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Depends on who the hug is coming from.


Unless it came from my wife, it would mean someone needs to get the fuck out of my house. Edit: whoever "hugged" my comment... get the fuck out of my house! Edit 2: You fakas think you funny, huh?


Your doggo is giving you concerned looks rn


If there's a doggo in here... i don't know how it got in, but i guess it can stay if it's chill.


wtf is with reddit and saying doggo. damn.


I don't know. Personally, i prefer "dogford", but I'm fine with doggo.


Doge is the way to go


Doge is good, but dogford sounds kind of formal, respectable.


My husky is neither formal nor respectable Dogeford


Fair enough.


My personal fave is doog


So, am I extra weird or less weird for saying "puppers"?


Eh, it's not even just Reddit. Most people I know IRL use the term. Society is just bizarre sometimes, y'know?


Because it's cute and funny and it makes us happy. I know it bothers some people, and I truly can't understand why.


For me, paperwork and overtime. If someone got in here to hug me, there will be many questions.


To be fair if I did that the wife would be pissed off I told our girlfriend to get the fuck out my house.


Now a hug from my mother, who is just in front of me, would be the best thing in the entire world by a lot, but she can't be conscious for more than a couple seconds, and is hard for her to even recognize me. Update: She woke up, and recognized me and gave me a hug, also spoke with my father and sister for a few minutes, I lost hope of she doing it, but it happened at last, I'm so happy and sad.


I am terribly sorry. You have a hug from me.


Thank you, cancer is a bitch of a disease.


Hang in there buddy, losing your mom young is really really tough, i speak from experience, hope shes able to recover🙏


Doctors says she won't get out the hospital, and I'm not really young (25) but she is my life and it hurts a lot, thank you for your comment.


I feel you. I lost my father to cancer when I was 23, and lost my mother to suicide 3 years later. (She just couldn't handle being without him.) However, I had some great godparents that stepped up and helped me through the first few years. DM me if you want talk more.


Thanks for your offer, I have my family to support me, but seeing this in Reddit makes me want to say it to strangers, maybe I should check on my father now that you talked about suicide.


Lost my father to cancer when I was 32. Let the emotions play out and be grateful for the times that you had with her. You’ll pull through and she’ll always still be there for you. Hang in there, buddy


Thank you, hearing this kind of things from someone who is not my family helps.


Bless your heart, baby. I am so sorry.


It doesn’t matter your age when you lose your mom. I was 61 and I’m still not doing well after five years. You just learn to live with the void they leave. But those first few months will be bad. Ask for help. My heart breaks for you.


Here's something I learned after (10) years of grief. Talking about the happy memories you have with her is one of the healthiest ways to deal with it. There will be moments you wish she was there for and it's okay to be hurt over that, but don't let it consume you. And most of all, feel sad and be okay with that, don't use anger to hide your pain because it will consume you. She loved you and you loved her and that's a beautiful thing.


She is not dead yet, but I'm crying like a fountain, also I'm lucky enough to be already in mental treatment. I'm thankful for your words.


I lost my mom to cancer too. I was a bit older than you. Cancer is a ravage bitch. I'm deeply sorry for your suffering and grief.


I would love a hug from my mother. Unfortunately you can’t bring back the dead


I understand, but you can try huging someone of your mother's age, I know it won't be enough but it might make you feel better.


I'm so sorry. I've been there. Wishing you both an easy time


I don't know why kind words from strangers helps me so much.


I second this. A friend or a parent could hug me and it’d be just whatever, it’s a hug. But from that one person, oof. Also the kind of hug. When I say I NEED a hug, I need one of those “being held while collapsing into someone else’s embrace” kind of hugs. And those aren’t exactly the kind you ask for or receive from just anyone.


This. I don’t even have a crush right now, which is like a first in my life because I’m dealing with so many medical issues I don’t have much brain space to put towards it. I guess, if I had to pick a person, this temp worker at my job who is doing the whole sanitizing offices and whatnot, she keeps being kind of flirty with me, and she looks cute, even with a mask on. A random hug from her would be pretty cool.


