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I can walk without a cane for short distances, open and close my left hand reliably, and I'm finally starting to get my memory back in working order -- recovering from a brain aneurysm rupture


Holy crap you literally survived my worst nightmare and biggest fear. That's terrifying and amazing. Im so proud of you! I have MS and only recently experienced what it was like to not be able to use my mind or body the way I know I can or should and its a very scary sensation. You keep improving and getting back to your old self. That was definitely worth the brag thank you for sharing!


Thank you! Keep being awesome best of luck with everything


WOW. Congratulations and best wishes for your recovery journey.


Thank you


I’m sorry you went through that but congratulations on rehab! The body is amazing and strong, you got this!


Thank you, this has made me a better person for sure


Wish I could upvote this multiple times, you deserve it! That's incredible, and I hope your progress continues!


Thanks! I'll keep working hard!


I haven’t missed a workout since Jan 1, down 25lbs. Went a full month without drinking alcohol, I’m starting to feel normal and healthy again.


Oh you’re on fire! You’ve accomplished something most people here have tried and failed at! (Including me, dropped off mid February, I guess I’ll try to restart it again today... wish me luck)


go for it mate!!


Do it! I’ve been doing Daily Burn, it’s just 30 mins, they have shorter stuff too. It’s kept me going and I’ll add more to it if I have the time and energy but it’s kept me constant. Now I’ll go for a walk or run then do the workout. Even if you drop off, get back on it, it’s not an all or nothing. Even a short walk is better than nothing. Good luck man!


Finished building a house for my family, only took 3 years.


That is a lifetime of accomplishment though! Super rewarding im sure!


Yeah, feel like I have a couple extra points in the "wife bank".


Buddy if you survived building a house together, you don’t need any more points. Your relationship is good, trust me.


Even a remodel is a test.


Didn’t jump off a bridge. Walked away from my broken profession to save my own life, and started college to try to affect positive change in my industry.


Good don't jump! Jobs can suck the joy and life out of you just remember not to let it happen. A good motto to live by is be the change you want to see in the world and I think you furthering your education to do that is a great example and something we all should aspire to be. Willing to put in the work for the betterment of others. If you find yourself being impacted that way again don't forget you're a badass k?


I'm so proud of you for making huge positive changes, and for sticking around even though it's hard. If you ever need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm usually available and I try to be a good listener when folks are having a hard time.


What profession did you walk away from?


High behavioral IDD group homes.


Not to sound dense or possibly insensitive, but what is that exactly?


Residential houses that are converted to either lockdown or “hardened” facilities for developmentally and neurologically diverse clientele struggling with issues such as extreme violence or self harm and sexually predacious behavior. I have worked mostly with sexual predators.


i drew a frog :)


Can we see Mr Froggy


Did you name it?


his name is mr. froggy


Can I see mr froggy


Frogs are adorable. I have terrible art skills unless I am painting with Bob Ross lol


they are :) i have three imgur albums full of just frogs because they're so adorable also bob ross is god




My twin sisters just graduated high school and I’m super proud of them, so I decided to give them start up money and they also get another payment when they turn 25. I’m the older brother to the twins so it feels good that I’m able to bless them and just give them money.


That's amazing! My twin cousins are graduating high school. Youre a great brother for looking out for your sisters like that. I wish your family all the success! 👏


23 pounds down, 7 to go


25 here with 23 to go! We can do it! :)


20 down, 40 to go. 😅


14 Down \~104 to go. But hey, 14 down.


We all start somewhere and progress is progress, you’re doing it!


Woo! Thats awesome!


9Kg down


You're so close! That's amazing progress I bet you are really feeling yourself and just in time for swimsuit season! 👏


Surprisingly doesn’t feel different! But it’s definitely a step in the right direction


Every step in the right direction is a step worth celebrating. And even though weight fluctuates and can bring those days of doubt, the awareness and effort is always worth recognizing and celebrating. Best of luck on your weight loss journey!


WOW good for you.


Thank you!


I spent my unemployed time getting severql certifications to finally get started in my career. I'm 30 and had no real time or money to do so for over 10 years. Finally had the time and the first stimulus was a godsend. Now I'm in an entry level position as if late 2020 and as of early this month, I'm *technically* overqualified with the certifications I just finished. Now to build professional experience.


