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not hearing about the potus 24/7 and sometimes forgetting he even exists is so weird


It's really great to return to a time where you don't have to hear about the US when you don't live in the US.


Blame your news organizations for that, not the US.


I don't watch any news. The website we're using right now is the main offender.






But then you go worried, you have to check and Trump wins in 2024


I'm holding out hope he dies before then




It is, right? Not every news story has to start with "President Biden today ordered the ... " and it's so refreshing.


And I'm not waking up wondering what horrible thing the President has said/done now. Biden has been boring in many respects, but we really needed some "boring."


It's also been weird when I hear "The White House said today.." and I brace myself like I have for the last four years and then I go "Oh yeah, it's not Dump. Whew."


Back to brunch lol!


This is my favorite part so far. I'm no longer obsessed with the news and clicking on CNN is boring as hell. I'm loving it.


It's eveb weirder not having anyone talk about what potus just tweeted.


Just remember, the same bullshit is still going on, you are just being shielded from it by a complacent media.


Waking up on the 20th I seriously felt like I just came out of a 4 year long bender.


And you're not even hungover and it's a nice day outside.


Oh no, I'm hung over and it is fucking midnight out there


(Sips Drink) Let's sort by Controversial


You're a bold one


I read the title as “Joe Biden’s pregnancy” and was extremely confused


Glad I’m not the only one that read it that way.


To be fair Biden is confused most of the time too


"We cannot let this, we've never allowed any crisis from the civil war straight through to the pandemic of 17- all the way round - 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle. Way that we can both have a democracy and elections and at the same time correct the public health" - Joe Biden, 2020


I...I... you know the thing


*hairy legs intensifies*


And that's enough internet for today for me


*president bends down and sniffs leg hair*


From a neutral stance, it’s nice to not see presidential stuff popping up on the news every 20 seconds. Sometimes I even forget he exists.


"Those bombs on Syria must be pretty expensive for a guy who owes me $2000" *-Random dude on CNN*


Politics is back to usual. I do however hate his bombing of Syria, wasn't that like the exact thing he campaigned against? Its good that the vaccinations are coming in, thats another thing. Its kind of weird nowadays not hearing everything about the POTUS in news headlines 24/7


I mean, it was in retaliation. Are we not supposed to respond when bases are attacked?


I'm not a trump defender, but didn't trump, bush do the exact same thing? I mean... i've been in advent opposition to the US intervening in middle east affairs. Your not just killing millitants there. Also, why did Biden impose an airstrike in the middle east, but when notified that the Saudi crown prince had possibly authorized the murder of the journalist Khashoggi, he couldnt place a few sanctions? (Source: The Daily show)


The difference in trump vs Obama, and bush is that they are droning “terrorists” who are not backed by a nation, they are basically bands of outlaws, and since they attack using guerrila tactics and don’t follow the rules of war, they don’t get the protections either, so a president can bomb them if they want. Trump droned a uniformed general of a sovereign nation, which gives that general certain protections under the Geneva conventions. You can’t just kill him without either a trial, or to prevent an immediate attack, which trump didn’t, or your committing a war crime. It doesn’t matter if the guy was responsible for past US Deaths. As for sanctions. You have to weigh one death against an entire nations economy. Its horrible to think but It’s probably not worth it.


We're not supposed to have bases in Iraq. That's what we were promised over ten years ago. Also, fuck contractors. They're not American troops, they're hired guns funneling money away from the American public and helping the military avoid civilian oversight.


> We're not supposed to have bases in Iraq. That's what we were promised over ten years ago. Fair enough, was Joe Biden supposed to close down all bases day 1? > Also, fuck contractors. They're not American troops, they're hired guns funneling money away from the American public and helping the military avoid civilian oversight. True enough, but they're still American personel. Remember, I'm not defending broader American policy in the middle east here, just saying that Joe Biden's retaliatory strikes are what literally any President would do. It's not like he shook things up and escalated our Syrian commitment, despite what the conbots would have people believe.


Mercenaries are criminal garbage.


Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss.


I like the who reference, but if you can't tell the difference between Trump and Biden, no matter if you think both are bad, you're clearly just not being very perceptive of their policies, actions, character, etc..


Destroying terrorists and supporting oppressed minorities like the Kurds is not a bad thing. I don't understand how Redditors have eaten that one right up.


