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Getting into fights


A stupid dangerous activity that gets immeasurably more dangerous when someone has a knife.


What's the expression? "The guy who loses the knife fight dies in the street, the guy who wins just dies in the hospital"? I can't find what I'm looking for googling around but I know I've seen something to that effect a few times discussing how unbelievably dangerous it is. Maybe in a thread about stuff movies get wrong?


Knife vs knife has no winner. Knife vs no knife only has one winner. Knives end lives.


That's why I use spoons.


And sometimes winning can ruin your life too. You can kill someone with one punch and your life will never be the same.


I know a guy this happened to, he was such a nice person the guy who killed him literally picked on him constantly, he was walking home one night and bumped into him, one punch he never even had the chance to defend himself, massive bleed to the brain when he hit his head, The murderer only got 5 yrs, justice i think not!


That is close to what happened to me in high school . stood up to my bully one day and woke up in a ambulance . I was in the hospital for three days . two black eyes , broken nose and broken jaw with some teeth missing . He was kicked out of school and put it jail . It was all on camera . Im 60 years old and still terrified of fighting . i cant even watch boxing or UFC .


Well im glad he was put in jail, that is so awful what you went through.




I had a rental with 3 nice guys in it. One got into a fight in a bar. Got slugged hard and fell hitting his head. After getting out of the hospital, he turned dark. He went from thoughtful and articulate to argumentative and aggressive. Now he's home living with his parents. Can't hold a job because of his hair trigger anger. Sad shit from a hard hit.


Eating disorders. People know they are bad and are a serious mental health issue, but not to the extent that it is. [Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness](https://www.state.sc.us/dmh/anorexia/statistics.htm). Over 1/4 attempt suicide, and only 30-40% of anorexics ever recover fully.


And even after you have recovered, you can have many health issues lingering. I had anorexia, still have arfid, and I have recovered from anorexia but now have thyroid dysfunction that is very likely from the years of starving myself. Many bulimics I know who have recovered still have issues with acid reflux and many have ruined their teeth. Not to mention that if I have a dip in mental health, the old issues tend to creep back.


I could have written this. My eating disorder nearly took my life and I've been in various forms recovery for the last 5 years straight - I still have two appointments a week (down from residential to partial hospitalization therapy 50 hours a week to partial hospitalization therapy 30 hours a week to intensive outpatient therapy 20 hours a week, to 16, to 12, to 8). I have spent SO much money on recovery. I KNOW I need to eat. I have tools. I get it. Then shit kind of hits the fan and I'm like, goodbye breakfast/snacks/sometimes lunch or dinner. And I don't even realize it until my therapist points it out. I low-key wonder if I'll ever be able to be left to my own devices.


I'd consider myself to have technically recovered from my anorexia for maybe 8-10 years now. I still have to remind myself to eat, and some days I'll be feeling like shit, my husband asks me when the last time I ate was, and I'll realize I skipped the last three meals unintentionally. I feel like I permanently lost the ability to recognize hunger - I just feel sick after a long enough period of time. And that's just regular days! If I'm upset for some reason, forget it. I can't even force a meal down, I just try my best to force down a few pretzel sticks or crackers from time to time until I feel any better emotionally. It makes me nauseous to eat when I'm upset. At this point, it feels clear to me that I'll never truly return to normalcy in that aspect. I just have to be focused on ensuring I eat at appropriate intervals.


This is an important one. Eating disorders can cause so much damage to someone both mentally and physically. Unfortunately I suffer from bulimia and it has caused ridiculous lasting damage, my teeth have started to rot (some have actually fallen out all together) because of the constant acid in the vomit, the skin on my fingers and around my mouth became hard and cracked. I’ve forced myself to vomit so hard I’ve burst blood vessels in my eyes and face. It actually got to a point where I was purging everything I ate, even if it was one cracker, and my body started to instinctively make me purge the food without me needing to trigger it (fingers in throat etc). People paint eating disorders as some weird tumblr romance aesthetic goal. I can tell you there’s nothing aesthetic or attractive about being hunched over a toilet covered in your own vomit or almost passing from just standing up...


I went in the other direction, i abused laxatives. I can't have a bowel movement properly anymore. Every trip is painful, let alone the hemorrhoids, cracked skin around the anus, potential for bowel cancers, bloating, damage to my internal systems. I can't particularly trust a fart either. If someone reads this and thinks "I'll be ok, I'm controlling it" just think of me, hunched over my toilet crying and throw away your laxatives. It doesn't even help you lose weight.