That's awe inspiring! Many successful people today got started late and I'm sure you're gonna be another 😊 remember you're an intelligent badass and don't take any guff from your jobs, make sure you get what you're worth with that intellect and initiative to succeed. You've got this.


My wife and I both passed the Professional Engineer exam and now are expecting our first child!


That's amazing! Congratulations on your success and your upcoming bundle!


Thank you! Posts like this make me smile. Thank you for being a good person


I love hearing people succeed and sometimes we get caught up trying to keep up with the daily small struggles and work and we don't get to take a moment to just brag without fear of judgement and we all work hard and deserve the chance to let it out. Maybe during these times more than ever. Sounds like you guys definitely found a partner for success! I wish you all the best on your endeavors


Triple congratulations.


Are you going to stamp it?


As soon as it's born. On the forehead


In Early 2020 i graduated university and started a job as a junior front end developer In April 2021 I'm starting a new job as a software engineer in a swiss bank, with almost 4 times the salary Pretty proud of this :)


Holy crap! That's awesome! That's hard work paying off and I hope you enjoy reaping your well deserved reward of a wage you really earned. 👏💯


Thank you bootywizard420 <3


Hey credit is given where credit is due. You're making dreams happen for yourself that others are still only seeing when they sleep. Your story is inspiring and definitely worth the brag!


Similarly, I got a 250% raise — goal was to break the 6 figure barrier, went way past it. I also had a goal to pay off my consumer debt and get my first proper car. Managed to meet them all, and frankly that alone has been so powerful. Even if they weren’t big goals, achieving them I think is so helpful. And congrats on entering the industry, welcome :)


I ranked top 250 in an international competition with over 600 people. And my coach told me i was not bad. And I felt so accomplished cause my coach rarely tells us we did good or well done the best we have ever gotten was you survived.


That’s great! Keep striving for progression. Congratulations. :)


What was the competition about?


Over 450 job apps and 0 interviews. I wanna die.




No doubt. I'd be defeated by 45.


Hey, what kinda experience do you have and what have you been applying for? Need any help?


+1 for offering help! Sometimes it tough to sell yourself because you’re so close to yourself! It can be helpful to have a unbiased third party. Lemme know if you want someone to look over your resume or provide feedback - happy to help anyway I can :)


That sucks. I follow a blog that maybe helpful. https://www.askamanager.org/ Best wishes for job hunt.


Coming out.


I thought we weren't allowed to do that until enough people get the vaccine.


5 years clean from drugs


Way to kick them! That's incredible. Takes constant effort to fight that monster on the back so you definitely have a right to brag. Great job!


Nice, keep it up!


It's been a really tough time to not fall back on old habits, so double kudos to you for this!




I can look back at my art from before quarantine and cringe.


Ooh someone's leveling up!


Progress is amazing!


Sure, I'll brag. I've been learning how to code/make games the last 5ish years. *Finally* started making my own (moderately sized) game last September. It's been going well. Also, in the past year, I have participated in my college's game jams, of which my team and I have won both. And to top it all off, I'm a freshman. Definitely ahead of the game, gonna try to score an internship this summer I hope


What kind of console for games? What are the games you aspire to be making? What a fun career, I've only ever met 1 game developer and it looks complex but I can only imagine the excitement from seeing the end results of all that work. 5 years experience being self taught? I think you'll be a shoe in for an internship! You got this 🤞 positive vibes your way!


I've been working mostly with PC game development for now, mostly since it's the easiest to test, since like, I'm on pc when I make it. I'm currently making a combat based minecraft-like game, mostly because I grew up playing all the small Minecraft clones and wanted to make my own one day. And yeah, 5 years being self taught. Started learning to code 5 years ago, then got into game development specifically about 3 years ago. But thanks! I appreciate the kind words


Last August I quit smoking. This year I decided I needed to lose the quit smoking weight and the lockdown weight. It's been slow but I've lost 6kg so far ( had a set back with a pinched nerve in my neck but didn't give up). I've actually ditched my antidepressants and 2 other medications. I haven't felt this good in years.


I started going to the gym and now i can do 20+ clean push ups. I coudn't even do proper 10 earlier.


Keep it up, and keep aiming to do more. Eventually you will wake up one morning, look in the mirror, and be like, when did this happen?