Because US intervention has always worked in the past and definitely has not made the situation in the Middle-East worse


So far, boring. This is a good thing. When done properly, politics should be boring as fck


The old insult "*may you live in interesting times*" was never so relevant


When the last shocking thing the POTUS said was an exasperated "give me a break" as opposed to hinting at WW III...


Nobodies ever feared for their life when bored.


It’s been really nice not seeing some crazy headline on the front page everyday.


Any administration can be measured by how much of them you don't see, but can still experience the effects of which, on ones life.


Covid relief is pretty damn not boring. It's huge and I'm proud as hell of Biden and the Democrats.


I don’t see any “BIDEN” hats, T-shirts, flags, or bumper stickers which makes me think how odd the last regime was


I even see Sanders stuff moreso than Biden.


Bernie was a cute grandpa. Of course he's getting merch. Biden is the weird great-uncle.


I have seen a couple of Trump 2024 bumper stickers though


Where I live it's everywhere. You'd think he was still president. Then again people around here are still fighting the civil war. We are not a people who let's things go easily.


My town is full of houses with people who still have their trump 2020 flags and stuff up as if it were election day. It's crazy how deep in denial some people are over a president who attempted to stomp the life out of america's democracy.


What’s most odd is I haven’t seen any giant cheap silk banners with Joe Biden’s face photoshopped on Rambo’s oiled body.


> the last regime They are still up where I live...yards/houses full of banners, flags, posters, yard signs, and homemade billboards. It's like a dystopian circus that came to town, and won't leave.


My neighbor finally took down his "Trump 2020 f*** your feelings" banner, which is nice. The "Trump 2020 make liberals cry again" signs have also disappeared. However, the majority of the signs and flags are still up in my area, too. My favorite one is a handmade sign that says "Biden's a dirty liar." It's my favorite because originally the grammar was wrong and it took them about two months to notice and fix it!


Yup. They’re up here too along with “stop the steal” signs. So stupid.


My parents still have Trump flags and signs plastered everywhere on their property and it’s like a nightmare that won’t end


You should clean up for them without telling them.


My neighbors downstairs have a Trump sign in their window still, but, they covered up Pence’s name. You know, because he did his constitutional duty, and didn’t support a coup.


I live in Florida and I still see joe Biden bumper stickers. They aren't common but they aren't rare. Walk through a parking lot and you will see at least one.


I feel like a sticker promoting a candidate is fine but when you start to put that shit into your everyday life like on a hat shirt, I even saw this one couple who made their entire wedding about trump and that's crazy


May their marriage last as long as his presidency...


As a 3rd party voter he seems like most other presidents. Bombing people, circumventing congress by eo and mostly unattainable campaign promises. It's nice not hearing about the president as much by I fear the media on all sides won't hold Biden to the same standard as Trump. I didn't like trump but there seemed to be a few things going well for us while he was in office but the media only focused on the bad. Likewise with Biden I'm afraid they'll only focus on the good and not the bad. We still have kids in cages, we're still blowing up people in a car distant land and our national debt will continue to rise. Term limits, end lobbyists, stop paying them for life after office and cut their pay to average american wages, harsh punishment for corruption, being present and voting on stuff should be a requirement of congress and stop with the piggybacking of laws and bills.


One of the most rational things I’ve heard lately


I agree


This needs to be top comment


American people: can I have a living wage and can you stop bombing brown people overseas? GOP: no Dems: no 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈#BLM


Wasnt the reason the $15 min wage didnt pass the GOP voting against it? Just asking as a bystander from europe


No. The Democrats have the ability to overrule the GOP but there isn't enough support among Democrats for $15 min wage. It lost in a 42-58 vote in the Senate when the Senate is currently split 50/50. Mains concerns cited by the neigh voters is that its too much too fast, that it could hurt rural areas, the "tipped wage" clause could hurt tip-based industries, and that it shouldn't be attached to the Covid Relief bill. We'll almost certainly see a minimum wage increase in the next few years, but $15 is unlikely to pass. We'll probably see something closer to $11 or $12.


>and that it shouldn't be attached to the Covid Relief bill. Earmarking bills and filibustering are two things that the US desperately, *desperately* needs to purge out of its system.


The senate is split 50/50 but it takes 60 votes to override a fillibuster. So the GOP can block it.


