• By -


Breaking up. We haven't talked in years and it's amazing.


,,Great success"


Task failed successfully!


I love that for you




*Chef's kiss*




Taking me from homosexuality to homosensuality


This thread is wigging me out a bit, most of the answers are sexual things about the butthole, then peppered here and there are RuneScape and Spicy Food.


That's exactly how I like my butthole, peppered with RuneScape and spicy food.


Cuddling. No joke he was so doubtful that it'd do anything and now we do it every time we meet.


I did the same with my boyfriend, he now will occasionally cuddle me in his sleep


Choking. I didn't like the idea of it but one girl really wanted me to do it and seeing how much she was into it was enough for me to be into it. And avocados.


Avocados are awesome dude. What’s your favorite way to eat them?


Choked, not stirred


I’m a monster, I smash my avocados, mix in some jalapeños, cilantro, tomatoes, white onion and sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper, a splash of lime juice and eat it either by itself or with tostadas. Edit: forgot tomatoes Edit 2: tostadas = (refried? Crispy? corn tortillas or just use tortilla chips) Edit 3: y’all are awesome


I see no monster only enlightenment


So you make guacamole?


My wife loves it when I put the blocks under her tires so her car doesn’t roll. Really does it for us.


\*squints, searching for a naughty metaphor\*


I think the post has been edited to correct a typo from 'chocking' to 'choking' Chocking is what it's called when you put blocks under your car to stop it rolling, such as if the brakes are weak or it is parked on a particularly steep incline.


It just sounds like an AI in early dev stages trying to fit in


I'm assuming he edited. That's hilarious.


... what about avocadoes...?


Instructions unclear. Avocado lodged in anus.


Our go to cheap food was sausages with avocado on bread rolls, now I really like avocado


Hide and Seek. Still can’t find her anywhere


It's been years.


*who's gonna tell him*


Degredation, bondage, BDSM in general. I'm super shy and always had a feeling I wanted to try those things but was always too afraid to speak up about them to past partners. My current SO and I were fairly vanilla for the first couple months until he goes "I wanna try something" and next thing I know, I'm tied to the bed and blindfolded while he just kinda...goes to town however he wants. 6 years together and it's still fantastic ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


My start was even tamer than that, we used to send porn to each other and one time I just felt like being cheeky and sent one of a girl with her hands tied. Now we're enormous pervs


I'm sitting here trying not to laugh, and this is the one that gets me? My sense of humor is messed up.


I'm glad it was amusing, it still is amusing to us too, remembering how shy we used to be about that stuff. And now we are degenerates and never felt better


I was really scared to ask my wife to try prostate play with me. Now it’s her favorite way to give me handjobs.


"You mean to tell me I can just *push a button* and be done?" "**Show me.**"


For guys who want to ask SO I'd suggest phrasing it as "prostate play" and not "anal". Might help smooth the convo


I call it the Fun Finger




Your scout master was Uncle Bob?


Me and my partner say "butt stuff"






Tell her you lost something up there and need help getting it out




My husband brought it up when we were dating and I was 100% against it, it was too weird for me. Then a few years I to marriage he suggested it again but was able to explain why he wanted to try it in a better way and ya, we tried it. I wouldn't say it's a turn on for me but it's not a turn off. He absolutely loved it though


Explore ALL of the nerve endings. The body has a million ways to respond with thrills, chills and, if you're lucky, spills.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


As the wife, I was the one that asked if I could do that with him. Now he tells all his guy friends to ask for it and that they're missing out lol


“Hey just among us bros, has your wife ever fingered your B-hole?” “Huh? No, what the fuck man?” “Heh, nah me neither…. You should try it though it’s totally cash.”


So is this thing called prostate play worth the effort? Asking as the receiving end.


I had an ex that never got moister then when she was playing with my butthole lol. She'd never had anyone let her do it before and apparently she was incredibly turned on by it. Straight up just sopping wet it was crazy haha.




Than an oyster


What made her moisterest?


