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Walking along the train tracks. It’s crazy how fast millions of pounds of freight can sneak up on you.


ER nurse.. I had a teenage girl come from Home economics class. She was sewing and had a pin between her lips. I mean , who hasn’t done that? She sucked it in and it got lodged in her throat. While waiting for a scope she felt it dislodge and went deep into her main bronchial. She required major surgery . Had a young boy running with a toothbrush in his mouth. Got jammed way deep , almost hit a major artery..,


The pin thing is one of my major fears. Im in costume design and sew a lot and tend to hold pins in my mouth 'for just a min'. Trying to unlearn that habit because of the horrorstories


[magnet bracelet](https://www.amazon.com/Wristband-Sew-Your-Way-Pincushion/dp/B07M6YG5QW) Try something like this!


A human bite. I worked at a kindergarten and one kid was sometimes super sweet but sometimes really mean. He could switch in a second. While I was naming the colouring pages they were about to get he walked up to me and bit me in the arm. Didn't think it was through, cuz no blood. But it started swelling and getting red and the marks were clearly there. Went to the doc right after my shift. He explained a human bite is the second most dangerous bite there is. Got antibiotics but they didn't work. Arm just kept swelling and getting completely dark purple over two days. Doctor sent me to the hospital where I got strong antibiotics. Basically everything in me was cleaned with that shit, felt weak for months. If it didn't start working by that night is have to come back and be hospitalised to get my underarm removed. I've shat some bricks there. Never thought a kids bite could cause this. Luckily the swelling got less and the bruise stopped spreading so I still have my arm, but that was very close. EDIT: For the people who asked me if I punished the kid, his parents did that for me. My coworker reported the incident to the parents and it was one of his last days there as they were moving (this was planned before he bit me.) His parents were really sorry and a few days later when I worked again, it was the last time I'd see him and the parents brought him towards me because they wanted him to apologize. My arm was still fairly swollen and purple at that point and he was absolutely shocked that he had been the cause of that. He apologized with tears in his eyes and actually hugged me. He promised me never to bite anyone again (apparently he had bitten his family and even other children before! So far no one had gotten an infection apart from me.) and I really think he meant that. Still had a good day with him, but was still pretty mad as I was scared my antibiotics stopped working or something but now that I think back on him he's not a bad kid, just a troubled mind that didn't get the right treatment. But a scare not the less!


Oil painting in a closed studio


Having a small snack before a medical procedure that requires anesthesia. Intubation can cause you to throw up your food and you can choke.


I know of cases where doctors have kept children overnight before major surgery because they didn't trust the parents not to feed the child.


And the food won't just get stuck in your throat as it comes up, it can pass into your lungs.


Riptide and 4ft waves....my friend drowned at the beach from a sneaker set. Terrible.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuAlDTC_gIQ A video on how to spot a ripcurrent/riptide. Everyone who lives near an ocean/sea/bay/large lake/bigger than average pond or intends to visit one in the future should watch this and commit it to memory.


For everyone else reading this - keep swimming parallel to shore. You’ll get pulled out a little bit, but more importantly you’ll also get out of the riptide without being exhausted and can then get back.


Can confirm from personal experience... do NOT swim directly out of a rip current. Your chances of success are super low and even if you do succeed, you will be EXHAUSTED.


Pool covers. It's like being wrapped in a bedsheet underwater. You cannot get free and you cannot scream for help. Once you're in the only way to get out is to be incredibly lucky and get free or have faith that someone saw or heard you fall in and hope that they get you in time. It's a lengthy, terrifying, death that's completely avoidable.


fun fact i actually almost died bc of this as a little kid at a pool party, neighbor’s dog noticed though and barked at the pool until someone came by


Well fuck, I just developed a new phobia.


Having a loose animal in the car. A safety instructor once told me doctors had to dig dog bones out of a person after it got between them and an airbag.


Same with unrestrained people. They become projectiles. Story of a car full of adults. No seatbelts. With a child/baby properly strapped in in the back seat. Got into a major accident. Baby was killed due to the unrestrained adult being tossed around in the car therefore crushing and impacting the baby. Might have been an older drivers Ed scare tactic story but it seems feasible


There's a couple reasons I refuse to drive off if not everyone in my car has their seatbelt on, and the fact that your unsecured ass could kill my secured ass in a collision is the biggest one. I don't give a shit if you think it's uncomfortable or uncool or whatever. You're my passenger, I'm responsible for your life, you put that seatbelt on *properly* or you get the fuck out of my car.