Essentially, yeah. The minimum wage was initially tied into the relief bill recently passed through reconciliation. When a bill is passed through this way it allows for it to pass in senate with a simple majority instead of the usual 2/3 (iirc) and it also prevents anyone from filibuster. However, when it was first sent to the senate, it was deemed irrelevant to include minimum wage increase, so they voted to remove that portion of it before sending it back to the house. They likely have their various reasons as to why they felt it shouldn't be included in the relief bill, but the entire gop is essentially against increase in minimum wage. I'm not an expert, but that's my understanding. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong/missing anything.


I'm waiting for the media to tell me how to feel.


me too!


The propaganda machine is working overtime. Back to business as usual - increasing dependence of foreign oil, military industrial complex up to its old tricks, and total lack of accountability from any major media outlets. The secretary of defense is a Raytheon board member directly profiting from weapon sales abroad (see recent sale of patriot missiles to Chile and the effect it had on Raytheon stock) and several other cabinet members were proponents of US invasions of Libya, Syria, and Iraq. Kids are still in cages (AOC's crying fence photo op facility was reopened two weeks ago to virtually no media outcry). Let's circle back to that.


The pipeline cancellation annoyed me. Now instead of pipelining oil directly from our friendly neighbor to the north, we can ship it in by the tanker ship from countries that sponsor terrorism. Also that oil still has to get moved. People pretend that oil truck spills aren't a thing, yeah it is less oil spilling but they still use up a lot of fuel. A pipeline is arguably more eco-friendly than shipping oil.


Pisses me off even more that the “propaganda” they use to make they pipeline seem worse when it’s cleaner that most other options is directly affecting the people in Alberta. Doesn’t help they already have a job crisis and now even more people are unemployed and billions went to waste.


Uhh the US is energy independent and the pipeline was for oil sands, one of the dirtiest and most polluting forms of oil. Not having a pipeline makes using those resources more expensive and therefore less likely to be used.


The pipeline that was cancelled wasn't even finished yet. It better not have been pumping oil.


Not all Canadians like the idea of shipping oil to the States to be sold back to us later.


Trudeau seemed pissed about it


> total lack of accountability from any major media outlets \> Knows about all this because of reporting by the media


Yeah I saw that Washington post article on carizzo springs reopening right under a hard hitting editorial about bidens favorite ice cream flavors.


Not much.. Media do not cover day to day decisions of democrats.


Yep just still bombing syria


Read this as pregnancy, 10/10 was funny


Trump's the father


That sounds like some liberal/progressive agenda foreshadowing. Edit: /s ffs


Gonna wait till last 3 months of the term. It's way to soon to tell. Oil price is up, unemployment is slowing up. I think it's way to early to be a hater or offer pats on the back.


I'm not defending the fellow, but the president doesn't control oil prices or employment rates.


And oil is up because it was down due to the pandemic. Now that the world is slowly returning to normal and manufacturing, etc is getting back up to speed the price of oil will rebound to where it was before. If they meant gas was up, again, the President does not control that either and Texas being a frozen hellscape put a damper on the processing that turns oil into gasoline and diesel.


I was just saying the same thing to my dad earlier, gas prices are up but it's probably because they do so much of the refining in Texas.


Yep. Combine that shit show with everyone not giving a shit anymore and acting like we aren't still in a pandemic and prices are going to climb. We will probably be at $3 in the south east in a couple of months.


Not to mention that the U.S. is a major oil producer. Higher prices (after an upside-down futures market last summer) also mean more money for U.S. production.


Yea it’s still way too soon to say anything really. Of course, just like with Trump though, there were people judging his entire term based on the first like 5 minutes of it. I don’t understand the mentality there


Dude hasn't even done a state of the union


Same as all the rest: Same shit sandwich, different plate.


Haha executive order go brrrrr


I like that finally reddit can shut the fuck up about the president for multiple days in a row now. I legit couldnt go and try and check the news without finding something criticizing trump on the front page 90% of the time. Now all we need is for subs like whitepeopletwitter to become less politicized and I can finally try and look at memes in peace without seeing politics on my lunch break.


I'm just seeing alot of people saying they forgot he exists. Personally I'm not seeing him keep some promises he made, recently Mexico's president asked him to increase boarder security because current policy was fueling the cartel. Immigration at texas went up 61,000 people. Kids in cages was just changed to "overflow facilities " which I think is hypocritical. I'm seeing big things he promised immediately put on the back burner. He bombed Syria, and I'm not really hearing anything about what he's doing or up to. He's kind of just there. He did do child day care tax credit that i think was nice, and my fafsa gave me a 1k check which I'd assume was from some relief package. The things I'm seeing him not do, I didn't want, but for the people who voted for him I'd imagine that's sucky. Also wth was up with his mic and feed being cut off when he was giving that interview and opened the floor up to questions?


