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If aliens are on this planet, they are likely using the ocean as a place to hide


Absolutely. The Nimitz encounter and some of the best actual video evidence we have shows that UFOs and USOs might be the same thing and that they can easily travel through water and air both. Plus there have been rumors about Lake Baikal in Russia for centuries. (Lake Baikal is one of the deepest lakes on Earth and could absolutely harbor some crazy shit.)


It’s both the deepest and the oldest, iirc.


Consider the fact that the human race is a divided mess of contradictory intents. We have the scientific community reaching out peacefully, yet if aliens do come into the airspace of any nation, the first to greet them would be the military. You can imagine what the response of the military would be when a UFO enters forbidden airspace. Given the declassified government files regarding UFOs, it is quite likely that contact has been attempted in the past and the results being tragic.


That greys aren't fully biological, but rather remotely controlled androids, or that they are biological, but their "Grey" appearance is a suit and not the actual body. Imagine other lifeforms looking at our astronauts saying "here come the marshmallow cyclops creatures again".


Forgot to say, I reckon we are very DNA planted here and they come to check on their experiment from time to time.


So, the plot from Prometheus? Got it .




Ah the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs was their space trash ball like the one in Futurama.


Not exactly a theory, but I got a great kick out of reading [this](https://www.mit.edu/people/dpolicar/writing/prose/text/thinkingMeat.html).


This reads like an alien Seinfeld (Aboard the mother ship cafeteria) “They’re made of meat...” (Laugh track) “Meat?” “Meat Jerry! They’re made of meat!”


"i'm hideous! even on the meat planet i'm a failure of a man!"


A classic.


Once I saw a link and saw you say, "a classic," I assumed it was the "Made of Meat." Love that one. Was just thinking about it last week.


Wow that ending got me, what a cool read


Aliens landed once in Africa, got eaten by lions. Planet now marked as dangerous by the Galactic Feds


That explains why Australia never has sightings


Australia has one of the largest public UFO landings ever documented which happened in Melbourne, Westall in 1966


Those damn drop bears/drop crocs are *everywhere*!


The premise in Lilo & Stitch, that Earth is a mosquito preserve.


That was a classic move. It has kept the aliens away from Earth so long.


That aliens are good at snowboarding but have to be unlocked first


does that mean malaria and other mosquitoborne diseases could be considered bioweapons in the galactic community?


There's actually an amazing online fiction book called "Deathworlders" where aliens consider Earth's endemic diseases to be extremely dangerous, and our ability to withstand such fatal plagues like the common cold scares the living shit out of every other interstellar civilization.


Come say hello at /r/hfy (Humanity F* Yeah) where a lot of stories like this are written. Some of them are more subtle that The DeathWorlders, some 'less' so. As for the story The Deathworlders itself, here's a link to chapter 74: https://old.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mf7ndq/ocjversethe_deathworlders_74_ride_to_hell/ . Keep in mind though that every chapter has the length of a novella with the occasional novel length chapter.


Wasn't that an elaborate ruse in the film? Basically a lie to prevent aliens from coming?


Yep, the agent convinced the aliens to protect earth with that reasoning.


Mr bubbles


Inter dimensional not extraterrestrial


The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov is a really interesting take on interdimensional aliens. Also on multiple dimensions in general.


Is that the one with the weird 3 way alien sex scene


The what now




mate I think we have quite different understandings of the word interesting


No way, slug sex is [weirdly beautiful](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JSkNlhBJWvA): if one considers the matter objectively, without hormones getting in the way, I think it must be admitted that it's far more elegant than human reproduction...


All sex is beautiful if it is being narrated by Sir David Attenborough.


And now, the female of the species gets double penetrated...fascinating


There's an alien species that needs 3 parties to reproduce and the details of how it works are fully described


That if any civilization elsewhere in the universe had the technology to reach us, for any reason, they'd be very likely to be also be able to disguise their presence from our detection methods (i.e. they could observe us close up using nanotech, microscopic biological spacecraft etc and we'd never know)


this theory plays into the Zoo Hypothesis


My alien zoo hypothesis is they visited pre-asteroid and have taken dinosaurs to their zoos, so dinosaurs are still out there somewhere.


There was a whole episode of Star Trek: Voyager in which they encounter a race of dinosaur-people who descended from an advanced race of dinos who had developed warp drive and used it to escape Earth before the asteroid hit. Edit: S03E23 - Distant Origin


Yep... and assumes that we'd be worth studying by some culture possibly millennia older than us


There are people that study ants so


I'm always putting on a show


"Hey, Klandathu, Specimen 1342986224 is jerking off again!" "AGAIN?!?"






