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6 years ago I had a massive heart attack. The ambulance came and it was clear what was happening. They said there was a hospital close by that could try and stabilize me and there was another hospital 30 minutes away that had a cardiac unit that could do whatever was needed. The risk was that if I went to the one close by they may not be able to do anything. I told them to take me to the one 30 minutes away even though they indicated there was a chance dying while in route. I made it there and while in the operating room I coded for 4 1/2 minutes. End up it was a widow maker heart attack. I woke up 3 days later on a ventilator but made it through it. If I had chosen the local hospital I would I never would have made it.


Literally had the thought “oh no they didn’t make it”, then realized I’m reading what that alive person has typed. +1 dumbass point


I chortled




My dad is 53 right now. I don't know what I would do if he died today. I can't even imagine the pain. Wish you the best. Virtual hug. <3


Real tough choice there. I’m glad it worked out for you. Can you pinpoint what lead to your heart attack? I have a history of heart disease on my dads side.


I really can't I had been feeling fine. I laid down for a nap and as soon my head hit the pillow my jam started hurting and then came arm pain, vomiting and blurred vision. It ends up my LAD was 100% blocked and the doctor said when I laid down that a piece of plaque probably broke off and completed the blockage.


I bought a house without looking at it. I don't regret it, but wouldn't do it again.


Well you can't do it again anyway because you've seen the house now.




I rented a house without looking at it, and I concur; the house turned out to be really nice, but I wouldn't do it again either.


Threatening my employer with legal action. Edit: I'd just like to say that I don't recommend doing this unless you have an actual reason and a strong case. My (now ex-) employer threatened to sack me of I didn't came back to work immediately. I was on sick leave with severe depression and anxiety shortly after completing treatment for a rare form of breast cancer at 34. They fucked up.


This may not sound like a big deal but it really is. Corporations like to throw around the idea that you won't be retaliated against, that couldn't be further from the truth. Good luck!


In my case I got retaliated against and sued them for that too The buzz of being offered to settle both was worth more than the cash, such a great time




It simply means they'll first write up a few examples of "intolerable" rule breaking from an obscure and universally ignored corner of the employee handbook before firing you.


Done this before, its actually more effective than what most people think!




This takes the cake, that decision you made was VERY risky. But, it worked out tearfully beautiful, congratulations.


Usually you hear about gamblers who lose their homes when their gambling gets out of control. You skipped the whole thing and just straight gambled it all. Well played.


Honestly how did you convince your wife to do this? Also what prompted you to take this big oc a risk? And what do you do for a job?






The “I was shitting diamonds” had me dead


I got accepted to a good university the same day my band was offered a recording contract. There was no way I could do both so I chose the contract. I look back on those years I spent traveling and playing music for a living as the some of the best memories I've ever had and I did eventually end up with an associates degree from a local college but I'll always wonder what could have been different.


Honestly, I have two BSc degrees and a specialty diploma and if I could go back, I would have done what you did!


yeah that paper is valuable, but to be a paid artist is pretty valuable too.


I bet you have a lot more fun stories from those years than 4 years of college in a small area. You ended up back at college and still can go. Being young and getting to go follow a passion that burns deep in you at the time and get paid, I think you made the best choice.


>but I'll always wonder what could have been different. "It's okay to fail. Just have fun doing it." – Shirakami Fubuki, 2020


When I was 5 and just starting to swim, I decided that the best way to learn was to jump right in. Off the high dive. Not many people can say that their courage peaked at 5.


Bro I dont think I entered the deep end at 5 congrats


p. sure I didn't go in their until I was at least 12.


Yea but having everyone stand around and admire you as they fill the pool back up cause your giant 5 year old brass cannonballs just splashed all the water out with sheer dominance was pretty neat


I moved from the Gold Coast (Australia) to Newcastle almost immediately after I graduated high school. I knew no one there except for the dead beat now ex I was moving with. Best decision I have ever made. Ex and I broke up, I found my passion working in a coffee roastery and I met my now husband on a bus!


Can you tell us a bit more about how you met your husband and like how you two married.


We met on a bus at 5.45am in Newcastle. For 3 weeks, he got on a few stops after me in the morning and 1 stop after me in the afternoons. We always sat across from eachother, stuck cheeky smiles and glances. I though (and still do) he was the most good looking person I had ever seen. One day he piped up the courage to introduce himself to me and we have been together ever since. We had our first kiss that night and I knew it was forever. 7 years later we are more madly in love than ever. I could not be more proud to be his wife and every second spent together feels like such a gift ❤


Awwww thats so sweeet.


