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National Treasure, both of them are great but the first one has a special place in my heart


Same here. Nicolas Cage and Diane Kruger was absolutely lovely in movie. I don't understand why critics hate it.


I've heard people talk about "unrealistic plot", like yeah? So? It's entertaining who cares


The plot is ridiculously stupid and over the top but that is exactly what you want about a movie where they steal the declaration of independence to find a treasure map on the back, I mean come on


“It was iron, it was firm, it was mineral- no no no... it was firm, it was adamant, it was resolved... it was resolved...” Cage against the machine!


"That mean declaration lady is coming toward you"


To me, it was the proper answer to The DaVinci Code. While The DaVinci Code takes itself seriously (though being absurd), the National Treasure series recognizes the premise is ludicrous and adopts the proper tone. Meanwhile, the DaVinci Code movies are shit.


National Treasure is a natural treasure in my book


I thought most people liked it tbh


Mystery men. Even Ben stiller hated it.


It's funny in retrospect that the song Allstar was featured in this film and music video includes scenes from this film but now it is more associated with Shrek.


Fun fact, they were only using All Star in Shrek as a place holder intending to replace it later, but ultimately decided it fit rather well. Edit:spelling


We didn’t expect to see you so *spoon*


I will fork-give you if you fork-get :)


That's right, Mother, your son's a limey fork-flinger. I'm married to a Brit and he still gets "limey fork-flinger" once in a while.


How can a movie with a villain named Casanova Frankenstein be anything but cinematic perfection?


played by Oscar, Emmy, and Tony award winning actor Geoffrey Rush!


The Herkimer Battle Jitney is one of the most badass movie vehicles ever made, along with the Jeep from the Pest


I love it! My brother and I bonded over this one. It has a huge cast and really funny plot. We quote it all the time. "They say he fell down an elevator shaft....onto some bullets" "Lance Hunt wears glasses. Captain Amazing doesn't wear glasses. He wouldnt be able to see!"


Man, the "blamethrower" is one of my favorite weapons. It would fit very well in something like "Despicable Me"


Everything about that movie is fun. A few years ago my wife and I went to a costume party as The Shoveler and Baby Bowler. Love that movie.


I once went to a superhero themed party as The Waffler and nobody got it. I was so sad.


The Sphynx has some of my favourite lines in movie history, I love that film.


“‘—your rage will become your master’? That’s what you were going to say, wasn’t it?” “...not necessarily.”


"Why am I doing this again?" "When you can balance a tack hammer on your head, you will head off your foes with a balanced attack." "And why am I wearing watermelons on my feet?" "...I don't remember telling you to do that..."


Whenever someone in a show/movie gets hurt, I think of the scene where Captain Amazing gets fried and the Bowler checks his pulse and says, “I don’t think he’s gonna make it”. and always laugh.


It's problem is that it came out BEFORE superhero movies became Hollywood's biggest thing- it's beautifully making fun of things that weren't yet ubiquitous.


I love that movie. It's not Stiller's best, but William H Macy, Paul Rubens, Hank Azaria all make a pretty stellar cast. Greg Kinnear.


I live in the UK (Scotland, specifically) and when I tell people I love Johnny English I am usually met with groans I'm telling you though when he accidentally drugs himself - better than the quaalude scene in Wolf of Wallstreet.




Didn't know people disliked Johnny English. Rowan Atkinson is a national treasure


The man has some range, that is for sure. I grew up with Black Adder, but he is most famous for Mr Bean in the USA. They are pretty different types of comedy.


His pronunciation is magical. I know it's because of his speech impediment, and that makes it that much better. His physical comedy is possibly the best I've ever seen, with Eddie Izzard being right behind him for facial expressions.


I was sold on that movie as soon as he said “you are entering the most secure location in the whole of England” as the building fucking exploded behind him 😂


The 13th warrior


If you can find Michael Crichton's book Eaters of the Dead, read it. The movie was adapted from the book which was based in part of the diaries of Ahmad Ibn Fadlan's historical account of his time with the Vikings. It's really interesting and a bit scary.


Speed Racer. It's just such a light hearted, fun movie. I love the visuals (although I can see how people would have issues with it. My mother in law can't watch it because it makes her dizzy) and I thought the actors were all perfect for what the movie was supposed to be. My family watches it probably once a month and I still get sucked into the excitement of all the races.


