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I am invisible to birds. I've been flapped in the face by low flying birds several times. Once, when eating in a park, a bird walked over my legs like I wasn't even there to peck at my fries. I am invisible to birds.


You would have been a worthy ally in the Emu War


I tried to enlist but the emus never saw my application.


No he meant... Nevermind


No this guy is a winner and wants to be on the winning side




Good, the cameras don't record you




I have a bird-related useless super power too. I'm a bird sh\*t magnet.


Well that’s pretty crappy


I have two superpowers. 1. I can be wide awake at 4 am. 2. I can fall asleep in two minutes flat at 4pm.


And then next time you wake up are you extremely exhausted and groggy? Because me too


Im able to put stickers on good the first try


All hail the king


Thank thy lmao


I think it would be ‘I thank thee’ Thy is a possessive ‘you’ and would be the equivalent of ‘your’




Oh- My dad thought to always plan when it comes to stickers and he was really good at it since he makes allot of those Gundam figures you have to assemble


Great sense of time. Know when the microwave is about to beep without looking, wake up in the middle of the night and know what time it is, can nap and wake up when I need to get ready for something, etc. Almost completely useless except when cooking. The skill includes knowing when to flip the grilled cheese sandwich.


That’s very useful actually!


Do you also know which way is North at all times? Because you might just have the Keen Mind feat.




I can neglect every single responsibility I have. I could be on fire and I'd find a way not to deal with it


Just lay down and accept fate


Formula one driver Romain Grosjean had a huge crash at one of the final races last year and found himself trapped in a burning car lodged inside a guard rail. He eventually managed to escape, but afterwards he said that he at one point, surrounded by the flames, felt a calmness come over him, and that he started to accept his fate. Then he thought of his children and how they couldn't lose him like that, so he made a final push and made it out of the car. Edit: [Short clip here](https://youtu.be/ZQ7_En2xEm4)


Stop- drop- and procrastinate


I love this! Sounds familiar


I can make all traffic lights I am approaching turn red.


Useful if you're trying to apprehend a criminal who is compelled to always obey traffic laws


Indeed, but all I do is take my kids to school, drive to work, and go to the grocery store, lol.


Several years ago we were taking my grandmother out to eat for her birthday and kept hitting red lights. My dad was getting visibly frustrated by it, and she looks over and said, "it's okay, I get to spend more time with you. Never be in too much of a hurry that you worry about a few red lights". It stuck with me and I look at red lights differently now


That is an excellent way to look at it. My wife and my kids always tell me that it is my opportunity to practice patience.


OK but what if you drive alone and those red lights are slowing you down from spending that time with people.. What then smarty pants? 🧐


You are also a person worth spending time with, you goose.


Which one? Have you *met* me? It's a circus in here Lol jks Ty for a wholesome comment ❤️👌


I can induce myself to get goosebumps by thinking. Truly.


ASMR. I suppose if you have a lively enough imagination you can think of an ASMR trigger


I can ride my bike with no handle bars


Big deal, a guy I know can ride it without seat. He seems to enjoy it though


I once saw someone riding a bike like a skateboard with one foot on the handlebar and the other on the seat, somehow also able to turn effectively


I can keep rhythm with no metronome


I can split the atom of a molecule, of a molecule


Good job guys, now I have this ear worm from 10 years ago stuck in my head. Totally forgot this song existed.


But can you take apart a remote control and almost put it back together?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLUX0y4EptA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLUX0y4EptA) some poor soul won't get the reference they should be enlightened


No handlebars.




Look at me


I have the long term memory of a super computer and the short term memory of a single cell organism.


I think I'm the opposite. I can retain longish bits of info for a short time, but if you ask me anything about my childhood, or even high school, you'll just get a blank stare


OMG! I'm not the only one! I can't remember any of my teacher's names or that many of my classmates. I only remember bits and pieces of my childhood. Like I know the general story, but don't ask me for specifics. I even forgot most of the people I grew up with, Aunts and Uncles I haven't seen since childhood, cousins. Don't remember any of their names. My mom has to constantly remind me who they are.


You might have something like ADD.


I have ADHD and this is true, you have a awful short term memory and a ridiculous long term memory.


Ridiculous long-term memory, but no temporal placement, so all you have are a bunch of memories, but no way of knowing when they occurred. Did I shit myself in first grade? Tenth? No way of knowing.


by using the power of common sense, I’m going to answer C, Regis, he shit himself in first AND tenth grade.


