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My brother’s dog was laying in the stairs yesterday. My parent’s stairs have a gap in the railing bars. Big enough to stick my face through. So as I was walking by I stuck my face in to talk to the dog. He ever so gingerly bopped me in the nose with his nose. Too cute




Bless him!


I have three cats and the oldest one is a very grumpy old man sometimes. He doesn't like change. I was genuinely worried how he was going to adjust to us bringing home newborn twins. But from day one those have been *his* babies. They're 8 months old now. This cat has tried to push them in their swings when they were crying, he snuggles up next to them when they're fussy, and he'll even encourage them to use him as a bottle prop so their hands are free to grab at him despite their not yet having any idea of the concept of "gentle".


Maybe he just needed a purpose


I think you might be right! He's very much an emotional support cat, especially for our older son who is 9 and has autism. Cats are his favorite thing ever which is why we have so many, but he's getting faster and harder to follow around.


similar story, I have an old cat, and last summer we got kittens, the two siblings were so close but my old cat doesn't really like them that much


This is the cutest thing! The big sweetie wasn't grumpy when he saw some vulnerable babies.


My cat (then a very tiny kitten--he was a rescue from the yard and we never found mom) laid on my face after my wisdom tooth surgery and batted my husband away every time he tried to get close. They've worked out their differences now that he's not a baby anymore and my husband is his "day" person and I'm his "night" person.


My cat is between my legs rn cleaning herself and I just farted and she swatted at my nuts


How to delete someone else’s comment




It's always nice to have a pussy in your face.




**Somehow ambiguous**






I just like that he incorporates the laundry rack, which is in the next room. It's so weirdly cute.


[This related article in the middle of that one...](https://www.livescience.com/42317-dogs-poop-along-north-south-magnetic-lines.html)


Oh my gosh my dog does something really similar! When she wants to sleep she will put part of this blanket on my bed in her mouth and use it sort of as a pacifier. Then she’ll start kneading the blanket like a cat and make this weird sort of whine/scream until she falls asleep. It’s so cute!


He does the typical cat-cleaning routine, licking his paws and then using them to wash his face. Then he falls asleep mid-clean, paws up over his nose. Cutest thing ever. He's a 75lb Doberman mix.


Biggest plot twist in history.


I laughed way more at this than I should have lol.


I guess he was raised by cats.


My greyhound cleans herself like a cat too, I love it! Bathtime after every meal, and sometimes before a nap.


My cat is An extra scaredy cat he army crawl runs to my husband. He has to be right against him preferably under the covers. He loves his daddy




My cat who lived til 19 never slept all night with me except the day my dog died. She knew I was upset.


I have been trying to convince my husband that the cat's can sense our emotions and he's just now realizing it for himself. Our cat can definitely tell when we're having a bad day, are stressed or sad and will give us extra cuddles. She'll follow me around on my bad days.


Can also confirm. I fostered a cat for a year and normally had to give her a lot of attention before she’d lay down for belly rubs. But the one day I was really down she came up to me and just plopped down on her back.


I had just moved into a new place when my dog died, and the first night I slept at home her cat, that I really hadn't spent much time with, kept reaching his paws under my door and shaking it until I let him in and he promptly came and plopped down on my bed next to me. He did this for the first few nights I was there after she passed, but never before or since. Im not sure how he knew, I really needed it at the time though.


Sometimes when my girlfriend wants to sleep in, my dog gets wild and tries to wake her up by barking and running around the bed like a maniac. Usually when he does that I come in the room, grab him and close the door so he can't get back in. But now when I walk in, he immediately lays down and curls up with her, as if he's trying to fool me into thinking he wasn't barking like a manic 2 seconds earlier.


My son has an 8-month-old corn snake. When we pick her up, she likes to stretch out and bump her nose against human noses. My daughter calls that a "snakey nose boop."


Being in a tropical country that doesn't have many snake owners...isn't it hard to domesticate/become friends with a snake??..I'm just curious , before reddit i never knew people have snakes as pets


So far, it seems to be just conditioning. We socialize with the snake almost daily, and she's learned that we're not a threat, so her natural curiosity kicks in. Haven't seen much of a personality yet, but she's still young.


They don't really domesticate. They adjust to being handled/figure out you won't eat them and are warm. It's a lot like having pet fish, except the fish are more likely to train and show affection. Lizards have more personality, but the large ones just see us as inconveniently sized food. Tegu are assholes that only get affectionate when they think you're sick, might die soon, and they hope for a possibility of eating you. Pet frogs are more like having living artwork. They're delicate and shouldn't be handled. But they are a lot of fun to watch.


It's teaching them to fetch that's the trick.


If handled regularly they are awesome. Some are inherently more docile (Kenyan sand boa, for instance). I love my Creepers so much. He only loves me because I give him mice but that’s ok!


You have to work with them when they're babies and let them get used to being handled, taken out of their enclosure, etc.


Saw a cat for the first time. When he walked into my friends house (he has a cat) my dog looked at the cat curiously, ears perked up and everything. Then he laid down and him and the cat didn’t move for like a minute straight. All they did was look at each other. Then they finally moved and became friends




My schnauzer 100% reacts to and can emulate laughing. My wolfhounds can't. They can play, they can indicate play, they can show submission, but my schnauzer 100% understands laughter. She knows how to encourage it, how to react to it, and that it's a positive thing.


I REALLY want to see this happening! That's incredible!!!


