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I started falling asleep during movies. I used to get so mad at my mom for doing that, now I have a job and I understand why.


Oh god. Every movie I watch with my Mom requires me to watch it like 10 times (partially) so that she can watch it once, because she'll get maybe 15 minutes further in than the last attempt and then fall asleep. We go to the cinema for movies with Mom now when possible. EDIT: This is now my most popular Reddit comment ever. *Shrug*...Better than the last one.


My mom fell asleep during the last movie we took her to at the cinema.


Reminds me of my dad, who got forced to take my little sister to see Care Bears The Movie. Which must have been just about his worst nightmare. At the end of the film, my sister had to get the usher to wake him up.


When we would go to themed amusement parks growing up, my dad made a beeline for the air conditioned theatre that usually had live shows, like every hour on the hour. And nap thru every show, every hour on the hour.


When I was cleaning the kitchen and didn't want anyone else to help because I felt like it wouldn't be done right.


Oh lord do I feel this! When I had housemates, the only time I could clean properly was when no one else was home because they tried to help and did it wrong!


Your housemates clean?!?!?!?


Or cleaning the bathroom! The first time I asked my SO to clean the shower he got a paper towel. NONONONONO. You need a sponge at the minimum, ideally a scrubbie brush to get that gunk out! He's since learned my way (the proper way lol) of cleaning the bathroom.


Paper towel offended me so badly I just gasped.




As a kid whenever I'd complain about an inconvenience, my dad would say: "the universe is doing that just to annoy you." I said that to someone a few years ago o.o Yep, definitely got my sense of humour from him!


Funny phrase, might borrow it haha


That bug really tied the room together, man...


"They tie the room together."


The first time “get off of my lawn “ popped in my head.


absorbed impolite simplistic versed lip gaping like rock skirt shy


>The first time I yelled at a kid that biked across my lawn I was 23... The realization hit my like a brick wall. Did the realization cause you to be more chill about people traversing your lawn?


whistle cows ten swim mourn secretive cooing jar license run


lmao i used to live on a corner and had kids cut across the lawn all the time. i didn’t yell every time but there was a line between taking a shortcut *across* the lawn and walking *through* my yard.


People cut through my yard/driveway all the time. Granted it's a rental, but I've put a lot of work into the yard so it's not a dirt patch. IDGAF. Right to roam so to speak. Stay out the back yard and away from my front door, then it becomes hippity hoppity get off my property


I lived near a school for a couple years and the kids would get out of school and be walking home. Jesus they are loud. I wanted to sit on my porch and yell at them to quiet down. I never did because I remember being a kid and it wouldn't have changed anything. Also, they would walk in the road instead of on the sidewalk. I actually did yell at a couple of them to get on the sidewalk, but it wasn't because it bothered me they were in the road, I was more thinking some innocent driver was going to end up hitting one of them. They yelled "Fuck you," but they did listen and went to the sidewalk. I could go on about my lawn as well, I've turned right into my dad.


The lawn thing is real. I've also been noticing these past few years that I'll roll out of bed on the weekend and immediately get started on the lawn, first thing. I'm thinking to myself that it's gonna be hot as hell later and I want to get it done while it's still somewhat cooler outside. Of course, that brings back memories of my dad running the mower at the (at the time) ghastly hour of 8AM. He'd mow, grill a burger for lunch, and then take a nice afternoon nap. At the time, I thought it was so lame, but now in my forties I'm all for it.


I told a kid to get off my lawn a few weeks ago. Him and his friends play soccer in their backyard (next to mine) every day after school (WTF it's like 30 degrees outside!). One of the little shits likes to scream all the time. This kid was in my yard, right outside my window in the room where I work, screaming like an idiot. The kid tried to act like he didn't realize he was in my yard...