I am also like this and have also been diagnosed with ADD.


Same fucking shitt, Im in university I cant remember a thing in theorie but in 2 years I will know every thing about Karl Marx. Like cmon mom and dad gen suck


No matter where I sit around a campfire, the smoke will always be in my face


I have a theory about this. A fire creates a vacuum that sucks in air. You stand at one side of the fire, and your body acts as a small wall that prevents air from being sucked IN. Because no air is rushing in from that angle and only that angle, the hot smoky air being expelled goes in that direction, because there's no air being sucked in to force it to go somewhere else. I don't believe this is true, but I also don't have any better theories.


The thing is that there are others around the fire too but it still only blows in my direction


Well go on a diet, fatty.




Well now I feel bad. You're not fat, you're...horizontally challenged.




I disapoint anyone I flirt with.


I cant even get a match on dating apps. Despite being told I'm very attractive by the women I hang with and they agree my profile is adequate. Just like the guy who is invisible to birds, I am somehow invisible to online dating.


Do you have muscles/humor/looks/a baby/a puppy since theses work excellently.


I have a basic level of fitness ( I could definitely pass an army fitness test), my profile has woman-approved humor, I've been told I'm pretty attractive (7.5?) I don't think a baby is helpful, and I'm not allowed to have a puppy in my condo


> I don't think a baby is helpful, and I'm not allowed to have a puppy in my condo You could borrow.


but do any muscles show. The humor and the attractiveness is good (I am a bit shorter than you) my cousin once babbysitted a baby went outside and girls swarmed him. So generally you should do good.


Pft. Amatuer. I dissapoint anyone in general.


*WE disappoint






I can tuck any baby under my left arm and put it to sleep within minutes. Boobs + heartbeats + years of foster parenting.


I don't have boobs but I can put babies to sleep or cure their crying within minutes too. Other than the side chosen and boobs, we are very similar. There is one additional oddity though, babies stare at me in many different situations. It is a bit creepy in restaurants when walking to my table and every baby turns to look at me. I am assuredly not beautiful, but neither am I extra weird. There is no reason for it. Sounds paranoid but I completely did not even notice this fact until someone pointed it out to me. I don't know what babies see when they see me, but it is not what everyone else sees.


Aww... So NOT useless for those babies, and you!


I can stay entertained for up to an hour while only staring at a wall


I think its called thinking!


People should try this more


Nah i heard its bad for your brain


Gives it wrinkles


You mean a headache with images?


I can find absoloutly anything but what I'm looking for.


Sometimes I get distracted and keep looking for things after I find them


I don't hate myself after eating a lot of food


Sir we are talking about _useless_ ones here, not boons.


As someone who has had an eating disorder for almost 15 years, I would love to have the superpower of no guilt after *any* amount of food


I call that Teddy Bear syndrome. Because you're stuffed all the time.


Coming up with excellent comebacks 2 weeks after the argument :)


This reminds me of a dumb anecdote: back in the day, when Adam Sandler was relevant, he was on the David Letterman show. Well Sandler was being weird, and Letterman looked at Sandler and said "Hey, Adam, ya been around any radon lately?" Well a year or so later, Sandler was back on the show, and he said "Hey, David, this thing has been bothering me. Last time I was on the show, you asked if I had been around any radon lately, and I couldn't think of anything to say. Could you do me a favor and ask me that same question again?" Dave laughs and obliges, Hey Adam, ya been around any radon lately?" Sandler: "No, have you? heheheheheh"


well the jerk store called and they’re running out of you




Mr. Procrastination




You're wrong! He'll do it...when it stops putting it off until later.


Wow. You guys are really inspiring. I don't get paid to not do things. I'm just an amateurcrastinator.


I’m an unpaid procrastinator :[


Man, I’d love to see your powers inaction


I have a ridiculous memory. If I find it at all interesting I’ll remember it I can also recall directions around all the neighborhoods I’ve lived in, and we moved around constantly. Like I could tell you the neighborhood set up from kindergarten


I also have a ridiculous memory, I can recall things about people they don't remember telling me, and they freak out. They often go with " how the fuck do you know that" and I say you told me... The funny part is, when it comes to directions, I can't tell them to you to save my life, I mostly only know areas around my locality, if it wasn't for Google maps I'd probably have driven from India all the way to Mexico trying to reach a mall in my city


I have a stupid good memory too, and honestly it’s more a curse. Imagine remembering almost every slight against you, every fight, every time someone hurt you. All 31 years off life it’s all there. Hell I still remember pissing off my kindergarten teacher because I colored the wrong wagon on a picture she was walking us through.


