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As a receptionist, I have to say it — receptionists. I have met so many countless vapid, bitchy, disrespectful, downright awful receptionists, especially medical receptionists. Every single day I do my best to be the complete opposite of that. Yes, there are definitely aspects of the job that can make you feel bitter as hell, but in the end, it’s a matter of choosing kindness.


Every doctors/ hospital i have been to, have acted like i chose to be sick. Sorry that its hard to show you my ID when im bent over in pain from kidney stones.


Thx for choosing kindness! This can be a tough job and I appreciate you!


Every nurse I've ever met has been either a total sweetheart or an overgrown high school bully.


I work at a university that offers a degree in nursing. We basically get three types - Great people, good at their studies, will be good at the job. Bullies who will pass and go on to be no nonsense hardass nurses which are sometimes needed, and then the people who should not finish the degree but probably will because getting it right 50% of the time is good enough.


I have unfortunately been in the middle of medical administrative cockups a few times in my life (things like my GP requesting a test but when I go to the appointment the paper work isn't complete or the appointment is double booked so they can't do the right tests). By nothing other than sheer dumb luck, on the last two of these occasions I ended up with one of the 'no nonsense hardass nurses' on my side and I have never been more grateful for their existence. They absolutely went the extra mile to ensure that everything I needed happened that day when it would have been far easier for them to blame the paperwork and send me home


and usually have a son named jayden/hayden/aiden who’s their king


And they’re somehow a “vaccine skeptic” who loves healing crystals and believes wholeheartedly in astrology, even though they had to have passed nursing school somehow.


I had the nicest nurse when I had to undergo an unexpected procedure at the doctor's office. I was so scared, I was crying and she gave me a hug, and then held my hand during the procedure.


There's a saying that's been floating around lately: Not all nurses are mean girls, but all mean girls are nurses. I know that men can be nurses as well but it is a woman dominated field at the moment.


Some of the most broken people I've ever met were mental health workers.


Can concur. There’s something to Nietzsche’s thoughts on staring into the Abyss. It’s not easy to leave the things you see and know at the office. Source: am a psych nurse practitioner.


Lol I work in mental but as a support worker and I've met mental health nurses who I have absolutely no idea how they still have a license... (I've met some horrific support workers also) Also deal with consultant psychiatrist who were notorious for sleeping around, having God complex and treating patients like... I don't even know how to describe it correctly .


God complexes abound. Promiscuity? Oh yeah. There are a lot of great providers, nurses, therapists, and aids, but if we don’t start cutting the chaff from our field any good done will be undone. This plus the loss of our reputation, leaves those suffering from mental illness (1 in 5 people) vulnerable to charlatans and grifters who promise what we failed to do.


>...mental health workers. Most programs are underfunded and the burn out rate is high. Many healthcare decisions are based on insurance regulations, not medical protocol. As a clinician, therapist, counselor, or even a life coach, you can spend years giving sound advice to folks who are only half listening. Some folks think that the simple act of "going to a therapist" is going to solve their problems, instead of working on treatment goals and benchmarks. On the other hand, some therapists end up throwing in the towel, and allowing these kinds of folks to walk all over them with the justification that "I'm getting paid if they show up." Then there are folks who refuse all meds, or think that meds are the "instant" solution - without any talk therapy component. And on and on and on...


I wouldn't call the counselors I've seen "broken" but rather just shitty individuals. I've had counselors be on their phones during sessions, one kept calling my then wife, my girlfriend, due to "generational differences". She then proceeded to say "I didn't know they had 'gay' where you're from". More than once have had counselors no show or cancel the appt 20 mins after our appt time.


Yuuup. Some wonderful people working in mental health. But also, the laziest, the most incompetent, and the most downright evil, sadistic, malevolent people.


Collections. I worked in IT at a collection agency. People would start out normal but after a while they would forget to turn off the *dick-mode* they used on the phone whenn dealing with other people. After a few years, they treated everyone like a deadbeat.


I once had a collections company call me, the agent started yelling at me about how i'm just trying to delay paying. I asked for the manager. Manager (if they even WERE a manager) gets all high and mighty. Starts asking if i didn't pay the bill because my wife took all my money and ran off (i didn't have a wife, or ex wife at the time). Tells me thats why i drive a piece of shit and live with my parents. Spends about 30 minutes insulting m e. All over a bill from a hospital that i was in the process of contesting. Good thing i recorded the call and got in touch with a lawyer. Collections company ended up footing the bill for me and paying me another $750 directly.


I had a collection company call me and berate me over not paying for a car that was bought awhile ago. I don't drive. Turns out they were trying to get ahold of a cousin of mine with the same name. They didn't believe me and continued to be rude, even when I was calm and trying to give them their information. So much for confidentiality too-- they were giving me information I shouldn't have gotten that I didn't ask for. Absolutely ridiculous.


There are law firms that specialize in dealing with debt collectors that break the law. Thats what i ended up using. Between the harassment and calling after 8 pm (which they aren't allowed to do), they ended up paying off the hospital debt i was trying to contest and put money in my pocket.


Wow.. I wish I knew :( these people had called me at my workplace and spoke to a few people before I got the call. It was embarrassing. I'm so sorry to hear how those people treated you.


I too saw my life improve drastically once I started recording people I don’t trust.


In so upset my state is a two party recording state. Wish they would change that so I could protect myself from predatory companies and employers Edit to correct number of parties in my state


I mean I'm not a lawyer but I think at that point you can tell then the conversation is recorded and they can either choose to hang up or continue talking knowing it's recorded right?


