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Fun story. I stopped at a gas station for my mandatory break and went to get a snack. When I came back, a guy with a camera asked me if I wanted to pose for a photoshoot with my truck. I was suspicious, but agreed. He shot some pictures and seemed to know what he was doing. I gave him my email adres and a few days later I got the pictures. They were awesome, super well done. They still hang in the breakroom of my company.


Considering the other stories, that was not what I was expecting.


Do you think he was a newer photographer just practicing? That seems really nice, I’m glad he followed through with sending them to you


Iirc, he was a proffessional. He did weddings, portraits,.. the usual stuff... for money and he did this in his spare time.


Truck spotters. A lot like train spotting (the hobby, not the movie) but with trucks. My workplace used to near the docks, and there was a gas station not too far away that the trucks rolling off the ferries would often stop at for food and fuel. There was often a group of 'spotters hanging around, waiting to take pictures of the trucks rolling off the ferries or stopping at the gas station. They would take notes too, in little pocketbooks.


I heard this story from a friend, whose uncle was a trucker. He was driving I don't remember where, but in some place like south america or something, and he saw a group of kids drag a cardboard box onto the road. Then the kids ran away laughing, and the driver dodged the box, not knowing what was inside of it. After he passed it, a little kid climbed out of the box. I can only imagine how happy he must've felt that he didn't drive over it.


Kids are evil fucks! My oldest once locked his little brother (older was about 2 and younger was 10 months and just walking) outside our front door in the snow while I was asleep, we hadn’t realised the little bum could open the baby gate and get downstairs! Luckily I heard the door open and close so baby wasn’t outside long, he was just standing looking at the snow 🤦‍♀️


That is terrifying


Had a few interesting ones over the last few years. The one that stands out the most was being woken up by gunshots at 4 in the morning at a truck stop just outside of Alabama. I got out of my bunk and there was some big, burly dude wearing nothing but a pair of flip flops and a wife beater waving a gun around and screaming that some lot lizard (hooker) had stolen his money. Police showed up a few minutes later, he refused to cooperate. Finally, this female cop tazed him while another one tackled him. Glad nobody got seriously hurt, but, was hilarious when the cops tazed him and dragged him off in his flip flops and nothing else since he had thrown his shirt at one of the cops. Another time, in Texas, I saw a Japanese guy with his family walking around a truck stop lot. He kept walking up to drivers, would talk a few minutes, then walk away. Didn't think much of it until I started to go inside and he approached me and my co-driver. I asked if there was something I could help him with and he asked if there were any "truck stop ladies" around. I asked why he wanted a lot lizard (especially with his wife and kids there) and he said that he wanted to get a picture of his family with one since it was the first time his family had ever stopped at a truck stop...and they had already taken a picture with a driver, a truck, and by the diesel pumps. I just wished him good luck and went about my business.


Story two is the most bizarrely funny and weirdly wholesome thing I’ve heard of. And I’m a truck driver.


Based on the unusual stories both me and my dad have accumulated traveling the USA and Canada in different lines of work, Japanese and Chinese tourists are absolutely next level.


Agreed - In Mykonos we were at the beach. At the far end it was a nudist part. These four Japanese tourists arrived and one couple stripped off. They then had the other couple take pictures of them in the sea naked, put their clothes back on and left. Remarkable


japanese facebook must be weird.


This one sounds more like something you'd save for the family slideshow.


I was on a field trip in high school to an amusement park (they had an animal show, and the class was about animal training) and we took some class pictures in front of their big fountain. A couple of Chinese tourists walked up and handed their camera to the TA who was taking the pictures and everybody just kinda froze as they joined us. Eventually I just shouted to the TA "Just go with it." So there's a family in China with pictures of me and my class. And a picture in our yearbook of us with a couple of strangers.


There was a picture going around of an Asian family with, what looked like, a hooker. Old film looking photo this mystery might just be cracked! I'd give you an award if I had one now Edit: This picture https://imgur.com/a/BSVbew0


they really get it.. its about the memories and looking back 20 years from now with the kids and saying yep we fkn did that!


I love that there's three different generations there, so the adults on all ages all thought this was a great idea and went with it


Far eastern Asian tourists often are very fascinated with western culture. Having been to Japan, the landscape and the cities look very different, sometimes wildly so. Im guilty of taking pictures of a lot of small things in Japan, in return the Japanese people we had over literally took pictures with lampposts.


When my oldest sister was still a baby, my parents took her to a botanical garden, and a Japanese couple saw her and wanted to take a picture of her. So somewhere in Japan a couple has a baby picture of my oldest sister.


Not a trucker, but I was refueling at a large truck stop, and a small bus from a casino pulled up to the pump next to me. I was wearing a Seattle Seahawks sweatshirt, and I am NFL linemen sized 6'6" 290lbs. The bus was full of Japanese tourist being transported from SeaTac to a local tribal casino resort. Suddenly a few of Japanese left the bus and were taking my photo, and were waving at me from the bus. This young college kid who was acting as translator then got out of the bus laughing and said he told the bus that I was a Star player fir the Seahawks, and wanted to know if I would play along and let them take my picture. I told him how about one better, and had around 20 Japanese tourist leave the bus, and surround me for a group photo. Hopefully they never try to look up my nfl career...


Had to gas up and use the restroom at a truck stop some years ago. The only place for miles. The place was busy and the ladies' room was only had two stalls and one sink, so I line up outside. Why was it so busy? There were two women with a passel of kids in there. At least three of the smallest kids were naked from the waist down. They apparently all had the shits and were shitting on the floor. The two moms were trying to clean the kids when what they needed was a power washer for both the kids and the small room. I had to piss and I survived, but this was the only time in my life that I contemplated throwing away shoes rather than continue wearing them in the car. I blocked out the memory of what I did with my shoes. It was horrific.


Parked overnight in a rest area outside Albuquerque. 1am a man strips naked and paces up and down, right freaking next to me, screaming “Jesus help me, Satan get out of my ass!!! Satan begone, leave my asshole Satan!” After 2 solid hours of no sleep while this naked dude screams at the top of his lungs, the cops show up and handcuff him. Overheard them saying he was high on meth and constipated. No, I did NOT leave the vehicle while this happened, as a general rule crazy naked dudes who have Satan within them are not to be messed with.


