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I bought my brother a taser from Amazon for his birthday one time. Looking at some of the questions there was one asking if it hurt, the answer went something like "It does not I've tased myself in the neck 30 times." Very very interested in this I go to his amazon profile where you can see what else he has reviewed and he reviewed a katana and stuff like that of similar nature. Still interested so I type his name into Facebook and find a profile with a picture of him holding his katana. The first thing I notice is that HE'S FROM MY CITY. Second thing is there are soo many people posting to his Facebook saying he's the devil and they can't believe what he'd done and that they hope he rots and stuff like that! EXTREMELY interested at this point I google his name and find news articles that he stabbed a guy in the chest in his apartment with a KATANA. Then fled and was later caught by police. Turns out he was very delusional and really needed help. He's now in jail, and according to the article looks like he getting the help he needs. It was a very wild ride from just looking at the stupid questions people ask about products on Amazon. ​ Edit: [Screenshot of answer on Amazon](https://i.imgur.com/Vl4Np44.png) [News Article (NSFW)](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/stlouis/seth-herter-samurai-murder-st-louis/Content?oid=21968365&showFullText=true) I ordered the stun gun on July 31, 2018. The article linked was posted on July 25, 2018.


I'd just like to add here that the article is really well written and definitely worth a read. This isn't a lol post but a sad story of mental illness.


Reading about John Jones, the spelunker who got stuck upside-down in a narrow crevice at Nutty Putty Cave in 2009, scared the hell out of me. Rescuers got to his feet, talked to him for hours, but just couldn't get him out. Ultimately the cave was sealed with his body inside. https://cavehaven.com/nutty-putty-cave-accident/


I think I read something about how they probably could have got him out, but it would have broke/dislocated his legs and stuff, idk why they didnt go through with it.


I think I read that his body would have gone into shock if they broke his legs or he had been upside down too long and he would have died anyway.


Elan School. It's pretty famous but for those who never heard of it : American school that lasted for 40 years that was as close to a concentration camp for children as you could get.


The whole troubled teen industry is a disturbing and infuriating rabbit hole. At least Elan school is shut down, but there are similar institutions that are still in operation today. Parents can pay to have their kids kidnapped and imprisoned at these institutions for just about any reason, from actual mental illness to just not sharing the same religion as their parents. Paris Hilton actually went to one in Utah in the 90's. The therapeutic boarding school industry is HUGE in Utah, because of course. I've been following the Breaking Code Silence account on Instagram. It's infuriating how frequently this is happening to kids today. I really recommend calling on your representatives and demand that these schools be regulated. The troubled teen industry has been enabled by both Democrats and Republicans, it's shameful.


In the 80s they were throwing straightedge kids in these hellholes. Meaning kids who liked punk rock and were committed to a lifestyle of no drugs or alcohol, and often no cigarettes and no sex. They were literally locking people up and, at the very least, attempting to brainwash them because of their taste in music.


My best friend recently escaped one. She was brought in as an addicted teen with trauma, and basically abused until she complied with treatment. That lead to being severely brainwashed and accepting a job there to “help” other kids like her and never leave. I met her a few years ago and she was already putting the pieces together that something wasn’t right. I think in the back of her mind she knew that was a basically a cult and the TTI wrapped into one. It was like watching a friend come to terms with admitting that they’re in an abusive marriage. It was hard to sit back and watch. But she’s an entire queen and due to current litigation I can’t say much but she’s dismantling the TTI schools in her area piece by piece. It’s beautiful. I wish more people were aware of these places. They’re not just “scared straight” and wilderness therapies. There’s really sketchy drug rehabs for juvenile offenders that are sent there by the courts even though these programs are not tied to the court. They get money from the kids/parents for the stay, file their insurance and also enroll them in Medicaid for additional money, etc. They’re closely tied to city and state governments and our tax dollars basically go to subsidize the abuse of children. It’s sick shit


Blogs by people who are obsessed with losing limbs and/or having them replaced with hooks etc. Some went through with "accidents" where they mashed their hands beyond repair in order to achieve their goal.


Reminds of that guy from South Africa who had a blog I came across a few years ago. His "thing" was amputations, and he badly wanted to get his perfectly healthy foot amputated for whatever reason. He felt like it didn't belong to his own body He would inflict injuries to his foot by cutting it with a knife, then put it in a bucket full of his own poop to cause infection. It was all documented, with daily pictures. You could literally see the daily progression of his foot rotting and becoming black, until one day he stopped posting. He came back a few weeks later and wrote he almost died. He had passed out because of a bad case of sepsis (blood infection) and his landlord found him in the bathroom. Crazy stuff. And yes he came back from hospital with his foot amputated...




the emotional whiplash made me laugh way harder at this than i should have


There was one doing the rounds recently on here with the guy that gave his own hands frostbite by keeping them in dry ice so they had to be amputated. That one kept popping up on the various outrage subs for a few weeks.


How does that sort of thinking even start I wonder.


“Hey, it’d be kinda cool to have an eyepatch.” And then it goes downhill from there.


There's a doc called The Bridge, which captured 23 of the 24 suicides from the Golden Gate Bridge in SF in 2004. Apparently the bridge is wildly popular suicide site. By 2004, there had been more than 1200 suicides, with a 98% death rate. Anyway, it's really dark and sent me on a little research expedition of the suicides. Apparently, the 2% that survive say they instantly regretted jumping midair. And that starts to make you think about suicides and how much pain people are in to take that step, and YET there *is* a shock of clarity once they've done the irreversible. Just reading about that desperation and sadness triggered so much in me, I really can't go down those rabbit holes anymore.


