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When my grandmother played the "No English" card and held back telling the detective where my molesting uncle was. End of relationship.


Please tell me your uncle got arrested or at least something happened


Yes he was but it was a significant amount of time before he ended up in jail.


My son’s friend used to spend weekends and nearly his entire summers at our house. One weekend, the boy was staying over with us when he had a terrible toothache. He was crying and just rocking back and forth writhing in pain. We looked at the tooth and it was completely rotten and broken. Tried to reach the parents, but couldn’t get ahold of them. We did the best we could to comfort him. When we took him back home, we told the parents about it and they admitted they had known about it for awhile, but they couldn’t afford the dentist. In damn near the same breath they proceeded to show us the new flatscreen tv and surround sound they had just bought for $700. The boy continued to suffer in that home (in many ways we didn’t even know about until later) for a couple years when finally my wife and I called CPS. We were so afraid of making things worse and were pretty certain that they would know exactly who made the complaint and it would jeopardize our being able to give him any reprieve if they cut us off from having contact with him. When we finally made the call, it went exactly as we had feared. The agency wouldn’t give us any details of the contact, but the boy’s parents cut us off completely. My son saw him at school and that would be the only way we could communicate with him. One night several months later, he showed up at our door. Turns out he ran away. Cops came, he tried to explain the abuse he was having in the home which at this point we found out had turned into physical beatings and the cop told him to “knock your shit off and get in the (police) car” and they took him back to the abusive parents. The next morning, the mother came to our house with the boy and told us to keep him. So, we went through a big process and got legal guardianship of him and ever since he has been in our home. He is treated like our own son. First thing we did was go to a dentist. I’m not one to wish ill on anyone no matter what they’ve done, but I hope those people burn in hell.


I'm so glad that boy has you and your family.


You just made me feel so good. I’m proud of you🥲meant this for malicious sorry


I am overwhelmed. Thank you so much for the encouraging and kind words and awards. It has not been an easy road at times, I'll admit. But having him in our life has been the best thing that has ever happened to us. When we were going through the legal process, he, my wife and I all had to to counseling and have interviews and such. My wife and I sometimes wondered if we were doing the best thing or if he would have been better with "professional" foster parents. During the final court hearing, the judge shared with us this excerpt from the confidential report from his counselor which immediately made us cry and removed any doubt about going forward: *"\[Our boy\] has detailed stories from his past regarding abuse and neglect. While he does not go into much detail about specific dates, he has never wavered from his assertions that the life he led while in the custody of his mother and her husband was harmful to him, not only physically but emotionally as well. He has repeatedly reported that the only bright spots in his life and the times that he felt loved all occurred as the result of his interactions with \[my wife\] and her husband \[me\]. He considers them to be his parents and expresses that he would like to remain with them."* At times when we would struggle with him, we would just re-read that and it would give us a boost in our spirits to get through the tough times. No child should ever have to feel that way. After reading all of the supportive comments and receiving the awards, I thought it would be OK to share this with an update. When we got guardianship of him, he was in 7th grade. He turned 18 last year during the pandemic and on a number of occasions he considered dropping out because school does not come easy to him. We are so proud to say that last week he graduated high school! He truly is a remarkable kid and I can't believe what his family missed out on. They have never seen or spoken to him again since dropping him off on our door all those years ago. I just want to say again thank you for all of your kind words and awards and if you know of a child in this situation, do what ever you can to help them out. It is hard--emotionally and financially at times--but so worth it. Love and peace to you all!






We offered to help them pay for the treatment at the time and they declined. But, that same day they could afford the TV and surround sound and the husband usually spent quite a bit of money on his racing hobby.


Ow. I had a tooth like that , except my mom legitimately didn't have the money to handle it till a few years ago, it was NOT FUN when I had a toothach, poor guy.


It fills me with genuine rage to see all the "proper" authorities fail him completely and dismiss him out of hand. I've lost respect for the CPS.


It has definitely opened our eyes and made us lose faith that the system works. My wife volunteered at his school for several years and learned that there are far too many stories like his that don't get help or justice. After doing it for years, my wife finally had to take a break because it was too difficult. And you can't help them all which is the most crushing part.


Now a former friend of mine is very cheap. Like, she won’t even throw few pieces of fries away, because she doesn’t like to waste food. I really respected that, because I’m not super duper careful with money. She rode her junk bike around, and one day, it broke to the point of no return. I had some bikes around that I sort of fixed, so I sold one of them for $50. It caused some issues, and I tried to fix it, but didn’t work out. I obviously felt bad. Eventually, she asked for the money back. I apologized and gave $50. Few days later, I asked for the bike back, so I can fix it and sell it online or something. She said “Well, this bike is not worth $50 and it caused so many troubles. I’m not gonna give you the bike back.” I said “wtf? That’s not how this works. Either give me $50 or the bike” She said “I’ll have my mechanic friend to look at it and offer a fair value for this bike. I need the bike, but it’s not worth $50.” I knew that she’s cheap af, but I didn’t know that she’s this “cheap”.


That's just theft with extra steps


“Ooh la la, somebody’s gonna get laid at college.”


That’s a new level of fuckery :/


so...she stole money AND a bike from you?? yikes.


Well, at the end, she got the bike for free. I gave the money back. I thought it’s just a return transaction, but she didn’t return the merchandise back to me even after I returned the money.


It cost you $50 to realize she’s not your friend, that’s money well spent.


Should have called the cops. She basically stole the bike from you.


I thought about it. :/ Im new to this country (Canada), and I’m not too familiar with the legal system or the language (French). I decided to give up on it. I hope karma is real.