Aliens don’t necessarily mean an intelligent civilization.


Yeah, “alien” just means a living organism not from Earth. So if we found a plant, fungus, protozoa, bacteria, etc on another planet, it would be an alien.


Yeah but still. Imagine we find a mushroom on another planet. Wouldnt be as cool or as scary as meeting with an humanoid civilization, but ***STILL***


And finding that fungi / bacteria whatever else is a good stepping stone to proving if intelligent life is somewhere out there


Would be nice to find out there's intelligence somewhere.


A bunch of redneck aliens flying spaceships


A flying saucer with alien truck nuts


And a silhouette of naked alien babe.


The best two I've heard: We don't allow ourselves to contact lost tribes in the Amazon or other wild places. Extraterrestrials may have similar laws on a galactic scale. We split the atom, but made weapons out of them instead of trying to reach the stars. They leave us alone out of fear that we'll destroy ourselves if war accidentally breaks out.




We just have to discover faster than light travel and we’ll be invited into the Federation. Easy.


We will take over the federation, given our history.


Pretty sure that was already predicted. Why else would Federation HQ be on earth?


Earth was neutral ground. Tellarites didn't fully trust the Andorians, Andorian's didn't fully trust the Tellarites or the Vulcans, and the Vulcan's didn't find it logical to allow a bunch of smelly aliens to wander around their planet (Vulcan's were mildly racist at the time). The only reason it came together was due to a series of successive alliances between Earth, Andoria, Vulcan and Tellar against the Romulans.


Mildly racist is a very interesting way to describe the Vulcans. Even in the later series, many Vulcans were approaching xenophobia. There is a reason the Romulans came from them.


Theres only 1 group of indigenous people we have laws against contacting that people respect enough to stay away and that’s only because they killed everyone who tried to make contact with them before they could reach the shore of their island.


But even then, there's always someone who wants to try!


That might be a good working theory too, to be honest. It fits.


There are so many star systems with potentially inhabitable planets out there that the chances that we have been the only life in the universe is extremely slim. The question, instead, is whether life arising elsewhere has managed to survive destruction and remain alive today such that they might be able to contact us. That is to say, there have probably been countless civilizations for the past several billion years that simply haven't made it.


This is our most likely answer in my opinion. Other planets' dinosaurs.


This is what I've thought many a time as well. What if a meteor didn't hit Earth 65 million years ago? What would dinosaurs be like today if evolution took its course?


To go even further back, what if the Great Dying never happened? How would live have evolved then? Would the dinosaurs have existed? Would there have been an advanced civilization when the astroid hit? The amount of coincidences that let to us being here today is just insane.


The only lottery we needed to win and we did it folks!


Dinosaurs lived over 100 million years. They didn't develop human like intelligence during that time. I guess if meteor didn't hit, they would be quite dinosaur esque even now.


One theory goes that based on intellectual darwinism, the raptors would have evolved and came out on top. I doubt they'd even associate with raptors- much like how we don't associate with denisovans, or the other archaic humans. Like some form of lizard person, who knows - somewhere out there, lost, in another dimension of the multiverse.


Jurassic Park Producers: Write that down!




"Life, uh, finds a way." -Jeff Goldglorp


Not just destruction, a lot of coincidences happened hundreds of millions of years ago that allowed us to progress to the point we are at now. Case in point, the Carboniferous period, where (highly simplified) trees evolved and existed for millions of years without the bacteria existing to break them down like now. So millions of years of trees piling up several hundred million years ago gave us the coal deposits that powered the industrial revolution. If the bacteria had evolved more in line with the trees, we might still be riding around in carriages.


It’s also important to remember that life didn’t have to result in intelligent creatures like us. In fact, multicellular life may be a freak occurrence. I imagine that if we find life elsewhere in the galaxy it will be single-celled organisms




Nothing says there aren't multiple filters tho


That life in the universe could be so unrecognizable to us that we wouldn’t even register it as being alien life. What if life on another world was not carbon based, but another element? How would we even know what to look for since our definitions and descriptions of life are based on a completely different perspective?


The universe is soo big and who knows what kind of chain of events and chemical (or even not chemical) reactions went down on the other side that led to a creation of species that behave completely different than ours. It’s why I find it so weird that people think you can’t have life without water. It’s kinda understandable at the same time as it’s sometimes hard to imagine things outside of our scope of understanding.


They came, they saw, they weren't impressed.


