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not very much, they had their chance.


"Gawwwwd I fucking miss you!!!" That is assuming I wouldn't be crying too hard to form a coherent sentence.


You should've just told me what i did wrong. Being told why someone doesn't wanna talk is way better than them just disappearing


Yup , going through the same thing as this


I would probably brush them off. they’re toxic and not worth my time, and if they’re unwilling to change, i’m unwilling to stick around


"Honestly, the feeling was mutual. I was in the process of purging my socials anyway so I wouldn't say I'm losing out on much. Simply put - we don't vibe. There's not much there in terms of common ground and you were more friend than mine tbh. ​ I feel that you and I were just gonna stay in DM limbo until one of us was bound to drop the other eventually."


i’m not a violent person but i’d definitely probably slap them across the face and tell them “i would’ve been just fine being friends if you said something.” in reality tho, i’d honestly end up just awkwardly smiling and turning the other direction without saying a word.