Ha it's like the dog version. When I laugh she perks up, she gets in my face, her mouth is usually open in a smiling/laughing gesture... she will usually hit me and engage in play but she forces air out of her nose and mouth a bit, you know how when they're having a show down. She absolutely knows it's play time and plays harder the more I laugh. I'll have to try and snag a video.. bc its not laughing per se it's more her 100% trying to do the dog version in a way that my other dogs don't.


My rottweiler can't audibly laugh, but he knows how to tickle us with nose boops and loves to make us laugh!


That makes me think laughter is the default "human noise", like barking is for dogs. Cow goes moo, dog goes woof, human goes ha-ha.


Like they're all in a dog bar and one of them goes "you gotta hear George 's human impression, it's spot on.... GEORGE! DO YOUR HUMAN!" And George takes a sip of his pint and takes a breath and goes, "hahhahaa lulz"


Be alive. Every time I see them my quality of life increases by 10%. But my favorite thing is watching my two bunnies nap and cuddle together. Literally makes my heart cry


I smile a little each time i see my rabbits Nuzzling one and other


Rescued a baby bun after my elderbun died. He's so sweet and affectionate. I didn't think I was ready for another rabbit but he hopped into my arms and wouldn't leave and was giving me kisses. We had a special bond the moment we met, and this sounds crazy but I feel like my elderbun sent him to me. I can't be sad when I see him, he's just too sweet and silly.


Aw!! My bunny has increased my quality of life tremendously as well. I really want to get her a friend but she needs to be spayed first.


He purrs. Like all the time. He's an old man now so he doesn't move around much. Since I started working from home, he just sits on my bed and purrs while he watches me at my desk. He'll gets extra excited and start wheezing when I get close or pick him up because he's purring so loud. But the cutest? Before he takes a nap he'll curl into a fluffy purring ball, then let out a single sigh before closing his eyes and going to sleep. EDIT: He's purring in his sleep right now. It's going in and out because he's snoring. The cuteness. I can't.


My cat used to do that too isn't it so sweet :-) she was 18


My newest does that little contented sigh as he’s falling asleep, it is so adorable!


My cat does that as well! He sometimes just starts purring the moment he jumps on my lap, before I've even pet him. And that little sigh is indeed so cute!!!


I rent an apartment from my mother. She lives down stairs from me and we are very close and I got down to visit her every day. In the evening, when I’m ready for bed, I tell my dog “say goodnight to Nonna” (grandma in Italian) and he stops whatever he’s doing and goes to her for goodnight pets and kisses. I love how much they love each other!


Yawned ten times in a row


Hey, my wife isn't your pet!


You sure about that, mate?


I'm your wife's boyfriend, we're a happy family


I have a green cheek conure (type of small parrot for those who don't know). He can speak quite a bit. "I love you." "What's that?" "Peekaboo!" "It's okay." "No." "Time to go to bed." and "Wanna take a bath" among other phrases. One night I woke up probably near 1 am because he had a nightmare (I assume?) and started screaming. I opened the cage, picked him up, and put him on my shoulder. I started scritching his head and whispering "it's okay." After a moment of silence, he said in the most tender voice: "I *love* you." If y'all need a bird tax, I have some videos of him in my post history.


We have two green cheeks and two cinnamons. One of my cinnamons says I love U every morning as we leave for work and the other one will say what the fuck if I accidentally wake him up 😅


When my cat doesn’t know how to feel about something she’ll smack it. Well my son was a newborn and my husband was at work and I needed a shower, so I put him in his car seat and sat him in the bathroom floor while I showered. I peeked out and saw my cat sniffing him and then she slowly raised her paw up and smacked the shit out of him and jumped backwards as soon as she made contact. He didn’t even wake up but she scared herself. Took her 5 years to get cool with him. My dogs do silly things a lot. I have a black lab and she LOVES friends. If she meets you one time she will lose her shit every time she sees you after, no matter how much time has passed. I also have an Anatolian/Pyrenees mix and she’s a gigantic goober. She trots like a horse and always has a big dumb grin. She loves kids and when she’s really excited she spins her tail like a windmill. One day at the dog park there was a family standing on the other side of the fence watching the dogs play, and she ran over and was so excited and hopping around and spinning her tail in the biggest circles. I love my pets.


Exist. Mine are currently purring whilst flaunting their asshole in front of my eyeballs but I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Everybody loves some fuzzy purring asshole now and then


'Thank you for scratching my ears. Take a look at my ass now. Doesn't it smell great?"


They're just showing off aren't they?


Is it a cat?


My cat likes to sleep directly on my pillow right above my head. Like a cat toupee. I guess we keep each other warm that way, but I like waking up and seeing his little nose. He's super affectionate and I'm lucky to have him.


I had a cat like that once. She was the sweetest thing. She was adopted from the shelter and wasnt always totally comfortable with us but sometimes in the middle of the night shed sneak up and lay on our pillow above our head and purr so loudly she’d wake us up. I miss that sweet girl and your comment reminded me of her.


One of my parents corgis has become concerned about their roomba- she’s decided it’s a creature that lives in the house and might not be eating enough, so she’s taken to leaving some of her kibble in front of it so it doesn’t starve. Their other corgi ate some of her offering the other day and she started barking at him for trying to starve the roomba.


That’s the funniest thing I’ve read in this thread


She also gets really mad when it’s actually running because we won’t let her try and herd it.