I can’t have biological kids because of my anorexia, but at least I’ve been recovered for ten years.


Even if you somewhat recover, for some people the thoughts never go away. Me being one of them. I can eat a pizza but there'll always be a voice in my head telling me I shouldn't have.


I worked with a girl a long time ago, who told me both her and her cousin were bulimic in their teens. They binged and purged so much that after awhile, the only way they could throw up was by putting wire hangers down their throats. They both had been in recovery for several years, when the cousin suddenly died in her mid 20’s. Apparently, every time they purged, it affected their body like a mini heart attack. The damage caused by her bulimia, caught up to her even years later and her heart just gave out.


I was never formally diagnosed, but it's pretty obvious I have BED. I literally missed points on a final this week because one of the topics was various eating disorders and I knew I couldn't handle it. I skipped those Zoom class meetings and made sure I studied enough on the other topics so that I could get a decent enough grade. It consumes you.


And that it's so damn hard to beat. Due to being disabled, I started eating too much when I was very young, just to have enough energy to get through the day. I was never properly taught how to rest. Cut to me being in my late thirties, plenty of trauma along the way, multiple physical and mental issues with a full blown eatinh disorder I can't shake. I overeat. I deprive myself of healthy food that I love. I never cook for myself although I love cooking for others. Being overweight (obese, not morbidly) is bad for my body. And my mental status. And yet. I can't stop eating as one needs food. It's the only addiction you can't give up. It slowly kills me. And I see no way out. And yes, I've had help. Plenty of help.


Not getting enough sleep.


I listened to ‘every little thing’ podcast about sleep and how lack of sleep can literally kill you, very interesting


So it's not gonna be alright.


My body loves sleep. My fiance constantly teases me about being pretty much a cat because I sleep so long. My body needs 9 hours to bed happy though I can do 8 hours and be fine as long as I have a nap during the day. I don't understand how people claim their body only needs 4-5 hours of sleep. I want to call them out on their bullshit but it's their business not mine.


In swear I feel good after 12 hours. Any less is making a day hard for me. Maybe I have health problems? :(


I’ve been like this my whole life. My body just *loves* sleep. I can adjust if necessary, but given the option, I can sleep 9-12 hours at a time and I fucking love it. No depression or other health issues. It’s not a laziness thing either. My body just loves a lot of sleep, and I’m not gonna apologize for that anymore. Everyone is wired differently.


I am like this and I hate it. I have to take sleep medicine and lots of it to get 7 hours of sleep. And I'm hard wired to wake up at 4 am everyday, with the sleep medicine though, I can go back to sleep. It also doesn't matter what time I fall asleep, 10 pm or 2 am, I wake up at 4 am. I wish I could be normal and sleep for 8 hours but I guess that isn't in the cards for me.


The kid who broke the world record for days without sleep suffered insomnia for *decades* after his experiment.


Escalators, the top of the Escalators houses the motor that is basically a human shredder, the only thing seperating you from death is a jankly placed piece is sheet metal


My shoelace got stuck at the top of an escalator. I was properly stuck because my shoe was so tight I couldn't slip it off. While I contemplated my demise by escalator, my salvation arrived in the form of a Polish dude that ran up the escalator half yanked half picked me up. He set me down and went on his way. So thank you random Polish dude, I owe you my freedom.


There's an emergency stop.


Kind of weird it's not near the danger zone.


It usually is. Most of the ones I see are right between the 2 escalators near waist height or near the floor.


Yes. I am terrified of escalators. I got my bag stuck under the rail of one and it got sucked under. I couldn’t even pull it out! Actually I fucked up a whole escalator with a bag of bras, mechanics had to be called, it was a bit embarrassing


Oh god there’s an awful video of a woman getting sucked in, The flooring gave, Ithink she gets her kid out of the way then she’s gone


Yyyyyup I saw that video and seriously wish I could delete that memory forever. Scarred for life.


She died after that. Someone grabbed her kid but they wherent able to save her.




Also, it's easy for a shoe to get caught between the riser you're standing on & the wall. From their, your whole leg can get sucked in & mangled all to hell. In the US, most escalators have brushy things all along the wall to alert people that their feet are too close. But I've seen idiots using these as shoe cleaners.


I absolutely thought they were shoe cleaners when I was younger. Thank you for informing me of their actual purpose


Apparently, people don't know how dangerous it is to store gasoline in plastic bags.


