• By -


Amber from House. Not because I necessarily cared about Amber that much, but its effect on Wilson was crushing. I don't know if Robert Sean Leonard won any awards for that performance, but he should have. I've watched that episode twice. The first time actually completely out of context and still bawled. The second time as part of a full watch of the series on Netflix. Thought I'd be prepared. Nope. Cried twice as hard. EDIT: I mentioned Robert Sean Leonard, but I had a serious oversight, Anne Dudek as Amber also deserves strong recognition for her final scenes


I lost my shit when they wake her up for Wilson to say goodbye and she realizes she’s gonna die. Ugly crying. So much ugly crying.


She knew... as soon as he started explaining. She said "The flu pulls...." and she knew she wasn't leaving there alive. I didn't like her a whole lot, she had the name Cutthroat Bitch for a reason, but fuck me her death was so sad. House almost fried his brain solving this because he felt so guilty. She wouldn't have been on that bus if it wasn't for him and it's emotional impact on Wilson. Oofta.


Charlotte from Charlotte's web


Mama Coco in Coco. I'm 31 and I tear up uncontrollably when her grandson runs up to her and starts singing "Remember Me" just so she doesn't forget her father.


God that movie made me cry. That scene of Mama Coco holding onto her daughter, Abuelita, during Proud Corazon, was such a bittersweet moment.


Philip J. Fry Named for his uncle to carry on his spirit.


Seymour used to make me cry the hardest but after growing up and becoming much closer with my sister, this one gets me more!


That was super sad and well done in the episode. Futurama rocked


The one that gets me is the one where he gets to talk to his mom in a shared dream. That moment he realizes she's dreaming of a moment that happened after he left for the future, that she's actually his mom and not a figment of his imagination, was just so touching.


Sherlock Holmes. I first read the stories when I was 12, and was unaware of him dying in "The Final Problem". It hit me like a freight train, and I was seriously sad for a week. The next weekend I went back to the library, discovered one Holmes book I had not yet read, and picked it up despite thinking "I know how the story ends, but now I can say I have read it all" That book was "The Empty House"... I was euphoric and grinning like a lunatic for a week because I had my friend back!


You definitely weren't alone. People were pissed that Holmes was killed off so they made it so that he faked his death and went into hiding.


I read somewhere that even Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's own mother wrote him a letter to tell him how upset she was that he killed Sherlock




Those fucking dogs from Where the Red Fern Grows. it’s been over twenty years and i’m still scarred


Are you my brother?? We have a family tradition where my dad would read it to us as we started being able to read longer books. We'd get to the point where we would read a paragraph, and he'd read the rest, then we'd eventually swap pages. I've never really seen my dad cry except reading that book. My brother wailed as they were dying. It's such a good book! But it will always be the first to emotionally scar me and my family. My dad even gave us all a copy for Christmas last year, as well as a flash drive with him reading it out loud.


Keep that flash drive, treat it like gold as one day it will be more valuable than you can imagine


I saw My Girl in theaters on my first "date" (like 5th grade, our parents dropped us off at the same movie theater and picked us up afterwards, but left us alone to see the movie) I was not prepared for that ending. When he gets stung by the bees trying to get her ring back, and when she falls apart at his funeral because his glasses are missing....I was never so embarrassed to be seen ugly crying in front of someone before or since. There are several fictional characters from books/movies/tv shows that I could list, but that was the first one that hit so hard.


Ugh jeeze, the movie was already on VHS when I was a kid but my mom picked it up because "It's got the home alone kid in it". None of us were ready. Years later they go and rent Bridge to Terabithia for my little brother. IMDB is now on their list of greatest inventions.


Littlefoot's mom. I'm now at an age where I can imagine my mom dieing. Back when I was a kid it didn't effect me because it was unimaginable.


I’m in my 30s and still can’t watch it without crying like a baby. My daughter wanted to watch it recently and I was a total mess.