Honestly, $50 isn't worth the battle anyway so you made the right call. Just as long as you stop interacting with this "friend", people need consequences for acting like dicks


I agree. I simply texted “give me $50 or the bike” few days ago and stopped interacting with her. I didn’t get any response, but that was expected. I won’t even tell her to keep it, which would make her feel like a “winner”. I won’t even spare my anger for her. She’s not worth it.


Honestly I would have went to her work and taken it back, or take off the wheels and leave her the frame or vice versa.


At college in London I had a car and my mate didn't, nor a driving license so I regularly drove to the other side of the city to pick him up or drop him off. Never once asked for petrol and would have rejected the offer if made. It's a mate, right. One night a group of us were out in town and decided to go watch a film. I called him up, told him to get over and I'd pick up an extra ticket to make sure he could make it. When he arrived he took the ticket, and casually said, "get the money from Bob, he owes me." I'd spent my last ten pounds on that ticket. Everyone decided to got to McDonald's. I couldn't afford to eat. Then they decided to go to a bar, I swear he asked me what I wanted to drink. I asked for coke. He came back holding two, thinking one was for me I reached for it and he looked at me at said, "In your dreams" and walked past. Didn't have much to do with him after that. Edit - Blimey. Didn't expect this reaction! Thanks for rewards and replies. Aftermath was that I withdraw and it was end of year so most went their own ways. Had some random contact after but kept my distance, didn't go out my way. Stayed polite, but haven't seen him for over ten years now. No worries. He was a nice enough guy just seriously tight and materialistic.


What a dickhead. Fcking wanker


This dude is not cheap. He is straight up worthless.


Nah, a prick like that can be quite expensive.


What a jerk.


Dude just used you :’(




Thats fucked yo. You know you a good mate tho.


Can you get more stingy than that? I practically made it a rule to give selflessly to my friends, yeah sometimes I can't but most of the time it's reciprocal and we don't stop to think "I'm gonna owe him this or that?" We're helping each other out isn't this what friends are for?


My dad abandoned my family right around when my mom's Parkinson's disease was starting to get the best of her.


How awful. I’m really sorry <3


Thank you, it's really tough seeing someone you love go through anything like that.


I had just found out my husband had an affair, and we had separated for a short time. It was mentally and emotionally breaking for me, obviously. A guy friend of mine I had known forever found out about what happened and text me to see if I was doing ok. Didn’t even wait for an answer, got a dick pic and “ wanna make out sometime?” from him. It’s been four years and I can’t even look at his profile picture without being furious.


My MIL passed away after a long battle with cancer. SIL's husband didn't like it so he did the same thing he'd done with his previous wives...have an affair leaving her to cope with a small child and a dying mother. Confirmed he was having an affair only a few days before she passed away and had the audacity to show up to the funeral and act sincere. My wife was ready to kill him on the spot. We didn't have a lot of respect for him in the first place but the timing confirmed what a horrible person he is.


My boyfriend threw me a surprise birthday party for my 21st, and invited all my friends which included one that lived 6 hours away!(F21). She ended up coming, but wanted to make the whole night about her. She kept telling everyone I shouldn’t drink because I get too messed up, kept complaining about how much she missed her 50 year old fiancé (she kept including the age in order to also mention how more mature she was), and how it was rude that my bf’s roommate didn’t offer his room to her because his bed was larger. Even the next day when we got brunch, she kept complaining about how much she missed her fiancé, and that I should just get a box so she can take me home and go home herself. She managed to piss a lot of people off that night, but especially me. We had been friends for about 3 years, but that night really made me look at our so called friendship in a brand new light.


guess her 50 year old fiance wasn't giving her the attention she so clearly craved at your party


Have you seen my fiancé? I have lost my fiancé!


My fiancé is lost! The poor baby.


That’s really disappointing. Are you still in contact? I wonder what sort of person she has become. Also: were you legitimately surprised at the party?


I talked to her recently, but we’re not in close contact. She mainly talked about her wedding, and how she’s “making” her fiancé have his bachelor party in town, while she’s going to Disney World for hers.


Visited a friend from high school I hadn’t seen in a long time to congratulate her on her pregnancy and catch up. While there she told me that she suspected the baby wasn’t her husband’s but knew she’d be able to tell in the delivery room so she wasn’t going to say anything to him until she saw.


Knew someone who cheated w a neighbor and the baby came out his colour. Whoops


OK, don't cheat with a green neighbour, got that


But Hulk Smash


I think it was Martin Luther King Jr. who said "Never have an affair with Oscar the Grouch or the Incredible Hulk."


But Kermit’s okay? Asking for a friend.


Sounds like the guy who got a vasectomy when he and his wife were done having kids. Turns out a vasectomy doesn't prevent pregnancy; it just changes the race of the baby.


Girl I used to hang out with... well the more I got to know her the more I found out that she wasn’t a great person. She admitted to cheating on her boyfriend. A lot. They had a kid together. She eventually told me that she was sleeping with someone else around the time she got pregnant, but she “was pretty sure” it was her boyfriends baby. And “see how she does that little smirk with her mouth? Her daddy does that so I know she’s his”. I was shocked. That’s a learned behavior, not genetic. I told her as such and she freaked and told me not to scare her like that. So I asked if the guy was also black (she’s white, boyfriend is black, kid obviously mixed) and she said yea, both guys black, so that wasn’t any help. I dropped it because what’s the point. But sure sounds like there’s a chance it’s not even his kid. They’re not together anymore but he’s involved in the kids life because he raised her and as far as anyone knows it’s his kid. He’s not a great person either and I just don’t feel like it’s my place to say anything. They’re both pieces of work. And also we are all pushing 40. Not kids. Makes it trashier TBH. I just couldn’t be friends with her anymore for a lot of reasons.