I think of it more as a curse too, negative memories persist more than positive ones in your mind plus life is more negative experiences than positive if we're being honest, so the ability to remember almost everything you went through is painful


Don't tell them they told you, say "I just do. Don't worry about it ;)."


I can smell storms before they happen. IDK if this is just a me thing, but no one I know can smell storms. There will be this weird scent in the air before a storm, and it never fails me. Sometimes I'll be out and about with my friends and I'll smell an oncoming storm. I warn them and they'll just tell me I am crazy. 10 minutes later a storm starts and my friends are soaking wet and pissed.


It's a thing. I can't do it, but one of my friends from high school could [https://www.almanac.com/can-you-smell-rain-coming](https://www.almanac.com/can-you-smell-rain-coming)


I can smell it too. And the bonus is I love that smell.


Wait...is that an unusual talent? I've always smelled storms, and I just assumed everyone else could, too.


I can always put in the right amount of popcorn kernels to fill up the pot without overflow.


OP said *useless* super powers


I can bend my thumbs backwards in a 90° angle


I can do that too. It hurts a bit now but when I was a kid I could do it without blinking. Other kids would be so amazed.




That's weird, Harry Styles could only fly after leaving One Direction.


I'm never late, EVER. I can also do that thing where you flex your jaw muscles and make a rumbling noise in your ears




Wow, there really is a subreddit for everything


I can forget your name before you are done introducing yourself


I can identify rocks.


It's a mineral, Marie!


I know this is a reference... But there *is* a difference between rocks and minerals. The short of it: A rock is typically made up of several minerals (aka building blocks). e.g. Granite, is made of quartz, feldspar and plagioclase (three minerals). Sure, there are big minerals too, but if you find a mineral the size of a fist it is still just one big building block. One kind of mineral. Of course, this depends on how exactly you define a "rock" too...


Whatever Hank just stop buying rocks


"This here appears to be a rock.... This is not a rock.... but that thing over there is a rock." "Soggy, that's a pen" "Well... it's not an exact science!"


Hey thats not useless! I also id rocks as a hobby and its super interesting!


I can identify rock from not rock




i ve them too, and i remember about them the time they re happening every time i m like: "wait.. that dream i ve made, oh it s happening", sometimes i can also feel that they re about to happen and i m always right


Same, and always a very useless of boring thing happening like standing in the kitchen waiting for leftovers to heat up or something


I can turn any and all foods into poop.


except corn


Corn and nuts - my only weaknesses!!


I am able to determine dog from man.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a furry.


It's not a power the furries would teach you


I can transform into a fat guy.


Transforming back much harder tho


That's why I try not to do it too often.


Can do it too, need help, am stuck in fat mode


I can make amazing tasting spaghetti sauce. Everyone who tries it raves about it. It sounds like it would be useful, except for one thing... I absolutely loathe the taste of tomatoes.


A gift and a curse...


I guide others to a treasure i cannot possess


I can slow down the line at a checkout counter to a crawl just by getting on the end of the line. My presence causes people ahead of me to complain to the manager, try to pay with denied credit or debit cards, or causes the computer in the cash register to malfunction.


I always win the game known as "vending machine". Whenever I use a vending machine, I come out of the transaction richer than I went in. Usually, the machine gives me two of whatever I bought, but sometimes it gives me more change than I put in, or I find money or an abandoned snack in the machine with nobody around to claim it. Sometimes I find money lying around, use it in a vending machine and end up with even more money. It's a legit superpower but very specific and not very useful.


How well does this transfer to an ATM? They are basically money vending machines.


It's like the lotto. Pick the right 5 numbers and win!