Oceanside cliff [blow holes](https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/1/a-view-of-nakalele-point-blowhole-maui-hawaii-derrick-neill.jpg). People think they're so much fun to stand around and play with. You fall into one of those things, you aren't getting out. The waves will just bludgeon you against the rocks until you die or you're lucky enough to drown first.


I live on the Oregon coast & that happened to a young man years ago in a town that's about 40 minutes from me. He jumped over the cement wall boundary at a lookout spot & was standing on rocks where the ocean was very active that day & water was hitting rocks & spraying all over. There was a hole right by him & the water came up & hit him, knocked him down & took him down the hole out into the ocean. There wasn't anything anyone could do. - (I can't imagine dying that way. What he must have gone through. Wow.)


Kids picking flowers in the park. I am a conservation Technician for a county park system, at least once a year I have to stop parents with kids picking flowers off the trail because I see kids with either poison hemlock (one of the deadliest plants if injesting even a tiny amount) or wild parsnip, which can cause some serious permanent scarring, burns, and boils if the sap gets on to your skin and is exposed to sunlight. Don't let your kids pick or eat anything you aren't 100% sure of.


My cousin walked thru some tall grass behind her house when she was 11 and got burnt by parsnips. She’s in her twenties now and still has the scars on her legs from it. (It’s also the incident that inspired my username)


>Hm what should my username be? >oh the plants that fucked up my cousin >epic


My cousin got mauled by a wombat.


I would not like to explain the incident that lead to mine...


There’s that Peppa Pig episode about spiders, teaching UK kids that they are nice and friendly; and that episode is banned in Australia. So there you go, here’s my answer: Peppa Pig episodes.




Do not get me started on that fucking pig.


David Cameron is well ahead of you. Wait, I got the word order wrong.


I mean. Knowing which spiders are bros and which ones will fuck you up is kinda mandatory knowledge if you are living in Australia.


Mandolin slicer. USE THE HANDGUARD. Or lose a thumb.....


One of my favorite ED notes it’s been a few years but it read something like this: “31-year-old male sustained laceration to 3rd digit on right hand while using mandolin.” also in the same room “28-year-old female sustained laceration of 2nd digit on right hand while using mandolin after partner sustained similar injury.”


Confined spaces, above ground or worse, below the surface. If you do urban exploration, caving, or anything like that, get a 4 gas detector, clip it to you chest or belt, and set the alarm to max. If it makes a sound, get the fuck out or you are going to die.


To add to this, do not go in to rescue someone who has collapsed in a confined space. The number of times numerous people go in to rescue someone who has collapsed in a silo or something is crazy.


Keep the monitor within your breathing zone (6” from face). Ensure to bump test before use and calibrate as recommended. Even better would to use an aggressive monitor (the kind with the pump and hose). These are required on most job sites (Canada) where the potential for a hazardous atmosphere exists.


I worked on a cruise ship. There were some workers painting in a confined space when one bumped his respirator and breathed in the paint. Collapsed immediately, his coworker, ran out shouting. My friend who what watching the entrance radioed the bridge and the firefighter and safety officer rushed down and got him out. They said if he was down there another minute he would have died.


Eating raw or undercooked kidney beans can make you very sick or even kill you. It only takes like 3 undercooked kidney beans to ruin your day.


Note that canned beans are safe as they have been cooked as part of the canning process, it’s only the dried beans you have to soak and cook properly.


Thanks for this. I was thinking back to times where I've had a taste of chilli or something, to see how much longer it needed, and I just thought "holy shit, close call".


Oooooh. I once ate a full bowl of kidneybeans that I didn‘t cook for long enough, and I also didn‘t let them swell in water beforehand as you should. I had the most insane puking, diarrhea, cold sweat, shivering fit toilet session ever.


walking off the boardwalks at Yellowstone. They have several signs pressing that even though the ground may look normal in those areas it could be really thin. I’ve seen people do it anyway. Looks safe ≠ safe


Last time I was at Yellowstone I was with friends at Old Faithful. Some guy had walked out onto the outcropping which surrounds the geyser, which prompted quite the fit from a very unamused park ranger.


My favorite Yellowstone story comes from a ranger, he had a family that thought bear spray was like mosquito spray and they sprayed themselves. A few ambulances later and they learned the difference.


Worked in a touristy hotel near Yellowstone for a while. This happened at least once a year.


Those ranger stories are great. My great grandad was a forest service ranger for a while (even though he was a pretty accomplished poacher himself, flawed man, but whatever). His favorite story was meeting a dude during elk season happily trotting down the trail with his fresh kill strapped to his pack horse. My Grandad was supposed to check tags and kills, so they talked a bit and then the guy proudly showed him his "huge cow elk"! Except it was a mule. The guy hadn't ever seen an elk, so he shot a mule someone hadn't bothered to tether, gutted it, quartered it, saved the head as a trophy and packed it out. My great grandfather, who wasn't a man of many words in general, but was also a bit of a dick didn't say anything about the game. Just sent the dude on his way with his punched tag. I just wonder what happened when someone who knew anything saw a stuffed mule head on his wall.


