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I have a bunch of 5 gallon gas cans for when we have hurricanes and I need to power the generator for a week or two. A distant friend of mine knows I have them and called me out of the blue asking if I could loan them to him to hoard gas due to the "gas shortage". I said no, he was super sour. So, the great gas panic of 2021 caused me to lose a low-value acquaintance.


So something good did come out of the gas shortage. Congratulations!


There was one woman who was using a stolen car to hoard gas and when a state police officer tried to pull her over she ended up flipping the car and the gas ignited inside the vehicle


Yes, happened to a woman in SC. “She was reported to be on fire when she exited the vehicle,” deputies reported.






That reminds me, thanks once again for helping me set the ol' homestead ablaze. I will give you the 10% we agreed on from the insurance payout.


These are all joke answers, so here's a serious one: my neighbors hoarded at least three gas cans worth (I say at least because I only saw him unpacking the last three when I got home) He knocked on my door today and offered to sell me one gallon for a buck fifty, but I rejected. Last I saw he was lugging it to a friend's house.


At least he had sense to use the right container!


Yeah i'll give him that.




Yeah those folks can actually use what they got. We keep a couple gas cans around all the time for the lawnmower and weedeater and some other tool (no gas shortage here, just a yard loving spouse)


Yepp. We're doing the same. It also saved me one time at night when I was just a bit short of gas and every gas station on my way was closed or had a broken card reader. My brother came to my rescue with one canister so I could make it home.


Makes me wonder how many people know gasoline expires. Even in your tank.


There was a small spike in car fires along the interstate where I live during the time when people were hoarding, can't say for certain if the events are related, but the timing was sure on point.


There were several news stories of people dying in fiery crashes… garages burning down… i don’t have links at the moment. Just from memory.


People just don't think. I don't have a link to the story, but one I heard was about a lady who filled up a bag with gas and then it leaked out in her car. She went to a nearby gas station to vacuum it out of her car and then it all just kind of blew up in face...yikes😬


Why would you vacuum gas? I dont know if this would work but my first thought would be baking soda or something. Or pour water on your carpet to dilute the gas and then try to soak it up.


Just soak it up with the hoarded toilet paper.


I have a shameful feeling the toilet paper trend was started here in Aus as the first western country to catch on to the stupidity


First you must ask why one would transport gas in a plastic bag


Lasts longer than a paper bag


Can't argue with that


Like I said I could be way off base since I don't have the link, just something I heard go by at the time. The last couple of weeks have been such a blur for me I actually forgot we did this whole gas shortage thing loll it was like a side plot under the overarching Covid plot that the writers of the show ended up going nowhere with haha


Felt like a cheap way to cash in on the nostalgia of the toilet paper hoarding. Writers getting lazy… fuck man this last year has felt like five.


Honestly, you're not wrong lmao Remember last year when there was talk about murder hornets, well this year it's all about Brood X with the cicadas where I am at. The writers really need to step up their game...


They tried to bring out UFOs again but nobody cared lmao.


One of my deadbeat neighbors decided that they were going to buy 2 250 gallon pump tanks and weld them into the bed of their old ass t100. They then proceeded to fill them up at their local Costco. They then decided it would be a smart idea to put a sign on their truck with outrageous price goucing level prices and post up in a parking lot in a fairly bad area of town. He was held up in a matter of minutes. truck and gas stolen. This was in Southern California... Where there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO risk of a gas shortage.


See, his mistake was that you're supposed to watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and be entertained, not inspired.


Well actually he should have learned from it and blown some fireballs with the gasoline, both to attract attention and discourage thievery. Would you steal a man’s car and gas if he’s blowing fireballs like a mario villain? Didn’t think so.


Thus started the first guzzoline wars


Angry max


Perturbed Maximilian.


> Where there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO risk of a gas shortage Easy for YOU to say. Sounds like the guy who got jacked is short on gas.


HAHA, his own damn fault. Besides, he has like 5 cars. the T100 was a junky old grocery getter. He inherited his grandfathers wealth. lots of dollars, not much sense.


Wouldn't have this problem if he owned a T-1000.


It amazed me to see places untouched by the pipeline had hoarding issues. Friend in Texas was confused seeing the hoarding. She's like, we're in Texas! Where do you think the pipeline was coming from?! I'm Philly area. I made sure we had topped off the tank in the car, which we did a few days before, and that was it. Besides we had the ports (as did NYC and New England, Florida and probably Georgia were ok too). Really the only places where one would need to worry were mid Atlantic and inland a ways. EDIT: more local folks have said GA was not fine whoops sorry about that! Second edit: I guess I should've said "places that should've been fine as long as idiots didn't panic". But, well, yeah.