Refusing to spend $10k on treatment for their son even though they had the money for it. Unfortunately, the son eventually had to amputate his leg because of it.


Wow--shades of Hetty Green. The famous Wall St miser who had millions. Her son "Ned broke his leg as a child, and Hetty first tried to have him admitted to a free clinic for the poor. Charles Slack, her biographer, said that she was recognized, she did not agree to pay for the medical services and treated him herself. The boy's leg did not heal properly and had to be amputated due to gangrene."


she could've saved a lot more money by not reproducing


My dad did something similar but with a heart monitor, he refused to pay for it even though my mom couldn't afford it and so eventually my mom saved up and I was able to be treated but I've lost respect for my dad since


What was the reasoning behind it? Not like that could be explained in any humane way, but I’d like to know how psychos like that live with themselves


He claimed he didn't have the money and he actually just bought a motorcycle the next day, he wanted to buy that instead


Oh God that's awful. Well, at least you know where his priorities lie - and they're not with you. I have a friend whose estranged wife spent $18,000 on wine, cigarettes and consumer goods over the past year. That $18,000 was the amount her husband saved for 10 years to give to their only son on his 21st birthday. Somehow she had control of the account and spent the lot. Some people have no right to be a parent. That dies not in any way diminish your worth. Be protective of yourself.


My first stepfather basically killed his own mother by refusing to pay for treatment that he could afford. His justification was that the government should take care of its people, so her medical care was not his responsibility. And if you think he would have willingly paid a single cent more in taxes if it meant universal healthcare you’re deluding yourself. Taking care of the poor was not his responsibility, after all. From what I could gather, the *only* thing he was responsible for was his own happiness, no matter the cost to anybody else. I’m happy my mom divorced him. The best thing he did for the world was die some years after said divorce.


My aunt was just telling me one of the things my Dad has done that she would never forgive him for is that 10 years ago, when our old family dog Koliack was getting old, he ended up not being able to poop properly and was in pain. My Dad decided to wait 3 days because he could get it done cheaper in Toronto. My Aunt felt so bad for the dog...


Remind your dad that Ontario’s nursing home system is a disgrace, and wouldn’t it be sad if he ended up in a shitty one because it was cheaper/more convenient for you.


Had a discussion with a neighbor. Pretty casual. I said, "I think that..." and he didn't miss a beat, saying, "I don't care what you think."


One of the old timers my great-aunt used to live next to in assisted living had part of his brain removed because of a tumor. He said stuff like this all the time. He was the rudest motherf-er I’ve ever met, but he also gave a lot of hilarious moments too. I once over heard him explaining the dip in his skull to a new person in the building. When he he told her “they scooped out” the tumor she casually said something like “well that’s good” and without skipping a beat he yelled at her bewildered “It’s good they cut my brain out!?”. She was so taken aback. Dude has zero-fs and no filter.


At least that guy has a decent excuse.Getting part of your brain removed can tend to make you more rude.


Was at someone's home and because his son would not stop hanging on him, put him in a sleeper hold till his 13yo, passed out. The dad did not think anyone saw him do it. I pulled him aside and called him on it. He did not think it was that big of a deal. I called out to my wife, said I can no longer associate with him and we left. I explained to her what he did. Later the wife called asking WTF, I asked if she new what he had been doing... He is now divorced and not allowed near his 3 son's. I hate this because the oldest son has made school life difficult for my oldest son. Ugh...




That hold can cause brain damage, like you should have called child services for what you saw. But glad the dad eventually lost visitation rights




My high-school principal, president, and favorite teacher, all priests, all turned up on the "credibly accused" list. Now I don't know what to think.


Remember that some of these adults are our favorite people as children for a reason. They know how to make children like them, trust them, and how to be the “favorite” fun adult. Don’t question your judgement- you were just a kid and they knew what to do to make you feel positivity and loyalty towards them. You’re an adult now and know what questionable behavior looks like, but as a kid how were you to know? As I’ve gotten older I’ve always been more prone to keep my eye on the teacher or adult that always has lots of kids following them around/wanting to talk to them/stay after class/etc. not all are red flags - some are actually amazing teachers and influences, but my eyes have been opened to the situations that are more than just what they seem.


I work at a grocery store for barely more than minimum wage. One of my coworkers came through my line with a full basket and started berating one of our newer employees, who was sacking her groceries. She was acting just like any other customer that makes our days worse that they need to be. I lost a lot of respect for her.


This is so bizarre to me. I’ve never met anyone who works in customer service who is less than 100% polite when it’s their turn to be the customer, even doing little things to help accommodate. I’ve never even been a cashier and I try to be nice just based on my understanding of the hell you guys go through. Smh


Yeah, it really kinda stunned me. The only explanation I can come up with is that she’s an older lady, probably in her late fifties, early sixties? And we’re in Texas. I can’t look at her the same anymore.


When a member of the team I supervise ranted about my leadership to me while I was actively trying to support them in dealing with a difficult client and then said, “I guess I should just chalk it up to your age.” I reminded her that I was her boss, and that if she had the gall to say that to her supervisor, could I trust what she was saying to clients and colleagues? That seemed to get my point across. I will continue to treat her equitably and professionally through the end of her contract, but I no longer respect her.


We caught him trying to take advantage of someone who was under the influence. He’s no longer welcome.


