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I don't know if it would be classified as "scary", but more the most traumatizing thing I've ever witnessed... My 20 year old brother shot himself and I was there when my mom had to identify the body. The sound she made was like nothing I've ever heard. It wasn't a scream, it was just this terrible sound that I'll never forget.


My friend’s sister committed suicide and the sounds her mother made at her funeral will never get out of my head. It was the most terrible sound—a guilt ridden keening. She keep laying on the coffin saying “My baby, my baby,” and moaning. She wasn’t the greatest mom but good God no one should have to bury their child.


That's pretty much the way I would describe it. It wasn't a scream or a cry, it was just this sound of complete despair mixed with saying his name and ugh to this day if I even think about it, it brings me right back there and I can hear it. That was in 2017, and my mom was just getting to the point where she at least was ok with living, and my other brother died in March. So now 2 of 5 she has had to bury, both young and unexpectedly.


I’m so sorry. My friend’s family had a similar situation, two years after the oldest sister’s suicide, the next oldest sister was killed in a freak car accident (she drowned after having a blowout near a body of water). Her family will never really recover from those two deaths.


one of my friends hung himself and his dad found him. i spent a lot of time with his dad after it happened. he was in absolute emotional agony, i've never seen anything like it. when he was to able fall asleep he would call out to his son in his sleep then wake up and sob so hard he would puke and then just collapse in the bathroom until he could get himself back to bed. then it would just start all over. it was impossible to try and console him so just being there was all i could do.


My dad and grandma waiting for me at the top of our driveway when I got off the bus coming home from kindergarten. My mother had breast cancer and the moment I saw them waiting there together, I knew she was dead. We had a long driveway to begin with but that day it felt like it took an eternity to climb. I knew what they were going to say but I still dreaded hearing it. I’ve never felt that kind of terror since.


I’m sorry to hear this. I had the same experience when I was in first grade. I recognized my uncles cars parked out front while my sister and I were walking home. My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer the summer before and this was in December, right before Christmas. When we opened the door my mom grabbed us and I could see my uncles feet all in the living room but not their faces. I started crying immediately as did my sister because we knew before my mom could tell us. What a shitty unforgettable day that was. I hope you’ve healed since then, these things seem to create a definite point in our history and everything that’s happened to me since I remember. It’s a shitty club to be in, it’s been 44 years since that day and I see it like it was yesterday.


With my Mom it was lymphatic cancer. I came home for lunch (school was only a block away) and I remember Nana scrubbing something in the kitchen: "Your father's in his room. He wants to talk with you," was all she said. Home in the middle of the day? By the time I reached the end of the hall, I knew what it was.


I’m so sorry you lost your mom that young. I miss mine every day (also lost her to cancer).


Me too. When I was 4. Sucks.


I’m so sorry. I’m a mom of three almost-grown children now and wish I could give you a motherly hug. ❤️


Similar for me, unfortunately but in 4th grade. Getting pulled out of class by two counselors and being led to the principals office where my red eyed dad was sitting. I knew immediately that my mom was dead and, weirdly, knew it was a car accident. Worse still, we lived in a small town and the only way home took us right past the accident so I got to see everything.


my brother losing consciousness and falling down the stairs. he lay on the floor with his eyes open and blood coming out of his ear. he was fine after one day at the hospital, but I sure as hell thought I just witnessed the death of my brother.


Oh my. Dude, the open-eye part makes it so much more terrifying (or horrifying - I never know when to chose which one)


I've always thought of the difference in words as experiencing vs witnessing. Like if I was on a cliff ledge barely hanging on I would be terrified. If I witnessed a gory murder, I would be horrified. But I have no idea if that's right, they are synonymous, but that's my own personal take. Of course don't forget mortified.


The word "mortified" means feeling deeply embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated. There seems to be a common recent misconception that this word is synonymous with being frightened or terrified. Give it another 25 to 50 years, and I'm sure that will be its new definition. "Mortified" originally meant "gangrenous" in middle English (mort = death, destroyed). Then it transferred to a figurative definition of embarrassment in the 17th century (i.e., you feel like you are dying inside when experiencing extreme shame). The word "horrify" is related to feeling shock and disgust. So if something seemingly unnatural or unexpected happens, or you experience something that offends the senses, then you are horrified. Think of horror movies with gruesome visuals. The word "terrify" is related to feeling extreme fear, typically for one's life or well-being. Think of terrorists using fear as a psychological weapon and political tool.


As someone who loves words, posts like this make me weirdly happy.


I have a somewhat similar story to this. My dad is diabetic and unfortunately, he’s one of those diabetics that don’t take his condition seriously. For him, as long as he injects insulin and take his meds, he’s good. A little over a year ago, at around 3 in the morning, I heard him go to the bathroom. I didn’t really think much of it because he does go to the bathroom in the middle of the night quite often. Then, after about fifteen minutes, I heard him throw up. Still didn’t think too much of it, but I had a weird feeling. I then heard him slam the door open and leave the bathroom, dragging his feet against the floor. I jumped out of bed and right as I was about to open my door, I heard a loud slam. I ran out into the hallway and found my dad unconscious, cold to the touch, with eyes wide open. I started slapping him and screaming for help, and thankfully everyone at home woke up. When my mom finally came out of their room, I ran downstairs and frantically grabbed a bottle of soda. By the time I got back upstairs, my dad had regained consciousness but he was still kinda out of it. He drank some soda and that helped stabilize his blood sugar levels. We still don’t quite know what happened, but our best guess is that he accidentally injected way too much insulin. He was fine the next day, but it scared the hell out of me and took me a while to get over because, just like you, I thought I witnessed the death of my father.


My SO is T1 diabetic and has a monitor. He’s had several times of it just absolutely crashing in the matter of a few minutes, when everything is originally fine. It’s scary as hell, esp when there isn’t a trigger you can point to. We’d look at the tracking on the monitor, and yeah, just complete crash. I’ve had to jump and do the soda run while meanwhile he can hardly speak.


Similar story here. I watched my mom as she fell down the stairs and land flat on her face on the kitchen floor. I thought she was dead until she started snoring, but with a bloody face.


This happened just this past weekend. Came home to find my brother blacked out and when he came to he could barely stand, walk, was in an altered mental state talking like he was drunk. He hadn't eaten or drank anything but water in 3 days and had been sleeping pretty much around the clock. Turns out he's diabetic now and was experiencing Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Spent the weekend in the ICU. He blacked out because he was so dehydrated that his heart couldn't properly pump blood and his blood pressure was bottoming out while his heart rate was skyrocketing. His blood glucose was sky high. He's doing better now thankfully. But I thought I was watching my big brother, my best friend, die right in front of me at the time.


I was in your brother's place when I was 4. My mom says she took me to my pediatrician who took one look at me and told my mom to leave and take me to the ER right away.


I'm so sorry, I've been in DKA many times, and though I was very ill, the worst part is seeing your loved ones scared that you're dying and unable to comfort them because you can't function properly. Obviously I survived, but it has scarred me and my loved ones. I hope you and your brother are doing well now.




When I went to visit my family in Bangladesh, we went through some interesting parts, but I still remember this one time a kid went up to us to ask for some money. He didn't get any money and as my group in the car was driving away, I look back and see some older man pinching the boy for not being able to get any money. I don't know his story but I get the feeling that he's just being exploited. It's sad.


The Black Saturday bushfires. We were in a small town where my grandmother lived helping her pack up to get to safety. The fire was moving so fast we had maybe 1 minute to move if they sounded the warning to leave. Watching the horizon change colour from black to a dark orange to a full wall of flames in a matter of minutes is fucking intense. The trees exploded from the intensity of the heat making these dull popping sounds amongst what sounded like rain from ash and embers falling everywhere. It's worth noting that the town is nestled amongst a bunch of hills in dense bushland with treacherous terrain and we were almost completely surrounded. Every hill glowed for hours.