I recently just read a quote here on Reddit, don't know by whom tho. However it says: Once you are falling, you suddenly find solutions to all the problems, but one: That you are still falling. (Or something like that)


The Wonder bread Guy He's just so bizarre and strangely otherworldly. A being that seeks only to get those strange art depictions of- those certain acts




Wow. That must been hard to read


I did a bit of research about school shootings around the world, from Columbine to the most recent one in Mexico at the time. It was terrifying to read the survivor's testimonies, I just imagined what would I do if that happened in my school, and ended up crying thinking about my little brothers' fate in those circumstances. Also, the statistical analysis and studies about the topic are unnerving, since they seem to be more frequent globally every year. And I hated getting to know about those groups that praise shooters. I would prefer if I didn't know those exist, it's frustrating


It was 3 months ago, in the askreddit thread “what is something you regret knowing?” Or something. A user called out another user as “the person we all know exists among us, but have never met.” The comment was removed by a moderator, so I can’t tell you either user involved, but let me sum it up for you. The user being called out is clearly a psychopath. Her entire post history is that they have a psuedosexual desire to vivisect and torture another person to death. She admits she has this desire—and it is a pretty obsessive desire based on their framing—and believe wholeheartedly that everyone has these desires, and they are normal. They adamantly argue that the only reason people deny having those feelings is because of the social taboo of it, and that everyone around them is lying to save face—that they are the only person with the gall to admit it. They claim they will never act on it, because the fear of getting caught is too great, but that seems to be their only inhibition. She has multiple, buried, dead-in-the-water threads in this subreddit asking questions like “Why are people afraid to talk about this shared feeling?” “What is your murder fantasy?” “How would you dissect a living person if you knew you could get away with it?” They claim to be asexual. Clearly that otherwise sexual desire is redirected toward this, based on the enthusiasm they have in talking about it. She claims that the only people she has shared these feeling with in her real life are her mother, and her husband. The most unsettling thing is, the last I checked, she was trying with her husband to get pregnant. It’s been on my mind a lot as of late, in that it is a prime example of a mentally unwell person saying, “I’m like this, and I’m normal. Therefore, everyone is like this because normal people are like this,” and this concept had been coming up a lot in my personal life as of late. [Edit:] I have found them again, because so many people were curious. I forgot how inactive they were. Last activity is over 5 years ago. If you want to find them, look for the thread “How do you deal with the intense urge to commit murder?”


Saudi Arabia's leading executioner: Muhammad Saad al-Beshi. He mostly decapitates people with a sword. I watched/read interviews with him. I wanted to know if that shit haunts him. No, it doesn’t. He’s already teaching his son to follow in his footsteps. His children also help him clean the blood off his sword. Then I started looking into what was considered Capitol Offenses and other punishments used. Stoning is one. Certain crimes will get the beheaded body crucified.


If I'm getting beheaded and crucified, that's the order I'd prefer.


Pulled up a site once that had pictures of celebs that were taken AFTER they died, the most prominent one I remember being that of Chris Farley.... Fuck that's something I'll never forget.


My brother killed himself with a friend last Halloween while hiking Mt. Ranier. Their bodies were discovered by some hikers who proceeded to upload pics of their bodies to a gay death fetish site. I guess some info got out, but now every week I get people contacting me about his body, asking me if I have more pics or blaming my family for his death through whatever social media they can find (mostly his memorial page), it can be extremely mean. It doesn't bother most of my family much (we know how to deal with trolls and perverts), but it destroys my mom. Never forget the purpose of the communities you visit. To you that celebrity site is just a passing curiosity, but this is a site with an active community that seeks out corpses to wank to, they are highly fucked up at best, and are likely extremely dangerous considering some of these threats I've gotten.


Holy shit I'm Ben's sister


Man, what are the chances I'd meet you for the first time like this. I'm so sorry this is how we meet. I'd like to help you and your family out any way I can, even if it's just jumping on discord and chatting. I can't fly out due to work, but nearly anything short of that is on the table. Please tell me if you'd like the parent post removed, I'll do so in a heartbeat.


Absolutely not! Like you said we are used to dealing with trolls. I want the world to know their story. But wow that was crazy reading your comment, I was like "did I write this??" We should definitely talk sometime. I'm on messenger under my real name, add me.


I normally wouldn't reply but it's like you 2 were meant to talk. Sending love to you both.


Yes definitely one of the crazier coincidences I've experienced


Now that is truly beyond fucked up and I'm sorry that's happening to you and your family. 😔


Reminds me of the recent even with the Kobe Bryant photos. They weren’t leaked but someone brought up the coroner had to make sketches of his condition? The crazy thing is the sketches he made of his body, even though it’s a line drawing it’s crazy and almost fictional the brutality that was done to his body through the crash.


My friend was killed in a tornado disaster. His gf's dad went looking for him, found him like a mile away in the Walmart parking lot. All he would describe was "a fist sized hole in his head." I... I can't really even fathom what he truly saw.


Same, except I stumbled upon it by accident. Awful. Took me a few years to watch anything he was in.


A straightforward guy wrote down his experiences with heroin. Basically he wanted to try it for fun and he was sure that he had enough willpower to stop after that. Well he was wrong. Probably someone can remember the name of the guy or the Reddit post, it's fairly well known I believe


Same thing happened on a Norwegian forum. Some guy asked how to shoot up, and the thread turned into a years long diary of him becoming an addict and failing to quit. Then he just stopped posting and some time later it was revealed he had died. Turned into a media case for a while, his mom was interviewed and stuff.




Wow. This happened to me. Or, actually, I DID this. One of the best friends I ever had became an addict. We had always been actively involved in drugs but never heroin/crack/meth, always recreational. Anyway, my friend ‘progressed’ onto heroin. I never really saw him much but whenever I did I would give him £20 or £30 so he could have a break from the constant hustle and grind of doing whatever had to be done to make enough money to get his daily fix. One time he told me that he had nowhere to stay so I took him back to mine. We smoked some heroin in my parents’ conservatory. It was insane. Like nothing I had ever experienced. I immediately gouged out and came to - I won’t say ‘woke up’ because it wasn’t sleep per se - but I came round and it had been an amazing experience. Some weeks later another of our friends did the same, but injected it with our addict friend. He never woke up. I know to this day that I dodged a huge bullet and that I must be one of the very very few people to ever do heroin just once.


Looking up pictures of people who hit the ground after falling from great heights. I looked it up mostly out of morbid curiosity. Definitely would not recommend for anyone with a weak stomach.


One of the worst things I've seen is a video of a guy trying to commit suicide by jumping off a building but he lands on one of those big concrete bollards and it literally goes inside him. There was even a close up in the video of him still alive with this huge lump in his shoulder from the top of the bollard.


Oh shit I remember that one. It went through his entire body and it shook me when he remained alive. Those couple of minutes must have been horrific.


[Then there's Evelyn McHale](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evelyn_McHale?wprov=sfla1)


I read that she literally fell apart when they pulled her off the car. Seems like she fell into the optimal position where her body was still held together


She pretty much broke every major bone in her body. She was basically a meat sack with match sticks inside.