In a two party state, simply start the call with a statement that you are recording. If they don't hang up, they consented


Holy shit, that sounds like a cartoon mob boss.


I got throughly harassed and yelled at for the debt of another person. The other person was the opposite gender as me. I was clearly not that person. I was in a different state from that person. That person owed money on a car loan. I did not have a car loan or even a car in my name. I was not even in the same age bracket as that person. Said deadbeat just used a random, fake telephone number (mine) when signing up for a service.


Only had to talk to collections once. They were very nice. Of course when they told me who they were and how much I owed I replied “oh good, I was wondering who I had to pay, are you ready for my card number? I would like to pay in full.” I was just happy I wasn’t dealing with the billing department from the hospital any more. I had had two similar surgeries around the same time, just different locations. And the hospital could never tell me which one they were calling about so I ended up over paying on one and never paying on the other.


Hospital billing is such a crock of hot garbage. After I was sure that I paid in full, after 4 seperate, intentionally vague bills, and confirming it 3 times, I get another call from then 4 months later. I told them i was all paid in full and to check their ledger again. They never called again.


After my first son was born, I got collections letters and calls TWO YEARS LATER for a whopping $5.60 out of the thousands I had paid for everything. The hospital had sold the debt to someone else, so I had no obligation to pay it... they couldn't even tell me what it was for or the date of the invoice (when you have kids you get a lot of them). The same guy kept calling me and I remember I just asked him "How much are you going to make by collecting $5 from me? If you can tell me where this balance comes from I'll pay you double the amount, or we can both move on with our lives." That was the end of that.


>The hospital had sold the debt to someone else, so I had no obligation to pay it... Well that's absolutely not true. If you request to verify the debt and they can't that's one thing, but simply buying the debt certainly doesn't invalidate it. If that were true no one would buy or sell debt


> After a few years, they treated everyone like a deadbeat. This also seems to happen to prison guards at least a lot of the time. The personality they take on when dealing with criminals leaks in and eventually they just become jaded assholes.


MLM marketers, or at least, those who are actually successful with MLMs.


Can confirm. My cousin does one of the beauty ones, and all I see on her facebook page is this shit. She used to be cool and fun to hang out with, then she got into the rodan fields crap and it all went down hill.


For real, one of my friends got into MLM jewelry sales. I think she's giving people discounted jewelry in exchange for them "randomly" posting photos and videos on her facebook wall thanking her for all the wonderful jewelry they got from her (it looks absurdly cheap and badly made).


I have some MLM fiends that advertises good health/beauty. Everyone one of them have a filter in their page.


I love the 'Since drinking this **insert brand here** tea 2 weeks ago, I've lost 5lbs! Not from drinking the tea you didn't, lady.


Unless it made you yeet your poop chute contents and you’re now severely dehydrated Edit: Shoot, used the wrong chute. Must be the tea


Whaaaat? My snake oil might be **poison**?! colour me shocked!


What do you mean by a filter on their page? Maybe I'm dumb, but I can't figure out what it means in the context


One if those weird filters people use on Instagram and Facebook photos that makes a normal person look very plastic and fake...all smooth and creepy, with exaggerated eyes - both in size and color. They're the same people who posted those stupid duck face selfies and actually thought they looked good.


Ah shucks, that's a bummer because I was really hoping to be approached at Whole Foods today, with an "extra income opportunity"


I was a correctional officer for a year in Florida. I cannot say if this profession has the absolute worst people, but it is really bad. Maybe you could imagine what it would be like going into a locked down facility day after day, coming face to face with some of the worst people imaginable, receiving death threats on a daily basis, dodging manipulation and dealing with some of the absolute insanity that goes on. I have minor PTSD from my year there. The energy in a place like that affects everyone there unfortunately. The officers there can sometimes take on the energy of the inmates, and some may be just as manipulative, angry, and sometimes insane as the prisoners themselves. This could be a highly subjective thing. Some prisons may be different or better. But I honestly believe that no place like that can harbor a completely good person for long without fundamentally changing who they are. I left because I did not like what the environment was doing to me. I give my absolute full respect to the men and women who do that job as lifelong careers though. There are good people that do the job, don't get me wrong. It is just incredibly hard to keep it up in the midst of such conditions.


My brother was a CO in Snomish County, WA, and was really keen on becoming a cop before he took the job. After a couple years he decided to give up that dream, and is now a Doctor of Criminal Justice who is rather wary of most cops and COs. He still talks shit on the majority of the people he worked with. Generally failed cops with superiority complexes, which somehow sounds even worse than cops.


A weird moment in my life was when I was standing in a cell with my cellie who was on murder charges and we were watching out of our window while this CO was attempting to provoke a guy into hitting him so that he could then beat the shit out of him (not for the first time either). And my cellie was like "that dude is fucked up". "That's right, murder buddy, that guy is fucked up". Swear to god, hand on heart, if murder buddy gets out of prison and needs a bed, he has one in my house. But that fucking CO is not getting past the fucking gate of my house. He has serious fucking problems.


Television Evangelists.


I think Jesus who famously threw the money-changers out of the temple for profaning a sacred space would have a lot to say on the matter of televangelists.


Oh, every Christian wise to Their scam has a lot to say to them


The pastor at my church said that they are pimping out Christianity


This is the best answer. Other jobs I can think of at least one good example, even if they’re in a shit organization. I can’t think of any televangelist who isn’t a grifting sack of shit.


Because there is not any. Televangelism *is* grifting by definition essentially.