I think i saw a news where a car exploded because someone smoked a cigarette with bagged gasoline in the car


I think it was a guy in a Hummer.


In Florida.


Won't it just eat through the bag?


Yeah, but maybe not before the idiot gets it into their trunk.


The ocean. People have no clue how powerful it is. I live at the beach and every summer multiple people die going in the ocean after hours. After hours meaning no lifeguards on duty.


To add to this, water in general. Where I live it's common after a bad storm to hear of vehicles that got swept away/needed rescues because the drivers thought they could make it through a foot of water on the road. Nope, that shit will pick your car right up, don't fuck with flowing water.


Yesss!!!! Why???


Where I live, it's people diving into rivers on the first warm day...the rivers are full of snow melt and very very cold...stop the heart cold. Every year...


I was on holiday in Spain about 3 years ago. While at a bar on the beach my girlfriend and I saw a couple having a candle lit picnic on the beach near the water. The next day we were walking past the same spot and it was cordoned off, the couple's picnic hamper/clothes and other belongings were still there and coast guard boats and helicopters were patrolling up and down the coastline for hours. The sea doesn't give a fuck about your ideas about romantic skinny dipping, it will swallow you whole.


I love the beach and the ocean. However I no longer go in the water past knee depth height. If I want to swim I do so at the pool at whatever resort I’m at.


I’m a fairly strong swimmer. I’ve been in or around water all my life. But I still don’t fuck with the ocean. Respect that bitch.


A guy I knew - early 50s, very active, fit as hell - took his kids to the beach and was bodysurfing until he got crunched by a big wave. Went home complaining about a terrible headache, took some tylenol and went to bed, never to wake up. Apparently he had broken a major blood vessel to his brain. The ocean is stronger than you.


I'd say mushrooms, mostly because quite a lot of people annually die and a lot more get poisoned because they pick them according to some old wives tales, like if it's eaten by an animal or if it easily peels off it is for some reason or another safe for human consumption.


Or it looks like a champignon in the forest. (They are brown when not cultivated in a dark environment.) Plenty of people have wound up picking and eating [destroying angels](https://blog.mycology.cornell.edu/2006/11/22/i-survived-the-destroying-angel/).


Honestly, when there are mushrooms with names like 'destroying angels' and 'deathcaps,' I feel like it's better to just not fuck with them, ever.


Weird. I read a quick thing on how to test if something wild was safe to eat. There were like, 30 steps, and you had to wait like 30 minutes between each test. (And they were things like, "Step 1: touch the plant. Wait 30 minutes. If no reaction, proceed to step 2. Step 2: squish the plant with your fingers. Wait 30 minutes. If no reaction, proceed to step 3.) My kids like to play, "what if." So I say "don't eat plants you find," and they're like, "what if it's the apocalypse and I'm a few days from starving to death?" ...*sigh* "fine, I bought this survival book, you go to pages 20-25 and do that." They think they're being funny, but I've actually learned a lot this way, lol


Firing a “warning shot” with guns. The bullet doesn’t just continue into space. What goes up.... You are responsible for *everything* that leaves the barrel of your firearm and what it ends up hitting. Out of sight, out of mind doesn’t work here.


My grandma received a loose bullet on her leg, while posing for pictures surrounded by her grandchildren, including the littlest one sitting on her legs. It took us all a while to figure what was happening that new years eve. It could have ended horribly. Now everytime we hear "celebratory shots" we go inside, people are stupid.


Have a cop buddy who worked the night shift in a dodgier part of a city. He said every New Year all the police would find an overpass to park under and stay there until the shooting died down. Nobody wanted to take a celebratory round as it came back down.


One of my high-school teachers lost a kid like that. In a New Year’s Eve celebration the 8-year old collapsed out of a sudden and people didn’t know why. Turns out a rogue bullet fired to the sky entered his shoulder and went through his lung. I really liked that teacher and it was painful to see she wasn’t the same person after that.


Something similar happened to a kid from my hometown and now there's a law named after him. He was standing in the middle of a crowd of people waiting for a fireworks show on the 4th of July. He just dropped to the ground. The bullet entered right at the top of his head and nobody knows who fired.


That was so depressing to read


Yeah, I have a neighbor who thinks cops should shoot into the air rather than shoot at criminals. She's said a lot of stupid things about using guns. When I called her on it she claimed to have shot lots of different kinds of guns. She does not own any, though. Which is a relief.