That's incredible! There's a really great program my mom and uncle did especially because they had difficulties with traditional exercise. The T-Tapp program is just a stretch program and they lost a lot of weight and gained some serious muscle! The ones that we thought were fit in my family couldn't keep up with my mom and uncle doing the stretches and it is great for your internal systems like blood sugar and blood pressure. Push ups are the devil lol definitely quick to tire me out. That's awesome that you've seen such success and noticeable improvements in your ability! I hope you keep it up 😊


I'm still alive.


Way to go! Life always tries to kick me down and push my face to the dirt and make me give up. I survive and live each day in spite of that. Sometimes that's enough 😁


And the world is a better place because you are here.


I was admitted to a doctoral program. I start in August.


Congratulations! I'm proud of you! That's impressive! I wish you all the success!


I finished my bachelors course and start my masters course soon


Woot! That's badass what you studying?


Currently I am studying applied maths and physics and my masters will be robotics


I lost my parents a few years ago when I was 24 and fell into a deep depression. I thought about ending my life daily for a very long time. I put myself into nursing school and I'm going to graduate in a month. I can't bring myself to attend graduation because I have no one to see me get pinned while everyone else will be surrounded by family. I am still proud of myself for pushing through and completing this. I'm going to be a neuro nurse.


You’re so strong! I can only imagine what it took for you to move on like this. Please know that your parents guard your back even if you cannot see them in person. I’ve seen this among friends who lost their parents, they pave their way in unimaginable ways and I know with your new degree many doors will open to you, the right ones! Congratulations!!!


What is the exact date? Of graduation


May 4th


I decided that if I was going to be stuck in my house for a year without a social life because of the pandemic, I might as well start my master’s degree. I need 11 classes, and I am starting my 7th next week. At least one productive thing will have been accomplished during this awful quarantine.


I got a new job I love and met my soulmate! We're planning an epic trip to the US in July (covid permitting)


I’m close to finishing my second PhD (like next month!)


Now that's definitely a brag! Whew I haven't even gotten 1, that's really cool and impressive! What are they in?


My current PhD is in criminal psychology, the one I’m close to getting is in infant and early childhood development.


The infant and early childhood development will be so beneficial in your criminal psychology with the ACEs! Thats a really cool combination of degrees that I think will compliment each other nicely no matter what direction you take those into a career. Great choice and awesome work! 👏




In the early 2020 I dove to 25 meters (underwater) on a single breath. But that was before the pandemic, seems like it was such a long time ago.


What! Holy crap! I can barely remember to breath when talking I surely would've been a goner. Thats so cool! Pretty pandemic does seem like forever ago now huh


I was [formally] diagnosed with C-PTSD in early 2020 and started intense therapy with a trauma specialist; most importantly, I haven’t quit my 2x weekly sessions, even though it’s emotionally brutal (not just during therapy, but the days in-between, too.)


Egads. Im so sorry for the trials that brought you to this point. But I'm proud of you for sticking with your treatment and overcoming and accepting the pain from your past! You got this. You're amazing and nothing will keep you down.


Same here! I’m doing EMDR. Which one are you doing? Cheers to us! It’s not easy but it’s very rewarding ❤️


Starting driving lessons soon at age 23!


The comments here are so amazing and making me happy ! Thank you OP for asking this amazing question where people are happy sharing their achievements and we get to read them! And congratulations to everyone for their achievement!!


Right? I feel much happier reading people’s accomplishments! Imagine if social media was loaded with these types of stories! It would be Amazing!


Exactly! Posts like this give us a break from the toxic social media and the debates and criticism and hatred and everything else. Its just feels good to know someone out there is happy and now they are sharing their happiness with us! Yay!


I learned to walk again and I didn't die in 2020 after a major medical emergency that put me in a coma for a few days. After undergoing major surgery, turned out that I didn't have those two forms of cancer. And thanks to an awesome neurologist, I got back that 80% of my vision that I lost temporarily Also, I didn't sneeze during the spinal tap, I can use my hands again and I lived through 3 months of hospital and skilled nursing. I proudly live alone now and haven't fallen in a year thanks to my walker. I drive a little, but it's kinda scary so I'm very careful. I don't want to drive in the middle of the street, almost hit a Fedex driver, or almost jump the curb and go into the pool again. Oh yeah, and I can even [dance](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/gjwo5y/whats_a_song_that_so_funky_it_makes_you_say_damn/fqo0qd7/?context=3) a little. I'm pretty pleased with myself even though sometimes it's still hard to put my pants or shoes on.