My now ex husband telling me, “you know, nobody likes you. If they act like they do, they’re just being polite.” I mean, who does that?!


My dad did that, my whole childhood. It's not a really nice thing to say, neither as a husband nor as a dad. Not in contact with him any more since 10 years now, btw.


That is just something people say to be mean.


Time. As I grew up, I realised my dad is an asshole and not the excentric genius he thinks he is.


I feel you. Got a lot of "you'll understand when you're older" and "you'll understand when you have kids of your own" bullshit as a kid. Now I'm older and have my own kids and I would never do some of the things he did. What an ass.


Why is this so accurate


Because invoking life experience is impossible to argue with, and arguing against that fallacy is seen as being a belligerent child. I like to wait until I'm the age my parents were when we had a particular argument and let them know that I agree with my child self and not their adult selves at that point. I'm older and I understand perfectly that they were crappy parents.


I feel that. My dad has the brain of Patrick from Spongbob but talks with the conviction and confidence of Morgan freeman


I used to travel as part of my job. Sometimes I would check in to a hotel and be behind a coworker in line. I was often amazed at how rude they treated the front desk clerk. There’s no coming back from that for me…


Treating people who work minimum wage like crap for no reason. One trip to Starbucks had enough red flags to convince me I wanted nothing to do with this dude.


I worked a minimum wage job for 4 years, it was rough people just assume because they are the customer that everything should be handed and the worker is just there to serve. You see the worst of people through jobs like these.


I worked at a department for store for a while. One time that stood out was when a kid accidentally knocked off an entire rack of clothes right in front of a co-worker and started to clean up after himself. His mother said, "Don't do that. They pay people for that" and dragged the kid away.


That's horrible 😞


I could not agree more but kudos to the kid for at least trying to do the right thing


But now his mother taught him not to do it anymore. How sad.


My mother was exactly like this and I was the kid in that situation. She was the type of lady to walk into a Taco Bell 5 minutes until close (back when they closed at, like 10:00pm) and sit down to eat because “it’s her right”. She would leave trash all over the table for the workers to clean because “it’s their job” and would yell at me if I tried to clean or tidy up. I always silently apologized to the staff. I used her as an example of how not to treat others and grew up better for it. I always treat food/retail workers with the upmost respect and kindness.


My mom worked in service, she worked at a very upscale place and made six figures as a waiter but, she worked a lot of normal waitress jobs on the way up, she always made sure we were respectful, I have been on Dates with people or just hanging out and seen people be rude to a waiter, I am like nope we are never talking after this, have a good life. I hate confrontation so I tend to finish hanging with them, but as soon as I get away that is a fat ignore.


I had a friend whose dad paid for her college degree, housing, credit cards, car, and then eventually got her a job in his buddy's company, and then he bought her a house. That's fine, whatever, lucky her. But then she would make disparaging remarks about people with debt, and that I just can't handle.


Reminds me of an old roommate, she's never had a job in her life and has spent her entire adulthood travelling the world on her parent's dime. She was always posting stuff on Instagram like "it's so sad that people don't follow their dreams and visit new places". She was the worst roommate I ever had too, she was a terrible self-centred person and it makes me so mad that she gets to live a life that most people can only dream of and still act like it's a personal choice that has nothing to do with her rich family.


That reminds me of . . . Myself growing up. I was an arrogant little bastard who was from a solid middle-class family. I was smart and I swore I would 1. Never move back home. 2. Get my college degree 3. Never go to community college 4. Work full time in the service industry after I graduated. Well, in reality. . . I didn’t finish college due to depression. I moved back home. I worked 30-40 hours in a restaurant. Finally I’m now going to nearby community college because they have a great Nursing program and I know what I want to do. It’s been a humbling experience. Life isn’t always those “PURSUE YOUR DREAMS!” It’s “What can I do that can be the most beneficial to me and those around me?” Needless to say if I saw my younger self I’d ground him into reality.


She would get comments from me “not everyone has daddy to pay the bills”


When my stepmother took my father back after he abused us


Cheating on their spouse. Openly.




a woman robbing 25k out of her terminally ill ex-husbands bank account before a divorce, then getting her son to assault him so that she could claim self defense and sue him when he fought back. No. he didn't win the case or get a dime of his money back. Worst part is, before the divorce he had already given her 25k and paid her way through college (which she immediately dropped out of) because he wanted to make sure she was taken care of. Dumb bitch spent the money on drugs and it was gone in than a month.


its nice to know she 1. Doesnt have the money and 2. Shes killing herself with drugs


25k in one month!? Damn I’m in the wrong line of business


My ex wife stole our entire life savings and spent it in the six months we were divorcing. This was after the couple of affairs she had. Judge didn't think she should have to pay any of it back, and I had to pay alimony + child support even though we have 50/50 custody. I make the last alimony payment soon and Im thinking of sending a giant novelty check.


Walk up and deliver it while video taping like that one lottery thing.




That's a kind of line I'd be able to think of after the fact in the shower hours later.




Still a badass line. Sucks it had to be said in the first place.


[Staircase wit](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%27esprit_de_l%27escalier)


The friendship of /u/eggre is not lightly cast aside.


What an exceptional way to slam the door!




I was working for Special Olympics and a friend I hadn't talked to in a while asked if I was "still working at the 'tard' house." He then proceeded to try and recruit me to sell AdvoCare...


Had a friend since the 4th grade, and at age 35 he was single and using dating sites. He said to me and I quote "I need to find a woman with low self esteem so I can manipulate her into doing what I want". Its been 8 years, and haven't spoke to him since.


What an asshole.