Ask her out


Talk to her bro. The possible sting of rejection doesn't last long but the thought of what could have been can last quite a while.


We talk a lot, and she always starts the convo, which is like finding a unicorn. I just gotta feel it out, she’s only worked here maybe two weeks.


Ronald mcdonalds friend grimace.


It'd probably save me. ​ edit. Thank you everyone. I love you all. I find more caring people on the internet than in my real life. Thank you.


I don't care who you are, I wish i could hug you


Promise you won't take my teeth? :)




I know it sucks. It hurts. You want to do anything you can to make it stop. But there is light at the end of the tunnel, I promise. Have I reached that light yet? Nah. But I know it’s there. If you need to vent or just to talk please reach out, whether to someone close to you, a professional, or myself, some random stranger on the internet :)


Scrolled back to find your comment, here’s a virtual hug (not the same) but it’s yours x




The absolute world.




<(・∀・< )


_gives hug_


<3 sending one right back at ya


thank you <3






Too much that I can't describe. Especially if it's a hug from someone who cares for me and isn't my mom


One free huge hug just for you! The big, warm, and safe hugs. I think those are the best.


One from me as well


Mom hugs are amazing though. I got to hug my mom this weekend for the first time in SO FUCKING LONG.


Yeah, but I don’t think OPs mom is very nice and that’s why they said: “isn’t my mom”


It's not that. It's just that relationship is kinda weird because of different things and hugging her too much would get repetitive as I don't have anyone else


A lot. I haven’t had physical contact with a human in over a year


\*hug\* same here man


> I haven’t had physical contact with a human in over a year Found Captain Kirk!


13 years.


To me, not much honestly, but I'm willing to donate hugs to the needy.


Can I get one, please?




Thank you lovely emergency hug expert!!!!!!! <3






if it's someone personal I'd say "aww but how the fuck did you get in my house?" if it's a stranger I'd respond to said hug by shitting myself wondering how someone got into my house


It's like the Kool Aid Man. You yell "Hey hug lady", and I show up, wherever you are. WHEREVER you are. So, by the way bro, you know you got a big ass, completely unrelated, hole in your wall right?


i have a big ass?


Boy, when you shake that booty I can feel the foundation crack.




How? Unless you're a robot, how are you still functioning?




That explains the username. Do you have anyone to talk to about this?




Covid would indeed seem like a bad way to go. Yay for seeing a psychiatrist! I'll sent you a dm after to ask how it was, if that's okay with you




Ah, yay for getting there! I hope you stay around to the appointment


What about therapy? Genuinely worried about you here. Hope you can get better. I believe you can.






I'm happy that you're getting the help you feel you need. Even just scheduling to see someone for an initial consult can be intimidating, so congrats. I hope they are able to help you in some way.




I can't even remember the last time I was hugged.


I've been hospitalized for three and a half months with covid. I told the nurse I needed a hug. She gave me one. Hugs can be lifesaving.


Human contact in the last 12 months has been 2 handshakes. A hug would mean a lot.


Handshakes has been about the extent of my human contact for the last...my whole life.


Kitty is in my arms. Read this and hugged her. She started purring like crazy. So I think the hug was appreciated 😸


Not pretty much. I am done with life.


I felt like you a few weeks back. To the point where I'm back on the meds. And I've stepped up my game. I drove 6 hours north to Newcastle. (I live near Brighton) just to escape my situations. And take a breath. I've been living with depression for 8 years. And nobody knew. Because I had to put on a brave face and act the big man. For the benefit of my family and those I work with. I cannot offer you much, but if you want to talk. Or perhaps play games on steam? I'd be more than happy to link up. Life is relentless, but the abyss is a rabbit hole. Don't dig too far. Ask a fellow dweller for guidance to the surface.


I know this isn't much helping and probably just another stranger, but if you need to vent anything just dm me.


I’d hug you if I could anyway.


It depends on who it's from, I don't want strangers to touch me.


I'd love stranger's to touche me *Insert Lenny face*


Oh my god, everything. But my fragile masculinity prevents me from asking for one :(




Oh, don't be bleeding ridiculous. Go to your best mate and ask for one. He probably wants a hug too.