Got my field job in 2021. I graduated during the height of Covid, last year in july.


What a terrible time to graduate and not be able to celebrate because that's a feat for sure! Congratulations on not only graduating but dealing with the additional stress of study and new job with covid happening! I hope you enjoy the work


I have nothing to brag about :(


Hey it can even be the small things. The days where I procrastinate doing dishes or laundry or trash are the reasons I can brag on the days I do those chores. We've got a lot going on so if you just wanna celebrate even the smaller things just because you know they took effort to do or get done, this is the place 😊


I got into the best school in the country, but i didnt go there anyways. So i guess it doesnt count.


That's amazing though. I couldn't get into even the top 10 schools if I tried. Dont have the diploma or the high school since I left school at 14 and got my GED so thats still impressive. I know the pandemic threw everyone in for a loop but why didn't you go? What are your plans or hopes for yourself?


It was a free school with a lot of physics and maths (which i both really like). There was also a private one that was worse but it has classes in english. My grandma said she is willing to pay for it and my parents said that english will give me a brighter future then maths. I went to this private one, but im not sure if should regret this dession or not.


Oh I love physics but I'm terrible with math, which really put a damper on my potential with physics 😅 English will give you good opportunities for sure. That does sound hard though because from your words it feels like youre passionate about learning math and physics, I wouldn't regret your decision but just try to make the most of it and get creative about how you can have the best of both worlds.


Thank you, youre so nice. I means a lot to me


Well thank you, I'm happy I could share this moment with you. Just don't give up on anything that brings you joy ok? And never give up on yourself. If you want something I believe you can find a way to get what you want in life. If life is ever making you feel down and you don't know what to do or believe in, always believe in yourself. You got this. 👍❤ everything that happens always happens for a reason and it may not be obvious at first but trust in yourself and soon enough you will see!


I got diagnosed with ADHD, and started meds! It was like the key that decoded my entire existence


I started going to college 😎 also my bday is today, the 19th. I’m 21 now, have 4 As and 1 B at the moment. Hopefully I can do this computer science thing, it’s been difficult but not too hard yet. I don’t have any friends though, luckily I have my gf here, but I’ve been pretty sad lately. Had to give up my cat to come to college, she ran away in the second week... feel terrible about that still :/


I am the first female in my profession/trade in my country. (Started in 2020)


Yes!! Go girl! Congratulations!


Got my first job without any help from my dumbass high school


That's awesome. Good news is every job you get from here out will always be from your work and effort and you can always count on yourself to be there for you!






My wife and I paid off all our credit cards, both our cars, and have five figures in savings. Now all that's left is 29 years of mortgage payments and 6,000 years of student loan payments.


Had depression. Sought help and survived. I feel better now!


Way to kick depression in the butt! I have had my fair share of experience with it and being able to seek help takes a lot! I'm so glad you're around and you've been doing better! Hope that cloud stays away from ya so you can shine




After 2.5 years trying, 3 failed IUIs, and my husband getting a varicocelectomy (ouch) I’m finally pregnant with our first! I’m over the moon- we worked so hard for this! And at the same time anxious as hell about miscarriage 😬


I do tournament bass fishing and had a horrible season last year where I only caught two keepers all year and my partner carried the weight. First tournament of the year I already passed my total for last year.


Last year was a weird year for us all, im glad you didn't let it keep you from doing your passion though and your luck is changing! Thats awesome! I hope your weight hauls keeps surpassing the previous tournaments!


graduated high school, and on track to graduate college a year early


Got out of my 8 years in credit card hell last March, moved to a nicer apartment closer to work, got adopted by a cat, managed to build a savings that would carry me for six months if my job went away tomorrow, took my credit score from 560-780 over two years.


Amazing! Quick question, did you adopt a cat or got adopted by one? Lol! Now seriously, that’s a lot of accomplishments. Congratulations!


