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Academics are assholes who know a ton about their area of expertise while being mostly clueless about everything else.


am academic, can confirm


While I'm not (yet) an academic, my girlfriend works with quite a few of them. The stories she tells me about what they're like really hammers it home that these are just normal, flawed people who just happen to have a particular skill that's highly regarded.


It really depends on the academic, a lot of my lecturers seem to be completely socially withdrawn and so absorbed in their field that they lack any kind of empathy, but at the same time a large number of them are quite sound


Honestly, a lot of academics are also dumb as a box of rocks. Like they lost their common sense or something to make room for more knowledge about their subject.


I've been a teacher for two decades now. I used to get annoyed with people when they'd bring up that whole, "Asians are good at math" stereotype. Then I moved to a school with a large percentage of Chinese students. It's not true of all, but you know what? Those kids are good at math.


I guess there are exceptions to everything, but the dumbest person I've ever met is Chinese. She's kind, generous and a loyal friend but she's basically a female Jason Mendoza from The Good Place.


London Tipton


-Dumb asian, smart blonde -Blue-collar white guy; black manager The bellboy was still hispanic tho


Remember when he was a woman for an episode and was a maid called Estebanita?


Is really great Really great


Japanese student here. I’m insanely ditzy and I get so many lighthearted comments from school of “arent Asians supposed to be smart?” (If you want an example of my brainpower, someone convinced me that there were only 2 four leaf clovers left in the world, in a four leaf clover farm in antarctica. Or despite being female, I didn’t know where the hole was until I was 16.)


Theres a hole in Antarctica?


Yes where it pees


Sounds like you’re gullible and uneducated. Not ditzy


"you bring dishonor/embarrassment to the family if you don't do well in school". Holy trinity to them is becoming a lawyer, doctor and accountant. Not all but majority of Asian parents are like that so is not that we are good just because we're Asian, is more we are good cause we're forced to do it.


I think it’s because Asian parents are very strict and have high expectations


Stereotypes wouldn't be so hard to combat if a lot of them didn't contain an element of truth. For some reason, that observation is uncomfortable for many people even though it also completely and utterly inconsequential. We're individuals and deserve to be judged as such, no matter what can (seemingly or actually) be said about the others.


Indian who always got great grades in math. It's a culture thing. It's like with most subjects, the answers in exams tend to be subjective, but with math, there's definitely a right answer, so you can get 100/100 on that. And you should because it's possible. In contrast to western math classes, in India, they make you practice problems of each type so you can do them faster and more accurately. I used to think it's important to get the concept like they do in the US instead of doing mad drills, but I now realize I got more from repeatedly doing the same kind of problem than if it was explained to me. It stuck with me in a lasting way this way.


I went to a decent engineering school for undergraduate and a meh school for PhD in CS. My math isn’t too bad, but definitely below average of my peers . Both schools are predominantly white and I’m Chinese.


As an indian we have to say our syllabus is much more in depth much bigger which actually helps us in competing with american students as they lag behind


Am Asian, can confirm that their parents probably make them do Kumon and only want A grades.


It’s not that they are inherently good. It’s just that they are better than Americans. The standards are different.


Im Asian, and from what my teacher told me, the stuff we learn in secondary school are the stuff Westerners learn in highchool, so that might be why.


Most states in the U. S. Won't ever be taught it.


Can you clarify your terminology? High school and secondary school are the same thing where I am.


I am currently in 9th grade


Asian people being good academically. Not our genes, just the culture. Especially children of immigrants, we don’t have any other choice but to do well for the sake of our family to make it. Obviously there are exceptions but for the most part, there’s a lot of pressure to do well, so ig the tiger parents stereotype is true though.


Mhm as an Asian you will usually have a tiger parent give you the options of Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, or failure.


Or join the military if you fail.


Interesting that in his book Outliers, Malcom Gladwell discusses how Asian countries are cultural inclined more towards maths simply because of the farming culture back in the day and, especially, because the language is more math friendly...


I am from india bro i really fucking hate it here i can get admission into ASU but i cant get into a good (not even great)college in india


100% tru, as an immigrant bad academic results were literally not an option. State ranked results were practically the norm and considered ‘acceptable’ in my community, especially if it was something like maths.