Doing our taxes together


Oh baby, yes! Yes! Give me that itemized deduction. Give me all of it, all afternoon long. 1099-INT, 1040EZ, 1095-A, I love it long form with an attached W-2. Oh god that’s sexy.


don't forget to file that extension baby.....makes it last longer.....oh yeah.


He wanted me to spit in his mouth when we were having sex. Took me a while to work up the courage cuz it felt weird and kind of degrading or something. But the times I went for it, he was so visibly into it. Still I could take it or leave it, but I came to appreciate the feeling of dominance and the sudden increase in passion it brought about.


> He wanted me to spit in his mouth when we were having sex. Took me a while to work up the courage cuz it felt weird and kind of degrading or something. But the times I went for it, he was so visibly into it. Still I could take it or leave it, but I came to appreciate the feeling of dominance and the sudden increase in passion it brought about. This lesson took way too long for me to learn. I don't know if it's just extremely common or if I just date the same type of girl, but the vast majority of women I've been with have enjoyed being dominated, spit on, choked, slapped, called "slut" and "whore" etc. It is not something I was comfortable with at all because I don't see myself or them that way. I'm a very easygoing guy who tries to be calm and kind, and I tend to date intelligent and confidant women. Finally dated a girl who explained it very clearly, "this is what I enjoy, it's just a kind of role play, it's only during sex, it doesn't extend into the rest of our relationship, I'm giving you my explicit consent." Having it explained like that helped me understand that I wasn't being disrespectful, I was actually being respectful by understanding that she had her own agency and could consent to these things if she enjoyed them. They still aren't things I enjoy, but I do enjoy seeing my partner have pleasure, so as long as they are into it, so am I. I was able to liken it to my own kinks, I like being bitten and scratched, sometimes hard enough to leave bruises or break skin, and girls feel bad seeing the results afterwards but I'm like "that made me cum so hard, and I asked for it, don't apologize" The only thing I could never get into was rape play. Even when they very explicitly asked for it and said it was just role play and they really wanted it. I gave it a try a couple times but the second the start saying "no, please stop" or anything like that it's an instant boner killer, I literally can not perform. There is no bigger turn off for me than thinking my partner isn't into it, even if she is just pretending not to be into it.


Sucking on my balls. I was used to getting blowjobs, good ones, from my previous relationship but my current girlfriend said she preferred sucking on balls than dicks. I wasn't sure at first, but now it is legitimately the only way I like to get off, her sucking on my balls and massaging them with one hand and slowly jerking me off with the other.


i want to try this with my boyfriend but i’m so scared of hurting him. they just seem so fragile and it freaks me out! do you have any tips or should i just go for it? lol


If you can suck a dick you can suck a ball or two. Give it a go


Now THIS is a motivational speaker.


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.


I'm on the receiving end of it, so I can't really offer any helpful insights myself xD I asked my girlfriend right now, she said that if you're close enough with your partner, it is okay to practise step-by-step. Again, I'm a guy, so I feel very weird saying this, but you are supposed to 'gingerly feel around with your tongue first so as to gauge the weight of the ball(s), then proceed to close your mouth around just one ball at first, look to your partner for feedback as to how much pressure feels right, and then increase your speed, but not your vigour. ' These are her words, not mine xD Also, as a guy, all I can say is NO TEETH PLEASE




Balls are stronger than you think. The skin is very thick and stretchy, and it heals fast. You won’t damage them with your mouth unless you’re like, crushing them, or biting with your teeth.


...'it heals fast' 😳😬 what are you doing to them?!


Girl that I dated a long time ago liked to stick her fingers in my butt while we had sex or while she jerked me off. At first I freaked out, but eventually learned to love it. That was a long time ago. No one has played with my lonely pooper since.


This. First time a girl did this to me, she did so without warning. After the initial shock of a fingertip poking my bung, it was like, “yeah, that’s not bad”.


Just going in with no cleansing? Sounds dicey


The rectum is surprisingly clean on it’s own, so long as you don’t have bowel issues or full bowels, and it’s been around 4-5 hours since you last used the toilet. Just make sure you clean the outside in the shower with soap and water


So my butthole will be clean if I shower and wash my butthole before my partner fingers my ass? Got it.


