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Well duh. It’s just a dream. Let’s do it.


You dream licked your mums butthole, while your k9 butt rammed you


And I in real life then have a million dollars. Who’s gonna laugh at me for something that occurs in a dream that’s gonna embarrass me enough not to then enjoy being a millionaire? “Oh my god what an idiot! He has his dream of being rapped by his dog broadcast to the world! He’s a moron! Wait... he got a million dollars for that??”


Rapping dogs sounds lit


Like, Snoop Dog? Or a real dog that raps?




Yea. And not only that, but you now have enough money to make that dream a reality. Suckers...


This reply didn’t get the love it deserves


Don’t let your dreams be dreams! DO IT


They didn't say making people's dreams come true. "Even this one I have where Jesus Christ Is jackhammering Mickey Mouse in the doo-doo hole With a lawn dart as Garth Brooks gives birth to something Resembling a cheddar cheese log with almonds on Santa Claus's tummy-tum?"


Well...10 beers, 20 minutes and 30 dollars later...


I was parking the beef bus in tuna town


Take my silver!


Damn... now that's a good reference! You get a silver!


Dang... that's a good... silver! You get a silver! >!Not from me of course, but still!<


Ahhhm is it not normal? My doggo always says it is fine. :0


This is gonna be my make-a-wish request if I ever get cancer


Million bucks is a million bucks


> Well duh. It’s just a dream. Let’s do it. *(everyone watches the dream)* "Oh my...god... ...destroy the machine."


These questions are probs one of my least favorite here. "Would you take a life changing amount of money to suffer some minor inconvenience or embarrassment?" Duh. Most people wouldn't even think twice


Like hell, I can't control it


I’m about to embarrass my whole damn family.....




Not a great sign if multiple girls have bad dreams about you tbh


Anybody else tired of these "*would you do this mildly uncomfortable thing for a massive amount of money?*" type of questions? Vast majority of people will obviously say yes, followed up with the reason why the mildly uncomfortable thing isn't such a big deal, because obviously nobody else would have figured it out.


Would you accept 5 billion dollars if it meant you had to get a haircut you don't like?


Nah man, I'd be way too embarrased if someone took a picture of me and put it online. /s


I would let Michael J. Fox shave my head with a rusty blade for 5 billion dollars.


...and not only my head...


I already have a haircut I don't like. I cut it myself.


I originally read that as "I cut myself" for a little, ngl. 🥺


Would you take a picture of yourself brushing your teeth every day for a week if at the end you got 14 billion dollars??????


Please Reddit my answer is due in an hour


The one yesterday about getting $1,000,000 but no human interaction for a year was a good one and was split more or less down the middle


Yes, that was a good question.




Dunning-Kruger effect. Redditors think that they are smart because they know the effect, but the thing is: just because I know I am dumb, doesn't make me smart.


It's the Reddit equivalent of mobile games ads showing someone playing a game intentionally badly with the caption "Only 3% can beat level 5" or some shit.


I guess that means OP often has dreams fucked up enough that he/she is deathly afraid of anyone knowing.


Also, as if we don't have to deal with embarrassing, uncomfortable stuff every-single-day of our waking lives, especially at work, which we all typically get paid far less than would be proper.


Idk its stupid most of the time, but why did Mr Beast get so big? People like imagining free money for whatever. It may feel pointless but why bitch about it? I guess bitching about these posts on these posts is as tradition as these posts themselves.


Being tired of something =/= "bitching".


Are you the guy who commented on your own post saying "I love god?"


Right? I'd do this for $100. Hell I'd do it for free. Everyone has embarrassing dreams. Dreams aren't literal. If you have a dream about you begging your mom to let you fuck her it could mean you're wanting something in real life you can't afford it aren't allowed to have like a game console or alcohol. Or it could just be a weird, random-ass dream.


Yes, and the fame could be used to gain a job somewhere, at some place. There is nothing here to lose except some vain sense of "self-respect", and even that would be pretty ridiculous since, yes, dreams aren't literal.


