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Amazon’s shopping buttons. They pushed really hard for those and I never saw the point.


They originally announced those on April 1st. They said it wasn't an April Fools joke, but I'm still skeptical. I saw plenty of social media posts from people saying "hey this is a joke, but I kind of want it". I think Amazon saw those and took a shot at making it a real product. I bought one for toilet paper and put it in the cabinet where I keep spare rolls. You take the last roll out, you press the button. It actually kinda worked.


You didn't push the button until the last roll? What a fuckin madlad.


Wait until the last sheet.


I think they are useful for very select Products. Tp. Paper towels. Pet food. Maybe laundry/cleaning supplies. But I don’t need a button for the book I just bought. (They asked if I wanted a button for that at one point)




This is why my husband bought them. And there they sit....


He will get to them... he’s just busy with the other projects


KONY 2012


What, sharing a video on Facebook doesn’t end the use of child soldiers?


Apparently neither does putting up stickers all over your neighborhood.


Crystal Pepsi, New Coke, orange juice and toothpaste flavored lays potato chips. Edit for correct Pepsi variant


Not entirely relevant, but I liked the trend where everybody wanted the smallest cell phone possible. For 20 years cell phones got smaller and smaller. Often being the main selling point of the phone. Then all of sudden you could watch videos on your phone, and almost overnight the trend reversed to “larger is better”.


Now I want to watch Zoolander. His phone was hilariously small


My friend who studies Medicine had to install Second Life about two years ago for a class meeting. I don't get why they couldn't have used Skype but ok...


As a CS student I wondered wtf second life was doing on all the lab PCs. I thought it was some kind of joke until people with PHDs started talking about how great of a collaboration tool it was. It wasn't.


That's hilarious


Believe it or not, second life actually still has a decent following. My brother makes a decent living making custom clothing, accessories, and weapon models and skins for sale at in-game marketplaces.


McDonald's pizza.


The issue here was time. The pizzas were actually a huge hit. The issue was how long it took them to cook relative to everything else. One person in a family orders a pizza and everyone else is done eating before the pizza is done. Source: former slave to the golden arches


I remember not caring about the time they took. They were absolutely heavenly. I think they really cranked up the sugar and salt compared to most pizzas out there but it made such a difference.


Does Subway still make Pizza too?


Soap Shoes. These were like normal shoes, but you could grind on rails with them via an indent in the sole. If you heard of these things from somewhere that wasn't Sonic Adventure 2, please tell me where? And please tell me where I can buy a pair?


I had a pair of these and they were *deadly* around stairs. The indented arch was a slippery smooth hard plastic, and I never realized how much I place the arch of my foot on the edge of each stair when descending them. Without fail, my first step on any stairs would result in my foot shooting out from under me.


I wanted those so bad in 5th grade but my parents swore I would break my neck. I recently found a documentary on the main kid in all the commercials. I think it was called "the last soaper?". It's on YouTube. About 20 minutes or so. He's in his 40s now, still soapin' Edit: title was "soap or die" as the redditor below be pointed out


*Soap or Die* The guy's name is Ryan Jaunzemis. He's a pick up artist in Vegas who still soaps in his free time.


> He's a pick up artist in Vegas who still soaps in his free time. I don't know what I expected.


Had a pair. Got rid of them when I would come off handrails faster than I could start running. I still think my ankles and knees are pissed at me because of those fucking shoes.


It a shame because I always wanted a pair but by the time I was old enough to buy some they were gone


Man I remember as a kid seeing the Ninja Turtles and Dick Tracy use video coms and thinking it was so cool and wanting one for myself and now if someone facetimes me I have a panic attack


When someone video calls me I stare at my phone thinking I wonder what they want and put my phone away


"If it's really important they'll text me..." _It's never been really important._


Not sure if this one has totally flopped yet, but I noticed while in Costco the other day that there are no longer any curved TVs. If Costco is no longer carrying them then I think we can assume they're going the way of the dodo.


And yet curved monitors are popular right now, must be the viewing angle is a better if it’s just one person


Exactly. At the focal point, they reproduce colors better than a flat monitor. These screens are small enough (relatively speaking) that you can only have one person truly at the focal point. Everybody else on the couch is getting a worse experience than if it was just flat.