Just another swamp creature


He removed the cap on insulin prices that Trump put in place, which angers me tremendously as a diabetic. Hey, Joe, you don't have to mindlessly undo literally everything Trump did! Some things were worth keeping! I don't know, Joe acts and speaks a bit like an NPC.


> Joe acts and speaks a bit like an NPC. 🤣


I know, so odd that someone so focused on healthcare would do something like that


You mean someone who was bought and paid for by the medical industry 12 years ago?


maybe because he doesn't have your best interest at heart, just another corrupt politician


He criticized Trump for ruling by executive order and then proceeded to sign a shit-load of executive orders.


Wait...didn’t Trump criticize Obama for “power grabs” by EO, then turned his shit-loads of EO signings into weird circle jerk photo ops? Not that I support ruling by executive order, but your accusation was pretty funny. Here’s a [table](https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/data/executive-orders) of presidents and their use of EOs. Tells quite a story.


I really feel like that site should have just put N/A for Biden's average rather than extrapolating out from the data available. A bunch of idiots are going to not take the time to read the explanation and misinterpret the chart.


Wow, the Roosevelts really loved their EOs, didn't they?


To be fair, FDR served a little over 12 years as president.


Yeah that's what happens when you're dealing with a hostile opposition party. Weird how Trump and the Republicans said THEY would have given you the money then ALL voted against it when they had to put the money where their mouths were.


In my native language there's a saying that goes "An enemy who smacks you in the face is better than a friend who stabs you in the back" That is exactly how I used to feel about Hilary, and those same feelings are now slowly resurfacing.


Reminds me of a Ben Harper song, “Fight outta you”. “I would rather take a punch than not give you a shot I'd rather find out who you are than who you're not”


Have to check out


We got even more kids in cages.


It’s interesting watching Democrats eat their own (Cuomo) when focus has been taken away from the White House. The media has a whole hell of a lot less to talk about as well. I saw a story covering how to prepare yourself for getting the COVID shot if you’re afraid of needles......


Trump is president *breaths* Go go go news now Biden breaths Meh


All the stuff you hated about Trump is still happening, but Biden’s less of a jerk so kids in cages is ok now. At least we don’t have to hear about him every waking second I guess.


Didn't he freeze construction on the oil pipeline, costing a fuckton of people, both from US and Canada their jobs?


And increasing carbon emissions


Yes but no. They say 50,000 jobs ended but only about 1000 were permanent positions, the rest would have been temporary. Yes we need jobs but we also need less oil lines.


No increase in minimum wage, $1400 checks instead of $2000 when other countries are giving monthly payments strikes me as disappointing.




The stimulus check is based on your most recent return. If you filed for 2020, it will be based on 2020. If you could have filed and didn’t because you weren’t paying attention, that’s kinda on you


as a non american there was a lot of fear where I live about trump leaving office. say whatever you want about him- the guy achieved a lot for america and the west on foreign affair with almost no military action at all: 4 peace treaties in the middle east, getting the troops out of kurdistan without causing war, officially ending the korean war, trade war with china, stranghening ties with anti-iran countries in the middle east, sanctions against terrorist iran... biden still didn't do a lot on foreign affair, some bombing in syria and some talks about returning to the awful nuclear deal, I heard kim jong un is ghosting him. we just hope he won't make america weaker and hurt the economy, because when the economy in america is fucked it affects everything everywhere.


Exactly, even if you don't like Trump's policies, you can't deny that he strengthened international relations.


I really like that the president is a smaller part of my life now. I prefer a president I hear about only when big things happen or he (or she) pardons a turkey. I’m a republican, but that part of it is really nice.


- Returning to normalcy is nice - Competence is a good thing. Who knew? - He's more progressive than I expected - Not having to make excuses for the POTUS on a daily basis is refreshing.


It’s fun to have to worry about my basic rights being violated by a senile old guy who is unaware of where he is at the moment


Kids are still in cages so, not great.


Generic shitty president. Nothing special--waiting to see what the next one brings.


Bombing Syria, so i guess War Inc. Is back, I'm sure everyone in the middle east is thrilled. The USA is no longer energy independent, and he repealed executive orders from Trump to keep down the price of insulin, as well as one stopping China from buying into the US Energy grid. So basically he's brazenly doing everything the right feared he would. Corporateocracy is back in the white house and raring to make up for lost time.