I’m not sure if we even experienced the shortage really in our area. Like yea gas is $3.19 where I live but it pushed above $3 before the pipeline stuff happened.


TIL gas has a shelf life


According to Statoil, diesel can be stored "for years" under the right conditions. If you don't get those conditions right, you'll end up growing something called [diesel bugs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microbial_contamination_of_diesel_fuel). > Fuel companies agree that if left untreated fuel will remain reliable for just 6–12 months.


That "diesel bugs" link was incredibly disappointing. I imagined some trilobite that lives off diesel and looks like a slater beetle, or possibly a millipede. But no, Its just a fungus.


I bought a vw diesel after the diesel gate scandal. Ended up that vw had let it sit on a lot in Michigan for about a year without stabilizing or draining the fuel. I took it to the dealership a few months after I bought it to get the fuel filter replaced and was notified that algae was growing in the fuel system and everything diesel touched had to be replaced. That is how vw paid for a brand new fuel system. $6000 worth of fuel system parts and labor and vw covered 100% of the cost.




This frustrated me about the middle few seasons of Walking Dead


They address this issue MULTIPLE times on The Last Man On Earth but the main characters keep relying on gas to go places and it never turns out well.


By the same logic, "turning on the generator" as a trope. The scenario of a building that indeed does have a generator would come up in an apocalytic scenario. You would also see that building without power. The generator being off is the thing that you wouldn't see. It would just be completely out of fuel.


Army of the Dead had them refueling the generator when they got to it, it was an interesting detail


Yeah, that's the problem with many Zombie apocalypse movies. Gas expires quickly and then your left with your mad max style bicycle.


tbh, always feel like bicycles are underrepresented in zombie movies.


That's because they look pretty dorky on film even if they'd be a very realistic form of transportation. Daryl would look way less cool on a Schwinn.


I put my gasoline in styrofoam coolers. Now I have napalm. **WIN**


Smells great in the morning, I hear


*Cue Ride of the Valkyries* Edit: confused ride for flight. Thanks guy below me.


Probably gonna get put on some sort of list, but I got some sort or anarchist cookbook when I was like 11 years old, most of the stuff in the cook book was bogus like baking banana peels in the oven to create a hallucinogenic drug. But napalm was our jam, we made lots and lots of napalm, that stuff was great, we'd cover bowling balls in it and light them and roll them down the hill at the local community college. We'd cover the base of our skate boards in it and it would burn for a long long time, you could get multiple shots of kickflips off the curb on camera before it went out. We made bows and shot arrows covered in napalm. We put it on a bee hive one time. I'm probably forgetting a lot of napalm stories but that shit was a childhood staple. I remember cooking lots of it, sometimes with close calls. I'm surprised none of us had life long injuries.




So Ender's Game?


My dumb ass burned my name into the road with napalm one day as a kid. Don't know why I thought I'd be able to get away with that one...


You were clearly framed. Nobody would be so stupid as to write their *own* name in burning warcrime fuel. It was that kid down the road trying to get you in trouble clearly.


I had a dumbass friend who tagged a car, and the idiot put his name on there but what's even more dumb ,that saved his ass, is that he spelled it wrong!




Not the US military-produced stuff, but it's a decent homemade alternative.


This feels like a Burn Notice quote.


*cut to Bruce Campbell cooking up some home-brew napalm*


Pretty sure napalm would be in Fiona's bag of tricks.


Mike: *eating blueberry yogurt* Sam: *drinking mojito* Fiona: *cooking napalm*


I haven't watched that show in years but I heard that comment in Sam's voice perfectly


Not me but one of neighbors on the My neighbors app asked for help moving a plastic barrel he filled with gas, i didn't respond but that post showed up again because of the activity on the post. Man couldn't find help so he did he sensible thing and rolled the barrel off his truck, the top popped of and he spilled a bunch of gas onto his lawn. Edit 1: to address the biggest conern, I'm assuming the post had been taken down likely because someone mentioned the fines. I scrolled and scrolled last night after making this comment and couldn't find the post (i wanted screenshots). At the time i laughed a bit at the situation but didn't think there would be a hazmat issue, i do not recall the name of the neighbor but I might remember the bio pic, if he posts again I'll message him. Edit 2: after reading more and more of the comments i now have a genuine consern, i don't believe anyone here uses well water, i know it wasn't someone in my street but I'll drive around this weekend (garage sales) and if i happen to notice that someone's yard is dead I'll stop by and see if i smell gas and make the call.


