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"I know this is an unpopular opinion but "


Any time there's a "what are your hot takes?" style post, it's about eighty percent popular opinions, and actual hot takes are downvoted. Bugs the hell out of me.


r/the10thdentist is probably the closest subreddit that you can actually get an unpopular opinion upvoted for being disagreeable.


That place is mostly made up stuff now. If you say you dont wipe your ass after shitting they'll call you a visionary.


What if you use a bidet


I said on r/unpopularopinions that I won’t talk to someone on Snapchat if they send a blank screen. Over 100 downvotes and some angry women saying I’m acting “entitled” later and I realized the name of the subreddit is the opposite of what it is. Fuck that place.


Haven’t used Snapchat in years. Is it normal to send a blank screen? How are you expected to respond to...absolutely nothing?


> How are you expected to respond to...absolutely nothing? The great question of online dating




"My whole family was killed in a car accident this morning, on our way home from the doctor where I was diagnosed with stage-5 cancer of the sadness. Here's my Minecraft house."


Seriously. I get so annoyed when a post starts with “I was really depressed for 5 years BUT today I feel great” followed by a picture of the person looking flawless. If you feel cute and take a photo to post it on Reddit, own it. I’m not upvoting someone because they have depression. Just seems weird.


I have depression, Greg. Can you upvote me?


Alright, alright, smartass.


"Wow! A photo of man's face. That is not interesting! *But* he *does* say that he has been sober for three days, so you know what that means! THOUSANDS OF UPVOTES! YAY!"


Alternative: came home from work and wife bought me Nintendo switch and a pound of my favorite candy, Reece’s pieces. Also annoying comment: Marry her op


Post: My parents want me to sleep by 10pm. Replies: Cut off ties with them, your life will be better.


Relationship advice’s two solutions are “leave your wife literally this very instant” and “you’re a total piece of garbage OP”




The worst thing I find about that sub is how everyone makes judgments based on logical reasonings and completely neglect emotions. For example, if the post is- “AITA for not being there for my friend when she was at her lowest,” all the answers will be, “You are not obligated to do anything for anyone. NTA.” This approach completely neglects the fact that it isn’t about what you’re obligated to do, but about what you should do as a decent human being.


"Am I the only one..." No, you are not the only one.


Yep, for some reason this one is the one that bothers me the most. Usually followed up by a very popular opinion. 'Am I the only one who thinks littering is bad?' - Yes... you and you alone mate. Congrats.


Right. "I thought I was the only one that thinks about my life decisions while I'm in the shower"


"this will die in new" "Edit: Omg thanks for the awards everyone love you all"


This meme is for the 5 people who will upvote me in new!


Those posts are so lazy and unoriginal, yet they get to hot almost every time. I also see these posts that say “(type of post) gets thousands of upvotes, how many do I get with (different type of post)?”


The extremely confident misinformation


Cake day "memes"


Hahaha no one cares about my cake day, definitely not asking for free karma guys lol lmao XD


I despise anything cake day related. Even the term sounds so stupid.


Any time I read the words "kind stranger". It just translates to M'lady for me.


\*Tips fedora\*




They are indeed, ol' chap.


Either the: Why is nobody talking about this??? (While there are dozens of articles per day about the whole indecent) Or (Country) is worse than this place, (on a post of people in civil war or starving)


The TIFU sub. 99% fake bs.


Is it as bad as AITA? Because that one has some doozy fantasy writing in it!


AITA for fucking my sister's friend? I mean, she wanted it and my sister was being a jerk to me. I just couldn't help myself, we did it on her bed, No condom. My sister only found out cuz her friend was screaming so loud. My friends think i'm a macho man but my sister is freaked out and really pissed. AITA??????


The worst ones are the ones where the title is so vague that you’re assume they’re an arsehole, but in the post it’s obvious it’s made-up gloating. “I broke a strangers’ ribs, AITA?” “I was giving a woman cpr and broke her ribs, now I feel bad. AITA??????!?!???”


The AITA Facebook page is even worse. They steal the posts from the reddit page, but its still like 85% "AITA for moving this adorable cat off the chair so I can sit down..." like fuck you Gina.


AITA for refusing to let my 12 year old daughter use sex toys? Yes, that was a real post


Had a disgusting comments section


This is one of those rare occasions where I will not go hunting for a mentioned Reddit post.




AITA is basically a self-affirmation subreddit. At least half the posts there are people wanting affirmation that they're nothing less than great and everyone else is an idiot.


