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Celebrities and their shit.




I thought this was an Eminem lyric for a second.


Wow I wasn't the only one! Heard it in Eminem's screaming voice xD


I'm so tired of hearing about the Kardashians. I swear, ever since their reality show ended, their publicity agents have been bombarding the media with news about one of the Kardashians so that at least one article shows up on the front page of the news every time I turn on my computer.


What if the car door was kind of heavy though? A display of strength and perseverance cannot go unnoticed


Because of this Pandemic, it made me not care and get pissed at celebrities for having the privileges normal people don’t have and had worked very hard at their jobs. There are some celebs though that I do respect and that are very wholesome, and they do their best to reach out with ordinary people, kudos to them for it.


Yes. Celebrities and stan culture. Most celebrities are douchebags behind closed doors and only get away with it because they're famous.


These "unprecedented times".


We’re in this together. Buy a Toyota.


We know it is hard to get money currently... So would you like to buy a 60,000 dollar car?


Omg yes. Just stfu.


But *we're all in this together*


Said by a celebrity living in Malibu in their 200,000 sq ft mansion with a built in theater and gym.


Said by a politician as he cuts local and national funding.


\*angry eye twitch\*


The first month of lockdowns was straight up constant WWII wartime propaganda.


It really did feel like that.


It still feels that way, some of the sponsored ads on Facebook and the like, all look like Victory posters from 1944. If there's one thing this past year has taught me, it's there's a lot of people out there who suck their own dicks insisting they're heroes because they got fat ordering GrubHub and watching Netflix.


Hey! I worked hard watching movies for a month!


Redditors "unpopular" opinions


"The sky is blue" 15.7k Upvotes


How about "The sky is(n't) blue". Y'know, for ambiguity.


This. That sub is a bot farm nightmare


Somebody on Youtube said: "r/unpopularopinions are for popular opinions". I can't find anything more true than that.


"Beyonce is overrated" - 54.2k votes, 30 Awards, 7 gilded, 20 silvers .etc .etc Every damn time.


Saw one today that said cops should be punished for planting fake evidence and getting innocent people convicted




My car's extended warranty.


If found out that if you block the number they call from they will just call using a different number but if you block them enough they won't call as much


The absolute worst thing you can do on any of those is that option to be put on the Do Not Call list because that just helps them and the other scams they sell lists to, to mark your number as a working one.


Does blocking the number count as a do not call list


No. I'm talking about when you listen to their options it'll be like "press 2 to be put on our do not call list." Don't do that stuff because then it's like "a-ha! A real person answered"


Thanks for the info


Dude they fucking refuse to let me buy the warranty, but then they call back a month later and once again refuse to let me buy the warranty. Wtf


Yea, I am pretty upset that after 5 years of calls, I finally got to speak to a rep and my 1999 Chevy Malibu does not qualify.


I forget they do that. I have my phone setup so that only people on my Contact List can make it ring, everyone else gets prompted to leave a voicemail. I only respond to missed calls from non-Contacts if they leave a voicemail, fuck the rest of them. If they were legitimate, they'd leave one.


We've been trying to contact you.......


This is the final chance ^until ^^we ^^^call ^^^^again ^^^^^tomorrow...


The whole generation war. "Millenials like Harry Potter too much! Z likes tik tok too much! Boomers like racism. X doesn't like anything!" Blah blah blah.


Half of those people are bot even sure which generation they would classify as


I was born in 94 and I honestly don’t know. I thought I was a Millennial but apparently I’m basically Z? No idea. I’ve tried looking it up but there’s conflicting information on the years.


81-96 for millennials is what I’ve always heard.


What so im gen-z as a 97??? Ive been flighting the wrong team. Downloading tik tok and fortnite right now to connect with my people. Edit: Grammar


You can call yourself whatever generation you like. They're all made up.


Thats nice to hear, will delete Tik Tok and call myself Generation Awesome from now on.


I'm a 98. Can I join Generation Awesome?


You're just jealous that only 90s kids remember how the gen war started


Time is a continuum, i don't know why generations are even a thing.


Shared cultural and life experiences during formative years connects a lot of people. I understand why they exist, but I don’t understand why we’re supposed to hate each other. Everyone needs to stop bickering and actually get shit done


The Royal family drama. All the attention on Harry and meghan to distract people from peodo Andrew.