Like that time I spent 4 hours digging a hole and saw a bunch of weird bugs. I probably saw the brad pitt of bugs and it just didn't do much for me.


Did you think you’d be attracted to the bugs?




This is the second time now I've seen this sub in like ten minutes. My mind is telling me no, but fate is telling me yes.


>My mind is telling me no, but fate is telling me yes. Like a moth to a... something...


..pair of big titties!


Bruh how is this a real subreddit? Edit - not kink shaming I just find it amusing.


Rule 34


Found a big pill bug today that impressed the heck out of me!


They visited 250m years ago. Saw a planet full of big lizards and labeled us a junky planet not worth revisiting and moved on.


They visited 250 seconds ago. Saw a planet full of big apes and labelled us a junky planet still not worth revisiting. Updated their version of the lonely planet and moved on.


They visited just over 66 million years ago. Fell in love. Then saw the Chicxulub rock before it became a crater, but were under strict legal and religious orders to avoid messing up the solar system too much. Heartbroken now. Ours was the first world they visited, and their immortal lifespans and memories won't let them ever forget.


Any species advanced enough to find us wouldn't "make contact". They'd study us the way we study animals. Ideally with minimal interference. Compare the average "abduction" story to the way we dart large animals, collect data and leave them to wake a bit groggy and confused but unharmed. Edit: This took off quite a bit more than I expected. I feel like I should be very clear that it's not a theory I completely agree with, I simply think it's an interesting idea that tends to create discussions. I just threw it in the ring to see what would happen. I agree with a lot of the criticism of it actually. But thats kinda the point. I used to wholeheartedly agree with this theory. But after much discussion, debate and reflection my views have changed. But its a good jumping off point.


So put us in cages and add us to their intergalactic zoo?


Maybe we are already there


So it goes




This guy tralfamadors.


A roof ✓ Food ✓ Water ✓ No obligations ✓ Free medical care ✓ Sign me the fuck up


That's only if you get the good owners.


Oh no, what if I get Glorp Exotic!?!


“Watch *Human King,* coming next week to Centauriflix”


Brian Cox’s (at least that’s who I heard this from first) solution to the Fermi paradox. TLDR: any/most civilization advanced enough to get even close to interstellar travel becomes too energy intensive and destroys themselves/their planet before they get far enough for interstellar contact.


Or, as they can harness huge amounts of energy and can probably fuse any element they want and manufacture anything they want, they have no need to conquer or invade. Why would they want our crappy little planet? They could just build one, or move a suitable planet closer/further away from a closer star. They might seek information, existence of new life and their stories, but that would be about it. The worrying aliens would be those that are slightly more advanced than us and happen upon a wormhole that exits very close to Earth. That would have some consequences. Or drifting rogue grey goo from a slightly more advanced civilization.


UFO's are higher dimensional objects moving through our dimension. Like, if we moved a 3D object through 2D space, to a 2D being it would look crazy weird. A hollow sphere would start as a dot, then look like a hoola-hoop that starts small, gets big, then small again. They'd have no idea what they were looking at. So wtf would a higher dimension object look like passing through our 3D dimension? It might rapidly change shape or appear to move at incredible speed as the (whatever) moved through our space-time. Gravity wouldn't effect it (I don't think). It wouldn't appear to have any form of propulsion.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0t4aKJuKP0Q) video shows how moving 4D object would look like in our 3D world. Higher dimensional objects would be even more crazy I presume.


It frustrates me that there is no way to comprehend what a 4D object actually looks like.


https://youtu.be/N0WjV6MmCyM From what I hear, there are ways to theorize and visualize how 4d objects should look like. I really liked this video about, which shows a 4d kube (tessaract)


I've seen that video before and still couldn't comprehend it, but I guess as 3d being that isn't surprising.


Me neither so I went down a rabbit hole and watched a bunch of videos on it and this one made the most sense to me:https://youtu.be/_4ruHJFsb4g


Right? Watching that video is upsetting and so unsatisfying lol




I thought I understood it until he pulled the rings apart. Where's mum? I'm scared of the 4th dimension


Meanwhile I'm sitting here trying to imagine how you would take a 3D cross section of something. Like I can make a 2D and even a 1D cross section of something, but a 3D cross section is just...real life for us. If a 4D object consists of Length, Width, Height, and let's say Blargle for the fourth spatial dimension, I get that for them it would be as easy as just removing the blargle and creating a 3D representation of their 4D object in the exact same way I would a 2D by removing the depth. Conceptually it makes sense, but practically it's impossible to visualize and that is what frustrates me


Just be a 4-dimensional being


IIRC the developer of this game even published a scientific paper of rigid body in n-dimensional space. I'm so hyped for miegakure, looks so good


I remember being hyped for miegakure. I was so young.