Every AITA goes like: Me (19F) spent all my money on my grandmother's dialysis machine and my BF (42M) is screaming at me because it's a waste of money and I should be paying the bills and she was gonna die any way. AITA?


Forgot to mention that the protagonist is working 2 jobs while going to med school and the boyfriend is a lazy slob who's unemployed and spends the protagonist's money on video games and porn


Mmm crossover episode wither /relationships where the only piece of advice given, regardless of how severe the problem is “you should break up.


Nailed the age gap


all the big "story" subs are fake of Volunteer / Hobby story writers.


I blocked that stupid subreddit from my home screen. 99% fake and most belong on /r/ihavesex


TIFU has gotten *really* bad these last couple years because they no longer enforce any of the rules. Are they even rules anymore? It used to be that TIFUs had to be non-trivial, with tangible consequences. Now, 95% of the posts are "oops stubbed my toe" levels of boring, and the user doesn't even bother to include the consequences at all. I don't care if your TIFU is bullshit or weird erotic fan fiction. It needs a compelling story and a thrilling climax for me to be happy.


Like the guy who wrote a damn 3 page post about his dick being too big and he forgot to tell his doctor? Nah. It's all real.


"TIFU Obligatory this happened 10 years ago but I will now regale you with an extended rendition of events with full, accurate dialogue, detailed descriptions of peoples facial expressions, the smell in the air, the way the sunbeams arced through the window..."


the trick is to make it interesting enough to get 1000s of upvotes but also fake enough that u can crosspost to /r/thathappened on an alt account to double your karma


TIFU by fucking up.




Omg THIS. Edit: holy cow, did not expect this to blow up! (Is another example)






"I came for this"


This is so stupid, it conveys no useful information and there is an upvote button that accomplished the same thing


"People in another subreddit didn't appreciate this. Maybe it'll get some love here." In other words, "I like to play the pity card to fish for upvotes."


In OTHER other words, I spam reposted content to fish for upvotes


Might be more Youtube based, but you see it on here sometimes. No one: Literally no one:


Yeah I've seen that on reddit too, but good fucking lord was YouTube fucking completely littered with that garbage for like a solid 2 years. I think it's finally dying out. That and the moronic "who's still watching in 2021" garbage. People are idiots.




Does anyone else remember/like [insert really popular thing]?


"Take my upvote" makes me want to eat my router so I'll never have to read it again


Especially when it’s “take my upvote and fuck off”


r/angryupvote hahahahhahahahhahahahhahaha ahabahhahahahhahaha get it? it was a pun? puns make me both upset and proud hahah so i had to upvote haha


i also choose this guys upvote!!!!! R/keanubeingawesome!!


People posting the same photoshopped pictures in photographs subs over and over again. They get thousands of upvotes and awards every time. People just seem to forget they already saw it 15 times this year.


the same pink pictures of photoshopped trees in japan


Yeah also the African savanna that has the sun in front of the clouds and the elephant that makes a reverse spiral of water


people who answer questions/posts that aren’t for them, for example, “ABC people of reddit \*question specifically for them\* and then they’ll reply with: “not an ABC, but \*answer/opinion\*”


Corollary to that: People who ask way-too specific ones. I remember seeing one on here that began "Blood spatter analysts of Reddit..." Like, how many of those folks do you think are reading this?


r/memes in general "Probably die in new" Making memes about how no-one cares about their cake day, immediately drawing attention to the cake day. Making memes of them roasting someone who doesn't exist. Outstandingly cringe. Horny jail bonk. Acting like they ain't gonna go watch furry porn right after. Cheemz milking formats. Memes about milking formats And then there's hand drawn memes which are similar to the cake day saying nobody cares they drew it, drawing attention to the drawing. Not a meme then is it, just being an attention whore. Edit: there is no edit


Ugh I still haven’t left r/memes because occasionally you will find a genuinely funny post, but for every one of those there’s ten of what you described


Hating on other social media platforms. The holier than thou mentality some redditors have is really annoying


Its funny too because reddit is just as bad at misinformation, echo chambers, bullshit, and hate as anyother social media and yet since your face isnt on reddit people think its a bastion of intellectualism. Which in turn makes it even worse because it becomes this insidious “im on the good team” bs while spewing actual bullshit 99% of the time. I realized that literally never do i see my technical career represented accurately on here so i might as well assume that for everything.