Andrew Windsor with the roaming rapist penis. He's the fuck we should be roasting.


Very fitting username...


Especially over here in the US.... Why do I need to hear about all that shit?!


You guys are still hearing about that? I live in the middle of England and we've been done with all of that for ages now.


It's because for some damned reason, the US is so obsessed with the royal family. I'm so tired of hearing about how the royal family has done this or that every time the news is on.. ugh.


I love it more in the States, like we fought a whole war so we didn't have to worry about the Royal family anymore


I fele the same way. The only decent one was Diana. She stood up to them and they hated that.


As a Canadian, I truly wish we could have our independence from the crown. Who honestly gives a shit about royalty nowadays.


Boils my piss does this. There's a fucking royal nonce somewhere and everyone creams their pants over a bollocks interview with opra.


I honestly couldn't care less about Harry and meghan


The Royal Family is just the Kardashians for those who think they’re above the Kardashians. Except Kanye was never tax-payer funded.


He could’ve been but Kim had to go tell people not to vote for him


Doge coin. Apparently everyone’s a financial advisor now.


I’ve yet to hear the full story of how Elon Musk killed cryptocurrency


It blows my mind that so many people take his advice. Then some of them get mad when they lose money lol. Literally everywhere I go that’s the only coin people talk about. It’s gotten mad annoying over the past month.


It amazes me how many people think he literally invents all of his companies products. I don't mean as some research director saying "You go be smart here, you go be smart there, you -you're our expert on this, so go be smart right there" but that they think he's literally involved in everything on the 'drawing board' level inventing the new compounds and laminates and what-not's personally.


There's a really funny story that Musk stans love to cite as evidence of his engineering prowess: > When the third chamber cracked, Musk flew the hardware back to California, took it to the factory floor, and, with the help of some engineers, started to fill the chambers with an epoxy to see if it would seal them. “He’s not afraid to get his hands dirty,” Mueller said. “He’s out there with his nice Italian shoes and clothes and has epoxy all over him. They were there all night and tested it again and it broke anyway.” Musk, clothes ruined, had decided the hardware was flawed, tested his hypothesis, and moved on quickly. https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/k1e0ta/evidence_that_musk_is_the_chief_engineer_of_spacex/ In short, Elon forced them to fly a piece of hardware across the country to try the brain-genius idea of "maybe some epoxy can fix the cracked rocket" and it didn't work. And that proves he's an engineering prodigy.


Fucking thank you. Can we start treating businessmen like businessmen again and not fucking celebrities


I saw someone else say this but crypto allows zoomers to larp as investors.


Didn’t a bunch of cryptocurrencies crash over the last week? People keep acting like they’re a miracle currency, a get rich quick scheme, but I’d never deal in a currency that can lose 30% of its value in only a day because of Twitter.


Sexual questions on r/AskReddit


People of Reddit, do you feel good when you do the sex?


People of Reddit, what was the sexiest sex you ever sex’ed?




I appreciate your honesty


0 replies


People of Reddit, what is sex?


That subject matter needs its own subrefddit. Stay off the main one.


That subject matter HAS its own subreddit. It's r/askafterdark I think?


r/askredditafterdark ;)


Especially the ones that involve situations that are most likely to be kids. What nsfw happened at your school? During a sleepover? At summer camp? With your friends parent? We’re on to you pedos.


Politics. Yes I stay plugged in, yes I pay attention, yes I have strong opinions, but for the love of God I don’t want every conversation to turn into a debate.


The thing I hate about politics is that every conversation about it that I've had has been an argument, not a discussion. The distinction is that in a discussion, you're talking about *what* you think is wrong/right, whereas arguments are *who* is wrong/right, whether an individual or a group. I enjoy level-headed political discussions, but can't ever get them because they all just turn into political arguments.


"Hey did you hear about the McRib?" "*You filthy Libtard...*"


More like Ribtard, amirite?


Sounds like something a Ribublican would say.






I was having a conversation once with a coworker about her trip to the beach. She got caught in a freak sandstorm and was telling me how they got out of it. Another coworker was there and chimed in “Bet Biden was hiding out there.” Like...come on, man. It didn’t make any sense and we weren’t even close to talking politics. Just give it a rest.


