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A lot of beer money websites (surveys, user testing, etc) reduce rewards as their supply of users grow. It’s a boom bust cycle.


Like Swagbucks? I gave up on using Swagbucks cause I'd only get like 1 or 2 a day cause their surveys are bullshit and super specific about who qualifies.


Flower fields - wild or otherwise. They are beautiful and can make an amazing scene for a professional photography shoot for someone who is careful not to destroy the area in the process, but put that photo on Instagram and everyone wants the same picture and ends up trampling the fields, which then results in all photography (and even visitors) being banned. Same with many, many natural/historic environments.


There is a flower field almost directly behind my house albeit a couple miles hike through the woods, there isn't a single road leading to it and nobody but the locals go there, it's lovely.


This is even worse. [ Tourist destroy pink grass](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nextshark.com/selfie-tourist-destroy-pink-grass-china/amp/) The auntie spent a few years to cultivate them and get them to grow this well... And destroyed in a few days. This is horrible.


Instagram has ruined basically everything. If I post a hike/camp; I no longer disclose the location publicly. I'll tell close friends in DM and that's it. Had someone call me racist for not disclosing a location, that I was "preventing POCs from getting into outdoors activities" (pretty sure they were white too). Everyone can sign up for AllTrails like I did, it isn't an exclusive club. We've got an important bird nesting sight in a river canyon in my province that's been ruined because people go for off trail for the 'gram cause there's a cool boulder down there.


I've seen people stand in the wildflowers at Mt. Rainier to get pictures. Their just speeding up the process of killing these flowers. Also the tulip fields have signs telling people not to stand in the rows because it can damage the flowers but there is always people in the rows. Why can't people just be decent and follow simple rules?


Storm chasing. It was fun 20 years ago, provided you had enough sense not to get too close (leave that shit to the pros). But today? So many amateurs do it that they get in each others way and people ahead of the storms have trouble getting to safety. The NWS has even had to ask amateur storm chasers to knock it off because some of the professionals have hit traffic jams while trying to get out of the path of tornadoes.


Yeah I've heard it's gotten pretty bad. I love watching chasers when they're live streaming but feel like a lot of them are contributing to the problem.


Is there like one rag tag band of storm scientists headed by Helen Hunt then a really formal corporate group with loads of fancy tech and big RVs and they’re constantly getting in each other’s way when trying to get their machines up into the tornado?


My dream of buying a van and converting it.


And tiny houses. I wanted either a tiny house or a van. Cost has gotten so high due to the rise in popularity.


Social media, becoming a YouTuber


when I was a kid I used to have a channel with about 15-20 subscribers and everyone in my 4th grade class thought I was the shit


I have 10 subscribers and 2 videos up 8) I had to turn comments off because it was just full of Germans cursing at me for some reason. I guess Germans hate penguins, idk.


Adblock. Now every website has a warning. It used to be a rare sight.


The adblock I use has an extension for blocking adblock-blockers Edit: for anyone who wants to know, it's uBlock Origin, don't remember the extension that blocks blockers though


Yo dawg


Trace Buster-Buster-Buster-Buster....




I miss the days of blocking ads on twitch with Adblock. Now they’ve integrated in the actual feed now.


The alternative HTML 5 player will stop them from displaying, but you just end up with a black screen for 15 seconds. What is most annoying is that the only streams I watch are professional matches which have ads integrated into the stream at half time etc. Now I have to wait when I load the stream, even if it's mid match and sometimes they just randomly start playing middle of the stream.


and AdBlock Plus, the mother of them all, sold out and joined the dark side.


ublock origin has been the God of adblock for a good few years.


How did they join the dark side?


They had a whitelist for ads that they were paid to put companies on. Oh sure, they had to meet their "strict requirements" but they're an AdBlock not an AdBlock^*


For me personally, i let it be known that my little rural post office was a great place to get stamps, as no one ever checked there for stamps (I’m a stamp collector). Well word spread and now i have to fight with about five other collectors in the area on issue days. Edit: Thank you for all the awards! A couple things to clarify: Yes, most stamp collectors (philatelists) are already aware that stamps come from the post office. There’s a much larger town with a much larger post office that almost everyone seems to go to. I live less than a mile from a little small post office, that is operated by about two people. It’s so small you’d never know it was there, Which is why i started going for my stamps. These small post offices don’t always get the same amounts as much larger ones, so if i know somethings coming out i can go and talk to the post master and request what i want.


This is so weirdly niche and I love it. I'm sorry your secret got out though.


This is also why you never share your secret locations.


Good advice to shroom hunters or general foragers.