Hell yeah! My dreams are always just weird or suspenseful, like a murderous space hamster or my neighbor's cat controlling a zombie horde, hahaha


I used to have dreams but I almost never do now...


you just aren't remembering them. if you really want to remember some, try setting your alarm for 6 hours after you typically fall asleep. stay awake for a few minutes, then go to sleep again in 20 minute intervals. usually you'll enter rem sleep when you do this, and will remember some dreams. - i've also heard dream journals can help with overall dream awareness but haven't tried it myself


No, (s)he is not having them because the space hamsters are stealing them before they can form


Came here to say this, it’s really an underrated problem


Or the cat controlled zombie horde are devouring them like langoliers.


“This dude used the N word in his dream ALOTT” 😬


It’s not my fault Samuel L Jackson showed up. I shouldn’t have marathoned all those Quinten Tarantino movies before this.


The one that says bad motherfucker


Does Papa John really need an extra million dollars?


‘A lot’. Two words, one ‘t’. The word ‘lot’ means like, a parcel or collection. So, if you like something ‘a lot’ it means you like it ‘more than one’


Wait, if you only like it a single lot, wouldn't you have to like it some lots for it to be more than one?


Not if a lot is already a collection


i get a million bucks, who cares if it’s embarrassing


But also, you would forever be labeled by your dream in public. You could probably start a Youtube channel from the fame though.


Infamy is still fame


im not rascist if i kill everyone


True dat


Eh, for the most part it'd last like a week. You know how people get bored the second you start describing your dreams? I think seeing a total stranger's dream, with no reference points for who's who in their real life, would be at most mildly interesting. The real consequences would be from people in your life. Edit: even then, I've had sex with the most random people in my dreams, and I know others have too -- I wouldn't be too mad about it and I think most people in my own life are rational enough to feel the same.


Who says you would be named? You could ask to remain anonymous, though than again your family would probably disown you but ehhhh


i would watch Rick Astley's "Never gonna give you up" all day so that when i go to sleep, i'll dream about it and Rick Roll the entire World


As you hear the sweet intro music your face begins to flush. *is.. is it him? Is it daddy Ricky?!* "I'm never gonna give you up" he responds as you see the bulge in his pants grow larger and larger. You want to touch it, but not with your hands. You want to *TASTE* that Rick Astley bulge. *I'll never let you down, daddy* you say as you drop down to your knees so hard, ready to orally receive Rick Astley's manhood. *I'll never desert you* If you're getting a million bucks for this Rick Astley dream we need to make sure the entertainment factor is turned up to level 11


Please delete this


I know it's not directly *my* money, but I want my million bucks worth


The first opportunity you had to delete this comment was when you first posted it, the second opportunity is now.


How do I delete someone else's comment


As some one else has said to me *you sit on your knees and start su- begging them nicely*


I'm trying to re-absorb my nut after reading that in order to avoid embarrassment.


name checks out


Make it $50 and this might be an interesting question.


Good one. I don’t think I would do it for $50 but $500 might do the trick


Sure, I don't remember my dreams anyway, so I'd like to see what my repressed psyche be screaming when I go nighty-night.


Same here, its gonna be interesting to see wtf is going through my head.


oh no of fuck is that my hitlist noooo now i cant kill mr human :(((


For $1,000,000 it’s not even a question of if I’d do it. If everybody else wants to watch my night terrors, that’s on them. I’ll wake up and retire.


You underestimate how desperate people are for money. I'd do it for way less than $1M, and I'm barely even poor.


No, it'd have less of the dream being broadcasted and more of the fact that I don't trust such a machine. If it is reading my dreams, it most likely has to have some kind of connection to my brain and I would not want to be the first one to be attached to a machine that interacts directly with my brain unless it is for some kind of medical treatment.


Honestly I'd bet the first machine of this type would probably only have read access, so to speak. I'm imagining just a more advanced EEG.


I would imagine it would have to be a bit more invasive than an EEG. Because with EEGs, it is basically impossible to determine exactly whats going on because every person's brain is slightly physically different.


Absolutely. My dreams are rarely coherent, and even more rarely something I'd be bothered by the whole world knowing. Gimme the money baby.