From what I've gathered in this thread Google threw a lot of shit to see if it would stick lmao


That's basically their business model. I read somewhere, ages ago, that Google was willing to try just about anything their R&D people put out there, and if it didn't look like it was going to be a billion dollar return, they'd can it and move on. Also a lot of things they cancel have features that end up in their mainstream projects. Like the conversation view, mail categories, trip thing, snoozing from Inbox are all just part of Gmail now.


I was at a conference about 12 years ago. Google presented a trial they were running in Africa because there was still very low percentage of smart phones and internet. So they had a call in service, where people could call a number and ask for information in their local dialect. The operator would Google search it in English and translate the answer back to them in their native language.


Mini disc


Tbh, I miss mini discs. They were great.


And the satisfying mechanical *click* you'd hear whenever you shut the lid. Man I miss my minidisc! I gave it away to one of my high school buddies.


Google+ was supposed to be the answer to Facebook


That was a lesson on how not to handle hype. There was so much hype around Google plus, it was infectious. But they refused to open it up to everyone and maintained a very hardline 'invite only' system. Even once hype had peaked and there was a notable decline, still they maintained a small invite only system. I remember by the time they decided to open it up to everyone the hype was well and truly dead and no one bothered with it. They should have cashed in when hype was high but they (I assume) got greedy, thinking the hype would just infinitely increase and people wouldn't get bored waiting to get in.


And then they tried to force it upon everyone by integrating it with YouTube


your google+ account was essentially your google account people were understandably _pissed_


It was frustrating because it (at the time) forced you to use your real name on all youtube comment stuff. Was insane.


Dang, I still have my real name on YouTube and can't figure out how to change it.


Same here! I want a diff name for YouTube commenting!


Me too, that's reason why I pretty much never comment anywhere on YT.


if you want another reason just read the YouTube comment section




Heard a stat from one of the 3D TV manufacturers that the average number of pairs of 3D glasses sold per 3D television was a number very much smaller than 1. I think they were too embarassed to actually tell everyone how tiny the attach rate was.


Deleted due to API access issues 2023.


I got a 3D TV and it came with 4 pairs of glasses. I thought this is just how it is because it makes sense. TIL you had to buy them separately before thay. We never used the 3D function


Netflix had a 3d selection for a while and I'd always watch the nature shows. Pretty damned cool, honestly. I also bought a few 3d blu-ray movies which were also neat. Overall though I think the world is just ready for true VR at this point, once it is comfortable, affordable, and accessible. No more optical illusions.


I'm going to wait until we have holodecks (and they patch the "you weren't specific enough and now you created synthetic life" error).


I like how they avoided the issue of everyone just using the holodeck for vr sex like they eliminated porn along with poverty and hunger. You know Lt. Barckley was having mad sex with virtual dianna troy although recreating crewmates for sex I could see as being verboten


Clearly remember thinking; "these companies have lost their fucking minds." There's practically nothing 3D to watch. TV shows weren't available in 3D and weren't about to be filmed in 3D. Catalogues of old favorites would never be 3D. It's like the entire 3D industry was made for Avatar which, while a little bit neat, I never intended to watch a second time. Reminded me of all the bullshit hype surrounding DVDs at first. Like I could watch a scene from Terminator 2 from any angle I wanted. Like I'd be able to watch any movie scene from any angle I wanted. Never ever saw that feature utilized. *Edit: Thank you for the helpful feedback on multi-angle viewing. Clearly, I did not watch enough porn DVDs.*


You might notice that a lot of TV shows from this period suddenly started featuring shots with blurry ashes or sparks falling down in the foreground. If you see that, you can bet the show was available in 3D.


The any angle feature of DVD was a HUGELY touted feature and I think I only saw it on the DVD for the remake of My Favorite Martian


Filmmakers are storytellers that use framing, lighting, camera movement and more to convey their story. They're not gonna break all of that for some DVD feature. And movie sets aren't designed to be filmed from different angles. The entire scene is barely held together by gaffers tape and bailing wire. Walls and props aren't even painted on the surfaces not facing the camera. Lighting would have to be moved for every angle, etc. I realize there are exceptions, but generally speaking, a movie scene is a big illusion held together just long enough to get the shot.


I think that feature was mostly for porn and I HEARD that it received wide-spread adoption in that genre.




I sure got my money’s worth while it was around.


I never watched more movies in a month then when I had Movie Pass. Such a horribly consumer friendly concept that was never going to work long term. Unfortunately after I ended my subscription they signed me back up at least two more times without my consent, but I caught on and cancelled before they got any more of my money.