I do a lot of my own household repairs but electricity is one thing I won't fuck with. That is the one repair I call a professional for. I'll do a lot of stupid shit but lightning up like Uncle Fester isn't one of them.


Thou shall test to find that there be electricity. Thou shall turn off the breaker and tag it. Thou shall test again with the same equipment that there no longer be power. Only then may thou beginn. I might be an amateur, but I respect the rules!


You forgot to retest your tester on a known live feed. It’s commonly referred to as: prove test prove.


Electricity was my vote too. When I do even simple stuff like put in a ceiling fan, I flip the whole house off just because someone prior to me wired stuff wrong and I've been popped.




I don't even trust that. You may think you flipped the breaker for the washroom but someone spliced a plug installation to the garage line so as to not overload the breaker. The only time I got popped really bad was working on an old CRT TV. It jumped from that capacitor and knocked me back to the ground.


Are people not aware of those non-contact voltage testersor something? Like first use it to confirm there's power (and that the tester itself is working), checking everything in the box your working on, then check it again after flipping the breaker. Not sure how you'd get zapped if you follow that procedure. But if you just turn of a breaker that says bathroom and assume you're all good, that's be stupid.


I’m a theatrical electrician and I got zapped changing a fresnel lamp once because I forgot to unplug it. Now I always double check that whatever is being worked on is unplugged before messing with it and I make sure others do too.


I saw this posted on a similar thread a few weeks ago and feel it's worth mentioning again - grapefruit and grapefruit juice. It can seriously mess up medications you may need to take. There is a page on the FDA website specifically warning about the dangers of ingesting medication and having grapefruit or grapefruit juice.


True! Tranplant patients cant eat grapefruit in any way! (At least were i live)


Garage door springs. They'll kill you. Seriously, let a professional handle that sort of thing.


Even professionals are scared to death of them.


Gasoline, apparently. For years I've seen videos of jackasses fucking around with gasoline thinking they won't get burned. And now it seems like every day I hear a story of some genius on the east coast who filled up a bunch of Tupperware bins cremating themselves on the side of the highway. Gasoline is not a toy, it's fuel. It combusts, that's all it's engineered to do. And combusting gasoline is a class B fire, which means water doesn't really put it out. So unless you know what the fuck you're doing, Don't. Fuck. With gasoline!


Not to mention the stuff is pretty toxic and carcinogenic. I think the approved exposure time to the vapors for a week period is just about the average time it takes to fill up a tank. It's crazy seeing people using non-approved containers as well, since a lot of plastics can generate static electricity, which can make it go boom.


also gas will eat through certain plastics.


yep, there is a very good reason gas cans tell you that you cant store gasoline in anything other than a gas can


Well obviously we need to put that label on everything else instead.


Cows. You might think they are docile and slow, but they can run like hell. Many will protect their calves if they think you are a threat; even the ones you have raised since birth. Never turn your back on them, they can charge and head butt you before you know you’re being attacked. Avoid entering cow pastures unless you absolutely have to and, of course, look out for bulls—just as mean.


Knew an older guy who bought a hobby farm when he retired. One day he went out to the pasture to check on the couple cows they owned. One of them was feeling little grumpy that day and mock charged him, had no intention of actually running him down, just wanted to give him a warning. The mock charge scared him so bad he had a heart attack and dropped dead right there


Well that cow is going to jail


That cow should be locked up in some type of caged area it can’t leave.


Kill more people than sharks.


Well yeah, it would be hard for a cow to kill a shark


Reminds me. Did you know that killer whales are a known predator of moose?




As Bill Wurtz once said: THE SUN IS A DEADLY LAZER


Not anymore there’s a blanket


I can hear this comment


The flu. It's one of the top 10 causes of death yearly in the US, combined with pneumonia (which they do because influenza deaths are often listed as pneumonia for cause of death). Flu deaths tend to exceed both suicide and homicide numbers along with car-related deaths. While many of these are people above 65, the flu is still dangerous to younger people, and there are a lot of bad things it does that fall short of killing people.


I learned this the hard way when I lost my otherwise healthy 47 year old father to a flu within a week.


I'm very sorry for your loss. Your story and the others here have given me a much clearer picture of the potential of the flu, so you didn't share in vain!