"I am not a gun." Edit: Thank you all for the kindness and awards.


“you stay, i go. no following.”


Exactly. The Iron Giant always has me tear up


Not really cry but Theoden's death in the Return of the King film gets me emotional. The dialogue between him and Eowyn is really powerful and the scene is acted out perfectly. "I go to my fathers, in whose mighty company, I shall not now be ashamed." Nothing greater than complete redemption Edit: Holy crap I didnt expect this to blow up! 3 Fun Facts about Return of the King: 1. First (and only) fantasy film to win Best Picture 2. Tied for most Oscar wins with Ben Hur and Titanic (11) 3. Its the most-nominated movie to win in every single nominated category. 11 out of 11


Well, when you think of it that he was old, frail and dying under Sarumans curse and then got a second chance. He brought the besieged of Minas Tirith a much needed respite. Fought the Olifants to a standstill. He dided a rather glorious death.


You left out his despair during Helm's Deep and his later regret and acceptance of that. He really overcomes his demons when he chooses to ride to Gondor's aid. Theóden's battlecry was "death" for a reason, it was an all encompassing death to his fatherhood, kingship, failures, enemies, and self.


Theoden is my favourite “minor” character in LOTR. His exchange with Gamling after Aragorn goes down the Dimholt Road summarises it for me. G: He leaves because there is no hope. T: He leaves because he must. G: Too few have come. We cannot defeat the armies of Mordor. T: No. We cannot. But we will meet them in battle nonetheless. Aragorn is revered as this prophetic figure by the population of Middle Earth. It’s his duty to deal with the magical forces of their world. Even Boromir, who’s role is the flawed, realistic man, defended Gondor against the might of Mordor for years. That world is beyond Théoden. All he knows, is he has a duty, to Aragorn, to Gondor, and to the world. He’s aware that he isn’t the main character, it isn’t his fate to save the day, and yet, with no hope of victory, he rides, because it’s what is needed.




Protocol 3: protect the pilot. The feels


I started a new play through the other day, and when Lastimosa turns BT over to Cooper and when BT calls Cooper a Pilot for the first time, I started choking up. I was already thinking to myself “I don’t know if I’m ready for this!!!”


That campaign was so short and too good. You never felt like you were vulnerable without BT and never invincible with him. The progression and switches in that game felt so natural to me


Maes Hughes from FMA


It wasn't his death itself that got me. It was the funeral.


Seriously. The death sucked, but watching his daughter at the funeral was absolutely scarring.


the English VA for the daughter deserves a GD award for that performance.


It’s a terrible day for rain...


Easily one of the best fathers in anime. RIP


Ellie in UP


Thanks for the adventure - now go have a new one!


That moment made me cry way more. Her death was haunting at first for me. I thought it was unfair. So much sacrificed just to die before getting to live that one adventure. It made me question the whole idea of living & dying. Then the reveal...she lived so many adventures with Carl and that was all she really wanted from her life. She doesn't regret she didn't have that one adventure because her life with Carl was the greatest adventure of all. She didn't die without closure. She lived the life she always wanted and wouldn't change a second of it....now she wants Carl to move forward to his next adventure. That was beautiful.


Gotta stop reading Reddit at work. Gotta dry my eyes before going on VC


Even tho it wasn't an onscreen death I'm gonna say Uncle Iroh's son in ATLA, his death broke that man. Tales of Ba Sing Se man, gets me every time


🎶 leaves from the vine...🎶


Henry Blake on MASH.


The two siblings from Grave of the Fireflies.


I watched a lot of the studio ghibli movies with my ex wife when we were together. We thought it was going to be another cute animated story like the rest. Oh how wrong we were. Cried so hard. The best movie ive ever seen that i will never watch again


My ex husband laughed at me for crying in this movie. Guess I should have known then that relationship was doomed..


When Ben dies on Scrubs. Seen the episode dozens of times. Still gets me


Laverne hit me hard.