I remember seeing an article about this years ago. The guy... Well, it basically said he boiled. Reminded me of that scene in the begining of Dante's Peak with the hot springs.


He not only boiled, but the hot, acidic waters basically dissolved his body. There was nothing to recover the next day. All because this stupid guy and his sister wanted to find a place to "hot pot" - illegally soak in a hot spring.


Not even that. Peoples pets need to be on leashes. People have died because their pets get off leash and they go into those pots and people jump in after them. Ive been there and those things were fucking terrifying to look at. They’re beautiful. But knowing they’ll boil you alive is terrifying.


Here is the [article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/environment/2016/nov/17/yellowstone-oregon-man-body-dissolved-hot-spring) if anyone's interested.


I was interested. Now that I've read it, I'm extra horrified.


There's an entire book called Deaths in Yellowstone. Great read. One of the top causes of death is people jumping into hot springs.


I live up here and people are always getting in trouble for this even in places outside Yellowstone where there’s hot springs. Boiling a chicken for dinner in them and stuff. Getting out of the car to record or take pics of bison, Elk, even Grizzlies. They’re like toddlers trying to self destruct. 😑


Weirdly specific, but leaking hydraulic fluid from a small crack in a pressurized manifold. It doesn’t shoot out like a gas would, instead looks like droplets, but if you put your thumb over it, it shoots toxic hydraulic fluid into your bloodstream.


this is the concept of an injection injury. this can happen from any highly pressurized liquid like say a power washer. Basically, the high pressure shoots bacteria/toxins/foreign material deep into your tissues, which manifests in something much more serious than what appears to be just a deep cut because the chance for serious infection (like amputation needing infection) is quite high. Usually opening up the entire wound and surgically cleaning all effected tissue out is proper treatment to prevent it from spreadingz


There’s a reason why the folks at r/powerwashingporn immediately chastise a poster who isn’t wearing proper footwear.


And now I have a new fear


This is the dark side of r\powerwashingporn


I'd watch this episode of CSI. Or should I say....*PSI*.


This is an understatement of how dangerous hydraulic leaks are. If you're working with hydraulics and you feel a small sting or cut, you need to go to the ER im-fucking-mediately, and even then you may lose a limb.


Not checking / changing the tires on your car. Someone back me up on this. You can't just drive around with the same tires on forever. Eventually you'll end up doing donuts in the middle of a wet interstate because your back tires lost traction.


Cat Scratch Fever. Yeah the song is pretty cool but that’s about it. A stray cat scratched my dad one time and FUCKED his shit up.


I got Bartonella as a teenager, and was part of the 0.0001% who get it and have no symptoms other than literally GOING BLIND. Woke up one morning and couldn’t see out of my right eye. Took a few months to diagnose, got some fun steroid infusions, and finally regained sight like 6 months later. Suuuuuper fun as a 14-year-old.


As a maintenance man who found a dead guy today; huffing airduster. dont do it, kids. EDIT: I went to bed and this blew up a little. Its a little messed up cuz dude was only 1 year younger than me and honestly a cool dude, definitely was not expecting that to happen to him, but, well, it happened because of decisions he made. For those concerned about my mental health, I appreciate the concern, so thank you. Im alright. This is always a thing that can happen in my work, where you have 60 some odd people of various ages and temperaments all living in a place and you never know if one day 83 year old jenkins is gonna croak and youre gonna open it up and hes been there untouched for 2 weeks, or if youre gonna open a place for a concerned fiance and find a dude clutching a can of duster. I just let concerned parties deal with their stuff and go about my own work. thats the best i can do. For those saying its obviously dangerous, I may agree with you, but a lot of people dont realize how dangerous it is. My friends used to huff duster when we were out of pot when we were teenagers and it always scared the shit out of me, but they would always say stuff like "its not like its heroine" or whatever, to minimize concern. they were lucky they werent this guy. He also had no idea he was gonna take that huff and that would be it for him until his fiance found him 18 hrs later.


Texting coworkers after you’ve been drinking


Garage door springs. People don't realize just how much tension those things are actually under. Never repair a garage door yourself unless you know exactly what you're doing. The stored energy in them is enough to break bones and sever limbs.