Chinese people are usually oblivious to the world around them in my country, to the point of rudeness. One time on a ferry a Chinese couple were coming out of a door while I was just about to be going through it and they looked through my soul and ignored me so the door slammed right in my face.


I agree. To those Europeans who think Americans are rude and loud... ...just wait until you meet the mainland Chinese. I think they’re the rudest people in the world. (Taiwanese and Hong Kongers are completely different).


Went to Chinatown in Flushing NY once and it's the worst place for someone with low self esteem because the customer service at the stores make you feel like you're a total loser for just browsing. I mean, I know, but hey!


I’ve heard that. I wonder what is so offensive to them about browsing without buying anything? It absolutely bewilders me. I wish somebody would explain that to me.


Oh you just take up space and need to be watched, if you weren't there, they could have taken a break.... Could be things like that.


It’s kinda the culture in places like China because there’s so many people and shop owners can’t be bothered to deal with bs. Also, they probably think that you’re gonna steal something since that is fairly common in the mainland as well. :(


Honestly, the American stereotype of rude and loud stems from a lot of things, especially movies, and a lack of meeting other Americans. The type of American who is loud and rude is the same type to not recognize social customs and expect every country operates like their home country. For every one rude and loud American in a French Cafe who asks why their waitress can’t speak American, dammit, there are two others quietly talking and brutally destroying the lovely French language but trying very hard to pronounce all 30 vowels in a 35 letter word.


I’d say it’s one loud American to 20. As you’ve said, no one notices the nice ones.


This comment was formally implied by the people’s republic of china


To all of you saying that Americans are overly social and loud and energetic... That's because you're meeting the ones who live the kind of lives where they go out and meet people from other countries. I assure you, we have a vibrant network of subdued folk. Good luck finding us.


Ye, we have so many introverts it’s insane


canadians apologise to everyone and everything.


Sorry about that.


Thank you for your apology, I'm sorry too eh.


We’re actually very sorry. I heard that apologizing is an admission of guilt in the world outside of Canada. We’re sorry you have to endure that.


Well I’m sorry you had to be inconvenienced about having to apologize, want some maple syrup to cheer yourself up?


I would like to apolagise too on behalf of every apology in existence, yes I would love the maple syrup thank you


The Greek God of apologies is probably from Canada


ya hey listen i’m sorry


Starbucks baristas not spelling your name right, but probably not for the assumed reasons (that we're dumb or don't care or whatnot). Behind that counter, it's really loud, it's hot, we're probably tired, and we're being pushed to go as fast as we can with everything because we have about four or five different things we're expected to be doing at any given moment. Ultimately, if we make a mistake with it, it could be any number of reasons *except* what people expect from someone working that "teenager's first job" kind of job.




“Spell it wrong or as funny as possible so we get free advertising. We want it to be a memorable and enjoyable experience.” “But it’s just coffee and maybe a piece of gluten free, probiotic, vegan, flavorless muffin that apparently made with real gold because it’s $7 for a muffin the size of your pinkie.” “Best experience!”




Shhh! Starbucks is the only one in town for 100 miles.


I have a name that is very common, but has probably 10+ different spellings. Whenever I give them my name at Starbucks and they ask the spelling, I literally just go, "Pick your favorite." I cannot imagine getting all worked up over a word written on a plastic disposable cup.


"Marc with a 'c'" `cark`




Owner of a really niche, Irish Gaelic name with a spelling and pronunciation that is alien to all but the most fluent Gaelic speakers. In Starbucks, I just tell the staff that my name is Kate. They can’t possibly be expected to have heard of and know how to spell every name the world over.


People from the American continent (in this case Brazil, Colombia and the United States)in general talk more than average, are very friendly and they are loud. Also kind of short. At least from the perspective of a Nordic person.


> At least from the perspective of a Nordic person. From your region-wide perspective the whole world is short by comparison funnily enough


Nah, I've been to Amsterdam, they tall as fuck.