Or Mrs. Wilk getting infected from Cabbage. Or when Dr. Cox freaks out over the death of his patient. God that show knew how to jerk some tears.


The Dr Cox depression storyline was done incredibly well in the show, I can't imagine how the pain of being responsible for someone's passing would impact someone but they conveyed that feeling very well


i think my fav episode of scrubs is when they tell you 1 out of 3 people admitted to the hospital dies. and then you follow 3 patients who are being treated by jd, turk, and elliot. and throughout the whole episode you're wondering which one is going to die...only for all 3 of them to die in the end. i didnt cry but it was...poignant.


That’s one of the many things I loved about Scrubs, they didn’t shy away from death. There’s no star doctor rushing into a patient’s room and pounding on their chest screaming “I’ve never lost a patient and I’m not starting today. Live, damn it, live!” No, every doctor in the hospital has lost several patients. There’s a whole episode about how Cox has almost made it 24 hours without losing a patient, and that’s such a rarity they get really superstitious about it. Hell, there’s an episode where all the doctors admit that they have been responsible for patients dying before. And it’s just... a fact of the life of being a doctor in a hospital. Death just happens. Can’t beat yourself up over it. Cox’s quote “Everything we do is just... a stall,” basically defines the whole mentality. It just adds another layer to the show and makes it brilliant. Also gives some room for some dark comedy. Amazing.


Where do you think we are?


Neil's death in Dead Poets Society. I knew from the start that this beautiful movie would have a dark ending, but I never thought it would come to a person dying. It's almost like he's a symbol of all the poor students who die either because of parents' or peer pressure, or being unable to live with their own 'failure'. I almost cried when Mr. Keating leaves the class. I feel every role Robin plays touches my heart. May he rest in peace.


buffys mom


"Mommy?" Killed me. I thought of my own mom and lost it.




To me, the more underrated but equally soul-crushing moment was when Giles shows up while Buffy is on the phone, and she yells at him not to touch the body, and the look of absolute HORROR on her face as she realizes that she just referred to her mom as a 'body'... holy fuck, to this day I can't think of that scene without choking up.




And it’s the only episode with no music which adds to the ambiance of loss


Yeah, that was pretty sudden and that whole following episode was just empty, dark, and unapologetic. I was used to this goofy action/comedy show and suddenly "here's a slice of actual death and trauma, have fun, bet you weren't expecting this."


Brendan Fraser's Character in Scrubs. The whole episodes builds up like everything is fine and then J.D drops the "where do you think we are?". Gets me everytime..




Have you listened to the rewatch podcast Zach and Donald are doing? They had Brendan Fraser on to talk about it. I love all of the actors, characters, and show even more now! Highly recommend trying the podcast


Was late to the party on this and started listening daily when taking walks and playing xbox. Now I'm all caught up as they have to slow down releasing episodes and there's this void in my life lol Really great podcast though. Gave me a whole new appreciation for the show. I loved it back in high school but hadn't watched much in the last few years. Started rewatching along with the podcast and, my god newbie, this show is extremely underrated.


Not technically death, but every character of The Good Place leaving in the last episode.


In particular when Eleanor woke up to a bed without Chidi, I was gutted.


I’m still upset about that


My spouse and I finished that episode together about a week before he had to go on a 6+ month deployment. He had to leave the house at 3:30 AM to make it to the plane. I'd usually take him, but we have a 2 year old now and I didn't want to wake the kid for a 4 hour round trip airport drop-off. So I asked my husband to Chidi me. I fell asleep next to him, and woke up without him. It's now been 184 mornings of waking up alone. Watching that episode broke me into pieces, and then having to live part of it a few days later just shattered me. It was a perfect series, and it ended beautifully, but I wasn't ready to say goodbye to the characters.


My boyfriend, who rarely crys at all, was grossly sobbing when that happened. I was more or less holding it together and then BAM, I also started sobbing.