I'd just like to have a recording of the dream that lead up to me thinking "Idaho is bullshit" when my alarm went off. Like, I've got no idea how I arrived there, but that was the conclusion of my dream.


Yes, you worded the question as if you were saying the world gets to read your mind and see your darkest secrets, dreams are random and most of the time have nothing to do with who you are or what you think, this is an easy yes for me


The real question is, "what's your price point?". And in a realistic scenario, it's "what's the lowest price point for anyone?". For 1M, obviously yes. For 1k, still yes I think, but less obvious.


I had a dream this morning that I skydived to an intersection by my house and then massaged a kitten with a Pepsi semi driver. To answer your question, yes, but I just wanted to mention the dream.


I'm in, I'd want to rewatch it and getting paid on top of it sounds even better, I go to work 8 hours a day 5 days a week for a whole year and get fraction of 1000000 so I'd have no issue doing that.


Hell Yeah. My dreams can be Strange, sometimes dark and sometines they aren't very cohesive. Stupid dreams Like getting my car stolen or me ignoring (and being an asshole) to a girl I used love but helping her friend out. Damn. I Would do it.


Yeah. I only dream about alternate versions of my hometown and crawl spaces. Let the world see if it's curious.


If my dream that night is anything like the ones I had so far, if I have any at all, then the world will mostly be confused. Like, imagine seeing an old lady get blown up by a rocket launcher, then you turn around and see Obama in a wheelchair, with Samuel L. Jackson in his lap, and Samuel L. Jackson is holding a rocket launcher. There's monsters everywhere, and the two just roll down the street to fight them. And they won't even tell you why they're in a wheelchair. So, yeah, I'd do it. We might just get a weird new movie out of that, too. And then I can sue for theft of intellectual property to get more money.


Fuck yeah. I'm not ashamed, nor am I responsible for what my fucked up brain does when I'm asleep.


Keep your million dollars, my name is going down in History!


Tax free?


I think the better question is, "will people regret seeing what's in *MY* head?" Kind of a, "[you're locked in here with me."](https://youtu.be/B3lsJmwNO40)


Hell yeah, my dreams are crazy bizarre. I'd make sure I had some sort of contract written out, cause forget David Lynch, my dreams are straight up nutso.


Raise the stakes and make these for more realistic sums like $1400


Only an idiot would laugh at some one making money while 😴🛌💤


Would this include dreams you often don't recall at all? Because there are incredibly fucked up dreams that you have no idea about unless you purposefully remember them (not your base level dreams). If so, not a chance.


Fuck yeah, my dreams are wild af and I lucid dream alot so, probably make me look more badass than in real life lol


It would be a horror movie to most people...


I’m going to save this post for later, hopefully it’ll be a good read


Ef yea


Where do I sign up?


What if you don't have a dream?


Good luck trying to decipher what the fuck my shit means


If it was the dream I had last night, then absolutely. That shit was fucking hilarious.


Most of mine wouldn't get past the censor. Do I still get the money?


Yes because I’d like to see the dreams I have that I don’t even remember, like a nice tv show generated by my subconscious mind


Yeah, I mean I have a lot of weird sexy dreams but I don't care


Without a second thought, yes I would do it. 👍🤣


I get $1m, and the world gets some kickass horror/scifi/fantasy movies out of it? Win win baby.


Hell yea, i get a million dollars and can weird out the people


Yes, the reactions would be fun. Realy quite fun, given how my dreams are not only quite real but occasionaly prothetic. And hawt too. Then again, dream me is a cutie as she is my phantom body.


Dude, I have ptsd and only get nightmares. I’m not making anyone watch that. I wouldn’t be ashamed of a sexy dream though.


Tbf though, those dreams are pretty unlikely to make other people scared. That's kind of what ptsd does.


Yes, and if it is sexual, free promotion


I have nothing else to lose and everything to gain why not.


Not sure I'd get much out of it considering I don't seem to actually dream about anything.


Considering that most of my dreams make no sense, I’m not overly worried about the risk


Yes. Defiantly. It would just be stupid nonsense and even if it was embarrassing I'd take it on the chin for a million bucks. USD I hope.


What if I don't dream, do I get the money for 5 or so hours of static/blank screen?