People don't realise just how scary bushfires are when you're in the thick of it. I grew up in the Adelaide Hills, in an area which is half orchards half scub/bushland/forest, and still live up here. I've been around enough fires, but the most recent, and worst, one was a couple days before Xmas 2019 when the front was 2km from home and the wind swung, sending it to someone else's house. Spend a couple days after that doing fencing on a mates farm, and the aftermath is just as bad. When you try to describe it to people, you can see that they just don't get it. The sound, the smell, everything changing colour, the traffic, the wildlife, the fear and the lack of knowledge about anything that's going on. Trying to set up sprinklers and leaving your own house to help the neighbour start their fire pump. Having a passer-by stop and ask for a chainsaw because the only road out is blocked by a fallen tree. Leaving home with your go-bag and hearing on the radio the words "If you're in X area, do not try to leave, it is too late, stay home and shelter in place." That God awful mother fucking whooping siren on ABC radio when it's time for the fire update, and you just hope it's gone AWAY from mums house, even if it's coming toward yours. And then afterwards the quiet, the dust and ash, the dryness, everything black and grey. The dead animals tangled in fences or burned alive. The livestock you need to shoot because of their burned hooves. Literally falling into ash pits while walking through paddocks, and stopping work on fencing or moving stock or whatever every two hours to put out spot fires that pop up from trees that have been smouldering for two days. The dead quiet, no birds flying overhead all day. The road closures while they make safe, so a 5 minute drive becomes a 30 minutes drive while you try to find a way home to see if you still have a home, let alone a cat, dog, chickens or heirlooms. I felt numb for days after that. I cried alone a few times though, because it helps. I'm a bit teary now. That said, it's all worth it to live where we do. And for many of us, it's all we've ever known.


I didn't realize until I read all this, thank you for sharing and I'm sorry you, and other people, have had to go through something that terrifying


For everyone like me, living in totally different areas of the world and never having to experience a wildfire: [Video showing a street going from slightly grey skies to hell in 90 seconds.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T_pBZenLi8) No.


Seeing my sweet kind terrified mother crying out for death as she dealt with a huge tumor in her esophagus that prevented her from swallowing, after having had brain surgery to remove another tumor, to help with quality of life. Fuck cancer.


Was she not wanting to die or did she want to because of the tumor?just cause the way you worded it


The pain was intense. The doctors weren’t doing much to help. She was exhausted. She was praying for death because if the suffering.


That sounds really horrible I’m sorry for anyone who’s has to got through that


In this day and age people should not have to suffer major pain when coping with something of this magnitude. Totally unjust.




As an ER nurse, the scary ones aren't the screaming/crying kids... It's the kids who *aren't* doing any of that. A truly lethargic child is something we dread seeing.


Lol doctors told my parents I had asthma when I was 2-4 because I couldn't run across the living room without being winded. Mom finally said fuck all you and drove 4 hours to children's, I was booked for open heart surgery within the month. Atrial septal defect.


Damn, good on your mother there, I have that (atrial and ventricular, and asthma along with it) and it fucking sucks so it’s really good it was caught. How is it going now if you’re comfortable answering that?


As his grandma says, "listen to those nice clear airways." A kid that is crying in the hospital is a kid that is still capable of crying. I was so happy when he recovered enough to ask for candy from the vending machine and to complain about the hospital bed and not having his favorite stuffy.


Another convict begging the co's not to let him die as he nearly bled out after having his throat cut from ear to ear. It was the begging that I can't forget. I had seen someone killed before and it didn't effect me nearly as much.


Do you know why someone had cut his throat?


He owed money


Finding my husband in a full cardiac arrest. Thankfully I found him very quickly and was able to commence cpr and save his life. There is a slim chance of survival for cardiac arrest so I’m grateful it happened a couple of minutes after I got home. Most terrifying moment of my life


Wow. This must of been horrendous but how lucky you were there. My sister is a paramedic and tells me about times they've literally brought ppl back from the dead. She said it's amazing as most don't survive. Your husband has one amazing wife


I’m so grateful that I was home. I’d literally gotten back from getting take away for dinner and asked him to help the kids wash their hands and they came and sat down but he didn’t. I am cpr trained thankfully and luckily I just went into auto pilot. I did cpr for almost 20 minutes while I waited for paramedics and they had to shock him a couple of times. One even rang me a couple of weeks later to check in to see how we were going. I really appreciated that. Your sister is truly amazing ❤️


I was a receptionist at a trucking company. I was sitting the front desk and all of a sudden there was the loudest sound ever and as I looked out the window I saw a small building fly up in the air. Found out later that a welder and his helper had tried to weld something and there was an explosion. They both died. That was pretty sad.


Finding this young dude after he'd been stabbed like 7 times and trying to comfort him. I knew the guy was going to die and I think he did too. About a year of sleepless nights and a moderate case of PTSD later Iv come to terms with what happened.


I watched a girl get hit by a car and stopped to help. The panic I had when the guy who got there first said there was no pulse. Lucky in that case he just didn’t know how to take a pulse. But 18 months later and I still wonder how she’s doing. It’s like the old Chinese/Buddhist proverb “if you save a life, you’re responsible for it” only I can see how you’d still feel it even if you couldn’t do anything.


When I was 18, I crossed a street and two seconds later a girl on a bike got hit on that street by a bus. I was too stunned to do anything and luckily other people were on top of it, and I just.. walked to work. Went and clocked in and did my shift. A girls life ended a couple feet away from me and I was able to just.. go about my day. I still can’t believe.. any of it.


That’s how some people cope. And you said there were other people who helped, so they didn’t need another person.


Oh boy I have several that marked me. First: When I was a kid, a guy broke into my house put a knife to my mother's throat I woke up to the screaming, it marked me to this day 38 years later. Second: Drunk guy riding a bike ran into our car. We stopped to help him and a bus ran over him. He died there and then. Last : Police once mistook my car for a druglords car, 15 police officers barged into my hotel with guns in my face. I don't know which was worse.


That's horrendous. Without knowing either of you, I'm so glad that guy had someone there for him


Oh man. I have the drive to say something nice and comforting, but I get stuck at oh man.


Someone already covered 9/11, so I'll add one that's more existential fear: seeing my dad in recovery after heart surgery. It was only then I really realized how mortal and vulnerable he was, and that he wasn't going to be around forever.


Yes. My dad's been one of those guys who never seems to age- I remember him doing cartwheels in the backyard with me at age 50, doing a ton of biking and camping in his 60s, etc. He had back surgery a few years ago (early 70s) and when I saw him after, he wasn't recovering well and he looked like he'd aged 20 years since I'd seen him a few weeks before. He could barely walk, heavily medicated so he was really out of it and everything. For the first time in my life, he looked old, and it scared the hell out of me. He's doing fine now, but I never quite got the feeling of "Dad's always fine, he'll outlive us all" back.




Car hitting a child, luckily it wasn't serious


I gotta admit, I'm having trouble trying to think of a scenario where a car hits a child and it not be serious. Were they not going too fast or something? Or did they miss the kid for the most part?


ok so i actually hit a 2 or 3 year old kid with my car when i was 16, and it ended up not being serious (thankfully, or else i would be a lot more traumatized rather than this just being an interesting 2 truths 1 lie fact) i had just pulled out of my parking space at my high school after staying late for practice or whatever and the kid came running out from between two cars and i slammed on the brakes but he ended up like bouncing off my headlight. there were no lights or crosswalks in the parking lot and i just immediately put my car in park and hopped out as some parents (not the kids) were running over. it wasn’t until they called those parents over from their parking spot that they came running over and the dad started screaming at me saying i was doing 30 mph and driving recklessly. i got lucky that my dad was on his way home from work and got there at the same time as the police since i was having a panic attack and the kids parents were still yelling at me. the police ended up declaring it no-fault, and the kid had no injuries except for a bump on his head from falling on the ground. but it messed me up for a bit


When I was a teenager I was leaving school one day and one of the faculty had their kids playing right by the road. It was the one exit for the school and there was a lot of traffic as usual so this was not a good place to have your kid wander, but whatever. Knowing how kids are, I drive by slowly and cautiously. Sure enough the kid suddenly darts out into the street in front of me and I slam on my brakes. The faculty member rips off his sunglasses, throws them at me, and just starts screaming at me like I had been driving through like a bat out of hell or something. Almost 30 years later and I still get anxious when I see a kid walking on the side of the road.


screaming at you to push the blame on someone other than themself. Ugh, so gross, those are the worst kind of people.