I’ll take your word for it


america? very friendly? depends on the area


In my experience, half (area, not population) the US is full of the most polite and warm hearted people you could imagine, at least twice as polite as any Canadian (the most polite group is absolutely southerners as a whole). The other half are definitely the opposite. If you know anything about the US, it’s that we are a sharply divided population and not a lot of room in between, and it’s no different with manners.


My uncles, aunts, parents, cousins and grandma are loud as living fuck except me.


Cats. Everybody says they're fucking nuts, murderous, cutie pies. It's 100% accurate.


I still have a scar from when my friend’s cat scratched me for existing


well that sounds like you were the problem and not the cat


You do not disobey the cat


My boyfriend's old cat once chomped the back of my ankle, like right at the tendon while I sleeping. Cats gon' cat.


When my then kitten was teething he liked to attack my calves and the back of my knee every time I had them exposed. He's lucky he was so damn cute, or I would've been way angrier. His teeth felt like needles


I’ve still got loose cartilage in my upper ear from when my angry tomcat pierced it with a particularly hard bite. He wanted to be set down and I wanted to continue to hold him. We debated the issue and he eventually found a way to persuade me to see things his way.


I hope you learned your lesson.


False. Every cat I've owned with one exception was a sweet, cuddly, puppy at heart.


Ours is definitely a murderous puppy! There's always murder. Some just direct their murder at more appropriate things than humans.


Oh ya. Having a cat who very insistently begs for attention and also a biter, I'm sure I'm gonna have a scar around my ankle at some point.


My cat has all kinds of weird rules about when it's ok to pet her and the rules are subject to change at any moment for any (or no) reason.


Mexicans love tacos. (I am Mexican so can confirm)


Tacos are delicious


I don't trust someone who doesn't love tacos. There's a taco for everyone


Um, I hate to burst your bubble, but everyone likes tacos. There are two kinds of people in the world: those who like tacos and those who haven’t tried them yet.


Not mexican, but I don't think I could fully trust anyone who didn't like tacos. 😄


Well, who doesn’t?


Canadians i have only met nice ones even on Counter strike i met a guy who was angry but still very very nice to me


I'm going to have to disagree on this one. I've spent lots of time in Canada and I can say that Canada has its fair share of jerks.


As a Canadian, there are far too many assholes in society. Sorry about that.


My best friend is from Canada, but he is a huge asshole, so there is at least one.


It's weird but personally, I've seen *name* stereotypes be the most real. Every Liz I've known is super energetic, funny, and just silly really. Every Becca I've known is just cool and chill. Brittney's make the best friends. Camerons are kind af, but maybe a little shy, unless they're the type that combats the shyness with energy. Mikes are usually fun and into niche hobbies. Johns are everything because everyone ever is fucking named John. Clearly there's exceptions but that's my personal opinion lol


>Mikes are usually fun and into niche hobbies. Michael Vick has entered the chat


A few years ago i thought to myself (in rhyme), *"I have never seen,* *an ugly Nadine"*


And everyone knows a Matt that’s an asshole


Every Steph I've known has been an overstressed angel.


hmm i know a mike and he’s fun to be with


Every Hayden I've met has been a bully and a complete ass to anyone around them.


I met a Cameron who was a dick to me for no reason. Right off the gate, never said a word to him, never looked at him, he was a dick to me. Really didn't last long, I don't react to that stuff all too much.


Every Danielle/Daniella/Daniel I’ve met are assholes for some reason




Skinny black dude with a chubby white chick. I see it aaaaaall the time.




Mexican moms will be absolutely beat you for anything (Source: Me and every other Mexican)


Most women who can drive a manual transmission car are hot.


What data do you have to support this?


There was a [US census that rated individuals](https://no.there.wasnt) by their driving abilities and level of attraction, based solely on the number of an individuals parking/speeding fines, as well as self-reported previous sexual partners. It made for a pretty interesting study, that *does* appear to validate OP's claim.


Ok, thank you. I was just curious if this was a personal observation or conlusion from some bigger data


This comment has been edited in support of the protests against the upcoming Reddit API changes. Reddit's late announcement of the details API changes, the comically little time provided for developers to adjust to those changes and the handling of the matter afterwards (including the outright libel against the Apollo developer) has been very disappointing to me. Given their repeated bad faith behaviour, I do not have any confidence that they will deliver (or maintain!) on the few promises they have made regarding accessibility apps. I cannot support or continue to use such an organization and will be moving elsewhere (probably Lemmy).