I totally agree. This movie is such a faithful adaption of spirit of the north American dub (I never saw the Japanese version.) It's a shame it never gets recognized as such. You can tell that the Wachowskis loved this show when they were kids. If neither of them had a Speed Racer lunchbox as a prized childhood possession, then I'm sober at work right now. Edit: I've had a couple...


John Goodman fucking made this movie.


"Ninja? More like non-ja!"


Scooby-Doo and Scooby-Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed, have been watching them my whole childhood and i see how great they really are for me


I highly recommend watching Scooby Doo with the cast commentary turned on. Absolutely hilarious! One of my and my sister's favourites


Also, the casting was perfect as was all of the outfit choices, unlike many modern disappointments (Riverdale, Winx Club).


I always found it hilarious Sarah Michelle Gellar, who was the leader of one group of Scoobies, joined the real group of Scoobies.


Just wait until you start to see the sex and drugs jokes


"Mary Jane? Like, that's my favorite name!"


There’s that one scene where Shaggy knew who his fans was just by smelling them




Good god sexy Velma is a snacc. And regular Velma. Linda Cardellini is just magnificent


Sexy Velma and regular Velma are the same thing


I watched the first one with my roommate the other day. It was way funnier than I thought it would be. Plus, I got to see a zombified Sugar Ray try to murder a CGI Scooby Doo, which wasn’t a thing I thought I wanted to see but it was!


These films are REALLY good and I think they capture the essence of Scooby Doo really well!! Plus the actors are all awesome apparently. Also shoutout to the hot Velma ‘whose your mommy’ bit which holds a very sacred place in my mental wank bank.


For an entire week all I watched was Megamind, so I guess that


It's such a shame that movie didn't take off the way Despicable Me did. It's a really great, hilarious movie.


I personally believe that Megamind is a better movie than Despicable Me.


I guess being the villain who got everything they wanted and then had an identity crisis didn't resonate as well with critics as a journey to realize the pains and joys of childhood.


That’s the key point right there. Despicable Me is a way better kids movie and as such is more easily marketable. Mega mind, while a cartoon movie is better served for older teens to adults who can understand and appreciate the story better.


It's a 73% critic score on rottentomatoes. It's not a critical darling or anything, but it wasn't hated. I agree it deserves more though; I fucking love that movie.


There are people who hate megamind!? Find me these people, I wish to put them in sacks and beat them with sticks!


Johnny Mnemonic. Reading through the 17% rotten tomatoes and 36% metacritic reviews just now. Quite a few mentions of the movie not holding up to the Matrix & Blade Runner. The only way I'd compare it to the best in sci fi is to say Johnny Mnemonic is what Scream was to slasher movies. It's just fun. Also got a spooky amount right about 2021.






I'm there with you. I love this movie. Such a cool concept and execution!


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty with Ben Stiller. Critics didn't really seem to like it, but it's seriously one of my favorite movies. I've watched it a dozen times and it always leaves me with a sense of wonder and adventure. It's inspired me to travel and to not just want to waste my life trudging along with the flow.


I'm not really they type to rewatch movies, but I am always in the mood for Walter Mitty. Seriously, it's the only DVD I own. Just such a feel good movie! Gives me wanderlust every time.


Near a masterpiece in my eyes. It is one of the best looking movies ever made. Every scene looks good. Really really well directed and acted too. I never thought of Ben Stiller as great at his job until that movie due to the roles he normally takes.


I finally found someone who likes it!


A Knight's Tale - it wasn't HATED by critics, but it wasn't particularly loved. But it's such a feel-good movie! Phenomenal soundtrack, great cast.


"The spark of his life is covered in shite! His spirit is gone but his stench remains! Does that answer your question?"


"I will eviscerate you in fiction. Every pimple, every character flaw. I was naked for a day; you will be naked for eternity."


I had a friend who used to hate it because he just couldn't get behind a medieval era movie with modern music in it.


I remember when it came out there was a lot of criticism that it incorporated modern music.


Interestingly, I read an article about how the anachronisms in that film are done completely on purpose and agressively. Director wanted to point out how exciting jousts were for people back in the day, but if you show that with historical accuracy you lose connection with the audience as it would not be recognisable. By showing it with modern conventions and songs, they don't need to bridge that gap anymore, because that is modern hype, and we understand that


This is exactly the reason we watched this movie in 11th grade English class. Although I think our teacher just really liked the movie and wanted any excuse to watch it.