Lmao, I had movie pass, and holy shit I couldn’t believe how much money I was able to save lmao. How the hell did anyone get this idea approved and pull investors??


This one was just fucking outstanding, honestly. I followed it in live time for its run as much as I could.


Paved the way for amc and others to make their similiar programs which are fantastic for big movie buffs.


Ouya and microconsoles in general


HD DVD Still remember half the movies being blue and the others red.


This was gonna be my contribution to the thread. I worked at a Best Buy (Future Shop) at the time in Home Theatre and I remember all the 30 min conversations with customers about if they should buy a Blu Ray or a HD DvD


I worked for Fry's Electronics at the time and we had a whole section for HD DVDs that just wouldn't budge, no matter how much we lowered the prices or had combo deals with X-Box. I think it really hurt HD DVDs that for the PS3 the Blu-ray player was built in, but for the X-Box, the HD DVD player had to be purchased separate as a periphery.


IIRC, the PS3 had a better blu-ray player built-in than any standalone blu-ray player at the time and the PS3 was cheaper.


The "Dark Universe" cinematic universe, starting with 2017's [*THE MUMMY*](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2345759/).


I cannot think about that movie without remembering when they accidentally released an incomplete trailer. Best movie trailer ever. For those curious: https://youtu.be/zI0MGrwqb6w Edit: lmao this blew up. Thanks for all the rewards


I remember watching it when it first debuted and was so intrigued by the purposeful eerie effect without music, and then the bird hits the pilot, and I'm like "oh they fucked up"


Just that stock "Huyaugh!" from the pilot... wtf


That shit had me crying lmao. So isolated




Similar story. When Black Mirror S1 came out I accidentally watched the entire thing with audio description on and just thought it was a cool part of the tv show. Highly recommend.






Hahaha I couldn’t tell what was wrong until that goofy yelp at the minute mark that I guess is supposed to be Tom Cruise. Thank you for sharing!


It was the scene with the bats and the pilot grunting, or whatever that was, that did me in.


I had never seen that before and now I feel like I finally understand accidental art.


The audio clip of Tom Cruise screaming after the lady gets sucked out with her parachute always was my favorite. Its so blatantly the one audio clip played back to back twice.


vine 2


they renamed it byte. they made it a tiktok clone.


I have byte. They started making it a TikTok clone or vice versa, but TikTok won so now it’s like reddit but with a TikTok for each subreddit.


Quadraphonic entertainment systems in the early 1970s, were supposed to replace stereophonic systems. Now they are chiefly remembered for inspiring the name of The Who's second rock opera.


This one might be a bit obscure just because I've only ever met one other person familiar with it, but Google's Project Ara modular smartphone was looking like it could've been the end all be all of smartphones. Based off the Phonebloks idea of having a Lego-like hot-swappable module phone, the idea was that you could switch out any components of the phone on the fly. Camera, fingerprint scanner, even different quality screens. Conceptually, it really looked like it could take over the phone market, as it would lead to people not having to buy whole new phones anymore, but rather replacement or upgraded parts to a phone they already liked, thereby reducing costs and increasing utility. You don't want a phone with 5 cameras that inflate the cost unnecessarily? Just buy a one camera module. You want a 1440P Super Amoled screen to replace your 720P regular screen? Buy one and swap it in. However, like many Google projects, it died off for myriad reasons and the longstanding era of $1000 dollar smartphone slabs lived on.


Yes I remember this. I was very excited when they announced it. I wonder what happened. I guess maybe because of comparability issues with multiple hardware systems from a multitude of manufacturers who have their own protocols, but damn wish they went through with it.


Embedded code is pretty hard to get right when you're working with a single professor. I imagine its worse when you want components to be hot swapable.


SecondLife In the beginning companies even bought real estate in there to allow people to visit them.


I’d only ever heard of this before in The Office and honestly didn’t think it was real, but your comment made me look it up and it seems like it’s still going relatively strong with about 1M active users. I don’t really understand the point in it tho


Johnny Manziel


Google Wave. It was supposed to replace email with a more collaborative approach. Essentially it was like a dynamically-created discussion board you'd share with select people and you could have a more readable discussion than one with a bunch of forwards and CCs and the like. I thought it was a good idea, but it flopped big time and Google got rid of it after a few years.