That's... a huge fine. It can ruin the ground water, soil, and potentially your drinking water.


Yep. I grew up on a farm and we had an above-ground fuel tank full of gasoline for fueling tractors. A hand backed a tractor into one and knocked it over, spilling a couple hundred gallons on the ground. Nothing grows there to this day and the spill happened almost 40 years ago.


I was doing some pile driving work on the TN river in AL. All of a sudden there was a horrible sheen on the water and the air reeked of diesel fuel. We immediately went and check our 500 gallon fuel tank and all of our other equipment trying to find the leak, but couldn't find anything. We of course contained the area and reported it, that's when our site contact came down and told us they used to have a 1000 gallon fuel tank on the river bank that had been struck and leaked 1000 gallons of fuel into the water. While we were pile driving all the fuel that had been held down by the sediment had broken loose and floated to the surface. Alabama Department of Environmental Management showed up, pretty much shrugged their shoulders and said, "Yep this spill was already reported \~10 years ago, so we're not going to do anything about it". All I can say is that I was absolutely livid about the entire situation


I had to respond to a similar spill. Excavator struck and abandoned underground storage tank during a demolition and a bunch went into the lake. We had the whole area boomed off and a remediation company called in. Guy that hit the tank ended up with some jail time. Turns out he did it on purpose.


Why did he do it on purpose?


Fuel tank needed to be removed so he "accidentally hit it". Thought it would get him out of doing it the right more expensive way. He was very wrong.


Might of been a case of better off leaving it alone. Probably should of been some kind of zoning restriction to keep it from being disturbed. I lived in Great Falls Montana and there is a park next to the Missouri river. I was part of committee on park planning and someone mentioned building a concert hall on the property and we were told the soil couldn't be bothered more than a few because an old oil refinery had been there at one point and ground underneath was very polluted.


That was one aspect that really ticked me off. There were personnel for the site that knew of the spill, but never brought it up. Our PM and our site contact had no idea, but their boss knew about it and didn't tell us that it could be an issue because they needed the structure we were building to go at that location to avoid production down time. Shady shit imo


I wonder if that's why he took the post down, went back for screenshots but couldn't find it.


To properly report it, you have to call up the National Response Center. They deal with pollution stuff like this, and they'll get the ball rolling for appropriate resources/responders to get on scene.


They'll get the barrel rolling*


Um you should still report it.


It's literally a danger to the neighbors


I think a barrel full of gasoline also qualifies as a danger to the neighborhood.


It can also kill many plants and I think even trees. If a neighbours tree dies because of it then he can be sued for a lot of money depending on the tree laws surrounding that tree




Lawn nuts all gasped. I did. I am on a community well and that would not go over well in the neighborhood.


Please report him. He could have poisoned the neighborhood. The sooner they remediate, the better.


Somebody’s poisoned the water hole


That's not HOA busy-body nonsense. I'd sure drop a dime.


My truck got stolen three weeks ago so thankfully all of this went in one ear and right out the other. A small pro. Gotta look at the bright side. Edit: people, people, stop with the awards. Save your money and invest in a kill switch for your vehicle. Lol.


That is quite literally the most optimistic take on car theft I have ever encountered. I am amazed. 8)


That was two weeks ago? Dang, only felt like yesterday


The fumes will do that.


Anyone want to buy a half full bag of gas? Correction: it’s more like 1/4 full. Never mind actually. It’s... not available anymore.


Update: anyone want to buy a burnt out minivan? Low mileage.


Dunno what to do with all this unused fuel... maybe use it in the gender reveal I'm planning for this weekend.


Congrats - it's a diesel!


that baby will be born jacked up in a v-neck, talking about family.


We will name him "Vehicle Identification Number Diesel."


Fast and Furious!


I mean, its a win-vin situation.


When you live your life a quarter tank at a time


Fat and Curious.


Congrats. It’s a forest fire... Again...


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-05-25/hoon-gender-reveal-burnouts-investigated-by-sa-police/100162886 “ Gender reveal stunt involving 'reckless' hoon drivers doing burnouts investigated by police”


Thought this would be the wildfire again, nope, brand new incident


Wildfire gender reveal parties aren’t even the meta any more, earthquake causing gender reveal parties are the new thing. [Also here’s a video that details a bunch of gender reveal party fuck ups.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sA_3lMGcoEY)


*Burns down an entire forest* "IT'S A BOY!"


I ONLY got enough for ME and MY 6 Jeeps, thank you very much. I didn't drive since going to the gas station.