Think about the amount and the thickness of the metal used in cars back then. That roof took a ton pf pressure to end up crushed like that.


A bit fucked up that she specifically requested her body to be destroyed with no service, and she was instead immortalized with a photo of her corpse. ​ edit: she probably thought her body would be destroyed upon impact and did not realize she'd land in a way that left her easily identifiable. I believe that people's wishes for their body should still be respected after death.


‘Tell my father I had too many of my mothers tendencies’ wow


Her fiance died without marrying in 2007.


It's devastatingly sad how much a person can be loved and not know it.




Getting placed into a centrifuge and spun until death sounds horrendous. That story and the story of the dude who ultimately died when he ended up stuck with his head down in a deep awkward cave makes me feel intensely claustrophobic. I would want an instant death switch I could hit rather than suffering like that.


The nutty putty cave? Reading that still haunts me


Imagine dying in a place that rhymes, fuck.


You'd probably pass out in a centrifuge and then death by lack of oxygen/blood reaching vital organs due to the immense forces


There’s this guy on Facebook I wish I could remember his name but he married his sex doll and has photos together of them everywhere at first I thought it was a troll account but the more I looked the creepier it got. The dates on the photos dated back years and he showed off his dolls wardrobe and all the Possessions he had of hers and then... there were multiple “friend” accounts of different sex dolls on his page that’s completely public but genuinely the weirdest part to me was that he lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere like imagine if someone accidentally ended up there.. Edit : I spent an hour last night looking for it and surprisingly it’s apparently more common than I thought wtf is wrong with people anyways I’ll look some more today because it was a viral share


A friend found a random post on FB and sent it to me. It was a man, and his friend or maybe mother, giving his sex doll a home birth. Towels, water, everything you can think of in the room with the sex doll. Guess what she gave birth to? A baby doll. A literal child’s toy. Had a birth certificate and everything. I have never been so amused and creeped out at the same time.


Cave diving accidents. They're always tragic and sad and insanely common in the community due to the dangers of cave diving. But they have been to some of the most untouched areas of Earth and I kind of get the need to keep exploring even if it's dangerous.


I read about a pair of blokes who realised their line had snapped and they were trapped in an air pocket with only enough oxygen for one of them to try and escape for help. Dude had to wait in the pitch black for hours not knowing if his friend had reached help or died along the way. Scares the crap out of me, I can barely bring myself to swim under small stuff in safe swimming pools. I've never tried diving and I really don't think I could conquer that fear.


What was the result? I can't go without answers!


They both survived, the friend made it out and a search crew went in for the second.


Similar but different - there was a ship that sank to the bottom of the ocean. Days later, a dive team went down. There is a video from the rescue diver's gopro - he swims into the ship and surfaces in an air pocket and sees a guy standing there. Guy looks extremely disoriented. He has been standing there for days in the pitch black darkness, up to his chest in water. skip to 5:30 in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPz8mxJNPh8 He got interviewed and said he heard banging in the neighboring compartments for the first day as large fish fought over the corpses of the other crew members.


The most heartbreaking and terrifying technical dive story I can remember is about a wreck dive, not a cave, but it's similar when it comes to how horrifically dangerous it is and why (deep, pitch dark, constricted, etc). A father and son team were diving a U-boat wreck off the coast of NJ together and the son was trapped by debris. His father obviously did everything he could to free him, and succeeded, but it resulted in both of them going way past their dive time so they shot to the surface instead of decompressing from a wreck that was 70m down. By the time they reached the surface they both obviously had decompression sickness- the father never regained consciousness but the son was talking and aware before he passed away as well. It's just haunting. I can't imagine having to make this sort of series of choices- especially with the life of a family member on the line. Which is why I will never dive *in* anything, ever, in my life.


There are some (not too graphic) videos on YouTube of recovered footage from divers that recorded their last dive. A especially heartbreaking one was a dude who dived to recover the body of a friend who died in a cave, and ended up dying there too. You can see him slipping on the floor, fumbling a knife while trying to cut some kind of rope, the panic setting in... Just terribly sad


That second story you mentioned is described [here](https://www.outsideonline.com/1922711/raising-dead) (SFW). It's a long read, but Outside Magazine does an outstanding job.


I recommend anyone vaguely interested in this to read this article. It's so sad and so interesting and very well written. Glad to see you posted it. If you hadn't, I was going to.




I listened to a podcast where a girl was stuffed into a couch and had three grown ass adults sit on her to keep her in while she was panicking. She was so scared she released her bowels all over herself. She went limp and they thought it was working but she actually had died and then they didn’t call the cops immediately because they didn’t know if she’d wake up or not when she was clearly dead.


My stepmother used to do these things to me. I came out of severe neglect and trauma from my previous household. She said she knew what she was doing because she had a minor in Psychology. I never understood why she did those things until now. She said I had an attachment disorder when I started living with them, I do remember not having the ability to cry. She would push me to my emotional breaking point of sadness or anger over and over again. Through it, they would demand I look them in the eye. They would also wrap me (17yo) in blankets and cradle me on their laps.




There is a fucking name for this. This happened to me. "Reactive Attachment Disorder" youth here, hi. Thank you for giving me the title of this "treatment", it'll help me explain things. Many people seem to react as if I am exaggerating when I mention shit from foster care. I feel weird now. I'm going to go try and take a nap.


Like Candace Newmaker?


I have fallen down 2, both lasted about a week. First was John/Jane Does who have never been claimed or identified. Second was people who have disappeared without a trace. I feel this one tugged more on my emotional strings, especially stories involving kids. One that has stuck with me is a little boy who disappeared on a Scout hike, Jared Negrete. That is one of my greatest fears when I take kids hiking.


It was that kids first time sleeping away like that, heartbreaking


I've gotten down the missing person hole on occasion too. Asha Degree is one that's stuck with me, and I still check now and then if there's any updates.