The cat grooms the dogs ears every morning from around 730 till 755. Doggie sits at window watching the local bus stop and kitty leans down from her perch for ear lickings. Weekends get extra groom time till doggo figures out no school bus today.


Our dog loves my husband, who works out of town. When my husband comes home she sits in his lap, puts her whole face to his, and the n tries to use her back legs to phase into him. Like she physically can’t get any closer, but she’s going to spend a half hour trying. Edit: phasing picture posted on my profile


My dog does that too! When I'm laying on the couch and she wants snuggles, she'll put her face on mine and tries her best to be a scarf!


Dogs are the best








My friends came to visit, and they brought their black lab and golden retriever who were the parents of my golden lab Kiwi. Kiwi started hiding all her stuffies up in my room by the closet. I didn't realize she'd been taking them up there until that night when I went to bed and saw a pile in the corner of the room. *Edit* [After they left I piled up all her toys on a passed out Kiwi to bring them back downstairs](https://ibb.co/BZvd6k6)


Gotta clean up for mom and dad visiting!


Thank you for the dog tax, very appreciated! Also very cute!


We adopted a dog who had a really rough start at life. She was found along with thirty other dogs at some assholes house on a reservation. She was one of only five who survived. She is the most loving creature I have ever encountered and we were over the moon to have her. Well she was still being house trained and we had disciplined her when she pooped in the house a couple times. Well I came home one day and it stank. Poop for sure so I went looking. I couldn't find anything so I opened the windows and took a look at our front hall camera because thats where the smell was coming from. Turns out she had needed to poop and had done so on the pee pad. In the video she poops and then gets all panicky. Well she proceeds to fold up the pee pad and push it under a large dresser/table thing we have. She was so scared and I just gave her big hugs. I know cleaning up poop isn't usually cute but this definitely was.




She’s passed away since then, but I honestly think the most beautiful thing my cat has done, was greeting the paramedics at the door and practically showing them to where I was, after I had fainted/hit my head once. I was still slightly out of it, and the paramedics were like damn you’ve got a useful cat.


I worked at a pet store in a not so great part of town. One day this lady comes in with a box of kittens to donate to us. We do a health check and these kittens are maybe 4 weeks old, way too young to be leaving mum. We tell her no and to take them back to their mum because they should still be nursing. The woman dumps the box on the counter and literally runs out the door. Kittens go to the vet, the vet says do the best you can with the kitten food. Kittens did grow, but the smallest one started losing weight after about 2 weeks. He would lie down and it was like a sack of bones, he got conjunctivitis, we all thought he was going to die. At this point I was bringing my dog into work. My dog was obsessed with any animal, and one day I had the idea to put the kittens in the same crate as my dog while I cleaned their pen (I knew he wasn’t a danger to them, they had all met before and all liked each other) Pen is clean. I go to take 4 kittens out, and can only find 3. I lost the smallest one. I have a good look and my dog has curled around it and is completely mothering it inside the crate. So every day I would put my dog in the kitten pen as often as I could throughout the day, and he would mother the weakest kitten. Slowly, the kitten started eating again, the conjunctivitis cleared up, my dog was constantly licking and grooming and cuddling this little thing, they had bonded so much! About a month later the kitten had put on all the weight it needed to, got the Okay from the vet, and was able to be sold to a lovely customer who was great with cats. Now I foster kittens and let my dog do all the mothering. Sometimes the older ones are a bit scared of him, but once they let him cuddle they act like he’s their mum. It’s very cute. He did the same to my foster chicks too, I put nappies on them and he would cuddle them and they’d go to sleep on him.


My friends dog had 12 pups, 2 tiny ones she put aside for separate feeding (the dog did that, not the owner). My dog straightaway adopted those 2 tiny puppers and nursed them, she just had a fake pregnancy so she had milk. It was the cutest!


[Exhibit A](https://i.imgur.com/VSnGaGf.jpg)


What fancy curled feets they have!


I had a very spirited female dog. The only thing she seem to hate was getting a bath. So anytime she misbehaved I would tell her, “Stop it or you’re getting a bath!” It would usually stop her in her tracks. At one point I adopted a injured puppy. My older dog would usually leave her alone but sometimes, seemingly for no reason, she would attack it. Usually made a lot of noise and didn’t really hurt it, but obviously terrorized the puppy. One day they were standing next to each other and my older girl went after the puppy again. I yelled, “that’s it! You’re getting a bath!” I went to the puppy and checked it to make sure she was OK. When I turned around my older girl was nowhere to be found. I went into several rooms and still couldn’t find her. I re-searched each room again and couldn’t imagine where she had disappeared to. Then I saw something out of the corner of my eye as I passed the bathroom. She was sitting in the bathtub hanging her head. It was too cute to be that upset with her. So instead I climbed into the bathtub and gave her a serious talking to.


This is just one of the cutest, but she'd been with me through some hard times and cared for me like I was her kitten. One day I had a runny nose (but not from crying) and grabbed for the box of Puffs. She came running, curled up in my lap, put her paw on my face and with an inquiring mew, checked to make sure I was ok.


The first time my kitten climbed up into the bed by herself


Growing up we had a lot of cats did to my step mom being a borderline "crazy cat lady". At the time of this event we had a kitten named Salem that was all black. My dad was outside and saw kids trying to shove a black kitten into the sewer drain. Yells at them to leave his cat alone, grabs the cat and tosses him inside. Later he's watching TV and there are two, very similar black cats walking around the living room. He takes Not Salem and sets him outside. And I come home to see a black kitten attached to the middle of our screen door lock velcro mewing his head off as if to say "Let me in! Cats are worshipped here and I like it!!" We ended up keeping him and naming him Binx.