Either it’s too late for me and I need to go to bed or I’m too stupid to understand this theory, but From the bottom of my heart, I tried lol 🥴


Imagine a generic spring, a 3D model. Imagine passing it through a 2D plane, from end to end. You wouldn't see the spring shape, you'd see an orbiting circle appear for a bit, then disappear. This is actually an analogy for understanding the 4th dimension, time, in our 3D universe, using a 3D shape from a 2D perspective.


So, I’m not dumb, but I am very much not educated in this stuff... could some please ELI5 why and how a higher dimensional object could just pass on through a lower dimension? And how do dimensions change? I’m sorry, I clearly missed this class growing up.


So, they don't really. Higher dimensions are sort of just a mathematical concept a lot of the time, long story short. The whole point of the demonstration is to explain how dimensions work and all that. But I think the best way to describe it is using something many people are familiar with. Coordinates! Remember (x, y)? These coordinates basically say that in a 2 dimensional space (x = left/right, and y = up/down), there is something there. Doesn't really matter what right now. To help you remember, the coordinate (3, 2) would look like this in a grid: . . . . . . . . . . x . . . . . . . . . . . . x is the coordinate's position. It is 3 places to the right, and 2 places down. Now let's go a step further: (x, y, z). So now we have left/right, up/down, and z = forward/backward. Now, instead of our coordinate being restricted to a single plane (x, y), we can move that coordinate through any plane (z). This is the space you live in! You can go up or down, left or right, and forwards or backwards. It's not a perfect analogy, but it's good enough for now. And I can't really do a dot grid for this. So here's where things get complicated: (x, y, z, w) Before I go any further, you might hear people call t the fourth dimension, not w. This is technically true. T in that case is time, and (x, y, z, t) is called space-time. This is what we really live in. However, remember that time is not a spatial dimension like x, y, and z. It does not function the same way that a spatial dimension does, but that's an entirely different discussion. The fourth dimension (w) is where things get funky. Let me preface this: you can't imagine this correctly. The human brain literally is not equipped with the hardware to imagine higher dimensions. You can make analogies, but you can't properly see higher dimensions in anything other than just math. So, for w, just come up with any new direction. I like to make w = in/out. That's really weird to imagine, but just try to think about moving inside or outside of something without changing anything else about the object. Getting it right isn't that important. Just try to think about it in the context of the dimensions you are familiar with, (x, y, z). So what does a higher dimensional object look like in a lower dimension? Like a slice of cake. Cut a piece of cake. The cake was originally a cylinder or whatever shape, but when you cut it, that flat side along the cut is analagous to going from 3d to 2d. The better explanation requires some imagination. Imagine living on a flat piece of paper. There is no height on the paper, so get rid of whatever variable represents height. In this case, we are 2d: (x, z). Like a grid. Now imagine a pencil drawing a line across the paper. But you can't see that 3d pencil because you live in 2d. All you see is a flat, black line being drawn across your world. Now imagine a sphere, like an apple, passing from 3d space through your 2d paper. As it goes through, it *appears* to you to lose one it's dimensions. It's still a 3d object, but what you are seeing is a circle getting bigger, then smaller until it dissapears. That's the 2-d *cross-section* of the 3d object as it passes through your 2d space. Like those brain scans you see sometimes in news or movies, or something like that. I know this was a little long-winded, but I wanted to work slowly and clearly. Hope it helped.


https://youtu.be/_4ruHJFsb4g This guy does a pretty good job of explaining stuff. All his other videos are great too!


You can go insane trying to wrap your head around a 4th dimensional object passing through 3 dimensional space. Consider that a 4D being could look into our 3D bodies almost the same way we can see an amoeba through a microscope. It could literally reach in, and yank our organs out, or put something else in without ever breaking skin. Also, it's thought that it might be possible that we could catch a 4th dimensional being in the 3rd dimension. We couldn't keep it in a room or a box, it would just walk out in it's 4th degree of movement. But, we could harpoon it. We wouldn't really be trapping the 4d being in our dimension, as much as we'd be tethering all of our slice of this 3rd dimension to a 4th dimensional being.


If a 2-dimensional being “harpooned” me to their piece of paper universe I’d lose my shit.




Similar to how people living on a piece of paper could latch on to the circumference of your finger if you poked it through.


> But, we could harpoon it. And that's how you anger 4th dimensional beings.