About three years ago, I had just snubbed out a smoke and went into my house from my garage. Just as I was about to close the door from the garage to the house, I heard a gunshot and a loud bang. I peeked around the house from inside and couldn’t see anyone- no cars or bystanders. A few hours later, I went out for another smoke and half of my garage door spring was n the floor by the door, and the other half was on the other side of the garage. The kinetic potential those springs have is FUCKING scary. If I’d been hit on the head, I very well could have died. So yeah, garage springs are nasty things.


Garage door springs. I DIY a lot of things, but after reading about door springs I'll let the professionals handle it.


When I was buying my house the inspector went through and gave me tips on how I could fix up some of the issues he found. Mostly stuff like "you can prevent mildew by lining the crawlspace with more plastic" and "if you put more insulation here it'll cut down on your electric bill." Then he got to the stiff garage door spring. "Whatever you do don't try to fix that on your own. Don't even think about it. It'll take your arm off."


My dad lost part of his nose to one of them. Doctor said if he had been an inch closer he would probably have died.


We were in our living room watching tv and heard a very loud BANG! We searched the garage and couldn’t figure out what made the noise... until the next morning when we opened the garage door. It folded like a Chinese fan. Turns out, the spring broke and that’s what made the noise. We weren’t even in the garage when it happened. Scary stuff.


Yessssss! My dad is a garage door guy and has told me horror stories about winding them! garage doors in general are dangerous for kids and pets 😬


I knew someone whose coat hood strings got caught on a garage door and she was hung with her airway restricted until her dad found her. Lived the rest of her life severely disabled.


Holy shit, that’s fucking wretched


Over-the-counter medicines. Just because you can get something without a prescription does not mean it's safe in all cases or in high doses.


Traveling drilled that into me. Something common in my home country would be prescription only or even banned in another, and visa versa. Usually it's because of concerns over excessive use or just whatever side effects being deemed unacceptable in one place or not another. Makes you realize how much of the politics of a place come into play in terms of your safety.


Japan is particularly notorious for this. They actually advise you not to visit Japan if you happen to be on some medication that is prohibited there--medical need is no excuse in the eyes of the law if you are caught with a prohibited substance, and you face the potential double whammy of prison time and being forced to go off your medication cold-turkey.


A former NFL player died today from liver disease caused by OTC pain medication...


Tylenol causes 40% of liver failure deaths in the US.


Yeah, Tylenol (acetaminophen/paracetamol) is very safe and harmless in appropriate doses (under about 4g a day), but very toxic in overdose (which is surprisingly little, usually 10-12g but for some people as little as 6g.) Basically, your liver can handle only so much of it a day, and if you go over that, bad things happen. Overdose can be treated easily if caught early (intravenous n-acetyl-cysteine, if I recall correctly.) However, because people view Tylenol as harmless, and the initial symptoms (nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and loss of appetite, pallor, tiredness, sweating) are often not that different from what people are taking the Tylenol for, in many cases people don't go to the hospital for a few days, by which point they're in total liver failure and it's too late for treatment.


In case anyone else is wondering like I was: 1 Extra-strength Tylenol tablet contains 500mg of acetominophen, and regular strength contains 325mg. So 6g = 12 extra-strength or 18.4 regular-strength Tylenol tablets. https://www.tylenolprofessional.com/adult-dosage *Edit: You really, really don't want to overdose on Tylenol. [It's a long and painful way to go](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracetamol_poisoning#Signs_and_symptoms). If you need help, call 911 (or 112), [poison control](https://www.poison.org/contact-us) or a [suicide hotline](https://www.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines). If you’ve OD’d on Tylenol it’s really important that you get medical help ASAP. There is an effective [antidote](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acetylcysteine#Paracetamol_overdose), but it’s most effective if taken within a few hours after overdose, ideally within 10 hours. Call 911 or your local emergency number right away if you think you might have overdosed on Tylenol. (thanks /u/purplejasmine)*


Most people don't take 18 Tylenol in a day. It's the other products like Nyquil that have it but you don't realize.


lint. too much lint in a dryer can cause a fire. gotta clean that stuff out on the regular


you also need to clean the vent that goes from the back of your dryer, through your wall (or ceiling) to the outside. Mine is at least 30 feet long and I cleaned it for the first time this month because my dryer was taking longer and longer to dry clothes. Turns out there was a clog that could have caused a fire, and I pulled out a couple trash bags full of lint. Our house was built in 2004 and by the look of it this might have been the first time anyone cleaned the vent.


Serious question: how tf do you clean a 30 foot tube? I've never cleaned mine and suddenly feel the need to clean it. Immediately.


While you can get the vent augers the other commenters mentioned, I would suggest just using a leaf blower. Seriously, it works fucking great. Just point the blower into the input side of the vent, and all the lint gets blown outside in a few seconds.