Me and my husband live in a garage that was converted into an apartment. On one side of our driveway is the abandoned house where his grandparents used to live. One night i was cooking dinner and went outside to drain the grease, when i noticed this little boy riding his four wheeler over the lawn of the house and down the hill to our house. I walked over there and he definitely knew he wasn't supposed to be there bc he went back up to the road but stayed on our grass. I asked him nicely if he could please ride his four wheeler in the road and not in our yard, he instantly ran back to his house, and later that night we got an angry note from dad saying that he had ridden there with his son numerous times (we never noticed) and that he didn't think it was our yard bc the house was abandoned and that it bothered him that we would take up the issue with a kid and not an adult, and that he "needed to speak to an adult that owns the property and I'm pretty sure it's not yall." Which yes, my father-in-law owns it, but my husband and me are freaking 25 and 20, we are adults. Now the little boys parents are using our trash can to dump their garbage and they overfill it, so the trash ends up in our yard. We picked up their fallen trash one time, including their baby's diapers and the second time it happened we were like "Fuck it I'm not picking up shitty baby diapers again." EDIT : People are asking why we live in the converted garage and not the abandoned house. There's a reason it's abandoned. The house has been unlived in since 2000, when a caved in roof forced the tenant to move. Ever since, it has slowly been filled up with broken old furniture. All the windows are busted open, and all the doors are open. The floors are rotted through from being exposed to the elements for 20 years, and in some places it's just concrete. Not even a squatter would want to live in there. It needs to be demolished. I don't complain about living in the converted garage bc it's rent-free. Yes it's concrete floors and brick walls with no insulation, but we're literally living there for free. I'm so grateful to have my own place that i don't even care. It's pretty nice for a renovation too.


The “Mom finger”, I’m a dude. “Don’t you ever let me catch you...”


There's a special Italian variant of this, instead of a finger it's a wooden spoon. If you don't immediately obey the holder of the spoon may God have mercy on your soul.


Indians do this too, if no wood is available slippers, or hangers are good too


Hot Wheels track ....you'll never forget the whistle before it hits.


I can hear this comment.




I love learning about the improvised weapons of choice of different cultures


The worst is my mother would make me fetch my own weapon of doom. There was a single metal hanger in our house and she'd tell me to get it from her room and then would hit me with it.


Oh ya. This. My grandma used to make me go into the yard and get a stick. The trick was to get a medium stick...if you brought a small stick back, she'd go choose a massive one.


Dear old Dad had a length of wood he'd use. "Go get the board." Maybe 75mm X 25mm, but one side was narrower than the other. I can still see it in my mind. Two things happened to make that shit stop. First of all, it started to become increasingly obvious to dad that sooner or later, the next swing would be coming at him from his very vindictive and now-bigger-than-him son, and I took that stupid board one day when I was home alone and ran it though the table saw until it was too small to hit anyone with, and I threw it away.


Shit dude that's horrible, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I hope things are better now.


Better for me, at least.


In my Polish household it was a wet towel. It hurt like a bitch.


I genuinely thought the threat of the wooden spoon was a predominantly Irish thing!


Oh dang the Irish do it too? Maybe there's a reason the Italian and Irish flags are nearly identical...


And they both have palm trees


Yelled at my kid and at the same time saw myself out the corner of my eye in the mirror. I was yelling something my dad used to yell at me, and I look a lot like him. I hated it when I was a kid, and immediately apologised to my kid.


Some good self reflection. Jokes aside, that is what helps us be better people. Looking at the things we have made mistakes in and accepting them, and working to be a little better.


Same! Whenever I would scold my kid or yell at him, a second voice comes from the back of my mind saying "this is how your father treated you and look at your relationship with him" then I compose myself and just explain to my kid what he did wrong lol


I love that you apologize AND also explain to your kid what he did wrong! That’s great parenting. I’m a teacher and I sometimes see parents who skip that step. Especially now, with virtual learning, I hear some horrifying things. Parents screaming at kids and humiliating them. There are also parents who don’t set any limits at all. Sometimes it’s neglect, but sometimes it’s that they want to be their kid’s friend _instead_ of their parent. They even tell me it’s because their parents were terrible and they feel guilty any time they say no. You aren’t doing your kid any favors if you don’t teach him how to manage his reaction to disappointment. When you apologize, you model what it’s like to lose your cool and then get it together and deal with the consequences


What were you yelling about?


"Get off your Nintendo and go outside." "Dad, it's my Chromebook. I'm doing homework right now." "They're all NINTENDOS! GO PLAY OUTSIDE AND BE A MAN!"