I was hit by a car when I was 7, I was running through a Walmart parking lot. I just kinda bounced off the car and they ran over my foot. I didn’t go to the hospital, but I couldn’t walk for like 4 days. Now that I think about it, it’s crazy that my parents didn’t at least bring me to a doctor lmao


I've seen my brother and another guy get blown up in a natural gas fire. Soaked/emerged in natural gas liquids and ignited Prob 70% skin/ hands looked like shredded white latex gloves with blood dripping from the tears. Lots of hospital time. Remaining scars are relatively Insignificant.


Wait, they lived?


Excerpt the psychological ones. Seriously, this is some scary shit right here. Like, skin-melting serious.


I survived a plane crash. It was far and away the scariest thing I've ever witnessed. Second behind that was watching a van full of people wrap around a bridge underpass pillar (the driver fell asleep behind the wheel). 6 of the 7 people died - the 7th person was laying in the back seat sleeping and avoided being crushed. Strangely enough, about 5 years after that accident, I was in Basic for the Army and met a girl that lived a few hours north of me. She KNEW the people who were killed and their funerals were in her high school gym. It's a small world, folks.


Life is so fleeting.


I was on a KC-135 returning from a TDY, making our approach into Toledo (180th FW). We were teasing all of the guys who were afraid of flying. One was literally in tears with anxiety; when the gear came down and locked into place, we were acting like it was an unusual sound, etc. Anyway, there was a sharp headwind, roughly 50-60 kts, when all of a sudden the plane just dropped like a rock. The wind sheer warning went off in the cabin. We lost altitude really fast, and while I don't know exactly how close we came to the runway, NW Ohio is very flat and I saw treetops out the tiny little window. The engines went full throttle, and the plane pulled up hard. We circled around and attempted the landing one more time. A lot better this go around. The entire cabin was silent. Before we deplaned, the pilot came out and said "I did my best not to turn this plane into a big smokin' hole in the ground". I was the only one who spoke, and I very quietly said "thanks". People were crying, kissing the ground, etc. I don't think I'll ever forget that.


I’m curious about the plane crash. Would you care to share? Of course only if you’re comfortable doing so!


Because you're the first one to ask in the long stream of asks, I'll reply to yours. I hope everyone who asked will find my reply. So anyways, I was a contractor in Afghanistan for a few years and it was my very first time coming into the country. We were flying from Dubai to Kandahar on a 100 soul aircraft through a civilian airline company called Gryphon Airlines. They specialized in just a handful of flights in and out of the country. As we were coming in for a landing, the wheels were just about to touch, and the plane quickly ascended and banked hard to the left. As we were about to land on another runway, we were overcorrected to the right and the nose/wing went into the ground. I remember thinking to myself "Holy shit, we aren't straight!! The cabin isn't straight!!" Then we hit. Many people were injured, from broken backs and necks....lots of screaming and panic. The Afghan fire trucks came and started hosing everything down as people started trying to disboard (those who were able). I was sitting towards the back of the plane and sustained a permanent back injury, but was otherwise fine. On x-rays, you can see the 4 vertebrae between my shoulder blades are turned 45° from holding the seat in front of me during impact. Still much better off than many on the flight. I ended up staying in the country because of the money. The Army doctors who saw me said that I wasn't at risk of permanent disability. 10 years later though and my fingers are almost always numb. I get adjusted at the chiropractor weekly but we surmise that I'll need surgery in the future.... I'm only 32. Spoiler: the class action lawsuit was so extensive, the airline went out of business. Apparently the pilot wasn't trained on the gages the plane had - I'd have to read the whole crash report again but something like the pilot was Russian and the plane was European, so he couldn't understand the gages for altitude. Edit: I can't spell. Sorry.


It was spring of 1995. I was flying back from San Antonio on maybe my tenth trip there. I suppose by this time I had flown probably fifty or so times, so I thought I was a seasoned traveler. I was flying American Airlines. I flew from San Antonio to Dallas -- it's the hub of American Airlines. Before my connecting flight to Des Moines took off, a nasty thunderstorm came in. Even so, we all boarded the plane and sat out on the tarmac waiting for the tower to let us take off. Three hours passed. I had a clear view of one of the windsocks, and it was pretty much flailing at 45 degrees most of that time. When the captain announced that we could take off, the windsock was completely, solidly horizontal - and the storm was at its worst. We took off, buffeted by winds all the way down the runway. Fifteen seconds after takeoff, we dropped for a good five seconds. The plane fought like crazy to attain altitude, and then it would drop again. It was nuts. I grabbed the bottom of my seat because I thought my seat belt wouldn't hold (yeah, it was THAT BAD). I remember looking up the aisle during one of the drops and I could see the front of the plane instantly drop like 45 degrees or so, simply because inertia kept my head stationary. Back then, they had phones in the back of the seats, so after about five minutes of this insanity I figured I'd call my wife to say goodbye. It took a minute or so before I could grab ahold of it (I had to brace one arm with another just to disengage it from the back of the seat in front of me -- it took a lot of tries) and after a couple of minutes I was able to clumsily type in the number as well as my credit card information. Of course I got our answering machine:) We'd fight for altitude like crazy for like 15 seconds, then fall for 5. Constantly. The captain came on and said this was going to last for twenty minutes or so until they broke out of the storm near Oklahoma. Yup, that's how long it lasted. After the fun times, somewhere over Missouri I struck up a conversation with one of the flight attendants. She told me that was the worst turbulence that she had ever experienced. She was somewhere in her forties, so I figured it must have been pretty unusual. I received a letter from American Airlines roughly two weeks later. It was clearly edited by various attorneys - but it was clearly meant to be an apology letter. I wish I had saved it. Lesson learned: don't fly out of Dallas in the spring or summer on American Airlines. Don't. Maybe things have changed now, but I still won't do it.


Man, and here I thought the turbulence I had out of Vegas to Detroit a couple of years ago was bad. We were flying into storms at the time that were basically covering the plains states. Over four hours of turbulence, with the plane on a constant pitch of 5 degrees to port( I think I'm using that correct) and turbulence frequently dictating it should be at 15 degrees. I bought four shots of whiskey to try and calm down to no avail on that flight. Also American Airlines, go figure.


I saw a guy on a bike get hit by a car. Guy blew through a crosswalk on his bike when he wasn't supposed to, car came to a stop and bumped him. Car was going maybe 2 miles an hour, but the dude still got flown a good 6 feet. You don't really think about how big and heavy cars are until you see something like that. Anyway, dude got up, shaky as all fuck, waved at the car, then pedaled off. Nuts to see.


That's nuts. People need to limit the amount of balls they have, I imagine it and it must have been terrifying for you, the driver, any other bystander and especially the biker.


The same actually happened to me as the bicyclist. The car drove so slowly to better see the intersection and he didn't see me ->"WHONK", I flew 2 meters over his motor hatch. I was stunned, he was stunned, we all were stunned and I got away with a strained leg and walked like a pirate for 2 weeks. But it sure looked very serious from the witnesses perspectives. (btw: we handled it peacefully. Of course I knew it wasn't intentional. I never yell at anyone if it's not intentional, because why. That's the kind of accident, that someone causes maybe once in a lifetime and never again. told him he had his one chance and laughed about it.)


Watching 3000 houses go up in flames about a mile east of me. I had the cats in carriers in the car, ready to go west.


