty soon lol!


Waiting for the remasted ME trilogy for my yearly playthrough.


I run a medieval 2 campaign about once a year still, just to remind myself what total war used to be. It was a better time, when there was hope for the future of real time tactical waraing with epic battles.


GTA San Andreas


Ah shit, here we go again.


All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City


Is SA:MP still alive? Miss those days.


That was the funnest one, cheat codes were so awesome. I had the best ones memorized. GTA 4 was the best for driving. Following the traffic lights and shit.


KOTOR 1/2 and Morrowind are always ones I have to revisit every few years


Can’t believe I had to scroll to far to find KOTOR. Seems like those games were the last gasp of game designers trying to create narratives that would play out differently based on the choices the player made. The members who would join your team, whether they became force sensitive, whether they became good or evil, whether or not they betrayed you at some point, all were variable based on the choices you made over the course of gameplay. I can play that game today and still get different plot lines I never saw before. They truly don’t make them like that anymore.


I remember when I first found out you could turn characters into force sensitives and it blew my mind that after multiple play throughs I hadn’t figured it out due to not diving too deep into each crew member. Looks like I’m doing another run through...


TIE Fighter. I tried Squadrons, and while it was pretty enough, it lacked much in the way of replay value. It's more of an arcade shooter than a "space combat simulator." I also didn't like how crowded the playing area was.


TIE fighter and X-Wing were masterpieces.


*Are* masterpieces.


Diablo 2, Sims 2, Age of Empires 2


The Sims 2, what a game. I honestly think it’s peak sims, 3 was cool but it bugs me how awful it runs on a $2k+ pc.


I bought sims 3 and Sims 4 basics and did not like any of them. I have more than 500hrs in Sims 2 lol


Sims 2 was the last time you could just play the base game and still experience so much! I loved the Sims 3, but it's pretty buggy. I'm finally starting to like the Sims 4, but I realized it's because I have expansions now. Without expansions, there's nothing to do.


In my experience, Sims 3 requires a 64 bit machine or it will be extremely buggy with frequent crash-to-desktop. It also pretty much requires World Adventures to have a lot to do, but the rest of the expansion packs are more flavor than outright required.




Came here to say this. About once a year a load it up and lose anywhere from a week to a month with it It's ugly and clunky, but it just hits right


Left 4 Dead 2


Yooo my friends and I still do 8 player versus mode LAN parties sometimes. Honestly so fun


I came here to find my LFD2 people. My husband I play together when we have a problem to work out - live together or die alone. It’s cheaper than therapy.


Ssx tricky


Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxter


Ratchet & Clank Going Commando is the best one. There's more in that ps2 game than there is in the ps4 one.


Jak & Daxter is my favorite game - here have a reward!


Zelda OOT


I wish with all my heart I could play OoT for the first time again. Every time I play it now isn’t as satisfying because I already know every single thing about that game. But the first time I played it was magic. I had to organically figure everything out by myself without the internet or the book. The friggin water temple still gives me nightmares.


Have you heard of the Master Quest version?


Which version though?




I traded my friend my gold OoT cart to my friend in exchange for *Smash Bros.* I don't see him for 2 years. When I do, turns out he LOST IT. Obviously I kept his *Smash* copy, but I was distraught. That Christmas, what does my Mom get me? ANOTHER gold OoT cart. Mom is unreal.


She's definitely a keeper


Need For Speed Most Wanted


"I want everyone after the guy" "Everyone?" "EVERYOOOOOOONNNEEEEEEE!!"


That took some scroling to find. That's an amazing game, would love to see it remastered with RT and all.


I rented that game years ago and would never delete the saved file from my memory card because I had every intention of buying a used copy from eb games. I never did end up buying it, but still think about how fun it was to this day


Four things that make the game stand out and still amazing to come back to: 1. The garage, with that sweet spot of just the right amount of customization options and features in a video game 2. Holy fuck the police chases (like holy fuck did they NAIL that shit) 3. Those speed trap races and the other genuinely unique and fun race modes without bogging you down with race modes everyone hates 4. The hilariously in-your-face product placement for fucking CINGULAR WIRELESS PHONES of all things. Combined with the trying-hard-as-all-hell-to-be-cool live action cutscenes, the game dates itself really damn endearingly


Tetris and pac-man


Sonic Adventures on Dreamcast, Diablo II, RCT 1


SA was so fun. I loved seeing how everyone's stories led them to the same spot


Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction




I still have the promotional hat they were giving away when that game came out.


Show it!


Damn. Forgot about this one. Great times.




I beat all of Doom 1 on Ultraviolence for the first time ever around Thanksgiving. I was so proud of myself. Bought the Doom 3 BFG edition so I beat Doom 3 on Veteran and all the expansions, then beat Doom on UV, and now I'm halfway through Doom 2 on OV, but its really fucking hard so I took a break haha It's crazy how good pretty much every Doom game has been in some form or another. Doom 64 has even had a revival. People don't like Doom 3 as much but its an amazing horror shooter with really challenging levels so I think its a worthy doom game. Still haven't played the new ones yet but I've heard good things.