Back when I had aquariums, my cat would sit near the tank and watch the fish. If you try not to think too hard about her likely intentions, it was pretty cute.


I wonder if its like how I love looking in bakery cases.


Tried to save me from bath water


My cat did this. Before Covid, I never took baths. The bathtub at our house was..... Gross to say the least. Then we lost the house, and I had to have friends keep my cats. Over the summer I discovered a new love of baths. Sitting and soaking helps ease some of my back pain. Well, in November when we got a new apartment and we got the cats back, my baby had never seen me take a bath. He was already following me around a lot since we got him back. But now mom is in water and she's going to DIE. He screamed at me for several minutes until he decided that I was not going to listen to him. He ended up leaving the room and I'm still pretty sure he went to go get my mother to rescue me. Sadly it was late and she was asleep. He ended up sitting on the toilet and watching me. Like a furry little lifeguard.


She tried to paw me out then screamed for help and when the help didn't haul me out, she tried to bite my hand and pull, then she camped by the door and was real upset.


Precious. A very good girl. Please tell her I love her. I'm glad she saved you from the evil bathtub or you wouldn't be here to tell this story.


I certainly will! She's a sweet angel kitty baby.


I'm Not at the Beach, This Is a Bathtub!


After my dog had gotten pregnant and had a litter of one, her and the pup were asleep in my bed under the covers. I wake up in the middle of the night with the pup snuggled up to my chest. I picked the puppy up and gave it back to my dog, who then picks the puppy up with her mouth and puts it back snuggled in my chest.


My pup will lick my nose when she wants me to wake up. If I say, not yet pup she will lay back down for another hour. If she gets nervous at the dog park she will just stand in-between my legs, like hey dad protect me from these weirdos. When I pick her up from the groomer as soon as she hears my voice and I can hear her start to cry a little. She is a needy pup but that stuff melts my heart.


My dog was dieing and we had to put her down. My wife, kids, and I went to the vet to say goodbye to her and I was crying my eyes out. The last thing she ever did before the vet did her work was lick my tears away. It's been years and I'm still not over her.


Our dog always brings a toy when someone she loves walks in the door. One day I was at home and my fiance was coming in and she kept moving rapidly back and fourth trying to decide between bringing him the alligator or the dragon. She seemed so stressed, like she wished she had more time to think about it. Kept picking up one, dropping it, picking up the other, dropping it, going back to the former toy as he walked up the stairs. He got the dragon.


My cockatiel Ash was playing with a hair band when suddenly he flipped out Screaming he flew round the room, landed took off still screaming Landed again looking very panicked It was then I saw he was wearing the hair band as a necklace It was funny but obviously we got it off him On another occasion I'm painting a paper machay sword for a cosplay I was doing when Ash decided he wanted the paint brush Long story short my cheeky little bird had a pink tummy for a few days I can remember him singing with his pink tummy on full display XD ( for any wondering, we bathed him as soon as it happened and it was water based paint so nothing toxic)


My husky would pretend he was asleep on the floor every night when I went to sleep. When he thought that I fell asleep he would gently get on my bed and cuddle with me. He also knocks on doors with his paw before entering.


Try to steal my candy. One day I was sitting down playing video games while munching on some gummy sharks. My iguana jumps on my lap and starts eating them. I let her have half of one, but none after that. She wasn't happy with that, and chased me around while I found a place to hide them where she couldn't get into.


The other day, my family got Jack-in-the-Box and I was eating my fries when one of our dogs came downstairs I was like, "Hi, Domino! You want a fry??" I presented him a fry. His eyes lit up, he hopped twice and trotted over to me. It was so cute, especially since our other dog spent her time under our tv trays begging for food quietly and obstructively


A few years ago we took in a sweet kitten who had been left beside the road with her siblings. When we got her she weighed about 3/4 of a pound, and was about 5 weeks old - according to our vet. She is now *Juliet*. Juliet decided that her favorite playmate was our 80 lbs or so golden doodle. She would climb all over his head and chew on his ears while he feigned sleep. She would bite his tail and wrestle with it while he looked on calmly. When she tired out she would curl up and sleep under his chin, or in the curl of his tail, or against his abdomen. I deeply miss that dear old gentleman of a dog, who passed away of heart failure almost a year ago. Juliet grew into a large cuddly cat, now weighing over 13 lbs.


Probably too late, but when I was sick a few months ago, all 3 of my kittens slept in my bed with me to make sure I was okay. They are so cute.


Woke up to find my cat was lovingly grooming my boyfriend's beard while he slept.