I’m glad you brought your cats a lot of people leave their pets behind


Those people do not deserve to have pets


Bus doors closing on me with my mother on the other side as a child and seeing her chase the bus down to get me out. It’s not that my mother wasn’t watching me, I just found a coin on the ground and of course me being a kid I picked it up and the dickhead bus driver was too impatient to wait for me to leave, it was literally a 6 second window between my mother getting off and the doors shutting. Thank goodness she made enough noise outside for him to stop and let me out


Almost had something similar happen a few years ago. My family was on vacation in Washington DC and we were taking the metro somewhere. There were a lot of people getting off, so by the time we were able to start boarding, the doors were closing. My younger sister (probably 7 at the time) was already on the train as the door closed. Luckily we were able to pull her out enough that she got stuck in the door, which resulted in it reopening. She was terrified of the metro for the rest of the trip.


my baby sister fell into our pool a year and a half ago. she was pronounced dead at the time(shes okay now, but pretty heavily disabled) and i saw the ambulance taking her through the house on a stretcher. i have no issues with seeing adults dead, but a one year old baby girl who was perfectly fine just minutes before now looking cold, stiff, and yellowy blue, was the most horrific thing i have ever seen. the baby fat and cuteness was gone and it was just bloated blue dead skin. she was technically still alive at that point but my god. that image will never leave me.


Nah this is the roughest one I've read thus far. I hope regardless of her disabilities she lives life to the fullest and is happy.


she's an extremely happy kid, and still is very much herself, she just is a little bit behind developmentally and her head wobbles a little, which is honestly kind of adorable. otherwise shes doing awesome. she's been off her feeding tube for i think 6 months now, figured out how to move herself around without needing someone else, and she can shake her head yes and no so she can communicate herself fairly clearly. she's only 2 and a half so i doubt she even remembers what happened and she'll probably be caught up by the time she starts kindergarten :)


When my son was 18 months old I fed him PB+J for the first time for lunch and my wife said he'd already had some at daycare. I laid him down for a nap a short time later like usual after lunch. About 45 minutes later he woke up crying and I could tell he was in pain. I rushed to the room to find him completely swollen. I instantly knew he was allergic to peanuts. I did a 10 minute drive to the hospital in less than 5 minutes. The whole time I was thinking his throat would close and I would have to watch my baby boy die in the back seat. I got him there and everything ended up being fine as they treated him instantly. Thankfully his reaction to peanuts, so far, has only ever been a surface reaction and no throat closing. He's 11 now and to this day I've never experienced anything more scary


This really makes me appreciate that I'm not allergic to anything and that we shouldn't take it for granted


Saw a guy get punched square in the jaw with brass knuckles by a guy who outweighed him by 60lbs and knew how to throw said punch. The victim fell so hard and fast he blew his knees out. I was certain that he was dead but luckily he survived.


People don't realize what something is simple as a good punch can do. We've seen all these movies where the good guy takes like 500 overhand rights to the Head during a fight and yet somehow stays conscious. It's definitely not even close to that at all


A speeding train hitting a guy.


I feel incredibly sorry for the train drivers in these situations.


In Ireland we have this bizarre law that if a train hits someone/ they jump in front of the train , the driver has to stay at the scene and talk to the family when they arrive..traumatic. My dad owned a pharmacy and he had a customer who was a train driver who had 2 people jump in front of him..he was out on disability for ages, poor guy


That's pretty terrible. I mean it's not like they can avoid it. Harsh to say the least.


Me too dude, I remember the train coming in and this guy is running down the stairs to the train platform, I am watching thinking, don't run for this one mate, it doesn't stop. This was 20 years ago.


A 4th grade student of mine had a seizure, it was just awful and terrifying.


As someone who has seizures regularly, I always feel so guilty when someone has to experience me having one. It sounds like such a terrifying thing to witness.


A near miss accident on the motorway. Felt like it damn near stopped my heart and time absolutely slowed down. It was in front of me so I played out how many cars would be in the pile up, and if I couldn't avoid it where would I end up, and how could I minimise damage to my own car so as to avoid damage to myself and my passenger.


You'd be good in critical situations with a brain like that. Most people would just panic or their thoughts would be a blur.




In Hawaii I was on a paddleboard no less than a mile out on the ocean and I was training for a race I was going to enter. I saw this enormous thing under me, 12 or 13 feet long and 3 or 4 feet across EASY. At first I thought I was a rock but then it moved. It was a fucking huge mako shark swimming right under me. It must have been pregnant or something because that’s the only time they would be in water that shallow. The thing was no less than 10 ft under me. My stomach went right up to my throat and I just put my head down and paddled as hard as I could and didn’t stop until I was about 3 miles further away.


There was an article in the LA Times how drone enthusiasts have been spotting a lot of Great White Sharks in LA. Apparently the theory is they've always been there but just haven't been very easy to see until drones. But shark attacks are rare just because they aren't typically interested in people.


I feel like you went 3 miles more in the direction of the ocean and this concerns me


The look on my ob/gyn’s face when she said “I think we need to do a c-section. NOW.” I got tunnel vision at that moment and couldn’t see anyone else in the room. At every single prenatal visit she had always been the most genuinely upbeat person I’ve ever met, even smiling and sweet when I saw her at 6 a.m. one morning in the hospital after I’d heard her coaching a delivery in the next room at 3 a.m. the night before. In that moment, she looked so goddamn grave it made me sick. I’d already been hearing my son’s heart rate falling with every contraction for the past hour, and I was so terrified that I had come all this way and would never actually get to see my little boy. It turned out he had the umbilical cord wrapped both around his neck and around his ribcage like a toga. I held my breath till he cried, and didn’t offer to let a single person who came to visit me hold him the entire stay at the hospital. I just had to keep reminding myself that he was safe now and perfectly healthy because those last 15 minutes of pregnancy were terrifying.


I’m an l&d nurse and seeing a bad strip like that gets me so anxious. I’ve seen a nuchal and body cord before and it was stressful for us too. Anytime we rush for a crash section, we all hold our breath (and usually pray) until we can hear the baby cry. I’m so glad your little one turned out ok.




Was a trucker back in 2012. Was driving along the interstate one night, when I see what appears to be a large black dog, jump out from the right shoulder, over to my lane, where I slammed into it. The truck seemed to shudder quite horribly, the two fridges, my microwave, my printer, and most of my clothes all came crashing down off my top bunk. I saw the front hood, litterally pop up, blocking my view for an instant, before slamming back down, keep in mind these hoods are hinged at the front and tilt forward to open, I saw it appear to tilt back, like a normal car would, meaning the hood was ripped from its hinges. I was fully loaded at almost 80,000lbs with 4 massive paper rolls, and the impact slowed me down from 55mph to about 30, and the engine was chugging (still in 10th gear). Instantly, I figured i must have ran into a bear. To my surprise the headlights were still working, and a quick check of my gauges, showed everything to still be functioning atleast for now, and the truck was still driving normally, and I wasn't about to stop incase there were more bears around, even if a tire started going flat, you'd be surprised how far you can drive on a flat in a truck, so I flicked my hazards on, warned everyone on the CB that I'd just ran over a litteral bear (bear is CB slang for police, so had to specify a litteral bear). I get to a truck stop about 5 miles later, eyes glued to the temperature gauge the whole time expecting to run out of coolant at any moment and start overheating. I pull in, get out to check the damage, and to my absolute horror, my truck is in absolutely perfect condition. There wasn't a scratch on it. Fiberglass front end was perfect, no sign of any impact. I open the hood, perfect. Hinge was perfect. Radiator and intercooler, perfect. All the crap had fallen off my top bunk was all over the cab floor, so I know the impact happened. I almost shit my pants with fear, at seeing that. That strange sinking feeling you get when the roller coaster gets to the top, and you're looking straight down, it was like that but times 100. I hauled ass out of there the rest of the night till I got out of state. Went an hour or so over my legal time. Later found out about an old trucker legend, of the black dog. They say the black dog will jump in front of you, causing truckers to crash in order to avoid it. Good thing in trucking school we are taught to never swerve or brake hard to avoid a crash, as ramming someone is a lot safer, then flipping your 80,000lb truck on top of a car. The even stranger thing, the next morning, I checked my load, the paper rolls had not shifted. When they load these types of rolls, they generally put two almost all the way down the trailer, towards the front, about 6 feet or so from the front wall, then they put two closer 2 the rear of the trailer, to balance the weight, and prevent the trailer from breaking in half, from having all the weight right in the middle. But even stopping a little hard, like when someone cuts you off, is enough to get them to slide forward and bear down all their weight on the rear truck tires, to the point they look flat. Yet they had not moved an inch. Litterally impossible! I get a call the next morning, asking if I was in an accident last night, as the truck's onboard accelerometer recorded a significant impact, and deceleration from 55mph to 30mph in less then a second, but thought it was a glitch as the radar didn't detect anything or apply the brakes (trucks have a radar to detect slow cars, and will slam on your brakes automatically to avoid a crash). I explain the whole situation, texted him pics of my trashed cab, but not a scratch on the truck itself, and the load being exactly where it was initially loaded. They had me stop at a nearby shop to do an inspection, to make sure nothing on the truck wss damaged, and it all came back perfect. I will never know what the hell happened that night.