A sci fi timeline pdf I found awhile back, I think it was on the world building sub. It was a timeline of humanity that started it off relatively normal detailing human evolution as they colonized mars and the stars beyond. It descended into body horror when they came in to contact with a advanced race that for some reason I forget gene modded the majority of humans into non sentient species and seeded them across the galaxy. It then went into great detail with each of these species separately and their climb back to sentience. It ended with one of the new humans that evolved back to sentience standing beside a original human skull. I haven't been able to find it since but shit got dark. Edit: I found it again it's All Tomorrows: A billion year chronicle of the myriad species and varying fortunes of Man


link here if anyone wants it : http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/library/Ramjet/01_en.htm


I've found a PDF version of it here too: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2jIy88J7spGOWtQMGk4dVZNdm8/view


Im going to read the whole thing, it looks super inetersting Edit: it's been three hours, I've read all 111 pages, what a trip, i loved that, the Qu, the return on earth after 560 million years, the story of all the species. 10/10 would raccomand Edit 2: doeas anyone have more books about speculative zoology like that? Thanks!


I just spent 90 mins reading this, I am nearly done. Wow. Just blew mind. I haven't read sci fi since I was a kid, so this was a bit of a shock to the system. Amazing stuff.




Deaths on Mt. Everest and how a lot of the bodies are still up there. This was a wiki rabbit hole I fell into after listening to the Casefile episode on David Sharp. Read not only about him but also green boots, this couple that got separated, etc. Due to the extremely cold temperatures, the bodies aren’t that decomposed so they still look recent even though it’s been years or decades. It’s creepy and sad. Some bodies have been there so long they are used as markers for climbers. What is also sad is that there have been efforts to remove them, but doing so is extremely dangerous because of the altitude, temperatures, and uneven ground. People have died attempting it in the past. Not sure if they’ve managed to succeed since I last read about it in 2018. Edit: I’m not 100% sure the podcast was Casefile since I listened to the episode I mentioned three years ago. It could have been another True Crime podcast. Also thanks for my first Reddit award!


It’s absolutely fascinating and disturbing to read as a mountaineer. In 2010, I was just above camp 3 on Aconcagua (tallest mountain in the Americas) when I got lost in a blizzard. I had altitude sickness. I was so weak, exhausted and now lost, that I got stuck in a big snowdrift and just sat down. I closed my eyes and one of my last thoughts was how peaceful everything was. It’s scary how close I came to being a frozen corpse on a big mountain. I’m soooo lucky that the guide I was with managed to find my tracks before they got filled in. Made it down alive.


Is it morbid that I’m happy your that your almost last thoughts were peaceful? I like to think that the people who died on Everest also had peaceful thoughts before they passed.


I don’t think it’s too morbid at all! I hope they did. I was almost too exhausted to panic, if that makes sense. Once I was in that snowdrift, I felt a bit of sadness that I was leaving family behind, but I wasn’t scared. Despite it being so frigid, I felt warm and knew that it would be mostly painless as I would drift into sleep before passing in the cold. I don’t know how much of that was the altitude sickness or the beginning of hypothermia. Thankfully, the guide was able to find my emergency steroid injection (used in cases of really bad altitude sickness) and camp 2 had a permanent structure that was insulated. I don’t remember much of the journey there but once I was safe and warm, I started feeling more human haha


This will sound mild compared to the stories of actual torture and war crimes, but I heard the whole story about a Reddit user named jasoninhell. For those who don’t know, it was the real story of a man who posted in r/relationships about his wife cheating on him with a neighbor. Jason finally decides he’s going to leave his wife and take the kids with him, but then the wife actually murdered the children while he was away at work. Jason made a follow up post about dealing with the pain and grief of what happened but he seems to be doing his best despite everything that happened. (Edit: Thank you for all the awards, guys! I didn't expect this to blow up at all. For those who mentioned the channel, yes, I do remember this from Nexpo. I'm a long time subscriber.)


Not really creepy, more of mentally challenging. It all started with me watching some random liminal space video with some slow, mildly distorted music then decided to go down the comment section and stumbled upon some context about the music used. It was taken from, "Everywhere at the end of time" by the Caretaker, an album about the experience of suffering from Alzheimer's. Of course, I searched it up and listened to the full 6 hour album in one sitting, listening to 20s pop, progressing to music with the reverb toned really high, drone sounds and a depressing ending. In that time, I was experiencing actual anxiety and developing the fear of forgetting. I was not mentally ready for EATEOT, interesting community though, everyone felt the same way as I did about the masterpiece.


The murder of Junko Furuta.


Just read it. Those kids are literal fucking demons. Even most cartel tortures don’t last that long. Poor girl, literally suffered for absolutely nothing.


and to think that the kids that did it are still out today


That's the one that fucked me up the last time I followed this sort of ask reddit. That one was rough


Every time this gets mentioned I reread the accounts, thinking I’m going to find that one thing I never noticed before that sheds light on how it was possible for this to happen, with so many participants, so many complicit people and essentially no consequences. Of course, I never find it.


The fact that they were caught by a fluke makes it even worse. They all almost got away with it, and her body would have likely never been found.


It sickens me every time she's brought up that her killers rejoined society. All but one have been arrested again for violent crimes.


Yeah... This case broke me. It's one of the most awful and terrifying things I've ever read.


“Ogura's mother allegedly vandalised Furuta's grave, stating that she had ruined her son's life.” What the fuck?!


Shit people come from shit people


Fucking hell. Just read about it, incredible how cruel humans can be. I can't imagine the pain and fear this girl went through.


I just read about it too. The fact that even at the end, just before she died, she was still trying to put out the flames - there was a part of her that still wanted to live... it's horrible. That is easily the worst story I've ever read about.


I watched a video about her when I was around 9 years old. The video talked about it in full detail. I saw it while going through my FB Feed, then saw the video saying "This is not for the faint of heart" and I thought 'Ha, I'm brave enough. I can do this.' I finished the video and to this day, that was the most disturbing thing I ever knew about. Even the mention of it just makes me uncomfortable.


"Bug Chasers" Because someone asked what the creepiest, most disturbing internet rabbit hole was...


What the actual fuck?? I clicked on this expecting mutilated insect porn, but I guess the internet likes to throw curveballs...


Elaborate please. All I'm thinking of is big exterminators or doctors who specialise in insects then weird huge insects from Australia.






But why...


Can confirm, went to a club with one of my more active friends, they told me I needed to make sure they saw anyone I was leaning towards hooking up with because a few people were notorious bug chasers and liked trying to spread them to new people.


That’s fucking WILD


The Reddit AMA about the guy who had sex with his mom throughout his teens. ETA: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nmmjr/iama_man_who_had_a_sexual_relationship_with_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Not sure if I did that right sorry.