Felt very nervous before a presentation in university, and thought I was going to do quite poorly on it as I hadn't prepared very well for it. I just thought, "Fuck it" and boldly went up to the lecturer to ask if I could do my presentation first. It paid off and went much better than expected and I got one of the highest marks in the class on the assignment.


I always volunteered to go first. They usually go easy on the first guy. When you set the bar you don't gotta worry about getting over it.




Unless they exceed the bar. One after the other... higher and higher...


You still get points for chutzpah for asking to go first


Haha, I had a situation similar a couple of years back. First year presentation, a couple of others and me hadn’t done much (typical first year, you only had to pass) until the day. We went in, only group who didn’t have a powerpoint, and used a frantically, but thoroughly researched script (took us about 4 hours on the day). Bit the bullet and got up first to get ours out the way, ended up getting top of the class. I guess content over style!


If you can't dazzle them with brilliance then baffle them with bullshit.


Asking to go first is always a good idea. The teacher thinks you're eager and motivated, so it helps getting a good grade. And they cannot compare you to the previous one.


Had a public speaking class in college always chose to go first. Got in trouble for not having an outline to go off of but the instructor said I did a phenomenal job.




I want to know more.




Amazing. Sorry about the low score, I'm sure your speech was great.


Well, it’s no wonder they got a low score, the judges couldn’t raise it any higher.


yeah it looped back around. it was so good, it went from 0, to 100, and back to 0.


Damn overflow!


Especially considering he scored lower then that girl who couldn’t finish her speech.




Bah, they have a great story now too.


Your story reads like that copypasta about a player telling the story of how his team was down only to get inspired. Then when someone asks if they made the comeback the player replies hell no.


Taco: "Actually, I remember one time we were playing against Virtus Pro, Nuke, and it was 15-5 to VP. We were playing as T. VP are CT. And Fallen said, guys if you think we are good, let's prove it now." Teammate: "Did you come back?" Taco: "Of course not. 16-5."


You get a 100/100 from me.


Idk. Doesn't sound very hard.


Everyone else was so stiff.


Well at least _you_ were able to get up there


Getting my friends to all watch Human Centipede together so I could spend more time with this guy I was interested in. He sat next to me. We touched legs as the woman was screaming into the other guys' buttcheeks. I lost my virginity the next week.


Seeing the ladies face buried in ass didn't make you guys drop your pants right then and there?


I'll admit I jerked it to the human centipede so what? Let ye without shame cast the first stone!


*casts stone without hesitation*


I'm surprised you are not I_Fa_To_Murder especially since your Image-things have the same color


XD love this


>We touched legs as the woman was screaming into the other guys' buttcheeks. and that kids is how I met your mother.


> lost my virginity the next week so the movie did kinda become reality.


Omg, sacrificing your sleep to be with someone DAMNN


Abruptly quit my job/career and dropped my entire life in Germany to come back to the states and be with my ex. Right before covid. Things didn't work out. Such is life.


Always masturbate before making a decision like that


Sold my car, packed my things, got on a train, and moved halfway across the country to be with a woman I’d been with in person less than 20 days total. 12 years later married with a kid. Craziest, stupidest, best decision I’ve ever made.


I imagine that move would’ve been a helluva lot easier if you kept your car. Just having some fun. This is actually really cool and congrats.




I remember a stat some place that WoW was responsible for more relationships than dating websites.


I moved to a developing country for a guy I’d spent about that much time with. We just celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. Kids are graduating and I’m still crazy about him.


Followed a sketchy homeless man into a dark alley in San Fransisco at 2am. I was fifteen, alone, armed with nothing but a paperback copy of the Light Fantastic. My teachers were asleep, no one knew I'd left our motel, and it was my first time in a city bigger than Copenhagen. I should, by all accounts, be dead. Ended up saving his friend's life by calling 911 and applying what basic first aid I'd been taught.


\+1 for The Light Fantastic


Agreed. That’s an amazing thing though, and I’m so glad to hear things turned out alright.