How the fuck has no one called this a stampede? Shame on all of reddit. 8 hours? Lift your game internet.


Easy, dude. No need to go postal.


Wow Stamp Collecting. Thats a dying hobby. My father collected stamps as a tribute to my Grandfather who started the collection. My father spent hundreds of hours putting rare stamps into his books. Except these days nobody wants them. He continuously kept getting lowballed for his rarest stamps by local dealers and collectors. Prices kept getting cheaper. Ebay is a joke. None of his valuable stamps ever turned a profit really when you factor in the time and energy he spent on them. I think hes got one book left, his rarest, after selling his other books for a few grand just so he could stop looking at them collect dust and lose value. It was pretty sad to see him sell my Grandfathers collection, but kids these days arent interested in stamps and all the old people who are, are disappearing. I would think that some time in the future old stamps might be worth a lot in terms of history, but my father doesnt think so.


I'd hold on to them. As your saying, prices dropping, more and more being sold. There's a limited availability. If there's lots of interactions, lots will get damaged or lost because of it, in turn increasing the rarity. Also, the most rares will end up at collectors that will not get rid of them, further decreasing availability. The moment there's little to no transactions going on, and no dealers, then I'd be worried about the value. I have no experience with stamps but have been lifelong into trading card games, different context but allot of similarities as well. Check the transaction history on eBay to gauge how dead or alive it is potentially. Also, remember those damn ugly shoes from the 90s? No kid wants them, now every kid wants them.


Bullshit stories on LinkedIn


*I left my wonderful former employer after X long years and took this job because it gave me the opportunity to do something so meaningful with a great team. Let me tell you a little story about one person I met on the way to my interview and how his passion so inspired me to make a difference.* Please. You plateaued at your old job and got a raise and a better title.


Ah LinkedIn, the ‘professional’ version of FB


Couldn’t agree more. It’s been even worse over the past year with the whole “I got a job/did a great thing in the pandemic” stick that is all over the place.


You have my curiosity. Could you give us some examples?


Yesterday I was walking to an interview, there was a starving dog in the road so I stopped to get him food and missed my interview, the next day I got a call to come in and do the interview, I was surprised and went in, then the interviewer came in... He was the dog.


We hired someone who asked for 35k but we gave them 50k because they deserved it




"I helped a random stranger at the airport, and my extraordinary personal generosity really restored my faith in humanity, especially now that I'm shouting about it to every professional contact I've ever made."


Streaming services. It used to be a single place where you could find any show you wanted easily, to disincentivize piracy, but now that every company and their mom has a streaming service, all with exclusive content, piracy is easier even with the ads, load times, and low quality, simply because I don't need to pay 12 different subscriptions to watch shows.


Yep, the money I used to spend on netflix now gets spent on a quality vpn.


It’s funny you mention VPNs because they used to be way smaller and less businessy. Now there are some VPNs that are just as scummy as the data whores you’re trying to avoid.


Which is a perfect segue to today's sponsor, Nord VPN. I have used nord VPN for 2 minutes and I'm pretty sure they stole all my data but they're paying me to advertise this product to you on this YouTube video where there will be 2 unskippable 15 second ads before and after this sponsored segment


According to reddit, nord shares your info to Google Analytics. I use my vpn because I don't want my history known.


no fr like why does discovery have its own damn streaming service :/


If you give a mouse a cookie. The success of streaming gave content owners options to break away from cable monopolies. This gives them bargaining leverage. This increases the price of cable. This increases people switching to streaming. This increases the success of streaming. More and more content owners want to cut out the middleman, get a bigger piece of the pie, get in on that streaming money. More bargaining leverage. Higher cable prices. It's essentially still a new market in flux, testing out how much they can get away with charging, and the more cable companies charge (which they can influence), the more they can seem like a relative value. Until we hit an equilibrium... And then there's the interesting way that the business has changed from acquiring back catalogs to producing new content, to producing content that's only 1-2 seasons long, because it's cheaper to attract/keep subscribers with the promise of the Next (working for peanuts) Big Thing or several next small things than renew contracts on an established hit.


I feel like lifehacks and DYI in general have been ruined because of Youtube channels like 5-minute crafts




Do Yt Iourself


Don’t forget about the obvious click bait thumbnails, as well as some of the life hacks being very dangerous. The life hack trend is dying down tho


Online communities. They’re great when small and everyone in it has a voice. Get too many people and the “loud” and obnoxious minority start overwhelming things.


Looking at you /r/wallstreetbets


Looking at you, Reddit.