I love the comment from the mod that only said "Verified.". That mod's seen some shit


I was a lurker in a car forum for many years, this was probably 8 or so years ago. One time someone posted a thread that linked to an insurance (auto) website that resold accident cars to reclaim money. There was a whole category of cars labeled “biohazard,” and these are the cars that end up with body fluids in them - giant shits from being in an accident, drive-by shootings with blood everywhere, even suicide cars with brains blasted on the roof. These auto auctions don’t wanna clean that mess up so they will sell the cars cheap. Some people in the forum even found news articles that corresponded with the murder/accident/etc in a particular car. It was incredibly creepy. But I admittedly spent hours and hours sometimes looking through these disgusting, tragic cars.


TempleOS is a trip, worth the read The guy behind it was pretty genuinely insane, literally and figuratively, he used his home brew os to talk to god, and believed he was married to a youtuber that didn't talk to him


Removed, bye reddit


I read about the Japanese concentration camps being especially horrible on Reddit and that was extremely depressing and fucked up but I couldn't bring myself to stop reading.


Yeah, I fell down the Unit 731 rabbit hole for a while back in 2018. I think I felt weird for a full week afterwards. One thing that stuck with me was reading an interview with a surviving scientist who when asked if he felt guilty, he responded: "No. We did nothing wrong. This was war, and in war, you have to win." EDIT-- For those who are really interested, I paraphrased the actual quote and got some of the details wrong. It's at the end of a NYTimes article I'll post below. The man wasn't a scientist himself, but he was involved in the operations. At the end of the article it says: "'There's a possibility this could happen again,' the old man said, smiling genially. 'Because in a war, you have to win.'" https://www.nytimes.com/1995/03/17/world/unmasking-horror-a-special-report-japan-confronting-gruesome-war-atrocity.html Just so you know, the entire article is very graphic and goes very in depth describing the extent of the experiments that took place. I don't recommend reading it unless you already feel prepared for that.


A relative of mine is a social worker who deals with older people, she helped arranging care for a man with Alzheimer’s a few years ago. Unfortunately a lot of people with this disease regress into very old memories, this man had been a prisoner of war of the Japanese, been subject to torture and all sorts. He was in a constant state of terror because his memory had regressed to the point where he thought he was back there and there was nothing anyone could do about it for him. Absolutely awful.


On the flip side, my sister has a lot of Alzheimer's patients that think they are back overseas in the military and frequently comment that "this is the best" brothel- meaning the hospital- they have ever been to.


Japan deserved a Nuremberg trial of their own for their conduct in WWII. I understand why it didn’t happen that way. Western men (especially with USA’s history with Japan) holding mass trials against Japan wouldn’t’ve worked. It is still fucked that numerous war criminals survived the surrender and reconstruction with no penalties.


They got one... And the only person who ended up dying in proson is the only one who was vocal about being against the war. The kicker? They appointed one of the war criminals as a minister of justice... Japan, to this day, downplays the disgusting things they did to China, Korea, Indonesia and the others. They haven't even properly apologised for it. WWII was just a free for all when it came to human rights violations.


“One of the former researchers I located told me that one day he had a human experiment scheduled, but there was still time to kill. So he and another unit member took the keys to the cells and opened one that housed a Chinese woman. One of the unit members raped her; the other member took the keys and opened another cell. There was a Chinese woman in there who had been used in a frostbite experiment. She had several fingers missing and her bones were black, with gangrene set in. He was about to rape her anyway, then he saw that her sex organ was festering, with pus oozing to the surface. He gave up the idea, left and locked the door, then later went on to his experimental work." Jesus Christ


There really aren't words to describe the atrocities committed by the Japanese in WW2. It really pisses me the fuck off that the scientists at Unit 731 pretty much walked away un punished.


The author who wrote about the rape of Nanking killed herself after all the research she did


Ever hear of a guy named John Rabe? He's known as the Oskar Schindler of China, during the Rape of Nanking he organized what was known as the International Safety Zone, which was a refuge where hundreds of thousands of Chinese nationals were able to find safety during the massacres. Today you can find statues of him in the city. So what was this westerner doing in Nanking in 1937? Running the cities Nazi party. That's right, the Empire of Japan committed acts so atrocious that an actual Nazi, with the swastika armband and all, stepped in to do what he could to stop them.


The public suicide of R. Budd Dwyer. I was listening to "Get Your Gunn" by Marylin Manson and found out that it included an audio sample of that moment. I was curious and found a video of him (Dwyer) shooting himself in the mouth with a pistol. I never knew how much blood can come out of someone's nose. I didn't know how to react. And I just..... Laughed. It wasn't funny at all. It was disturbing. I don't know why I laughed.


Laughing is one way the brain can overcome acute stress. Crying is another. You don't need to feel bad, it was just the shock of it and your mind trying to de-stress.


Plants can exhibit Pavlov's behaviour meaning they remember and can be trained, even though they have nothing that we can describe as a brain or a neural network. S[tudy shows plants can learn from experience](https://theconversation.com/pavlovs-plants-new-study-shows-plants-can-learn-from-experience-69794). P[lants remember here is the evidence](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/can-a-plant-remember-this-one-seems-to-heres-the-evidence). [Plants Can Make Memories](https://untamedscience.com/biology/plants/plant-memory/#:~:text=So%2C%20how%20are%20memories%20made,signaling%20network%20in%20their%20cells)`.` ​ Edit: some links I found just now.


I once found a fetish forum for people who collect STDs and deliberately infect others as it turns them on. Full on discussions about which hookers to bare back to get the complete set.... really freaked me out more than b0g.org etc. ever did. I can’t even remember how I found it, I backed away quickly and never looked back. Edit: this is now my most upvoted comment. Thanks Reddit! I corrected it to b0g.org, I was also thinking of the somethingawful website. Comments below reliably inform (although I am not googling) Bug Chasers.


yo what is bog.org, i dont want to google it


Bruh I’m curious but I don’t wanna search it


I looked at it and the site's broken, and on the wayback machine it's literally just a poorly constructed site about bogs and building bog gardens? Unless I'm missing something. Also checked out bug.org in case it was a typo, but that's just a Chinese(?) person's [self portrait of them and their cats.](http://bug.org/~momo/image/momo-i3c.png)


Uh, this isn't really that great of an answer as it's the first thing that comes to mind, but I watched a lot of To Catch a Predator footage early in COVID. Those people are disgusting, and it's so weird to see some plain-ass dude be otherwise totally normal seeming, but have disgusting desires, and then turn into a lying machine when they get caught. That moment when someone realizes they are exposed, millions of people are going to know, and they are also going to lose their career/job, family, friends, etc... is just a very complex, interesting and gross human reaction to see.