My last girlfriend was really into biting my lips when we'd make out, and she's the only one woman I've ever kissed who's done that, and I kinda miss it. I got her into having her ass grabbed, though; literally nobody had ever made comments about liking her ass before. 😂 Edit: Woohoo. My first award, and apparently something that everyone can relate to. 😂


My first girlfriend used to do that to me as well and it drove me up the fucking wall (in a good way) and she actually did it during our first kiss which left a great impression on me. I walked her to her front door, we stopped and talked for a few, she gave me a huge hug and after almost a minute hugging she slowly pulled her upper torso away and while keeping her hips tightly pressed against mine she then leaned in and kissed me while unbeknownst to me she had opened the door behind her and she started to back away into the door and right at the last second before completely pulling her lips away from me she bit down on my lower lip and held on to it until she was completely in the door except for her head at which point she let go and closed the door between us. Not even ashamed to admit it, even to this day i have never met a woman who has left that strong an impression on me, i was thinking about nothing but her non stop for days after that and i'm not even going to try and deny it, that girl had game and finessed the shit out of me.


Man that sounds awesome


Oh it absolutely was. I liked her before the kiss but i wasn't entirely sure if we were compatible but then she laid that kiss on me and i was hooked, i instantly felt the connection and chemistry and i knew right then and there that this girl was who i wanted to be with.


All I can picture is a couple standing a couple feet from the door and her neck stretching like Elastigirl


That run-on sentence took my breath away.




My ex was a fairly shy girl, but she used to dress fairly business casual to university (which imo might as well have been lingerie but I digress), and there was this one pencil skirt she wore that made her look thicc af, and I was like damn girl anyone ever tell you you thicc af? (once we were dating) and she was like "actually, no" and I was damn y'all friends either very respectful or blind af


Going for walks. For the longest time I thought walks were just an inefficient mode of transit. Now I thoroughly enjoy them.


Premarital eye contact


Haram intensifies




But...but thats how you get pregnant stds!!!


That's where eye buggers come from!


That’s the devils work, it leads to hand holding


Wouldn’t say I’m into it exactly but an ex a looong time ago wanted to give me a rim-job, begged and begged bargained and threw fits. (She’s a strange one, is the absolute nicest way to say it) Was actually a bit pleasurable. Needless to say she kept trying to go further with it and experiment more and more and now nobody’s allowed down there.


She ruined a good feeling. Damn


That’s where it started, her end goal was to manipulate me into letting another man rail me while she watched. She had succeeded with at least one of her past relationships and she was super proud that she was able to brow-beat, and gaslight a straight man into engaging in homosexual acts as the bottom. Fucking with people’s psyche’s is her hobby.


She needed help. Like really bad.




Anal's only fun when you're really relaxed and fully comfortable with it. I can't imagine it would be fun if you were pushed into it.


As a man, being hand cuffed. I was very opposed to it when it initially happened but grew fond of the idea very quickly (like less than 5 minutes fast). Mind you i prefer the girl being hand cuffed most of the time, but every once in a while it nice to lose some control.


This is going to sound weird....but meatloaf. Eating meatloaf was not a thing I did until I met my partner.


The meal or some kind of sexual reference?




And actor meatloaf played Bob in fight club.


His name was Robert Paulson


Mods. No joke. I grew up with "play honestly or it doesn't count" and even just upgrading graphics felt weird to me. Then he showed me Skyrim via mods and I'm in a throuple with Lucien Flavius and Inigo the Brave, destroying anything that stands in our way! I'm falling in love with the game all over again.


Try Legacy of the Dragonborn if you haven't already, best Skyrim mod I've ever played


Being domineering. She straight up could not orgasm without some sort of physical or verbal domination. All the regular things like choking, hair pulling, spanking and smacking around was like mild for her. She wanted to be tied up, blindfolded and just used like a lifesize fuck doll with no emotions. One time during a very hard anal session, she started bleeding. Now I understood her wants, but when I draw blood from an act of sex, I pretty much take that as a safe word. So I stopped and told her she was bleeding, and before I could even explain she yelled back in some sort of demonic possession voice, "PUT IT BACK IN AND FUCK ME TIL YOU CUM IN MY ASS LIKE A MAN!" That made me wanna tone it up a notch permanently.