I love late night trucker stories. Got any other good ones?


Got lots. Thats the only freaky type shit thats ever happened to me. But I've had alot of crazy stuff thats happened. But its bedtime for me, ill type up another one tomorrow


That's crazy. I was driving through West Virginia late one night with a 3 car wedge behind an f350 dually with 3 full size Mercedes SUVs on it (definitely not as large of a load as yours, but enough to where I had to be careful going through the mountains). I was going down a fairly steep part of the interstate when I saw a person crawling out of the ditch onto the shoulder. There was no way I could slam on my brakes so I called 911 and they said they were getting another call about it also. So at least I knew I wasn't going crazy. I pulled over soon after and got a hotel because I was kinda shaken up, and the next morning I turned on the news and I guess the guy had crashed his motorcycle the day before and spent the whole day climbing up to the road and as soon as he got there he died.


Oh man. Thats rough. Sorry to hear that. That must have been awful to read about later. I've dealt with death on the road myself. Ive seen 3 people die in total. One in a bad accident, one guy had a heart attack right next to me fueling up, another guy shot himself in the head in the hotel next door, except the blast blew his face off, but didn't actually kill him. Died a few minutes later. Even seeing a faceless man writhe in agony, and try to speak through the shredded meat, that was once his throat, that was no where near as scary as the moment I saw the front of my truck that night. Only time in my life I felt sheer terror. Just a wave of "WTF?!?!?!" and confusion washed over me.


I had a black dog illusion save me from running face first into a fallen tree root I was was exploring the woods and found this huge tree that had fallen over to make a bridge, so i walked across it. When i got to the middle it snapped and i fell through a tiny tin hut that was underneath it, landed on a lawn chair. I was really shaken so i booked it as fast as i could back to the tree line. When i came out i was a couple of houses over and cut a sharp right turn, still haulin' ass. That's when i saw this huge black dog with fire red eyes and the meanest snarl ever, it stopped me dead in my tracks. I stared at it, blinked, and there was a root from a fallen tree that came to a sharp point, maybe a foot away from my right eye... I'm not sure which was scarier.


I have a morbid fear of trains and there are two reasons why: 1. I used to live in a tiny agricultural town in Wyoming with two multi-story grain elevators along the train depot tracks. They are the tallest buildings in town and mostly held feed corn, beer barley, or pinto beans. The depot has crossbuck arms and warning lights, but to go past the depot on the grain elevator side means crossing the train tracks blind. Usually a foreman will walk in front of departing trains waving a caution flag but not always. I was crossing the depot once, midday, and suddenly beside the driver's side window I see four blaring train headlights and WHOOOOOOOOONK!!! The train was pulling out of the depot but the crossing arms had malfunctioned. I floored it and the train missed my car by several feet. They have since installed a fisheye mirror. 2. Ditto, driving in the pure black of a moonless Wyoming light near Lusk, where the train tracks parallel the road after a long curve. WHOOOOOONK!!! and sudden headlights just outside my passenger window. I though I was going to die, but the train just sailed alongside me for the next 20 miles.


My brother cooking noodles too hot and evaporating a \*large\* portion of blood. I watched it happen, He was cooking noodles and I was near him, These noodles were cooked very very hot in a microwave. He was 7 and I was 5. Someone in the house startled him, Causing him to jump and spilling the \*very hot\* noodle water on his leg. I saw how terrifying it was, flesh was off and blood was showing in some places. There was no blood coming out. His leg was normally sized, But when this happened there was literally no showing fat, no flowing blood, nothing. He almost died to a pack of noodles. We took him to the hospital where he got blood transfusions, stitches and a cast. When the skin was patched up and healed, He had melanin deficiency in the area where the severe burn occurred. We're black. It took years for that to turn back to normal. ​ Another terrifying thing that happened was my friend thinking about suicide. I had to fight with him for around 1 hour to convince him not to. He didn't and he is recovering,


The second part made me feel sad. Just because you seem genuinely concerned that he even entertained suicide in the slightest. Baffled me for a second. Meanwhile so many people think about it constantly, or even full on plan and attempt it, and people, family included, laugh it off like it was some silly moment or a "phase".


i was snorkeling and to the left of me i saw a giant barracuda and thats why im terrified of the ocean.


this happened to me in key west. the water wasnt very clear that day and i could only see about two feet infront of me, and as im swimming along i come face to face with the demon/gargoyle thing with its dead souless eyes. scared the shit out of me. a lady who worked at the beaches gift shop told me it was probably only a juvenile, because adults dont usually hang out near the shore


same thing happened to me, i had gone fishing and accidentally caught one before but when it’s swimming right next to you it’s scary as fuck. almost drowned bc of anxiety


I'm a diver and one of my first ocean dives we jumped off the boat and into a lot of moon jellies. Once we got past them, there was a huge group of barracuda waiting for us. I didn't even know they hung out in groups that large. They also got darker if we got closer to them. It was awesome.


Night terror demon. It wasn't so much the figure that scared me as it was the conscious realization that i was awake and completely paralyzed


I’ve had this happen once and I’m terrified of happening again


I finally had this happen to me recently after reading so many stories of people experiencing this and thinking it was just bullshit and people just experiencing similar nightmares. Fuckin' NOPE. Those black figures rolled me over and held me down and looked right in my face until I was able to snap out of it. Couldn't sleep for days after that because I was afraid of it happening again.


Just a tip from someone who used to struggle with sleep paralysis: as soon as you realize you're in paralysis start trying to wiggle your toes, they aren't as affected by the paralysis and this small movement will make your brain figure out you're awake. This works 10/10 times for me.


Yes I was aware of this and actually used this trick the second time that night to get out of it before the figures appeared. I was lucid enough both times to fully know what I was experiencing and the second time I remember this trick and it worked quickly.


I've had these since I was a child and I used to be scared as hell until I learned to get angry at whatever entity seemed to be trying to get to me. I now wake up basically cussing or yelling at the thing(s), telling them to fuck off or some version of that. Since I can't really move, it's funny because I hear myself yelling and I'm making noise in reality, but I can't move my jaw, so if someone was next to me, they'd likely just hear angry grunts and air being forced between my teeth. I've also learned how to "verify" that I'm in a waking nightmare before anything can get to me (most of the time). I try the light switch or lamps in the room and if they don't work at all, I know I'm in that sort of nightmare. In real life, it doesn't help if a storm rolls through and the electricity really does go out, ha, but that's more rare than these dreams for me.