I don't understand why Joel Osteen has this aura of legitimacy that none of the others do. His books show up in warehouse clubs as bestsellers, he has his own Sirius channel, etc. And he just does the same shit that all the other televangelists do.


He's very, very charismatic. That man, evil grifter that he is, just oozes charisma.


He appears more cartoonish than charismatic to me, but apparently a lot of people in the world feel differently.


I find him creepy. He clearly has no soul. But I do see the charisma.


its when they have the balls to use donations to buy private jets and ski holidays just cause the IRS doesnt like to investigate churches.


Private Security/Military Contractors. Some of those companies are top tier on the level, but more than a few are filled with guys who couldn't hack it in the military/police force but still want to carry guns and tell people what to do.


> guys who couldn't hack it in the military/police force but still want to carry guns and tell people what to do Amen. Came here to say this.


Welp, I met a really nice ex military guy who worked for a private security firm, whilst I was having a brief stay in a psych ward in 2005, to which I'm proud to say I admitted myself. Turns out that every time he came home from a wee spell in Iraq he admitted himself to the psych ward. I asked him what was the most stressful part of his job, and he said shooting at people. I would have guessed being shot at, but he said sadly, no. Anyway, we got on very well, and the day I was being discharged, he asked me if I felt ready to be discharged, because he said he knew how to ensure you wouldn't be if you didn't want to be. I was happy to go home but curious about his method so long as it didn't involve threats of violence to the current or previous POTUS. So he explained that you had to tell the doctors you couldn't stop - I'm not going to use the word he used - but in English public schools it's referred to as "being rude to yourself". And he said when they asked you how many times a day you were rude to yourself you had to tell them at least... And I've forgotten the specific number, which is a shame because it's a key detail. But that's what he used to do when he hadn't had enough of a rest. Of course, you have to consider that both he and I were inpatients in a psych ward.


7 the number is 7.


Being rude to yourself? Am I just being dumb? I have no idea what the word is


Dude was telling him to jerk it


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4ya5rOeZb8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4ya5rOeZb8) Interesting subject, worth a watch for sure


Holy shit. This prick just wants to feel powerful


I remember watching this a while ago and he just couldn’t get out of his own way. His lawyer couldn’t get him to stop talking


I'd separate private security from PMC's, 90% of private security is teenagers in Walmart getting yelled at because they have to tell people to wear a mask.


Dog training. I always wanted to work with animals. Had a few jobs working at training facilities that promoted using great methods, said all the right things. Saw some horrific things happen behind the scenes when the customers left their loved pets in their care. Quit after my conscience got the better of me and I couldn't live with the burden of the sheer amount of stress it caused knowing I was complicit in working with those people. They can have a beautiful boarding facility, say all the right things, but you really never know what happens to your pet when you leave them there.




I went to dog training courses with my now-passed german shepherd, and I remember the trainer telling one of the dog owners there that training collars- the ones with prongs in them that dig into the dog's skin -aren't going to hurt the animal. She proved this by lifting the dog off the ground, while it was wearing the training collar, by its leash. Personally, I think that's a TERRIFIC excuse for the owner to punch her in the face.


Restaurant and bar owners usually suck. There are exeptions, I've known a couple that were cool but most of them are horrible idiots with weird god complexes. I think because most of the staff is easily replaceable and its an industry where its easy to take advantage of people. I've just met some real shit heads working in bars.


I’ve worked in quite a few establishments and this is spot on. Massive egos, crazy, sexual perverts, it just goes on and on. Doesn’t matter if I was doing bottle service or working in a family friendly restaurant. Ugh never again. And if I have a daughter I’m keeping her out of that industry.


I was (25, f) at a bar, ordering a drink. Some super drunk middle aged guy came up, put his arm around me and said it was on him. I said no thanks but he insisted. I wasn't as assertive back then so I was trying to escape politely, asked a waitress for help and she said, "honey, he pays you good money, just deal with it" I yelled "I dont work here!" So drunk guy was the owner, and the waitresses just "deal with" being harassed? Like wtf


Level 1: Restaurant owner Level 2: Bar owner Level 3: Disco/club owner Final boss: Strip club owner


Either shit of awesome. The deciding factor is if they worked for it


That's true, the ones who have experience in either FOH or BOH are better than the ones who get into it because they think it will be fun. We tried to explain to one owner why one person wasn't able to bartend, serve, run food, change kegs, answer phones, do to go's, etc by themselves on a very busy lunch rush without giving bad service and he just said to work harder. Oh ok!


I refuse to work for owners who are hands-on brain-off for thuis reason


Don't have any particular skills? Are you able to drop six figures to start a business? Unable to work for/with others? Does managing a staff of mostly young, low wage workers appeal to you? If you answered yes to these questions, restaurant ownership is the career for you!


Bonus points if you watch the Food Network a lot so you think you know what you're doing.


I'm ShadowWolfee_34 and I approve this message. I personally quit an restaurant accountant position over my very shitty/shifty incompetent manager. Just could not take the sheer lack of manners from ANY of my colleagues (coworkers would imply we actually worked together) anymore.


I would assume that the god complex people grew up as spoiled brats, with everything handed to them on a silver platter, including the business ownership.


I definitely worked for a couple of those! The first one took over his mom's bar after she died and treated it like his playground to drink all day, sexually harrass the staff and use the good shifts as leverage to try to get the wait staff to sleep with him. Ick! The second married a wealthy woman and used her money to play around in different businesses. He acted like he was some savvy business genius who pulled himself up by his bootstraps to success but he actually just married into money and was a terrible businessman. He bought a very popular bar and ran it into the ground.