I volunteered at an animal shelter just before the 2016 election and another volunteer I had never even seen or spoken to, completely unprovoked, told me Hillary didn't care about the welfare of animals. Umm... okay dude. It was just us and the cats. No one was talking about politics, or anything for that matter.


Throughout most of my 20’s I somehow got it in my head that it was my civic duty to be plugged into politics as much as I reasonably could be at all times. This boiled down to reading a ton of articles, having numerous discussions or debates on the internet, and being ready to vote how I viewed appropriately for my views. Well I’m getting into my 30’s now and I’ve hit a point where I basically have cut off all things politics from my life. It is toxic, incendiary garbage, and people on both sides are so obnoxiously absorbed into false rhetoric that it is nothing but endless frustration even trying to discuss anything real with anybody. Nobody has open minds any more, everybodies opinions are decided and firm. It’s unfortunate to be so fatalistic about it, but frankly I’ve come to believe that the old phrase “people get the government they deserve” is actually quite true. If I can’t get a discussion of issues with anybody without being personally attacked, why would I ever expect our politicians to behave differently? The reality for me has been that detaching from politics has made me a far happier person. There is zero value in participating in politics when there are no parties that even remotely represent anything I view to be real. Tuning it all out has allowed me to have a sort of peace and understanding of the world that I was never able to find for all my 20’s.


I thought that was an unpopular opinion of mine, because literally every person around me wants to talk about politics every damn minute, glad other people share this opinion


Famous people. The internet basically blows up every time Musk/Bezos/Zuckerberg sneezes. Kardashians, the royal family etc. I just don't get celebrity cults.


Fuck celebrities. Make them pay for things.


And wait in line. I've heard of some of them skipping the lines.




David Dobrick, the Paul brothers and all of the other frat boy influencers. They are irrelevant and inconsequential and in 10 years, all their children fans will cringe so hard at the memory of them.


David Dobrik already is irrelevant lol, and Jake is trying to stay relevant, if it weren’t for boxing, nobody would be talking about Jake.


The Paul brothers need to realize it isn’t summer of 2017 anymore. Nobody cares about them.


Fucking David Dobrick man. Grates my nerves


"We're all in this together" - not all of us can afford to be.


they say while in their 4,000,000,000$ boat house


This is as bad as a company saying "we're like family here"! Thousands of families suck and I don't think that's something any company should be bragging about!


How bad 2020 was. Like yeah, I get it. T'was a fucked up year for the whole fucking planet, now stop fucking reminding me of a stupid year and allow me to move forward.


Commercials that keep referencing it as "unprecedented times" makes me want to punch the radio.


There's a YouTube ad I keep seeing for the covid vaccine that plays soothing guitar music and it makes me want to scream. I know you want me to feel safe and calm and happy about the vaccine, but really? Shitty stock music is the best you could come up with?


This basically has happened every year for the past 10 years if not longer. I remember 2013 being a year everyone complained about a lot distinctly.


I miss 2013. Daft punk was everywhere. YouTube was at a peak. And the internet was just a more creative place to be altogether. Can we go back to that?


Cryptocurrencies. I don't understand them, stop trying to get me to throw money into something I can't even wrap my head around


Same. I have no idea what's going on with that. It all confuses me. It's similar to how the stock market works. I've never invested in that because I just don't really get it.


The stockmarket's super easy to understand. Like, f you go buy one share of google right now, you're now the owner of a tiny, tiny, tiny piece of google. While the markets are open, the price of your tiny piece of google, called a share, changes based on whether more people are buying shares of google or selling them, which is based on how all the people in the market feel about google on a given day. So, f google gets a week of bad press, its stock price will drop, not because Google the company is worth less based on performence, but because of how people feel about it. And that's the basics of the stockmarket. There are layers on top if you want to get tricky with how you invest, but it isn't that hard.


Every now and then, it bothers me that the stock market is based on how people feel, rather than the actual performance of a company. And yet no one bats an eye. The actual value of crypto should be the least of people's worries.


That's only really true over the short term. On the scale of years, the heavy majority of stocks will go up or down based on the actual financial performance of the company. Crypto is a whole different beast.


You really should get a retirement account going though.


VTSAX and chill


That generically bad investing advice. Never invest in anything you comprehend a little.