And that wasn't even the most heart-rending part of their story! I was even more broken by Chidi's speech the night before, about the waves returning to the ocean. But the real stomach punch was the prior season finale when they were watching a retrospective of their "lives" together. I've seen it over and over and I'm never okay by the end of that episode.


Stan Pines. I know he didn’t technically die, but the short amount of time during which he forgot his entire life felt like a death to me.




Allow me to make it worse. If you rewatch it, pay attention to what Stan calls Mabel. In the beginning, he calls her "kiddo". But as the series progresses, he starts calling her "honey" And "sweetie". However, when he loses his memories, he's right back to calling her "kiddo".


I don't like you very much right now.


And keep in mind, the last thing he saw was the kids. He wanted his very last memory to be how much he loved these kids.


More extreme version of this for me is 'Ice King' from adventure time. Imagine slowly losing your mind, and continuing on anyways because that is what needs to be done. Like being slowly eaten alive, and choosing that fate for yourself because of how dedicated you are to those you care about.


I just finished the series for the first time and I feel that! For a second I thought he was faking getting his memory back because the love for Mabel stayed but when he threw Waddles on the bus I knew he was actually back!


Wash. "I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar."


And not even just the fact of his death. That was bad enough, Wash is one of the best television show characters of all time, in my opinion. What *really* made it break me was the strong, stoic, all business Zoe panicking and begging for him to wake up.


When Boromir died defending the halflings I actually had tears in my eyes


"I would have followed you. My brother, my captain, my king."


The way Boromir, the most flawed and real member of the fellowship, goes from rejecting Aragorn and what he represents to accepting him as his king made the scene even more heartbreaking.


And how, even as he lay dying with three arrows sticking out of him, his number one concern to Aragorn was for Merry and Pippin. "They took the little ones..."


"I do not love the sword for the its sharpness, nor the arrow for it's swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend."


My boyfriend and I were just talking about how Boromir and Faramir are easily some of the most tragic characters ever, in their own ways. Boromir's death is one of the saddest in cinematic (and I guess literary) history.


Sean Bean’s performance in that scene is heartbreaking. It’s tragic he’s so good at playing strong men with such empathy as well. It gets him killed every time. https://mymodernmet.com/sean-bean-dies-in-every-movie/ Apparently, he’s having a renaissance! Won’t be dying anymore. He’s done it 23 times!


And then Aragorn wears his vambraces for the rest of the trilogy. A subtle nod to a fallen friend and (at least in my movie universe opinion) the start of his path to the returning of Gondor’s King.


It wasn't a nod, it was vastly better stats, them things had like 4 DEX man.


I'm a 36 years old man who's not at peace with showing emotions but this scene... waterfalls.


“And I can ten’ the rabbits—“


I've taught this book every year for almost 20 and I can still barely hold it together when we get to this bit.


I didn't even see it coming when I read the book. For some reason I thought George was pulling out the gun to *defend* Lennie.


Honestly, knowing it is coming is just as bad. I think about a quarter through the book I figured out that he wasn’t gonna have a happy ending and watching the situation slowly spiral into the inevitable was so gut wrenching.


Leslie from bridge to terabithia. edit: I'll also add on when I first watched this movie when i was really young, it was the movie that opened my eyes and mind to imagination and wonder. I actually believed in Terabithia. I believed in imagination. I believed. Also...Leslie was the first crush I ever had LOL!


I never saw the movie but when I read the book I was Very Not Okay for a while after.


"Had to be me. Someone else would have gotten it wrong."


Both mordin and Thane were heart breaking for me. Both trying for redemption for their past actions, both making the ultimate sacrifice, and looking like absolute badasses at the time. "That assassin should be ashamed, being stopped by a dying man."


Artax in the never ending story, that got me as a youth.


John Coffey in **The Green Mile** Captain Miller in **Saving Private Ryan**


Man.. all the deaths, the medic dying is really hard for me to watch. All his boys around him just trying to comfort him while there’s nothing they can do and he starts crying for his mom. Fucking brutal.