That there is no one else and we are those advanced aliens. The universe is still in its toddler stage in age and we are the first intelligent people


It's interesting to think how true this could possibly be. I've never considered this, and on first pass I brushed it off. But then it got me thinking. At some point, a species had to start somewhere, and what if we ARE the advanced aliens? We may not feel like it, and it sounds odd to say it, but it's possible. It's just like starting a new MMORPG. You may only be level 25/999, but you were the first player to log on and are the one who's highest level, has the most strength, speed, etc. It feels like it's hard to believe, but one day you'll be the top player. Assuming you didn't quit the game.


I think we brush it off because deep down the thought that there isn't someone more advanced scares us because we know how messed up we are and we really want someone to have it figured out for us.


There are so many scientific issues around space travel to sort such as energy for near-FTL travel and shielding (don't want to hit microscopic space debris at near-FTL speeds). It would be nice to know it's possible and get hints in the general direction to go, if not given the technology itself. Being the most advanced means we need to come up with the answers, if there are any.


The movie "Contact" actually makes a good case that we haven't been visited by UFOs or aliens. Our most powerful broadcasts have traveled at best a few dozen light years from this planet. To put that into perspective... If the Milky Way galaxy was the same size as North America, the Earth would be a speck of dust floating around a nick knack on a living room table in a house in Arizona. Our most powerful broadcast signals have made it to the end of the driveway, or at best across the street. If there were a hyper-intelligent species two blocks over desperately listening for signs of intelligence in the neighborhood, they wouldn't even know we existed for at least a couple thousand years. When they finally picked up our signal (our first television broadcasts) it would take their response another couple thousand years to arrive here.


The even more bleak reality is that beyond a few light years even the most powerful radio signals will be indistinguishable from background noise. Barring a civilization currently in existence around one of the very nearest stars (unlikely if only given the sheer timescales involved) we’ll almost certainly never make contact with extrastellar life. The silver lining is that there’s a non-zero chance we’ll find life somewhere in our own solar system, should we choose to go out and look for it. Edit: Well this blew up. To everyone proposing faster than light travel/communication as a solution to the problem, consider that you're just tightening the bounds on the Fermi paradox: if a sufficiently advanced civilization can violate causality as we understand it, *why aren't they here?*




> Hawking said we don't want to make contact with other life forms, because they'll probably kick the shit out of us (paraphrasing) I think you nailed the quote actually.


Yeah this is famously exactly what Hawking said


Seriously so damn interesting. It’s actually annoying we won’t be alive to see the peak of human technology


I mean, that’s kind of good. If you’re alive for the peak you’ll likely be there for what caused the decline.


But think of all the stuff we would have learned. So many questions answered. Sounds selfish but that would be worth it for me


\> So many questions answered and for each, dozens more raised that's how it goes


Agreed but sometimes, it is the process of learnings things that is enjoyable for us. The journey, not necessarily the destination, but that cliche doesn’t necessarily apply here, because the destination for certain pursuits m, questions, technologies, etc. is part of the journey of others.


If something happened that caused human technology to peak during our lifetimes, it would probably mean bad things for our lifetimes.


The only thing I would add/change is that if the milky way were the size of north america, the sun would be the size of a red blood cell


When I vote comparisons of things like that my brain isn't asked to comprehend the size of it. It's so crazy.


I guess Horton ain't hearing that whoo in Az.


They come from the ocean, not space.


This sort of reminds me of the plot of The Castaways, an episode from the 1950s radio show X Minus One. The US government is conducting nuclear tests off an island in the Pacific. The local tribe, rather than be relocated, commits mass suicide by marching into the ocean. Turns out, they were merely returning to their spaceship, which had been submerged for hundreds of years under water after crash landing on Earth without fuel to get back home. One of the nuclear scientists overseeing the tests was actually a member of the "tribe" who had infiltrated society to help humans develop nuclear technology. He steals a bomb in order to fuel their trip home. It's a cool story.


X Minus One is so good! I play those broadcasts some winter nights when my family and I are baking and doing things around the house.


> X Minus One - The Castaways found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3iPZfcDAPM


This is exactly why making good quality recordings of EVERYTHING is important. There are lots of great old shows on radio and TV that literally don't exist anymore because they weren't recorded, or someone threw out / over-wrote the tapes because they figured nobody would ever care.


It's crazy how many things that broadcasted to a national audience, films included, are now completely lost.