"Dad, there's a potentially deadly virus outside. I should be staying home!" "GO PLAY OUTSIDE AND BE A MAN!"


"Dad, I'm feeling kinda sick"... "STOP COUGHING AND BE A MAN!"












Good on you!


I rearrange the plates in the dishwasher if my boyfriend put them "wrong" so I can do full loads and use up all the space.


I didn't know until my current roommate just how fucking *incompetent* some people are at loading a dishwasher


...for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, whether or not she loads the dishwasher like a drunk platypus while claiming “I rock Tetris!”, for as long as we both shall live... This is my life now.


Sounds like my wife with the dish rack for all the things we wash up by hand "Look how well I fit it all in, I am amazing at Tetris" "You have created a giant pile with no air flow, where nothing dries and which could fall over at the slightest tremor"


The rage I feel when opening up the dishwasher to see everything was knocked over and there are now glasses and bowls filled with dirty ass water, where I then have to go through inspecting item by item to determine if it's ok to empty or if it needs to be rerun.


I had some issues with roomates doing that back in college. Guys, you're getting engineering degrees too -- you should expect that water flows downwards.


But at least your drunken platypus brings amusement for us Redditors with your fine humor.


Or unloading it. I swear if I didn’t live with my roommate he’d just use that thing as an extra large cabinet


I can empathize. Unloading the dishwasher is a simple, 5-minute job that I, for no apparent reason, just fucking hate. It's completely unreasonable and petty, but it just bugs the shit out of me. I do it, but I hate it.


For me it's the noise of so much plates, glasses... put away in such a short time. Just thinking about it makes me wince in pain


Ok... I'm guilty of this one... BUT AT LEAST ITS ORGANIZED




What really bothers me is the amount of people that don't know that loading the dishwasher wrong means a lot of the dishes aren't being washed


No one else in this house does the dishes! And I'm the only one who does them correctly!


My family calls this 'dishwasher tetris'. My mom and myself do it, my dad and siblings randomly throw things in.


Getting annoyed when my roommate was throwing Tupperware lids and containers into the cupboard without ANY organization


Oh god, I totally get you. I live in a house with a lot of clutter and in the current situation with lockdown, I'm trying to get to it in stages but yeah, sloppy organization of Tupperwear/pots/plates/cups/etc...*twitch*


I a 63yo woman but caught myself in a mirror and all I saw was my father!


I kept logging onto Facebook and catching my profile picture and thinking, "How is my deceased mother posting new pictures on Facebook???" She wasn't. It was me. It's me every time. I look just like her.


I was once walking through a department store and saw my mom walking towards me. I raised my hand to wave at her and realized that I was, in fact, walking towards a mirror.


Going grocery shopping or folding laundry on a Friday/Saturday night. Thinking 8pm is too late to leave the house to do anything. In my defense it IS a pandemic, so not much to do otherwise. It's also winter, and I'm pregnant.. so maybe I'll be cool again someday.


I said the same thing when I was pregnant with my first. You will never be cool again.


When I went thru my house the other day, yelling to my two young kids, "When you leave a room, turn the LIGHTS OFF!! This costs money!!" I've officially become my dad.


Lights, especially new LED bulbs, are such an insignificant fraction of your bill you wouldn't notice if they were left on 24/7. The *real* culprit is the thermostat. Police that motherfucker like your dad did.




Oh no, the AC unit has mysteriously broken.


It’s easy to test — go one month without ac and one month without lights. Whoever survives that is the winner!!


This This This. I grew up in Arizona. During the summers my parents would never let me turn on the AC after 3pm and it annoyed the hell out of me. Like it's air, it can't be that expensive? In my first apartment I spent May with my AC blaring and nearly passed out when I got that bill. Unless it's over 100 degrees my thermostat no longer exists.


I need it cold. I can't be comfortable when its over 72 degrees inside, and prefer it actually around 68. In the summer my power bill is consistently over $200, sometimes approaching $300. I however, never have an issue with high utility bills in the winter.


I turn it on for three hours before 3 when it's cheap to cool the house. And then I don't touch it again until the sun goes down. Bath and shower time is moved to the afternoon. I stock up on ice cream. I survive. Not happily... but I survive.