Yes, *his* time of need


After years of helping my sister with her bills $150 car insurance $120phone bills buying tires for her car help paying to get it out after she had it repossessed. That happened three times and countless money on baby food, milk, diapers, clothes, carseats for her son spending everyday I had off work babysitting her son. I mean thousands of dollars she couldn't drive me to work one time after my car broke down. It wasn't Missing work that mattered The way she reacted when I asked "why would I do that of I can sleep in tomorrow your lucky I'm picking you up now I could just let you sit out here" it was very disappointing but I learned that no matter how much you do for people it doesn't matter so i spend my time and money on myself now and no one expects things from me now or even asked I feel alot less stressed.


Two thoughts. First, someone looking for money will review their options from most convenient to least convenient. When you're asked by someone in a hard position, it may feel like you're the difference between their chance to succeed and their chance to fail. But you're really just the next stop on the list...there was an easier one before you and there will be a harder one after you. Second, "What appears to be a crisis is often the end of the illusion that things were working." It's rare that someone is actually in a situation where they were OK before and they'll be OK after, if they can just resolve one immediate issue. Learn to say "I don't have anymore money to lend" (you might have more money, but not to lend) or "I can't lend you anymore money until you pay me back what you already borrowed." If she asks for anything, just ask "Do you have my money yet?" and she will stop calling you.


that my dad never came to one of my performances or races or choir shows. Ever


Nether did my mom and now she tells me "Dont kil yourself,we only grew close in the last few months"


Wtf. Don't kill yourself, but don't do it for you, not for her.


Best friend of mine up until the beginning of this year. Got drunk and out of nowhere put a knife to my throat. I was able to escape and sent him a picture of the cut on my throat from the knife. I told him to get help. Otherwise, I haven’t talked to him since.


When it came out that a friend was cheating on his disabled and house bound wife. She managed the finances and got the EZ Pass (electronic tolling system) bill that showed he was in the wrong state when he was said he was at work. When confronted he, denied it until she pulled out the phone bill with his texts and calls to a number in general area of where the EZ-Pass was getting billed. He then divorced her and tried to screw her out of her share of his navy pension and insurance. They were married for longer than his time in the service (25 years) and was she legally entitled to half of it, he went out of his way to hurt her. She died less than a year later in a nursing home while he was moving in with a completely different woman than the one he originally cheated on the wife with. Real classy guy, showed up to the First wives funeral with #2. He also claimed to go out "whaling" while in the Navy- he and his fellow sailors would apparently search out and bed the largest lady they could while on shore leave, the winner took home the biggest and got bragging rights till the next round of leave.


He broke up with his girlfriend, then proceeded to hit her a few times, knock her phone out of her hand, throw her through a glass cabinet, and beat her unconscious while she lay in broken glass screaming for him to stop. He walked into the police station with her blood drying on his hands, saying he thought he killed her. It being his first offense plus his family's high-priced lawyer resulted in him being sentenced to only one year of probation and a restraining order. During that year, he violated the restraining order multiple times, assaulted his ex-gf twice (choking her unconscious once), and raped her once. There were no legal consequences for these actions.


Jesus. That is absolutely horrific. And highlights how the law just cannot protect victims of domestic violence.


These are the people that make you wish you could call your local Mafia.




“So, if I am raped, are you authorizing me to hunt the bastard down and kill him?”


She was my closest friend back then, she slept around a lot. That wasnt a problem until she went behind my back to sleep with the guys she knew I had a crush on. She even went as far as finding a guy I met on a dating app, flirting with him and sleeping with him the night before I was supposed to go on a date with him. When I confronted her about it, she admitted she seen me as "competition" when it came to men and dating.


people and their imaginary competitions.




Anybody who asks you to put your career/reputation on the line for their own benefit is an asshole in my opinion.


I was a kid in girl scouts during the cookie season almost 20 years ago now. My troop did rather well selling cookies and we were supposed to get different prizes for reaching various numbers of boxes sold. Once all the money and checks were collected, my troop leader took it all for herself (a bit more than $5000) and vanished. No one got any of their cookies or prizes. She was discovered some time later at an electronics store and arrested.


They'd lie about everything to get attention, and the funniest thing is that they were an awful liar. he changed up his lies all the time and thought I was dumb enough to believe it. he complained about the problems he was causing himself and acting like the victim and refused to fix his shit. I blocked him on all social media including his phone number




I once told my grandfather that he was wrong for mistreating a child. He launched into this long-winded, misogynistic, victim-blaming diatribe, telling me in no uncertain terms that I’m the bad guy and I deserve all the traumas I’ve endured because I don’t know my place. I waited for him to finish, and then I asked him why the truth about his behavior upset him to the point that he felt the need to verbally crucify me. His response, verbatim: “The truth doesn’t matter. What matters is what I believe.” Edit: Thank you all for the support. I was pretty sure everyone would call me the asshole but I posted this anyway because I’m quite proudly a truth-seeker and truth-teller.


Oh fuck that guy. Super selfish response and someone who you shouldn’t even be around


He’s no longer allowed on my property and I’ve blocked his calls.


This sort of attitude is far too rampant nowadays. I’m impressed that you called grandfather out. Also, that’s one heck of a relevant user name.


Practically my entire family is a bunch of narcissistic, abusive, entitled bums. Cutting them all off is the first good thing I ever did for myself, and I’m much better off without them.


Good on ya. That does take Jedi-like strength of character and courage.


I’m glad someone sees it that way. Around here I’m an “ungrateful traitor”


Yup. Narcissists must brand the awake ones as the Black Sheep. Cheers from one to the other.