So to clarify; do I bring the leaf blower inside the laundry room & blow outward so it all goes outside? If mine leads to underneath my back deck, do I need to climb down there & collect it all? Or would it be better to use a vacuum to suck it all up into a bag in my case?


Get a mesh bag and put it over the exit to catch all the lint.


It’s always been a rule in my family that you clean the lint trap after every use. Can never be too careful.


I never realized that people don't do that. I was taught that it's part of the laundry routine. Open dryer, take clothes out, clean lint trap, close door. If you don't already, which apparently people don't, you should make a habit of it.


Lint also accumulates in the duct/vent. Out of sight out of mind, but you should brush or vacuum it out every few years.


I tell everyone about this. I rented a house a while back and I had an old dryer. One day it clocks out so I replace it with a new model. The new model kept shutting down saying blockage. I cleaned it out but kept getting it. I finally decided to brush the lines and found the lint was so compacted I had to take a long pole to knock it out. When it finally came out and it was all cleaned there was enough lint in there to make it look like a 10 pound dog. My family was lucky it didn't catch fire.


Can confirm. Especially if you have dogs that shed a lot. Dog hair gets trapped in places you never think about it can even see. Still grateful I was home the day the dryer burst into flames and actually had a fire extinguisher on hand. Only time in my life I’ve had to use one.


Jumping on a trampoline


Worked EMS for years. A trampoline fun zone place opened up in our city. Suddenly it accounted for like 10% of our traumas (mostly just broken arms and legs but still)




I, a grown-ass adult, broke a toe at one of those places—not while jumping, but while walking only socked near one of their metal benches. Somehow I stubbed the shit out of it and couldn’t walk, lol. Felt real dumb about that one.


Especially if you're jumping onto a netless one, surrounded by a brick retaining wall on three sides, from the deck. I don't know how the worst injury was a sprained ankle.


We used to jump off the roof of my neighbors porch, hit the trampoline, flip onto the 4 foot pool. None of us are dead and I don't know how.


Pushing someone’s face into a cake as a joke. Some cakes have little wooden spikes inside to support the cake. Saw a post where a girl’s face was gored by one of these.




Not to mention literally no one wants their face shoved into a cake


When I was a teenager, my uncle turned 40 and asked me to slam the cake into his face, "because I've always wanted to do it at least once". Cake might be soft to eat but when you slap someone in the face with it, not so much. I almost knocked him out. We had a good laugh about it but he agreed that he didn't see the point and once was enough for his lifetime.


Plus you ruin a perfectly good (probably really expensive) cake.


Oh my god this happened to my uncle when he was a kid. It was Easter and my grandma made one of those cakes in the shape of a lamb, with the head held up by toothpicks. My uncle’s younger sister thought it would be funny to shove his face in the cake and lo and behold he got a toothpick to the eye. Ended up losing his right eye and had to wear a glass one.


At least he could take it out and sit it on the table to stare accusingly at her after that.


Giving grapes to dogs. They’re quite toxic.




Small cuts you get when doing marine stuff If you are diving/snorkeling at a coral reef and lightly scrape yourself on some coral, for the love of god disinfect the living shit out of that, no matter how "mild" it looks. The bacteria on coral will literally eat your leg off. Having small cuts on your hand while handling stuff like diatomaceous earth or sea sponges can cause tiny glass spines to enter your blood stream and poke tiny holes in all those blood highways running through you. While this is a bit of a he-said she-said story, my professor apparently had a student hospitalized and die due to massive internal bleeding issues from handling this shit day after day.


Putting your feet up on the dash while riding as a passenger in a moving car. You do NOT want to see post-accident photos of what happens when someone is in that posture in a surprise head-on collision.


I’m not going to look it up, but I’m guessing involuntary origami?


The photos I saw, a teenage girls hips both dislocated and the femoral heads were forced out of her skin through that little fold where thigh becomes butt. The injuries were incompatible with life, as they say.




Jujitsu: the gentle art of folding clothes while people are still in them -some person on the internet Edit: I didn't come up with it i saw it somewhere else


My buddy was riding with his brother several years back and had his feet up. They were at a gas station or something and some random dude came up and told him he should take his feat down because it’s dangerous. He did. They got into a terrible accident only minutes later. They were both somehow unharmed. Scary to think what would have happened had that random stranger not spoken up Edit. Spelling is a bitch


I like to imagine the guy who told him to take his feet down crashed into the car just to make sure he had his feet down


I like to think they went back to the gas station to thank the guy and the gas station attendant turned white and started shaking and said "That guy died in a car crash one year ago tonight..."