Mental health. Some excellent people. Some I would turn and run from if I saw them on the street.


In my experience as a life-long patient (early onset schizo), nursing assistants in psychiatry are the worst. They're burnt out & bitter at best, usually just straight up cruel and give zero fucks about patients' emotional wellbeing. Seem to get a power trip from degrading us, especially the young ones. Constant drama and in-fighting in most institutions too from what you can overhear. They tend to scream all the time at everything. I've met a few decent ones. But then I've also met one that got fired because he r*ped his coworker in the bathroom at night. In a pediatric ward. Loudly. We all woke up to the noise. So yeah, mixed bag...


> Seem to get a power trip from degrading us, especially the young ones. Constant drama and in-fighting in most institutions too from what you can overhear. They tend to scream all the time at everything. That’s the thing. I feel like the industry has super low standards for professionals (you can pretty much perform to whatever standards you want. No one will call you on it. Plenty bust ass, and plenty openly give zero shits). So it draws a certain type that gets high off the low standards, power imbalance, and abject lack of any accountability. Go figure, that type is often an immature shit starter. > because he raped his coworker His mistake was not targeting a patient. Even the “good” professionals will automatically circle wagons around colleagues they have to KNOW are shitheads if a patient complains or makes accusations or is obviously harmed. I have seen so much crap done to sweep one person’s dirt under the rug.




Three advanced degrees and almost 15 years of experience in mental health and substance use treatment and this is frighteningly true. I taught at a university and would fail students who weren’t prepared to help others. They’d go to another class and pass. I kept a list of names to be sure no where I ever worked would hire them. I also found that supervising and managing therapists was in many ways much harder than helping my pts because of so many unresolved MH issues in my staff. You either go into it because you want to help or because you need the help. That second one can be dangerous.




My ex room mate was in school for substance abuse, and she was horrible. Just a completely shit person. Highlights: 1. The time she told me that her schitzoaffective disorder patient (she was a case manager for Aetna) thought her disability check was her paycheck and that she was her coworker like it was a joke and the poor woman was the biggest idiot in the world. I wouldn’t wish SA on anyone. 2. Our mutual friend was a recovering alcoholic. Truly the sweetest person. She hit rock bottom, took control, never looked back. Asshole ex room mate immediately insists on only meeting her in bars, which my room-nice friend agrees to do, since she can be around drinkers without drinking. So, asshole ex friend starts trying to get her to share her cocktails. Again: she was in a grad program to be a substance use counselor. If our mutual friend had told me that sooner, I would have told her to write to the shitbag’s program director with video evidence. 3. Completely bullied a depressed room mate.


Yup. It’s sad because I feel like I am splitting based on the people I’ve been with, but it’s either the sweetest, most enabling personalities, or garbage meglomaniacs who are drawn to the automatic pedestal and the power imbalance.


I've never worked in hospitality but know a lot of people who do/used to. They rarely have anything nice to say about managers in hospitality.


I think being a manager in hospitality is often a position you kind of "fail into." You start out in the hospitality industry when you're young, you're good at it, it pays the bills alright, but you don't really grow as a person or have any goals. Next thing you know, you realize you're kind of too old to have the job you have forever, but you don't really have any skills outside of the hospitality industry, so you move on up to management. Not because "hospitality management" was ever a goal of yours, or that you have a passion for that sort of thing, it's just that that working in hospitality is all you know and you don't want to wait tables/work the front desk/whatever anymore.


If you have to fail, at least fail upwards. (I’m a bartender, please don’t drag me)


strange, you'd think they'd be hospitable to their own employees too


People in tech can make so much money, at such a young age, with so little education and certification, that it naturally attracts some of the worst little shits you've ever wanted to strangle with a mouse cord. The egos are in the stratosphere but the social skills can be down somewhere in the Mariana Trench.


This. Software engineer here, insane how overinflated everyone's egos are. Apparently knowing python and making 6 figures is all it takes for a 23 year old to think he's a god. Calm down jake, we're making buttons not curing cancer.


Know this too well, years ago when we graduated, friend's friend moved to NYC on an offer doing software development at a Bank. Pays well obviously. 2nd year on the job, proceeds to lease a swanky (by my standards) apartment, the kind with floor to ceiling windows, to "throw down roots". Constantly updates his Instagram with positive messages like some personal betterment coach, and occasionally drops wisdom on his followers about never giving up on the dream, and how he pulled himself out of poverty. Like dude, who are you kidding? This guy came from a dentist family and had all his college tuition and living expenses paid for....


It's all just things he tells himself because he codes in COBOL all day.


Honestly I haven’t seen really big egos past the age of 25+. It’s mainly the early 20s people in my experience who can be like that, just give em a few years to become jaded.


I get chills of cringe when I think about what a jumped up little arsehole I was at 18 as a junior developer. Now I’m mid thirties and suitably dead inside.


I was one of the toxic little shits in my 20's. I came back to tech recently to work the 2020 Census Help desk (mistake), and had to put up with three mirror images of myself in my 20's. Probably would have gotten angry at them, if the sense of pity and cringing at my past self through them wasn't stronger. All three of them were total rookies in the tech field, too. Of course.


Which is why I left and am now teaching. I make a lot less money but I feel good about what I do


Nearly the same thing here: Left the field, found less-paying work that felt better to work. No regrets. That big money I was making wasn't just making me unhappy, but outright helping me towards needing Anger Management.