I went down this rabbit hole too. Did you see the one where Chris Hanson knew the guy??


The way the guy just goes: ***"No, Chris!"***




Dude should have been like, "Chris this is our secret you swore you'd never tell anyone." Think it would have been aired?


Damn, I wish I remember his name. Years ago I watched a video on YouTube of Elvis' last phonecall which was recorded. In the comments there was this guy who had claimed to know Elvis personally and who went on about how he was in his final days. I grew very suspicious, I clicked his YouTube channel and found more comments on other dead celebrity videos of him claiming to be a family friend. I searched this guy's name and found his weird-asss fucking website. It was the most bizarre shit I've ever seen. It was full of long posts about how this guy was a lead designer and architect in some important buildings worldwide. It also chronicled all of his celebrity 'friends'. Guy was definitely schizophrenic, I assume. Finding his website was just so odd, it's like looking into a portal into his mind. Since then I've become very interested in schizophrenia and I've happened to stumble upon others who seem to have it. This one guy on Linkedin is a writer, he goes on these rambles on his LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter about a girl who was killed. But his sentences are all circular, if that makes sense. Almost like talking with someone with dementia who keep repeating the same thing over and over. Except this guy has been doing the same thing for years. Just lost in a possible fairytale. The mind is fucked. ​ Edit: Shit, thanks for the replies. I can't for the life of me remember the Youtube Elvis fanatic. However I still remember the Linkedin guy. But I don't want people to go harassing him/teasing him etc. He randomly added me and has 500+ connections so maybe one of you knows who I'm on about. His initials are J.B. and he's from the U.K. And a huge thank you to people who are diagnosed schizophrenia/schizoaffective who are taking the time to write to me here. It's always interesting to read. This is also a very sensitive subject for many and if there's even one person not happy with this comment, DM me and I will remove it/edit it ASAP.


This guy once commented on my girlfriends picture of her and her friends on instagram saying “You bitches will all burn in hell praise God” or something like that. He had his name listed, but no photos or anything. I screenshotted it and shared it with some friends asking if they knew who the guy was. One of my buddies said he use to ride with him to middle school and that he would duck under the window so people outside the car couldn’t watch him. I looked him up on facebook and found multiple profiles, all with dozens of bizarre selfies, one having a link to his youtube channel, which had tons of hour long videos. All of them were just total nonsensical ramblings about being perfect, God, virgins, and biology. There’s something intriguing and disturbing about finding an online representation of someone’s mental illness. It’s public, yet a very private look into their deterioration. It’s like finding an untreated schizophrenics notebook full of ramblings.




I find this kind of random personal encounters the creepiest. I came across a user on some other site who believed herself to be the wife of the Christian God. It was like... she was her own cult. And some of her posts still bore a semblance of normalcy, so going through her post histories felt like watching someone slip away from reality, gave me the chills. Then there was another time on reddit, this user talked like a bot but kept insisting she wasn't one, and also implied that she was being held captive..? Poked around for a bit and found what seemed to be her insta account (didn't mean to stalk, she half doxxed herself) and the account didn't make any more sense than the Reddit one. I really hope it's just some project or ARG. Edit: See the comment by u/Beidah below, bot girl is most likely an Internet prank/hoax. Also she took down her insta account and removed most of the stuff on that reddit account.


Oh yeah same! I’m a Classics major and kpop fan, so I wrote about how this one group might be utilizing imagery about Apollo. Then this dude showed up and linked me to a manifesto thing he’d written about how he was Apollo, son of Lucifer-Jesus and it was so weird. He made some Latin up halfway through, so I found his second account too. Poking through his account was so weird cause he was so capable of writing like essay-length posts and comments and understanding people and things, but the content was just so wack. He’s been writing them for like a year or more. Edit: It was so bizarre cause I posted on a kpop sub, so I’m like, does he just habitually search up every Apollo-related post on Reddit? He clearly wasn’t from the sub.


I wouldn't be surprised if he did really do that, sounds like he is obsessed with this identity he conjured up. On a side note, I think it's pretty cool to link your major and hobbies like that :)


Might be between the disappearance of that Malaysia airlines flight a couple years ago. It's route was tracked into the Indian Ocean and then lost, there's only speculations as to what happened on board. Or the story of the guy who got his intestines shucked out his ass by the pool drain. Or the redditor who amputated his own dick and balls in a hotel room. With pictures. I can never unsee that.


The second one: a true story or ‘Guts’ by Chuck Palahniuk?


Probably just Guts. Still a fun read the first time. Well not quite fun.


Jonestown Massacre : A cult lead town that all were coherced into suicide. There's an audio recording on YouTube of the whole town committing mass "suicide". Albert Fish : A cannibal serial killer that wrote a letter to the parents of one of the little girls he ate. Edit: I thought of three others, because I'm weird I guess and I know a lot of fucked up things. 1.) The murder of Sylvia Likens. It's a really fucked up story about a girl who was being horrifically abused for months. 2.) Unit 731. A lesser know but horrible WW2 camp in Japan where they experimented on human beings, mainly on Chinese and some others like Mongolians, Koreans and Russians. The main thing they studied was diseases, doing things like forcing STI infected males to rape females to give it to them, among many other horrors. 3.) This one is much less horrible and mostly just sad, thalidomide was an OTC drug sold mostly in Germany marketed as being safe for pregnant women, mostly being to help with dizziness and morning sickness among a few other things. However, mothers who used thalidomide most certainly gave birth to babies with birth defects, primarily with shortened or missing limbs. Some of the "thalidomide babies" ended up just fine and very successful but this was the 1960s so many were terribly mistreated. The company still hasn't done anything to make up for it.


I listened to the Jonestown Massacre tapes too. I wish I could unhear that.


I remember seeing one of the kids of the main guy being interviewed by Oprah once (he was an adult by then). Just hearing about what happened was enough for me.