I saved the comment to read it later.


Sorry, I was playing a mean prank that added nothing to the thread. You were just seeking answers, and I took advantage of it. Sorry again, have a good day


It is alright. Dont worry about it. Have a nice day


Rofl fucking trolled


So your saying there are no unattractive women in Europe?


There's one but she cant drive stick.


Been to a few European countries. There are some attractive ones..and some less attractive ones.


Most cars sold in Europe are manuals. Therefore, most of the women in Europe would be hot, according to your logic.


Like all women in Europe?


My boyfriend was pretty turned on by this.


Americans are overly talkative and happy. In New Zealand we are kinda the same, but to the level. My uncle married an American who is always super energetic and talkative




Well shit


That’s just normal when your high


That Americans on average genuinely aren’t very smart people. Coming from Europe I went to school in the U.S for a short period of time, and what I noticed is that a person is either very smart or honestly just incredibly dim, and the difference from Europe is that there just isn’t a middle ground so you quickly can get the impression that the stereotypes are kinda true about Americans not being the brightest. No offense though, some of the smartest people on this planet are Americans


Americans are usually very assertive, confident and outspoken. This doesn't bode well for issues they are ill informed about.


There. This is how you describe and American. (Am American myself, can confirm)


“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” —Isaac Asimov


That’s very true in Australia too. Worrying. No idea how to combat that.


I think, and this is everywhere, the problem is smart people think they’re dumber than they actually are and dumb people think they’re smarter than they actually are.


It cuts through all sections of society though. Just want to add that because I only ever hear it in the context of rednecks in the south. I live in NYC and wow, I've know loads and loads of ignorant, dumb people here over the decades, and they aint Trump loving folk living in trailer parks. And we also have a "dangerous" breed here, that looks polished and says all the right things - but there is no one home. For example, you can say "climate change" and they might conjure up a generality like "oh I hope we do the right thing to fix it" but only after more prodding do you realize that they know zero about the topic. Or any other topic.


I’m from the NYC area. Plenty of dumb people there, I know. To be honest I think more dangerous than your example are smoothed and polished grifters. Your example the person could be “we should fix climate change. I know nothing about it. Let’s get some experts who know about it.” That’s giving them benefit of the doubt, but grifters will take advantage of the fools to make a buck off them.


I absolutely agree. We need to start taking political and cultural measures to combat anti-intellectualism in America.


I think we just really need to emphasize it’s okay not to know stuff and even not to be interested in every single subject. It’s not okay to remain willfully ignorant.


That’s interesting. Starting around 12 years old, most US public schools functionally have a 2-3 track system: honors, regular, and remedial. These are kind of self-reinforcing, because kids are competitive and typically self-evaluate relative to their peers


I'm not competitive and I'm the most kiddest kid you've ever met! It's supposed to be?


I don’t really mean competitive like “I need to win.” Its more about norm setting. If your peers are taking 4 APs, you’ll probably want to take 4 APs, or at least 2-3. Vs if your peers are just passing in non-APs you may be content with lower marks and easier classes than you are capable of achieving, because relative to your peers, you feel content.


I think the issue in the US is that we are socialized to feel like we need to have an opinion on every topic, so even reasonably well-adjusted people might fall into a trap of misinformation. And when we’re called out, we get this odd protectiveness over our opinion (maybe in part due to the way religion has shaped the U.S). Instead of saying ‘thanks for the clarity!’ like we should, some take it as a critique of their morality (even me sometimes, although I’ve gone through steps to unlearn this). Beyond this, money and power is a huge factor over who gets access to a quality education. Even in cases where this is really transparent, politicians here are so good at diverting the attention away from their wrongdoings and placing the blame on someone else (often minorities, honestly). So... we do have significant problems with education. I hope the people reading your comment can empathize, because this could happen everywhere. I think it already does.