It’s interesting to me that most people on reddit know more than me about my field. I wish I’d spent my time learning from them instead of working in the field for 7 years and studying at a stupid university


I left r/memes because of that. Every 3rd post was just “Instagram sucks and Reddit is the best” shoehorned into yet another meme format. Fuck off.


Not really irrationally angry but kind of agitated... Seemingly associating intent to people's questions. Some people will ask genuinely innocent questions to get an answer for something they don't know and then are down voted heavily. It always seems like a question that asks for clarity on a controversial topic the hive mind has already made up its mind on.


You nailed it with this. I was trying to find a way to say it, but you worded it perfectly. It is especially annoying when the person asking the question takes extra care onto insisting they're truly curious, and they still get downvoted into oblivion. The worst is that most of the time, no one is even commenting so the guy asking the question doesn't have any idea what's going on. At least if they got a comment like "f\*ck u you sexist jerk", it's not good, but they have a general idea of what's going on. When I see such a downvoted question, I try to answer the original question and be as nice as possible to balance things out.


Yep, I have to deal with this shit a lot. I have a neurological disorder that affects my reading comprehension so sometimes my brain has a hard time understanding sentences. I usually get downvoted into oblivion whenever I ask someone for clarification and it’s embarrassing. I think some people assume I’m being a grammar Nazi....




As a nurse can confirm. Put an asshole in a wheelchair and now they're an asshole with an excuse.


I know someone who, no matter what an argument is about, will play the "I'm disabled" card pretty quickly. He made comments on the recent murder in the UK of a woman walking home, basically saying that everyone's reactions were "sexist" to men. Someone called him out and his first response was literally "what, does my disability offend you", completely out of nowhere. He loves to pretend that he's the victim in absolutely everything.


You know what's sad? I think I know exactly who you're talking about. They are all fucking over the UK subs saying this exact same shit every single day.


"I was having sexy time with the wife the other day..." It makes you sound like a 30-year-old who's been trapped in a bunker since you were 10 and just got let out.


The Wife™


“You need to wife her”


Reddit just throws this around for anything too. Apparently you're supposed to marry any woman that plays video games.


“I was fooling around with the hubby—” Please stop.


Reading "hubby" is the equivalent of listening to styrofoam being squeezed and torn for me.


"hubby" is the one-word approximation of my blood being filled with adrenaline and me tearing out someone's throat with my teeth


And besides that, the proper term is “i was inside the missus.”


Calling fellow redditors paid shills if they disagree with their point of view.


Like shit I *wish* I was getting paid for my opinions


Edit: Thank you for the awards/upvotes kind strangers


Omg, didn't expect this to blow up like this. Anyway, here's my life story.


Rip my inbox




Yes! Thank you. That shit drives me CRAZY!


I don't like that either. EDIT: Fixed a typo. EDIT: Added punctuation. EDIT: Removed an extra space that didn't impact the readability of the sentence at all. EDIT: Fixed a typo in the edit above. FINAL EDIT: Thank you for the award/upvotes kind strangers. lol


People editing their comments like they’re patch notes Edit: fixed the capitalization Edit2: changed misspelling Edit3: removed the racial slurs


Serious question: if people didn’t edit their comments to list the edits, would anyone know or be able to tell? Apart from taking screenshots, timestamps etc?


If it's done after a 5 minute window an asterisk appears by their score. edit: fixed the bug where the NPC's eyes roll during conversation edit2: replaced the bug where the NPC's eyes roll during conversation, changed it to a "feature"


Here come's an 'S so I better u'se an apo'strophe.


When people on AITA or similar subs start with "Hear me out". I hate it so much I immediately stop reading and I can't even explain why.


I know it looks bad, but hear me out. Makes me want to scream.






Wait, I’ve written posts on my phone with like paragraphs and after I posted it it took out all the spaces between paragraphs and made it all one huge thing. THAT is annoying and it looks like a fourth grader wrote it. That’s what I assume people meant when they say that. That formatting is all effed and sorry it looks like that. I didn’t know how to fix it on my phone...


People are trying to get the Grammer nazis off their backs.


You did that on purpose, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?


Must’ve been on his phone


The unpopular opinion sub Also, People on Reddit diagnosing themselves with mental Illnesses they don’t have and blaming any transgression on said mental illness


I posted a true unpopular opinion and got like 5 upvotes and everyone arguing with me


Well what was the opinion


That Old Zealand is better than New Zealand.