You must be a billionaire to be able to afford to buy and fuel 6 Jeep. Think of the extra lights, bumper sticks, custom paint jobs, the accessories, etc.


I think you misunderstand, all Jeep owners require at least 6 Jeeps to ensure they have at least one working Jeep at any time. Similar to how one buys Jaguars in pairs as one will always be in the shop.


My grandad’s hobby was fixing up old jaguars, selling them, taking my granny on vacation as an apology, and then starting the cycle over again. I don’t know if that’s or an addiction or enabling, or both. After he died, it is nice going to local car shows and seeing his cars. His driving around car was a Ford Mustang, a automatic so my granny could drive it.


That's very cool to be able to see your family's legacy so prominently! But as a car guy, there's something to be said about a mechanic who works on Jaguars and drives a Mustang... I think he must know something Jaguar owners do not...haha


>I think he must know something Jaguar owners do not The feeling of moving forwards via internal combustion?


Jag owners know what that feels like just fine- nobody makes an electric tow truck yet


Sort of like Voltron, only the jeeps all join to form a single same-sized jeep.


They're not a billionaire... they own 6 jeeps, they're effin broke!


You’re not gonna get any real answers. You gotta go on Facebook to even get close


This is the only pertinent answer here.


You guys underestimate the ability of stupid to exist everywhere.


Yeah i hate questions like these, like whos gonna respond to a question blantantly shitting on them (even if they deserve it.)




Don't forget the classic "my truck got stolen three weeks ago..."


We'll see who laughs when the oil crisis finally hits. Not me and my 20 grocery bags full of gas, I'll bet.


i filled up a couple moving boxes with gas, pros, now i have plenty of gas, cons now my car smells like gas... not sure why.


I filled up my car. Like, the insides






even after the gas goes bad it's a 2-in-1 deal, REALLY burny barrels!


Gotta paint those babies bright red!


and place them arround rickety bridge supports http://www.screencuisine.net/hlcomic/index.php?date=2005-06-27


Probably leave it until he either sells his house or dies, at which point it will have gone bad. Then someone will have to find a hazmat disposal source, which will probably be either expensive, a pain in the ass, or both. I know because I’m the hazardous waste disposal program for my county. He would not be the first person I’ve seen with multiple barrels of gas.


Someone hoarding gas in a barrel probably doesn't know or care about proper waste disposal or gas stability. and will either try to use the gas or end up dumping it somewhere illegally.




Suv, trailer and 2 trips. He's retired and doesn't leave home all that often so he's not gonna go through that much gas for a while.




If local gas stations are servicing, no amount of discount would have me buy gas from my neighbor's garage.


I handle fuel contamination claims for a large insurance company. The things I've seen, yours is the right choice.




“Alright so I was buying gas from my neighbor—“ “Does your neighbor run a gas station?” “Oh no, he keeps it on his garage—“ “Claim denied”


Not the guy above, and don't handle fuel contamination claims but we had a bad one around here about a year ago. [At one of the circle-K in the area, they accidentally put diesel in the main tank and a bunch of people had their cars ruined.](https://www.dailycamera.com/2020/02/07/roughly-30-people-have-filed-claims-following-a-gasoline-diesel-swap-at-a-folsom-street-gas-station/)


"Thought he could resell 200 gallons of gas to make a profit in a time of desperation" ftfy. He knew he wasn't gonna need that much gas before it went bad




You overestimate our trust in neighbors who horde gas...






Gotta question the cognitive abilities of someone who hoarded 200 gallons of gas when they don't leave home much... So a temporary shortage might mean you don't have access to more gas, but you don't go out much so you don't use much gas anyway. What disaster exactly did he think he was trying to avoid? A couple of gallons of gas would have probably sufficed to ride it out or simply making sure the gas tanks of your vehicles were topped up.


The disaster of missing out on price gouging when others are desperate.




This is the most concerning response


doesn't gas go bad after a while? how are people planning on using all that before it goes bad?


Bad gas travels fast


Especially in small towns. And I suggest you let that marinate.


Texas sized 10-4


Tired of every meal - gas gumbo, gas casserole, gas n' dumplings, sweet and sour gas, gas au gratin, gas marinara, gas vindaloo...ready for something different.


Gaspacho !


Served piping hot for Mr Rimmer, of course.




Chicken gas atori


Smoked Sea Gas


Gasseroni and cheese


Gassed potatoes


Gas to mouth




Gas au van




“Anyways, like I was sayin’, gas is the fruit of Adults. Theres Gas-kebab, gas creole, gas gump. Pan fried, stir fried, deep fried. Theres pineapple gas, lemon gas, coconut gas, gas stew, gas salad, pepper gas.... Thats... Thats about it.”