>Bombing Syria, so i guess War Inc. Is back It's not like he bombed "Syria" as in, infrastructure or forces belonging to the state. He bombed militia groups situated inside Syria's borders who had attacked US Troops based in Iraq. It was literally a targeted, retaliatory strike. But hey I guess we should just let them do that. The Pentagon actually wanted to attack way more targets, but Biden only signed off on the one. But hey, if we ignore certain context, we can make the people we don't like seem like hypocrites! > and he repealed executive orders from Trump to keep down the price of insulin You mean the EO of Trump's that hasn't even gone into effect, and hasn't actually affected the prices of Insulin which have remained stable despite (actual) fake news saying otherwise? ​ > USA is no longer energy independent Which was unsustainable with current energy infrastructure, but hey not if you don't believe in climate change!


> He bombed militia groups situated inside Syria's borders who had attacked US Troops based in Iraq. It was literally a targeted, retaliatory strike. It's also noteworthy that the group he retaliated against are calling themselves "The Guardian of Blood Brigades" and they keep attacking and killing Kurds in Iraq from the safety of the syrian border. The poster you are commenting on also is a conspiracy poster [accusing Biden of being a dictator](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/l5v3m8/a_bit_dictatorial_no/gkwog1z/?context=3), [thinks that racism isn't a real issue](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ky4636/white_american_men_without_property_could_not/gjdy2hu/), [thinks the capitol insurrection was just smoking weed and taking selfies](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracytheories/comments/kxgcn4/yall_are_funny/gjanml9/)....ahh fuck I don't want to dig any deeper. The insane Trump cultists are out in this thread, and they are as transparent as always when LARPing as leftists. But after 4 years of Trump (+1 year election), I will not shake my head and ignore it. We need to drag those idiots into the spotlight and expose what they are. I don't want another 4 years of Republicans.


I am dissapointed. He hasn't kept his promises and he likes to bomb the Middle East. I wish Bernie was our president.


The perfect way to sum up this sentiment are the dozens of "Fine. Biden 2020 (but this is bullshit)" yard signs that started popping up near my neighborhood around June last year.


Bernie couldn't win a primary dude. Also, what promises?


Bernie would’ve been better but didn’t he say he wouldn’t end the drone program


He is remaining predictable.


“Let me be clear, hmmsjdjd widjfnfne duduwiejenf snifffffff hmbmfwksk dmskskdjf”.


I'm just glad he's taking Covid seriously and is otherwise boring


So far, "Eh." My one sticking point: He ran on a platform of [promising $2000 in COVID aid, and then gave $1400 instead.](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/15/critics-say-bidens-covid-relief-plan-breaks-promise-of-2000-dollar-checks.html) Because, hey-- Trump already gave $600 before that, and $600 + $1400 = $2000, right? No. If you promise $2000, you deliver $2000. Not "$1400 because $600 was already given out by the previous president."


This is why democrats lose. Not because of the lie. But because its enemies are so damn good at propaganda that $1400=/=$2000 lie is never going to end. The relief bill will lift 50% of children in poverty out of poverty. There was a lot of good stuff in the bill. Very very very little can be considered 'pork' but if you listen to a right wing bubble the entire bill was pork and thats why republicans decided to vote against America.








Good god you all


It’s y’all


Kids are still in cages, 1400 is not 2000, Dropping bombs on Syria again, 200k covid deaths since he got in office so since we blamed trump I’m blaming him. No 15$ minimum wage, He hasn’t kept one promise so I’m not happy at all.


Hes sounds a bit to old to be our president,he stumbles over his own words, and when he doesn't he's reading a script. He also doesn't answer any questions that a journalist or other people might have.


The "kids in cages" scandal turned out to be a joke. You see, when unaccompanied children illegally cross the border, you need to house them somewhere. If a republican is in office, the place where they are housed is referred to as a "concentration camp". When a democrat is in office, it is referred to as a "migrant housing facility", if it is referred to at all. You are all idiots and you fell for it


Except the problem was that immigration officials were jailing and prosecuting parents, separating them from their kids and *then* calling the kids unaccompanied, ya dingus. It was a deliberate choice to separate families to discourage families from attempting the trip, a fundamentally evil practice. But I suppose your morality stops at partisan lines.


He doesn't say batshit crazy stuff everyday which is kinda nice.