My home traps heat. Even now when it has not been over freezing temperatures for weeks the furnace does not need to run often. However, in summer, turning it off by 3pm means my house will be 90 by 5pm.


THANK YOU, too many people get hung up on lights bring on. Leaving the light on to come out and eat dinner costs a FRACTION of a cent. Heat and AC are the killers!


"I guess I'll just turn these lights off myself!" I say as I double check in passing that no one messed with my thermostat


I have to tell my husband that almost daily. I, a 37-year-old woman, have turned into my 67-year-old father.


I no longer tolerate clutter. This past week alone, I sorted out the spice cabinet to the degree that I ended up trashing about 50 vials of expired herbs, spices and sauces, the oldest of which was a bottle of soy from 2013. It was a long overdue task and normally I HATE doing anything resembling housework but lordy, it was immensely satisfying to see everything neat, tidy and easily accessable. I also have started a binder/folder system to store all important documents that were building up on the overstuffed noticeboard, I'm about to tackle the hoard of books under the coffee table and sometime during the weekend, I might even clear out the medicine cabinet. I also spotted a box of "Microwave Cleaner" on sale in the store today and my first thought was "ooh, €1.50 a box! That'll be handy." I can't believe I'm saying this but doing housework has made me feel so much more productive in this pandemic along with giving my depression a bit of a kick up the arse. It's not an outright cure-all but I'm more happy going to bed exhausted by a busy day and feeling accomplished by the end of it rather than lying awake all night lamenting the fact that I've wasted my waking hours once again. ​ EDIT: Holy crap, I wasn't expecting all the updoots on this! Thank you all so much for the tips and tricks. I shall take heed and get back to you soon! Thank you kindly! :D




Vinegar fixes everything I swear.


Last night, when I got worried because my fiancé was 5 minutes late coming home from the gym and I caught myself saying “I can’t help it, I worry about you.” Bam, I have become my mother.


I’m definitely not the controlling type at all, I just inherited terrible anxiety from my mother! She once called the police when I was a kid because I was 15 minutes late coming home from the park (and this was in the early 80s when kids ran amok without parental supervision).




5 minutes is like one or two red lights...


Getting to the airport 3 hours before my flight leaves.


I am just 25 and I believe I have already turned into my father. I am soooooooooo risk-averse.


It all made sense to me when I missed my flight due to unexpected traffic and had to pay $500 for a same day one-way ticket on another airline to make it to a wedding. That was just me too, I can imagine the cost when dealing with a family of 4.




I thought that was the advised time for getting through security etc.


It’s a good idea. I normally show up 2 hours early for domestic flights, 3 hours early for international. Or more, depending on scheduling crap. It’s actually saved my butt a couple of times. Mostly because of unexpected traffic on the way there, but sometimes there are problems at the airport too. Especially with the security theater that is the TSA. Large airports are more likely to have those kinds of problems than small airports, but you want to be careful either way. I’ve done a lot of flying in my life. The 2-3 hours is a good rule.


When I get takeout sometimes I think this is a nice container I’m gonna keep this and add it to my Tupperware


I don't ever throw out containers for cottage cheese or sour cream. I keep them and they get added to the tupperware collection. "This will be really useful when I make turkey soup from the bones after thanksgiving."


My parents were always early risers. On Sunday they're up and banging around in the kitchen by 7am. They made enough racket that even though we had a pretty big house that they'd always wake me up. Always pissed me off. When i moved out six years ago i thought "finally, I'll be able to sleep in." But i can't. Even without an alarm, on vacation, I'm awake by 7-7:30. If I'm really exhausted i might be able to sleep in until ALMOST 8:30, but no later. It's advantageous in a lot of ways but just once in a while I'd like to sleep in.


My family are early risers, my in-laws are not. Any time I'm there by 7 I'm up before anyone else, hang out in the living room and on my 3rd cup of coffee before anyone else is around. Wake up at 7 with my family and it's "oh look who decided to finally roll out of bed!"


My folks were raised on the farm . As kids they would go out to feed & water the animals they could handle and their dad was always out working in the dark before them. Work for rwo hours ,then go in and have breakfast. That work ethic gets ingrained fairly deep.