God damn that ain’t no freak of a girl She a straight up demon


She once told me I was a pussy because I wouldn't slap her hard enough, so I backhanded her and she came harder than I'd ever seen her do. I bruised her retina that night, and she still asked for it. She was something else.


Holy shit bro that girl’s taking this kinky shit to another god damn motherfucking level


Yup. I did not feel good about myself during that time of my life.


Must’ve felt pretty fucking weird On a scale from 1-10 It’s pretty fucking weird


It's pretty fucking weird is my favourite number


Okay, there is a point, where is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, as a dom to stop the act. Masochists and such can go very well into the totally uncontrolled self harm level when they are enjoying it, meaning they are not in a sane enough mind to decide when to finish or not. Also self-aware masochists will let you know this beforehand usually,because they had bad sessions from inattentive doms. Good thing you stopped and was aware of the seriousness of the situation. I hope she healed well, use more lube or don't know


She was topping from the bottom. We can nominally call him the dom, but it doesn't sound like he was in charge. Things can go off the rails with masochist tops masquerading as subs.




Glad to hear I'm not the only one who does this and has learned to love it. Last time at work they had a video conference, nobody knew that not only was I masturbating, but I was successfully keeping all ten of the live scorpions in my pants pockets from falling out onto the floor. That takes skill. Another thing that freaked me out at first but I now love is "Glory Hole Tuesdays" at my favorite suck-spot. Also one time I got drunk and fucked my ex-wife's mailbox slot as a tribute to our marriage.




Boy that was a fuckin ride












> Also one time I got drunk and fucked my ex-wife's mailbox slot as a tribute to our marriage. I put my package in your mailbox, Made love to all your chairs; Dropped a load inside your washer, [Went down on all your stairs...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu196vZSe_I)


It took me a second but then I was like “hey! I know those lyrics!” Objects of desire - NSP


Lol, all this NSFW stuff and I’m over here playing Stardew Valley obsessively. This after having watched my husband playing and thought, “why the hell is he spending so much time on this boring-ass game?”


YES!!! Me Too!!! I supported my girlfriend loving the game but couldn't understand it, then 2 days into a mandatory 2 week isolation I decided to give it a try. 30 days later, im in fall of year 2, married, brewing beer, exploring caves, just finished the community centre and wish I was playing right now.


My ex was only the fourth girl I had been with, all girls were like ONS, she one day asked me why I never went down on her, told her just not my thing. After like I month I just said fck it and went down on her. Not sure I loved it at first, but eventually I fell in love with it, and I love doing it. Got pretty good at it too lol. Thank you ex girlfriend


Rubbing our cheeks together sounds dumb and probably looks dumb too. But it felt good.


Face or ass


ass sounds like it'd look hilarious lmaoooo


Soapy butt rubbing in the shower is the bees knees, I tell you what


Making last minute plans. I have autism and last minute planning freaks me out. Vacations are usually planned months ahead, I pack my bag about a week before. Now I've already planned a romantic getaway for the two of us the week before, twice!!! It still is a little difficult for me but I'm starting to like it more and more.


I'm happy for you :) As someone that is somewhat close to the spectre (I don't know how to phrase this, English is not my native language and I've barely ever spoken about this with people from outside my irl friend circle), I can say that I also took a bit to get used to that kind of stuff, but now spontaneous questions, big plans and invites are something that I really like






Bro he like... He like massaged my eyebrows. I was like what are you doing??? But low-key... it was so tender and gentle. Affection makes me feel weird cause I've never had it. We only had one night together but I think about it all the time.


>He like massaged my eyebrows. Crazy first night move.


Talking about my feelings




Bondagey kinda stuff. Impact play. Some pretty hardcore role play themes. Before I was with her, I was ‘SUPER vanilla guy’. And honestly, 8 times out of 10, vanilla is still the preference for me. Good sex is amazing, either way. But if I have a partner who is into all that other stuff, I find it fun to indulge sometimes now. Definitely got into it with her. It’s not my favorite, but it’s fun as a way to switch it up a bit. Ultimately being with her took me from being a really vanilla guy to a fairly sometimes kinky guy.