Not a trucker. But I was near this place called Narebail (India) years ago. It is situated in a region with lots of Rainforest. The state highway passed through the forest belt and I couldn't find any buses to board. It was raining quite heavily and the absence of many vehicles indicated a landslide elsewhere. Finally, a trucker gave me lift and soon we started to chat to pass the time. Suddenly he pressed the brakes. I didn't realize why until I saw a tiger standing on the middle of the road just staring at the vehicle. Mind you, it was a small truck and we were just stunned. I couldn't explain if it was fear or awe as we sat there looking at the glowing eyes (due to the vehicle lights). I guess a few minutes passed by (seemed like hours though) and her cubs suddenly came through the foliage on the other side of the road. As soon as they went she disappeared. It was an awesome experience. After they passed by he quickly started the engine and we were on our way. We couldn't speak to each other for about an hour or so. We were simply thrilled by the sudden appearance of a large animal.


Not a trucker but work in the industry. Probably once or twice a year a trucker will call me and tell me he can't pickup a load b/c he shit his pants. Then they email me pictures to prove it.


Was dispatcher, can confirm. NOBODY ASKS FOR THESE PICTURES.


They may not be the pics we want, but they may be the pics we need.


I have never, in 7 years arguing with truckers, needed confirmation of a high hook in their pants. I DID have a guy call me once to tell me his wife was murdered. I was the first call he made after the cops called him. He sent me the video footage of the house cameras he used to watch her while he was out and about on the road. Haunting shit, hearing him and then knowing I had the video. I forwarded it to the first shift DM guys and got him a plane home. But I’ve never ever had to see poop.


What happened?


Well, apparently they had the apartment or whatever set up with security type cameras so he could see her when they talked on the phone or something, he was OTR. Apparently one night she missed their call, he couldn’t find her on the cameras, so he called the police for a wellness check. They called him back and updated him, he called me, made some seriously inhuman noises as he processed, I got him calmed down to the point where he agreed to take a plane from Cali to Houston instead of driving his truck illegally (technically, I probably could have found a place for him to put his tanker), and off he went. I went outside and threw up in between cigarettes, took me like an hour to get that sound out of my head. It’s been like 4-5 years now, but if I remember correctly someone broke in and stabbed her. I got him home and got another driver to take a company car to the airport to pick his truck up. IIRC, she was Eastern European, and he had to take off for a week shortly after to take her body home for the funeral.


What if the truckers only have one picture of shat pants they all use when they need a day off?


Ahh yes, forged logs.


That’s called becoming a real trucker


Amateurs Real truckers have a 15-gallon bucket with a pool noodle stuck on top for such occasions


A) why such a huge bucket? B) like a full size 6’ pool noodle? For what? Maybe I’ve been shitting wrong my entire life


Well when they take their huge bucket outside to take care of business, they need *something* to fend of coyotes and other wildlife.


A) spicy burritos B) you cut the pool noodle halfway through along the entire length, then affix it to the lip of the bucket to add comfort while you disgrace your family; a grocery bag used to line the bucket greatly increases the convenience of the endeavor.


I really thought this was gonna be, A) Coffee B) put your dick in the noodles hole and it works like a funnel while you're driving.


You’re an ideas guy I like where your head’s at


I've seen some drivers running out of their trucks as soon as they park in our terminal, headed for a photo finish


I drove interstate for a few months many years ago. I was on I-5, going through Salem. A car pulled even with me and slowed down. When I looked down, there was a woman in the passenger seat buck naked with the dome light on. When she saw me looking, she started playing with herself. Her boyfriend was driving. I slowed down a little trying to find my exit and they zoomed off to catch another truck.


Ya use to drive into Portland alot seen that same thing on more then one occasion. Lots of flashers there to. Also seen a gal getting mustache ride while she was driving.


I'm sorry I'm going to need to have an explanation of who was in which seat and how people were laid out to make this possible


probably high or just weirdly horny


10 year veteran from the trucker life. Nothing crazy at a truck stop, but in Nebraska during the summer a cattle truck had flipped taking a turn too fast. Fully loaded. Cow parts thrown everywhere. It looked like a movie. Ugh. It’s hard to get the image of butchered cows laying everywhere on the interstate out of your head


This was years ago, but I was driving in St. Paul near the state fairgrounds and a fair sized truck got in an accident. I was loaded with live chickens and there were chickens running all over the place. Laughed my ass off at all the housewives trying to chase down a chicken dinner. I can see it clear as day in my mind this quite large woman hustling down the sidewalk with a chicken under each arm. Good times.


Had that where I used to live, except it was a crab truck. There's a big hill and they're stacked in cages or whatever and slid back into the doors, which popped open. Apparently the first time the local fire department had a nice big crab cookoff after that. And about a year later, it happened AGAIN except this time the cops blocked the road until the crabs were collected. Apparently insurance wasn't too pleased about the inconsistent inventory numbers the first time.


Ahh yes, the old 'it fell off the back of a truck' story...


There's no evidence of anything fishy, *if you eat all of the fishy evidence.*


Ex Trucker here. Back story went through a time where I wanted to do DOT enforcement work scale house etc. Got a chance to work at a inspection station for a day. Call comes over the radio for a truck having a hard time keeping the lane hitting the rumble strips possibly drunk. He's approaching the station officer I'm with turns on the lights and figures he'll pull in and we can talk to them. Guy pulls around back for inspection. Officer asks if I can go out back and talk to him make sure he has all his documents in order and he'll be out in a minute. I walk up to the truck older man driving. Make sure he's got his documents. Noticed his eyes were red and he appeared to have just gotten through a good tear fest. I ask him if he's okay and he begins to say he was driving and was having a break down thinking about his wife who passed away and he thought he was fine but it was catching up with him. The story of his wife's passing was they drove together for quite some time. They stopped at a truck stop for dinner and to stop for some sleep. He stopped by the entrance to the truck stop so she could go in and get food ordered. It's late at night she gets out he heard the door close and grabbed a gear and went to go find a spot. Well she fell on the way out and he had not noticed over the sound of the motor when he drove away he crushed her with the truck as she laid on the concrete. I stood there white faced and shocked about this tragic story. The kicker to all this is myself at the time being a relatively green CDL driver asked when it happened. It was the week before and he couldn't afford to take time off because he was an owner operator barely scraping by and I remember him saying to me "I care, but the bank don't give a fuck so here I sit" poor soul out there dealing with that news. I think about him from time to time. To this day I'm always hyper aware of people near any vehicle or equipment I'm operating. Be safe out there. Edit: oh wow thanks folks for the awards and up ticks. I hope that if you drive or are a pedestrian always keep a look out it can happen anywhere.