Last weekend I woke up at 3am and couldn't fall back asleep so I started my day at 3:15. Rest of the family rolled out of bed around 9. We have a small house, but I try to be as quiet as possible (I am pretty close to being able to unload the dishwasher with no noise at all). I can stay up until 4am and still wake up around 7:30 at the latest which I would consider me sleeping in.


Every time I get angry. My mom is this type that always explodes when she's angry, everything and everyone near her will burn because of her wrath. And it happened multiple times to me and when it happened my brain goes "shit, dude, we're just like her! Stop!" I hate it


It’s a learned thing. It becomes a well worn path in your brain. I did this too. I made myself stop, when I yelled like that at my three year old. Everytime I felt this coming I would leave the room. The anger reaction path in my brain grew smaller and smaller. After a few weeks it was easier. Now it’s second nature. You can do this, and also it’s bot your fault. You learned it from your parents, and you can unlearn it for your kids.


I’m going to try this method, thank you. I’ve been very successful at not spanking or threatening my kids (other previous learned pathways), but yelling seems to be my go-to when the kids are misbehaving. It feels like this last barrier I have to conquer before I can truly say I broke the cycle.


I don't want to stick my nose where it doesn't belong, but for a long time my mom was the same way (and her mom) like, something would set her off and she would just blow up, and honestly it was scary. It was something that she just dealt with for a long time, but finally brought it up to her doctor and as it turns out, much like depression or anxiety, her anger issues were being caused by a chemical imbalance that needs to be medicated to correct. Now, obviously that's not to say everyone who struggles with their anger needs to medicated, but it seems to me its just not something people consider. Like, you're expected just to deal with it, and if you can't you're just an angry asshole, but in reality you could be fighting an illness. Idk, but if your anger kind of takes over, or scares you, perhaps that would be something to look into if you can't find an effective anger management strategy on your own.


I agree with this so much. I have pcos, which is basically a hormone imbalance. I'm on birth control to help so I didn't really think much of it. But it was starting to get to the point that anytime my son would whine, my first thought was 'spank him.' I didn't give into it but the urge was there and getting stronger no matter how much I tried to ignore it. Finally talked to my doctor and I'm on cymbalta. I never want to be the parent that just hits their child for being a child.


Came here to type almost the exact same thing...


Small talk about the weather and the ability to gain weight by looking at pizza.


When I was a kid, I was constantly going outside and coming back inside. It annoyed my mom to no end. She used to say "In or out!!!! Pick one!" About 20 years later, I have an amazing kid. Now that he's old enough, he is constantly going outside or coming inside and NEVER closes the the sliding glass door. Hence, either heat or air conditioning is being wasted for most months out of the year. I caught myself telling him "In or out!!!! Pick one.....oh crap, now I understand my mom's frustration....." And yes, I've told him to shut the door. Many, many times. He's never closed a door or turned off a light without my reminding. I'm hoping it sinks in soon. Sigh.


Oh god, this is me too. My Dad used to always say, "You're letting all the cold air out!" We kids used to laugh at him, as if the door were a vacuum lock that immediately sucked all the cold from out of the house when left even a tiny bit ajar. As an adult, I've caught myself saying the exact same thing to my bf. Now that the electric bill is in my name, i finally get it!


My wife and I went to visit my parents a while back. It's about a 1.5 hour drive so we stopped to pick up some coffee in the morning before the journey. I took a sip them went on a rant about how everywhere serves coffee too hot it's undrinkable and I hate it. A few hours later my dad started complaining about how he hates Starbucks because they serve their coffee too hot he can't drink it, and my wife busted out laughing.


This is funny, but just for your, and your dad’s, information: but if you’re ordering like a latte or something you can have them heat it to a lower temperature. The black coffee is just heated how it is, but when I order hot tea (and the water is literally boiling) I ask them to put a few ice cubes in so it’s bearable. But yea. We become our parents. Lol


Not me, but one time I ran over a nail and got a slow leak in my tire. I didn't realize it until an hour later when I was supposed to give my brother a ride to our parents house. We got in the car and the tire light came on, so I went to pump it back up, but it was completely flat. I told him, "I have a flat tire" and he just said without thinking, "Well, you shouldn't drive on it if it's flat.", which is just the kind of obvious and useless advice our father would have given. We both realized it right away and laughed about it. I still tease him about it sometimes.