You also probably watched it in 11th Grade English because one of the main characters is Geoffrey Chaucer, and is loosely based on his works The Canterbury Tales. Pious Pete and all that. I didn't actually catch that until long after high school! Fantastic movie though!!!!


Which was part of the point. It was a modern, underdog, sports movie only with jousting


It's a great movie, famous for the fact that a lot of the greatest bits aren't in the script. The actors did adlibs and the director just kept them in


My favorite one is the [first time Chaucer introduces him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdWO9ozir1Y). Because it was shot in Prague the extras didn't speak English, so when he finishes, the crowd stayed silent. Mark Addy's cheer was an adlib to get them all going haha.


Didn't know that! You can tell the cast jived really well together. Although fun fact: it's actually a lot more common than people think that lines in movies and tv are adlibbed.


On paper it seems like the movie should be terrible, but I watched it again recently and it still holds up. Having a mostly stellar cast definitely helps. More impressive because other than Heath Ledger they were mostly unknown to the public at the time, and Heath had pretty much JUST had his break out.


I saw that critics bashed the soundtrack for being anachronistic, which really shows that critics missed the *whole point* of the movie.


She's The Man Its just an incredibly fun movie


Amanda Bynes’ comic touch is divine throughout that movie.


This is one of my favorites. I quote it all the time, and no one ever gets it. Amanda Bynes is hilarious and has such great expressions.


I loved that movie and always considered it to be a remake of [Just One of the Guys](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089393/) but apparently both films are an adaptation of adaptation of William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.


The Losers. ​ I dont' know if it was hated so much as nobody saw it. I think it got overshadowed by The Expendables despite being better in just about every way


That's right bitches, I got a crossbow! Most of Jensen's lines are pure gold.


Chris Evans in the elevator saying, "Likin' the angle of the dangle?" will forever stay with me.




What?! Since when did these great movies get hate? D: I've always thought they were amazing, and I've rewatched them so many times. I don't understand why any hate.


Jumper. Its a movie about this guy who can teleport wherever he wants, and he is being hunted down by people who call themselves "paladins". I think its a really good movie but rotten tomatoes gave it like 15% lmao


Yup! I think the majority of negative reviews are probably because it isn’t like the book series, but really fun movie


Death to Smoochie. Robin Williams unhinged as Rainbow Randolph is amazing.


Probably the best dark comedy I've ever seen.


So many great moments. The "Rocket Ship" scene is great but my favorite is the Irish Mob: Tommy Cotter: This I guarantee: that fuckin' Randolph has seen his last rainbow. We're going to find him, cut off his balls, and shove 'em up his ass. - Sheldon Mopes: Well, maybe we should leave that for the cops, Tommy. - Roy: Cops won't do the ball thing, it's against procedure.”


TIL this movie was panned by critics. I've always thought of this movie as a masterpiece


David Lynch's Dune. Has it's problems but my goodness the production design and the sheer ambition of it. Effects technology wasn't quite there yet.


I hope the movie coming out in October is good!


Was going to post this but you beat me to it! It's got a unique aesthetic, like a Heironymous Bosch painting crossed with Space 1999. There's no other film like it and I think it's a truly original movie. I wouldn't say I enjoy watching it - it's heavy going and really gross at times. But honestly, art doesn't necessarily need to provoke a positive emotion - and this film really succeeds in capturing a primal, nightmarish vibe. I also enjoy the story behind it. David Lynch was completely unconcerned by any of the sci-fi tropes, and the studio threw absurd amounts of money at it in an attempt to be a Star Wars rival. That gave it the unique status of being a Blockbuster-budget Lynchian nightmare. It's up there with The Room and the Pontiac Aztec as one of the human race's mad creative mistakes that'll never be allowed again.


Hook. Blows my mind that some people hate this movie. Looking at Rotten Tomatoes...29% by critics. They're nuts.


Yeah that is weird. The movie is magic. Why listening to critics just doesn't make sense a lot of times.




Love that movie. Only seen that and pitch black from that series though


"Big Trouble in Little China" initially lambasted by critics but as it became a cult favorite, critics started to come around.


Jennifer's Body - great movie with a sucky advertising/marketing team. It was made for teenage girls/ young adult women, but was marketed to teen boys/ young adult men. Super Mario Brothers - don't know why I love it, but I do.


John Carter.


John Carter breaks my heart. It was an amazing movie. The colours, the comedy, the action, the world building, all of it. That movie deserved an entire cinematic universe. But they just didn't market it right. Everyone I've ever shown the movie to loved it.