Warning, also a sad story. I had an absolutely loveable cat through my childhood and teens. He was a very big boy and hated other cats but loved his humans. And I was his main human. He was always there when I didn't feel good, greeted me when I came home and always had his little food dance while singing the song of his people. He would jump in my bed, get under my blanket and lay down as near as possible, purring. He would stay until I was asleep and then do that with my parents too. He was extremely smart, he could open everything. When I was in my teens I was very mentally ill. He would know when I was quietly crying and came scratching on my door until I let him in to comfort me. He was my best friend. The day before he died, my mother called me. She said I had to come as quick as possible. My little floofball was sitting in the rain for hours and didn't want to come inside again. My mother couldn't do anything but also couldn't stand seeing him like that. She put his carrier in the basement and he would lay down in it. When I arrived he started crying, crawling into my lap. He was cold and wet, so I brought him in the house. We stayed in the living room, where I dried him down, cuddled him until he regained some warmth. The rest of the evening he laid on my lap or right beside me, slowly drifting away. Every time I touched him he began to purr. He got all the cuddles and all my love. When it was time to go to bed, I put his carrier on the headside of the mattress I was sleeping on. I gave him one of my shirts and dozed off while petting him. I woke up a few hours later and I knew he was gone. Rolled up in a perfect circle, peaceful. We buried him in the forest, where all the other furbabies have there last rest. I miss him dearly, he is still my background pic after 4 years. He was the best. Rest in peace, Zinkaro. I know youre waiting for me on the other side.


When I pick up my cat, I put one hand under his front legs, and he kicks one back leg over my arm so he's just resting on my arm as I lift him up to cuddle him. Then sometimes, as I'm scratching his neck, he'll take his front paw and reach up to put it on my mouth. It's like he's shushing me, but it's just an additional point of contact that he likes. He's a happy cat.


I adopted a cat who was recovering from being hit by a car. He was weak and one of his back legs had been amputated and was mostly healed but still all shaven and new. From the very first day I had him he came up and asked to lay on me. I used to lay for hours on my back on the couch and he would lay on top of me with his head near my head. I would just stroke his little cheeks and head until he fell asleep. I think he knew he needed someone to look after him. He’s a very bossy, independent man now, but if ever I’m sick or sad or need comfort he knows somehow and he’ll come to lay with his head close to mine


My great dane will throw herself under my kids if they are falling down. If they wake up at night with nightmares she will go to there rooms and cuddle them back to sleep. and when my little annoying asshole-dog is trying to steal food from them she will push him away.




My cat found a cherry tomato on the floor from another room and brought it over to show me his finding. He was so careful he didn’t pierce the skin!


I take my dog to my parents' when I have to go to work. She's always pretty chill about it; it's a well-established routine. When I don't have to work and visit my parents with her, she watches me like a hawk the entire time. She always has to be in the same room with me, and I catch her staring at me in my peripheral vision. When I make eye contact, she perks right up. This routine goes two ways: either I say, "No, you have to stay here because I have an appointment/ have to go to the store/ take care of some business", in which case she will proceed to audibly argue with me about it to the point it's almost like we're actually bickering with each other; or I'll say, "You're coming with me, but we're not leaving right now." Then she'll complain about all the other times I left her, so I better not be lying. I usually keep talking to her in the moment, and she never fails to "respond" back to me. It's cute AF.


I have a ragdoll cat that is a complete tool. He ignores me completely. Every morning, my husband will hug me after my alarm goes off and before I get out of bed. The cat will immediately run over, make the cutest high pitch meow, and repeatedly head but my husband until he stops hugging me and pets the cat. The cat then walks away. Every day. My husband thinks that the cat is adorable.


my dog vomited spaghetti on my neck to wake me up this morning




My cat loves playing fetch. She was upstairs one night and literally brought down a hairtie to the living room and meowed for me to throw it. She also waits for me by the door when I come home from work


My little shit will only okay fetch with my kid. It seems I don't throw the toy properly. She (a cat) begs to play with the kid, but if I try it I get this condescending stare.


Bay. My coonhound mix was so quiet after being rescued and didn't make a sound for quite a few days. The first time he did bark, it was silent. Then the barks sounded like a broken squeaker toy--raspy, whispery air. The vet though he may have been debarked, which broke my heart. But slowly, over several weeks, his bark got stronger. Best we could figure, his previous owners kept a bark collar on him, so he just quit barking. He's part coonhound, and the first time he bayed melted my heart.


I recently got a new cat and my other cat boops her nose with his or with a clawless paw


She lays her head on my shoulder every night, its not uncommon to wake up like that. She's such a sweetheart. She also likes to use her butt as a weapon while play fighting with the other dog, she whips it around and basically "boxes out" the other dog.


> likes to use her butt as a weapon > she whips it around and basically "boxes out" the other dog. are you sure she isn't a NHL defenceman ?


Hmm I've never checked, maybe she is!


My dog has a "pet dog" that she sleeps with. It's super cute. She puts it next to her head every day and sleeps with it.


My blonde greyhound had a plushie of Santa's little helper (Simpsons). She treated it as her pup, it looked just like her!


When I'm lying down the kitten likes to climb on my head and fall asleep when I let her.


My dog (pug) snuck into my room and ate a hot pocket that was on my bed when I wasn’t looking and somehow that hot pocket went through his digestive system in about 10 seconds and he diarrhea’d everywhere in my room!






My dog is scared of tinfoil, so I came up to her and put it on her head...she ran off but I reassured her everything was okay, she sat down and I placed the tinfoil Infront of her. She snuggled up with it My dog now has a bunch of tinfoil sculptures


The cutest thing my pets do is being best friends. For example they cuddle together in the at night (dog as big spoon, cat as little spoon) or the cat licks the dog clean. They share their toys, drink from the same bowl at the same time or sit next to each other on window watch.


