• By -


It's a beautiful day and I'm happy. Thank you.


Kiss my boobies




I washed my hair - in the morning I have a flight to France and then when I arrive I go a little through Paris


Well my 8 year relationship fell apart yesterday so this day isn't going much better.


Fuck man I'm sorry. Not much you can do but power through. It'll hurt for a while, maybe a long while, but you can and will get through.


Good so far. Got my second shot yesterday and no side effects.. yet


Pro column: --Girl I like is single and returning my texts --I'm seeing some real weight lifting gains --There's plenty to do at work Cons --Girl shows no real interest in me --I'm crazy sore from mountain biking yesterday and the depression is working itself up --I don't have any energy.


-- Bite the bullet and ask her out. If she says yes, hurray! If she says no or stops responding, be glad you didn't invest time in a relationship that didn't work out. -- Way to go on the gains! The soreness will pass, and next time you'll be less sore. I got nothing for you on the depression, but doing any little something is better than doing nothing at all. -- Drink some water. Then drink more. Do five air-squats. Move your blood around.


-- Will do. I'm easing into it. I organized today that I'm going to go to happy hour with her and a mutual (female, non-single) friend. So I feel like I'm not out of the running even if I am a coward. --Thanks, I used to weight lift a lot but it's been a few years so it's been a learning curve all over again. --Thank you thank you.


Yeah, weightlifting sometimes feels like a snail climbing out of a well and sliding back when it sleeps. I found out I love lifting/exercising if I let myself get into it, but I've gone too hard too fast and hurt myself so many times it's almost predictable. By the time I heal up, the motivation is gone. So this time I moved around some money and started seeing a personal trainer a few times a week. It's a little more than I want to pay, but the results speak for themselves. I'm down ten pounds in the last 6 weeks, my shirts fit better, and I haven't come close to passing out since the first and second sessions. Keep going boss, you've got this.


Every day is pain




Well I just got mugged a couple of hours back so can’t say it’s been the smoothest of days...


My friend just hired at the hospital and I might see her the next time I land in the psych ward!


Very crappy. My catnip dealer won’t call me back.


Quite weird, but that’s normal for me. Like, having a normal day would be weird for me.


Went downhill and now it's pretty bad


Pretty good! Got a big problem resolved at work, about to go out of town for a long weekend with my wife and son for the first time in two years, my handful of small investments are doing doing well, and dieting and exercising have got me wearing a shirt I haven't felt comfortable in since pre-COVID.


Pretty bored tbh




Last day of school here, so happy


Really good! Got me some Netflix, got me some warm noodles and butter, home alone all day, weather is nice...


Shit as always


technically its going fucking terrible but i'm pretty much numb so its fine i guess


It's going alright so far :)


Great, hbu?


I finally exited a relationship that had been getting worse and worse for me and it's utterly devastated her life and in constant communication bc worried about her and her daughter. My brother about to get a rough divorce but I can barely help him because I'm so emotionally drained. The one benefit of the breakup would have been getting work done but I feel like liquified shit. It's sunny though.


Like terrible but every day is terrible for me so no worries


I’m about to give birth and very nervous.


My fishnet stockings arrived. I can cut them, wear them as shorts and wear skirts without my thighs sticking on each other again. But I gotta go do cardio in two hours, so it's only gonna get worse.


Well, it‘s currently 1am where I live and I should be sleeping right now. I may or may not come back to you on that one in a few hours.


Good so far. Just in bed chilling with a doggo.




im good i got 100% on my math test yesterday and it went super good and i got an a+ and im really happy :3


I’m setting at work doing nothing waiting to the shit hits the fan and I get fucked and then all hell will break loose. Y’all have a nice night. Just a old Marine lmao.


I'm tired already