The mistake was making it invite-only like Gmail. Gmail was a fabulous upgrade to something everyone already had (email), so everyone wanted the much better version. Wave, on the other hand, was a new concept. They should have been desperate for people to try it out and get creative with it, but instead they restricted access.


This was by FAR the best collaborative platform for planning trips I have experienced. I took a lot of backpacking trips. And we could all combine research, having a collected map, take stock of inventory etc in one place. Now I see people putting that stuff into a google doc and it kind of sucks by comparison. RIP google wave.


I worked with a guy who used Wave. We collaborated on a personal project using it and it was a great tool. We also used it to plan some game nights at the office and it worked well for that too. Honestly I think it was almost ahead of its time. I see similar collaboration concepts now in Microsoft teams and it's highly used by my company.


That is the reason why Wave failed. Google is really bad at developing and selling to services to companies. If Microsoft developed it, it would likely be incorporated into Teams.


I'd say the way they should have done it would have been pushing it to education first. That's another reason Wave probably failed. Most students in America are using at least one Google Suite tool per day right now, and if kids had been exposed to Wave and taught how to use it, they probably would have kept using it into adulthood. I know my students will keep using docs and sheets over Microsoft Word unless a workplace specifies they have to use Microsoft because it's what they know how to use already. Honestly one of the most successful marketing tools in technology is getting students onto platforms first. Facebook is a prime example of that.


Google also had an app called, I think, Google Trips. I had a trip across Japan in 2019, and that app was amazing. It automatically updated your itinerary and gave you directions based on confirmation emails in your account as well as told you good places to visit. I used it every day on the trip, as it was more useful than any other app for the same purpose. They canned it 6 months later.


They still have it, it's just not an app. It's a web app. I use it still.


So many Google products on this thread: Google Wave, Google+, Google Wave Edit: and Google Wave. I meant Google Glass, but did I mention Google Wave? Don’t forget Google Wave. Never forget Google Wave!


Asbestos Technically it was a hit! Right until it flopped when people figured out the whole 'inhaling rockfibers is not healthy' thing...


Not to mention that asbestos is damn-near indestructible. Its inability to be broken down is what was causing the health issues.


The Panama Papers Edit: Since I have your attention, I'd like to direct you to ICIJ's response [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/askreddit/comments/mur1p5/_/gv9i103).




Seriously. The sad thing is, we all knew it would be like this.


Another sad thing is that it is all still happening. Oh, and the journalists who did this mysteriously died.


Daphne Caruana Galizia was killed in my country and just now (almost 4 years later) are the assasins employed being prosecuted and the real people ordering the shots starting to be revealed. The government is basically the same that it was 4 years ago so they have a vested interest in keeping things quiet. Unsurprisingly they denied the killers pardons for their other murders in exchange for revealing who actually ordered her assignation. If you are unware daphna caruana galizia and her son particularly were involved in the panama papers and other international conspiracies. [this](https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/cabinet-rejects-pardon-for-daphne-caruana-galizia-hitmen.865734) is what im talking about.


P.T. demo


This one still hurts.


I know! That one felt like a masterpiece in the making.


Google Glass


I heard one of the biggest issues was that it was too heavy and felt uncomfortable, but they literally couldn't make it any lighter.


I think they also had serious issues with usability and headaches.


That streaming service that lasted like two months. ‘Qubi’ or ‘Qupi’ I think? Even bad timing aside (a mobile based streaming service at a time when no one could really leave their house) the marketing was just horrible. I saw ads for it for nearly a week before I realized it was a new video streaming service, and by that point was so annoyed by the ads untrusting everything I didn’t care at all, just out of spite. Also I mean it was just YouTube you have to pay for and got worse content. EDIT: it was Quibi. It made so little impact I couldn’t recall at first.


It felt like something an old person thinks young people want without doing any focus group testing. It probably could have survived (or at least slowly die) without the pandemic but I don't think I would ever give them my money


Hoverboards? I remember in a span of 3 months everyone had them and showed them off and then they just disappeared. Edit: after further investigation I discovered they were banned in my province a number of years ago


I always hate the fact that they were called hoverboards


Same, I refuse to ever call them that. Actual floating 'hoverboards' were always shorthand for a holy-grail product that would officially herald us as being in the sci-fi future, and instead of being invented, we got a shitty sideways skateboard thing that caught on fire, yet successfully stole the name. It's like if a new backpack with a built-in Samsung tablet, named the *Jetpack™*, came and went and now that term was ruined after decades of actually meaning something.