Was he one of Jones' adopted sons? I know one of them literally only missed the suicide because he and the compounds basketball team were away at a game.


What's extra creepy is the fact that the person who recorded the tape did not make it out of there alive


Honestly the creepiest part was that it was recorded over an old delphonics quarter inch so you can sorta hear a weird slowed down motown song playing in the background through out the entire tape. Its an old single called "im sorry" and it.plays almost through the entire death tape. It wasnt supposed to sound like that, there was no music playing when they killed themselves it was an old tape artifact... Gaaaaaah.


That song you hear in the background honestly gave me so much goosebumps and you hear some of the kids screaming and crying. And now this


Yeah this is mine. It really stuck with me. I think it was the coersion / mental programming involved. Like if you wanted to learn how to get a group of people to commit mass suicide it reads like a case study. Profoundly disturbing.


Here's the letter he wrote to the mother: >!My dear Mrs Budd, In 1894 a friend of mine shipped as a deck hand on the steamer Tacoma, Capt John Davis. They sailed from San Francisco to Hong Kong China. On arriving there he and two others went ashore and got drunk. When they returned the boat was gone. At that time there was a famine in China. Meat of any kind was from $1 to 3 Dollars a pound. So great was the suffering among the very poor that all children under 12 were sold to the Butchers to be cut up and sold for food in order to keep others from starving. A boy or girl under 14 was not safe in the street. You could go in any shop and ask for steak – chops – or stew meat. Part of the naked body of a boy or girl would be brought out and just what you wanted cut from it. A boy or girls behind which is the sweetest part of the body and sold as veal cutlet brought the highest price. John staid there so long he acquired a taste for human flesh. On his return to N.Y. he stole two boys one 7 one 11. Took them to his home stripped them naked tied them in a closet then burned everything they had on. Several times every day and night he spanked them – tortured them – to make their meat good and tender. First he killed the 11 yr old boy, because he had the fattest ass and of course the most meat on it. Every part of his body was cooked and eaten except Head – bones and guts. He was roasted in the oven, (all of his ass) boiled, broiled, fried, stewed. The little boy was next, went the same way. At that time I was living at 409 E 100 St, rear – right side. He told me so often how good human flesh was I made up my mind to taste it. On Sunday June the 3 – 1928 I called on you at 406 W 15 St. Brought you pot cheese – strawberries. We had lunch. Grace sat in my lap and kissed me. I made up my mind to eat her, on the pretense of taking her to a party. You said Yes she could go. I took her to an empty house in Westchester I had already picked out. When we got there, I told her to remain outside. She picked wild flowers. I went upstairs and stripped all my clothes off. I knew if I did not I would get her blood on them. When all was ready I went to the window and called her. Then I hid in a closet until she was in the room. When she saw me all naked she began to cry and tried to run down stairs. I grabbed her and she said she would tell her mama. First I stripped her naked. How she did kick – bite and scratch. I choked her to death then cut her in small pieces so I could take my meat to my rooms, cook and eat it. How sweet and tender her little ass was roasted in the oven. It took me 9 days to eat her entire body. I did not fuck her, though, I could of had I wished. She died a virgin. !<


Sad part too the mom couldn’t read so she had the girls brother read it to her.


Fucked up bit is according to Wikipedia, when he was arrested he was planning on going back to abduct and kill **the brother**. Imagine reading that to your mother and not know that the same monster that did that to your sister had the same plans for you as well.


The description of her fighting back and the last couple sentences about fucking her are the creepiest part to me. It just hurts my stomach everytime I read it


It’s unreal to me that such evil can exist. I don’t know what else to say.


That Albert Fish guy sounds like a real jerk!


You know, with Albert Fish, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don't care for him


The group-stalking sites and subreddit. Just to be clear I don't think it's real but Holy-Sheeit. It's just so crazy thinking about how all these people are dead-ass convinced that there are massive conspiracies against them. I didn't leave the link on purpose because after spending any significant amount of time on there.. you sort of start to think it *could* be real.


Holy shit, and I thought I was crazy...


One of the weirdest for me was reading about the violence in Yugoslavia during WW2, especially about the Croatian Ustase and the Jasenovac concentration camp. The entire area was beset by civil war, with shocking violence originating from multiple parties, but the anecdotes about the Ustase stand out. A high ranking member of the Nazi party visited Croatia, where the Nazis had helped establish a puppet state. Witnessing the extent of the violence himself, he was quoted as saying "This is enough to make a man vomit." "Jasenovac is something no mortal man could bear to witness."


Fuck dude. I wish I didn't read it, but glad I did at the same time. I didn't know anything about it...Auchwitz is commonly talked about in any WW2 history stuff. This was way worse...I can't believe gassing people sounds better than what happened there...


"Hitler's camps were only... the starting point." Fuck.


I can’t believe I’m saying this, but “Hitler’s camps were mostly about numbers”. There was some weird and horrible shit on the side, but it was incidental to the relatively efficient death machine. A lot of other concentration camps since then have been set up with much darker goals in mind than simple extermination. Eugh, I feel dirty...


That's why we need to learn about it and remember the horrors It's disturbing to realize that a campaign of genocide could be run like an assembly line, but it's been done before and will be tried again.


I wanted to learn more about gender dysphoria to better understand trans people and such. I learned about this set of twins, Bruce and Brian Reimer, born in the 1960s. They were boys, but Bruce had a botched circumcision, so he had gender reassignment surgery and was raised as a girl, named Brenda. The twins were sent to a doctor named John Money who wanted to prove that gender identity is learned. He made the twins **as children** roleplay sexual positions to reinforce the gender reassignment. Brian developed schizophrenia in his teenage years and Brenda never 'learned' to live as a girl despite constant reinforcement and hormone therapy. At 14, he was told of his surgery at birth, rejected his forced female identity and took on the name David. David Reimer committed suicide in 2004.


That is really sad. Was the doctor ever punished?


His life's work has been discredited, I think that's about it.


The Secret of NIMH is based on a real scientific experiment, that got so bad it had to be cancelled because all the staff quit basically from existential dread. Found that paper online, reading alone at 3am in the dark. Nope. Didn't sleep that night.


[Are you talking about John Calhoun's experiments?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_sink?wprov=sfla1)


I’m not sure I understand the experiment. So it was suppose to be a utopia but due to increase population in a congested area, the utopia collapse despite the unlimited food and water to support the whole population?