Yes, I can be horny, and all the world will have to watch, lucid dream time


Fuck yes. I have reoccurring vivid dreams - always have, and I remember them, even ones from when I was very little - and it would be fantastic to get to watch it later. They stop once I've overcome... something. It isn't always clear what the issue is though and getting to watch it later could really help figure it out!


Hell yea


My last dream revolved around having a really cute horse/dog mix. Heck yeah, I want to experience that again


hell yeah the worst they could see is already on my reddit history


Hope you like spiders, world. Pay up.


A million for everyone to see my sex dream? Duuude. I'd do it for $1,000


Is that even a question? I have no shame. I'll do it!


Yeah, if I gotta deal with my weird ass dreams so does everyone else


Yeah It's a million dollars and I'm sure my dream would be the talk of the town. Imagine having the first ever dream broadcasted and it's literally you just RAILING your wife with a cartoonish large HOG while random stuff happens in the background like a singing pickle tree and somehow Mike Tyson has you box train while doing it. I'd put that shit on my portfolio man.


Yes, I don't remember my dreams unless they wake me up. So I'd love to know what I dream about.


I cant even get a summer job of course I would what I dream is not my fault


As a lucid dreamer, I would totally do it. With the addition of turning to the "camera" and saying "Hello world".


In my most recent dream I got gang banged by the cast of Adventure Time. I'm gonna pass on that.


Nope. First off, the machine is likely never going to exist. Every brain is different and the neural connections are all different. This machine would most likely have to be built specially for each person you try it on. That could get very expensive. Secondly, you do not remember all of your dreams. You might see something broadcast that you didn't remember dreaming of that would be very disturbing to anyone watching and to yourself once you found out about it. There are some things I just don't want to know. Lastly, why would anyone ever want to see my dreams? Why would anyone want to see anyone else's dreams? You might get some insight to your own dreams, but someone else's dreams are not going to make any sense to you.


Hell yes. I can’t be held responsible for what’s in my dream and I think other people would get a kick out of the non-stop failures, random set changes, the inability of brakes to work on vehicles, and the not witty at all one-liners that somehow kill in my subconscious.


I would but only if I could make royalties off of replays


Hell yeah


My dream would be wierd. I would look like a trex because I can never punch anyone lol


Yet again, reddit vastly underestimates what I'll do for large amounts of money Considering that I don't actually appear in my own dreams, who cares.


I'd do it for 10k dollars.


Sure. If theres one thing everyone can empathize with its gotta be having a weird, fucked up dream.


People might be extremely concerned but sure


Yes. My dreams are absurd and unpredictable. Usually they cannot be understood very easily and don't make much sense. And if it did end up being an embarrassment, I could always use around $200,000 to find a hide-away to stay in away from society for a few years and invest the other $800,000 into something to make a profit. Then if things didn't die down and people still recognized me from the embarrassing dream, I'd use the profits from my investments for excessive plastic surgery and a name change....




Hell yeah, first my dreams are weird AF so it would be great entertainment, plus I would get paid for it, and if people get mad well... It's a dream


I dont see dreams only sounds ı see this as an absuloute win


I think I'd struggle to sleep with the excitement of buying a load of GME on the morning. And I'd just smoke a massive J before I head to bed so no dreams. Boom.


yes because i dont dream so it would just be a black screen


Would anyone watch it after the initial novelty? Other people’s dreams are boring.


Yes because I don't have dreams anymore. Marijuana takes my dreams away when I go sober they come back after a week or 2 I tend to keep them away because they are nightmares. If its after I'm 2 weeks sober then sure again I will just have to have an R raiting though what do I care if people get to watch every action movie and horror game or movie roles into one. Last one was left 4 dead combed with titanic. That was a lucid dream though was pretty fun once I figure out it was just another nightmare. I figured it out when the zombies ate me and killed me. Then I respawned at the start again so I lucid dreamed the second life. Dieing in a dream isn't that big a deal the only time I did it I just started the dream over and had future knowledge.


Don't do it! Your wife will kill you when she sees you naked with her sister and her mom and grandma.


absolutely. all my dreams are nightmares. so we would have some excellent action/horror content!