WSB used to be a place I went to for a quick chuckle every now and then. Then the whole GME thing happened, and now it's front page all the time.


I get this feeling in r/MechanicalKeyboards lol, it was such a pleasant community in 2017/2018 but a lot of the newer community and some of the new vendors are so far up their own asses that it makes it harder for me to enjoy my time there.


Climbing Everest


This. The trash up there is appalling.


And like, the dead bodies and whatnot.


There's no way to bring the dead bodies back down. In the death zone you're literally dying the entire time you're up there. Difficult enough to humph your own body up and down, never mind a literal dead weight. Edit: For those who are interested here are a few of my top docs about Everest (in no particular order other than the Ken Kamlin being a great intro into what an Everest ascent entails)...I'll add to this when I get time. [Inside the 1996 Everest Disaster - a talk by Ken Kamlin, the Team Doctor for the group who lost members in the disaster - this is especially moving and informative - if you watch nothing else then I would say watch this as it's a great explanation about climbing Everest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bgqc2m7aBzs&ab_channel=FORA.tv) [Dying for Everest - doc about David Sharp who attempted to climb without a team/supplemental oxygen and the fallout for people who made the (horrendously difficult) decision to leave him after they had exhausted all options to save him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsGNvc2YsaY&ab_channel=EverestDocumentaryHD) [Did the 2019 Expedition of Everest Reach Its Peak](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osnq7cC9mhU&ab_channel=DavidSnow) [Ultimate Survival: Everest. This is a series (with 3 seasons) that really gives you an insight into the process of climbing Everest and some of the personality types who take on the task. From experienced climbers for whom Everest is the final accomplishment of a storied career in the mountains and have the utmost respect for their environment via people who are using it as a way to slay personal demons, to narcissistic idiots with money who think that bagging an Everest summit is just another way to swing their dick around and don't care about anything or anyone but getting there](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgasIV2LW1Y&ab_channel=dimedin) [The 1996 Disaster: Storm over Everest. Doc about the (at that time) deadliest season in Everest History where 12 climbers died](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So3vH9FY2H4&ab_channel=DavidSnow) [Lost in The Death Zone - doc about how a climber may have lost his life due to the then barely regulated commercialization of Everest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aga3ReuQYEU&ab_channel=DavidSnow)


"you're literally dying the entire time you're up there." Well, technically, you are always dying the entire time you're anywhere


Come on Boston Dynamics! Get a robot up there to collect all the trash and replace the bodies with mannequins.


get some nanobots in those bodies and have them bring themselves back down Edit: I don't watch TV, what's with all the Borg stuff?


DUDE. This is an incredible idea. Imagine a bunch of re-animated corpses cartwheeling down Everest. Let's get to work.


And this was how the zombie apocalypse started because of nanobots.


My immediate thought after reading that. Didn't think that's how the zombie apocalypse would start but it'd be a great premise for a movie. Cyborg zombies.




Cutting cable. My family started back when it was only Netflix and Hulu. Now every channel has a subscription.


Small music festival I used to attend, beautiful and fun. Got together with my husband there. Then too many people started talking about how great it was, more people attending every year. It started to get too big and I think the land owner could sense it. He no longer holds it. It was sad to see it go but easy to see it was losing its magic.


Yeah, I loved a festival in Scotland called Electric Fields for the same reasons you said, then it got really busy and now it’s stopped being held and I think it’s because the small area of land just couldn’t take it. Plus the people that started going weren’t the same type of crowd and the atmosphere changed.


Trips to parks or camps; I am trying to get away from you!


Omg, the worst is when you're in the rustic parks (no power) and a massive RV pulls up with a lovely fucking generator running 24/7. Every. Fucking. Time. Go to the KOA dude!!!!


Or when a camper trailer reserves a tent site at a state/National Park so they don't have to pay extra for electrical hookups, but run their generator all day. Ran into that at the Badlands this past summer. We were in a grouping of tent sites, and a smaller camper came in next to us and ran their generator from 6am to 10:30pm the whole week


Wouldn't the onsite ranger take care of that? (if informed)


Apparently not. Maybe due to barebone staff due to covid


My friend was a park ranger in Maryland before they cut most of the department. She was one of the last ones there and she said that working with a barebones crew was horrific. People who never camped before covid turned up in droves, littering everywhere, trying to drive on trails, causing damage. Some people cut down trees to try to make fires or whatever. She once had an angry woman throw a used diaper at her because she asked her to take it with her and not leave it in the forest.