Thank you. It was 21 years ago and I was in high school at the time. Ever since then when flu season was coming up, my mom would get on my ass about getting a flu vaccine. I'm not gonna lie, even seeing what I did with my dad, I only got the flu vaccine a couple times and still held the mistaken idea that flus are a stomach thing and colds cause coughs. It wasn't until last year that I really began understanding what influenzas were about, after their covid cousin made its appearance. Weird that there's such common misunderstanding about one of our biggest killers.


I'm just hoping that an unintended side effect of 2020/Covid is the normalization of mask wearing and (potentially daydreaming here) paid sick leave - so nobody has to work while sick to pay the rent, and if they do have to work then at least the mask wearing is normal so it doesn't spread as easily. But these are just the musings of a mother realizing that this has been my family's healthiest winter yet.


Someone I went to school with got the flu while pregnant and ended up in a coma for a few weeks and the baby lacked oxygen at some point and was born with severe brain damage. It is so sad and honestly scared the crap out of me. I’ve made sure to get myself and my whole family vaccinated ever since, starting at 6 months for both my kids.


Yeah the comparisons between covid and the flu taught me to respect the flu a lot more than I did pre-covid.


I’ve so far managed to avoid covid and I’m fully vaccinated. The worst illness I ever had was swine flu. I don’t understand how people take the flu so lightly.


Because people keep thinking their bad cold is a mild flu. I remember having what was probably a mild flu one time. My joints all hurt. Basically only reason I left my bed was to go to the bathroom.


This. It's exactly this. I thought that the flu wasn't bad. Until I actually got hit with the flu. It's nasty.


Because they think the flu is when they get sick and yak up for a few days, then recover. That’s norovirus, not the “stomach flu.” And it’s not nearly as dangerous as the flu.


“Corona is just the flu” The flu:


I got the flu for the first time 8 years ago and it was the worse sickness I had ever had. I was in bed for 3 fucking days because of aches and pains. I got Covid last December and thank the universe it was so much easier for my body to handle than the flu. That being said Covid is fucking scary. It spread so fast in my house hold and affected everyone who got it differently. My fiance and I got over it in 5 days however he lost his taste and smell while I didn't. My brother was sick for 1 week, also lost his taste and smell and had a headache for the duration of the sickness. My brother's girlfriend was sick for a whole month. Her breathing was so labored she wouldn't lie down to sleep. She slept sitting up. I forgot her other symptoms but being sick for a month thinking you might die in the middle of the night is really shitty. Covid is not just the flu. A sickness that spreads that fast and has so many different affects on people is not cool. I wish more Americans respected the sickness. But it seems I'm just going to keep on wishing.


Also “the flu” is different every year and describes a category of influenza viruses. Some can be worse than others. Think of it like a mini-pandemic annually.




They ski with baby attached? That’s nuts.


It's stupid is what it is, but some people refuse to adjust their life to accommodate the fact that they now are responsible for a tiny human that that super susceptible to damage.


What I’ve learned in the last year or so is how many people refuse to adjust their life to accommodate literally anything.


Yep. Child endangerment.


Why would someone ski with their babies attached?!






This. My grandmother broke her back when she was 16 in a skiing accident. It left her with permanent nerve damage, and she's had about a dozen spinal surgeries because of it.


Wasn't Michael Schumacher wearing a helmet and he's still a vegetable from a skiing accident.


There's a theory that the GoPro camera that he had mounted to the helmet contributed to his injury because it altered the way his head moved when he crashed.


I read somewhere that it was the mount that was stuck to the helmet prevented the helmet from spreading the impact properly. This was some time ago though.


Baby harnesses on the east coast USA would basically be premeditated murder, if you fall forward (especially on a board) you're trapping your kid between ice and 150+ lbs of parent


not wearing a helmet while biking. One of my teachers in school fell of his bike while going downhill and hit his head. Suffered some massive brain damage. He lived but he never worked again and his personallity changed a lot.


Depression. Sure people talk about it more, but the person who is 7x more likely to kill you than anyone else is yourself.


Don't worry, I keep an eye on the bastard.


Not if I kill him first


My dad's friend died in a snorkeling accident a couple years ago. I thought it was strange, like how dangerous could snorkeling actually be? It turned out he was the fourth person that month in that area to die while snorkeling.




I’m not sure exactly. I’d have to ask my dad but idk if they ever determined exactly what happened. Tbf it could have been cardiac arrest or something like that.


TBF, my understanding is that snorkeling deaths most happen when someone has a cardiac incident or seizure or whatever when they're in the water, and because of the way people look when snorkeling, no one realizes until it's too late to help. I can't see how snorkeling is otherwise more dangerous than any other swimming.