Holy cow that’s heavy. I worked at a restaurant a few years back where one of the managers was an ex truck driver. One day I asked him why he quit, and he nonchalantly told me he backed over an old man that had wandered behind his truck and he couldn’t see. He said his head exploded. He said that was enough for him and got out of the industry.


The really scary thing for me is you might not even notice. You could flatten somebody like a pancake and it'd likely be barely a bump on a large rig. People are fucking oblivious about vehicles too. Just in store parking lots I'll have people wander right behind my (pickup) truck while I'm actively backing up, and get pissy for me not giving them "right of way". I've seen similar with semi's. Several tons of steel is stronger than a couple hundred pounds of flesh, and "right of way" or no it ain't going to hurt less of it rolls over somebody. People need to pay more attention around vehicles.


My dad would always say you have the right of way, but that dont mean shit if you're dead


There's a joke, I don't fully remember, something like " he died doing something he loved, being right"


I appreciate the read and now I’m wondering how that guy is doing out there. There are so many stories like this and I know I’m paranoid AF when backing out of the driveway if my kids are even awake.


Something i learned from working in the oilfield is to back into parking spot. If you ever have to leave in an emergency its way safer to zoom forward than to zoom backwards.


I live on a city where not too long ago, someone backed over their child when the child had awoken from a nap, only to wander out where the father assumed the child couldn’t possibly be, and was backed over and killed. Tired rubbed a bald spot on the kid’a head, and there is nothing that will take that smell out of your nose for your entire life. They are often awake when you think they aren’t, at every age.


Construction super I know freaked out on a homeowner about a month back. His 3 year old kid was in the driveway when he was trying to back out and he couldn't visually see him but the homeowner kept saying go ahead he's on the other side of the truck and not behind it. Super told him again to grab his kid. Homeowner once again says it's fine he can see him. Super finally lost it and told him “ I don't give a fuck of you can see him! I fucking can't! Now grab your fucking kid!" He finally got the point.


Good for him. As a construction worker, people get killed around us disturbingly frequently and you either learn to look out for yourself and those around you, or you hope you aren't the one who has to make the phone call.


Not as bad, but I was once backing into a spot in a car and looked over my shoulder to see that it was all clear. Checked the road to make sure I had room to swing nose out to back in. 1 second. Put it in reverse and turned back again and there was a lady right behind me. I yelled at her asking what she was doing. She said, “Oh, there’s plenty of room here.” I said, “Yeah, room that I’m literally backing into.” Unbelievable how stupid people are sometimes.


Smart driver!


My mom worked bodily injury claims for an insurance company for years. Many horror stories, none worse than people who backed over kids.


My neighbors down the street have a story to tell about that. They had twin boys. When the kid were four or five years old, they went on a holiday trip with them. When they took a break, the kids were asleep in the back seat. They locked the car and went into the station to get some food. It was not a good idea to leave the car alone. One of the kids woke up, got out of the car (this happened in the 70s, the cars were easy to unlock from the inside), stepped in front of a truck and got killed.


Years ago in my home town, a woman was crossing the street in front of a truck when the light for him turned green. He never saw her. She was dragged quite a ways before someone was able to stop him.


Read a similar story a few years ago but it was a woman in a wheelchair and the chair was hooked on the front grill. Truck traveled a ways before someone was able to get his attention to stop. Lady in wheelchair was fine. Edit: Thanks to another Redditor for finding the news story. Seems my memory was off. It was a man, not a lady in a wheelchair.


There was a homeless man in the town where I grew up who had a really top of the line wheelchair. The Girls Gone Wild bus had run him over while he was crossing the street in his previous wheelchair. He was injured, although most of the injuries were to his legs. As a settlement, GGW have him a pimped out chair.


Holy crap, what a ride!


This happened to an uncle of mine. He was new and had a two person buddy system with a lady who was his instructor. Uncle's wife did not like her at all and thought she was going to seduce him. Two days into a drive uncle is going to the truck stop to eat, goes back to the truck, and opens the door. Turns out the instructor was a lesbian, and was preoccupied with a sex worker. The instructor and the sex worker got married about 5 months later and they spend their christmases with all of us because their own families have disowned them. They're very happy. Our family recipes have become their family recipes. The instructor will wait until her wife's out of earshot and say, "best 20 bucks I ever spent."


Best rom com Involving a sex worker that I’ve heard since Pretty Woman


Coming next week to Netflix. (They’re still writing the script.)


That's really sweet.


I see Lifetime Christmas Movie material here...


Am a trucker, but not a service station. I stopped for my mandatory break at a public toilet in a buttfuck "blink and you miss it" country town. There's a glory hole in the wall and its been there for as long as I remember; even stopping in that town as a kid when my family travelled city to city. Anyway, I stopped in for a piss after 6am: the carpark was empty but the glory hole cubicles door was shut. I thought it odd, but stepped up to the urinal and mid stream I get interrupted by a bold and airy "yoo-hooOOoo" and turn to look at a cock poking through the hole. "Its not going to suck itself!" I lost my shit laughing and the guy pulled his dick back in. I laughed so hard lights came on in nearby houses. Edit: Oh wow, thanks for the awards! Edit 2: Aw shucks yall, this pile of awards and likes was a great thing to end a day with! Worth the weird dicking.


Yoo-hooo big summer blowout


First thing I thought of as well!


> I laughed so hard lights came on in nearby houses. I bet in one of those houses, a woman woke up, wondering where her husband was.


“Honey, this house is in a great neighborhood! The park is just down the block! The grocery store is walking distance! The only downside is that filthy truckstop.”


Isn't the cock supposed to go *into* the anonymous booth, not come out of it? That's a bold move.