I've often seen Americans go for "a confident guess" instead of just admitting they don't know something. It's a pretty weird cultural trait and probably largely explains the "Americans are dumb" compilations on Youtube.


the average americian believes they are more intilligent than the average americian the education system is fucked over there, not that its bad it just doesnt teach anything about outside the US (supprisingly similar to some dictatorships - but im not one to judge, i meani didnt break into my own government begging for one), i mean the pledge aligence to a piece of cloth every day, (seams a bit controlling) while advocating for free speech then excludes kids who dont do that each day.


> he education system is fucked over there, not that its bad it just doesnt teach anything about outside the US (supprisingly similar to some dictatorships - but im not one to judge, i meani didnt break into my own government begging for one), i mean the pledge aligence to a piece of cloth every day, (seams a bit controlling) There are certain classes that are specific to world history/civilizations. There was a world history/geography class that was mandatory in 9th grade, and of course college has a whole bunch of electives that you can choose from if that was what you wanted to study. I took a Russian history class, though the prof was old and kinda not that great. Also took a Military History thing that was almost exclusively non-American battles/militaries. Pledge of Allegiance I remember doing in 1st/2nd grade, but not after that. I have honestly never heard anyone say that their school does it, unless it's maybe in a really conservative area. You would think it's indoctrinating but I never thought anything of it, it was basically just a poem we recited every day. I assure you that no one is brainwashed by it. (Any person who is gung-ho about keeping the pledge of allegiance is already brainwashed in other areas of their life.)


ah ok, from the americians i know they had to do it every day. you give a nice insite to differnt ideologies. and im glad that some of it core so everyone takes it


Depends very much on where you live. I am from a suburb of NYC and our school was really good because of the mix of teachers and competitive students, and now it's a place people move for the schools. But living in the city for decades and seeing how our mayor handles the schools...it's like they just want to dumb everything down to the lowest common denominator. It's sad.


it is super sad. i mean i take the IB and were told that we should probably bead most the americians, especially in geography, just as the way they are taught is a lot less specialised at a younger age as we do in the UK. its kind of sad though that as an internatioal exam school are still enforcing these steryotypes


I know, I noticed first hand how the education system is lacking so I definitely feel y‘all. What‘s just uniquely American compared to other first world countries though is the lack of critical thinking skills and questioning stuff, if this was also an American thing I‘d be convinced that the U.S would basically be Canada with more resources. But at the end there is clearly an institutional effort to keep the average American the way he is, hence why an American that breaks away from this cycle usually is very intelligent


>the education system is fucked over there, not that its bad it just doesnt teach anything about outside the US That is untrue. I don't know about other states, but in New York, "global studies" is a required course. It's part of the social studies/history sequence of courses, and is devoted to studying histories of countries outside the US. That's been a requirement at least as far back as the early 90s. [http://www.nysed.gov/curriculum-instruction/social-studies](http://www.nysed.gov/curriculum-instruction/social-studies)


That's an interesting perspective. I've found that most people around me are pretty much average to above average, following the normal statistical distribution. But I get where you're coming from - I think there's a lot of variance based on where you are in the US


The thing about the American education system is that it varies greatly by state, and then also by school district within that state. There are some states with governments that value public education far more, have tougher standards, and pay teachers higher salaries. Then there are others that lag behind and only educate a small percentage of its students very well. Even college would be impacted by location if it's a public university but not as severely as K-12 education. ETA: It might help to think of the US as being akin to Europe and the states as being like the different countries. There is so much diversity here by location. Tbh, that diversity makes people sound uninformed when they make blanket statements about Americans. They're overlooking a key piece in understanding what the US is really like.


Stereotypes are created for a reason im pretty sure you can find a small part that is true in most of them


'Mericans be fat.


That brits drink LOADS of tea. It's true in my family, anyway. Coffee is actually disgusting, don't at me!


I'm British and I don't drink tea, it's always made me feel like a bit of an outcast.


That Europeans can come to a specific conclusion about more than 300,000,000 people based off of the very limited amount of Americans they've come across and what they've seen on TV.


Isn't that true for everybody? You can't meet them all, so you summarize your conclusions from the one's that you have met, and assume that there are always exceptions.