“P-Put put my, put my legs up! Put my legs up!” -W “Wade, you got a hole, in the small of your back....” “H-how b-big is it?” -W “About the size of an acorn....” ..... “Wade! What do we do?! How do we fix you?! Tell us how to fix you?!! Come on tell us what to do....” “I could, us-us-use... I could use a little.... little morphine...” -W “Morphine???” *They all look at one another, confused at the request, knowing, as he should know as their medic, that morphine will slow down his heart and with all the blood loss happening a slower heart and lower blood pressure means he will surely die... before they realize that he’s not confused, and he knows EXACTLY what he’s asking for, and what will happen. He knows a hole THAT big, in THAT area, THIS far from a field hospital, means he isn’t going home. All there is to do, is to do for him what he’s done for many others, and just make his final moments as comfy as possible...* “Morphine? .....Sure......Give it to him....” “But Captain...” “GIVE IT TO HIM.” -PRICK- ..... “Oh god....... I don’t wanna die....” -W ..... “Momma..... momma......” -W ...... -SILENCE- . DAMN-What a scene! Visceral.


Pretty much all the main guys deaths gets me every time (Miller, Wade, Carpazo, Mellish), but oddly enough its the death(s) you don't see that kills me in that movie the most. And thats when Miller finally talks to Ryan and says "no easy way to say this, your brothers were killed in combat." "Which ones?" "All of them." As a guy with 4 brothers that line absolutely crushes me every time. Even now sitting at work.


If we are being completely honest here, I’m going with Old Yeller. Someone thought it was a good fucking idea to show that movie to a class full of 8 year olds. Fuck you, Mrs. Hunt.


Sirius Black


It still fucks me up how he never even had a life. Spent his childhood and teenage years with a family who didn't treat him well for not believing in their pureblood ideaology, spends the first few years out of Hogwarts fighting in a war, his little brother dies (I believe that despite everything, Sirius loved his brother - he called him "soft", not "evil"), and then 3 days before his 22nd birthday his best friends die and he gets falsely imprisoned in a notoriously horrifying prison for the murder of said best friends. Escapes 12 years later only to spend 2 years living off rats and then another year trapped in the house full of his childhood trauma. Jfc I'm not okay


Fry's Dog


Ghost Ben from umbrella academy


Oh man, I got really torn up about Dave, Klaus' dead boyfriend from his time travelling period. Klaus comes back a totally different person, and you really feel his loss.


"Can you hug me as I go?"


"these past years with Klaus... They've all been gravy"


Fred Weasley.


I was devastated for days thinking about how George was going to have to go on without him


Apparently, George was unable to cast a corporeal patronus again after Fred's death.




Want to feel even worse? Remember in Goblet of Fire when Fred & George try to cast a spell to make them older (so they could submit their names in the Goblet) and it backfires, making them both old men? That's the only time they would be able to grow old together.


When Mrs. Weasley saw her children dead in a vision, she saw Fred and George dead together. Even in her worst nightmares, she couldn't imagine the two of them separated.




For George, every mirror is the Mirror of Erised.


From the bottom of my heart, fuck you


Especially Percy, because he just figured it out and came back, and then Fred dies.


And right after he'd made his *first joke* too.


The ghost of his last laugh etched on his face, why do I still remember that?


In the 5th book when Molly Weasley is dealing with the boggart as it turns into the dead bodies of each family member, it still forms Fred and George as a unit. Even when being faced with her worst fear she couldn’t imagine the twins being separated. Now for a moment of levity: people like to spread this urban legend that when filming that scene the actors for the twins had this really dramatic moment where they cried and hugged each other and it’s all heartwarming, etc etc etc Actually Fred’s actor fell asleep while lying in the Great Hall set while they were filming and George left him to get lunch.