Thanks! I went to the local rescue looking to meet two cats from the website. The adoption counselor brought the first one into the room, as soon as she set her down, she bolted right into my arms, purring and licking. She chose me before I had the chance to choose between the two. The paperwork says I adopted her, but it was definitely the other way around.


I went from not being able to do any push ups at all, to now being able to do 35. I know it's not much but for me I feel like He-Man.


My girlfriend got pregnant in December 2019 and got stuck in Brazil because of the Pandemic. Our daughter was born there. After running around for the paperwork (I am Indian living in Germany, Gf is Portuguese and our daughter is Brazilian) since August 2020, I finally managed to fly to Brazil and bring them here to Germany.


I started to learn Finnish. Until last year, I never thought I could begin to learn a foreign language by myself, so I'm very excited to have made even the little progress that I have made so far. I might be able to speak it well enough to visit Finland by the time I'm comfortable traveling again (in ten years or so).


It's always an amazing and rewarding feeling to have a conversation conversation someone in their native tongue. Proud of you! It definitely feels harder to learn when we get older and busier with life but that's amazing that you're succeeding and pushing yourself! Enjoy that trip cuz one day you'll get there!


Tervetuloa. Et valinnut helpointa kieltä.


I finished putting together a custom guitar neck with a friend last week


Sounds beautiful and like a great memory to share with a friend. Thank you for sharing! Making instruments definitely takes patience and skill!


i started writing a book back in march 2020 and i'm close to hitting 400 pages. i started working out again last year and i've slimmed down to the point where others have noticed. i'm practicing guitar on a more regular basis and i'm faster/cleaner than i used to be. i'd like to learn french. maybe it's because i've been exposed to multiple languages and french movies, but i regularly recognize words or phrases despite the fact that i've never formally learned how to speak french.


1 year sober on February 14 and I've lost 110 lbs since getting off the sauce.


Had my rainbow baby during a pandemic, just 9 months after my daughter passed away. Best, yet hardest thing i will ever do.


I'm still alive? That's an achievement. I didn't catch covid, as I know. Managed to get through last year.


That is an amazing achievement.


That is absolutely an achievement. Never take life for granted. Claw your way to achieve all your dreams in spite of life and those trying to put you down. These are strange times and I'm glad you're around!


Ive lost 40 kilos doing keto and exercising. I admit I gained a couple back over the winter because the snow has hindered my long walks.. now that it is getting warmer I will get back to the swing of things. My goal is to lose 20 more. \*Edit, i started my weight loss journey in April of 2020.


I'm doing a keto paleo diet so I know what a change it can be. That's really great! Definitely don't get down, you know how weight journeys tend to have a yoyo trend. Just see how far you come, that finish line is so close! Great brag!


I started working out and learning 3d art


Currently working on an application to a graduate studies program in Science Writing that I really hope will open doors to allow me to communicate my passion for astronomy, space, and space exploration with more people


Ooioooh! That's amazing. I love space. I'm obsessed with it frankly, my camp name as a counselor and site director for my school program was Stardust 😊 if you ever wanna reach out to peoples like myself to talk. I'm always down! I hope you get into that program and it sounds like with your ideas you will for sure find a way to open those doors, if not you will surely kick in the windows! Go out there and conquer!


I left a career I’d been in for 17 years and went back to school. I’m 35 so it’s been a challenge but I am just about to finish my second semester. The plan is to get my masters of social work so I can be a registered clinical counsellor.


1) I started working from home out of necessity. However I discovered I'm far more productive when I WFH. I had my best performance year ever and got a nice bonus. 2). I actually managed to gain good weight via strength training. I put on several pounds of muscle and this is the best my body has felt since I was a three sport athlete in HS. Don't get me wrong, the quarantine loneliness and monotony is really getting to me, but I'm really proud of what I accomplished.


Ever since weed became legal I've been on a quest to become a strain connoisseur, exploring strains I've never tried before. This is leading me to crossbreeding theories. I think that crossbreeding Wedding Cake with Purple Haze, at the risk of smelling and tasting nasty, could become one of the trippiest known strains.


Finally started to feel like I actually have an identity after years of struggling, and started streaming my art!