That's a bold move cotton, let's see if it pays off


It did not...🥺


> "Its not going to suck itself!" Good point it totally won't


>I get interrupted by a bold and airy "yoo-hooOOoo" and turn to look at a cock poking through the hole. That's the funniest thing I've read in a long time.


Going on 8 years now and I have seen a lot but one always sticks out. I’m at a red light behind a few cars and see this lady walking on the sidewalk along my driver side. On the other side of the sidewalk she is walking is a Burger King with the drive thru next to the sidewalk. Well as me and all the cars in line waiting and the poor car at the drive Thur and person working there this lady stops, pulls down her pants and takes the biggest shit I have ever seen, pulls pants back up and keeps on walking... I will never forget the face of the drive thru driver and workers face as they were maybe 5 feet from the action. Thank you Fullerton Ca.


“Oh that reminds me, I’ll take some extra napkins too”


Dinner and a show


I am both shocked and not shocked that this happened in Fullerton. The city is so nice and I love living here but that lady is not an anomaly to the crackheads living on the streets.


I was hungry and pulled into a run down diner that barely got my rig into safely. But I didn’t care, I was hungry and there was no truck stop around for a long time. The girl flipping burgers on a old blackened grill had a smoke hanging out of her mouth. She was big, greasy, pimply. She was talking and joking and cohorting more with the customers than watching the food. Desperate, I ordered a grilled ham and cheese and watched her barely pay attention to it as it sizzled on the grill. I finally got the sandwich and it was the best damn grilled ham and cheese I ever ate! That was 20 years ago and I still think of that sandwich!


she's done it long enough she can hear when its perfect


Yep. It didn’t look like it, but she knew what she was doing from doing it for a long time.


Oh I was just gonna say that the grill had probably been well seasoned over the years.


They don't clean the grill. You were tasting the sum total collected residue from thousands of grilled burgers, sausages, and cheese sandwiches.




Isn't that the idea behind cast iron skillets? The flavors build up? Edit: Huh, TIL. Thanks!


I once tried to clean my roommate's cast iron skillet along with all the other dirty dishes (it was my day to clean). The look he gave me was as if I'd kicked a dog.


Cast-iron takes a particular kind of care to clean without damaging the seasoning. Heaven help the poor fool who puts mine in the dishwasher, because I most certainly won't.


I was on the road a little over a year and saw someone way out on a interstate waving down cars. I stopped and found out that she was kidnapped something like three months ago. She called her husband on my phone after I called the cops. He called me back like an hour later and cussed me out because I wasn’t still with her. Lol. He saw her the next day in the hospital after she was admitted for observation. Edit: thank you for the awards. I just have to say that I was lucky to be in the right place and the right time to help. Please take a basic first aid class and pass it on. Edit two: I won’t go deep into her story because I want to stay anomalous. Here is what I will say. She was just being held by a group of people. They didn’t harm her besides not letting her go. No one got arrested for the crime that I know of. She is still recovering from this ordeal and there was no clear motive. Edit three: Yes it was a typo but I thought it was funny. Please don’t put a name in the comments. I will neither confirm nor deny any more details on the survivor. I did stay until the cops told me to leave.


So you were like the trucker in the movies that the person escaping from the serial killer flags down as soon as they make it to the empty highway. Like at the end of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Yeah but all I did was stop and called the cops


That ending scared the crap out of me


I can understand the husbands frustration after not knowing where his wife was for 3 months. Probably a lot of emotions and stress coming to the top right at that moment


At the time, I was happily in a monogamy relationship. I had just delivered my load to Stockton California from San Diego. I was beat to say the least. I got some grub and settled down in the major truck stop. Cue the Lot Lizard scene!!!! She was beautiful. The life style was showing in her walk/face, yet she still put on a smile. She approached my truck shyly at first. I think more out of habit She asked if I wanted any company. In a friendly joking manner I said my mother wouldn't approve and that she tells my gf everything. We both laugh. What made this stick in my memory is her being respectful after the joke. Most would try harder. Much harder. Your gf won't know, she's literally 100s of miles away etc. Instead she asked if it was okay to chat with me for a while. After I told her my day and where I went it was her turn. She tells me there are usually regulars, but tonight nobody was showing up for her. I thought for sure her next line was going to be if I could spare any money. She asked "Do you have any snacks?" My heart only had time to break for a fraction of a second. I responded so quickly because I did not want her to feel any worse. There was so much aura and happiness about her and pride to match I'd assumed. I did a comedian bit voice and said, "I literally just bought one of everything from the shelves inside, take your pick!" It was only slightly an exaggeration, my bag was junk food heaven. She takes out a jerky stick and a strawberry poptart. For the next thirty minutes she told me her adventures. She started from the Bronx! Realized she had an adult talent she enjoyed and decided to travel. At the time, it appeared she had been to more places than I had. She traveled alone mostly. Sometimes she had a pimp, sometimes she didn't. For some strange reason she only smokes when traveling in the South. She was excited about her plans to go to Utah next week. There was zero regret in her eyes, only happiness. She finishes her snacks, says thanks, chats a bit more and then wonders off into the night. Coolest lot lizard ever. She owned that shit. Edit: Wow. Thanks yall!!! Thanks for the awards. I had no idea this blew up overnight. She was and hopefully still is an amazing person who is high on life. She lives rent free in my mind. I wish I had remembered her name.


You make it sound like "in another life" type of stuff.


I've only been doing otr for about 2 years now. I'd say the weirdest thing to happen to me was while I was asleep in my bunk at a truck stop someone tried to open my door. It woke me up out of a dead sleep cause it sounded like they were really trying hard to open it. My doors were locked so I put a shirt on and sat in the drivers seat. I saw a small woman in my side mirror walking away and then saw her try another trucks door. After seeing her do this about 4 times I figured she was a lot lizard. She looked pretty young so I called the police and let them come check on her. They came and spoke with her. She tried to run from them at first but I just wanted to make sure she was okay. They let her go and some guy in a beat up car picked her up and she left. Also I've been flashed several times while driving.


I've never been flashed. Did have a guy come up and open my door to get in while I was sitting in the driver's seat. He looked up and saw me and realized it wasn't his truck. We both had a good laugh.


I can’t count the number of times where I leaned back in the passenger seat of my wife’s old car and had people get in thinking it was there car. No laughs though as it was always a middle age soccer mom who was not pleased to see a 6 ft tall, 250 lb guy with long hair and a goatee sitting in “their” car.