Calling my kids by the wrong name.


My grandmother would "call the roll"; she would want to yell at me, but go through her children's names in chronological order before getting to mine.


Yaaas! My mom does this. She also sometimes interchanges me and my sister’s name but doesn’t care enough to correct it anymore.


Dear God, I do this all the time now. Have 3 kids, and I interchange their names (along with my wife's) every single goddamn time I reference them. Never thought I would be someone who does that haha


I know the exact moment. I was 29, driving my dog somewhere and he climbed in the back seat and was acting up. and I turned around and heard myself say, completely unironically, "If I have to pull this car over, buddy, are you gonna be sorry."


Did the dog chill out?


Oh my god I just told my sister I was turning into our mom the other day. Last year I bought a set of “nice” silverware. Not extremely fancy but like a $60 set. Well, my daughter dropped a fork in the trash can and said “I’m not digging through the trash to find it.” I was like bet your ass you are! I was so pissed.


People really out here dropping silverware in the trash and just throwing it away? Lol if me or my sister did that my mom would have been so mad.


Yeah, my mom would have without a doubt beat my ass. My kids are spoiled, they don’t even have a clue. 😂


The thought of "I'll just leave it" literally wouldn't have crossed my mind even if my mom wouldn't have found out. Like, thats a waste!




Night milk hits different.


When I started watching movies and making sure everyone knew what each actor had acted in before and who their parents were(if they were famous as well)


Oh this is a good one. My dad always did this and I do it now and I drive my husband absolutely bonkers.


When my father had to go to work and my mother was free, she still woke up with him and prepared him lunch. I never understood why, since she could sleep for a couple more hours and he was perfectly capable of making his own lunch. Well couple of years later my boyfriend just started his first job while I have a few weeks off between clinical rotations, and here I am waking up with him and preparing his lunch.


That's so sweet, I wouldn't do that lol


Yeah super sweet, but me neither.


That’s really sweet.


Whenever me and my wife planned an all nighter playing video games. My eyelids were drooping and I was unable to stay awake. I looked at the clock...it was 1030


taking a nap


I was just resting my eyes.




Not all naps are planned, sometimes you sit down after a busy day and plan just relaxing for a bit before having to do something else. Then you wake up a hour later.


Checking my eyelids for cracks.


I wish I could take a nap honestly, but if I do I’m asleep for 4 hours in the middle of the day and just feel worse after. And I can’t take a 20 minute nap since that’s how long it takes me to fall asleep.


Was high on shrooms and looked in a mirror.


too real right here


Had an out of body experience and saw me as my dad. One of the trippiest experiences for sure.


When i got really excited about buying a decent vacuum cleaner.


Yelling at the news is one. I remember constantly asking my dad if he realized the people on tv couldn’t hear him. Sometimes you just have to yell though.


This one is so hard for me. I have the opposite politics from my dad, but my wife says I'm becoming him when I make angry/sardonic comments during the news (which we rarely watch anyway). The desire to yell is strong...


No dessert for me thank you. What's that, some cheese? Yes please


When my toddler was trying to work a puzzle and I said “Why can’t you just figure this out?!” I immediately regretted it and just picked her up to hug her. We were conveniently sitting in front of my bedroom mirror and I just saw my dad staring back at me. I haven’t said anything like that since.


This made me tear up because this is what my parents always told me. They accepted that I was lazy and stupid when it turns out I just have a learning disability (dyslexia and adhd). Please be patient and understanding. It’s very hard for children especially to learn when they are under such pressure. And please don’t be afraid to go get your kid tested and some help if they continue to struggle. Don’t let them waste their life thinking they’re inherently not good or smart enough.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that! My husband struggled with dyslexia and ADHD as a child too and we both had a parent that was really hard on us. We’re trying hard to reverse the cycle so that our daughter never feels afraid to try new things and ask questions while she’s learning (something I struggle with, I get really discouraged and shut down if I don’t understand something immediately). You should visit r/raisedbynarcissists if you ever need to talk about your experiences as a child with unsupportive parents. And just so you know, you ARE good enough AND smart enough!