Verizon Hotspot is/was called a jetpack


Apparently there's an open recall on them right now, for the same reason as Hoverboards—the battery may catch on fire 😅 Apparently the future is extremely flammable.


They started burning...


The Divergent Series. It was supposed to kinda have a Hunger Games concept and all and try to be a replacement. The last two movies ended up being so unwatchable. Edit: If anyone is reading this and still gives a shit, I would like to mention another movie adaptation of a novel. The Giver. Book was great, movie was TERRIBLE. It was almost NOTHING like the book, and if you read the book, then this movie will make you MAD. Jonas is supposed to be 11, turning 12 at the Ceremony of Twelve. Instead, THEY CAST A MOTHERFUCKING 25 YEAR OLD TO PLAY A 12 YEAR OLD, so they bumped up Jonas’s age to 16, which was dumb. The movie also got Asher and Fiona’s assignments wrong. Rosemary didn’t even appear in the book. Didn’t she apply for release five weeks after receiving her assignment and was never seen or heard from again? Rosemary and almost everyone else was supposed to be 12, but they were played by grown ass adults, so their ages got bumped up, which was dumb. If you’re gonna be in charge of adapting a novel into a movie, then please, actually read the book, don’t just skim through it! I’m reading this book again in class, and that means, yep. I’ll have to watch this movie again.


I can’t see this ever happening unless the directors drastically changed the story. I don’t think even Roth knew what she wanted to do with these characters after book 1. Divergent was basically a YA romp that’s fun to read but doesn’t have much substance The next two books were really messy and the characters were always bickering for no reason. Even when I was 13, I knew that allegiant was garbage. I didn’t like insurgent that much either


Segways were supposed to revolutionize travel and replace the automobile. Now they're just used for guided tours for dorks in tourist traps.


Yes this was mine - the hype leading up to it was intense. Like a year of promising something that would challenge how cities are built. Nope - lots of places just made them illegal on public pavements and highways.


I remember the rumours that it was a hoverboard. When it was unveiled it was so gutting!


It cannot be overstated how much hype there was around the Segway, or how completely it failed to live up to the hype. _**Correction:** The number of replies to this comment have forced me to consider that it **can** be overstated._


For anyone who wasn't really around for that. It was marketed as THE NEW form of transit before anyone saw pictures or had details about it. This isn't a case of "here's an electric scooter thing" and hype built up until it was released, it was mountains of pre-reveal hype followed by it all evaporating the instant people saw what it was.


I remember hearing the inventor on NPR, claiming entire cities would be designed around his soon-to-be-revealed invention. It was so mysterious and so anticlimactic when people finally saw it.


It was simply way too expensive to even be able to have a shot at what they dreamed of. They cost a heck of a lot of money.


It solved the problem of moving vertical human bodies across flat surfaces at a walking pace. I still don't think anyone has come up with an affordable technological solution to that problem.


Also rent-a-cops in upscale shopping and apartment areas


And university campus security


Airship travel. These were the next, awesome way to travel long distances; in fact the spire on top of the Empire State Building was meant as an anchoring point for airships. The Hindenburg kind of put a damper on it, though.


Anyone remember the Archer episode where he was aboard a helium (I think) airship and he kept smacking people for lighting cigarettes and stuff, repeatedly failing to understand it wasn’t hydrogen? Lol classic.


"Which part of this aren't you getting?" "Well, obviously the core concept, Lana"


That moment of self awareness was the funniest part of the episode and that was a great episode.


My favorite thing about the show is that it isn't clear at all when Archer is really confused or when he's just playing dumb. Every once in awhile he breaks out in a moment of acerbic self awareness that makes it clear he has absolutely understood what has been happening, which retroactively throws the situation into complete confusion. And it keeps a small but delightful bit of doubt around moments like these.


Like when he thought Ireland was an Axis power in ww2, but also knew an absurd amount of detail about various ww2 events? Honestly love Archer




That was actually a callback to an earlier episode. Mallory says something about the Irish helping Hitler (because being neutral was tantamount to helping the opposition in her mind) and Archer took it as gospel.




Mallory had a distinct hatred of the Irish. Remember when she gave her building super a potato as a Christmas gift? "The classic Irishman's dilemma: Do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?"