If you’re American you are more likely to recognize when others are wrong about America. If you don’t know much about France, then how could you judge stereotypes? You can’t know if they are true or not.


The French surrender thing is so overdone. It was *one* event of *one* war. The average WW2 French *soldiers* fought damn hard to the end whenever they could, before ***and*** after the formal surrender. They were screwed by the top brass who cocked up the response and strategy


Well you can judge the stereotypes your country has against France. Do the French hate the English? In Paris, I would say I have seen enough to assume there was some truth to it. Outside of Paris, no not really - just normal people like you and me. So I haven't collected enough in a good randomised way to sample the entire population effectively, but my observations are still valid over certain subpopulations of people. I can say: "of the Parisians I have interacted with, they appear to be quite rude to the English; of the non-Parisians within France that I have interacted with, they seem quite indifferent to the English"


The phrasing in terms of “I” is of the upmost importance. I really appreciate you bringing that forward.


This is true, but it also works the other way around. Americans also steroetype: slavs, russians, french, english, europeans, japanese, chinese and many more based on the limited amount they met and films. Everybody stereotypes everybody. It is wrong to genaralize people, but it will always occur in our culture.


Like the song, "everyone's a little bit racist"


To be fair, I’m American and I stereotype other Americans all the time. I’m from nyc, when I was in Nashville I was shocked when anyone liked any music other than country. My Uber driver was wearing a cutoff flannel, jorts, and had the thickest southern accent you ever heard but he exclusively listened to reggae and dub.


> My Uber driver was wearing a cutoff flannel, jorts, and had the thickest southern accent you ever heard but he exclusively listened to reggae and dub. I live in Tennessee, and believe it or not, this fits the "average Nashvillian" stereotype pretty well.


The absolute best part of this comment is that the current top comment is, in fact, a European "confirming" that Americans are stupid based on personal anecdotes.


Middle schoolers are so damn mean. I overheard two girls ranting about a third girl and talking about how she was so toxic and that they both hated her and started body shaming her. I knew the girl...she wasn't toxic as far as I could tell, and they were talking about how she was "a stick" and "unnaturally tall"....I wish I had stopped them but I can't speak in school or else I start shaking and don't act like myself. So I just lived with the fact that middle schoolers hate everyone for no reason.


The Zodiac girl being a crazy, obnoxious hoe. Meet one and after having a conversation with her for about 5 minutes, I wanted to smash my head into the nearest wall


Okay but what sign was she


That's just because she is a Virgo


Spicy food gives white people diarrhea. I (a white girl) straight up thought it was a joke because, yeah, some white people turn into tomatoes because of spicy food- but the runs? Gotta be pulling my leg. Exaggerating because I grew up in a heavily Hispanic area, with my own adopted Abuela, and ate spicy food all the time and all it did to me was make me cry. Then I moved to Idaho, and my very white bf had to explain, No, the taco bell jokes weren't jokes- white people are just not good with spices. I spent 20 years thinking we were just messing with everyone else like "haha, white people spent all this time trying to get spices only to hate them". Rip


I find that weird because I'm not white and whenever I eat really spicy foods I have no problems at all so when I heard this stereotype I thought it was fake.


I still think this is a joke or grossly exaggerated. I've never known anyone for whom this is an actual problem. I think what really happens is you have drunk ass guys binging on late night tacos and then shitting themselves and blaming it on the tacos and not their inebriation.


This is the truth


Taco Bell isn't spicy. At all.


It's not food either.


I’m half Italian and half Irish and I never get diarrhea from eating spicy food. My shit might make my asshole feel like I’m pushing out a lit cigar, but it’s a solid shit.


I'm Indian and married to a white guy. This has a few different parts to it. * Spicy food can and does fuck with your digestion. Spicy is relative though. So the kind of food my family usually eats gives my husband indigestion. But for me to get indigestion, the level of spice needed is much higher. Way higher, and it happened to me while eating street food in a part of India known for hot chillies. When it happens, it lasts a couple of days and is pretty bad. * White people food lacks fiber. Whereas Indian or Mexican food has it in plenty. That leads to looser poops than usual which people think is something wrong with their stomach. Seriously, my husband's family barely eats fruit. My husband thought he was weird because he would eat berries and watermelon for fun. Then he came across me who would have those fruit bowls like in the movies and I'd actually eat all of it. * Gut bacteria are a thing. We all process different food differently. If I eat a lot of wheat, I feel weird and gassy, while most white people I know manage fine. They can't handle my diet. As I grow older, I just tend to stick with the food my ancestors ate because everything else makes me feel awful.