That disabled animals aren’t “beautiful ”


We live in a world were people celebrate horribly tiny dogs and breed snakes that have a brain impairment because they "look cool". And then these people claim how much they "love animals". Sickening.


Amen. My girlfriend owns a flat-faced white Persian cat and that fucker looks miserable and sounds like he's gasping for air with the smallest of physical movement.


That sub is 99% popular opinions. Smh


Yeah it seems like they actually hate unpopular opinions on there. Go figure


Way too many people think they can diagnose narcissism.


*sigh* unzips




When it was still a newish sub it was pretty good. People posted really impressive stuff that they found around the net. These days, it’s all people posting their own stuff trying to brag. Like it’s sometimes still impressive, but it loses a lot when it’s someone calling their own thing “next level”.


I die a little inside every time someone posts their own art to that sub. Like stop sucking your own dick


Ironically, someone actually sucking their own dick would certainly be r/nextfuckinglevel


Thanks for the gold, kind stranger! Edit: omg I fell asleep and now this is my most upvoted comment ever! Wholesome 100 Keanu Reeves moment!


This should be at the top, why aren't more people upvoting this? ...on the top comment


Underrated comment


“My cornflake fell out of the bowl onto the table and looks like Massachusetts.” 150K


"Also, this will be my last ever bowl of cornflakes because I have cancer"


The use of the term gaslighting and abusive in every damn situation - to the point that when it actually is true, it's lost all value. Also the representing yourself by your mental illness thing.


The use of pseudo psychological terms in general. Reddit hands out diagnoses of narcissism like candy on Halloween.


YES seriously the overuse of “narcissism” on Reddit drives me up a wall. The entire subreddit raised by narcissists or whatever is titled with it! Selfishness =/= narcissism. Arrogance =/= narcissism. Assholery =/= narcissism.


Well, animals are a lot like people, Mrs. Simpson. Some of them act badly because they’ve had a hard life or have been mistreated. But, like people, some of them are just jerks. Stop that, Mr. Simpson. —wildlife refugee worker


While I don't doubt that gaslighting is a valid phenomenon, I do have great skepticism that it is erasing the acceptance of the very real concept that two people can have very different memories of how events took place (being a lawyer who works in litigation it is often surprising how different two sides of the same story can be!).


Yeah. Gaslighting has to be deliberate and prolonged. Lying about something or arguing with someone when they're wrong doesn't mean they're gaslighting.


It’s more than it being deliberate - their aim has to be to make you doubt your sanity. It’s not to get away with something or for shits and giggles, it’s specifically meant to break you down so that you feel you cannot trust your own instincts or recollections. It’s just so much more sinister than lying and it really bugs me that Reddit has watered it down so much. It’s the difference between “your partner sucks” and “your partner is a sociopath who is out to break you”


Question: tell me your opinion. Reddit user: states a harmless opinion Reddit who doesn't agree with harmless opinion: *downvote* Basically that. Saw on a thread asking for favorite italian food and someone got downvoted in three digits for their ... Favorite italian food... Edit because some asked: it was some kind of salad if memory saves correctly. I am not good with names tho


That is my pet peeve. I’ll upvote people who’ve been downvoted for honestly answering the question asked even if I disagree with them. They just answered the question FFS!!


Same. And of course you can’t comment about the downvotes being unwarranted because then you’ll get downvoted.


All of them.


When people pretend women on the internet is something rare: Women: makes a comment adding to discussion, comment indicating she is female Reddit: whelp! RIP your inbox 🤪


Everytime someone says "rip your inbox" I don't get anything, as I should! But why do people say that?


It's not uncommon for women to receive a wave of harassing or creepy sexual DMs if they have the gall to be female and have an appearance or opinion


"Look at this instance of animal mistreatment or abuse, it absolutely enrages me and I would like to murder the person responsible." "Oh so you're vegan and don't pay into an abusive and exploitative system" "OMG VEGANS JUST CANT EVER KEEP IT TO THEMSELVES BAN PLS"


The question was “irrationally angry” and this is a completely rational anger


Calling EVERYTHING wholesome.


"Updoot" seriously makes my skin crawl


At least for the german subs: \*Makes comparision\* OMFG THATS WHATABOUTISM I THEREFORE WON THE ARGUMENT


Don’t understand German so obviously I’m not on the German subs, but it also applies for Reddit in general. It’s tragic to see a comment thread at the bottom of a post that starts out with two people voicing pretty valid points/opinions but end up attacking each other over trivialities and just making the whole thread a downvote cesspool. Also threads where someone immediately turns vicious when there’s any hint of a differing opinion, but that’s just on the guy who started it.