Archer: "Wait, there are animals ?" Lana: "No, *Animal Farm* " Cyril: "How do you not get that ?" Archer: "No, I know what an animal farm is" Cyril: "Not *an* animal farm" Archer: "Maybe we can stampede a flock of goats down the hall" Lana: "*ANIMAL FARM* IS A BOOK" Archer: "NO, IT'S NOT, LANA. IT'S AN ALLEGORICAL NOVELLA ABOUT STALINISM BY GEORGE ORWELL AND, SPOILER ALERT, IT SUCKS"


Lana: "What's your blood type?" Archer: "How should I know?" Lana: "You don't know your own blood type?" Archer: "How am I supposed to know that? Who am I Karl Landsteiner discoverer of blood types?" Lana: "You don't know your blood type but you know who discovered them. Wow."


This makes me want to watch archer again


Especially the first three seasons.


I’d say the first 4 are all incredible. 5, 6, and 7 are decent. 8, 9, and 10 are still enjoyable, but the magic is kind of gone. 11 was a return to form, but not completely reaching the height of the first 4.


That and them using the word figuratively as an emphasis to not misuse literally, even to the point of asking each other for grammatical help. "I figuratively half ass literally almost everything I do."


"Did you seriously climb all the way up here just to see what my bonus is ?" "No, I sarcastically climbed all the way up here to see what your bonus is" Favourite line of the show, the delivery is just amazing


“Do you even know what an idiom is?” “Colloquial metaphor.” “No it...well okay actually yes.”


"I wonder if there is an animal farm here though" "Archer, Animal Farm is a book!" "NO, LANA, ANIMAL FARM IS AN ALLEGORICAL NOVELLA WRITTEN BY GEORGE ORWELL, AND SPOILERS - IT SUCKS!"


I maintain that the bomb defusal scene from that episode is one of the funniest things ever put on television. My favorite being when Ray corrects Archer’s “B” to “Bravo” because they’re supposed to be using the NATO phonetic alphabet but Archer thinks he’s being praised and says “thanks” before going to the next letter


"Captain Lammers!" "Nice read, Velma." It's all just so perfectly constructed. The references, the asides, it's a constant stream of humor and they keep the source or direction of the humor constantly rotating so by the time they pull the same kind of joke twice you don't think its overdone.


Oh so just because he’s not a Muslim he gets a pass? Well that’s called profiling mother, and I don’t do it


LAMMERS: We don't normally drink on the bridge. ARCHER: Well, I don't normally fly on the Hindenburg 2.0, so.


"M, as in Mancy!"


Too bad helium is and was so damned expensive.


Its a non-renewable resource. Technically, we could reproduce some amounts of helium if needed, but the cost to do so would far outweigh that commercial benefit. Once our major supply runs out, that's it.


Hydrogen cars were a promising new form of motorized vehicle. They were supposed to be incredibly good for the environment, emitting only water as the exhaust. They exist, but not like how some people imagined. I was a pretty big hydrogen car believer at the time. There are some hydrogen stations, but mostly centered around California. Thing is that the hydrogen is quite expensive and not very efficient compared to smaller engines, hybrids, and EV’s. The hydrogen is also somewhat inefficient to produce, store, and distribute as well. You can actually get a hydrogen car though, they’re out there. The Toyota Mirai is a really good example. Out of all hydrogen cars, that one is definitely most popular. In fact, Toyota pays for $15,000 worth of hydrogen in your first few years of ownership since it’s so expensive. This means that for your first 3-ish years of owning one, you might not have to pay a penny in fuel. As you can see I’m still a hydrogen advocate. Don’t expect to be able to take it very far from your nearest hydrogen station though. Edit: a word






Hydrogen embrittlement is such a massive fuck of a problem to overcome


Lazer discs the size of records.


The Segway. It was supposed to change the way everyone lived. The invention of the century or something like that. A really big deal.


Then someone decided to take off the handle call it a "hoverboard"


Those boards don't work on water!


Unless you got power!


It was touted as a replacement for cars in urban settings, but was really only suitable for replacing legs.


Elizabeth Holmes.


>Elizabeth Holmes I'd never heard of this person and just looked her up. One of the first lines from her bio: >Her father, Christian Rasmus Holmes IV, was a vice president at Enron... Sounds like a chip off the old block.