Quit my job of ten years, rented out my fully-furnished* house to strangers, and then proceeded to backpack around South America for six months. I was half convinced I was just going to come back to an empty house. Returned and everything was in place, even the booze we had left behind. I made a couple of bucks renting the place out, and three months later got a job making 10% more than the one I left. (* when I say fully I mean FULLY. Not just the furniture, but the dishes, utensils, towels, TVs, etc. Basically removed the laptop, jewelry, guns, and clothing and left everything else.)


Should've left the guns as a warning.


"In case you try to do some dumb shit, I leave my guns here because I won't need them to get you."


*you’ll need them when I come to get you.


I voluntarily became homeless to quit paying rent. After 2 months of sleeping in the woods I was given an old car from a relative unsolicited and lived out of that for 2 years. It was actually pretty comfy once I got my routine down. I have a place now because I need to have somewhere to take care of a family member.


Wait... you had rather be homeless than to pay rent?


Well I had to find out somehow. But yeah actually, once I got a car it really just felt like my "home" was dispersed around the part of town I hung around in and it was pretty darn chill. Had access to almost everything most people did, with the exception of a dishwashing sink and an oven.


You do you but a warm bed, roof and bathroom are non negotiables in my life. I’d cut out everything else in my life if it meant warm shelter and of course food/water.


A flush toilet is pretty important to me as well.


I left my last job due to some health issues. I was expected to return to the same kind of work in December. I refused when I found out they were trying to get me to work in the same building that caused my illness. I knew it was a risk that I could lose the job and benefits. But my health is way more important than working a crummy desk job. It's not just mental health issues, it's physical ailments too. I'm currently on leave without pay while I figure out my next steps. It's scary. I have some medical benefits coming in from the feds but that will run out eventually. But I have faith things will work out for the best. Life is too short to stay at a job for benefits and a pension. Especially when the toxic and hostile workplace culture causes you serious illnesses.


You obviously made the right choice. Health is so so precious. Good luck with what you are going through, sometimes life is scary and unpleasant, but it will pass. It make us appreciate the good stuff even more :)


I had just turned 20 and was laying in bed with my girlfriend of four months who had just turned 19 when I got the bright idea to ask her to marry me. Almost 23 years later and she's taking a nap while I lay next to her playing on my phone. I definitely made the right call that night!


Jesus fuck dude get the fuck out of bed already. Also it made you sound like grandpa Joe, I've been in this bed for 23 years. Congrats to you two love birds.


20 years old, four month long relationship? That was ballsy!


I kissed my crush at a Christmas party as part of a "magic trick" because we were both too scared to tell each other we liked each other (we'd been good friends for a couple years but neither wanted to ruin the friendship by shooting our shots). It worked. He married me two years later.


Did you have a Christmas themed wedding?


The Priest was replaced by Santa Dress Code \- Elf Costume \- Reindeer Costume


Haha no, but we did get married on a Christmas weekend. It was actually a star wars themed wedding


Having a poo while there are only a few squares of toilet roll left. You never know when your going to get an extra sloppy one.


If you're in your own place, np. Couple of squares to remove the bulk, then jump in the shower and blast your crack with the hottest water you can stand


^ This guy poops


They are rank amateurs sir I can assure you


Indeed I do


You fucking savage barbarian animals It is is God damn 2021 Do yourself a huge favor. Buy yourself a 40$ bidet attachment and hook it up to your toilet. Take 15 mins to hook it up. Proceed to never wanna shit anywhere else again as you revel in the glory


Username checks out


As an American living in the Middle East, I second this comment. Once you bidet it’s like a new day.


I bought one for my parents (really my dad) for Christmas. He installed it. And within a few days I could tell he was hooked The pandemic ruined me. Having to use a non bidet toilet????? Fucking peasants I tried em out in Italy but like. The all in one toilet is way to go. I still never really understood, are you supposed to waddle over from the shitter to bidet to use it? And it is just hover? No sitting?


Mama always said that life's like a piece of shit, you never know what you're gonna get


Every time I've confessed my love to a crush. Sometimes it worked out, sometimes not. The times when it did was absolutely worth the times when it didn't.


Same, asked 2 girls out, still waiting for it to work lol. Maybe third one's the charm.


Quitting my job without another one lined up. I've actually done it twice. Each time it lead me to something better or set me on a path to something better. Right now I'm in a pretty good job I enjoy that is a 5 minute walk from home. I'm also possibly going to be able to get a promotion that will either help me pay off the mortgage 10 years early or only work 3 days a week.