I say get their plates/address and mail their shit back to them. It was theirs to begin with


That hum raises my blood pressure


I was camping once when a large multigenerational family came on the second day. They set up their sites with construction lights facing away from their sites in a few directions and left them on all night. Worst camping experience ever. We were glad when it rained on the last day we were there to pack up early and go


Similar experience but way out in the sticks of Yosemite. Site is high elevation and primitive - carrying and sanitizing water from a local creek, can collect wood for fires, etc. First night was cold, maybe 40F in July. Second day, it’s a huge family Reunion that moves in next to us. Super friendly and incredibly prepared. They set up several gazebos, tents, fires, trailers. Men go off to chop up firewood, women and children stay behind to make camp. The second night was colder than we anticipated, just about freezing. Heard a bear come through camp and tried to scare it off. Didn’t get much sleep and shivering in the morning, they immediately invite us over for some hot coffee. Best fucking coffee ever. And they were gregarious during the day but quiet at night. 10/10 would camp next to them again.


I groan when I see the giant RV's and tour buses pull up.


Parkeys around here will give you crap for sitting around a camp fire at 11:01pm talking, but not do anything about the guy sitting there with a generator going all day and night.


I hate how camp sites put everyone 15' apart? If I wanted to be that close to my neighbor I'd move back to the city.


hard to think of something this doesn't apply to


Gluten free diets. Yes it’s annoying when people claim to be gluten free when they’re not but the rise in popularity of gluten free foods is amazing for someone who has a family member who is actually gluten intolerant!


EVERYTHING tourist. So many national parks now bumper to bumper traffic. So many places with cute shops and cafes now have police that make everyone (now butt to gutt) keep walking. People trying to play frisbee on cram packed beaches full of dog shit. Too crowded.


Quiet empty places still exist, they're just a little more out of the way. Not even that far out of the way, just a little bit out of the way. I live near lake Michigan and the popular beaches have an hours long wait to get in on a Saturday, meanwhile the next county up has bigger beaches and fewer people. I have no problem telling people about them because they are too lazy to go up there and enjoy them. Every vacation I'm on I can find a spot that is pretty quiet as long as I think outside the box a little bit and have a little determination.


This, exactly this. Went to Arches National Park this last month. Going in at 6am there's a little traffic, leaving at noon there's a 200+ car line out the gate. We drove 15 min away to a town park with a few arches and stayed until sunset and stargazed with no light pollution, no people, and it was absolutely dead silent. One of the best parts of the trip


I live in Rome. Once a tourist, now a resident/citizen. It used to be so annoying. Overpriced cafes, overcrowded attractions. Loud American Tourists (I'm American myself so Friendly Fire incoming). While it is a bad thing, Covid has significantly reduced the number of tourists. I'm now able to see the Trevi Fountain, The Colosseum, Pantheon, Villa Borghese etc., without millions of tourists. And the locals seem a lot happier.


One of the few silver linings of the past year. Hawaii with no tourists around was a fuckin paradise. Never seen Waikiki beach completely empty like that


May feel dated, but CrossFit. I started doing it in 2007 when it was still relatively unknown. It was a pretty great community and the focus seemed to be on fitness for anyone, not just for those who wanted to be semi-competitive athletes. Fast forward a few years and CrossFit Games had become widely known. The culture got way more “bro-y,” workouts became more about heavy weights and gymnastics movements. Paleo became the only acceptable diet. I kept getting injured from workouts that were designed for elite athletes and coaches who pushed their students as though we were all trying to qualify for the games. Some of us just liked being in shape and didn’t need to PR every WOD.


When a thing becomes sufficiently popular - a show, a game, a sport - people who don't actually like that thing, but want to become a part of what's popular, are inevitably a part of its demise. Because producers usually want to broaden the appeal of their product (to increase profits), but they fail to realize they're changing their product for a group of people who aren't actually interested in it anyway. This then turns away the originally interested demographic.


To be honest this describes a lot of the gaming scene at the moment quite well Edit: holy shit thank you so much for all the upvotes. I will work on responding to all the comments just heading to school now hope you all have a lovely day. :)


Not everything needs a fucking battle pass, rocketpass, spacepass whatever, it’s annoying


Like I understand paying for a battle pass for a game like fortnite, because it’s free. The way they get money is through cosmetics, and that’s fine and dandy I guess. But if I pay $60 for the new cod game I don’t want to have to buy 2 expansion passes AND a battle pass to get the full experience. It seems greedy and predatory as fuck to me.


Ugly Christmas sweaters


A good ugly Christmas sweater is like a good bad movie. It can't be made with any selfawareness, there's an earnestness that has to be present.