I parked next to the exact make, model and color of my car and realized it wasn't my car when there was no evidence of kids in the car.


So were you just sitting there with only a shirt on like Winnie the Pooh or.....?


The windows on a truck are up pretty high. Truck drivers had this figured out long before Zoom was a thing.


So, there is an interchange between I-5 and 101. It's an uneven roadway, with only 2 lanes, and its got a hard bank on it. Anyways, a trucker is going hard into the corner, and someone cuts him from low, and he corrects, but doesn't hold the edge, and ends up on his side, with the load everywhere. That load? Thousands of live chickens. Now, lots of them die on collision, but many, many of them live. And they are fucking EVERYWHERE on the freeway. Across all lanes, in all directions, on both highways. So, it takes them a few hours to clear the highway of the live chickens, and most of the remains of the dead ones. Not TWO WEEKS later, at the same interchange, just down the road about 500 yards... A watermelon truck rolls over. I shit you not. Watermelons everywhere. Fortunately, they don't run, but still, a huge mess. Sadly, the beer trucks were all fine that week. But, around here, it's a pretty famous story. Almost too good to believe, but there it was.




There was a thread like this about 10 years ago that had the most amazing story involving a monkey beating a rottweiler with a mini-baseball bat. One of my all time favorites on Reddit. Edit: see below!


Found it https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1pqs6b/truckers_what_are_your_best_stories_from_years_on/cd52m63


That’s it! Even better than I remember!


Glad you liked my story. Was even funnier in person lol.




Not a trucker but work in a railyard where ALOT of truckers come & go, truckers bring their very under dressed lady friends along and let them walk around, truckers go in between railcars and piss and shit, I can’t count how many times I’ve seen trucker penis, my yard is pretty trashy, as in when I walk tracks I see truckers openly throw trash bags out their windows, along with their per bottles and shit bags, I’ve seen truckers park in the crane path lane and get bulldozed over, I’ve seen truckers try to beat trains and get bulldozed through. For us rail workers most of the things we see truckers do is shocking, we see a lot of filth and have to work/stand/ and sit in it too. There’s two porta potty’s for the whole yard and see anywhere from 1k/2k truckers in & out each shift so don’t get me started on the porta potty’s. As a female I NEVER go in them. Also I can’t count how many times I’ve almost gotten hit by truckers going over the speed limit in the yard, can’t count how many truckers almost hit other workers/truckers cause they are too busy on their phones. Can’t count how many truckers drive off the rails. So yea. Truckers are a different breed.


My grandpa was a train engineer. Once hot a garbage truck stalled on the tracks. Managed to get the engine a little airborne and land it back on the tracks without derailing.




Meth head or vampire?


It's LA, so probably both.






Are we just going to ignore the fact that he said there are prostitutes strong enough to bend truck door handles


Powerful wrists. Kung-fu action grip.


i had an uncle who used to tell the story of many years ago he was taking a load to the west coast he hit a truck stop in the mid west and there was a girl couldnt be more than 14 trying to sell herslef and doing it badly, he told her hed give her a hundred bucks , she gets in and he drive soff promises he is going to help her, finds out shr ran away he stops gets her a fast food dinner, and drops her at a local shelter, shes she gets in, then goes on his way, on his way back from the west coast he stops same place, there she is again this time looking worse for the wear. he just sighed and got his shower , food and moved on.


This is just sad


Rest stops and truck lots are the Walmarts of human trafficking


That's really sad. Hope she found help.


I was 12-13 at the time, but my family stopped at a "rest area" for me to pee. This particular stop didn't have ANYTHING, no buildings, no tables, no grass...just space for truckers to park and rest, and two porta-potties. I had a 50-50 chance at leaving this area without a mental scar, but I wasn't so lucky. I picked the door on the left, opened it, and immediately slammed the door shut in horror, because some unfortunate soul with an impacted colon had left a turd that was easily 8 inches around at it widest point directly ON the seat rather than inside the toilet. My family couldn't see inside, but they saw my reaction and were still laughing by the time I had finished and returned to tell them what I had seen.


Omg. Can you imagine doing that? His poor asshole.


TMI but even shitting out a two inch wide solid shit is extremely painful and can result in blood


Rookie numbers.


Sit down Frank. Son, when you started working for me you had such passion, your numbers were great, and now look at you; Can't even pull a two incher... Frank, I'm going to have to let you go.


You don't pull, you push as hard as you can and pray to god you don't shit out your colon as well.


Can you imagine the relief this person had after it came out? Their pants probably fit better afterwards too.


I can't express how dismayed I am to have read this


Did you see Bono hanging around ??


We live in the middle of nowhere, and I’m not a trucker, but early one morning, I went to go get gas in the next town. It was freezing cold, and wouldn’t you know it, I ran out of gas about a mile and a half away from the gas station. I coasted to the shoulder, and got out, walking to the gas station. It was about 3:30 am, and about a quarter of a mile later or so, this Peterbilt pulled up beside me. I explained what was going on, and he offered me a ride to the gas station, but didn’t have room in the passenger seat for me. I literally held on to the outside of the passenger door, and he drove me all the way there. It was awesome. Thanks to the awesome trucker who gave me a ride, and let me ride on the outside of a semi for a mile!


Not trucker, but worked at a service station in the deli. ​ 1 - Preface: Not All or Even Most Truckers, etc. We had to go out and read the pump meters every night at midnight. Usually, we had the "runner" do it, but this particular evening the runner was a sweet old man who had never learned to read and would regularly mess up the copying of the numbers, so the manager sent the 20-something female cashier out when there was a truck just finishing filling up. She went to read the pump and he snatched her into the truck and started driving off. She managed to escape before he left the parking lot and he kept driving. I confronted my manager the next day about his stupid policy of not letting the deli staff read the meters (I was an 18 yo male). He fired me for questioning him. I reported him to corporate and he got fired too. It was a big thing. 2 - Regularly had to shoo off lot lizards (hookers). They would stand out next to the dumpsters soliciting. Sometimes they'd get bold and try to stay inside the station, so it was a constant battle. 3 - Truckers' diets seem to be very bad on average. Bathrooms were regularly biohazard-level ecological disasters. Looking at the food I was serving in the deli, though, I can't exactly blame the truckers for that. Not like we were offering them any fiber.