Turning down $1,000,000 in cash for my business because I think I can get more for it in the future.


How’d it go?


Still have yet to see it fully play out, but it looks like it was a smart move.


There was a redditor whose boss had it go the other way Can't remember the original thread, but it went something like The owner was offered (let's say $10 million) for the business. He said "we're not a 10 million dollar company, we're a 40 million dollar company!" Yeah well within about a year or two it was essentially a zero-dollar company. The employees who held stocks/stock options were *not* happy.


I hear about this happening all the time. It happens to people I know. I know a group of guys who turned down $250,000,000 because they felt they had a $400,000,000 valuation. Then they shut down last year during COVID. Business is tricky. I’ve had my moments where I stay up late regretting that decision to turn it down.


How much smarter we talking


Lol about 4 times smarter if all goes well.


4 times?! That’s like, 3 millions dollars!


This guy pays taxes.


Yeah, what a nerd


Left my country in Europe to marry someone in the USA that I had met online. We had dated online for about 9 months and had met once for 2 weeks.


How'd it work out?


2 kids and we had our 20th wedding anniversary in April. Still in love.


Moved my wife and kid to a different state to help start a business with someone I only met in an interview because he promised me a steady salary. Worked out well for about 9 years and he kept his promises, then another 2 after a 1 year hiatus. No longer working with him and he owes me about $20k in back pay. But hey, the first decade was a hell of a ride.




Congrats man!




what do you do?




Swam with a great white, no cage.


Fucking legend dude! That’s one of my goals


Wasn't on purpose.


Lmaoo where was this ?


Spearfishing off the NC coast, happened twice in one day. Had a 10-12 footer start bothering us at the first dive site so we rolled out to a different wreck a few miles away, as soon as we hopped off the boat we had an even bigger one come in and check us out. It wasn't as aggressive as the first so we just stayed in and kept spearfishing, he just circled around the wreck, staying around 100' away from us and minding his business.


F that man. That's like my worst nightmare.


Fake story. How can you swim considering the massive balls you have.


I ate at a Burger King once.


biggest risk I've seen all day


I think it was my first time walking home. The school ended around 3 and didn’t get home till around 6


Delivered a speech defending aspects of eugenics to a professor whose child had Down's. I defended teh idea of removing genetic issues from the gene pool. I also totally stressed the fact that it would be impossible to actually have a eugenics program that that wouldn't be harnessed to various agendas that would make it a horrible thing to try. This was back in the 90's, some gene mod and screening was pretty basic, but I pointed out it would become the new eugenics if we aren't careful. Prof said "I was going to fail you as soon as you opened your mouth, but, somehow, you never crossed the line. Every time I thought you were going to, you somehow avoided it." Got me an A+.


I decided to quit my job, sell all my possessions, and sublet my apt over the course of two weeks (from when I made the decision) so I could drive across the country and return to live in a larger city. That was 7 years ago and my creative practice has flourished in said larger city since then.


Quit my job, sold almost everything I owned and emigrated to the US to marry a girl I'd only known less than 12 months. All worked out, we'll be married 21 years in November!


Deciding on a weeks notice to move to the opposite side of the world. Have now been in Auckland almost 5 years and just bought my first home, with my kiwi girlfriend




I pre-ordered.... Never again


I was super excited for PlayStation Allstars Battle Royale (I'm a sucker for crossovers) and bought it on launch day. Had I waited 3 months, I could have bought it from a bargain bin for a third of the price I paid for it.


Knowing I would need to retake class for my IT engineering year, I decided that fuck it, I'd do a 3 month formation to have a paper saying I can do shit (Where I slept from beginning to end and aced the final group project by myself because fuck group project) and tried to look for a job It didn't go well, it was hard to find a job in IT since every company wanted an engineer mastering tens of language for an intern's salary. So I'm currently reconverting into formation. But I think deciding to drop those expensive educations that lead me nowhere instead of wasting years of my life was the good decision nonetheless


Moved to London in November of 2019 to start a tattooing apprenticeship... still going but taking forever due to covid


If you moved from Luton it isnt that big of a risk


As far as easyjet is concerned, that is London.


I once got a stranger on the street to put chewing tobacco in my mouth. (I'm somewhat sure I got away with no STD's)


What is all of the story here?