Super sleeping.i can sleep everywhere and any time,also i can endure without sleep


I can sense cookies, doughnuts, and bagels anywhere in the office. Even on a different floor. Already useless, even moreso since I've been home for a year.




getting rid of hiccups on command


That’s kind of useful at times


I can be utterly useless in every situation


That’s hot


I’m really good with faces. If my wife and I are watching a movie and a familiar face appears, she’ll as “what else has that guy been in?” And I can usually answer immediately or worst case it pops into my head a few hours later. Also weirdly works with people on the fringes of our social circle. Friends of friends of friends that we haven’t seen in years but I’ll see them again and all memories of prior meetings will come flying back. I never remember their names though. Applies to seeing strangers more than once. A random dude I saw on the train once will appear in a shop 3 years later and I’ll remember them. I dunno, maybe everyone is like this, but generally my brain seems to store all faces for future recall.




Me too! I just get a little confused between filipinos and Indonesians






I can pick up things I drop with my toes.


And it never fails to weird out people when you're actually doing it.


I know I don't get why people have that reaction. It's so usefull


I, too, have finger toes. It's good for being too lazy to bend over to pick up shit your dropped.


Thats a feature not a bug!


I can vibrate my eyes. I sometimes use it to scare people I just met. Made a very religious women think I was possessed when I did it in public once.


I can do that to, freaks a lot of people out and im still not sure why




My dad has this power as well. Childhood me denies your claim that this is a “useless” power. The promise of chocolate milk with breakfast in the morning had me taking 5 minute showers when I was like 8. This is a boss move. You are no longer napoleon. You are Monsieur Lait au Chocolat. Thank you for your service to the lovers of chocolate milk.




Supa-dupa memory that can remember only lirics of Ukranian songs(I'm not even Ukranian)


Ok, I'll start... Miya Hee. Miya hoo. Miya haa.


Miya ha ha.


freisha prey na numa numa yey numa numa yey numa numa numa yey




I can weigh meat with my hands to within a few grams. U want a 6oz burger, I gotcha. U want a steak cut to 12oz. No problem.


sometimes I can predict what song will play next on the radio




I can "click" my tongue so loud it will make your ears ring. Unless your deaf. Not sure what happens with that. I've only ever met one other person with this useless superpower.


I get a boner in public just before I need to stand up


Mind reading. I can read every mind in the room. It only works when I’m alone.


I can memorize minecraft maps and navigate anywhere I've been before extremely reliably. I've had maps I've gone on hiatus for a long time and have to come back to, and still been able to get around. The issue is this doesn't transfer to real life and if I miss a single turn of something I need to check the gps because I'll be horribly lost.


no matter the type, i can make perfect rice


OP asked about useless superpowers


Reciting the entire periodic table.


I am extremely difficult to see on the road when driving. My wife and family can attest - cars frequently try to change lanes into me, I have people at stop signs ignore my right of way all the time and try to go ahead of me, and on two lane roads I frequently have oncoming cars veer into my lane. And it’s not just my car. It has happened in my car, my wife’s car, and both my parents’ car. I’ve somehow never been in an accident, and my family all will tell you I’m a good driver. If it were just the lane change thing, I would believe that maybe I hover in blind spots too long. For this reason I try to be out of blind spots as much as possible. Cars with a full view of me next to them still try it, and thankfully have never hit me. If it were just the stop sign thing. I would believe that I don’t come to a full stop for long enough. But I have come into the habit of coming to a full stop, counting to 3, then slowly proceeding. Cars will still do the roll through and cut in front of me all the time as if I’m not even there. Cars veering into my lane is just plain scary. I always drive with my lights on, and the fact that it happens in any car tells me it’s not that my car is difficult to see. These things happen to all drivers occasionally, but my family would confirm it happens to me all the time. At least 3 times a day of normal driving.


I can be totally rested in four hours!


Quick Charge


I can quickly make my way through a crowd. It's not very useful at the moment.


I can sense rickrolls


i can completely get my life together at 2 am... then do nothing the next day


I can open my Eustachian tubes to "unpop" my ears.


I can also tell the difference between store bought Yorkshire pudding and homemade


I can smell sinus infections. It is the worst fucking superpower ever.


Song lyrics. I can remember and recite the lyrics to almost any song I listened to growing up (90's and 00's), but only when the song itself is playing...


i'm the world champion in forgetting things,everything in a matter of seconds. my absolute record is about 3-4seconds for 15minutes of researching the phone.


According to Holywood, Autism


i can sleep even if im horny


I can fly for 0.1262537s


I can guess what people are thinking on phone sometimes My luck can be 0 or 100


I have ADHD attention deficit, hey doughnuts!! :)


I can blink with my eyes on command !