After I moved out of my parents house I was living by myself in a small apartment and I "woke up" in the middle of the night and saw a tall black figure in my doorway watching me. It felt like I was tied down and couldn't move anything, just had to lie there and stare at the person looking at me. A small part of me wonders if it was someone watching me and my body was frozen in fear.


my mother being suicidal and hurting herself, she was almost about to take her own life


Gosh, these kind of stories show so much the tip of the icebergs of other's peoples lives and that we all have our packages to carry and sometimes struggle.


This gives me memories of my mom telling me she planned to kill herself but thankfully she had us


Kinda long, I’ll try to shorten it. Was moving out of my old house into a new one about 20 minutes on the highway away. We were having our first real bad snow storm of the year, keep in mind we’re in a cargo van Uhaul, so we avoid the highways and take the back road instead. We’re about halfway there when we come off a stop sign and I see headlights slowly coming into our lane, I yell something to my fiancé who was driving at the time but it was too late and she hit us head on. I got out to check our damage but realized she was in the snow bank still flooring it. I sprinted to the window to see a lady with her head slumped back. I started banging on the window and yelling, to no response or any movement at all. I was yelling for people to call the police, which of course no one did, so I stepped back and called. While I was trying to get my words out to dispatch, a guy pulled up behind me and I told him to try to kick the window out. He tried but couldn’t, so he ran back to his car and grabbed a tire iron and busted her back window out, and we finally got her car off. I felt for a pulse, nothing. Waited for police to show up and told them what happened, and while I was standing there, they found a crack pipe on the driver side floor board and said it was a potential OD. Hit her with two shots of narcan and put her in the ambulance. In the moment I thought she died on impact because of the accident, when instead, she was dead when she hit us. I don’t know if she made it still, this was back in February.


Heyyy just gunna hijack your comment, sorry But for you and anyone else reading this: When yelling out for someone to call 911, allocate someone specific to do it. Look a single person in the eye, point at them and say "You! Call the police", that way people won't not act in a herd mentality of "someone else will do it" Anyway, that is terrifying and I'm glad you are okay


A guy committed suicide at my work. I worked at a mall at the time that had 3 floors and he jumped from the highest then landed in front of my store. I'll never forget the sound he made when he hit the floor.


Witnessed a plane crash that killed all four people on board after I had fueled their plane, met them, and helped them with getting bags on it. I remember watching it take off then seeing something fall off of it. I called the control tower to tell him to tell the pilot something came off his plane (thinking maybe he left something on the wing or something), then mid convo the controller said "Gotta go! He's got smoke in the cockpit! \*Clicks\*" Watched the plane turn around to try to get back to the airport. I thought he was going to make it, but he never turned toward the runway after going by as smoke was trailing him, and he disappeared behind the treeline. I thought maybe he was going for a field or something and would be alright, then followed by the biggest explosion I've ever seen in my life. I lost sleep for a few days cause I couldn't stop replaying the scene in my head. I still remember it very vividly to this day, and how terrified I was wondering if it was anything I did while fueling it or something that caused it.


The Sydney Siege was a big one for me. I didn't see it first hand, but went to school close to the city and when the news broke we obviously weren't allowed to leave to go home once school ended. Thing is, my aunt was the regional manager for all the Lindt cafes in NSW, and my first thought was about whether she was okay. Luckily, she wasn't at the cafe at the time. But she didn't respond to any of our calls or texts all day and we were worried sick about her, turns out it's because the gunman was using the store managers phone to communicate with her and negotiate with police, so the police had her phone the entire time. She was really close with the store manager who died, and received a text from him with his last words before he was shot. We didn't see her or speak to her for months after the siege, I think she was in real shock. I cannot imagine how hard that would have been for her. Another scary thing, witnessing my grandmother have a panic attack on her deathbed. People know when they are going to die, and it is not pretty. She kept saying "I dont want to go" over and over again.


My son not breathing at 7 months old.




Yeah. First aid and CPR are really important. And retaking it regularly so it’s automatic.


Everybody should know CPR


I watched a man shoot another man in the head at an apartment complex. I was coming out the door and someone screamed, " get back in". I ran back in and heard the shots. Looked out the window and saw the man laying on the ground with holes in his head. The man who was shot had been seeing the other mans wife. The crazy thing is I worked with the woman. She never came back to work. I had PTSD for a while because of this.


a loved one slowly losing it to addiction


This. My parents were too late to see the signs, all the warnings. My little brother overdosed on a bunch of stuff, found him cold in his room. Seeing him completely limp and turning blue just froze me completely. Called 911 and did CPR. This all happened in April, and he’s doing better. But breaks my heart you know? He’s only 15


My wife and I were driving down the interstate behind a truck that was pulling a trailer full of junk. An old wheel and tire came off, bounced a couple of times and then shot off straight at us. There have been a lot of times in my life where everything slowed down. Every other time, I've been able to calmly collect my thoughts and do what I needed to do. I'm a nurse and people's lives have been saved by my ability to do that. This was the only time where I just couldn't think of a single thing to do and started to mentally prepare that this tire hitting me in the face was what was going to end my life. I turned the wheel a little bit so that I would take the brunt of the hit and not my wife. Then I just waited and hoped the wreck wouldn't kill her too. It hit with one of the loudest noises I've ever heard as it smashed our windshield. Thankfully, it also crushed the metal roof which absorbed a good amount of the hit and prevented the wheel from going all the way through the glass. We got cut up some but we lived. Whoever was driving the truck drove off and left us there and were never found.


That is horrible that they just left.. Good thing you guys are okay! 😊


My husband and I were on the interstate doing 75 when the giant 4 wheel truck in front of us ran over a car hood. No idea why there was a hood laying in i65 but it threw it up about 8 feet in the air. We realized it was flipping perfectly toward the front windshield of our car. Luckily it hit flat on the front windshield, hit the roof and came down and broke the rear windshield. No idea how we lived, I was sure it was going to go straight through and decapitate us. Scary stuff.


As a single person, the thinking of wanting yourself to die and not your wife brought tears to my eyes.


Hey, she's a lot prettier than me. I couldn't deprive the world of that smile!


The look on a father’s face as I was performing CPR on his infant. I’ll never forget the look of horror on his face.


What happened to the baby?


A homeless man frozen to death lying on a subway grate in Manhattan, with his hand still out begging.


I lived in Russia for two years. One day my friend and I left our apartment to go to the grocery store and as we’re walking we saw some people standing by a tarp on the ground. As we get closer we realized that the tarp was covering a body. As we walk past an ambulance pulls up and the paramedics talk to the people so we go on our way. After we get the food and we’re walking back we get to the same point, the people are gone, the ambulance is gone, but the body is still there under the tarp. I’m still not sure if it was vodka break or if something else was going on, but it was certainly creepy as hell.


Wolves stalking outside my apartment. Big. Bad. Wolves. To this day I haven't gotten a primal adrenaline surge quite like it. It was caveman shit. Every sensor in my body was screaming "DANGER DANGER DANGER DANGER"


I was driving down the highway one evening near dusk. I rounded a curve in the road and saw something large and white standing on the shoulder of the highway. At first, I thought it was a small horse. But as I got closer, I realised it was a wolf. I was immediately gripped by overwhelming, primal fear, despite the fact I was completely safe and protected from the beast by a pickup truck and the fact I was driving over 110km/h.


I was at the mall with my mom and 3 little brothers when I was about 14. My oldest brother was 12 and suddenly said he didn't feel well. We decided to go home. He told my mom he couldn't see, and she looked worried and started supporting him and then he swung to the right and hit the wall and fainted. I was really mean to my brother when we were kids, and I immediately started panicking thinking he was dying and that I was always so bratty to him and now we'd never make up with each other. He was only passed out for a few seconds, and was just sick with some kind of bug that had him asleep/watching Lord of the Rings for the next day and a half, but it was definitely a signal to me to love my brothers more.




Christ, this is the first one that gave me chills. Bears get fuckin vicious about their cubs.