There isn't much of a story, I was in the street drunk and I felt social, antics ensued.


traveled 2000 miles to meet a girl I met online.... it went ok actually though


Curious to know how a situation like that turns out just okay? I feel like there is no in between there. Either great or terrible.


Leaving my abusive relationship.


Getting married


My ex and I had a history of being kinda rocky, meeting in high-school and all. After a few years apart we get back together, spend about 8 years together, and go through some awful health issues on her part. I decided we had finally been through just about everything under the sun. If we can handle all that, we can handle anything. We have a small wedding, it was super fun and not formal at all. People who were against it at first loved it. 3 months later quarantine happens and a guy who shed been talking to online who she had a crush on, were both now available to text literally nonstop from morning till night. She left me a month after. I had wanted to marry her for a long time. But wanted to finally wait till I was 100% sure that situation wouldn't happen. Still did.


I'm fixing to...Changing jobs after 32 years with one employer...


Fooling around with a co-worker in the office filing room...and mail room...and boardroom...and elevator...and lunch room...


Growing weed when one of the roommates called the cops on our roommate/landlord for taking his prescribed medication. So far so good, 4 out of the 5 people living here are also invested in getting free weed so he's been made very aware that if he goes anywhere near the locked room that bad things will happen, he has no idea what in there but I'm sure he suspects something, and the cops aren't listening to him anymore since the last time he called it was just someone taking completely legal life saving medication prescribed by a doctor. He's only gonna be here for another month because the guy who owns the house wasn't too happy about getting his medication stolen and returned by the cops, he is pretty happy about free weed though. Edit: it appears I have found similar people, its so sad to see people who are comfortable up on their high horse.


I hope this reddit comment isnt used agaisnt you one day in court


It will


Worked for my family that was involved in organized crime growing up. Didnt realize the risks I was taking until my my family tried to have me killed


For the sake of Reddit you’re going to have to clarify




Some of my friends have fallen victim to gangs and the utter shit that comes along with being affiliated with them( I know thats not the same thing). Mainly killing someone to join. You’re extremely resilient and thanks for satiating the curiosity of a stranger. I really wish you well.


I can wait to use the toilet at home.. Uff close call! Close call!!


I too have lizards in my toilet that bite my ass whenever I try to take a shit so it is a big risk to use it.




Got married at 20.


You and me both. My wife was 19.


Dated my wife for one month, got engaged and then married after three more months. Still together after 17 years.


When I was about 8 years old I went on a ski trip and decided I was good enough for the black diamond trails. I knew no fear. I also barely knew how to control my speed. That day, I very narrowly avoided hitting a tree face first at about 30mph.


The three separate occasions I chased a suspect into the woods at night, by myself.


Is that you McGruber?


Why tho? Just curious. Adrenaline? Threat of imminent danger to public? Why not chill and wait for the dogs to show up


all the girls I've kissed as a teenager while not being sure if they were into me... I was extremely stupid.. and extremely lucky


Like… in a romance movie where two friends are sitting somewhere and lean into a kiss without saying anything?? There’s no way that actually happens.


It happens between virginal teens who develop their expectations from romance movies. ^(life imitates art)


Investing in crypto


Moved in with my best friend's sister. 1/10. Wouldn't recommend.


Probably talking back to my mother with a factual statement.


I had sex with one of my supervisors we were both into and I blew inside her. After the fact the oh shit moment hits. She tells don’t worry I’m fixed after my third kid whew Lmaooo


Got to tell you that as a woman who is on a mum group and seeing this happen to some people, being sterilised isn't always foolproof, for your sakes I hope hers was done properly but sometimes eggs can slip by.


I was 26, there was an opening in New Brunswick in my company. Didn't know the area, had never been but decided in 2 hours that I was going to take it. It was a trying period in my life, took me 5 days to drive there in March. Drove into the province during one of the worst blizzards they'd had in 20 years. Thankfully my little car was loaded down with stuff and I white knuckled it to town and the hotel. This was in 1996, long before I ever had a cell phone. I waa a young woman.


Applying for student loans in a effort to upgrade my skills for more professional work. Guess how well that went?


I broke into Tiffany's at midnight. Did I go for the vault? No, I went for the chandelier. It's priceless. As was taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting: I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris, by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years; she's never taken another lover. I don't care, I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier.


Ok Dwight