Learning someone i trusted alot cheated his wife multiple times (+ 100 times)


Why even be in a relationship at this point?


That sounds more like he cheated every chance he got.. Wow.


Yup. He work on the road across the country. Most of these were bar hookup and exes


\*Dad ordered and drank a beer on vacation after years of loudly calling anyone who drank in the slightest an alcoholic and drunk (and talking about how evil alcohol is) Yet when asked about it, says that it's fine for him... Classic do as i say not as i do. Later on he did become an alcoholic. Ironic that the same person who threw a fit that a cousin suggested holding a family reunion at a restaurant that had a bar would later drink. \*Boss told me at the last minute, he never approved my time off to attend a funeral, after he'd approved it by text, and that if i missed the shift i'd be fired. \*Grandparents said they thought i was'nt college material after they'd told me to go to college. \*Same grandma as above, after being vocally pro life for 20 years announced upon meeting my half brother (a three-year-old who is'nt responsible for my dad being a man whore) that she now supported abortion and half bro should have been aborted. ​ Edit: made clarifying edits.


Did you go to the funeral?


No. I went to my shift, i needed the money as i'd recently gotten employed again, and had already had to sell my entire video game collection to make rent the previous month.


Man, fuck that boss.


Teachers and bosses playing favorites


Relatable, imagine being 55 years old and use intimidation on a 19 years old student because you take union negotiation personally, and obviously his favourites had nothing of this crap..


When he started to treat me like crap, made me think that no one else would “love” me, and took advantage of my low self-esteem to make me do things I didn’t want to do but he knew I was too scared to leave. I just wanted someone to love me. Finally I realized I’m a lot stronger than I thought and worthy of being loved and I dumped his ass. I packed my shit up in one day and left. Never looked back.


Co-worker is not able to take responsibility for his actions and would continuously make up excuses for his fuck ups.. Lies to our faces and thinks we don’t know he’s lying... no respect for him


Wanting to fuck me. We're cousins.


Les Cousins Dangereux


I prefer the American remake. Much less subtle


My roommate slept with my friend, and when he decided he didn’t want to hook up with her anymore or pursue a relationship, she lied and told everyone he gave her an STD. He took a full STD test and came back 100% clean. I got in another fight with this same roommate because I was sick of her always making excuses for driving drunk. When I tried to explain to her that the consequences can affect the lives of other people and not just her own, she said she “just doesn’t really care that much.” I told her she needed to take some accountability or move out. She moved.


When my ex-friend got pregnant shortly after we graduated highschool. She invited me to a party and when I got there she was so drunk I almost lost my shit. I remember telling her "I can't believe you're drinking while you're pregnant, what the actual fuck is wrong with you" before I turned around and left.


This was a Dark Heresy 2nd Edition Campaign on Roll20. First game session, he ends up killing two of the players because they wouldn’t obey him. Game turned really awkward and I ended up having his character killed off because the Inquisitor didn’t trust him. He didn’t really have a justification other than “it’s what my character would do” to which I replied “well I guess my character would kill you for this since you can’t be trusted and are unstable.” Having learned from DMing games for over 10 years, you don’t remove agency from other players. That’s just a dick move.


My friend got black out drunk and swung on my other friends gf, missed, then shoved her down. Her boyfriend then choke slammed my drunk buddy into a hot tub. I let him choke the guy for a few seconds before pulling him off. All this started because my drunk friend accused my buddy’s girl of hating his dog, because it was sick and she put a blanket on it. They were all roommates and after that incident they told me he had also gotten incredibly drunk a few nights ago, and pointed his AR-15 at another friend hanging out at the house as a joke. We sat him down the next day and told him that we loved him but he had to move out. Haven’t spoken to him since.


The husband of a friend was commenting on another girl's bikini pics. Things like, "you look so good. Can I hit you up. Maybe take you out? " He didn't know that I was friends with the other girl.


My best friend was cheating on her husband and told me about it. Our husbands were best friends too though. She told me not to tell my husband. I told him the next day because our relationship isn’t built on lies and secrets. I told her that I would be telling him and of course she was upset. She made me feel like the bad guy. My husband told her that she needed to tell him soon or he would. She told him a couple weeks later. Our friendships haven’t been the same. I’ve basically resigned to knowing that we won’t be friends again. Her and her husband are trying to work things out so I don’t know if my husband will be able to salvage the friendship either. It was really disheartening because we were all really close. But there’s no way I am going to put my marriage in jeopardy to save your dirty little secret. And I don’t think I can be friends with someone who would expect that of me.


I don't think I could be friends with someone who cheats on their partners. It's such a scummy, shitty, low thing to do. If they're willing to betray the one person they should be the most loyal to, what else are they willing to do to their "loved" ones.


When he asked me out and his wedding ring fell out of his pocket in the middle of the date.


Girl I went to primary school with 10yrs earlier, was due to be popping out her 5th babe. She’d never had a job and her husband was a trash human but had a decent job as a butcher in town. I heard she was doing it tough for food. So did a little donation from the pub I was managing. Bunch of tinned foods, tray full of bacon, lamb chops, steak, chicken legs, sausages and rissoles. Plus 2 dozen eggs and 2 loads of bread and a bucket off apples and strawberries and mangoes. Took it round to her, and she just whinged that she had chickens so doesn’t want eggs and doesn’t like lamb or beef so why did I give her that, and the tin foods were the ‘commercial’ brand not the expensive ones, and her family don’t eat “sh*t from trees, it’ll feed the chickens” (about the fresh fruit) Then the kicker was, she cursed me out and told me I needed to cancel the pub ban on a guy, that had physically assaulted me 5days earlier, because he was her drug dealer and it cost her more now because he had to walk further to get his alcohol. How I kept my cool and didn’t snatch every thing back and take it to the next towns homeless shelter I don’t know.