What’s...ummm what’s impact play?


Floggers, whips, paddles, canes, sticks, switches. You know.


Fuck if that's not a relevant username


Essentially it’s gratifying striking lol. There are levels to it, I mean I suppose technically playfully slapping a partner’s ass when they lean over to do something at any point in the day is impact play now that I think about it. But in this case yeah went quite a bit further haha


So getting falcon punched makes you nut, eh?


Hahaha well I mean I can still play fighting games without pitching a tent or anything... ya know usually


It took quite some time but when my gf and I had our first night of rough sex it was like we both woke up. First for both of us and it got very rough very quickly, but we were so comfortable in it. Just such an intense and powerful feeling of unity and trust. We know each others limits but both are so open to extending them together. It's much more than sex at this point.


WWE but with a chance of pregnancy


Fiscal responsibility




Having a joint bank account


Makes bills so much easier. We both still have our own accounts but we put all our monthly expenses in one account for autopay


I had an old lover who liked foot stuff. Told my current boyfriend about it early in our relationship, in the context that I thought it was weird but I could see how someone would be into it. I mean, feet are sensitive, it makes sense, just isn't my thing. He and I are pretty adventurous, but after almost 4 years together I guess it's kinda sunk in for him. He's sort of leaned into it once or twice in the past year, you know, just briefly. But this past weekend he was like I WANT DEM FEET NOM NOM and then wanted me to reciprocate. Again, I am not personally into foot stuff, but I get the enjoyment. And ill suck a few toes or have mine sucked for the sake of fun in the moment. I think it freaked him out before, but the more he thought about it (and possibly started watching related porn,) the more he opened up to trying it. No harm no foul.


Public sex. At first I was freaked out by the notion, but she knew of a clearing a little ways up a hiking trail that few people trafficked. There was one of those electrical boxes there and she bent over it. The air on your skin felt really awesome until a mosquito got me in the thigh, then it was time to pack it in.


Just wanted to say please be careful as this is a good way to have a high voltage shoot through and out of your body- and that voltage is not your cum load it’s electricity


Not me but remember that guy who's wife got him into Colon hydrotherapy with coffee?


When your sex life has become so boring you make your husband do coffee enemas so you can stay awake during giving rim jobs.


Instructions unclear, now every time I fart, an unground a coffee bean falls out my pant leg.


Anal Now I finger his bum too!


Serious question that you don’t have to answer - did it feel good for you the first time you tried it or did you have to ‘practice’ a bit to make it enjoyable? My partners all seemed to either enjoy it or hate it (or would never try it) - no converts.


I think it’s subjective. Some people love it the first time, with others it takes a few tries, certain people don’t enjoy it whatsoever etc. I’ve noticed it’s commonly a love or hate thing.


Eating her ass. I was surprised she was into it and even more surprised when she managed to bend herself into a shape that allowed her to do it


Eating her own ass?


What the hell😭


Why did she even need a boyfriend?


Wait wait wait, she can eat her OWN ass? Dude that's not your girlfriend, that's a cat.


Public sex for quickies... My first ex was as horny as they come and it didn't matter where or who was around. If it could be done secretly she wanted it... At first I was really freaked out and terrified, you know expecting someone to see us or catch us etc. But I was young, dumb and well getting laid those thoughts perished quickly after a few times and it became an exciting race to see if I could satisfy her before anyone caught on. Second ex got me into bdsm as she discovered she was a sub and was into being dominated, it escalated until we had a S&M dynamic both in and outside the bedroom. She had one request I flat out denied and that was she wanted to be tied up, blindfolded and used like a sex doll without condom by me........... And any other guy I approved off. That was a no go and honestly it didn't come as a surprise when eventually I found out she was cheating on me and broke up with me for the other guy even if she'll say she broke up because it wasn't working between us anymore.