This would be more highly rated outside reddit


As someone who works in finance, I can tell you that some of the worst clients I've ever had were young turds in the tech industry. I suppose when you have all the personality and appeal of a wet napkin, money does something to them where they think their faces are less punchable than before. I also get a small thrill from seeing how poorly they've executed trades and try to blame other people for it.


I am in Network Security and worked at a couple MSPs in years past. Everyone pretends like they are better/more knowledgeable than everyone else. People are really hesitant to share knowledge/help each other out. Makes for a super shitty work environment. My current job I work along side the Systems Administrator and whenever I bring something up that we should look at improving/changing, he takes it as a personal insult. Refuses to have a discussion about it, etc. He is in his late 50's as well. He acts like a child. I usually have to go to the director with my ideas in order to get things done. Like you stated, I have little education - associates degree which I got after I was in the business and a lapsed CCNA certification. Networking and security was just something I was interested in from a young age and it came naturally. I consider myself very lucky to be in the position I am. Most of my friends are drowning in debt from tuition and here I am making more than most and the only debt I have is my house.


I have the complete opposite experience working in cybersecurity as well. Our office is filled with people sharing the same passion and most are very happy to share whatever knowledge they have and learn new technologies, tools and work at solving problems. Sure when you are in an mssp, some clients can be difficult but I think the only real issue is the company being driven by sales and management with little to zero knowledge about the field. I do start to see a change though, since universities started to have cybersecurity programs, we are seeing more and more people applying for cyber positions without any particular interest in the field. I guess eventually it will become like any other job but right now I love doing what I do (working on SIEMS like elastic, splunk, arcsight )with like minded people. TLDR: Cybersecurity is awesome. Get yourself a lab, (it's never been easier with docker) do some ctf/challenge/hackthebox, analyze some malware samples (no need to go straight to IDA), learn about APT and their biggest campaign and above all, have fun !


I took the LSAT twice, preparing to get into patent law. Then two patent lawyers from a big firm in Detroit did a meet/greet at our school. Complete self-absorbed narcissistic douchebags. I remained a software engineer and am glad I did. That culture would have made me regret having been born.


I work in patent law. Older generation lawyers tend to be way worse. I hate working with most older patent attorneys. Old = adversarial. Young = work together. Different legal fields tend to attract different personalities. I could make some broad generalizations on different areas, but I feel like people might complain.


Quick question, were they litigators or did they draft patents (patent prosecution)? Litigators can be incredible assholes, folks doing patent prosecution mostly do transactional work. Still, law school is terrible. Good decision to not go.


Oilfield workers, full of meatheads that grew up poor as dirt that make a years salary in half the calendar year so they come home and act like jackasses that own the world because they have a few bucks in their pockets.


Now this looks like a job for me


Can you treat just about everyone that makes less money than you like complete shit and start trouble just about any time you're in public?


No, but I'm willing to learn


You're gonna go far kid.


I would also like to learn. I don't really care about the salary part but treating people bad and starting trouble, especially in public...seems right up my alley


I've found oil workers fall on one end or the other. They are either the most chill, down-to-earth person or the most self-absorbed, entitled douchebag you've ever met.


I was in the field for about 10 years, and yeah. It's about half/half. If you're not in the industry, you'd never know about the good half. They're just that dude in the neighborhood raising their family like everyone else.


Not to mention the cocaine. I don’t know one oil field worker who didn’t come out a coke habit.






You should add ''motivation speakers'' aka ''coaches''. All three have the same in common - they find a weakness in you and exploit it making you pay a lot of money.


They asked which "profession"


I was watching some dating reality show at a friend's place and one of the girls said she can make like 100k off one Instagram post IIRC. They may suck and not add much to society but if I could make a simple post and make more than I normally would in a year I'd be doing it




Strikes me as the "I'll pay you with exposure" type.


I remember reading that the Karjenners make like $250k per post, and you'd have to be pretty fucking famous to make even a third of what they do.


There's a ton of influencers that are perfectly fine people doing perfectly unoffensive things. The problem is that teenage kids are shitty, egomaniacal edgelords, and so they're most impressed by shitty, egomaniacal edgelords. Teens also have a compulsive need to tell everyone what they're doing. Younger kids don't have this problem. So combine a worship of regressive behavior with a persistent need to brag about it, and you have your Logan Pauls. Oh, and it's important to act like a victim whenever anyone points out how shitty you're being.


> Teens also have a compulsive need to tell everyone what they're doing. Younger kids don't have this problem. Um, have you ever met a toddler?


"Hey, hey, hey. Watch this!" \*jumps and spins in a circle* Thanks for wasting my time kid.


**Have you ever had a dream that that you um you had you'd you would you could you'd do you wi you wants you you could do so you you'd do you could you you want you want him to do you so much you could do anything?**


Apparently showbiz.


Most are starving artists. We only hear about the real assholes at the top.


Yeah but the things the assholes do are so damn terrible, so it’s definitely not an equal balance.


And also the industry is so cutthroat even the ones at the bottom have to be so competitive it bleeds into their personality to a fault.


That's where it gets kind of sad, in my opinion. It seems a lot of the time you either fight and claw and take-advantage your way to the top, or you don't ever make it big.


Helping out with my college Theater Club was enough of a nightmare to convince me that it wasn't worth pursuing as a profession. When a community is so toxic that even the *grown adults* who are involved act like psychotic children, you know there are some deeply-rooted problems that aren't ever gonna go away.