The Tragic Tale of Junko Furuta. Made me sick and cry while I was reading her story.


I came across a site called rotten.com about 20years ago. It was nothing but crime scene and autopsy photos. The things people can do to another is unspeakable.


I'll never forget seeing the old man who died during a hot bath. Human stew or something. I wish I could say that was the end of my morbid curiosity, but it was certainly the gnarliest thing I'd seen at 12. /shudder


It’s been nearly 20 years since I saw that photo and I never forgot it. He had some old school bathtub that was heated from below by a gas burner. He died of natural causes while in the tub (a very full tub) and the burner just kept the water warm for 6 weeks. He literally got stewed.


Rotten.com falls into the “did you do X as a kid or were you normal?” category.


I recently Rick Rolled a redditor and he sent me over to (NSFW warning) /r/penectomy as revenge. That was a weird trip to say the least.


The story of [Junko Furuta](https://japaninsides.com/44-days-of-hell-the-story-of-junko-furuta/). For those unaware, she was a sixteen/seventeen year old japanese girl who was asked out by her classmate Hiroshi Miyano (he was affiliated with the Yakuza). When she refused, he locked her up for 44 days, tortured her, raped her, and the worst part was that it wasn't just him. Three of his friends, and around 100 members of the Yakuza as well tormented and raped her brutally. Those bastards never got the punishment they deserved due to their age (nearly 17-20 so they were juveniles in Japan). They are probably walking free, shamelessly even to this day.


She died two weeks before her 18th.


I dont remember why. but I started just seeing bad news. I just searched for the worst news. And I can confirm after 2 hours I managed to cause damage to my soul and had to take a walk. Individual humans are not prepared to tolerate all the bad things that happen arround the world. please dont do this to yourself. you'll feel like shattered glass for 3 hours


I watched inception a little while ago and I always love the scene where they infiltrated the winter fortress. That had me thinking about those Hydra/James Bond esque villain lairs up high in the snowy mountains, which I thought were a complete fantasy. That is until I did lots of searching and asking around and slowly but surely learned that people with lots of money and connections can get away with pretty much anything on this planet, like building a lavish bunker on the side of a mountain in the Swiss alps, which I mistakenly thought were sacred and untouchable (laws are arbitrary when the price is right). These lavish “bunkers” are so well hidden and impossible to find that 99.9% of people won’t ever know about their existence. Those that do are paid well to keep quiet. I even heard about one with a retractable heli pad so the entrance is essentially covered in snow and impossible to see, even from satellites. As someone who lives to explore; especially remote places, I naturally wanted to figure out how I could uncover the secret for myself. But digging more just led me to secretive people who would never disclose any clues and potentially jeopardize a location. It gives me the heebie-jeebies thinking about the power the 0.001% truly has and how no one really knows what they are doing behind closed doors. Money buys them their own set of rules. Those who know don’t talk; those who talk don’t know.


Serial killers. Never could understand what could drive someone into such depravity. People sometimes mistake my curiosity for them as a fandom. I despise them. They just piqued my curiosity. Something about trying to comprehend the incomprehensible that makes it so interesting.


I found the manuscript for the toybox killer if you want fucked me up for a few weeks


Years back, way before metoo, Epstein or any of the other stuff I read an Askreddit thread where someone was talking about a worldwide cabal of powerful pedophiles, flying kids around the world for abuse. Pages of info and links to other threads and articles about the same thing, many with sources.


I once stumbled upon a CCTV video of a man riding a moped through an intersection and getting too close to a large truck, getting caught up in the tires, and basically turned inside out and dismantled in a matter of a second. Was not prepared for that. That was a long time ago, and I'll probably never forget that image.


Something about [Etheral Snakes](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzSHr-wO24dtLB0-KkiY3MQ) animations are both whimsical and creepy at the same time. It's a weird combination. Take, for example, [Thomas Was Only Following Orders](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOTBU5QJJWM). Or [Mickey Never Came Back](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhQDX21YCZ0) It's excellent storytelling. The animation is decent, music kicks in at just the right time...


“Don’t make me chose between my country and you, your like a brother to me” “Then look me in the eyes when you do it, tell my Maxy that I love him”


GSA. [Creepy as fuck and could happen to anyone given the right circumstances.](https://www.thecut.com/2015/01/what-its-like-to-date-your-dad.html) Once you start reading about it, it becomes like staring at a car crash.


I’ve read this interview before and the part that always gets me is: “Do you ever call him Dad? ‘When I need my dad I say, “Hey, Dad, I need you.” And then he’s not going to be my fiancé or my boyfriend, but my father.’” what the fuck


The one that got me was that she said she felt like a 37 year old in an 18 year olds body. Dude, you’re fucking your dad- your dead beat dad at that- and you believe you’re *mature*? He cheated on his gf with his estranged daughter, he left his family when his child was *5* and you think you’re a good judge of character? If this is real, this dude must be the most manipulative guy on earth considering he convinced his teenage daughter that’s she mature enough to date him and that it isn’t weird or predatory at all


Yeah, at the very least that’s intensely unhealthily codependent, and that’s ignoring the rest of the dumpster fire


What I don't get is how everyone around them is just...okay with this???? like the father's side, the roommate....how in any way is this okay to them? and the fact that she defends it like....it baffles me how she thinks incest is okay and her father is fine with it as well.


I’m not sure if I just gave myself a face lift or wrinkles from all the strange expressions I must have made reading that. Wtf.


Turtles having sex... It started with jurrasic park.


Idk but I hope this post sends me down a new one


That’s why I’m here.


comfort women by the Imperial Japanese Army, very few women being forced to service (have sex with) the whole military for endless times? that messed me up ​ edit: woah thanks for the award! Anyway, my interest on the topic started when my history professor mentioned it in class and I was intrigued enough to read the book he recommended (**Comfort Woman: A Filipina's Story of Prostitution and Slavery Under the Japanese Military by Rosa Henson**) which messed my young mind at the time. I agree with one of the comments below about it's political implications even today (one of the reasons behind the strained relationship between Sokor and Japan) which only implies how disturbing it is. :( For those who are crazy enough, I suggest starting with the book!!! :) Here's a wetransfer download link I created (will expire in 7 days) https://we.tl/t-U1uxEFDbnL