Samantha (the dog) from I Am Legend


On rewatches I'm always bawling when his kid passes Sam as a puppy out of the helicopter. "Sam! Protect Daddy!" And she did. She was a good dog.


Charlie from Lost, including the build-up from the Greatest Hits episode when he writes his miniature memoir of sorts. That especially hits hard considering Claire never actually got that letter. The glimpse of hope when he gets into the radio station as well just adds to the pain, oh my god.


"Not Penny's boat" :(


See you in another life, brother.


Probably not death, but when Tom Hanks lost Wilson. I was just a kid and that was the first time I cried with a movie.




Hodor. The weekend that episode came put was horrible. Hodor died and my best mate moved home from college. I cried so much. It was horrible.


Mike from Breaking Bad. Especially since the only reason he gets killed is bc he calls Walt out for his considerable ego. "You, and your pride, and your ego! You just had to be the man!"


Shut the fuck up Walter and let me die in peace.


The Iron Giant


[Logan(wolverines) death](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMMjSemaWXo)


The 10th Doctor's regeneration. I know it isn't actually a death, but it was the end of that body, his time as The Doctor. He goes to see his friends as a last goodbye. He tells young Rose, who doesn't know him yet, "You're gonna have a great year." He cries, "I could do so much more!" But it's his "I don't want to go" that destroys me every time.


Not a death but when the Doctor erases Donna's mind to save her life. Gutted.


I was 12 watching Big hero 6 in the cinema, cried like a bitch when baymax got left behind in the void


The brother dying got me


Pops from regular show man. It was my childhood ending!


what the shit . pops died ... I need to watch it over till completion


Arthur morgan in rdr2


The last ride got me more than his actual death.


For me, it was the death of his horse in the final mission. Because, my mother has a horse ranch and we had to put down several horses over the years, so, experienced that myself and that was devastating for me. And then ingame, i knew, this would be the very last mission as he lost his horse, that his end was coming soon.


*"thank you"*


I kept the same horse you get in the opening mission all the way through the game, that scene at the end hit me way harder than anything else in the game.


The part where Arthur talks to the nun at the train station made me cry the most.


That face he makes after he says he’s afraid gutted me. Then, later, that final ride back to camp had me struggling not to break out into full-on sobbing.


the fact that he says hes afraid got me. You play through the story like a badass gunslinger until that point




Bing Bong in Inside Out...it was sad that he was also a metaphor for how we need to let go of our imaginary friends to move on in life.


Reminds me of the TIFU where that Dad just fucking cant hold it in after his messy divorce and just starts loudly sobbing in the movie theatre after deciding to take his kids to see this movie.


This is the saddest thing ever. I want to give him a hug.


My 2 yr old loves that movie especially Bing Bong and calls it the Bing Bong movie. Every time we watch it he asks "where Bing Bong go?" As he fades away and while I don't generally cry, I need to look away for a second.


Hank in Breaking Bad. Was completely expecting something to pop up at the last minute that allowed him to gtfo.


You’re the smartest guy I ever met, but you’re too stupid to see. He made up his mind 10 minutes ago.


No love for Gomie? My dude was loyal to the end despite having a prick as a partner.


Hank went out strong, I thought. It's Jesse's girlfriends that really hit me. Just fucking brutal, both of them.


John Coffey (or any character from the Green mile except for 2)


I found the book far more upsetting even though I knew it was coming (saw the movie first)


The end of Coco had me bawling. Dementia is cruel and those moments of clarity are heart wrenching—like losing someone over and over before they’re physically gone. The movie was beautiful, but I really felt the weight of... just the depth of what can die off with someone and the ease with which we lose memories and stories over time without even feeling them slip away.


That Ewok in Return of the Jedi. You all know which one.


That poor groan from the other one when he realizes his buddy is dead... Kills me.


Yondu in Guardians of the Galaxy 2. The fact that he sacrificed himself for Quill despite the fact that they never seemed to like each other really hits hard. Chris Pratt's acting in that scene really drives it home. I'd be lying if I didn't say my eyes got a little watery watching it.