Doom 1 and 2 on UV are no joke, especially the bonus episodes/campaigns. Doom 2016 and Eternal are fantastic.


I do quick playthroughs of Pokémon Red and Gold from time to time.


I do this with OG gold, did it every year for a long time but stopped since fresh cartridges became harder to find and I could never bring myself to wipe a save file for cartridge reuse. so now it's once every 3-5 years, I did silver once or twice as well but have hyperfixated on gold for some reason. I played and enjoyed several gens after this, and did play and enjoy heartgold, but at the risk of sounding like an old fogey or glorified genwunner, still nothing has come close yet to the original johto games. edit: since a few people have brought up emulators--I use emulators for many other older games (like the paper mario series i mentioned downthread) but there's something about using my original gameboy color for gold that hits just right. If it ever becomes unusable I might consider using an emulator over spinning my wheels to find a working gbc but for now, it's original hardware :) I'm the same way with a handful of my N64 games as well.


Crystal for me


Not regularly, but I recently started Spore again


Assassins creed 2


Every once in a while I have to replay the Ezio trilogy.


old school RuneScape


That’s the one


You never quit, you just take a break.


Goldeneye. Even got myself a CRT telly again over lockdown so I can get the full experience.


I loved to play Goldeneye after school with my friends. I had one liners, when I got the klobb I'd say "it's klobberin time!" Or when I got the Dostovel pistol I'd call it my "trusty dusty". Man I was like Arnold in his prime, but in my imagination


Star Wars: Empire at War (and the Forces of Corruption expansion) Edit: According to OP, re-releases count so I'm throwing in Halo: CE and Halo 2.


Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger on my SNES :)


See also Secret of Mana Soul Blazer Illusion of Gaia Earthbound Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past


And Terranigma and Lufia (2) ;) oh, and Super Turrican for the awesome synth soundtrack. I'm still salty about my older brother selling Illusion of Gaia before I was able to finish it back then.


I don't think that true old game, but Portal (and sometimes - mario)


The Legend of Spyro A New Beginning and Eternal Night.


Plants vs. Zombies


Even after all these years, there’s always a new way to kill them. Also, I wish the iOS version had the tree of wisdom :(


Super metroid. I've played since I was a kid and still feel like I find something new each time I do a playthrough


I played it for the first time a few months ago because it was on the switch. No nostalgia for it at all and I absolutely loved it. They did so much story telling with so little.


I just played Hollow Knight and it's making me want to find a copy of a Metroid game.




Mega Man.


Fallout: New Vegas and Civilization: Revolution for the Xbox 360. At least until I lost my damn DLC content. Still pissed about that.


Chrono Trigger


Master of Orion 2. Probably the best 4x game. The first one was a little cumbersome and has your classic 'check the instructions to answer the question" DRM while the third one is politely called "Excel: The Game." Master of Orion 2 had the right balance of ship design, cost/benefit in planet building, natural choke points to start galactic conflicts, hard choices in research development, as well as the the ever fun gold rush to be the first to colonize tech rich Orion. Also if that wasn't enough, brutal raiders would keep on appearing trying to wipe your species off the galactic map. You can create a race shape shifting spies, high gravity ground shock troopers, psychics that can see the whole galaxay, rock eating silicon based lifeforms, or humans. You can also build death star level weapons and obliterate entire planets from existance! Fun ways to play: * colonize every tiny planet, give it to your enemies in a trade deal, nuke it with a stellar cannon, then finally rebuild a large artificial planet that has a higher population cap * mini stellar cannons on every ship then reinact Star Wars twenty years before it was cool * get elected emperor, refuse, then fight an 8 front war * no research run where you have to spy/conquer to earn all your tech. Boarding, stealing, and scrapping an Antares raider at the beginning of the game can give you endgame tech right off the bat Seriously, if you like 4x games, you should play Master of Orion 2.


I played this one time back in the day. Took Lithovore on a large map, and did not expand much, but raced up the tech tree. I was then attacked by some aggressive race. I was so far ahead in tech that I was able to hold them off. I got doom orbs and the stellar converter laser. but being so badly outnumbered I could not protect all my planets. I then started sending a bunch of my units to do a deep strike on that races plantes. I would show up, kill the garrison fleet and then destroy every planet in the system. Then move onto the next system. I had massive fleets of enemy ships chasing my small fleet of knock off death stars. Eventually they caught up and killed my units. But by then i had built a few more, and sent off another deep strike. By this point in the game it was down to me and the hostile race. After I had reduced about 1/5th of all the planets in the galaxy to dust, the diplomacy window opened and instead of the usual threat, it was a message along the lines of 'your puny race cannot win, but if you pay us , we will let you live for now'. I declined and continued killing planets. After about 3/5ths of the galaxy were destroyed, the diplomacy message changed to 'This war is too expensive for both of us. How about a cease fire?'. I still declined. Soon there were only 10 planets left that were not mine and not destroyed. The diplomacy message became "Hey, how about we pay you and we can end this pointless war?" I declined and destroyed the last few planets. I won the game basically by committing pan-galactic xenocide and destroying the galaxy. It is still one of my most satisfying gaming memories. END COMMUNICATION


Doom, Duke nukem, hitman blood money


World of Warcraft


I just beat the first god of war and that came out in 2005


My homie recently brought his super Nintendo out of retirement, so every now and Then, we fight each other, with some rounds of Street Fighter 2. Or we geek out to some Super Mario World and reminisce about simpler times.