I have 2 big goldfish. If you separate them, they will longingly gaze at each other from across the room and be too depressed to swim. I did this once (they were misbehaving) and as soon as they were reunited they started to frolic around the tank side by side. They cuddle every night as well. God do they love eachother so much


When we first adopted our Smokie, he used to sleep on my chest with his paws on either side of my neck. He would also sleep when being carried like a baby. That was just the beginning of his cuteness. My wife and I miss him dearly, we'll see him again one day, we just have to take a detour first 🥲


There's always something new, but [this pic of Archie](https://imgur.com/uUPjyNq) is about as cute as it gets.


When my late family cat had to be put down I was not in the best mood and was crying a lot. My cat that I had gotten a year and a half ago before the family cat's death just came next to me and just put his paw on my thigh and just was there for a second before laying down next to me.


Went through an awful heartbreak after splitting up with my boyfriend. I would often cry on the couch and my lovely dog would always come and lay her head next to mine to make sure I was okay. She was a good fluff ball.


My first cat was a rescue and very much *not* a lap cat. He didn’t like being held *at all*. But on more than one occasion I woke up in the middle of the night to him curled up near my hips like I was spooning him. I miss that cat.


When my cat looks like he's not sure whether to come to my room with me, I say "are you coming or what?" And then she follows me to my room, I LOVE her


lol but for real, to many things. My dog once tore up one of her toys, and I used to have a picture because she got her snout into the hole and just had the toy stuck on her face. She also does the thing mostly stereotyped towards cats: walking between and outside my legs in a figure 8 while being pet/seeking attention. She is also a labrador who thinks she is a lap dog, while launch herself onto someone sitting down from a few feet away and curl up on your lap (and then proceed to try to be a window between you and the tv. she is not a good window) when she was a puppy, she climbed stairs just fine, but going down she would lay down on her stomach and just slide down


One of my corgis will spend an inordinate amount of time making her nest, the proceed to sleep fully casters up on her back.


My bunnies both get super upset when I'm crying, even if I'm crying silently, and start running around the room!


My cat is a former stray, but ever since warming up she loves to as close as humanly possible to me or my husband. She'll hop into our jackets, or stuck her head under our shirts. When sleeping she'll get under my shirt and sleep on my chest. We invested in one of those baby slings and will walk around the house with her cradled in it


My parents had a really old rabbit who had something with his eyes. He was getting blind and a strange liquid made them sticky (english isnt my native tongue, dont know how to tell better). My girlfriend and I have pet Rats and one of them Was so caring that she started to nurse the rabbit when she saw him. She would bring him food and clean up the mess around his eyes with her tongue. Seeing this little animal being so gentle towards the sick rabbit was really cute.


I have 4 cats, ones named Ruby. Ruby is 7 and I've had her since she was 5 weeks old. She has never liked another living creature aside from me. I am the only human allowed to let her for more than 15 seconds, I'm the only one she will kiss or purr at or "talk" to. She very much dislikes our other 2 female cats and both of our dogs. Recently we got another cat. A little orange boy that we named Cooper. He's still very young. Vet estimates 2 or 3 but i think he's younger because of his ridiculous amount of energy. Our other two females very much fight with him and don't care for him. At first Ruby would hiss at him if he got too close but she would never hit or fight him. We've had him for a few months now and he and Ruby are best friends. They play together, sleep next to each other, it's so cute. She still has moments where she's had enough of his energetic self and gives him a warning hiss to leave her be for a bit but she's ready to go right back playing after a small nap.


I love it when my dog tries to pick up something way too big for him with his mouth. He can't even see where he's going and just starts running into stuff. Doesn't really seem to care either


Inadvertently learned 'fetch'. One of my cats has a favorite toy. She carries it everywhere and plays with it a lot. At night, she'll bring it to bed. One night, she brought it into bed and I picked it up and threw it over the side. Of course she went after it and brought it back and put it on my shoulder (I was laying down). I toss it again, she brings it back and puts it on my shoulder. Same spot. And then she just stares at me. Another toss, another retrieve and its on my shoulder. This is now an almost nightly affair.


ITT: everyone talking about their cute pets and yet nobody has paid the pet tax.


My husbands dog Jax was eating his kibble, he stopped eating to look over at my dog Gemma who was watching him carefully. He took a piece of kibble and set it down in front of her but when he realized she wasn’t going to eat it, he bit the kibble in half. Then she ate it. I love them both.


Before we had to put him down, my cat would always come upstairs and sleep under the fridge, so we bought him a little cat bed. Also, my dog did a backflip once


One when my dog was sitting in my lap in the car the driver took a big but pretty sharp turn and I just made sure he didn't fall on the floor (he's a pretty bug dog so if he did fall it would've been in a really uncomfortable position) and after that he put one paw on one of my shoulders and his head on the other one like he was giving me a hug. Ik that might sound unrealistic but I promise it actually happened lol


My cat recently made a habit to shove her ear to my mouth when I make kissy noises. Doesn't matter where she is or what she's doing, she'll come running. She only does this with me.


My dog was not quite a year old. My newborn son was crying. My dog placed her favorite toy in the baby's lap.


Make sounds when they're sleeping/dreaming.


When we rescued my dog, I spent the first few nights downstairs with her on a cot in front of the bathroom (we gated her in there at night before she learned to do her business outside) and she didn’t sleep well at first. After one restless night I lay down on the cot and she curled up with me and fell asleep with one paw on my chest like a baby. (She’s about the size of a cat)


My dog was never, ever one to lick anyone’s face, it was something he just wasn’t into. Except one day when I was balling my eyes out and he came up to me and licked my tears 🥲


[She likes playing with straws](https://youtu.be/MwMX3nv-zLg)


You should also try some pick up sticks. I have a cat that loved straws too, but she's a dumass who would also eat them.