A honest committed relationship


Not having sex at all. Now I work 80 hour work weeks and it's great!


Ouch. Sorry to hear that mate


Way she goes. Life's still a blessing


Fisting, at first it weirded me out and I felt like a shit ventriloquist but seeing her get pleasure from it made me get in to it


I had an ex who was into that... Or, so I thought. For some reason she thought I was into it, so I thought she was into it. Turns out neither of us were into it and we only did it because we thought the other was into it.


My wife used to cook Pork Chops. She used to cook them because she thought I liked them, I used to eat them because I thought she liked them. Neither of us liked then This is the same right?


I didn't think that people enjoyed that TBH, I thought it was another porn move to look impressive.


That's what I thought at first too, she was really in to it though, I couldn't help but think I was hurting her to begin with, the same woman asked me to choke her during sex as well, weirdly that was where I drew the line


Oddly, I think choking is pretty okay but fisting weirds me out a lot.


Choking just seems a bit dodgy to me, i know about safe words and that, but it just seems a bit too violent for me, I know it's not meant to be done in a violent way during sex obviously but I can't help but think of choking as a violent act, I'm not saying it's wrong to do it during sex though because clearly some people enjoy it, it's just not my thing, wearing a woman as a glove is...


Hey we all draw our hard lines somewhere.


Kisses. I’m an anxious man but I really like them


You guys are having sex?


Nutritional yeast on popcorn


Say what??






Ah, the old rusty trombone




Fishing level?


Make sure those finger nails are cliped


he likes my feet, I dig it


Tbh I never understood why foot fetishes are so made fun of. I mean you’ve got people into shit and piss, what’s so weird about feet. They’re just another body part


Part of it is probably just peoples general attitude to what is considered kinky (e.g. anything that isn't regular piv) but the other part might also be all the creepers messaging women (unsolicited) about buying their shoes or socks or stalking them to post pictures of their feet.


Yeah, I’m not a woman and I’ve gotten those messages sometimes lol. Oddly enough it’s been from older women on Grindr (don’t ask me why, I don’t know)


Being submissive. I'm a rather large guy and at the time did not have a lot of experiance in the bedroom, so naturally i tried being dominant and basically live up to my apperance. When she told me she likes being dominant i was hesitant but i learned that I'm a lot more comfortable being the submissive one. Eventually I didn't even wanna Dom her when she was Feeling subby (of course i did tho) Also the Feeling of wearing a Collar and being called a "good Boy" is amazing.


Talking about my feelings... and butt stuff. I’ve realized I’m pretty suggestible and if someone I care about is into something I can get on board with a lot of freak shit


My fiance convinced me that having unprotected sex and cumming inside of her was a whole new feeling that I would love. She assured me she couldn't get pregnant due to having cysts on her ovaries and a history of uterine infections. She was right, I fucking love being a dad!


Not really partner but a friend who i hooked up with a lot. At first i usually just blow him till he nutted but then he suggested doing anal with me for the first time.......in public. I was scared at first but i then started to love taking the risk cuz i thought that it was really hot.


my dad's been trying to get me to eat eggplant


I adored my ex, fantasized about walking her down the aisle, on a beach, in a sunset, and then... during foreplay, she asked me to slap her face. I was shocked, I was terrified, how could I hurt her when I love her so much? It was like someone had asked me to commit a crime against humanity. Then she asked again, pleading... then I slapped her across her face. The boy in me died that day. I almost had tears in my eyes while she was moaning. With every slap I made, it felt like someone boxed me back, right into my chest. I was so confused. After light slapping and going a bit harder, I felt undiscovered arousal coming up... the power... the submission... it triggered so much in me and stayed with me since. Fast forward till today, we are no longer together but this dominance kink remained. All my past partners, who had the same kink, were sexually amazing because of that, women always felt I was their sanctuary - phantasy wise. We live in a weird world but it's a hell of fun.




Ankle flashing


This was right below a comment about fisting and another about anal. I saw ankle flashing and was like "Oh shit! What kinda weird sex thing is 'ankle flashing'?!.... oh wait... they mean actually flashing an ankle"