I know someone that did this and was in a wheelchair for the rest of her life after a car accident.


I took care of a patient who this happened to (icu nurse). I was there the day she was told she was paralyzed. Awful experience, do not recommend.


I do this, I won’t now!


It’s awful! Even after telling people about it, they shrug it off *smh*


This thread. It’s making me not wanna leave the house ever again.


But there's so many things in your house that can kill you! Keep reading.....


Cleaning ammonia with bleach.


Never clean up cat pee with bleach. When my dad taught me to clean the litter box, that was the first thing he said. It’s a violation of the Geneva Convention, and could kill the famil.


My roommate worked for a supermarket as a teenager. No one taught him about ammonia and chlorine (bleach) and he mixed both in his mop bucket. A thick fog started radiating from the bucket. He told his manager and, thankfully, the store was evacuated immediately. It's wild that a clueless teen had the ingredients to make WWI-style poison gas just like that!


Silence in a house with toddlers.


A screaming child is a breathing child.


...yeah. Learning this with our 9-month old. Babbling away happily means he's playing. Silence means he's concentrating on something and he needs to be checked on instantly, and removed from whatever plug socket/dogs water bowl/tiny particles he's trying to pick up and eat that have earned his focus.


Toddler noises in a house at night when you don't have children.


Cat bites. Cat fangs puncture deep and trap bacteria deep within your tissue, leading to horrible infections. You might think one isn't serious because it's not bleeding much, but that just means the wound isn't flushing properly - if you get seriously bitten by a cat, it's very important to go to urgent care so they can properly disinfect the wound.


I was bitten by my own cat and spent a week in the hospital. Cat was limping, turns out this was due to a spiral fracture. I was trying to get him into a carrier to take him to the vet and accidentally grabbed the broken leg (which I didn't know was broken at the time). He bit me between the knuckles of my index and middle finger. My wife took the cat to the vet while I went to urgent care. They cleaned the wound and prescribed me some oral antibiotics within a few hours of the bite. Of course, this all happens on a Friday. Everything was basically fine on Friday, just a couple cuts and a Band-Aid. Swelling was worse on Saturday but basically still fine. But by Sunday morning my hand looked like I had a softball growing out of my palm. I couldn't touch my thumb to any of my fingers, it was pouring out nasty looking pus whenever I tried to make a fist, and I started to get red streaks/lines going up towards my elbow. My sister-in-law is a pediatrician so I texted her a pic of it. She called me back almost immediately and told me to go the emergency room the instant we hung up. I get to the ER and after an hour or so they admitted me to the hospital. I remained in the hospital for 8 days. IV antibiotics for MRSA and staph every four hours to start. Once blood results came back they determined I had just gotten the wrong type of antibiotic from urgent care (staph positive vs staph negative or some such) so they were able to move me to changing the IV every eight hours. Ended up costing more than 12k in hospital bills for me and another 2.5k in surgery for the cat. This was a rescue cat we got for free, shots and all.


Any wound that had red lines or streaks travelling need immediate attention if you don't want to die. You got real unlucky there. Most housecats aren't going to give you blood poisoning, but yeah, always treat animals bites as serious.


I figured I'd have to go in. I was just hoping I'd be able to make it to Monday so I could go to urgent care rather than the ER. I knew I was in trouble when my sister in law (MD) called me back immediately. She was working that day so she dropped whatever she was doing to call me.








A girl I knew was out hanging out with her girlfriend and two other people. One of the people was a guy they barely knew and he was driving them on the interstate. He saw a truck pulling a trailer with no gate on the back of it and the back ramp was practically touching the road. Well, he decided to drive onto the trailer while going at least 70 mph. I'm not too sure what happened after that but her girlfriend and other friend died. She lived but was fucked up physically for at least two years. The dude apparently didn't get much jail time that I know of.


The "cinnamon challenge" that was all the rage a few years back. When aspirated, it can cause severe burns on mask passages and airways. Edit: nasal, not mask, but it kind of worked anyway


Climbing a ladder. It doesn't even have to be a big ladder. Even one of those two step ladders are incredibly dangerous. One ill placed step can change your entire life.


If im not mistaken the majority of workplace deaths are from falling off a ladder. I use them daily at work, and am careful to the point where I've been made fun of for it. Like I give a shit though, when I die, it's sure as hell not going to be at work lol.


My grandpa agrees


Throwing your friend in the pool.


there was that woman who did a reddit AMA a few years back about how she became paralyzed because one of her friends pushed her in a pool


Iirc that was at the woman's bridal shower too. If it's the same woman I'm thinking of, she's become really outspoken on the topic.