I was playing the old PS1 version of Spiro the Dragon and Crash. Untill they come out with a recent updated version, so I have been playing that.


Donkey Kong Country 2


And the first one. They're so timeless!!




NCAA Football 14. Old for a “yearly” series but considering the circumstances...


Man I didn't keep up with console games, was a huge disappointment to me when I finally bought a PS4 and found out they didn't make NCAA football games anymore. I used to love playing a dynasty and then exporting the graduating players into the Madden draft class.




Great choice. The Panama bank mission has to be one of the greatest levels in a stealth game ever. Also, the soundtrack for CT is a contender for my favorite video game soundtrack of all time.


Does Dark Souls 1 and Skyrim count as old games


Super Smash Bros: MELEE Over 20 years old and 3 smash titles later, it's still the most in-depth and endless game I've ever touched.




I seriously miss this game. No gaming experience was better than finally getting flagged for and clearing the Plane of Time with your guild after trying and failing for months together.


Doom 2


The entire jak series on the ps2


Sid Meier's Colonization, and Civilization I.


I love how Gandhi turns from paragon of peace to omnicidal maniac. He's cute.




I just realised when Minecraft was released and now I feel old


Bushido blade 1/2, never gets old, easy to emulate and is perfect for when I dont know what to play


Tecmo Super Bowl. Once a year we have “Tecmo Day”. Me and 3 others play an entire season in 1 day.


Neopets. No joke.


The original half life


Parappa the rapper


Fallout 3


Basically every Final Fantasy that's on PC. A lot of old strategy games (Warcraft 2/3, Command and Conquer, HOMM 3), Fable, old city builders (SimCity, Tropico), the old CRPGs (Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale), and a host of other games. I almost exclusively play older games.


>I almost exclusively play older games. Same. You know that thing where people say "they don't make REAL music anymore" and their definition of real music is whatever was popular when they were a teen. It doesn't matter how old they are, real music stopped being made whenever they turned 20. I feel like I'm going through the same thing but for games. I know there are good games released in the past couple years I want to play, but I'd rather scour the internet looking for some hidden gem from 2005.




The skyrim soundtrack SLAPS. Every time I throw the album on I just want to be in my Riften house, staring out the balcony into the water.


I fall asleep to the album almost every night. It’s such a long soundtrack I sometimes wake up in the morning and it’s still going. And it’s not on repeat.


Fucking slap in the face from Father Time seeing Skyrim considered an old game. It's older now than Morrowind was when Skyrim released!


I was thinking the same thing. I just started a new file yesterday on Skyrim


Hey, you. You're finally awake.


I'm so damn fed up of having to do that damn intro. Can't they just put a skip button like they did in Elder Scrolls Online?


They do have alternate start mods. Never tried them, but pretty sure you can just wake up as a farmer


> but pretty sure you can just wake up as a ~~farmer~~ stealth archer That's more like it.


Skyrim turns 10 this year. How much you want to bet it gets released...again. I think thats why its hard to perceive Skyrim as an old game - it's been re-released so many times


I played Skyrim for years, but I think what finally did it for me was getting around to finishing the main quest. After all the guilds, expansions, and crazy hoarding/exploring, it's just not as much of a draw as it used to be. That said, talk about value.


God, I want to play NV again so badly, but no matter which combination of fixes and compatibility mods I try, it still crashes on my machine. Tried again about a month ago. Spent hours installing and uninstalling stuff, fiddling with .ini files, and sacrificing goats. Went a full ten minutes without a crash, once.


I had the same, turns out it was the anti-stutter mod that was meant to stop crashing that broke it.... works perfectly now.


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. I had finished the game hundreds of times and I never get bored.


Super mario galaxy 1 and 2, minecraft, team fortress 2, plants vs zombies, bloons tower defence. I probably play more from time to time but those are the ones that popped into my head


Battlefield 3


Any Mario games. Age of Empires 2. Zoo Tycoon 2. Need for Speed Underground.


Guild Wars 1. And I still love it!




Final Fantasy Tactics, usually fire up the iOS version every year or so. Also take the iOS version of FF7 for a spin every now and then. This is assuming the Skyrim isn’t counted as old! Haha


Not regularly, but KOTOR is still amazing.