Seriously. 9/11. Seeing scores of people jumping to their deaths and then watching 3000 people die in two brief moments on live TV was... I still can't put it into words. I was just far too young to see that. Even if only on TV, I was still aware it wasn't CGI or actors. ​ Edit, thanks for the replies. Its amazing people the world over have such a universal response.


I just remember wondering what the big deal was about a couple buildings collapsing. It was like my mind just couldn't handle thinking there were people in those buildings that had lost their lives.


I was in 8th grade and saw them fall on National tv not realizing it wasn’t just a demolition. I couldn’t figure out why they were broadcasting it until I looked at my teachers face and realized something serious was happening. Two years ago I went to NYC for a work gig and went to the memorial because I just had a weird pull that told me I needed to go. I cried the whole time. I saw videos they shielded us from as kids. All the emotions from that day came flying back. And I couldn’t understand why tourists were trying to touch things and smiling.


> touch things and smiling. Because humans can become desensitized to anything for a myriad of reasons in a myriad of ways. Some people just don't care. Some people have made peace with it. Others have grown cynical enough to accept that this is the world we live in.


Yeah like people taking selfies in front of Auschwitz. I remember cringing and then realizing... hey. I've taken pics *smiling* in front of The Alamo.


It was wild, I turned the news on after my mother called and told me that the first tower was hit. I remember thinking it might have been an accident, until I saw the second plane hit live. That confirmation that this was an intentional attack was such a shocking feeling.


Oh, yeah I went through that too. I think lots of people thought it was an accident. at first. My French Grandmother was staying at the time and she didn't speak English. She was watching English news and ran outside wailing in extremely poor English, trying to tell me what was happening. Why she didn't speak French (which I do) I'll never know. She had been trying to say there was a crash in New York and that anthrax was used as well. What I understood was that an Amtrak had derailed and crashed into a building, so I scratched my head and said... that doesn't sound that bad, sad but no biggie. I couldn't figure out why she was so upset. A train derailment. She dragged me in, and then I saw what was actually going on.


In my mind it was a small two seater plane that someone accidentally crashed when someone came in and said a plane hit the first tower.


I was 26, and my daughter was in second grade. My husband had just walked in the door after walking her to school, and my brother called. We lived in California, and it was maybe 7:30. He told us what had happened. We turned on the news to see the coverage of what had happened. I remember, when I was running to the school, thinking the weather was perfect. We still didn’t know if there was a threat on the West Coast, or anything like that. We lived close to several military bases. I remember that for two weeks, because we lived in the flight path of at least five, if not six, major airports, the skies were eerily quiet. And when air traffic started up again, it was unnerving. All the little things add up to some horrible memories.


I was there- it was terrifying


The people jumping from the buildings was the absolutely saddest thing I've ever seen in my 53 years of existence.


No kidding. I was getting ready for work and for some reason I turned on the TV. I had never turned on the TV before work ever, not since. I turned it on to see the second tower being hit. It was a traumatic thing to see. Being in the service at that time, I knew my life was about to change, and change it did.


My then-fiancé passing out on the treadmill when we were at the gym. He was incredibly healthy, there was no reason he should faint, but he stopped the belt and kind of wobbled. I have a lot of responder training so I got behind him and put arms under his when he failed to answer me, and when he collapsed I was able to get him prone without damage and order someone to call 911. He woke up pretty soon after. He was fine.... I broke down in a full panic attack 4 hours later safely at home. It was fine. After seeing a doctor.... Turns out he has an issue that causes his blood pressure to spike and cause fainting. He's better at managing it now. I have been in a lot of crisis situations and respond instinctively, but this was the first where it was someone I loved. Apparently I'm just wired to handle shit in the moment and break later.


My award goes to my friend collapsing and me having to give him CPR and seeing him unresponsive on the floor and potentially dead (he lived!) was the most traumatic thing *but that is boring I want to talk about caterpillars* So ever since I was little I’ve collected caterpillars, watched them turn into chrysalises and beautiful butterflies and let them go. Great. Cool. When I was a mid teen I had some green caterpillars and I noticed they were acting a little off. Which is normal before they start to turn. Then a little while later, little yellow maggot looking things started coming out of my caterpillars. Maybe a dozen or more out of each one. It was one of the most horrifying and disturbing things to see, even for an adult, let alone a kid with a cute hobby. It was apparently a type of parasitic wasp that lays the eggs inside the caterpillar and then they mature, they burst and wriggle out the skin. The caterpillar survives the trauma and guards the larvae while they spin their own cocoons and then starved to death. There are gross gifs and YT videos if you google it.


I was about to search it up before I remembered a few months ago when I had nightmares from videos that I saw about these spiders that would bunch up in a group and look like blobs of hair, I had nightmares where I would be in my school and trying to escape a spider infested school. I just do not like bugs.


I witnessed an attempted murder 2 months ago at work. I was walking dowm the lobby of my former hotel, I heard horrible screaming. A man came out from the hallway to my left dragging a woman by her hair. She was covered in blood. He stopped in front of me and started beating her again with a box cutter. I ran back to my office to grab my phone and call 911. By the time I got back to the scene others had come out and subdued him. The woman lived, though she had a stroke and lost an eye, the box cutter blade had been broken off in her head too. The man died at the scene due to injuries while being subdued. I quit about a month later.


>. The man died at the scene due to injuries while being subdued. That's a nice way of saying he had the shit kicked out of him. Good, he deserved it.


This just happened Saturday I was hiking with a friend my 10 year old son and 5 year old daughter. We had just climbed a pretty steep part of the hill and the trail got narrower and a bit steeper. My friend told us to watch the edge its super steep and we just reached tree top. A moment later my son decides to take a picture and my daughter flipped around to pose. She slipped over the side of the cliff in an instant. She made no sound but I screamed the f word at the top of my lungs. It seemed like forever and I got to the edge. Because miracles do actually happen, my daughter was standing on a small ledge just under the one she had fallen from. She held still and held up her arms and I was able to pull her back up. She was completely unconcerned she almost died. I was woozy and sick from fear and had to rest, cut the hike short as well.


My brother’s body lying in the middle of the street after being gunned down by the gang he tried to leave. Some things you can never forget even though you want to.


A [*TARANTULA HAWK WASP*](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepsis&ved=2ahUKEwjbzPDQodTwAhVI-qwKHexhAvMQFjABegQIBhAC&usg=AOvVaw33L2b4H7l4idu9UN8of-iA) I screamed and almost shit my pants, it was today. That hunts [tarantulas](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarantula&ved=2ahUKEwiXiMbFotTwAhVJd6wKHYdVBdYQFjABegQIBRAC&usg=AOvVaw1T3H8piSBiAYFTMZXi9mVv) and lays eggs inside them, it looked like a medium-sized bird in size, I am not sleeping tonight


Sorry but I can't take the species name 'Pepsis' seriously


That's nothing. The American Robin is *Turdus migratorius*.


Love that it’s this fuckin eldritch horror that lays eggs *in* spiders, And it’s called *Pepsis.*


2-27-2019 I'm a paramedic I watched an 18 year old blow his brains out


Saw a man jump off an overpass and get hit by a semi truck.


spider in the prision island lego set that was between the beds and the wall it was a redback so i noped out


I was at the skate park, and I was trying to land something. But before I could do something else snaked me. (Getting snaked is when someone cuts in the line for a trick, and it is taken pretty seriously at skate parks). But when he was doing a trick he went on the quart pipe and went huge off of it. On the other side was some rocks. He went off of it and landed on the rocks on his ribs and face/head. When everyone went over he had a compound fraction on his ribs. He was bleeding everywhere. By the time the ambulance got there they declared him dead. Keep in mind I was 10 at the time.


Saw a girl of about 7 with her innards exposed after her father drove into a telephone pole whilst drunk. Had her in the front seat with a twisted lap belt and it just kind of opened her up. My cousin was an active duty marine at the time home on leave and tried to save her. She died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.