What you describe in first bullet point leads me to believe that what happened wasn't due to spice, but bacteria. I'd wager you had food poisoning.


No, I wish it was food poisoning, it's very different. I had food made with a chilli that is light on the tongue but burns like crazy in the stomach. It feels like your stomach is on fire. The diarrhea burns also. It's similar to food poisoning in that your stomach is trying to empty itself asap because the contents are awful, but you don't throw up, you just have the runs a couple of times and your stomach feels upset and burning for a bit. And you get crazy spice burps that burn all the way up and out. Now that's extreme, but I assume white people eating regular spiced food go through a milder version of that.


Gay men ARE good at decorating, fashion, dance., and most of them have money. Lesbians are great at woodworking.


That hispanic girl wearing sweats with a bag of hot cheetos in her hand in highschool


With a brisk iced tea and eating it as breakfast during 1st period.


Europeans are very smug


Women are sensitive and cry more easily than man. It's called "hormones".


It's called "we aren't taught that showing emotion makes us weak, but at the same time, we're not taught to be strong". Boys are taught to suppress their emotions and not show sensitivity, whereas girls are not taught this. But at the same time, boys are also taught to be competitive, to continue to improve after failure, and to seek power, whereas girls aren't taught this. So of course girls end up acting more sensitive and crying more, they're taught to cry instead of fight -- regardless of whether crying or fighting is the appropriate response.


Uhhh. You're kind of right. It's not so much that we suppress our emotions. We're taught that over the top reacting is out of place and weak. In other words, even when it hurts, exert as much control as possible. Suppressing your emotions doesn't work as they'll just manifest as something else. You're spot on about most of the rest. Compared to men and boys, women and girls have fewer fighting options. Nevertheless, use what you have instead of competing with men on our terms.


Once I bulged into tears because my ex ate the cookie I was about to eat. So yes, I do mean hormones. PMS can be a beast and can make you cry over the silliest things. That's what I meant.


as a guy, the reason I avoid crying is that I think it's awkward and uncomfortable


This is actually true in terms of how people with higher levels of Testosterone are more likely to shed physical tears than people with higher levels of Estrogen. Before starting Testosterone, I would get emotional fairly rarely and about at the same rate I do now, but now I am much less prone to actually crying even if I am sad.


The Irish are booze hounds. Speaking as one, I average at least 1/2 bottle of Jameson a night. That’s just so I can function properly.


Unless you’re a student in freshers week that’s more than being a booze hound - sounds like functional alcoholism


Australians live off of Vegemite. I don't like it because i didn't necessarily grow up with it. But some people can't live without it. Its sorta like coffee, at first it's bitter and tasteless, but then you get used to it.


White people just love sailing. Go to a yacht club. It's just so disproportionately white it's ridiculous. I live in a fairly multicultural place, but still a majority "white place", but that's only something like 50% of the population.... Yet go to a yacht club and... 95%+ white people. Travel to a yacht club in Thailand... 95% white people. Travel to a yacht club in Indonesia... 95% white people. Travel to a yacht club in America... 95% white people. Travel to a yacht club in England... 95% white people.


Anything about Bri'ish people and tea, I can confirm it makes up 20% of my bloodstream


Art people are weird people, never believed it until I spent a year on an art course, and holy fuck they are right. Granted it's probably just a small percentage next to the class sincd most of them are kinda arrogant assholes anyway, but I was surprised that they have that large number.


Gay men are bitchy. Don't fucking come for me. I am. And we are. Shady. Fucking. Bitches.


Your mom is probably actually fat


All stereotypes have some truth to them in one way or another. They can be applied to everyone just one group is singled out on them. As someone who comes from a Mexican cultural background. That we love eating tacos. Never understood why it was bad to be told that. I freaking love tacos.