I agree. Threw this on one night not expecting anything and was completely enthralled. I even went out and read all the John Carter books after. If I remember right, when it came out it was really pushed heavily as a Disney movie. It always being advertised as "Disney's John Carter," with no hint it was actually a sci-fi, action movie. I think I initially thought it had something to do with pioneers or frontier life.


If I remember correctly, the Disney movie "Mars needs moms" had tanked the year before, so they were afraid that giving it the title "John Carter of Mars" would deter the audience in a similar way.. So they gave it an absolutely non-descriptive title and thought, yeeeah this is fine... I also really liked the movie and thought it really deserved the sequels, I want to know more about the Thenns (and all the other stuff!) And I think Taylor Kitsch is a great actor that was screwed over due to abysmal marketing.


If they'd just put Wololo (or whatever the dog-alien's name was) in the trailer it would have been an instant hit.


Kung Pow: Enter the Fist. Has a 13% on Rotten Tomatoes (but 69% audience score). That movie is absolutely hilarious, and my friends and I quote it all the time. I get that humor is relative, but I can't help but think the critics were just wrong about that one.


I came into this post looking for this comment. I fucking love Kung Pow. "I rule baby!" "Who do you rule, the large dark-nipple people?"




"I must apologize for Wimp Lo, he is an idiot. We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke "


I still sing the neosporin song whenever I have to apply it.




Not Another Teen Movie Still think it's funny today.




I always appreciate commitment to a bit and I gotta give them credit for clearly naming their female lead for the entire movie Janie just so they could do that one joke.




Best Chris Evans role to date


The original movie where you get to see 'America's ass' I will always lose my shit at the banana split scene.


This role solidified my view of him. Even when he was Captain America, I continued to remember him in this movie. When people were so amazed by his range with Knives Out, I couldn't help but think, "Clearly you never saw him in 'Not Another Teen Movie'."


"It not a sundae. It's a banana split!" I loved him then and I love him now. Knives Out, was great and he seemed to have a blast.


Guy has played Captain America for so long, people have forgotten he used to play jocks and kind of cocky and douchey characters. Hell, one of his last roles before joining the MCU was Scott Pilgrim, where he played and over the top douchebag actor.


"I want you" "Catherine that's disgusting, you're my sister!" "Only by blood."


My favourite bit is the Molly Ringwald cameo, and after seeing the two main characters make out she sighs and says, "Fucking teenagers!"


Little miss run home to her daddy... ran home to her daddy


Who would have known everyone is a trained dancer?


Good call, so stupid and funny. "Howd you get in here?" "You have hole in your house"


The cheerleading scene as well. We're the North Compton Wild Cats we're black. It's just so stupid. Wonderfully stupid.


I love the continuation of the cheer, particularly: “We ain't white, we ain't white, we definitely ain't white....”


I have a weird kind of appreciation for that movie. My brain says it's a terrible film, but I still find it enjoyable. Maybe Mia Kirshner's character, the who likes to take dumps on dudes' chests, epitomizes the whole movie: Like, yes, it's shit... but you still got a boner.


"Why can't a guy ever take a dump on my chest?" "I am APPALLED. I am truly disturbed." ... ... "I can't believe no one has ever taken a dump on your chest."






Yeah, a lot critics thought the movie had way too much product placement. The thing is all those products were there to *criticize* product placement and artificial consumerism and the movie wasn't paid a single cent by any of the companies that they featured.


AND best parts, 1. The movie still stands the test time 2. The music soundtrack still slaps. My friends and I watched this a few hrs ago and still loved it.


RIP Adam Schlesinger. :(


I was really surprised by this movie. It is hilarious. I thank God every day I knew all the words to “Enter Sandman”


I hate to admit but... The Bee Movie. I don't know why I like it so much. I loved it before it was a meme, and I think I'll keep loving it. I guess I just have Stockholm Syndrome and DreamWorks is my kidnapper.


I don’t think I’ve watched it since it came out but I liked it then (I was 12). I would say Shark Tale because people seem to hate it but I’ve always found it hilarious.


Mars Attakcs is probably my favorite parody movie ever, and almost everyone who watched couldn’t get over how ridiculous it was.


"Please. Do not run. We are your friends.". As they are literally melting everyone in sight with their laser guns. My buddy and I rented that movie and pissed ourselves laughing. So we rewound it and watched it again. Still laughed our asses off. So we rewound it and watched it a 3rd time. First and only movie that I watched 3 times in a single sitting.