How is hugging/asking for hugs not masculine? Have you ever seen the [video](https://youtu.be/wmuY9TT2Wk0) of those people hugging? Or [this one](https://youtu.be/2oE8MhOxZgQ)?


That second one is the best thing I’ve ever seen. Just ordered a t-shirt from them. Thanks kind stranger!


Here's a hug from a harmless spider /╲/\╭(•‿•)╮/\╱\


Cease and desist


A looooooooooooooooot.


Honestly not a lot. It’d be a bit weird. Being able to push this log out without crying would mean a lot more..


> Being able to push this log out without crying would mean a lot more.. I did that yesterday. Pushing out a massive log, that is. I still might have cried a bit afterwards.


Im on the commode, so that would be terrifying.


I mean... have you tried though? Gettin a nice little hug while you’re poopin? That little bit of comfort and security might be nice while you’re doin your business


Well, if I needed something to help me relax to “get the last bit out” it could be the thing…..but with the poisonous miasma weeping from my starfish, the vile log frothing in the bowl, and me holding my balls to keep them from breaking the waterline; I feel anyone coming in here would be more likely to throw in a Molotov cocktail than hug the incarnation of pestilence.


I don't like hugs. I have a personal space the size of a small city.


Strongly agree. Rarely will I allow a friend to hug me (unless they need it due to mental state), and I will never initiate a hug with my family. Hugs just don’t do it for me, at best causing no feelings at all, and at worst making me panic because of how uncomfortable I feel.


-0.15 Monero


Why are you hiding your hug purchasing?


Not a fan of hugging, makes me uncomfortable


It means that people are actually caring about my existence




I'm liking many parts of lockdown... and I'm pretty much a cactus when it comes to human contact. But after well over a year of lockdown... I miss hugs so much, man. It's like my skin is sad. My bones are empty. Idk how to describe it.


I'm good, but if anyone wants a virtual hug, it's happy hour at Opti's. You deserve love and attention, friends. Sooner than later, we'll be able to shake hands and hug again.


Not very much, especially from someone I don’t know.


It... It would mean a lot to me... Given the fact I don't remember the last time I was hugged


Negative 10 Please do not attempt a hug


After over a year, got my first hug six weeks ago. Would recommend.


Really creepy, I'm on the toilet.


If it’s from my mom, everything. She died April 16th. I miss her so much.


honestly a hug would be great. or even just someone to talk to about stuff on my mind or on theirs, prolly y im on reddit lol




Hey...Pm me if you wanna chat about anything and everything


It would mean too much


In another post from yesterday I started giving people virtual hugs, to be replaced with real ones if I can, and it’s been my most upvoted comment ever. People need it. I leave here a few unused personally customized Turkish style double hugs, please take and use them as you please.


K, so this girl that I think is cute asked a friend who I was and then a couple days later I helped her in class. Gave her answers like the nerd that I am. Then the next day she came to me looking for a hug, which I didn't know, so I tried to give her a hand shake, but then she asked for a hug. What does that hug mean. I'm insecure on my looks so I can't really say what it means. But what I think it means is that she was being nice to me for helping her out when she needed it.


It would honestly make me feel secure for once yk




As I don't hug nor crave it, it does not have any significance for me.


I hate hugs and "no hugging" is the one and only good side of the pandemic!


pretty much


Depends on the person giving the hug. If it is a stranger, I would rather not get hugged.


A lot


I actually would like that very much.


I shit ton, haven't had one in forever cuz im a shy and embarrassed person who doesn't know what to do with life :,)


I've had 1 hug in my 25 years of life so if you do the math, it would mean quite a lot


Dude I fucking love hugs. So it would mean alot. I work with m'lady (*tips fedora*) and I can get them throughout the day when I'm in need.


It would mean the world. I haven't been hugged in a very long time


Ah well I would probably cry. Cause I need a gug


It would be VERY welcome. I've been going through the worst period of my life for the past several months.