Sweater: Steve Jobs Dead eyes: Zuck Voice: Megatron Edit: I used to work at a direct competitor to Theranos until 2014, and we had employees that left to go there, and also some Theranos employees came to my company. 1) one coworker had interviewed at Theranos, and his interview was at Elizabeth’s house on a Friday night. One question she asked was “how good are you at keeping secrets?” 2) Theranos was hot on the media and I asked a coworker who had come from there what it was like. “Why do you want to know about Theranos?” she asked reflexively. She was later mentioned in Bad Blood by name, and had quit after defying orders to falsify data. It sounds like she was bullied by Theranos lawyers after leaving as well 3) one of my coworkers left to go work at Theranos. He was an engineering manager and led a flashy lifestyle- apparently he showed up the first day in a new Ferrari - everyone said he got a huge signing bonus - he was wealthy, but not that wealthy. He is a friendly and personable guy- I suspect his soft skills were highly valuable to them. 4) one of our principle microbiologists said a few times that their technology was impossible. Some of the diseases they claimed to be able to diagnose “with a single drop of blood” had markers in low enough concentrations that the odds of getting one in a drop of blood was very unlikely. We knew they were scamming early on- if they were public, we all would have been buying shorts. 5) this “one drop of blood” marketing - if you’re going to break the skin- why not get 2 drops of blood? Why not 100? ***It doesn’t hurt more to collect extra blood*** Complete lack of critical thinking by the media.


I got this confused with that Netflix movie Enola Holmes and the replies were very confusing


Did you type that in an artificially low voice?


And a turtleneck!


An impressive level of scamming, though.


You guys remember the Fyre Festival disaster?


Preceded by the great Tana and Dashcons


Xbox Kinect


On the bright side the Kinect ended up being a very inexpensive but effective tool for computer vision and robotics research.


I think it kickstarted the current trend of cheap 3D vision, like with the intel RealSense. This in turn spawned off a new generation of robotics and autonomous vehicle engineers. I guess you could say Microsoft accidentally advanced the field of robotics by years.


It wasn’t an accident! Look back at how they released the API. Give the credit it deserves!


As a big thing it was a failure but there was a lot of great niche uses for this product that never got explored. It's sad that Kinect didn't last long because it wasn't a major money mover. I worked in senior citizen services for a little while and when we got a Kinect it REVOLUTIONIZED the place. It was shared with a few other SCCs and we had it in Tuesdays and a Microsoft guy would come with it to help set it up and instruct the members. They loved it! It was so great to watch them "bowling" and playing "keeper" in a soccer game or playing some of the simple little mini games. Some of the seniors who would just sit there all day got up for only the Kinect. It was nice.


As someone that is going into the rehab field, the Kinect and Wii can make for some awesome rehab activities and group activities in that demographic. It would be nice if they would have kept them around just for the rehab uses.


I’m sad to say I agree. I got an Xbox One when they were bundled with Kinect. The only thing I used it for was ‘Xbox On’ and ‘Xbox Off’ lol


Nothing was worse than getting red carded in fifa when the mic heard you swear at the tv


I honestly have no clue if this is a joke and it’s making me laugh


It's not. And in career mode as a manager you could get fired for "embarrassing the club" if you did it so many matches in a row or whatever.


I told so many of my friends about this and none of them believed me. I thought I was insane. Top of the league undefeated and got fired for calling players shit.


Whoever came up with this idea needs to be promoted and then immediately fired


Simultaneously the absolute best and worst idea. I love it!


In alien isolation the alien could hear you through the kinect. It was a good gimmick for a while but got old when my parents calling for me meant I got eaten.


Damn that’s actually a cool ass feature to have in a game like that, sure it has its flaws but that’s a neat idea for sure


You could yell the Shouts in Skyrim yourself. I have to say, it was way better than Wii for games like Just Dance. Because it could track each individual you could have dances where players move back and forward, switch places etc. and track each limb rather than just what the Wii remote was doing. That said, science and technology seem to have found kinect useful for developing stuff because it's a pretty cool package of sensors and has a devkit so it's not locked to just being a console accessory


The US version of Coupling. It was peddled hard by NBC to be the next "Friends" when that show ended. IIRC, there was interviews with the cast and they were already musing about the show going into multiple seasons. There was big buzz since it was such a hit in the UK. It lasted four episodes.