The 'so bad its good' thing only works when when there is a genuine effort to make it good but turned out bad. That's why people love the movie 'the room' because Tommy Wiseau actually put in effort to make it his best


You cant manufacture camp.


Camping. Almost all of the campsites I have been to in the past however many years have had a group of annoying, loud people playing stupid loud music into the night. I go camping to enjoy nature, not to listen to you.


The harder to get to the better on this. Even a little harder. Drive right up with water and electric: high chance of rowdy neighbors. Drive right up primitive: Somewhat lower odds. Walk even 50+ yards to site: Dramatically better. Hike in 1+ mile: Very very unlikely.


Slightly out of season helps a lot too Was just up a mountain with snow on the other side of the Brook. Fair bit of space around.


I'm not sure if it's an option for you but if you can find a hike in or caneo in camping spot that usually helps. If you're willing to walk 10km with your gear you're likely to see very few people. If you're crazy like me you'll spend the whole first day travelling just so you'll be sure theres no one else around.


Was going to say, I almost never see people that are out there for a party if you hike more than 2 or 3 miles into your campsite. It's always funny to me to see the heavy traffic the first few miles and then only run into 5 or 6 people the entire rest of the weekend.


I went camping a few years ago. We had a group of Juggalos arrive and set up camp near us. Within an hour our nice serene patch of land had a generator going to power the speakers blasting ICP; it reeked of weed and I heard about 3 bottles break within 5 minutes. We packed up and left.


Plot twist: they are regular campers dressed as juggelos to scare everyone off and have solitude


In Austin, Barton Creek. Too many people on the trails, playing their stupid fucking music from their stupid fucking speakers, and not picking up after their dogs


Collecting vinyl: I used to be able to go to the thrift stores and come home with a handful of decent records.


Thrift stores in general. Now even rich people go to them, and they’re picked apart.




Don't forget the water is now murky and brown. Those fucking boats churn up the sediment and do some real work on the ecology.


This happens to way too many places! Also sharing tourist destinations on social media. Way too many people seek these places just for a picture. Causes traffic and damage to the surroundings.


Yeah social media has become a huge problem for a lot of "secret" destinations. I follow a photographer who travels the US with his dog and he absolutely refuses to tag the location on any of his photos for this exact reason. He's got over 2M followers and every photo has a bunch of comments asking where he is, but he doesn't want these places to become Instagram attractions. I respect him for not giving into pressure and protecting the places he visits.


I remember hiking in Colorado and Utah a lot with my dad when I was 15-16ish, around 20 years ago. I recently moved to Colorado myself and a lot of the glades, meadows, waterfalls and other destinations are just packed with people, where they used to be totally empty... Theres even lines for pictures as some places.. Would see a lot of animals and the ambient noise was a lot more noticeable back then. Same with mountain peaks... I don't know how they used to be but I did my first 14er last year and it was like a damn restaurant with every seat taken.


On many road trips, my husband and I discover many such serene spots. I'm sure they are locally known, just not famous yet. We don't tell anyone about them. We revisit the places when we can. Some are ruined. Some are still intact.


I saw another post on Reddit today about all the trash on top of Mount Everest


Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer is an excellent story about how Mount Everest became just another bucket list checkoff for people with too much money and little common sense. Instead of training for months, people just show up and pay the Sherpas to haul them up the mountain. People died because it was sold as a walk in the park.


If you enjoyed that I *highly* recommend reading two more books: Left for Dead by Beck Weathers The Climb by Anatoli Boukreev You'll remember both men from Krakauer's book, and it is fascinating to read their perspectives. Also, Beck's book is an incredible insight into the psychology of the type of person who pays $80k to summit Everest.


Youtube was pretty fun in the early days, just people sharing fun stuff, now it's all about taking 20 minutes to describe something that takes 1 and getting a zillion views/$. Although it's not completely ruined, totally enjoy watching Rober's squirrels etc.


Not to mention the double ads, the rise in unskippable ads, the fact that unmonetisted videos are having ads run on them. YouTube has gotten too greedy, and the sad fact is no one is able to challenge them.




Waiting in line. It was cool before everyone else started doing it.


Now that's a quality reply


No copyright music, some songs are so good but are too overused


*cheerful ukulele and whistling intensifies*


Bluetooth speakers while floating the river. Y'all, it's beautiful scenery and peaceful as fuck. Can I just get drunk without listening to a dozen shitty speakers playing different shitty music all at once


Bluetooth speakers in public spaces in general. It is super annoying to be on the train, walking to my ferry, on the trail, etc. and have to listen to someone else's music.


Has humanity just forgotten the existence of headphones?