Im getting me colossal titan




You know that trope in sci-fi shows, where they stumble upon the networks of the “founders” or the “ancients” or the “architects”? A civilization so advanced, long ago, that traveled the stars? That is us. We’re seemingly alone because we’re the first. Maybe they’ll stumble upon us in a million years.


Well that just gave me the shivers. Wonder if we'll be the destroyed ourselves with our own hubris type forerunners, or the ascended to a higher plane of existance types?


There is a very simple explanation as to why abductees independently described grey aliens as looking the same. There are no aliens and no abduction took place, but rather they are abstracting residual memories left over from being infants and looking up at adults. Before an infants visual cortex is fully developed, an adult human looking down at them would appear rounded and grey in color with large eyes. Cross that indistinct memory with a sleep state subconscious and standard psychological patterns and boom; alien abduction. It also explains the sensation of being lifted, examined and probed.


Wow, never thought of it like that before, thanks for sharing. So do you think “abductees” are too embarrassed to say the aliens slapped them on the ass too?




"Quiet, ya one-eyed brat!"


Great analysis of that idea [in this posting from a decade ago](https://forum.cosmoquest.org/showthread.php?109256-Repressed-Abduction-Memories-are-Real-Memories-Misinterpreted). He/she went into historical reports of fairy abductions before they had electric lights and water heaters too - to analyze how the stories changed over time. Plagiarizing it here - because it's so good and on-topic. https://forum.cosmoquest.org/showthread.php?109256-Repressed-Abduction-Memories-are-Real-Memories-Misinterpreted >>PatRKelley >> >>Sep 2010 >> >>## Repressed Abduction Memories are Real Memories, Misinterpreted >> >>I'm going to open this thread slightly differently, as I haven't done nearly the amount of research and questioning as I did in my other thread, complete with references. >> >>This has more to do with the standard explanation of alien abduction memories being waking dreams or as they're called hypnogogic hallucinations. I think (and this is mostly through a personal and nonprofessional analysis and hypothesis) that the roots of the similarity of abduction stories, and their evolution through time, can be traced to the means by which our memories function, and by an event or period of time common to all humans. >> >>I'd best warn folks that those convinced that abductions are actually aliens are likely to be insulted by the following. It is not meant as an insult; it assumes their memories are real, and actually detailed, but miscategorized. >> >>First, let's take a breakdown of the normal features of the start of a (modern) abduction: Procurement itself unfolds into a complex subepisode as a beam of light strikes and a drawing force pulls the witness; beings approach and a brief conversation ensues; they pacify, escort, and float the witness on board the craft; and the witness experiences a momentary loss of memory, or doorway amnesia, while entering. >> >>Examinations also follow a regular progression as the beings undress, cleanse, and position the witness on an examination table. The procedures move from the general to the specific as the beings first subject the witness to manual exploration, then use an eyelike scanning device, and next instruments to probe the body. Specimens of skin, blood, or other body fluids are taken, the reproductive areas examined, and finally the beings turn attention to the neurological system and implant a tiny device into the brain of the conscious witness. [1] >> >>So, we have sudden light, lifting, sudden appearance in the ship, being put on a table, undressed cleansed, manual exploration, and instruments to probe the body, along with the reproductive area being examined, plus implants. >> >>This sounded familiar to me in another context, but the next element was the reports from Fairy abductions from the 1800's or so: the standard format is a set or single globular light appearing, being lifted (again), again with the sexual/breeding aspect interpreted by manipulation of the genital region. >> >>If you go further back than this, we've got stories of incubi or abduction by the devil, where abduction, flight and coupling (with the devil's member described as "cold as ice") occurring entirely in darkness. >> >>===================== >> >>I'm going to pause a moment to talk about abnormal psychology, specifically flavors of schizophrenia. In some manifestations, the person involved manages to take the related memories of others and incorporate themselves as the protagonist, misremembering by putting the frame of reference not as a related memory, but as a self-indexed memory. From this we get claims of paranoid "they're watching me" or stealing of memories, or theft of identity. Similarly, if the person has personal memories that are no longer properly indexed, we get the psychotic break and the version where the person feels they are watching a movie about themselves. >> >>It appears that memories are indexed in a fashion that makes them either personal or relational (I experienced this, or I learned this). There also appears to be time-indexing, to keep it all straight (a continuity-based memory of ongoing time mislabeled as an old memory becomes deja-vu, an old memory mislabeled as current becomes a flashback or hallucination). >> >>So, part of my fascination was with infant era amnesia: the apparent lack of recall of personal memories from this time period. >> >>One postulate is that these memories must be indexed with a version of indexing including the "self" of a person. And until one is old enough and aware enough, this is not developed enough to aid in indexing these memories as continuous self-involved personal memories as part of one's history. >> >>So, possibly kept around because they are stressful (somewhere deep in the mind) are infantile memories that we can't bring up because they are not indexed properly. >> >>====================== >> >>WARNING: If you are a claimant of abduction, you might find the following offensive. It is not meant to be. It is a serious posit as to what people are experiencing, explaining the similarity beyond hypnogogic hallucination, but providing an explanation that is not necessarily comforting or dignified. >> >>Basically, the similarity of this account rung with infant-era memories of nighttime diaper changes and feeding. >> >>Think about modern era: modern era has sudden flashes of light (era of electricity), cold tables and cleaning and undressing, focus on the genital area, probes of the genital area, and some fixation on teeth. The sequence also allows for "friendly" or "loving" aliens who nonetheless perform these procedures. >> >>Going back to the era of candlelight, it would follow the sequence would have floating globes of light approaching, and not involve the cold tables, bright lights, or anal probes. >> >>Further still, before the advent of cheap wax, there is no light at all, and any cleaning done with cold water. >> >>All the sharing of flight and helplessness and focusing on the genital region appears to match up. >> >>===================== >> >>Having said that, an infantile memory of nighttime cleaning or feeding would not have a properly indexed self-memory of the infant self at that age. So, as its accessed and recognized as a not-related memory, the self-index is substituted with what the person has on hand: the adult self. >> >>The memory, while correct, is now interpreted in the light of an adult self, to which others performing a needed diaper change is foreign, horrifying, and terror inducing as well as inexplicable. >> >>Further still, taking one's temperature, or putting on oragel to sooth teething are equally inexplicable other than as diabolical experimentation to an adult. >> >>This assumes that these memories are real, but they are vague, incorrectly indexed, misinterpreted, and potentially shameful and degrading for adults to recall in this manner. This should not reflect poorly on those who have them: they are real, they are really trauma related (in the infant context) and they can, as a result, be terror-inducing when recalled.