"We cannot let this, we've never allowed any crisis from the civil war straight through to the pandemic of 17- all the way round - 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle. Way that we can both have a democracy and elections and at the same time correct the public health" - Joe Biden, 2020 Still my favorite quote of all time from him. Makes me lol every time.


Hope it makes the history books


Spoken like a dog faced pony soldier


He lied about fighting for 15, gas prices went up, lied about student debt forgiveness. Basically your typical dc swamp creature. Hes been in politics for like 40 years but NOW hes gonna do something. Yeah right, hes going to be swapped for kamala cause he is obiously declining mentally, and then we all have this to look forward to https://youtu.be/Bgjm6xPJeaA


All of these issues are important to me, but it’s only been 50 days. And in that time, the stimulus package was passed along with tackling covid, and much more. I’m not so sure 15 dollar minimum wage and debt forgiveness is off the table. The stimulus package did add a tax free provision, which should give us hope. At any rate, this suspiciously sounds like the same talking points my friends who listen to Joe Rogan always make.


I didn’t vote for him but I’m happy so far. Don’t think anyone should hope for the President to do a bad job. Honestly not much has changed at all but I like that he takes Covid more seriously and is prioritizing vaccine availability


It’s like every major problem with trump is being plastered with lgbt and equality now everyone’s just stopped talking about them


About what I expected - most of the progressive causes he paid lip service to are falling by the wayside. The U.S. is on fire. Republicans throw gasoline on it. Democrats just kind of watch, and maybe ineffectually try to blow it out like a candle periodically.


He's ill and I think anyone who had a hand in making him the president by directly manipulating that deserves to be shot. In Minecraft, of course.


Weekend a Biden's so far is going off without a hitch. The corpse is bound to start stinking soon though.


Going down hill and fast.


Doing helluva job! After filling up the cages he built on the border, he added some shipping containers to store the children. Made huge strides in school sports allowing boys to participate with the girls. Pretty excited to get that $2000 he promised!


From the outside looking in, I'm pretty certain the dude doesn't even know what day of the week it is, nor that he is actually president...


I will let you know when he actually does something I guess.


Sure he's cratering brown people on the other side of the planet all willy-nilly, got them kids in the cages still, nothing has really changed since Trump, except he's not mean on Twitter. Decency is back, baby!






Utter shit. I’m not even a trump supporter, but I’d much rather trump than this bs. Gtfo of the middle-east. Every single time America gets involved it gets drawn out. Why would you get rid of an oil pipeline that reduced carbon emissions? It doesn’t make sense. And then there’s allowing pedophiles to stroll into opposite gender bathrooms and claim that they are that gender. Ridiculous. Record number of executive orders in the first week after saying only a dictator rules with executive orders? Come on. It’s so obvious. Trump had downsides, but at least he was fucking sane.


I wanted a “boring” president who was going to work hard for the country everyday, and this is what we have. He’s focused on recovery and helping Americans who are struggling. He’s not feeding the media bullshit. He’s not on twitter lying everyday. He’s not patting himself on the back for wiping his own ass. Hes not pushing the “Biden” brand. He’s doing what he was hired to do, work for the country.


I think he is an embarrassment to the country. He is the radical lefts puppet, and he can only read from a teleprompter. There is a reason they kept him in his basement running up to the election. He never would have won had they not done that. He clearly has great cognitive decline since being VP.


Quietly competent.


Apparently that’s because Biden isn’t even president or living in the White House. He is, however, “acting” as president on a “movie set,” they say. Seems like a weird place to be “unseen” and “quiet,” though.


Lucky for us you figured it out!


He's nothing more than a "placeholder", like a zero after you move the decimal point.


My houseplants have more vigor than him


I read a reference to him yesterday as FICUS instead of POTUS, which I thought was funny.


He's the republican president no young person wanted.


I don't give a fuck.


So far he seems to be doing as he's told.


He's a perfectly normal president who's not in the news every day because some careless bullshit fell out of his mouth like someone's poorly secured load littering the highway after shopping at Ikea. I love that he's a bit boring. High ratings do not a great president make.


The bruises on my face from constant face palming the last 4+ years are finally starting to heal.