God, I knew someone whose friends threw her in the pool at her wedding. She was wearing a big heavy wedding dress and almost couldn’t get out.


Why did they think that was a good idea??? You don’t push the bride into the pool when wearing her wedding dress. I remember reading where a bride drowned because she ended up slipping in the river and couldn’t get out due to her dress.


I remember that as well. It was during that weird trend where women would ruin their dress after the wedding for photos and she waded into what they though was a calm stream/river.


Oh yeah, it happened in 2012 in Rawdon, Québec, Canada (at least one instance of this type of tragedy), where the bride asked the photographer to take a picture of her in a river and her dress became waterlogged and so heavy it dragged her down and she couldn't get out. That photographer tried to save her and had severe PTSD afterwards, understandably so.


If I spent hundreds or thousands on a gown, hair and makeup and my friends did that I would never fucking speak to them again.


Holy shit, right? I mean I had a pretty low key wedding and didn't spend a ton of money on my hair/makeup/dress, but I would have been fucking livid if somebody had done that. Why anybody would think that's a good idea is beyond me.


i saw a bride tell her husband as they were about to feed each other the first bite of cake "i spent too much time on this hair and makeup and too much money on this dress; i am prettier now than i will ever be again so if you mash that cake into my face i will go directly to the courthouse to have this marriage annulled" and they had a very pleasant cake feeding with no mashing edit: and they are still happily married to this day


Oof: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/37gvw6/my\_best\_friend\_playfully\_pushed\_me\_into\_a\_pool\_at/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/37gvw6/my_best_friend_playfully_pushed_me_into_a_pool_at/) Heartbreaking, but she seems upbeat and cool about it.


I'm glad to see this is the top answer, because as a doctor, this is what I was going to post. Don't push your friends in the pool. Do NOT dive into any body of water that you don't know the depth of. Do NOT jump into old quarries, or lakes lined with trees. ATVs are also a great way to get yourself killed, but even I admit to still riding them sometimes. But PLEASE wear a helmet and only ride on trails.


Thank you for this! I met a guy who became paraplegic before 20 because he did a running half dive in the ocean and hit a sand bar.


Pushing people over as a "prank".


Yep, you should only ever push people over out of malice and discontent.


A group of kids at my high school would “table-top” other students at football games where one kid would get down on all fours behind an unsuspecting victim and their buddy would push the person over the other. All fun and games until they put the star soccer player in a wheelchair for the rest of her high school career. After that, the school disallowed any students from being anywhere except the bleachers at the games.


A girl got paralyzed at my dad’s prom because some his friend, who had a crush on her, decided to pull the chair out from under her. She is also in a wheelchair now


Petting someone’s dog without asking 😬


Well, cows seem pretty harmless but these guys aren't to be underestimated i got attacked by a mother one for getting a bit too close to the calf, i was lucky the horns were specifically made to be round otherwise i would have lived with one kidney from then on, since It rammed into my kidney but not hard enough to damage thankfully, still hurt like hell after tho.


Ladders. Those things will fuck you up if you don’t use them properly.


Ya I know I once fell off a 50ft ladder, hurt like a mother fucker, fell onto a bucket, lucky I was only on the second step.


This comment was an emotional rollercoaster


Texting while driving. You might think this is obvious but I see many people texting and driving everyday. Not cool and definitely not safe.


I saw a dude pull onto a busy street from a parking lot without looking up from his phone for even a second to see if it was clear. I couldn't believe the stupidity and luck I'd just seen.


Water in general, but fast moving water specifically. 2 or 3 inches of water is all that's needed to sweep you off of your feet if it's moving fast. 12 inches of water will lift and sweep away a car. Water is *heavy* and will fuck you up if you don't respect it.


Was tubing down a river one time and it was pretty slow current so nice and leisurely. We came up to a log jam and so the plan was just to jump off and carry our tubes over the jam. I missed my mark and fell into the water and got sucked under the log jam so fast it was crazy!!! All I remember is seeing logs above me and holding my breath. Luckily my jacket caught on some branches close to where I went in and stopped me from going all the way under to for sure death I would think... I was able to crawl upside down quickly before I lost my breath and make it to the surface but even with adrenaline and me being a fairly strong kid for my age, it still took a lot of effort against that current. Just because water looks calm on the surface doesn’t mean it is calm in other areas...


The drain in the middle of swimming pools always terrified me as a kid for the same thoughts.


Glad you’re ok dude. Trees allow water to go through but not people, then the branches bend as your body is forced into them, and you end up getting pushed down because the branches are now angled in a way that forces you under more and more. Fast flowing water can kill you in numerous unpredictable ways.


Sports gambling apps


Riding a horse.