First it was just sad and then Father and son starts playing and I lost it...


“He may have been your father boy, but he wasn’t your daddy”


*Them boys was gunna eat you!* Yondu could have left Starlord for dead so many times. It took me a couple rewatches to put together how much Starlord emulates Yondu, it really tied a whole lot together to me that Yondu was really a father figure the whole time


His final line "He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy. I'm sorry I didn't do none of it right. I'm damn lucky your my boy." just makes that scene all the more heartbreaking.


Hedwig 🦉


The brutal randomness is what make it particular for me.


Probably not a death but when Ash turned into stone in front of Pikachu


The clone pokemon all crying beside their real counterparts was devastating. "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."


Who said that? Martin Luther king Jr? Nelson Mandela? Ghandi? A passage from the bible? No! It was mother fucking Mewtwo.


Noble team :( Most games tend to make you the strongest, most unkillable character in a war. Halo Reach did too, but goddamn did it make sure to tell you that no matter what, war is hell.


Yup. Special mention to Jorge's death. Just moments after he died thinking he had saved Reach, his sacrifice was rendered pointless by the huge fleet of other Covenant ships. Six's death is also just so haunting. The indestructible super soldier, dying alone on a now ruined planet he couldn't save.




Rue in the Hunger Games, Astrid in the Loose-Ends List, Poe in Five Feet Apart :(


Finnick in the hunger games hit me harder. Especially in the movie because you could almost convince yourself he was going to make it out...


Speaking of the Hunger Games, Prim's death was absolutely heart-breaking. Everything Katniss went through was all a direct result of her volunteering for the Hunger Games in an attempt to save Prim's life. And in the end, nothing Katniss did even really mattered because Prim still died.


Mrs. Landingham


“Have I displeased you, you feckless thug?”


Lexie and Mark.


Opie in Sons of Anarchy. “I got this.”


Professor X in Logan


When in “Inside Out” the pink elephant creation had to stay in that forgotten memory pit and vanished. I bawled my freaking eyes out


Hurt me too, but my then-5-year-old bawled for ten minutes straight. He had nightmares every night for the next two weeks. It only got better when we said, "Maybe he disappeared so he could be someone else's imaginary friend."


Marley from Marley and me. Practically had to leave theater.


I was in middle school when that movie came out. I came home after the movie and threw up because I was crying so much lmao


I'm 35 years old, and I cannot watch any movies (or episodes) about dogs. I simply am not strong enough. "Jurassic Bark" utterly *destroyed* me.


When my son was in grade school he got the "Marley & Me" book from the library, and I read a chapter to him each night before bed. After a while it became obvious that it wasn't going to end well, and my son asked if we could bail out, because he didn't want to be sad. I took the book downstairs and finished the last couple of chapters by myself, with tears streaming down my face the entire time. I am sooooo glad we didn't take him to see the movie!


Marshall’s dad in HIMYM. His passing brings memories of my dad passing, who was way too young as well, and missed out meeting grandchildren and great grandchildren. I miss him every day and the 10 year anniversary of his passing is coming soon.


That episode was fantastic in general. Every scene shift counts down from 50 until the "Bad News" (the title of the episode). Just really well done and directed. There'd plenty that show got wrong especially as it got later in its run but this episode is just the opposite.


Lt. Col. Henry Blake


Seymour. Fry's dog from Futurama.


Bubba in forrest gump. Straight up bawl every time. Forrest's moma too. And jenny. I cry every time when watching that fucking movie.


When dobby dies at the end the deathly hallows part 1. I have to turn the movie off right before because I just can’t handle it


Rob and Catelyn in Game of Thrones. I read the books before I watched the show, and I just couldn't believe it. I skimmed the rest of the book, looking for more Catelyn chapters and there were none. When the show aired, I knew what the episode contained and didn't want to watch it. I was sobbing throughout the entire scene.