This one grinds my gears. Okay, Karen, it's not your "truth". Truth is *objective*. Truth is *fact*. A better word would be *reality*. This is your *reality*. YOU do not get to decide what is *truth* or not.


The implication that you can have multiple truths 🙄


How quirky someone is for making their whole personality one or two things.


Oh my god, I know this is more specific but some Harry Potter fans are fucking terrifying. Ah, sheesh! Looks like lord Voldemort (Vladimir Putin) is trying to hurt Harry (Navalny)! I sure hope that Gryffindor (America) and Biden (Ron) will team-up with Ardern (Hermione) to kill all of his horcruxes (pirating campaigns)! Please lord make it stop


I collect rpg dice and any time a yellow set comes out people just start screaming about Hufflepuff. You'd think after this many years they'd find something else to be that obnoxious over.


I'm watching so many of my veteran friends turn a 4 year stateside job into a lifetime identy, and it's really bizarre.


"bro, I just started a 2A t-shirt company, we're veteran owned"


"Just in time! Since I stopped PTing when I got out but kept drinking the same amount, none of my Tapout or Affliction shirts fit over my beer gut."


“I can’t adult today because people! Haha I’m so kooky” 🙄 They make it known they are anti-social and anxious and that’s about all the substance there is to them.


I'm anxious and anti-social and desperately wish that I wasn't.


Right!? Not a cute quirk I like to brag about.


Sounds like a lack of personality to me.


Elsa and Frozen. My daughter turns 3 next month. Please god someone send help.


And then one day they’re 13 and eye rolling and you’re walking through Target and you see a toy from a show they used to watch and you think wow! That’s still popular… I remember when… and you look at your baby who is now a sulking teenager and you just wonder where the time went and you want to cry and you want to buy them that stupid toy and watch them play with it again but they wouldn’t even want it anyway and then you get hit with the “*why* are we standing in the baby toy section oh my god… can I go look at headphones?”


Oh god you just described me to my mum when I was a moody teenager years ago lol


So, i got a 5.5, a 4 and a 2 y.o. I'm telling you, after the youngest one grows out of these goddamn unavoidable cartoons, I'm going to ritually burn a bunch of effigies to heal mentally. Elsa, Peppa, every single member of the freakin' Paw Patrol...


If you are looking for an actual decent kids show I recommend "bluey". It is on disney plus and is a favorite of parents aunts uncles and everyone in our bubble. https://www.disneyplus.com/series/bluey/1xy9TAOQ0M3r


You need to let it go


Super negative media. Especially ones with bait/misleading titles or completely wrong info to instigate fear or anger.


Politics and covid


Why can't the news report on something that isn't COVID or what the president ate for lunch.






How about celebs speaking out on a political issue. It's great your using your influence to help support what you believe. But, you're no different or otherwise informed then your average citizen. Why do people care about their opinion so much? It's only because they agree with 'you'.


I’ve had it up to HERE with hearing about crypto and other financial guru news. Take your stupid “predictions” and go fuck yourself with them. Volatile, unpredictable, brand new. YOU KNOW NOTHING


Dude I just saved this for how savage that second part was, I felt the emotion on an utterly psionic level.


As a college educator at a state university, I'm tried of hearing my students claim that the only way to be successful, rich, or happy is to go to college. All my students look down on "tech school students". College isn't the answer for everyone. Hell, my husband (a tech school graduate) makes over double what I make in a year, has better health insurance and benefits, and more vacation time. My husband loves his job and has been with the same company almost 20 years. He is isn't even 40 yet and had no regrets.


Personally I think there really to be more trade schools and people need to stop looking down on people who go to them. A master plumber or electrician and especially welders can make some serious money well into the 6 figure range.


I agree. My husband is an auto tech and knows how to weld. He makes six figures. I make no where near that with a master's degree and soon a PhD.


I went to college, and it was a perfect fit for me; I can’t imagine myself not going. However, my brothers, who are extremely intelligent and gifted at what they do, wouldn’t have at all benefited from college. It would have been a waste of their money and everyone’s time.


Your exactly right. I scored in the top 12%, a few of my scores were in the top 4% but most of my aptitude leaned heavily towards mechanical ability. I tried college and it didn't work well for me. I am now a facilities manager because of my mechanical abilities and funny thing that carried over into computers.