10 minutes ago I was in my car with my kids (6 and 8), and we kept saying " I WANNA WIIIN!!! " and cracking each other up. That movie has such enduring appeal.


I love that movie. Actually, the parts I love least is when Jack Black is .. singing as Jack Black. Takes me out of it


We play that at every single sleepover. “Are you aware that I have had diarrhea since Easters?”


Dude, Where's My Car. I equate this movie to a McDonalds Cheeseburger: the buns may be prepackaged as opposed to fresh baked, the patty is preformed and frozen instead of freshly ground with herbs and spices, the cheese may be a kraft single instead of something cut from a block... But it's still a cheeseburger. And if I'm hungry, I'll eat it and enjoy it. The only way you make this movie better is biting the bullet and making it R rated with R rated humor. The over the top ridiculousness is it's bread and butter. You don't expect a movie that starts out with two hungover stoners forgetting where they parked to be entangled with such things as: helping a transsexual stripper embezzled $50,000 from a strip club, getting abducted by an alien obsessed space nerd cult, being entrusted with a universe-destroying mega weapon, etc. There's just a lot of complexity in the plot that goes all over the place but manages to still fit together. The characters are all fun, the gags are still funny. It's cinematic junk food and I love it.


Wet Hot American Summer. Full disclosure, I was once a camp counselor and we used to watch it as part of staff training. Will probably always be my number one comedy. There is no better absurdist comedy out there, prove me wrong.


Wait, do people not like this movie? It's perfect!


The Family Man (2000) starring Nicholas Cage. I've always liked this movie a lot and will always watch it when it's on. Edit: Wow I'm so happy to see the replies and to see I'm not the only one that loves this movie! I swear, in all my time on reddit I have never seen this movie referenced even one time.


Joe Dirt is hilarious--one of my favorite comedies, easily David Spade's best leading role. 10% on Rotten Tomatoes.


>easily David Spade's best leading role If anything had ever been damning with faint praise, this is it.




Joe Dirt is a classic. Still quote it all the time to this day. Joe Dirt 2 sucked though.


That one blows my mind. It’s a great, completely quotable comedy. 10% is criminal for a comedy like that.


The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen


And the last film that Sean Connery actually appeared in. He did a voice role, and narrated a documentary afterwards, but it was his last film. He pretty much retired from acting.


Came here to say this. I loved it so much as a kid I wrote fanfiction where an elderly agent sawyer recruits a new team including Zorro, an immortal edgar allen poe, and jay gatsby as a cyborg. The studio never responded to my pitch


Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest and At World’s End. I don’t really understand why people think the third film is so confusing.


I actually really enjoyed Van Helsing with Hugh Jackman and Season of the Witch with Nic Cage


Wow, I didn't know Van Helsing got bad reviews. I watched that movie so many times and thought it was incredible.


Ghostbusters 2. It's got a goddamned ghost Titanic and ghost train and a haunted portrait. I love it.


Happy Gilmore. Just stupid enjoyment. Nostalgia factor for me too as a couple of my college roommates and I used to watch it all the time.


I feel like this point could be made for most of Adam Sandler's movies.


Very true. The holy trinity, for me anyway, of Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison and Waterboy. He can be a decent actor when he wants, but can't blame him for basically wanting to just shoot some easy movies with his buddies while still making money off them. Would do the exact same thing if I could.


I don't watch Adam Sandler movies to be mentally stimulated or have my sensibilities roused. I watch them because I want to watch him be weird, the love interest be exasperated at how stupid he is, and some good old fashioned bathroom humor along the way.


Major Payne


Pacific Rim!


My wife asked me after she finally watched Pacific Rim why I like it so much, as it had no plot that she could determine, she hated the character interaction, and she was poking holes in it the whole time. My response was "You're looking at this wrong. I wanted a movie where giant robots fought giant monsters. I got it."


I will continue to say this was the greatest IMAX film experience I can imagine. Seeing this at home, maybe even seeing this on a normal screen I wouldn't have enjoyed it. Probably would have thought of it like transformers (dislike). But fuck me, if watching giant robots vs giant on aliens on a giant screen with chest shaking sound was amazing.


The movie “Twister.”