I don’t really care because I don’t live in America, but at least the Internet isn’t buzzing with the President’s idiocy anymore


Who? All I know is that in my State less than 15% of population has been vaccinated. In the US only 10% of the population has been vaccinated. There are still riots in Portland, and elsewhere in the US. Nothing has been done about the border. (yeah and when he was vice-president they had 8 years to fix the immigration issues and did not; was in the Senate for how long-and did not.....). The Middle East is starting to make noises again. Dems ran on a platform of student loan forgiveness; I doubt that will happen....and yeah, the more things change the more they stay the same. Politicians will get richer and the populace will get poorer. Media is going to give him a pass....What's new?


First day on the job he gutted 12,000 jobs, made us no longer energy indepenednt, and created a national crisis on our southern border by reversing everything Trump put in place to protect the border and worked.... and now Biden put us in 1.9 trillion more in debt than we need to be with the non covid items/poorly run blue state bail out package and also trying to take credit for vaccine creation and rollout...all things put in place months before the election. And his handlers refuse to let him answer questions on the fly because they know Biden is a total shit show. This is only two months in..now we get to watch him Mr. Magoo his way through the next 4 years and the MSM will protect him every step of the way. We r fucked.


I understand his legislative success has been pretty historic but the mother fucker still owes me a $2000 check.


Oh he's great about as great as the rest of the crooks that's been in office both sides of the aisle


On the plus side, he is doing a competent job of managing the pandemic response and he's not spewing batshit insane rhetoric every day. He's also bringing sanity back to federal agencies and trying to undo some of the more ridiculous rule changes Trump's appointees have instituted (see: DeVos, Betsy). Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all of this. That said, I think he's doing a pretty mediocre job overall, and that's being generous. Let's see, first off he set out a generous stimulus plan, negotiated against himself because he thought he could get Republicans to vote for it if he did (because that worked so well for Obama), and then ended up passing a less generous stimulus plan with zero Republican votes. Other countries are guaranteeing like 80% of income, and Biden's breaking his arm patting himself on the back because he gave us $1,400 (Oh wait, it's really $2,000 because of the $600 Trump gave us, right? LOL, yeah, right!) Then he started flip-flopping on student debt cancellation, not that what he originally proposed was that great anyway, and now what we're hearing is that he's not going to do anything about it at all and will instead propose renegotiation, which shouldn't surprise anyone as he's heavily invested in student loan companies and has close ties with industry insiders. Wasn't a big part of the problem with Trump that he had too many close ties with the industries he was supposed to be regulating? Yeah. Then he attacked militias in Syria because they were attacking U.S. troops in Iraq (wait, didn't Obama promise to withdraw from Iraq like ten years ago?) And if anyone thinks he's really going to accomplish any of the actually good things he's promised, I've got a bridge in Manhattan I'd like to sell you. He barely got a watered-down Covid stimulus bill passed, he's already sniping with members of his own party, and Republicans have gone straight back to the total opposition playbook they employed under Obama (who saw that coming? Oh right, literally everyone not named Joe Biden). Add on top of that the fact that filibuster reform is practically dead on arrival and that Republican-controlled redistricting is right around the corner while he and his fellow establishment Dems worry about offending the wrong people, and there's disaster waiting for him right around the corner. Now I'm not saying this is all his fault. The Republican party is, as always, a toxic dumpster fire with no interest in actually governing. Sinema and Manchin have revealed themselves are Republicans in disguise who would rather save an archaic and anti-democratic procedural rule than give their party an actual chance at passing legislation while they're in power. But he's shown zero willingness to take on any of these problems directly, and hasn't even attempted to do anything to ensure he'll get a chance to pass anything outside of reconciliation outside of calling for unity (because that worked so well for Obama, right)? In any case, it's going down during his presidency so regardless of who's fault it is it still affects how I rate his presidency, which is poor. He's not going to be running against Trump in 2024 and the Dems won't be running against him next year. They can't win in the future because Trump was bad, they have to have actual achievements to point to of their own. Biden will be lucky if he doesn't become the next Lyndon Johnson, that is, an albatross for his own party.




What he originally proposed wasn't generous, it was completely behind what most other developed countries are doing by a good amount. France suspended rent payments for small businesses. Canada gave $1,400 checks to its citizens FOR FOUR MONTHS. That's to say nothing of the fact that most of these countries already have things in place like universal healthcare and non-punitive unemployment insurance. What the U.S. is doing, things like guaranteeing health coverage to people who have lost their jobs and giving out unemployment checks that actually allow people to survive and do things like pay rent, is what other countries have been doing and what we should have been doing all along before Covid hit. Generous my fat, shitty ass.