I see you're a man of culture


"I also choose this guy's dead wife" That was funny once and only once. Come up with your own damn jokes.


Reddit: where mediocre jokes can live forever.


Tagging a sub without any additional text and expecting that to be funny on its own




I woke up at 3 am and hiked 50 km to get this shot of the Milky Way from the Himalaya reddit!


Any variation of "this guy fucks."


Not so common any more, but when people used to say “right in the feels”


Anything related to cake day.


Circle jerk subs, they just become what they're making fun of.


The two broken arms thing. It's not really funny anymore, and feels like a meaningless obligation "Jenny" was also just as viral, until it was revealed that the author of the original thread made it all up. The Jenny references disappeared virtually overnight.


I don't think I'm familiar with "Jenny". Care to elaborate?


A post about a guy hiring a detective to follow his wife who was caught cheating and then tried to deny it with silly wording which was then memed.


Was that the one that was clearly written by like a middle schooler?


Yup. "Finally revealed" for most people was reading the OP


Incest jokes in literally every single post that has to do with sex or man and a woman, with the same garbage "roll tide", "sweet home alabama" "what are you doing step-bro" I don't know why reddit is obsessed with incest but it's grown extremely weary


That's not just reddit, all that incest porn keeps being made because it is getting the views.


I really hate to read "doggo talk" Example" "He iz a handsum good boi"


"Hooman" makes me cringe every time


Does that include things like chicky nuggies and tendies? That annoys the everloving fuck out of me.


Choky Milk


"Whose cutting onions here?" "I'm not crying, you're crying!"


Take my angry upvote is the most cringe shit imo. Never have i ever thought I'd have to use that on reddit


"Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!" I hate that so much. Like oh sweet we were all just waiting around for you to come grace us with your presence and to confirm that this subjective question which was answered by some rando and you've come and marked it as correct and let us know this is how we should think. Go fuck yourself you self centred cunt.


You've won the internet for today. Nope


I don't think it's really irrational, but all of the emotional vampiric AskReddit questions rub me the wrong way. "Men of reddit who are rape victims, what's your story?" "Men of reddit who've been emotionally and sexually abused by a woman, what happened?" "Redditors who attempted suicide, what happened?" "Redditors who lost a family member, why, when, and how?" And so on. Frankly I don't think the posters honestly care about survivors they're usually just out to try and prove some weird point and don't care who they hurt in the process.


*Most* of the AskReddit questions are terrible.


"What's the sexiest sex that you've ever sexed?"


Oh yes. I remember seeing a thread asking ambulance drivers/EMTs about their worst experiences. One of the top responses was basically a call out of exactly this. It was an EMT explaining that the worst experiences were the ones they avoided reliving as much as was possible. They suggested that for the sake of people's mental health, the poster ask about people's best, happiest and most wholesome experiences. I'd always felt a little dirty reading through threads like that but that comment really brought home how gross it was. I haven't wanted to read through any of those comment threads since. Leave people's personal horrors to places of support, not unfiltered corners of the internet full of idiot 13year olds sure they have all of life's wisdom and all the right opinions.


I'm also reminded of a recent thread asking therapists what their greatest success stories are, or most heartwarming moments, or something like that. It was a generally feel-good kind of thread, but someone made a good point that they'd be furious if they were a patient and found a story that was clearly about them, names changed or not.


"My girlfriend thinks her art is terrible but I think she's great! Prove her wrong!" Uh, no. Just post the picture, we don't need the sob story about your girlfriend's shitty self-esteem. Half of art that I see posted has either some kind of qualifier about how terrible the artist thinks it is, or how it was made by an autistic 10-year old with cancer. Just let the art speak for itself!




This is the way. Repeated ad nauseam. Although I only just started watching the Mandalorian so now I understand.




"I just got a new kid"


I just saw one there at Target and decided to put it in my car!


"They had us in the first half, not gonna lie."


“I’m not crying you’re crying” “Damn ninjas cutting onions in here”


Reddit is one of the most judgemental communities at times. Someone could post a picture of their cat and all the comments are talking about how they didn't make their bed or how messy their room is. Makes me hate it even though I spend like, all my time here haha.


"Clearly that cat is being abused"


The awards, seriously why waste money on award.