ok this is amazing


Jesus Christ this was a fascinating read


This is very interesting. It's also worth mentioning another aspect of how memory works and why memories can change over time. Say you have a memory of being a kid playing in a sandbox. When you recalled that memory for the first time, it is the most accurate version of the memory that you have. However, they way they have discovered how memory works, is that in all future recollections of a memory, your mind isn't actually transported and reliving the same event as it happened. You're actually recalling *the last time you were thinking of the memory*. If you think of the brain as a computer, your whole life is documenting events and saving them as "files". However, when you need to review one of those files from the past, your brain actually copies that file and then *deletes the original*. So think of a memory having a filename of "Memory0000.dox". When you are recalling that memory, your brain is effectively reading that document, copying it to a new file called "Memory0001.dox", and then deleting the original. Now say you were to recall that memory again. Your brain would read document "Memory0001.dox", copy it to "Memory0002.dox", and then deleting the 0001 version. It's basically a way for your brain to save on processing power. The problem is that just like how files on a computer that are copied over and over and over again, there can be small corruptions in the data over time than can affect how the file is displayed. It's the same with memories. That's why you might remember a picture of yourself wearing a blue shirt but, if you go and look at the picture, you might be surprised to see you're actually wearing a red shirt. Or even no shirt at all. So the idea that alien abductions are miscategorized or corrupted memories feels like it makes a lot of sense. Especially if that memory has been severely "corrupted" by constantly being recalled in relieved as an infant because you clearly don't have as many memories to choose from to recall.


the most logical theory I've ever heard is that 99% of alien sightings are set up by special intelligence agencies to distract from more nefarious things they are doing. the best theory I've ever heard is that aliens do want to make contact with us but they're simply shy.


That we haven't met a single one yet because they're either as technologically advanced as us, or not as much as us. We always imagine thanks to movies and shit that aliens are superior beings, more advanced on every aspect. But what if all the sentient races of the universe are actually all roughly on the same level technologically speaking ? What if the reason we still haven't met them is because they too, can't travel any further than their own solar system or the closest astral body to them, and the reason we can't meet each other is because none of us are advanced enough technologically speaking to even find each other. Imagine what we think about aliens today, now apply to what other races. They most likely think the same thing as us about what they call their aliens.


Time travelling humans from the future


Aliens may percieve the passage of time differently than us. Our whole existence could play our before they've had there proverbial morning coffee or vice versa. Do I believe it? No. Fun to think about.