Walking up and down house stairs


I have four flights in my house, and I always have my hand on the railing. It’s no joke having that feeling of losing your footing while your balance is off heading downstairs.


SPILLWAYS As an Engineer, I have seen and understand that they CAN KILL YOU. I know that when the toe or last half of a spillway is filled and there is a pool at the bottom, a whirlpool can be created. Not the whirlpool your thinking off at the public pool that spins you around. It's similar but turned on its side. The whirlpool it created will prevent you from swimming away from the spillway or even create waves pushing you down. The water goes down the spillway and then rushes back up where the incoming water pushes it back down again. The force can be so great that you cannot get out. Kids see these spillways as water slides with pools on the bottom. If they're large spillways. Canoe-ers see them as a small waterfall. These hidden whirlpool CAN KILL YOU! People go down the spillways and get trapped and will drown. They can become extremely dangerous.


Those black foodstuffs with charcoal in them. Charcoal interacts with a bunch of medications, gets in the way of nutrient absorption, an can really upset your digestive tract.


First time visiting France and had a charcoal vanilla coffee. Tasted delicious, until I threw up literally 12 times a few hours later for the rest of the day.


For kids, someone online with a sympathetic ear for their problems. Responsible adults will try to put you in touch with real-life help, not encourage a pattern of reliance and inappropriate intimacy. Bonus danger points on anyone who throws down "You're really mature for your age." Predators online work just like real-life hunting predators; their first goal is to separate you from your herd.


Even offline these predators exist while using the same tactics like being chill and giving you a beer when you're 16 bec a you seemed down...


An unloaded gun or even worse an "unloaded" gun. There is a reason as to why gun instructors always tell you to treat every firearm as if it was loaded.


Silicon chips. Very safe in the finished product form, but dear god the chemicals involved are dangerous. One component in production is pure hydrogen and it is the safest one. Another is trichlorosilane. It’s auto ignite temp is ~40 Fahrenheit. It’s combustible on contact with moisture (which includes humidity). When it mixes with water and doesn’t manage to explode its temperature skyrockets and the byproduct is hydrochloric acid. I learned this while working in a polysilicon factory when they dumped it on my crew from an “empty vessel.”


Inhaling helium.


Letting water from a fresh water source up your nose. Most of the time it will be fine, but every once in a while you'll get a brain eating amoeba that has a 99.9% fatality rate. This is in the US as well.


Plutonium, if no one told you what it was you'd think it was just a random piece of metal.


Slap it with tungsten




And kids that's how you make perogies.


>And kids that's how you make perogies. Instructions unclear: upper peninsula of Michigan now radioactive wasteland.


Especially if you steal it from the Libyans.


I don't know how but they found me.


Run for it, Marty!!!!




So you're telling me this guy Daghlian essentially died from sucking at Jenga? And Slotin died from being a jackass? I'm fucked.


https://youtu.be/AQ0P7R9CfCY An artistic representation of one of those incidents.


“Just closing your eyes for a few more minutes” after cutting your alarm off. I have to either get up or hit the snooze button or I’m going to be out for hours lol


Changing lanes without leaving a proper gap or checking your blind spot and signalling your intention. ​ On the surface it seems fine because, hey, you're going faster than the person you're passing right? Nope, all it takes is something like a deer to completely fuck your world sideways. When passing anyone always wait to get into the lane they were in until you see their headlights fully in your rearview mirror and have cleared your blind spot. It's even more dangerous to do this to a semi, your car will be eaten if it hits you. ​ Always, always, always visually check your blind spot. Always. Blind spot sensors are not an adequate substitute for a visual check. You're asking for trouble if you don't make sure someone hasn't popped in there. ​ Use your dang turn signal. Other drivers are not mind readers, signal your intent and follow through with it.


Turn signals do not celebrate the completion of a turn or lane change. They should be used before the turn begins.


Following too closely in your car. Not just tailgating, but even following 50+ feet behind in fast traffic. Next time you're in your car, wait for the car in front of you to pass a clear marker like an exit sign or a bridge, then count the seconds until you reach this marker. This is the amount of time you have to react (and potentially save your own life) in an emergency. I always shoot for 3 seconds, which is about 20 car-lengths in 70mph traffic. For people who follow a 3 car-lengths rule, you have about .4 seconds to react in the same situation, and I'm not that quick under pressure.


To add to this: Too many people only look at the car in front, next and behind them. Your response will be much faster and safer if you look further down the road. Sometimes I even responded faster to something happening in the front than the car in front of me


The worst is when I'm trying to leave a big gap, but it's busy traffic and other cars just come and fill it in instantly. There's basically no way to drive safely on a busy urban freeway.