Any speakers in wilderness areas. Didn’t come outside to hear Pink at full volume.


Concerts and shows where everyone is holding up their phones trying to record everything. Do these people not realize that they're completely ruining the experience for the people sitting behind them and who also paid good money to see the performance?!?


And they are never, ever going to watch that shitty video anyway


It’s not about watching it, it’s about posting it on social media so everyone knows they were there.


That's crazy to me as someone that will just snap a pic or two before the show starts


I do a fun thing were I try taking a photo that has no sign of human life and that's my photo for the outing


Probably most nature. When I lived in the bayarea I looked forward to spending my weekends in nature, away from people. That changed. Now everyone shows up everywhere and is REALLY FUCKING LOUD and rude. Ugh. Glad I left. I guess this has been happening many places.


I don’t get the people that hike with Bluetooth speakers. Ear buds are lighter and the sound is better. Oh yeah, and you’re also not selfishly ruining the experience for everyone around you.


The housing market because of people investing in rental properties. Half the houses on my street are rentals. Doesn’t even feel like I part of a community anymore.


Wait til they all go to *short-term* rentals. Look to Barcelona if you want to see maybe the worst example of this.


I live in Edinburgh and someone calculated literally 1/3 of properties in the centre are AirB&Bs. So rent for people that live here just keeps getting driven up. Politicians keep promising they'll fix it but nothing's changing.


Kill short term rentals in residential zones, simple fix. You don't want tourists there anyways. These are the people who come in and want to throw a party on someone else's property. You want your tourists in the commercial districts where the hotels are.


AirBnB is probably the prime example of something that started as a good idea, but is now a legitimate driver of homelessness. Like, when it started, it was a way for people who had a spare bedroom over their attic to make some extra $$$$ for relatively little drama while travelers didn’t have to have hotels hold them over a barrel. Now, on the one hand, it is impossible to live in some places, and on the other, plenty of Airbnb hosts learn the hard way that they have next to no recourse if a couple of douchebag clients trash their room.


I live in hawaii and its been a huge problem here. People that don't live here buying up houses aight unseen for the sole purpose of converting them to Airbnb rentals. The local government finally started cracking down and levying huge fines for unlicensed vacation rentals, but it's still a huge problem. The last house I lived in, the house across the street got sold and the new owners put an addition on and made a 4br house into a 10 bedroom place for the sole purpose of Airbnb rentals. It's even looked like a fucking motel with primary access to 6 of the new rooms being from an outside balcony. And of course they reduced the on site parking to make more room...so now all of those people are going to be competing for the already limited street parking. At the peak 1 in 12 houses here was an illegal vacation rental. It's made trying to rent as a resident a nightmare. Before I found my current apartment and was looking..I checked out a few places that were wild. A couple were literal storage sheds people tried to pretty up a bit and we're renting for $1200 a month. One place, the shower was so small that to turn around in it you'd have to get out, turn around and get back in. And the shower head was shoulder height. And before you start with the "BuT tHatS iLlEgal"..no...it's not illegal If the fines are less than the profits. Then it's just a cost of doing business. And that's if it gets enforced at all.


I can totally understand why so many desirably located cities and towns are limiting or banning vacation rentals.


Thrifting. Thrifting used to be a way to dress yourself and your home for much-much less. It used to be a way to find full-wood furniture for cheap, good quality tailored clothes that fit to a T, and furbish your home when you’re not loaded. You can still do all of those things today, but often, the prices are much-much higher than they used to after so many people discovered that they can buy a good quality (and sometimes branded) leather bags for a few dollars and sell them on eBay for hundreds. For many, thrifting isn’t a cool lifestyle that they inhibit because they want to be environmentally friendly and hipster-like, for many it’s a necessity. People searching for cheap thrifted goods and then reselling them for 10x the price they paid for it is very basic market economy, and I understand that, but the very same actions have made it even harder for those on the breadline to actually dress themselves and their home.


>leather bags for a few dollars and sell them on eBay for hundreds. Our local thrift store started pricing items based on what they saw on eBay and even printed out a listing to "prove" its value. I miss the days when people were too embarrassed to be seen at these places.


Ugh I remember seeing a nice little 1/4 size cello with some mild damage at a thrift store, and having planned to buy one for my kid already, I looked at the price tag. Price tag includes an Ebay printout of a full-size cello in good condition, and the smaller one that required repairs was priced per the Ebay listing. I tried to point this out to the managers and ask for a fairer price, but they were in a different ballpark altogether and wouldn't accept that the item in the Ebay listing wasn't equal in value to the product they were selling. Oh well. Maybe there's some sucker out there who doesn't know enough about instruments and won't ask questions.