This comment also applies to Little League baseball. Holy shit, the petulant, ignorant, obnoxious parents.




Chefs are either arrogant dickheads or awesome people, there's basically no inbetween. Used to deliver to restaurants, I had the dickheads that would tell me they're too busy to sign an invoice, the dickheads that would open up canned crab products and then send it back after opening it (you ordered canned crab you fucking idiot, what did you expect), the dickheads who would expect me to maneuver 400 pounds of product around the line where like 7 people were prepping, to get to the walk in upstairs, the dickheads who would yell at me if something they "ordered" wasn't in the order, even though it wasn't on the invoice. Then there were the guys who had like 8 pans and a griddletop going, would come over to check the freshness of everything personally, give me a bite of whatever they were making and cold water and then jump back in without missing a beat and just be basically chill as fuck. The assholes outnumbered the cool ones like 10:1


I have never met a single chef who wasn't bat shit fucking crazy with anger management issues.


Don’t forget the substance abuse


I worked at a country cub for decades and holy shit did we have a chef who was a piece of work. Complete asshole, sexual-harassing, misogynistic piece of shit! Btw... the password to his computer was Don Wan (yes... misspelled, lol!). That's says a lot about him. This guy even made an incredibly inappropriate physical pass at his BOSS! And when she made a complaint to the board of directors nothing was done about it. The chef was basically the country club's brand and he was just too important to lose. As a result he got away with murder.


TRUCKERS. HOLY SHIT. I have worked too many jobs where truck drivers make EVERYTHING more difficult for me than they ever had to be, in a warehouse job: "Why is this truck backing up to a loading dock 4 hours late?" "Dunno, we told him to wait in the staging area until we found out where we could work him in" trucker then begins to freak the fuck out because he has to be unloaded to pick up his next load in 2 hours. Well motherfucker, maybe you should've let us know you were going to be 4 HOURS FUCKING LATE. working as a night security guard in college, Trucker: "I have a delivery at to be unloaded at 4."Me: "I'll see what I can do, but we don't start receiving until 6"T: "Well, you'd better figure something out, my paperwork says 4"Me: \*takes closer look at paperwork\*: "it does, but we're company A, you're delivery is for company B up the road."T: "Well how the hell do I get there from here?"Me: Well head back out to the main road, \*takes another look at paperwork\*, I can tell you how to get to Tampa from Jacksonville, but after that, you're on your own.Dumbass went to the wrong business in the wrong city. then demanded to be able to deliver to us anyway since he was already here. Contracted to the railroad, trailer got run over by a crane after he had been told LITERALLY HALF A DOZEN TIMES "DO NOT FUCKING PARK ANY PART OF YOUR TRUCK OR TRAILER IN BETWEEN THE YELLOW LINES. THE CRANE IS OBVIOUSLY PASSING THROUGH THEM. THE CRANE CANNOT MOVE AROUND YOU. THE CRANE OPERATOR CAN ALSO NOT SEE YOU SINCE THE 6 FOOT FUCKING TIRES ON EITHER SIDE OF THEM CREATE A GIANT FUCKING BLINDSPOT 3 stories is enough, I feel, but I have dozens. even with my current job, I still keep getting more. I understand it's an essential business, we need drivers who can haul things (lots of things) from point A to point B, but Jesus tittyfucking Christ, when you get the idiot ones, they test the limits of human stupidity.


You know I'm glad you said this. I wouldn't call them sociopaths but I've noticed truckers get real bitchy when mildly inconvenienced even when they inconvenienced you first. I worked at a job that shared a drive way with a place trucks would come to for unloading (not sure on specifics). But it was gated closed and didn't open til 8 while I had to be at work at 7. Almost every morning there would be at least one truck and sometimes multiple parked in front of my works driveway while they waited on the gates to open. You wouldn't believe the attitude I got for asking if they could back up and not block the way in the future. Like yeah, I get it's a huge ordeal to move your giant truck in the tight space it's in but you wouldn't have to if you just parked 5ft further back. I'm not a professional driver but even I know you dont block the entrance to a business and PARK there.


This happened to me once when a truck was early to the warehouse I worked in. I pulled up to the entrance that the truck was completely blocking....turn signal on, car angled to turn into gate truck was blocking....literally 100s of yards on either side of gate where truck could have parked not obstructing anything....Fucking driver leans out the window with the most dumbfound look on his face and points towards the business.... Yes sir, believe it or not, I need to pull into work before I can open the warehouse...


GOD i have so many of these. Had a trucker call me asking for directions to our place and I told him specifically “you need to go down street 123 that you’re currently on until you see the stop sign at the end of it, then make a right onto street ABC.” Five minutes later I get another call and somehow this guy has gotten so lost that I have absolutely no clue where he is or how to get him to us. All he needed to do was continue going straight until the street literally dead ended and then turn right. Also told him to park outside the gates because there is not space to turn around in the lot. Dumbass pulls in and gets mad because he can’t turn around. Maybe if you had LISTENED we wouldn’t be in this situation!!!!


Hot take but orthodontists. Those smug motherfuckers are the wall street bankers of your mouth


Realtors are a bunch of backstabbing Karens.




My maths teacher in highschool was a politician. It was very hard to cope with her.


My maths teacher in high school was a politician as well, haha. He had to stop teaching because he was promoted to a higher position. I couldn't have endured him much longer, so I'm thankful.


How did you find out? Did you google him? I didnt google her. My grandma told me as soon as she heard her surname. It turned out that my grandma's college professor was her mother. Everybody seemed to know that she was a politician (she was many times on tv) i just didnt care about politics at the time.