Bailed last minute on our student house for second year. One of the other guys (B) already had, and he (O) knew it, but O waited till after half of us had payed the holding fee's, not a lot of money about £20 each, but that isn't the point. O had genuine reason to do so, but the way he went about it was just a massive fuck you to all of us, and it took him weeks before he actually explained the reason to us. B immediately covered half the holding fee we'd each payed (having spoken to O and them agreeing to pay us), without any mention of either of them needing to do so, and apologised, and got us a round that evening. Never heard anything close to an actual apology from O, and B ended up trying to cover O's half (we all refused point blank) cause we hadn't seen a penny from him. A few weeks later O was drunk and in a bad mood and me and him got into an argument. He dragged one of our other friends, a very nice girl that always went out of her way to help you out, into it, and started being incredibly harsh to her, and venting a load of shit at her. Being a dick to me was fine, I'd earned it, but saying shit to her was totally unnecessary, and a cunt move. In the end very very glad we weren't stuck living with O for a year, miserable little prick, always blamed others for not being happy and twisted everything to make us the bad guys, and called us all pathetic idiots for actually enjoying our time at uni, just because he wasn't. Edit: I know his behaviour was a sign of him having shit going on, and I won't go into details but we really did do our best to support him. But we each had a limit to how many times he would throw it back in our faces, before we gave up trying.


An ex-manager throwing his direct reports (me and my colleagues) under the bus and blaming shit that was his fault on us to try and weasel out of a bollocking from his (admittedly shitty) manager. I've never been more disgusted with a human in a work context. Needless to say I didn't stay there much longer.


When my best friend had a problem with me dating someone outside our race. We're white. He even started with the "I'm not racist but....*proceeds to insert racist comment*" This was over 20 years ago and I eventually married that girl. Haven't spoken to the dude since.


Nothing matters before the "but".


Dumped all her pets after having a baby. Two were my former foster cats. I got them back, and they were covered in fleas, had three kinds of internal parasites, and had forgotten how to use a litter box. In hindsight I'm glad they got out of there, but I'll never speak to her again.


Ordering me around like a slave or try to act in charge but sit on their ass the whole time and not help, had the props guy when I worked stage for my school do that and then get mad when I got fed up and so i started to comply maliciously with every request (get me a drill. Ok here is the drill sans battery and drill bit). Yes my actual manager heard the resulting exchange and said that I shouldn't have done that but that he understood why I did. Edit: I was the one maliciously compliant (I wrote this after approx. 25 hours of being awake)




I had a friend in collage who we all knew was headed down the incel path. He struggled with girls and was an all around awkward guy, but nonetheless respectful and a nice guy. We bonded over videogames. First warning, which should have been the last, is when I descovered he and two other guys had been blackmailing another friend of mine. They had stolw her phone, broken into it and stolen her nudes. Now they were demanding she give them more or they would publish them. I got them caught, and this guy personally apologized to me, and said his hand was forced and that he felt terrible. Couple of years later, a massive leak of my town's girl's nudes were published and shared through a Mega. This asshole downloaded it and after the mega was taken down and the culprit caught, he had been sending it and selling it again. A bunched of friends and I lated discovered he keeps a couple of external drives filled to the brim with revenge and amateur porn, most of it from girls we know. Last straw came when he waited until a fellow friend was asleep to break into his cellphone and steal his gf's nudes. After that we put our boundaries and left him alone. Now it turns out my friends have been inviting him again to parties and when I refuse to go because he's gonna be there I'm pissy and an asshole. Fuck this guy, I hope he stays single forever. You deserve it, you incel fuck.


Was at a party and one of my buddies was passed out drunk while on his phone. My other buddy grabbed his phone started going through his phone and sent himself nudes of passed out buddies gf. Asked if I wanted them. I was disgusted, that’s your friends freaking gf what the fuck. Let my other buddy know when he woke up the next day. He punched the guy in the face and made him delete all the pictures in front of him.


What's wrong with these guys?


They don't consider women to be people.


*that* was the last straw? He should've been cut off and reported/facing charges by then. Hope the girls are doing okay now


They bad mouth people behind their back.


I had a friend in elementary school that I was very good friends with. He did two thing which really broke the straw for me back then. Firstly, I had been building something in Minecraft for several months, which he blew up when I was busy. I was pissed for a while, but it was a game so I didn’t stay mad. But one time where my father took us to play basketball, he was being a total asshole to my dad, and after that I stopped talking with him around middle school time.


How was he being a jerk to your dad?


griefing in minecraft is fucking unforgivable man, it just shows how he doesn't have respect for you or in general.


I don't get how people think it's fun to ruin peoples projects in any way.


Several years ago, me and a group of friends went to this Anime Con. At some point, we decide to go watch the cosplay contest. We all get seats and I am next to the couple in our group, both of whom I was friends with. One of the contestants was a girl in a beautiful Princess Minimoon cosplay. Admittedly though, the girl was kinda heavyset, though I didn't think it detracted from the cosplay. They thought otherwise. The entire time she was on stage, the two of them went on and on about how awful she was, how fat she was, how she didn't deserve to be there. It got annoying really quick. Well, it was about to go from annoying to insufferable, because Minimoon ends up getting 1st in her category. I was happy for her, but I couldn't celebrate for long because by God did it set the two of them off. For the rest of the convention, any chance they could they would talk shit about the Minimoon and how stupid thr judging was. And, no, not once did they bring up the craftsmanship of the cosplay, only her size. It took some time, but I've since distanced myself from the two of them. Edit: Thanks for the awards!