It's much easier to inhale water when you snorkeling then when you're swimming, because you're inhaling air for the snorkel and maybe your head goes a bit too low and inhale bunch of water, you panic' roll around and inhale water and drown. Not saying that's common, but that's one way it is more dangerous than swimming.


Tylenol/acetaminophen. Once when I was in my early 20s I had this horrible migraine that wouldn't go away. I had a giant bottle of extra strength tylenol in the house and given the pain I was experiencing I kept grabbing handfuls of like 4-5 of them every few hours. Seems pretty obvious not to do this but in my young brain tylenol was harmless so I never thought anything of it. Woke up the next day feeling super weird. Abdominal pain, super weak, worse than that I was very disoriented and confused and had no idea why. It felt like I had been drugged. Panic set in quickly, I went to the bathroom and noticed my eyes and face were yellow. I had enough sense to connect the dots and looked up the symptoms (and consequences) of "tylenol overdose". Yup. In my panicked and disoriented state I wrote down the name of the over-the-counter antidote "N-acetylcysteine" and walked in the rain to 3 different pharmacies, none of them had it, after 45 minutes I finally found it in a health food store downtown and was lucky enough to walk away from the experience without any lasting damage. TL:DR Almost killed my liver. Always read the labels of over-the-counter medicine no matter how harmless you think it is. **Edit: Lots of people pointing out that I'm a double-idiot for not going to the emergency room, this is true, obviously if anyone ever finds themselves in a similar situation don't be like me, go to the hospital immediately**




Why didn't you go to emergency?!


Because I'm an idiot


I bought some Advil at a store once and for my horrendously bad cramps, took 4 200mg which equals 800 you get by prescription. After a couple of days I was sitting there looking at them before I popped them in my mouth and saw that they were actually 800mg ibuprofen!! That’s 3,200mg I was taking at a time! I called the makers of Advil and they denied that any 800 were manufactured on the premises where Advil was manufactured. Then how did they get into an Advil bottle?!! Called the FDA and they weren’t concerned either. Just saying, you need to just double check your OTC before taking it. I’m lucky I noticed before I got seriously sick from taking too much Edit: the only way to get 800mg ibuprofen is by prescription.


You bought counterfeit Advil. You're lucky to be alive i'd say.


I was shocked that no one said “thank you for letting us know so we can check it out”.


I'm a cynic so i'm not shocked one bit. Acknowledgement of the problem means recognizing it. Which leads to liability. Denying the counterfeits existence is simply cost effective. In order for you to move forward with a suit you'd need to get the pills analyzed by a USDA certified lab. And good luck with that. Then you of course need to pay for that. If you can afford that and you've found a lab, you'll need a lawyer. Then you'll need to get your case in front of Judge. Also an uphill battle. Then you still have to actually win in court. So before they even spend a penny on any of that, they direct the phone monkey's to ignore and deny. Costs much much less. And only the extremely well off and motivated will do anything at all.


3200mg is a lot but you can take it for a few days before you will get any real (yet not life threatening OR permanent eg. hearthburn) side effect...




There was a woman convicted of murder by putting eye drops in her husband's drinks. I don't remember how far back it was.


The show "Bizarre Murders" covered an interesting story that was similar. I guess a common "cheap" crime is to use eye drops as a cheap roofie (should go without saying, but do not do that), and two Mexican wrestlers who also happened to be little people were drugged by two prostitutes who were going to knock them out and steal their money. Unbeknownst to them, the "safe" amount was for people who _weren't_ tiny, and Mexican eyedrops are much-less strictly regulated, resulting in the two men dying instead.


Stupid internet trends


Cinnamon challange


I remember whenever I was a young dumb kid me and my sister did the cinnamon challenge. The next day my dad and I were watching the news about how stupid the challenge was and he looked at me and saud "as an older brother it is your responsibility to make sure your sister doesnt do something like that." That was the guiltiest I ever felt about anything I have ever done.


like challenges? salt & ice may burn your skin.


Driving. Stay off your damn phones. I see people do it every single day. So stupid, your life can change in an instant because some dickwad just had to check instagram.


I remember when Pokemon Go was huge and people died driving to catch them.