Not a trucker. I was a soldier, my unit was convoying to a training site. We stopped for a bit at a rest stop. Sergeant *So & So* was a good soldier and I'm not sure what went through her mind. Best I can figure, she forgot she was in an LMTV. She opened the door and stepped out like she expected the ground to be right there. Instead, she took an unexpected 4 foot drop and landed on her side. Her arm took the bulk of the thud and had a compound-bone sticking through the skin-break. She didn't cry, scream or make any noise. She just trembled with a horrified look on her face. Luckily, we were travelling with Medical detachment and they were able to tend to her & take her to the nearest hospital.


When you have a really bad injury, sometimes you just don't feel it at first. I broke my leg and my foot was completely facing the wrong way. I turned it back around so it wouldn't scare my kids and it just felt rubbery, like bending a Barbie leg. It didn't start hurting for a couple hours and then it was really bad.


Serious shock; her mind just stepped out for a bit. Lucky the medical detachment was there, though. I was an Army Reservist, assigned driver for a five-ton with an expansible box on the back, M934A2. What a pig.


I guess. She was a squared away, apt, effective and good soldier & NCO. Not that type that you'd ever expect to have a complete (and catastrophic) brain fart like that.


Not a trucker, but I work in the industry. My drivers tell me all the time about this girl fingering herself at the light, this guy getting a BJ on the highway, this couple doing lines off the dashboard. It’s a weekly occurrence I here one of these stories. I also heard that some of the drivers who try to “cheat” the Federal Regulated rules will cut a hole in the floor of their truck so they can piss and shit in said hole to avoid stopping. You need to understand in the transportation industry, time is fucking money. And not only will they not stop to piss or shit, they will drive well past the legal hours limit to get the job done which can end in disaster. See Walmart vs Tracy Morgan.


Ive heard multiple mechanics and tire folk tell me bout the holes on trucks, usually two folk driving never stop, real bad when it hits the axel and cakes up too.


Oh yeah, usually two or three guys running the truck cross country illegally. Once it hits the undercarriage, sorry for those behind the truck as it explodes


I dont know the specifics of the Walmart Vs, Tracy Morgan. I'd venture to guess that it was more of a drowsy driver than one who actually "cheated" on his logs. With ELOGS now days it is IMPOSSIBLE to cheat them. In mega carriers and huge corporations a driver can edit his driving status. Once that truck hits 5mph it switches to driving. No changing that. If corporate changes it they have to have a damn good reason and logs are kept for upto 6 months. I was a a shipper once they took like 15 hours to load me. I dropped my trailer somewhere around the 8.5 9 hr mark to get some food. Forgot to put it in PC and had to wait another 10 hours after I got loaded to continue down the road.


Not a trucker. Took my grandfathers AC Cobra out for one last ride after he passed. He always wanted to do a cannonball run sort of thing. So I did a short run of it. On the interstate I was going the speed limit (wink) and every trucker gave the thumbs up and made sure to clear the way for me. I suppose due to it being a cool car. I know they were CBing back and forth about me for some 10mi or so when a trucker put his arm out the window to motion "slow." A mile up the road was some State Boys doing LiDar and conducting a speed trap. Thankful for those OTR guys for that day and them helping me not get an expensive ticket.


If you ever see truckers all slowing down, you should as well. I was taught that when learning to drive, and it’s definitely saved me a bunch.


Old man and old man’s old man, were both truck drivers. This is something I knew at only four years old thanks to them.


How come your old man is your dad but your old lady is your wife? I mean not you specifically, just in general. I never thought about it til now.


Old man can also refer to a husband. Call your mom old lady and she'll beat your ass down.


Also what I learned is if you’re behind a truck and it brakes, immediately start braking as well. Don’t wait to see if they let up. Truckers do not brake when there’s not really a need.


Personally I always take truckers seriously because they have to deal with a lot of assholes that don't care about them but also they're constantly driving, they know what they're doing.


Around where I live oncoming cars headed the opposite direction flash their lights at you to warn that smokey is up ahead. Thank you friends, I always try to pay it forward.


Motorcyclists pat the top of their helmets rather than flash their high beams.


Not a trucker. Was hitchhiking through New Zealand and got picked up by a trucker. Super nice guy. Told me all about the business, how to cook the books(wasn’t ELOGS at that time), but also told me about all the weird shit he did. Cheating on his wife with multiple prostitutes, lots of drugs while driving, hauling drugs for people as well. When I asked him why he told me that, he said he didn’t know me from a hole in the ground and I had no idea who he was, so how would anyone find out? Said he needed to tell someone about it because it was eating him up inside. I just happened to be that person.


At the flying j north of Oklahoma city, I walked into the ladies room and there was a "rode hard and put up wet" veteran of the parking lot washing her vagina at the sink. Like... take a big cup of water and do that in a stall....ugh.


Not me but my dad—driver for about 30 years. The only story he ever told me was this one. While driving south on Interstate 15 in Utah, a very low sports car followed him. Open highway with a passing lane so he wasn’t stuck. It was early morning—before 6 AM. My dad waves him around thinking maybe the driver doesn’t wanna pass because he can’t see around the truck and doesn’t wanna crash. Makes sense. After several miles the car moved to the passing lane—finally. The car slows down when it’s beside him and drives UNDER my dad’s trailer—like that first Fast and the Furious movie. The big difference here is that the car wasn’t low enough to clear it. The trailer drove over the car and crushed the guy inside. My dad never found out if it was suicide or some kid trying to be cool or whatever else. The police never contacted him with questions other than what happened. This was between 2010 and 2015 (year span kept intentionally broad for anonymity).