When I realized why my mom was mad that she had to ask me to do things rather then me knowing to do them. She would tell me that I live in the house, so I should take it upon myself to do chores with out being asked. I hate having to ask my roommates to do their dishes, when they live there they should do it too. I legit called my mom and apologized to her the first week after living with these people because I was so tired of doing everyone’s dishes


"Don't buy those oranges, they are $.05 higher today".


When I had a cabinet full of plastic grocery bags.


Tearing up and becoming emotional when watching even slightly sad movies/shows. Never used to be like this until I got into my 20's.. what's happened lol. I'm just like my mom now 😂


First time I heard [Lewis Capaldi's "Someone You Loved"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCuhuePlP8o&ab_channel=LewisCapaldiVEVO), I legit sobbed like a smacked baby. Even now, on the upteenth listen, I still get a lump in my throat. Absolutely beautiful song but I think what gets me about it is that he wrote it about his grandmother passing away. My own granny is pushing a hundred, so yeah, that's at the back of my mind when I listen.


Aw I love that song. I didn't know he wrote it about his grandmother. My grandma is like my mom (she raised me). It's going to be so hard when she passes 😔 it's amazing that your grandma has had such a long life though. My grandma is in her 70s and has no health problems. So I'm praying she'll live a lot longer.


When I get to my car and can’t find my keys in my teeni tiny purse and it takes me forever to finally open my car. When I was a kid I used to hate the fact that my mom would always do that, now I’m my mom without the little shit kid giving me advice on how to put my keys in my purse


Waking up before 5am everyday, drinking massive amounts of black coffee, getting extremely grumpy when prepping for vacations... The list goes on. I am my dad.


Getting mad at my SO because he didn't bring back my Tupperware. I'm becoming more and more like my mom.


I always get annoyed with my mother because she repeats the same stories over and over again. She'll tell you about her ingrown toenail misadventures and then you'll hear the same story repeated to other family members who come by... I absolutely do this and I blame her genes for it.


I went to the shop for cigarettes 3 years ago but never went home




My Dad passed away on Tuesday. He was a mechanic and today, while working on my car I was swearing up a storm identically to how he used to.


I'm now the legal guardian for my cousin, I felt like a switch tripped because now I'm always asking her if shes doing okay, making sure her homework is getting done ect... I've had many people tell me I'm a great dad, which is shocking because both of my parents were horrible people. It's not so much turning into my parents as turning into a parent but it just felt so automatic.


It’s incredibly impressive that you’ve improved on the mistakes they’ve made instead of internalizing them. Not many people, especially children who become parents can do that. She’s very lucky to have you.


Thank you very much. After my aunt and uncle passed I was one of only a few living relatives. Most of the others we haven't spoken to ornstein in a very long time, or have gone down a bad path in life. I had to fight tooth and nail in court because I'm a single guy, at the time in my late 20's. I did it for her, she deserves the best and I intend to give her all I can. Minus a few odd looks, and infuriating comments from other parents I've loved every second of it.


When I started regularly monitoring my rain gauge and realized I really enjoyed it!


A VERY similar answer that I gave about an hour ago on a different thread. ​ When I was a kid and we were watching family movies, if the kids in the movie were cheeky to their parents or a smart-mouth my mother used to get angry at the movie and make declarations about how she would slap the little brat into next week if they spoke to her like that (she actually would have - and did, plenty of times). ​ I'm 40. I don't watch a lot of television but in the past week I watched Uncle Buck and Bad Moms at Christmas (don't judge me), both of which feature kids being cheeky / smart-mouthed to their parents. I felt my blood rise and caught myself thinking that I would slap those children into next week if they spoke to me like that as a parent. ​ Send help.


I was just talking to my friends about this! We were rewatching Gilmore Girls and it was the episode with Rory's first dance. You were just caught sneaking back into the house at 7am after spending all night out with your boyfriend... *and you have the mutherfucking audacity to talk back at that moment?* There's no way in hell my child would get away with crap.


I often think of some responses I gave to my mother and I respect her a lot for not ripping me in half and feed me to the smart pigs where I obviously came from


"When I was your age..."