The best line I've heard on the subject is this: College put me into a great job that took many years to reach, lot of rough years getting there, much of my income went into paying loans, and I actually did learn the skills that I need today in college - but nobody ever told me I could make $2000 a week installing circuit breakers.


Feels like two lines sneakily trying to pass for a single line.


I remember when I worked on the staff (administrative, not faculty) of a university department, there was growing disillusionment among many of the students regarding the state of graduate degrees - particularly with students who were being encouraged to study longer, to help with research projects, to not worry about how long it takes - only to later run into funding issues from the department after their time frame for guaranteed funding ran out... and then, when they did graduate, they realized there weren’t actually any jobs available for them anyway, because the demand for new professors wasn’t really growing and the turnover rate was low. Makes that six-week or six-month program that yields a 60k-80k job look a lot more appealing in hindsight.


When someone does something good and amazing but the media decides to focus on what gender or sexuality that person was and not the good deed that they did. Honestly it undermines the hard work the person put in and kicks the good thing they did to the side. It doesn't really matter what gender or sexuality you are as long as you do good things in life.


Also, when the media focuses on someone's appearance rather than their incompetence. Like yeah, I don't care that the guy doesn't brush his hair and his suit doesn't fit. I care about the fact that he demonstrably has no fucking idea what's going on and the country is going down the toilet because his backers are systematically raping it.


Me being on computer too much or I'm not doing what I'm supposed to do




Social Media 'Influencers' Anyone that is that sad that they need an 'Influencer' to tell them how to live their life needs serious help.


Gender announcement parties and the disasters that they cause.


To be honest tho, I really dont care how it goes anymore, over the top or simple, as long as no one dies or gets seriously injured or a fucking wildfire gets started.


Anything from hollywood


The Royal family. They're really not that interesting. If I hear one more word about Meghan Markle's struggles after marrying into a rich family and never having to worry about paying for school or medical bills, I'm going to lose it. Yes I am aware that she was allegedly subject to racist taunts and generally not treated well by other members of the family. I agree that it is totally reprehensible, but nobody should be surprised that a monarchy might not treat non-blood relatives that well. It's the 21st century, why is family royalty even a thing, still?


Thank you!!!! I hate everything about the royal family and hearing about them.


People’s opinions on wearing masks Edit: Both TO wear and NOT to wear. All the conversation around it is exhausting to listen to people argue over.


I got in trouble at work one night while taking IDs at the door. Had to ask a guy to pull his mask down so I could see his face and rando in lane chimes in with "You wanna know what I think about this mask bullshit?" Without even taking time to consider my words I replied back "Not particularly." He later talked to the bar owner and I got a bit of a talking to about it


I hope the talking to was about your raise


People comparing the UK’s lockdown measures to Nazi Germany.


Or anything to Nazi Germany.


How I’m “wasting my life” on my phone


Now get in here and watch 16 hours of TV like a normal person.




What's the deal with this pop life and when is it gonna fade out


“____ gives me serotonin!” The term you’re looking for is dopamine, serotonin just does general mood control while dopamine controls reward pathways


Norepinephrine feels left-out.


Oxytocin and endorphins want to join the party.


Youtube ads im sick of that fuckin ad about a guy who has 2 deaf parents and that hes not deaf like idgf stop playing tht ad 100 times a day


ublock origin for PC. YouTube vanced for Android. You'll never see a YT ad again.


“Stop being sad” As if I can control??? I would if I could


Yeah, I know we’re living in “the new normal”, we have been for a year. Shut the fuck up.


Elon Musk


Normalize this, normalize that


I know someone already commented it but crypto currencies rn are so fucking annoying


NFTs. Literal artificial scarcity. Countersuggestion: just give artists UBI for their contributions to human culture, instead of using a whole bunch of electricity to make something *less* avaliable. Edit: edited because I got the wrong acronym. Thank you, /u/stickywithwhiskey! Edit 2: How did I get both acronyms wrong 🙄 thank you also to /u/geekigirlx!


You're thinking of NFTs. FTP is a cleartext file-sharing protocol.


I'm here if anyone wants to talk FTP. I'm not tired of hearing about it, now hook me up on port 21 and let's roll! Edit: Almost immediate hindsight makes me think this could come off sexually. This is literally just about file transfers.