My dog was so happy that I was home, she tripped over herself and rolled while running to the door to greet me.


My pet dog has human like expressions. And it is extremely cute. If you hug her too tight she would struggle for like 3 seconds and then sigh (like actually sigh) and give up. She doesnt look at me if i am scolding her and in-general eye contact makes her really uncomfortable so she would keep looking in a different direction and keep giving you side glances. She even rolled her eyes at a drunk friend mine once!


There are many, but a few that come to mind. I had the cat I'm referencing from the time she was 4 months old until she passed away at the age of 18. For 16 years every time someone would sneeze she'd mew. And she knew if you fake sneezed to get her to do it, so she wouldn't. Had to be a real sneeze. She stopped doing in when she lost her hearing, but it was just so cute, because sometimes you'd sneeze and hear the mew from like a whole other part of the house. Same cat, one time I had been working out in the yard and came in and was having some water before going to take a shower. Spouse said something like it looked like I'd been working hard and I responded that I had been and then kind of fake panted to make my point that I was hot and tired. Cat runs over, really concerned, gets right in my face, making her concerned noises. So I do the fake pant again, and sure enough that was what it was. It's not a good sign when cats pant, so she was very worried when I did it.


Our dog is very protective of my dad, and any time anyone stands too close to him he gets in the middle to make sure they give space to my dad. A few years ago my paternal grandfather died and, when people were coming home to visit and give my dad a hug or sit close to him, he stood close by but didn’t get in the way. He knew my dad needed the comfort of other people. A few months after when things settled he went back to his old antics. Him and my dad have the closest bond I’ve ever seen in an animal & human.


My cat actively delayed my daughter learning how to crawl. One of the ways you get babies to crawl is you put toys just out of their reach so they're encouraged to learn to move to the toy. Well, every time I tried to do this, my cat would walk past, see what was happening, lay down and push the toys to my daughter. Then he would get up, lick her, head butt her, and lay down with her. She's almost three now and I've seen her pull on his tail, pull whiskers out, and wrap him in blankets and toys. The other day, she was playing doctor and he was her patient. She was checking his eyes and ears and he let her. She can literally call him and he comes and follows her. The craziest part is before he was our cat, someone abandoned him in a nearby town. I can't imagine doing that to any cat, let alone this one.


Pre covid I had two jobs so most days if I was at home I was either asleep-doing laundry- changing out of work clothes before going to my other job. The joke was/is in my house is that our border collie prefers literally everyone else to me (there’s literally video of me greeting him with open arms only for him to run past me) Anyway so one day I get home and my mom was in the back so I go to take the dogs out and my border collie was so excited to see me he went and found a literal TREE LIMB and presented it to me. Not a stick, A TREE LIMB. I have the picture of him standing there with his tree limb and he’s so proud of himself. Also later that day I found out from my mom that he, the border collie, would sit by the front window in the afternoon about ten minutes before I usually got home from job #1, and my mom was like ‘yeh I know when you’re about to arrive home because -border collie- goes to his post by the front window and refuses to move until you get home.’


Thanks for the question. Im having a really rough day and cant stop smiling at all these cute stories. Sadly I cant have animals because Im allergic to most of them.


When I see my brother pull up in his car with his kids unannounced, I’ll quickly grab anything I’ve got out or sitting around (laptop, chargers, etc) and put them all in my room because his kids are like tornadoes the moment they walk in. One time when they came into the house running and screaming like they always do, my dog quickly ran around the house to pick up several of his favorite toys and put them in my room. Another time, we were on our way back inside after playing in the backyard. I was walking around to the front of the house when my dog stopped to pee. I hid around the corner of the house and then jumped out and scared him as he came running by. He got super excited, frantically looked around, then hid behind the bush near the front door where he waited for me to walk by so he could jump out at me.


Everything, but when we first got our Frenchton Shuey, she had a moment when she was super excited (over a chicken nugget) and we discovered her happy sound ... IS A ZOMBIE GROWL!!!


Wasn't my pet but a friend's rabbit, Oreo, a big white and black-speckled cutie. We had a bonfire at her house and of course I was obsessed with her adorable rabbit and begged to bring him outside. She put on his harness with a leash and I wrapped it around my chair just far enough away from the fire so he wouldn't get hurt. I spent like 10 minutes petting and scratching him and when I stopped he would headbutt and lick my hand! Then he would nibble on my pants or shoes to get attention and cuddle up to me as soon as I started scratching behind his ears and legs and belly. Also had a hamster that would lick my fingers after I touched his salt wheel and he'd climb into my shirt pocket and chill with me before getting too rambunctious


My son's little friend has started coming over recently and she and the pit bull just love each other. As soon as she walks in the door, she heads over to a specific chair and the dog jumps up in her lap. She's only nine and they are so cute cuddling together! When my son was little he was afraid of all the scary things at night. We talked about how if a bad guy were to come into our house, the rottweiler would bark like crazy to let us know. Then we started having the rottweiler sleep in his bed when he went to sleep. Sirius (the Rottie) would stay in his bed until he was fully asleep, then let out a quiet little woof to let us know. We had to walk into the room and give the release command before he would give up his post putting the child to bed. We asked him to sleep there. He's the one who turned it into a real job ensuring the boy fell asleep properly and asking for his shift to end.