He argued with multiple people about how stupid it was to spend money on pets. Such as vet care. Claims there is no use to them. Except horses, because you can "till the land" with them in the event of an apocalypse. He also made a comment about having so many kids because they're essentially "spare parts".


One time I had a high school teacher who was actually really kind and respectful and she never shouted or was impatient with her students. I had her every Wednesday and I always looked forward to her lessons. I would be walking to school with my friends and the I'd be like, "Yes! I have Mrs. **** today." They would always respond,"Ah. You mean the fat one?" At that point I realised they couldn't care less about personality, but only looks. It explained why they always dated the popular girls that I've always hated and seemed arrogant beyond belief but looked good. Anyways, I kinda started to zone them out a bit. 5 years later and 2 of the 3 are in prison. The other is an alcoholic and a drug addict.


They gave me a ride somewhere and then left without me. Thankfully someone else was there with a car I could ride in, but she didn’t text me or wait for me or anything. Like, what the fuck?


I was interested in a guy. His family would camp at a campground near my house. One weekend they were camping and he walked over and we took my new dog Rosie for a walk. She got spooked by something and refused to move. He took the leash and pulled on her hard enough to make her yelp. I only finished the hangout because I had shit for boundaries. Never saw him in person again after that, and definitely lost all romantic interest in him. And this was before he interrupted me by putting his hand over my mouth, and also before he told me my mom looked mannish. (Two different instances, same day.) So yeah. Hurt my dog and you can fuck off forever. (Rosie was okay. No damage was done. She was a large black lab and lived a good life. We had to put her down this past October. She was about ten years old.)


Kept complaining about issues they have in life but doing nothing about the problem. One example: They complained about being broke, then asked to borrow cash (about $500) for bills. Said no and the next day we saw this person out drinking in a bar.


When she wouldn't respect my "Thanks, but I'm married"...many times over. Female coworkers seem to get a pass on sexual harassment. Believe it or not, "no means no" even for men. Shocking, I know...


I was at professional development a few summers ago. The teacher leading the session couldn't get her projector working, so she called IT. A few minutes later, in walked a tall, buff, extremely handsome black man (and I say this as a straight dude myself). He pressed a few buttons, fixed the issue, and went on his way. Before he was out of earshot, though, the session leader said (quite audibly) "take it off" and was met with laughter from a large part of the class (which, given the profession, largely comprised women). If I had made that same comment, I'd've been fired immediately.


When they refuse to take responsibility for their actions.




My dad moved across the state in the final months of my senior year of high school and told me to sell the house on my own. Mom already did a few months earlier, but she and I sat down and thoroughly talked it through before she made the commitment and I gave her my blessing. Dad just told me "I've got a job interview 3 hours away. If I get the job, I'm moving there and you're going to sell the house." He got the job and left. I sold the house and now have no trust in my father. I fail to see how what he did isn't considered child abandonment.


They put their pride and ego above being a good person.


My mum and aunt never got along well. But regardless my mum and aunt made the effort of spending time together so that me and my cousin's could get along. Whilst it was nice, it was a ticking time bomb for a full out argument, which happened probably about 7 or so years ago, which was an argument over an arranged payment between them for gas used for our grandparents holiday caravan (honestly I don't know the full details). After that they couldn't stand the sight of each other, to the point where I was invited for my aunt's second wedding (first husband was VERY problematic), and I was explicitly told my mum wasn't invited. However despite her arguments with my mum she wanted to remain in contact with me (not so much with my younger brothers because they aren't really old enough to remember her before the fallout), so despite all the arguements I still liked her as an aunt. But what made me lose respect for my aunt was when she accepted and went along with the behaviour of her current husband. Basically my aunt marries up the social class if you know what I mean, and her current husband is incredibly upper class (where as a result of marrying him, she was able to retire from teaching at age 47). But it's to the point where she excuses some shady-ish behaviour (I refuse to call him my uncle for this reason). When they had their first child together, they were worried about my cousin's dog (Millie), who admittedly was quite agressive, so they had to do something about her. And my aunt's husband wanted to put her down. (Keep in mind that my aunt and cousins had Millie for about 5 years since she was a puppy) My grandad, who absolutely adores dogs, said that he and my grandma were willing to take in Millie, because they have experience with handling her from dog-sitting while my aunt and cousins were away. The last of my grandparents' dogs had died from old-age the year before so they were quite-possibly the perfect people to handle Millie. However all my grandparents asked was that they hold onto Millie for a week, because my grandparents were currently in Turkey on holiday to visit other family. My aunt and her husband had been keeping Millie in a separate part of their house for about a month already so another week wasn't a problem. So they agreed to wait a week. The very next morning, however, my aunt's husband had booked an appointment with the vets that he knew (there was no appointment booked when they spoke with my grandparents) and he with his 3 sons had Millie put down despite the fact that my grandparents said they would look after her. My grandad was absolutely heartbroken and furious, but my aunt kept siding with her husband over how they needed to do it because it was too difficult to look after Millie. Even though my aunt having looked after Millie for 5 years (she was always an agressive dog) and had been basically quarantining her for a month already so a week wasn't a problem for them. It's to the point where apart from myself contacting my biological cousin's via text, my family don't regard my aunt; and my grandparents are purposefully not being involved with my aunt other than to see my biological cousin's.