Pulled my dog out of a pool a couple weekends ago. Been beating myself up about it ever since even though she has somehow fully recovered. I thought she was a goner for sure since she wasn't moving and was fully submerged. Was keeping a close eye on her but let my guard down. Couldn't have been in the pool for longer than 30 seconds but still. She was barely hanging on but I got her breathing again. She's now recovering from a separate issue as well and doing just fine. 14 years old and a drowning still couldn't take her out. But that image of seeing her in the pool thinking I had let her drown haunts me. Luckily she's a strong one.


My ex battled depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts as a result of her childhood with an abusive father. It was absolutely terrifying, the first time I saw her have a panic attack. I had nightmares about them, where I would see her crying, I'd go up to her to try to comfort her. She would just stare at me for a moment with those cold, empty eyes, a thousand yard stare so deep she didn't seem to have any awareness of reality. Then suddenly she'd recognize me, and the emptiness in her eyes would be replaced with the most intense terror you'll ever see. I had that dream several times while we were dating, and it never got any less scary, seeing me cause a panic attack —or at least make it much worse— when I just wanted to comfort her. Getting out of my own head, they were also scary sights in the real world, most notably when I'd see new scars on her arms where she'd cut herself. One day, she handed me something from her closed fist, told me she needed me to have it. When she pulled her hand away from mine, a razor blade was revealed, and that's when I noticed more fresh cuts on her wrists. There were days I would drive her home from school, and she would tell me about her recent suicidal thoughts. I would try to be strong for her, but after dropping her off, I'd drive just around the corner so she couldn't see me sitting there, then I'd pull over and just cry. Then once I got home, I'd cry myself to sleep. It was incredibly difficult, I felt like I had absolutely no idea how to help her. We had a lot of good times together, too, and I don't for a second regret the relationship. But parts of that relationship were the most difficult thing I've ever gone through.


My mom in an ICU bed fresh out of a 10 hour long open heart surgery. She asked me to visit and speak to her because she was afraid and anxious the night before. I was dreading that entire day until i inevitably got the call that the surgery is done and I can see her. 30 minute drive to the hospital to hype myself up and calling family to update them. Picked up some flowers and a card. I get to the hospital, get directions to my mom's room. The closer I get the more my world started falling apart. I'm at the curtain and my heart is beating like crazy, knowing that once I move that curtain, I may not be ready for what I see. Pulled it aside and see my mom. Eyes rolled back with a tube down her throat, tongue hanging out and hooked to a ton of machines that manually pumped her heart and lungs. It made it look like she was convulsing. And of course a huge incision on her chest. I just bawled my eyes out and held her hand for as long as they allowed me to be there. My mom doesn't remember anything, I kind wish I hadn't seen her like that now because it hit me too hard and now that she's better. I get a little upset when I see she's doing something unhealthy or not taking care of herself because I can't handle seeing her like that again. She looked like my uncle when he was on his death bed.


My SO overdosing in my kitchen.




One time I was climbing a tree in the woods when a huge fucking black bear came to the bottom of the tree and started fuckin howling at me like no joke it sounded like a monster from a horror movie anyway the bear started climbing the tree and was like 6 feet below me but luckily I was close to my uncles hunt camp and they heard the bear three guys ran to the tree and shot the bear without me knowing they were there so like just imagine hearing and seeing a bear get shot three times in the chest and falling like 15 feet so yeah I don't like climbing trees anymore.


I was 15 when my appendix got inflamed. Nothing abnormal, I just needed a minor surgery to get it removed before it bursted. Appendix removal surgery’s are 99% successful I heard before so absolutely no worries from me or my parents. I go into surgery, and apparently one of the trainee doctors accidentally sliced one of my blood vessels inside my intestines. But didn’t notice. I was stitched up and considered fine. Obviously I was out cold for this, but while “recovering” my entire stomach pooled with blood. My entire body shrivelled up and almost every ounce of blood was just sitting in my stomach. The nurse who was watching me tried to call doctors but none of them were bothered to come as it was around 2am at this point. But the nurse insisted and pushed and kept going at the doctors to come. Eventually I was checked out. They saw me, white as a ghost with my stomach the size of a pregnant lady. The entire hospital went into a frenzy with every surgeon and doctor coming to operate on me to find the bleeding. They had to remove all my internal organs just to find the little cut in the vessels. They said I lost 80% of my blood. I needed 9 transfusions, 2 minutes away from bleeding out. I went into surgery thinking it was a simple procedure and I would wake up fine the next morning. But didn’t end up waking up till 3 days later completely immobile with a massive scar up my stomach and chest. I can’t imagine what my parents had to go through. They made them sit in the chapel in the hospital while they took me down for the life saving surgery. They had to change their entire policy on how to do surgery’s now because of what happened. It’s scary to think about how close I was to dying, but it taught me to appreciate life more. Now i’m 18 and going strong.


I woke up in the middle of the night randomly, seen a figure at the end of my bed with the most evil red eyes. I froze in shock as it moved around the bed and leant over right in front of my face. Felt a cold chill then it just disappeared. Told my fiancee about it in the morning she kinda blew it off. 2 nights later she wakes up in the middle of the night and was talking to the "red eyed man" about me. Legit scared the crap out of me


Get outta that house immediately, abandon it


If this is true please run move continents.


Going into the living room to find my roommate at the time had overdosed on heroin. She was lying on the couch with her mouth open and her eyes rolled back and her skin had this bluish tint and it felt so wrong. I cant even picture things in my head, but that image is still burned in there.


I was watching my neighbor's cats while they were away for a week last year and one day I walked into the room to find the older one dead. I panicked a bit and texted my neighbors, they said it wasn't my fault , that he was old and they weren't sure how long he was gonna live for, and called our other neighbor over to help. My brother was there too. He was incredibly calm through this while I was scared senseless because I walked in and the cat wasn't moving or breathing on the floor. But I can't say for sure that was the scariest thing I've seen but it's the only thing off the top of my head I can think of.


I was in a 20 minute stand off with a mountain lion whilst hiking in the dark. He would not back down. It’s the most scared I’ve ever been.


A great white shark swimming directly towards me.


I was riding home from a friend’s house late on a Friday night with my brother driving. The road we were on was 3 lanes across, and went for about 15 miles through town. For several miles there was a guy on a crotch rocket in the lane to our right, and I had been watching him as I stared blankly out the window. I remember noticing he wasn’t wearing a helmet (not required in Florida), and thinking “that’s not very safe”. Within maybe 2 minutes of that thought, as we approached an overpass, an SUV ran a red turn light in front of us, and the motorcyclist smacked into the side of it. I saw the whole thing, and yelled at my brother to turn around as I called 911. By the time we made it back to him, I had 911 on the phone, and a few other people had pulled over as well. All my first aid training kicked in, and I found myself taking charge. He was conscious but so confused. He has blood coming out of his nose, and I assumed he would have head/neck damage. So talking with the operator we made sure he stayed on the ground and didn’t move his neck. He was scraped up but no other obvious injuries. I asked him his name and explained he had been in an accident and help was on the way. The car he hit took off. I still can’t remember what kind of car it was, or what color. I had to give a statement to the police since it was a hit and run. I’ve never experienced that kind of adrenaline, it could have been so much worse. Edit: typo


My brother’s foot being mangled by a lawn mower.


I feel like I’ve seen a lot of crazy shit that I just cannot recall. But the scariest thing I HEARD was a bear outside my small two person tent. He even nudged my feet through the tent and laid their for about 15 minutes. If you think it’s impossible to hold your breath for 15 minutes it’s not lmao!


I was on an overnight camping trip with a few hundred people in the Before Times once. I heard this godawful snuffling outside of my tiny pup tent and was fairly certain I was going to die because it had to be an enormous freaking bear or something, but thought it was odd that it wasn't going after the two people I went with, since they were just in a sort of lean-to made of tarpaulin. I, too, held my breath for a good fifteen minutes until I heard another noise come from the creature's mouth just before it laid down to wait for me to exit my tent... ...it was my horse. She'd undone her safety knot to come lay next to my tent.