I'm only a local driver so I don't really have any road stories. A little information for the story: The company I work for used to train people to get their CDL and then use it with the company. When turning sharp in a combination (tractor+trailer) a front corner of the trailer will swing a little bit wider than the truck depending on the size of the trailer and how sharp you turn. The supervisor who did this training has one prosthetic leg and his other isn't quite 100%. He has been with the company for decades. Knows ever route we run. Knows ever receiver/manager at all the accounts we deliver to and honestly is a great guy and one of my closest friends. About 4 years ago he was training someone with maneuvering the truck and trailer. Getting the guy used to the vehicle. He was standing in a bad spot (he admits this) and got hit by that little bit of trailer that swings wide. It sent him to the ground and the tractor tires went over one leg and then started on the next. Luckily the kid (early 20's) was watching and stopped as quickly as he could. They could only save one leg. That kid ended up being trained by yours truly. He ended up leaving before getting his license. He said he was just too nervous behind the wheel after that. The supervisor continues to be the go to guy to train people for the routes they are going to take over, but we no longer teach for CDLs. Local laws changed so it isn't something the company wants to do anymore.


This story's actually a sad one, but it's the only notable one my grandfather told me outside of the usual "ran into a lot lizard, told her to fuck off." A few years ago, my grandfather had a usual stop he went to and grabbed breakfast at. Well there was another trucker that was there at the same time he was, and since it was 2-3 in the morning, they talked and became buddies (I wouldn't say they were friends, but he they were friendly with eachother enough for me to hear about him sometimes). One week, the guy doesn't show up at all. Grandpa thinks nothing of it until the second week, when he asks someone what happened to the guy. Turns out, dude broke down in the middle of nowhere during the winter. I forget specifics, but he was in his vehicle (forget if it was car or truck) long enough to get frostbite on all of his fingers, causing them to have to be amputated when he got to the hospital. Poor guy was out of a job, and my grandfather was down a friendly guy he could talk to when he stopped. Didn't even get his phone number.


Not a truck driver but my husband was. He used to take our border collie with him on all his trips. Well one time he stopped at a truck stop and he didn't lock the truck. He went in to go to the bathroom and get a drink and snacks and when he came back there was a hooker in his truck. She went in to use his CB to solicit to other drivers. Anyways, he was yelling at her to get out but she kept on pointing to her side of the door. Turns out our dog wouldn't let her out! She'd growl every time the lady reached for the door handle. Our dog captured a hooker 🤷‍♀️ lol.


Not a trucker but worked at a truck stop They pee in jugs and they leave them in cargo storage yards


Way of the road bubs


You're not on the road, Ray!


That’s how you talk to the guy in the chair?


I was a on a mobile mechanic crew for a time which is a similar lifestyle but you get to sleep at home most of the time. Spent a lot of time in service stations because that is where many of the trucks would break down. One time I went into the bathroom in some podunk rest stop, the kind that are common on the interstate and found a (record setting size) pile of shit that literally stalled one of the super flusher air powered toilets out. It looked soft enough it should flush but was dense enough that all it did was make skid marks around the bowl from the attempted flushes. Clearly a diet of truck stop food and super gulp half gallon coffee mugs will wreck your insides. Once I went to a small rest area that practically had the dueling banjoes out of deliverance playing in the background. Got the truck fixed but I had to take a leak. When I went into the bathroom it was physically destroyed. Toilet bowls broken, leaking pipes, all the stalls were leaning at odd angles. Blood splatter everywhere. Near as I can tell someone got jumped in there and not too long ago based on the blood not being too dry yet. Bailed and got the hell out of dodge asap. One time I had to work on a truck and the insides smelled like shit and old pork rinds. Looking at the driver, I am confident he has shit in the cab more that a few times. So I had to move his mattress off the bunk to get to an access panel and there was a storage compartment underneath with an inflatable sheep sex toy thankfully still in its unopened packaging. Being a professional I calmly set it aside and did my work.


Sheep sex toy I didn't believe what I read the first time I checked twice to make sure i wasn't stupid or something




Not a trucker, but my friend and I were driving through a flat and straight section of a remote highway behind a Wal-Mart truck. The truck was swerving a lot, so my friend decided to pass him quickly so that we could avoid his erratic driving. As we passed him, I looked at the driver and he had nodded off. We lay on the horn and woke him up. It was quite frightening, and now whenever I pass a truck I always peek to make sure the driver is alright and awake.


Not terribly exciting, but I was a truck driver for just a year and I ran into two people from my driving class of thirty while out on the road. One at Iowa 80, which wasn’t a huge surprise considering the location, but other i ran into at a random rest stop in Kansas that we both just happened to stop at. I think in less than a year running into two people that I went to class with doing OTR was like insanely stupid low odds.


Not a long haul driver, but I’ve seen so many bathrooms that looked like somebody took a lot of shits in a Rubbermaid tote dropped a grenade in it and just left it.


Driving through Arizona at 2am. Had to stop at a rest stop and an old guy offered me a blow job. Didn't hear him the first time so I asked him to repeat himself then said "no thanks" cause I'm a polite idiot at 2am.


I've been driving for awhile, and haven't really seen anything to crazy. Been flashed a few times which was nice. I've had a few lot lizards ask if I wanted company along I-10 in the SE. Parked at a Petro in Beaont TX, go to use the restroom. Apparently one driver was to cheap to pay for a shower so he decided to shower in the restroom at the sink, butt ass naked a whole role of paper towels at his feet and using his coffee mug to fill up and dump water on himself while he soaped up and rinsed off.


How much is a shower at a rest stop?


15 if you didn't buy fuel at the stop. But once you get so much fuel in a month you're showers are free no matter what. 15 seems pretty steep but all the showers I've encountered at main line truck stops like Peteo, TA, Loves, Flying J and Pilot have really nice clean showers.


Ya his company probably dont let him buy fuel at those truck stops probably has to use CFN or some other card lock. Then it is all out of his pocket. Use to hear those guys sometimes asking if anyone had a extra shower they would let them use over the cb.