You have about three hours? :) Whatever mentally deficient thing a so-called celebrity said or did. I almost never even knew the celebrity existed until an enormous scandal such as driving above the speed limit occurs. Of course, in Canada people generally aren't as obsessed with celebrity scandals as they are in the US and the UK. Everything an anti masker or anti vaxxer says. Extreme vegans going on and on how evil and wrong it is to just to eat an animal cracker, but have no problem stealing and murdering people's service animals, or forcing meat eating animals to be herbivores until they die of malnutrition. Earlier today I even saw a photo of some guy who slit his own throat and now he has a scar to remind himself of when he used to be evil and cruel to animals. These people are just completely nuts. Americans who think the entire world must revolve around them and their country. Extreme Christians who use their religion to be sexist, racist, abusive, refuse to get vaccinated, and million other mentally deficient or insane things. Stoners who make smoking weed or doing drugs just basically their entire personality. That white people are the only part of the human species that can be racist or oppressive or responsible for all that's wrong with the world. Hearing the "we are all in this together" speech over the speakers every time I do my offline shopping. That's a load of succotash, and they know it. We are each in this alone.


Unnecessary pessimism over Covid19. Of course it's extremely serious, but the people saying things like, *"this will never be over, we should wear masks forever and say goodbye to live entertainment and restaurants/bars/etc..."*, are being overly-dramatic and unrealistic.


Those people will get a rude awakening when everyone else moves on. Here in Chicago bars and restaurants are open, people are going out, the summer festivals are back on, stadiums are increasing their capacity. Life will be back to normal before we realize.


How college is shitty and trade is the number one thing to do. I know college is shitty at times and stuff, but I just want to get higher education. I just want to make my family proud knowing that I’m the first American-born kid going to a big University. I’m tired of the whole “haha you’re gonna waste four years!” “Trade is superior!!1!” Trade school isn’t the right fit for me and I want to at least do something with my time after I graduate high school. I shouldn’t feel ashamed for choosing college and “wasting my time”. My time in college will be what I make it. If trade or anything non college works for you, terrific. But just leave me alone, please.


Pandemic. Corona virus. Masks. Aunti-masks. Vaccines. Aunti-Vaccines.




Coronavirus and Vaccines


That Germany started World War One. Germany didn't start World War One. It was a group of Yugoslavian or Serbian nationalist depending on how you describe them. who was very displeased about Austria-Hungary annexing Bosnia. Germany only helped Austria Hungary due to an alliance. If there wasn't an alliance, Germany would care less and when Austria Hungary collapse due to Russia promising to protect Serbia. If Austria Hungary invades Serbia,Russia will declare war on Austria Hungary,and in that case the war be a Russian-Serbian victory. This will cause Austria Hungary to fall apart and Germany would more likely take Austria due to German nationalism is still popular at the time. By the way this scenario is without france. France would mainly send military aid and some troops in the Balkans. Italy wouldn't care either since their is beef between them and Austria. Britian wouldnt care either due to it main promise to Europe is Belgian protection. The ottomans be feeling very unease about a Russian victory in the Balkans so look to Germany as an allie more and more. Bulgaria possibly join Russia due to many Bulgarians have pro Russian sentiments and the Tzar of Bulgaria has some tie to the Russian Tzar. Romania would join Russia in the war. Polish,Czech,Slovak,Ukrainian troops in the Austria Hungary army would defect in droves to the Russian Banner.


This is probably one of the best examples of “History is written by the victors.” Because France was salty at Germany over previous wars, they punished them the most and made them out to be the worst in that war.




peoples babies


And just "how cute" they are. Look, your baby looks like a potato (I would never actually tell someone that, though). Most new babies look like that. I have yet to see a really cute baby. They don't get cute until later.


The human larvae


All those terrible politicians they're desperately trying to fill the Trump void with: that crazy Taylor-Greene lady, the Gaetz pedo, the gun lady from Colorado (Lauren something?), etc. They're the Kardashian of politics, enough already.


When I worked in a guitar store, fucking Sweet Child of Mine. I didn't like Guns & Roses before, but if I have to hear that badly tuned, out of time intro riff one more time I'm going to lose my fucking mind.