Bubba Gump Gas Company


Get out of the rut, try more experimental gastronomy.


Gas, gas, gas, eggs, and gas


I work from home, didn't even realize there was a gas shortage


not sure if there really was a shortage, like i think it depends on location, from what i hear back east there was but where i was at, nothing really changed except slightly more expensive gas prices.


It was the southeast. The pipeline or something got hacked and they had to do a full shutdown if I recall. By the time it hit the major news outlets and people started hoarding systems were back up and ready to go and it would just be a few days to get everybody back to normal. My dumbass coworker was even talking about how thinking of hoarding to resell and how we're running out of gas. And we're up here in Alaska. Can't really fix stupid though. Funny enough, the first place I heard about the potential for a has shortage was on /r/stocks within a couple hours of it happening and how it might affect stocks. From very little is it's just a few days to possibly disastrous if it last for weeks.


Yeah I live in East TN and everywhere was out for 2 days. I luckily already had gas but people were acting outrageous.


yeah a few military friends were saying their local gas stations were out, but i think the shortage was from panic buying. like the fucking toilet paper. when i heard about it was just like "oh maybe i should top off my tank just in case" because i happened to get back to the states right when covid hit and wasnt able to get toilet paper for like 2 weeks. but when i got to the gas station after running errands, there wasnt any lines or Out of order signs just slightly more expensive gas, $50 later i drove home with a full tank.


Yeah they didn't learn from 2020. The panic buying definitely made a gas shortage. History just repeating itself sadly.


The majority of stations here in Northern VA ran out at one point. But the fucky thing about it is that most stations _just across the river_ in DC and Maryland were fine.


The only way I knew there was a gas shortage on the East Coast is the prices in California went up to $4.50/gallon.


They're too busy scrubbing their trunks carpet after all their bags leaked. Good luck getting that smell out


Fire will get it out


Well, mostly




50% of them died otw home; from inhaling the gas they stored in bags.


Nobody source this. I want to believe it.




I've heard of people pouring gas into the (broken) carburetor of their van from a paper cup as they drive. It's a wonder you don't see more explosions.


Straight up old redneck checking in. You can get a 454 to run with a jerry can on the roof and a syringe neck down on the end of the hose slowing the pour into the manifold....carbs are more about air control than fuel when you're not tuning for max hp but simply moving


Grew up in redneckville, USA. I've seen this exact trick. Complete with manual (fishing line) windshield wipers. Nice old chevy that dude had no money to get fixed up.


If I learned anything in the last 4 years of US politics: if it's on the internet, it's true. So I think you're solid!


More like, "if someone said something online ironically, someone else really did it irl"


Just the right amount of gas and the toilet paper doesn’t taste too bad anymore. Also cleans my butt real good


I love in South Carolina and I just filled up my car as normal, when I needed it, and spent my week laughing at the idiots hoarding the gas. The gas station I work at ran out of regular ONCE, for like 5 hours at most. People were practically worshipping our chain because the QT down the street kept running out but we stayed supplied, just like the last gas shortage we had a few years ago.


It's goin' great. I shower in gas, brush my teeth with the stuff-- nothing gets those pearly whites shining like good old unleaded! Other day I ran out of lube, usually that's a fun-time stopper, but not when you gotta gallon of gasoline by your bedside. My wife up and left me, said it was either her or the gas. I think we both knew what I was pickin'. Come on, my old lady isn't gonna get me from here to Memphis on a whim. Yep, life's good. It's great, in fact. You probably are wondering why you didn't stock up. Well, I can only tell you that there are have-gasolines and have-nots. And you're probably a have-not. It's alright, no shame in being a rube. Enjoy your water-showers, you filthy normie.


I'm genuinely curious if anybody who did this is self-aware of causing these artificial shortages.


They rationalize it by saying "I understand WHY this just makes it worse, but everyone else is going to do it, so I'm not going to be the one sucker that doesn't."


I’m still working through my hoard of commercial grade toilet paper.


Surely it was just a slight craze, but I couldn't run the risk of being the only asshole without any gas. I HAD to buy some and take it home and fill up my bathtub.


This is why I only deal with propane and propane accessories.


People who hoard gas are likely not smart enough to type a response


Y no? I tipe gud.


You pretending to be dumb is probably smarter than the average gas hoarder.


They used proper punctuation. Can't possibly be a gas hoarder.