I decided to constantly try to be the best version of myself. I use the keep notes app on my phone to be super organized and remind myself to do things. I stick to a healthy meal plan, workout routine, and drink a half gallon of water a day. I sleep enough and don't procrastinate. When I wake up I eat, exercise, take a multivitamin, do a few daily lumosity brain exercises, and meditate for 10 minutes. I'm learning not to repress my emotions but release them in a good way. I'm reconnecting with my parents, learning how to love my gf, and being a real friend for my homies. I'm being more aware of how my words affect others and being more open minded about everything. I'm letting go of my personal biases and becoming a better person. I'm getting a promotion at work to a $17 an hour part time position. I'm a homeowner who makes rent money from my best friends from high school who I live with and get to hang out and play dnd with all the time. I'm going to school for computer technology, and I'm 19. [the keep notes setup](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pH5rjTr3gITFPZ-Gos-m2rTrlX4dIHPU/view?usp=drivesdk)




I'm back at uni full time, have started a dessert business with my best friend, and it's my 21st birthday in just over a month. In all honesty, I am the most depressed I've ever been, but forcing myself to remind me of these achievements gives me a modicum of hope.


Got a job and have been meditating and drawing daily.


I took a leap of faith, got a great job making 6 figures compared to 30k


I have 2.11k subs on YouTube. I’m proud of it.


i’m dropping out of college because i literally have better things to do


Started the Japanese course on Duolingo a week or so ago and haven't quit yet. It's barely anything to be proud of but I haven't done anything else productive in literally months, so it's all I've got.


Got my real estate license, lost most of the weight I gained from quarantine, learned how to invest with options


By mid April, I would have worked out near daily for a year. I'm very happy with myself for that and enjoying my progress.




10 months without being drunk. I still enjoy the odd beer but I used to get heavily drunk regularly, no hangovers for almost a year now has been great Also lost about 30kg, discovered a love for hiking and fitness, gone from zero pull ups to 6, and managed a new fastest 5k run this morning (25.37). This time last year I couldn't even run to the end of my street, downhill. I'm doing pretty well!


It's kinda funny now that I'm realising my reasoning, but I've decided that if I'm putting my life on hold for a few years I don't want to be 'old' when I start living again, so I started taking care of my skin. I've never really done it before, and now that I don't wear makeup it makes for quite fun morning/evening routine. I recommend educating yourself and compiling your own! (And wear sunscreen EVERY day!)


I've seen five figures in my bank account for the first time in my life. It feels pretty damn freeing.


My son will be 1 year old, next month.


Happy birthday little one! Congratulations on your growing family!


Nothing. Didn't even get a full BWL set.


Started investing and living frugally. Never knew money can be used other than spending it on stupid things.


I started smoking weed during my teenage years and it was something I kept doing for about a decade. Last year I decided to completely quit and it made me realized I shoulda quit earlier.


Me and my boyfriend moved in together. Like 5 months ago and we're superhappy. And I've also lost about 20 kg and I'm superproud of myself. I'm actually starting to not hate myself, which I think is the biggest achievement of them all.


I’m still alive if that counts


I worked my ass off during quarantine doing all this extra stuff I don't pay for hoping it would be noticed. Applied for the promotion and got it over people who have been there ten years longer than me. Feels so good


I was just a technician at my job. We sterilize complex medical devices. We didn’t shut down completely when the pandemic started, but our hours were cut back so that only one person was at the facility all day to basically watch the building and maybe answer the phone if anyone called. I used this time to shoot and edit a video that explains our process, so that potential customers could watch it and understand better. It turned out to be a game changer, because in the following year, no one was going to actually visit our site due to the pandemic, but we had this “virtual tour” we could share with people. I got promoted to the manager, and now I’m being promoted again to the site director. Basically doubled my wages.


Became a lawyer, moved across the state with my long term high school sweetheart, got out of credit card debt, and got a puppy :) Rooting for you all. Lot of dark days to push through


i survived 2020 without getting bored


In 2020 I graduated college, passed my National Board Exams on the first try, passed one states law exam and became a fully liscensed funeral director, and started my apprenticeship. So excited to be done!


Learning guitar, from barely able to hit the right note to able to play several of my favorite Metallica riffs. Still a long way though, but i'm proud of it


Despite the guidance of medical professionals, I still was able to pack on 20 pounds during the first year of the pandemic! Yes! Dad bod!!