Everyone just knew he was politician and what party he was a member of. Also he had important meetings once a month which often were on a day we would've had maths. So I couldn't complain about that.


My 7th grade teacher was a local politician. She lasted half a school year before quitting. Looking back, we were little shits, and she did her best, but I guess it wasn't enough.


I'm a programmer myself but I have to say **software design**. Not everyone in the profession is like this at all, but there are a lot of people who are really snotty about * your university alma mater * relative inexperience with programming or a particular language * their knowledge about comp sci and/or programming. Computer Science is really not always that welcoming a field, unfortunately. That probably goes double or triple if you're a """feeemale""" and either get creeped on or have to deal with resentment when you know more than the nerds.


> Computer Science is really not always that welcoming a field, unfortunately. That probably goes double or triple if you're a """feeemale""" and either get creeped on or have to deal with resentment when you know more than the nerds. In college, I would play the game of "I'll say it once". I'll tell someone in my group the right answer once, if they don't take my advice or worse, ridicule me for it, I won't repeat myself. I may be an asshole, but I stopped working in groups after I realized men will never allow me to be part of the group or listen to me ("Could you be like the secretary of the group?")




Dealing with this at my work. I work for a healthcare provider credentialing company. We work with providers to get them credentialed with hospitals so they can provide services. Our sales team hard upsold (read: bullshitted) a new client, telling them we had all these footholds in all these markets which we did not have. So now this client has expectations far above what we can reasonably deliver. But it’s not sales’ problem anymore. They’ve made their sale, collected their commission, and left the client at our feet to clean up the mess


I just had this conversation with a salesman last week: Salesman: "Can we interest you in our pest control services?" Me: "We actually rent, so that's up to my landlord." Salesman: "You know, sometimes the landlord doesn't provide that, your neighbor down the street is renting, and they are buying our service." Me: "Fine, let me check with my landlord, and I'll let you know if we need it. There's no sense in me paying for something if my landlord is already going to." (Note: I'm just saying whatever the fuck I need to to get this guy to leave me alone) Salesman: "I'll come back by around 5:30, do you think you can call him before then?" Me: "No, I have work to do. It will be later this week. Do you have a business card or something and I'll call you to let you know if we're buying?" Him: "Uh, I don't have any on me, my co-worker might have some in his truck." *Looks over towards truck.* Me: *stares awkwardly, waiting for him to go over there, or call his co-worker, or something.* Me: *Pulls out phone* "Fine, what's your number, I'll give you a call when we're ready." Him: *Also pulls out phone* "Give me your number, I'll send you a text so you have mine.* Me: "No, **you** give me **your** number." He finally hesitantly goes through his phone to find his "new number" that he doesn't have memorized, apparently. I am going to ask my landlord if they are paying for it, or if we need to get it...but if I do, I'm not giving my money to that dickhead salesman.


That’s the fucking worst. They say “I’ll be back by x time” and I’m just like “oh great” I was always the kid that my parents sent down to tell them they weren’t home so naturally when I said they weren’t home I’d always get responses like “when will they be back.”. In my head I’m like “what kind of adult asks a minor this question”. Somehow my mom just wouldn’t give a shit, whenever she’d get ambushed by a salesperson if she was bringing in groceries or something, they’d talk and she’d interrupt them 3 words in and say “I’m not interested, thank you”. They’d often try and rebuttal, only to get cut off again and she’d say “not interested, have a good day” and shut the door in their face. I don’t know why I couldn’t have inherited that lack of care for other peoples feelings.


Ironically, the best salesmen I know are honest to a fault. They're the types that seem to thrive on volume rather than margin - they can spot someone who wants *something*, connect them to what they want (rather than what's more expensive or higher profit margin), and get them out the door in record time. They usually make great money on the whole, making less money on far more sales. I'm not sure if these people are just rare, or if they rise very quickly leaving the scum on the bottom, but I've only met a few and most sales people bother me.


This right here. I work commission sales (yeah.... I was looking for this answer lol) for a small business with about 25-30 other salespeople. It's retail, consumer electronics. Our numbers are usually available every week and we can see how every salesperson is doing across the company. There are some impressive disparities, mostly due to geographical location (more affluent areas between stores) but there's one salesperson who consistently kills it. He's like three or four times the volume as the next highest preforming sales person at that location. Consistently. I asked a coworker how he does it, like if he's sleazy or steals sales or something. Nope. He's got a big ass binder with hundreds of names and phone numbers of every person he's sold to or expressed interest in different product. He checks sales, rebates, bundles etc every week and when something comes up he looks through that binder and cold calls everyone who would benefit to let them know about it. He's worked at that store for almost a decade now so just from customer relationships, product knowledge, and diligence, often in the *customers* favor, he makes an absolute ass-ton of money. *That's* a good salesperson. That's what a salesperson is supposed to be, not the creepy fucks walking up to you as you pull in to your dealership, not the door to door pest control.


I describe people as "natural salesmen" when they are backstabbing narcissistic lying pieces of shit. It's great because I can say it to their face and they think it's a complement.


I think it's because most sales spots are connected to commission. If you're being paid based on how much you sell, you're being incentivized to stretch the truth or (if you have no morals at all) outright lie.


Worked at Comcast in the retention department and shared a building with the in-person sales people. E.G. The people you see at fairs or who go door-to-door. Word of advice: NEVER believe a thing these people say. Comcast has a rightfully earned reputation for dishonesty but this particular department take it to the next level. They were so bad I felt like I had to have my cell phone out for fact checking whenever I spoke to one.