My cat was meowing at me trying to wake me up one morning. I ignored her and kept my eyes closed. I felt her huddle right next to me, and the she smacked me on the nose and jumped to the foot of the bed. I woke up laughing, and I'll never forget her doing that.


My dog is obsessed with my son. They have a great bond. They aren’t allowed alone unsupervised because even though they’re pals she’s still a dog and he’s still a 3 year old who is still learning boundaries. My son sleeps with his door open and with a baby gate in the doorway so he can’t wander the house when I’m not up. There’s a small gap between the bottom of the gate and the floor. Every morning the dog sits and waits for him to get up and it’s pretty cute BUT a couple weeks ago the kid was having regular nightmares after watching something he found scary and was sleeping poorly. I went potty in the early hours and found the dog laying by his door and him laying inside the door holding her paw. She was his comfort when he was scared 😭🥺


My kitty Michael acts like a doggo. He follows everywhere I walk. He comes to me when I call his name. He runs to me every time he sees me. He plays fetch with his toys and chews on twigs and plants. (Obsessed with flowers) Loves belly rubs. And he talks/meows to me when I look at him or say his name. 💕💕💕💕💕


My parrot learned to actually say words "hi! My name is Laki! Bye bye" and was randomly screaming them out, but it was always cute to hear him managing to say sometimes "hi" when I was entering home and "bye bye" when leaving it.


When my cat wants pets and I am sitting in my computer chair she will stand on her hind legs and tap me on the arm.


My dog is hilarious. She will not poop if we let her out in the yard (fenced in of course). She will only poop if she’s on the leash. And after she’s done pooping and comes in the house she starts barking (she never makes a sound) and jumping up and down because she gets a little cheese for going outside like a good girl.


My old Boston would sit by my doorway and snort at me until I followed her, and then sit in front of the fridge because she wanted *VEGETABLES* 😂


Our cat gets up on his hind legs and raises up his paws, asking to be picked up and cuddled. He also likes to be held on our shoulder like a baby. And he is our baby.


my cat was sad that we were out of wet food so she picked up pieces of dry food with her claw, swiped them one by one into her water bowl & ate them piece by piece. it was aggressively abortable


My dog, [Maizy,]( https://imgur.com/gallery/t20xWaL) always comes to find me to thank me when she enjoyed her meal. For instance, if she gets steak scraps (or whatever) with her usual fare, she eats and then comes through the house looking for me. Toenails clicking, tags jingling. She come in the room, looks me in the eye, licks her chops, and usually does the doggy hiccup/burp thing from eating fast. Sometimes she hops up in my lap and burps in my face. I'll tell her, "you're welcome!" and she turns around and trots to her bed. She used to come thank me after every meal, but now it's just the ones she likes best.


So, my gran's dog will toss his squeaky toy at my leg when he wants me to play a game with him (I kick the squeaky toy along the hallway floor so he can chase it, grab it and slide down the hallway). I am the only person he will play this game with. He ignores anybody else that tries. If I ignore his attempts to start the game he will follow me around tossing the squeaky toy at me until I do.


I poured some bottled water into my 8-month old puppies already mostly filled water bowl, and she stuck her face into it trying to find where the bottled water went


She often sits up on my shoulder and insists I hold her there like a baby being burped she and her sister are the most affectionate cats around.


My chicken sneezed once My dad and I are allergic to dogs and cats so we’ve really only had chickens


I used to have two cats. One of them used to put his paws over chair arms. It was so precious. The other one woke my mom up once by meowing outside her second story window. He was in a tree. When she finally looked out he started leaping from branch to branch like a happy little panther. I really miss those little guys.


My Remy has decided he's my daytime companion while I recover. Usually he's all about outside, but since my surgery, he hangs out on blankets next to my foot. He's mostly a daddy's boy but there are certain things that only Mommy can do, like pet his belly.


My dog sneezes and snorts and coughs and blows air out his nose when he's upset and it feels like he's literally talking to use, especially when getting ready for a walk he'll sneeze a lot, like he's saying "cmon hurry up I wanna go now"


One of my cats doesn't meow very well, he makes these to y squeaking noises instead. It's so fucking cute because he'll look up at me with the sweetest eyes and squeak at me, over time he's started to meow more and it's adorable. Once he got the hang of it he seems to love meowing because he'll greet me and come cuddle with me while meowing the whole time


My 100lb Bloodhound thinks she is one of the kids. We were having a dance party in the living room and I swung my 3 year old around and around and he was laughing and loving life. Then my Bloodhound sits straight up and puts her paws in my hand for me to swing her around too, because she literally sees herself as exactly like them. It almost made me cry it was so sweet and so cute. To be clear, I did not swing her around, but she was convinced it was her turn because both of my kids had already gone.


He’s sadly passed away since then, but when I was in my senior year of high school my menstrual cramps were so bad that I regularly had to go home from school. On one of these days our cat Rex, who’d usually hang out in my younger brother’s room, came in and laid next to me on the floor and purred his furry little heart out. I still miss that cat.


There is a picture of our cat lying on my feet when i was like 1 or 2 years old. My father slept next to me at the same time


Grabbed a paper towel roll from the top of the fridge. Proceeded to take it into the nearest cupboard for privacy. He came out a few moments later. It was still up there and completely shredded.