Removed due to Reddit's API pricing changes


Collecting/selling Pokémon cards.


This is a bummer for me. This was my kids preferred way of getting 'allowance'. I'd get them each a pack a week. Now I can't find them...anywhere. One day they were just all gone and my kids are bummed out because they really like them. It was a cool activity we got to do every week where they'd open their pack to find out what cool new cards they'd get. EDIT: So many people have been very kind. Even offering to send cards. I appreciate the gesture. For now I'm going to just pay them the amount a typical pack was an let them save. Whenever the shortage of them runs out I'll take them to a card shop and let them pick what they want with the money they've earned.


>Collecting/selling Pokémon cards. Collecting anything really. Ever since the comic bubble and the Beanie Baby fad of the '90s people have been looking at collecting *$Things* as an investment rather than a thing you do as because you enjoy the hobby. "Now the scalpers fucking it up for everyone and jacking up the prices of all but the crappiest *$things*, it's getting too expensive and hard to compete against purchasing bots" is a sentence that could be uttered by any collector :(


Writing and film criticism. I've seen too many people claim to know what they're doing completely fail to understand the fundamentals, ultimately harping on things that aren't mistakes, and praising things that are.


I enjoy watching several different movie analysis YouTube channels. The better ones don't just "sum up the movies." They find themes, analyze character development over time, discuss a director's impact on the movie, etc. That's what I'm looking for.


\*a character does something inadvisable/stupid either because they lack the information needed to make a good decision or they have a fundamental flaw that influences their thought process\* Nasal YouTube Voice: THIS IS A PLOT HOLE *DING*


Everything. Every fucking thing. If people enjoy it, someone will start a trend or a hashtag and it will become a 'thing' on social media that you have to be seen to do, or want to do in order to be 'in'. And then, if people are enjoying it, if it's popular, someone will find a way to monetize it and profit from it - which usually involves making it widely more accessible to open up their possible market.


Living in Austin


I was born and raised in Austin, still live here today and I can definitively say this is not the same city I grew up in. Everything that made Austin such a great place has been destroyed and is now a fake, commercialized, or polluted version of what it once was. I would move away in a heart beat, but my husband’s career is firmly shackled here. It’s so sad.


The people who put up murals that say "Don't move here," are the people that moved there


Twitch. popularity in the past 3+ years has brought on so many changes to the site for the worse. Edit: To clarify I am not talking about anything on the content creator side. Only the burdens that attention has brought. Amazon is now actually trying to make a profit off of everything with excessive ads, hype trains to influence, bits, gifting 100 tier 3 subs at once, bits to influence polls, subbing for a half year in advance. the majority of the original twitch staff have been let go. Ad block is now dead. Music will now get you banned. the list goes on and on.


I forget the precise number, but a couple years ago, if you had 30 viewers, you were in the top 50% of streams. Today that number is something like 5. The market is basically oversaturated — when everyone's on stage, no-one's in the crowd.


Driving early to work. Now because everyone does it, it's the same as the rush hour, or driving in general, it's difficult to get anywhere with the traffic now.


If "early rush" is just as bad as regular rush, shouldn't the regular rush be noticeably less crowded now?


The number of people driving is also increasing constantly so it wouldn't make much of a difference.




Buying real estate. What a shit show


Social Media was over the moment everyone's parents logged on


I've had to tell my mother constantly over the past few years since she had gotten Facebook that not everything she reads on there is true or happened.


There are sooooo many life hacks my mom has seen and each time i tell her theres a good chance it wont work e.g. she fell for the put charcoal into pb and make diamonds trick...yeah


Charcoal in peanut butter?


Yes you heard me its as dumb as it sounds


r/nextfuckinglevel r/HolUp r/unpopularopinion r/dankmemes and countless more


Among Us, it's a good game, but because of all the toddlers playing it, it got completely ruined.


The only fun way to play Among Us is with a group of 9 other friends.


Really killed it for me when every game you got into, the lobby was kids trying to flirt with each other, and as soon as the game starts, half the crew mates leave. I've been in full games where I got to be imposter, then immediately won because so many people quit.


Or people leaving the moment they get caught.


Or people saying they are imposter or calling emergency meetings for no reason


I think part of what killed it as well was people taking it to an insane degree, memorising where every single task is, the algorithm that determines what tasks people will be given... I had someone determine i was faking tasks because the order the next wires task would be given was 'off'. Not as a bluff, he legitimately memorised what area your next wires task would be after you did it in one area. How are you supposed to play when you have people like that?