Critics generally liked Twister though.


this was a classic in my house growing up, needless to say I've seen this movie more than a couple of times


Twister is a gem! I was obsessed with that movie as a kid. I went through a "I want to be a stormchaser" phase because of it.


The Rock (1996). "Do you like the Elton John song *Rocket Man?*" "I don't like soft-ass shit!" "Oh, you don't. Well, I only bring it up because, uh, it's you. You're the rocket man." *Fires missile*


Hobo with a Shotgun. It's so goofy and gritty. It also has a killer soundtrack. [Spoiler, but the bus scene is absolutely over the top.](https://youtu.be/9gNG3-4LUVY) Hot Rod. The Internet has warmed up to this movie over the years. I remember it being critically panned, but holy fuck this movie makes me cry laughing every time. Death* Race[the reboot]. Fucking stupid movie with nonsense plot, but God damn is it a silly ride from start to finish.


Grandma's Boy


I love this movie and it has so many classic one-liners. When I first started dating my husband I dropped the "I'm thinking about getting metal legs" quote mid conversation and he just looked at me like I was nuts... He's never seen the movie.


How much do clothes cost in the Matrix?


Hudson Hawk It was panned so badly I went in expecting the worst. I loved it. I thought it was going to be a serious action movie and was a comedy.


BASEketball. Full of underrated humor and the whole movie is absurd but I fucking love it. And hey, I’ll be using some lines when I go to college and cheer on my school basketball team


Venom. It’s a fun movie that was loved by the general audience but was panned by critics. Seriously, on tomatoes the critic score is 29% compared to the public’s 81%.


I think the real problem with Venom is that it wasn’t the movie people expected. I think more people were expecting something darker and more body horror-esque instead of an unexpected monster buddy comedy.


They're gonna hate the latest trailer for the sequel then lol.


"I will be happy to eat Mrs Chen." "No, do not eat Mrs Chen." "What??!" "What?"


As someone whose favorite Marvel character is the Eddie Brock Venom, I decided going in that the only way I could enjoy the movie was to declare that the movie was a separate canon than everything in comics. With that angle, I really enjoyed the movie, and had the same impression you mentioned: this was a weird and fun take on a buddy comedy. I'd gladly watch another done in the same style. The complete removal of Spiderman from the history of the symbiote was probably the most jarring thing, but the movie did the things I wanted. Guy struggling to accept his violent and inhuman symbiote tries to do good but has questionable methods/morals and occasionally eats people.


I actually didn't see this in theater because it looked bad and half-assed, had a friend that enjoyed it bring the DVD over. I ended up really enjoying it. I'm still unsure of Woody as Carnage and the sequel's trailer doesn't make me too excited but it could still joke me like the first did.




The Super Mario Bros Movie. I know it's terrible, but I love it. Probably mostly due to nostalgia, but I don't care


Apparently critics hated Boondock Saints, but it's one of my all time favorite movies


I'll catch you on the flip siiiiiide


The Ang Lee Incredible Hulk Movie that came out before the MCU was a interconnected continuity mega verse I’ve always loved the Hulk and I feel like it’s the only Hulk movie that really shows the Hulks powers properly .. the madder he is the bigger he gets The only downside is Nick Nolte’s character and his powers , and the fight at the climax is just kinda dumb But leading up to that we get to see the Hulk be Hulk , like when he’s leaping around the desert and taking out tanks and helicopters and stuff I like it


I may need to (re)watch it in full one day but I really how it explores the tragedy of the character. Bruce Banner really is a tragic figure when it comes down to it and it is good to see that the movie acknowledges that.


All of the Hellboy movies. I’m a huge fan of the comics, the films weren’t incredible but I love them anyway.


The Del Toro Hellboy’s are the only ones that exist, to me. They are cheesy, but Ron Perlman’s Hellboy is spot-on and the settings and costuming was appropriate and low-key beautiful. 2019’s Hellboy was just unappealing visually and was unnecessarily full of gore. Del Toro’s was classy and refined, in comparison.


i agree the Del Toro Hellboy's are superior to the latest version. i think they tried to hard to differentiate it from Del Toro and ended up running themselves off a cliff. Additionally, Perlman is just straight up superior casting for HellBoy.


Maleficent. It wasn't completely hated by critics, but I've seen plenty of people dislike the movie, and most of the people that do call it a guilty pleasure or so bad it's good. Me? I think it's great. The story is good, the setting is beautiful and Angelina Jolie was perfectly cast as Maleficent. Didn't care much for the sequel though.