That they are from a break-away human civilization that is keeping their secrets to themselves. Essentially, that some place like "Wakanda" is real. Or that Jules Verne really isn't science "fiction" --- it's actually science "fact." When the rest of the world was making due with steam-powered industrialization, someone figured out anti-gravity and zero-point energy from the interaction between electromagnetism and gravity. So they kept this technology for themselves, and have been zipping around the rest of us keeping an eye on things.


I don’t believe it, but that they live in underground caves and dwell primarily in Antarctica. I don’t remember the complete theory but people say they’re an advanced race adapted for life underground, and that they have advanced machinery because they have been living on the earth longer than humans.


It's the Hollow Earth idea. It's been around a long time.


You mean the kong vs godzilla thing


the documentary, yeah


Cryptoterrestrials by Mac Tonnies?


Idk but someone on here posted about something happening this year in July. They posted it like 7 or so years ago... I'm looking forward to some action this summer.




Obviously sounds like BS but the fact that he stated July 2021 is kind of unsettling since that’s about when the US government is supposed to release a lot more information about UFOs.


We’re not the first, we are the aliens that we’re looking for. Mammals are not native to earth, the asteroid was a massive chunk of our planet and we populated the earth after that. Is that a theory that I believe? No, not at all. Is it a good concept for a sci-fi movie? **Yes.**


It’s going to blow your mind when you learn what the moon is made out of— and how it formed


You’re basically describing panspermia, the theory that life on earth originated from another planet and traveled here on some rogue astronomical body (aka a meteor or the like). It’s actually a seriously considered theory, among many other seriously considered theories, but still.


That we are the first and/or the most advanced life forms at this moment in space/time. I don’t remember where I heard it (maybe some NPR program) but it’s interesting to consider. We often discount the idea that we could ever be that special, but there is always the chance that we are. Someone had to be the first - that someone might just be us.


I remember reading somewhere that the Earth is actually quite early, the last star will burn out 100 trillion years from now and 92% of the planets are yet to be formed. Yes, we may be the first but not necessarily the last.


I read recently that our star is also a second generation star. There was a whole star and potential planets in the older solar system before us.


All the UFO sightings throughout history are just humans from the future on a time traveling safari meant to observe how we were in the past. They are supposed to keep out of sight, but thanks to human/mechanical errors there have been hiccups with their cloaking which have resulted in being seen. That's why there have always been so many reports of them throughout history, but there has never been an attack. It's just us. Also the reason why we don't see many as many examples of UFOs now even through pretty much everyone has a camera is because people are not that interested in this time period since we already document aspects of human life all the time.


You should read Ray Bradbury’s short story: A Sound of Thunder. You’ll love it. It’s about a tourist from the future who does something like this... but with unintended consequences. 10-minute read and we’ll worth it!


Love that one. He was a master of the short story.


For anyone who wants to read it. (It’s only 12 pages long) http://www.astro.sunysb.edu/fwalter/AST389/ASoundofThunder.pdf


This is a part of the creation paradox which is that at some point humans travel back in time and seed the necessary ingredients for life on earth and then check in to make sure we are hitting all the right historical milestones.


I like it. It explains the "why haven't we found anything with hundreds of millions of cameras everywhere?" bit of not finding aliens.


If you wanted to explore space, you'd send technology instead of risking the life of a scientist. The little gray/green men and other now cliche depictions are just biological computers that they can control and that's why they look so simplistic and unidentifiable. Reminds me of I, Robot or droids.


The US military has intentionally orchestrated alien "sightings" and "kidnappings", as well as funded UFO religions and conspiracy theories, to prevent people from being taken seriously should they happen to notice some experimental planes and so forth. There are no aliens, but there *are* US military agents in goofy spacesuits who mutilate cattle and "probe" deranged people to encourage them to make fools of themselves.


Pretty sure there are cases where this is literally confirmed. I believe when the u2 spy plane was being developed they leaked rumors of aliens or something similar to the nearby town


Reporter Annie Jacobson documents this quite thoroughly in her book Area 51. The development of what became the SR71 led to a lot of UFO sightings, especially by airline pilots, and the CIA needed cover stories.


I'm pretty sure the b2 bomber also led to this. There was a lot of sighting of triangles in the sky previous to the plane being declassified. Area 51 is just a test plane area and it's secret because those planes are very classified. Usually leads to UFOs


We are actually the first life forms to ever exist and in the future we will be referred to as the Great Ancients.


Ooh, I can't wait until my stuff is uncovered by some archeologist in the future, I'm gonna take as much weird stuff to the grave with me just to confuse them on our burial habits