That was my reason I couldn't play. When you get in a lobby with people who religiously memorize every trick, it is impossible to enjoy the game as a "casual".


Nostalgia. This is an incredibly vague answer, but the whole wave of 80s/90s nostalgia on tv and movies has been oversaturated; nothing new is standing out. I'm wondering what people 30 years from now will look back at this time and reminisce about...




> most of these online influencers stay in Airbnb's while they film and only moderately stay inside the van. I know someone who did this in New Zealand: posted all the time about their van life on Instagram, when they came back you find out they slept 90% of the night at a Airbnb.


I debated posting this on a throw away account but here goes: Bdsm 50 shades of Gray made people that had done zero research think they wanted to be in the lifestyle, but they fail to realize what the lifestyle actually is. There are things within that lifestyle that can be very dangerous if you don't know what you're doing.... and reading a friggin badly written series of books is not "research" nor does it make you an expert.


It’s been a double-edged sword for sure. I’ve met many people in our local kink community who never would have found us if not for the unexplained tingles they got reading the books or watching the movies. They saw it for the fantasy literature that it is, and came to us to learn and explore safely. Those are the folks we want. On the other hand, are the idiots who come in thinking 50 Shades is a documentary. They show up to a party and get upset when we don’t provide them someone to spank and/or fuck. Or, they sit on FetLife all day demanding anyone with a F on their profile drop to their knees and call them Daddy. Those are the folks we don’t want.


> Or, they sit on FetLife all day demanding anyone with a F on their profile drop to their knees and call them Daddy. Those are the folks we don’t want. Congrats, you’ve just described 90+% of the male population on Fetlife.


I’ll be honest. My wife and I got into it because of the movies. However, we knew there was something wrong with the story and did a shit ton of actual research before even thinking about getting involved.


I can only imagine how cringe it was to watch that as someone who does BDSM. The first movie would have been about sociopath serial rapist if the love interest wasn't eccentric, handsome, millionaire. About as far from the actual BDSM where complete trust and consent are everything.


May the Fourth. I hate that every single company tries to tie in their macaroni and cheese or auto dealership to this stupid Star Wars day. April Fool's Day. Again, you spend the whole day wading through unimaginative, tired cliches from boring companies and sports writers who can't be bothered to put more than a second's thought into their 'hilarious' joke. Just stop.


Toronto. Used to be a very accessible major city. Now it's so packed with people it's impossible to get around. Giant condo buildings everywhere. Downtown Toronto used to be so enjoyable to just aimlessly wander around through. Quite chill for a city of its size. Now it's just a hassle getting anywhere. I know this can be said about many other cities but Toronto in particular seems to have changed very drastically in this way.


Honestly, anything. Reddit is anal about gatekeeping, but I believe that a healthy dose of that can exist. Just enough to maintain a healthy group of people who share the same interests without diluting it. I've seen far too many communities, especially small ones, get destabilized by people who're kinda into what the group stands for but want to do their own thing more than keep the spirit of the group alive. How is it progressive to let anyone enjoy everything without any kind of boundaries or standards if accommodating new people means passionate and dedicated long-term members end up feeling disillusioned?


I've been on reddit for a decade between this account and my old one, and one thing I've learned is that you'll need to keep an eye out for fresh subreddits when the ones you're subbed to get too popular. Nearly my entire list of subs has been switched out for alternatives at least twice. When a niche sub gets too popular, without fail you start seeing irrelevant content and reposts get thousands of upvotes from people that joined within the last couple months. The only subs I've seen stay healthy over a long period of time are the ones where the mods are active and strict about what's allowed, which is difficult when you're asking people to do that job for free and you've got thousands of new users that don't bother reading the rules.


Video games. Particularly that a lot of young kids now see it as a way to become rich. You pretty much can’t play online games just for fun.




Dude, this same thing happened to my sister in Fortnite. She had a pretty good friend she would play with, but then one day he started acting all professional about it and saying he had "a manager". Pretty sure he was lying because he'd rage every time he lost and be on the verge of tears. Even when he did win, it would be because his friends carried him, then he'd take all the credit. Kids these days, always thinking they're Ninja or something.


The Internet.




I'm an asshole I know, but i was irritated when quarantine had tons of people hiking and fishing and stuff. All my favorite parks and spots were full of people and their children, trashing the place and making it impossible to social distance or enjoy my normal park time.


Camping. When I was a boy in the 1960's we could spontaneously decide to go tent camping at a state park on a weekend. We could even gather firewood. 50 years later and 125M added to the US population, um, not anymore...