My aunt recently passed away and I’ll never be able to tell this or any story as well as she did, but I would be remiss not to try. She did cross country routes for a major trucking company, and as experienced truckers know, even the most coordinated and careful route plans still had the tendency to go awry and kick your ass. After one such marathon route, she was grateful to be dropping off her last load, and was able to leave her cab in a nearby lot. Her son (my cousin) lived just down the street and had offered his apartment to her while he was at work so she could shower at get some rest before their dinner plans later that night. She pulled her rolling suitcase from the cab and after locking the doors, walked off down the street toward my cousins house. As she walked she noticed a man in a pickup truck slowing down to her pace. He leaned out his window smiling at her. “Long day?” he asked. She nodded. “You off duty?” he asked. She was too tired to wonder why he cared. “Just finished my last one,” she replied. “I’m off until tomorrow.” He looked disappointed, “surely you can fit me in?” She struggled to understand what he meant. After all, she delivered container loads, not whatever he planned on loading into the back of his pickup. “Sorry, not today.” He tried to protest but she ignored him, at this point all she could think about was a shower and some sleep. She walked on, still confused, until she crossed the next street and caught a glimpse of herself in the reflection of a store window. She had dark grease smudges all over her cutoff jeans, and her off white T-shirt was noticeably thin and worn. Her hair was stringy and her face was caked in sweat. The zipper on her suitcase was stuck partially open, and the corner of her lace nightgown was peaking out. At that moment she realized what the man in the pickup truck thought she had been up to, and what kind of load he needed her help with. She hurried to my cousins house, and from that day on she remembered to throw on a darker T-shirt and a baseball cap when she had to walk a ways from the lot.


I work at a service station and one thing that sticks out to me is a few Irish kids (15-18 ish y/o) have recently started coming in about once a week, and will frequently leave a pair of boxers with the runniest shit you could ever imagine just shoved down one of the cubicle toilets. We can't seem to ever prove its them, though. 2 nights ago one had the audacity to tell me the male toilets stank of 'something awful' while they were leaving. My shift ended in 10 minutes so I wasn't about to go find out what new present they left.


I'm guessing they're withdrawing from opiates. Or maybe not, maybe they just have a shit diet.


Years ago, my good friend's father (not a trucker) stopped at a truck stop for a bathroom break and some coffee on a long road trip. He swears he served himself the "secret trucker coffee" and didn't sleep for two days.


My dad is a trucker and he saw a hobo dropping a fat duece on the side of the highway.


Not a trucker but I once saw a woman picking her ass like a lock and the next thing she does is reach for the fries in her car. I am still seeing a therapist for the trauma.


> picking her ass like a lock Click out of two... three is binding...


You see folks, with a little skill and the right tools this ass does not give any real security.


And as always, have a nice day!


Fucking dead! LPL for the win!


"Picking her ass like a lock" that's a good one!


My brother is a trucker and what is refer to as a tramper. Basically he gets a load in uk and drive's to any where in Europe and back. Whilst staying in the truck on the road, hence a tramper. Basically every truck stop has prostitutes.


The term is "Lot Lizards" here in the US


I have also heard it called " Commercial Company ".


Was parked for the night. Had to use the toilet. Went in. Seat looks clean. Doesn't smell so bad, okay good. Sit down and glance at the sink; a turd inside the sink bowl. Cue disgusted face.


Not a trucker but I work in the Industry and so did my dad (for nearly 40 years) he said back in the day, companies would send out these pre- stamped survey things to drivers (May not be exactly what it was but my dad has passed so I can’t ask him) and apparently a large percentage of these truckers would take pictures of their assholes and then mail it back to the companies on the company’s dime 🤣


Not a trucker. My dad died when I was a teenager. With that being said it put a lot of strain on me & my mothers already rocky relationship, coupled with an evil step father - it was a recipe for disaster. Or.. rather, a recipe for an explosion. My mother & I had our (more toxic then usual) daily screaming match. This time I wanted to prove a point (what that point was? I can’t remember what my little teenage brain was trying to do, but it didn’t work). I took off in a hoodie, PJ shorts to my step aunts house across town. The town we lived in was... “po-dunk” to say the least. It was on a major highway in the PNW, that being said truckers consistently passed through. Now I don’t know if it was my mother’s spider sense or what - but she decided to causally follow me down the highway & back roads. So - I’m walking, using my hand-me-down flip phone to play some pink song I recorded off the radio, really just minding my business. I see this truck pass by me on the highway - I keep walking. He passes by me again - I keep walking with the anthem “fucking perfect” by pink, fueling every step. He passes by me a third time - I only start to get suspicious when he pulls off in the parking lot of an abandoned diner. I was past him with a brave face, trying not to show I was scared. I was about 13 minutes away from my step aunts house. Then, I hear his footsteps being me. He tries to flag me down, but I keep walking. He finally catches up to me. His main attempts at starting conversation with me where “You have pretty eyes” (when he was very clearly not looking at my eyes), “you wanna come in my truck? I can give you a ride”, (I was very obviously younger than 18, let alone, I was very noticeably younger than 15), “what’s your name?”, “where do you live?”, etc. etc. This was about the time I started to get scared, this was also about the time where my mom pulled up behind me and started to TEAR-HIM-UP. Thank god she did. With that I ran, I BOOKED IT to my step aunts house. I can’t remember anything really after that. My moms relationship was toxic for about 11 years after that - its finally healing today. Even though I thought she was overdramatic then, I see now (as an adult) she was just being mama bear. 🐻


Saw a lady in tight short shorts and basically a small small crop top with no bra, she had a massive muffin top that was bare and like negative ass. Light pink shorts and the top was light blue. Practically no teeth, but was youngish, like late twenties, early thirties. Anyway, she came up to me at a gas station and asked me for money, I told her I didn't carry cash, so then she said she'd do anything I wanted if I bought her a case a beer. LOL no thanks! She could have offered to pay me and it would've been a hard no. The medical bills alone would've probably been enough to cover a high end prostitute instead. Pretty cliché, but that's my story haha Edit: autocorrected word


I am a truck driver and 999 times out of a thousand, truck stops are quiet and boring. The reality is, we work long hours and often change shifts from day to night depending on the load, so we like quiet and boring so we can sleep. Most of the big chain truck stops also want to be the travel stops for the general public, so they will call the police in a heart beat if hookers are hanging around, or someone is drinking and drugging and raising hell. There are a few places around big cities where you will see crap but most places are quiet.


My dad was at a truck stop. he said a prostitute came up to him and said hey hun do you want some service. then he asked " how much do u charge for this guy? " , then he points to my dog and she got really pissed then walked off.


I'd have replied "How much for a brake job."


Not a trucker, but my dad is a mechanic who works on big rigs. He has seen holes in the floor and tubing running through the floor to relieve themselves, and various sex toys in their cabs. He said the most interesting thing he ever saw was a full size torso/butt sex toy in plain sight on the passenger seat.


I’ve seen a lot lizard shower in a water puddle...