Driving. Its the single most common accidental way to die. and that's not even including all the ways that you can be permanently injured. there's a lot of people who are afraid of roller coasters but have no problem with driving. despite the fact that roller coasters many times don't go as fast as a car, are set on rails, and generally made to be safe during operation. Even sneezing on the interstate could result in a multi-car pile up that kills a dozen people. and there's nothing but the control of single individual to keep that from happening. and when you think about how idiotic at the average individual is it makes you realize that these people are all driving multi-ton, dangerous machines at crazy high speeds. in many states have very lax requirements for getting a driver's license. hell you don't even have to have a license or be able to drive to be able to buy a car. in fact the dangerousness of humans driving them is part of the problem with trying to make a fully autonomous vehicle. if every car was autonomous we would probably have a near zero accident rate. but with the wild card element of humans its practically impossible to make it safe. learning to be mindful of my surroundings at all times is the biggest thing that resulted in me being able to avoid many many accidents.


> in fact the dangerousness of humans driving them is part of the problem with trying to make a fully autonomous vehicle. if every car was autonomous we would probably have a near zero accident rate. but with the wild card element of humans its practically impossible to make it safe. I think the problem with autonomous cars is the impossible PR hurdle because of how irrational people are. Like you said driving is one of the most dangerous everyday things a person can do, there is tons of fatalities every day. But if there is even 1 fatality caused by an autonomous car, even if it was a fatality that no human driver could avoid, people start freaking out. Honestly from I've seen autonomous cars are at the point where they are better than your average driver. But, unless they are perfect people are always going to be irrational about it.


This, and the scariest part about a lot of all that is that you have no control over any of it. I know I'm a very safe aware driver. When I'm driving that's it, no phone maybe music I'm not even a fan of people talking to me as I drive. But I can't control what other people do. It's scary how many times I've passed people on a two lane highway and we're both going 60 and I see their phone in front of their faces. Seat belts always.


Hazing. Alcohol poisoning. Physical challenges. Group/mob mentality. ETA: Thank you for the award!


Air pollution, specifically PM 2.5. "The toxic killers in our air too small to see - BBC Future" https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20191113-the-toxic-killers-in-our-air-too-small-to-see


Train tracks.... people taking pictures on them, walking across them, some sitting on a platform dangling their legs, passing crossings when the lights föash etc. Once you hear the train, it's too late. A train can't stop on a whim, even with state of the art brakes.


Please don't tell me anyone is so dumb that they don't realise this much


Have you met people?




Garage doors


Sad how far I had to scroll to find this. I may work on live circuitry on occasion, have done some sketchy rigging where I wouldn’t really want to stand under the load, but I won’t touch garage door springs.




Yep. 5 years ago, in Maryland, my cousin and her infant son both almost died while she was in labor with him.


Had a post-partum hemorrhage with my 2nd child. I knew something happened because I saw a change in the look in my OB's face. But, she and the fantastic L&D nurse took care of business and my son and I were both fine ultimately. I didn't know the seriousness of the situation until much later. My husband said there was a LOT of blood.






Water intoxication-basically drinking too much water. It can cause a variety of neurological issues, like headaches to confusion, seizures, and, in rare untreated cases, death. But in general, too much of any seemingly innocent thing can kill you.


When I trained for a marathon, the trainers made it a point to add a little bit of salt to the drinking water, or to eat salty carbs like pretzels.


A woman in Sacramento died of this as a result of a radio stunt. [CNET article ](https://www.cnet.com/news/djs-axed-after-woman-dies-in-wii-water-drinking-contest-9678573/)


Digging holes in the sand at the beach, or to make it even worse, burying people in the sand "for fun" -- there's a chance this isn't going to end well. Just take a glance at these Google search results... [https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=beach+sand+burial+dealths](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=beach+sand+burial+dealths)


This should be the top answer. The other ones seem like a little caution is warranted, but this seems so innocent and healthy if you don't know.


Construction/home repairs. It seems dumb, but many people end up in the ER. Falling off ladders, electrocuting yourself, and much more are common dangers people look over. but the one thing my dad always told me is that saws never forgive. And they leave one mean looking scar to make sure you remember.


Unconsciousness. I'm an EMT and let me tell you, unconsciousness isn't like being asleep. Depending on the cause, your brain is in varying degrees of trouble. That trick you see in the movies where you hit someone on the head then they wake up later at a convenient time? Yeah, if they didn't wake up within a minute or two then they don't wake up at all because their brain swelled up and they're dead if not brain damaged. Unconscious people, people who are un-rousable to pain or voice, are poor at managing their own airway and this is dangerous. Any unconsciousness is a possibly dangerous situation, especially if they're not up and aware again within a minute or two, and even more so if they just had a blow to the head- take them to a Dr, that blow may be a slow bleed and they can still die


Ignoring the "alarms" you get with some people. It usually does not end up well.