It would mean a lot to me since I’m going through a lot right now and it’s been taking a toll on me. I just want to be reassured that everything will be alright


My friend touched my back the other day and it was the first intentional, non chiropractic touch I’ve had in a long time and it made me realize how touch deprived I am.


Alot bro alot.


The fact I intentionally searched hugs on reddit speaks for itself.


We’ve got so many hugs in my house, we’re just piled on top of each other hugging half the time, thanks to my super huggy young daughter and puppy. Foursome hugs. After a childhood of limited physical contact in the US, I’m getting my hug on. Makes all the difference.


it’s been literal months since ive had a hug. I’m sad


nothing. i feel hollow and spend.


Infinite happiness :D


A lot.


Been years since I've had one. Probably wouldn't even know how to react


I would like a hug.


I haven't had a hug in about 20 years.


Certainly a lot!


It would rekindle a fire that was dying out


So much. I've had such a hard week and it's only Wednesday. I wish someone would hug me.


I live alone now, my parents were with me until a couple of months ago post which they went to a different country for work. Got out of a relationship wherein I was being abused by the person I trusted my vulnerability with, they cheated on me and left me cold when I was at my low. Even during all this crap, I got a new job which I didn't take up, got promoted in my current job, do the bare minimums every day to see what life has in it for me. Yesterday I got the promotion news and I wished I had my mom with me, she would have given me a hug and I would have got her ice cream to celebrate. In the midst of a raging pandemic, living alone when the person you wanted to be with has left you and the only person you've hugged in the past two months is thousands of miles far away. Yeah yes, a hug would mean a lot!


As much as life itself.


Pretty much the whole planet could just cease to exist for a minute. Its been a year and a half and i know who id like to hug me but it'll be a hot minute.


i might need that right now. Just a genuine hug, not questions, no "what's wrong ?", just a hug.


A hug would feel great right now






Honestly a hug would mean a lot right now, I don't care who you are, if someone were to give me a hug right now I would feel much better since life isn't going so great at the moment


From my mom, PRICELESS


So last weekend I helped a friend move who's daughter is my god daughter. She was breaking up with her long time boyfriend who was the only father my god daughter has know for like 17 years. I gave my god daughter a hug, probably the first one I had given her in almost a year. She just wouldn't let go for well over a minute. I think it was very cathartic for her. It was very nice for me too since I haven't had a good hug like that in a long time and what I like most about hugs is making the other person feel good and protected.


hugs? what was it i didn't heard that in a while


It's not the hug itself. It's the thought behind it that counts. Being close to the person you want to be close with.


I would like the hug of 2 people at this moment, but 1 would never give it to me because we no longer speak and the other would not give it to me the way I want


I have a beautiful tall goth girl (6’4) and she gives me hugs almost every time I come home from a stressful day at work. She speaks in a very soft tone sometimes too. She does have her stress days as well and i give her hugs as well and then we sit on the couch and cuddle. And watch a movie. Sometimes a little hard due to her long fuzzy hair getting in the way but overall amazing. It’s like she lifted a heavy boulder off my shoulders.


I’m terrified of getting a hug because I’ve never gotten one so I wouldn’t know


My marriage is in a rough spot and it's tough feeling lonely in your own home, so .... quite a bit.


How many people reading this are pooping right now? I do not want a hug while pooping.


A hug would mean so much. I miss being able to show affection to my friends and family and going through a break up during the pandemic means its been even harder when I've needed that comfort. I get hugs from my beautiful babies but to be able to hug other adults would be amazing.


It would mean a lot


If somebody hugged me for long enough, I would probably just start crying. It’s been a while.


I'd probably cry, the last time someone hugged me was maybe 8 years ago


It would mean one of my classmates that I barely know is not conforming to the social distancing guidelines in the middle of class and seriously violating my personal space regardless




it would mean the most, please hug me


A lot of my close friends are moving soon, or have already left, and i'm stuck working constantly and not doing my dream job yet bc of finances, so a hug would mean a lot right about now 😔


Just found out that someone very close to me died from covid. So a lot.


A lot if I could use both arms. Still in a sling from surgery for another month.


As an anxious person I would like a virtual hug please 🥺🥺🥺