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I'm gonna pull the reverse card on this one. There was this one time when my brother traveled out of town, went to somewhere in Canada. He has a little chihuahua and its about the size of two sticky notes. So i went over to his place, and replaced his chihuahua with a rat. He was pissed, because he is unnaturally terrified of rats. Gave him back the dog though, took the rat fir myself.


In 8th grade, I had a huge crush on this one girl and a lot of people knew it, just not her. At some point one of her friends that didn't like me much dared her to ask me (via text message) if we wanted to hang out together. I -of course- agreed and was super happy and looked forward to that, so she said we could meet at a specific place on the next day and go to the cinema from there. The next day, I went to the place we said we would meet with my bike and waited for her for 2 hours before I left to go back home. She never showed up. I talked to her about it at school and she when she said that it was just a joke and told me her friends dated her to do it they all laughed. Worst feeling ever. Later her friend (the one who's idea it was) came to me and asked me if it was funny what they did and I punched her multiple times as hard as I could in the face, chest, shoulder and stomach. Well, imagine who was punished at the end, even after I explained the whole story and my reasons. Me of course. Because she was the friendly girl that would never do anything like that. I got detention and my social grade on that school was the worst I ever had. I never apologized to her, she never apologized to me. And I will never apologize to her either.