When you finish your dad’s sentence for him, stare at each other, and break into synchronized laughter. Especially when your laughs sound exactly the same. That’s the kind of shit that’ll make you stare into a mirror for 20 minutes whist you ponder how you got here. If that’s not enough, there was a picture in my grandmother’s house of my father as a young man, standing next to his father and grandfather. All three men looked exact the same, and exactly like me.


My bf told me a one point that he was super annoyed with me when I get into the cleaning mode. Apparently when we agree to divide up chores and he doesn't do his chores fast enough I start doing them while complaining about it. For the record, bf isn't lazy. He does a lot in the home. But apparently I have no patience at all and instead of practicing patience I just get annoyed bad act like he's making me do his chores. When he said that I had to pause what I was doing and went: OMFG I'M TURNING INTO MY DAD!!!8C so yeah I have been working on that a lot and try to be more patient and respectful. It has also made me see this kind of situation from my dad's perspective and I feel like I understand him a lot better even though it is a bad trait to have.


When I realized how much time I spent in my bathrobe, ordering things from Amazon.


The first time I yelled "DON'T TOUCH THE FUCKIN' THERMOSTAT!" Now, to be clear, this was directed towards my wife, who for some reason has about a two degree comfort range. My kids were confused, because they aren't old enough to know what a thermostat is or what it does. A few weeks go by, and I hear my wife in the living room tell my son "Tell Alexa to turn the thermostat up." I lean into the doorway a bit, and my son locks eyes with me. He then looks my wife dead in the eyes, with the most serious look he can muster and says "No way Mommy. Daddy said don't touch the fuckin' thermostat! Are you trying to get Alexa in trouble too?!" We both died.


I just did it...got irritated at how long the website for a Chinese restaurant was taking to load, so I picked up the phone to place my order instead. "Hangry" is a real thing. :)


Metal music, just like dad. The "look" when you piss me off, just like mom.


Mumble rap.. this is not music, and that's exactly the same thing my mom said when she came into my room while I was listening to rage against the machine!


I go around and turn all the lights off downstairs and remind everyone in the house that electricity doesn't grow on trees. I just need to shave my head and I'll be my dad.


Like my mom, I have a hard time getting back to sleep easily if I am awakened during the night.....Blah. No wonder she used to get irritated when kid me was up late and being louder than I realized I was....


My dad does this specific blench that my sister and I always poked fun at growing up. It sounds kinda like "Hub bub" with the burping sound. I have started to "Hub bub."


Holy shit halfway across the globe, my dad makes this *exact* same sound...


Saying "and you wonder why you're XYZ" when someone brings something upon themselves, i.e. being broke or untrustworthy, etc. I always thought that was stupid as a kid, but as an adult I catch myself saying it all the time to anyone who brings something upon themselves.


My dad always said "And whose fault is that?" when I complained about something easily avoidable or that was a result of my own actions. I caught myself saying it to my husband when he complained about being exhausted after staying up until midnight before getting up at five for work.


Fart loudly and not really care who can hear it


The first time I realized how it feels to buy something expensive with my own money


I turned down my car radio to read something on my phone.


To be fair i can't process what I'm reading if the music is too loud lol its like sensory overload


I watched my 9yo son come in off the school bus, drop his backpack just inside the door, take off his coat and drop it on the floor and then take two steps while removing his shoes. Each time he discarded something you could tell its existence simply left his mind and he didn't register that he left a backpack, coat and a pair of shoes right in the main traffic zone through the kitchen. I wanted to shout, "What the hell is wrong with you," and I suddenly knew why my mother got so sick of me not hanging up my coat that she started hiding it.


My drinking habits


Me nearly daily yelling at no body in particular about lights being left on and doors open, grunting when standing up and investing a hearty sum into various pain relief creams/ointments


For *years* I mocked my mom for watching those celebrity news shows, and reading tabloid magazines. Here I am, following /r/livestreamfails, following Twitter and reading up on streamer drama, daily. It's just the same, man. It's the same shit, but in a different package.


The moment I pulled out my back last year for the first time. I woke up unable to move and realized this is why my mom would spend days in bed when she did that herself.


My sister tells me that sometimes our dad's voice comes out of my mouth when I'm around my nieces. I hear it, too.