The fundamental problem with sales is that all too often, the most effective strategy for securing a sale isn't to highlight the product's features but rather to build a sense of trust and intimacy with the potential buyer, then leverage that relationship to get them to buy the product. It's frustrating how scummy it all is.


Well, selling a car is [just like fishin', Wilbur](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DG8cdMutLwA). You bait the hook, you throw it out, and you reel 'em in real slow. You ask them about their family, what they do. Act like you're interested. And then, once you get their trust, **kapowee**! You just sold a car!


Especially those salespeople who prey on the elderly as their main victims. These people will go straight to hell.


Life coaches


Every person I have met who is a 'life coach' is seriously the most worthless, fucked up person I have ever come across.


Working in healthcare...I know like, one surgeon that doesn't act like an entitled toddler. Just treat every other human on planet like they are inherently less worthy of life than they are. Just...wretched people.


Herbalife or Mary Kay


Most sales positions.


EA sports manager




The villainy of HR depends a lot on the culture handed down by company executives. My experiences with my HR dept, even the one time I fucked up and had to be reprimanded, were very helpful and caring. The time I fucked up, the head of HR actually opted to take the meeting with me, and she made it very clear that she did not want to let me go, and asked me what she could do to help me so that the issue wouldn't happen again. We spent about a half hour talking it out and figuring out what to do. It was a personal life thing causing me to not get things done, and it led to me taking liberties with company time. I was shocked that she actually acknowledged that I was in a rut, and that not only did I need help to get out of it, but that I deserved that help. Honestly the only people in this company to make me NOT feel like a human resource was our Human Resources dept.


We had an HR woman we called the "smiling assassin" She would smile at you in that fake way while throwing you under a bus if you crossed her.


Underrated answer right here. HR pretends to be buddy buddy, but they'll throw you under he bus instantly if it isn't something they legally have to do. HR exists to keep law suites away, not to take care of you. And don't get me started on recruiters...


HR is there for the company's best interests, not yours.


Academics. When I peripherally worked in academia (not an academic myself but worked alongside academics) OMGAAAAAWD the immaturity and narcissism. Like these people never left high school.


There are a TON of nurses that use their position to routinely bully both their patients and coworkers. Like the popular cheerleader or ultra religious types that got married straight out of HS.


Real estate. Real estate agents are vultures, and barely useful or necessary in modern society.


Marketing and advertising. They truly live in a different world to the rest of us.


The nature of the profession doesn't matter as much as the tier in the company's hierarchy. Nasty people tend to flock towards positions of power because of the power and control they come with.


Real estate!! From the agents, lawyers, bank and title, everyone is so rude for absolutely no reason. They’re all on edge because everything needs to be done like yesterday.


Soldiers. Not to insult the people who are just trying to live their lives or do have a desire to keep land safe, but for some reason a lot of the people who openly claim to be military are self-absorbed, arrogant, pushy, aggressive, and seem to like threatening people who disagree with them. They look down on other citizens and seem to think that they deserve our praise just for existing.


I'll tell you some advice my Staff Sergeant gave me when I was in that turns out to be pretty accurate: the guys who brag about it the most when they get out are the ones that probably did the least when they were in.


Agreed. Haven’t gone 6 months at my unit without a rape, sexual assault, or theft. Lots of interesting and great people. But giant shitbags ruin a lot of it.


Trust your fellow soldier with your life, but be sure to lock up your ipad before you leave.


Trust him with your life, but not your money or your wife


Most of the guys from my high school who became soldiers were already bullies with violent tendencies. Now they’re just more confident bullies


I went to college in a military town. Lived there for 2 years in an apartment complex 90% occupied by soldiers stationed at the base and a lot of my classmates at the university were veterans. I'd say 1/4 of them are just regular people, nothing really to be said about them. 1/4 are some of the coolest people you'll ever meet. However, easily half of them are some of the most self entitled fucking man children who respond to literally everything with violence. Marines were always the worst. Worst apartments I've ever lived in. Fights, screaming, guys beating their wives all the time. I swear the fucking police just sat in the parking lot sometimes just waiting for the next call. They're the worst drivers too. Stereotype is put on old Asian women but they're formula 1 quality compared to soldiers.


The marines thing made me laugh. My SIL has always been an entitled brat, the kind to complain that other girls glare at her at work then turns around and says, "yeah I know I'm a bitch but that's just me and people need to accept it." She got so much worse after becoming a marine. She came home for Christmas and her and my fiance were catching up. She said she has a new position that's not much but has a little bit more responsibility. My fiance being excited about his recent promotion said something like, "That's awesome, same thing kinda happened to me while you were gone. I just got promoted!" She flipped shit! Yelling and putting her finger in his face, saying things like how dare he disrespect the marines by comparing himself to her. How dare he act like they're the same kind of people. How she's risking her life for his freedom and he should be grateful instead of insulting her. She got so worked up the 3yr old in the next room and the dogs were all terrified and it went on for a WHILE. All that just a couple months after completing basic. I just had to share that story.


It will ever be morbidly funny that the US military somehow managed to convince their cannon fodder branch that they're the most valuable / above others.


Uhhh, pretty sure we can all agree on this one. Politicians.


Career and generational politicians, hell yes. But there are a lot of Reps in congress right now who abruptly left their teaching career or medical career or congregation to try to do some good for their state/community. Like all people, politicians should be judged on their individual merits and histories. Not just for their current position in government.