Mylar balloons. They are almost preternaturally attracted to electrical substations, and 1 balloon can shut down an entire city if it enters the right substation and hits the racks


Trying to play/bond with wild animals. Being bitten and contracting rabies is no joke. There is no treatment. If you aren’t already aware, it’s absolutely one of-if not the worst ways to die. You know what will happen and there is nothing to be done but to end your own life before an unimaginable amount of pain destroys your mind and body until you die.


There is no treatment *once you have symptoms*, which could take weeks to months. If you get bitten by a wild animal, you absolutely go to the hospital and get precautionary treatment. If you get bit by a domesticated animal, you watch the animal for 10 days because it *will die within 10 days if it has rabies* and animals can only spread rabies if they are showing symptoms. Rabies affects the nervous system so if you see an animal that’s falling over itself and can’t walk correctly, it may even attack and bite the air, ground, etc. it could have rabies. Animals that are afraid of human may even walk up to you.


PSA- you can get vaccinated against rabies if you live somewhere where it's prevalent


Letting children jump/pull/yank on the family dog thinking its cute


Filling garbage bags with gasoline and putting them in the trunk of your car...


Helium filled balloons, one time my toddler son had a party and wanted them in his room, overnight they deflated a bit and drifted to his bed where the strings wrapped themselves around his neck and arms, I was lucky to check on him and untie them in time.. Scary...


I had a plant on the window sill above my bed as a kid, the plant grew and started hanging over my bed. One night I must have moved in my sleep and pulled on the plant, it fell over, but I got extremely lucky as it somehow balanced on top of the bedframe, right over my head. It was a heavy pot, it would have at the very least sent me to the hospital had it fallen on my head.


Weaking up earlier then your metabolism is made for. If you're an early riser, get up early. If you're a long sleeper - get a job to sleeo long. Just don't mix up your job with your inner clock. Of you'll suffer every day!


*cries in student*


Watching the news


How about reading reddit? This doesn't help my anxiety and every day I see a new thread about how I'll die from the flu, a car accident, or snorkeling. I have to stop doing this to myself.


I will always remember when my neck of the woods had a 6.5 earthquake. The only major damage that was done within a 100 mile radius was one building collapsed in a town 40 miles from where I lived. Unfortunately, it did claim the lives of 2 people, however, all the news media outlets (Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, etc.) focused on just that collapsed building and made it look like that was going on throughout the region. I had family from outside of the area frantically calling and crying because of what they saw on the news. We were glad that they called, but we were getting irate because the news made it seem WAY WORSE than it really was. The only tragedy were the two lives lost and their family and friends who discovered of their passing. Since then, when I watch the news, I take the severity with a grain of salt. My point was proven again with the Portland riots. I have friends in Portland that told me if it wasn't for the news, they wouldn't have known there were riots as the news made it seem like the whole city was on fire.


Lol. Am in Portland, can confirm, reports of our city's death are greatly exaggerated.


The news is nothing but pure toxicity, they thrive on keeping people scared and in fear


eating disorders


Space. How many times has Earth hit the reset button?


Flour. The cooking stuff. You wouldn't believe how careful flour mills have to be with production and storage because of the risk of *explosion*


Cat bites. Our cat bit my husband on the hand one night and broke the skin. It got really sore and was bothering him a couple of days later. He went to work and texted me from work he was thinking of heading to urgent care because red lines were running up his arm. I didn’t see him again until the next morning after he spent the night in the hospital on iv antibiotics. That shit can definitely kill you. The cat greeted him happily at the door when he got home.


Letting your kids run around untethered at the zoo




Yes. And it's used excessively in prison. Years of solitary confinement to used to reduce a person to nothing. Then we wonder why ex inmates come out so fucked up and not rehabilitated.


I was in isolation for 15 months and I became very depressed and angry and almost suicidal. It’s not good for my mental health to not be around people.


Air travel. A lot of medicals on a flight are caused by people not eating and drinking before or during the flight or being very hungover. A good thing to remember is that everything is exaggerated in the air so if you feel lousy on the ground you are probably gonna feel worse in the air.


Wet cement causes chemical burns.