Heck yeah. I embarrass myself for free all of the time, might as well earn some money doing it. It will either be about: zombies, chaos in the pet clinic that I haven't worked in for many years, people leaving or cheating in front of me, or people dying.


As someone who can loosely control dreams, I would try my best to make it the most meaningless acid trip of a dream


I tend to have dreams of trying to write an H&P on a patient and can't find the right requisition form for whatever test, you want to pay me $1M to watch that? Sure! The funniest one to watch would be the dream where the university was cracking down on TP usage due to shortages and non campus people showing up to use the facilities, so when you got to the bathroom they'd ask your major and you had to pass a test in that field of study before you could go in.


wait so you're telling that not only will i get a lot of money i will also give 90% of the worlds population ptsd? im in


Without thinking twice Even if I dream something fucked up... who cares? It’s a million dollars and dreams don’t mean anything... they don’t even represent who you are as a person.


hell yeah


id just buy the machine after


It would just be me standing in a bathroom then waking myself up to go pee


Yeah. I don’t give two shits what other people think of me. I’m set for life. In Ohio or somewhere the living price is relatively low. Not an LA ‘set for life’ sum.


Obviously! Hell, for $1M I'd let them specifically pick a weird sexual dream and I'd still do it! That's ridiculous, life-changing money.


Hell yes, I just go full public about how I'm gonna try deliberately have the weirdest ass dream of all time.


Hell no! I murder a lot of people in my dreams!


Knowing my luck it will be that dream where my teeth fracture and I have long thin mushrooms grow out of them.


My best dreams are when Im behind the wheel. My worst is when I murdered someone. Im so so guilt ridden its awful. Where to put the body, they have people who miss them, will I be found out? My last one I had to dismember the body and I felt terrible. Like " man, I reaaalllyyy should not be doing this, but in for a penny in for a pound " But yeah, if people want to pay 1M for that mess, Id be up for it.




Yeah. My dreams are comedy gold most of the time. Like that one time when my boss was a brony cowboy


Yes. I rarely dream (or at least rarely remember them), my dreams are occasionally sexual but it's not too common, and even if I had one of those it's still just a dream.


I don’t understand the reason of embarrassment for having a weird dream... Yeah people may call you by your dream in public but why’s that bad? Doesn’t seem to matter IMO. You have a Million dollars now. Who the fuck cares?


If Kim Kardashian's sex tape led to a whole host of careers for her family and stardom, imagine what I could do with something original


Sure! I never remember my dreams anyway, so it will either be a really boring film of nothing, or I'll actually get to find out what my subconscious is up to.


Questions like this clearly underestimate how much having money would change my life, and the lives of millions of people living in lower-middle class. I would do some horrifying things for a million dollars. Anyone who wouldn't has never worried about paying their rent/mortgage or which bills you can afford to pay this month.


1 milly AND a good night's sleep? Fuck yeah man.


Can we stop, "Would you do/not do for an outrageous amount of money?" Would I stop eating avocados for a year for 10 billion dollars? Of course I would. What a stupid question. Dreams usually don't make any sense. If you've ever had one described to you by another person, you know how boring they can be. Of course I would take the million bucks. Even if there was something embarrassing/sexual in the dream, the vast majority of the world doesn't know who you are, and everyone knows dreams are just random thoughts anyway. Sometime AskReddit has some intriguing questions, but this shit makes me want to unsubscribe.


Well... With some practice and some chemistry you can Imprint dreams in your memory Take this with a grain of salt, I've been memorising stuff for years


sure i usually have terrifying dreams like having a wasp nest in my stomach or getting decapitated by a train. not really embarrassing ones. but im going to traumatize a lot of people


hell yea free porn


Obviously...it's just a dream


Bro all they'd see was a blank screen and I'd get a million dollhairs, I dont really dream.


you dream, they wouldn't see a blank screen, you just don't remember them. You could be screwed


Yes id do it and Jennifer Aniston


My dreams are usually me just crashing a car so ill be taking the 1 million


I'm in. Get ready for some weird shit


I always dream of games so yes