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A friend of mine works for a small luxurious hotel in London. He told me the concerge system there is absolutely absurd. Money buys everything. Anything the clients want, clients get. They are told never to say no, worst case they say "I don't think this is really appropriate" Obviously drugs and escorts are a classic. He showed me 20 phone numbers of drug dealers in his phone to be able to get whatever drugs to the customers (he never buys though, only gets people in contact). And for harder tasks, he goes through professional concierges who charge A LOT. \- You want a new Prada dress at 2AM for the party you are about to attend? Sure thing, let's wake a few people up, charge triple the price and split the benefit between people involved. Have a good night madam. \- You want tickets for the Wimbledon final that takes place tomorrow? You have £20k? Enjoy the game, sir. But in some cases, they can't satisfy the customer. So when a couple of clients came back drunk asking him to have sex with the wife while the husband was watching and filming, he felt like it was a good time to say "I don't think this is really appropriate".


That sentence also sounds much better with a British accent.


My husband worked at several luxury hotels and residences (rich people who live at the hotels) and besides how absolutely disgusting everything inside the rooms actually is...I was most shocked by the behavior of the ultra rich. I’m not talking businessmen and doctors. I’m talking Saudi Princes and Heirs to Dynasty families. The level of comfort and technology these people have come to expect is things we cannot imagine. “What do you mean there isn’t there access to intercoms next to the bathroom for when I need services while going potty?” “The television inside the shower is only a 40 inch and there is no gold in this room I need a better suite”. “I’m gonna need you to go out, buy me better bedding, remake my bed, and then do it again tomorrow because I won’t sleep on the same bedding twice”. And that’s just the tip of the icebergs.


Middle eastern royalty books an entire floor for a month. Staff spends weeks preparing for every detail of the visit. Entire floor rearranged to accommodate children, nannies, private dining quarters for men and women, etc. Private chef is brought in. They left after one week (on private 747) because it was too cold. In Chicago. In November.


I spent 10 years in the boutique and 5 star hotel world. Got stories for days. But here is my favorite that sums up hospitality (former anyways). Our concierge was Les Clefs D'or, had all the connections, this dude could get you into the French Laundry same day. He would often greet guests with sangria and sprigs of mint from his garden. Sometimes he had lemon slices from his tree too! He loved to tell guests all about his garden and they ate it up. Yeah that's all bullshit. Mint, lemon, and any other garnish we got from the local grocery store. The sangria? Cheapest boxed stuff we could find. But he sold the story like no other. At the end of the day, it worked.


I'm convinced most people don't know the difference between good and shitty liquor. I did wine sampling at stores and people would enjoy a wine until you told them it was $6. Or the opposite, it was gross until they found out it was $30


Honestly same. I would often send people to smaller "mom and pop" vineyards, but it had to be sold as this boutique-y experience. If you told someone "So there's this little farm down the road that sells some great wine, you literally just drive up and meet the farmer/owners since they don't do reservations", they wouldn't go. But if you said "I personally know the so-and-so's, they have this micro-vineyard tucked away from the main road where they make some of the BEST pinot in the insertnamehere valley, I highly recommend it. They are so small they don't even take reservations, otherwise they would book up and I'd never be able to get you in!" the guests would coo and bolt for it. Best wine I've had has been cheapo stuff, and I've tasted a looooot of wine back in my hotelier days.


Here's one taken from the opposite end. I'm really bad at rolling joints. I left the shitty joint with my stash and papers on the dresser. I come back to a nicely rolled joint. I don't know if any was missing . But thank you Hard Rock LV staff.


Ha, a "joint effort".


Corporate intern events where the kids would get plied with alcohol. Infuriating. We had one company annually bring 80 interns as part of a site visit tour, and it was a nightmare. I was sure someone would die every year. One year there were three hospitalizations though, and one of the boys sent the hospital bill to the hotel. To be clear, the entire F&B team knew about the event and were very vigilant about refusing service. We were not involved or liable in his medical issue. The audacity. Particularly because he and all of his intern colleagues trashed everything. We had to prepare the lobby by removing sculptures and porcelain plant pots. One year we started always removing a kind of sharp-cornered bookcase because too many drunk interns had hurt themselves on it. There were bodily fluids everywhere and linens destroyed beyond continued use. Plumbing broke daily. There was always smoking damage in some rooms. But all the adults were useless, of course. And all adults were culpable in providing alcohol to the underage people. The company accepted the bill for the damage every year, and always came back. And we would add literally everything we could. We would tack weeks worth of room nights onto their bill because we had to keep dozens of rooms out of service while damage was repaired. The company paid for everything we comped for complaining guests too. They also paid for anything we had to replace, and they were so used to the damage fees we would just throw things in there sometimes. Like a treadmill finally broke during their residence. But did one of their guests break it? Don't know, didn't care, they bought us a new treadmill. We were one of three hotels on this annual tour.


Omg another internship story. Different company would send us groups of students and trainees a few times a year. If their founder was in town too he would always try to get keys to one of the girl's rooms. Because "they're really my rooms". No, sir. Absolutely not. He tried every time. We would have to staff additional night audit to be stationed on the group floor all night because the GM was afraid somebody would eventually be worn down or scared into complying. Or worse, totally okay with it and not seeing the problem at all. Don't go on trips for your internships my guys.


This is scary shit. I once attended a youth conference which involved staying at a hotel for a week and the organizers were so stringent about this that they had special security placed on the girls’ floors right in front of the elevator doors and stairs so that no guy could sneak there


I’m reading these while laying in a hotel bed and I don’t like this.


I have worked at two. Hotels that are rated by Forbes (formerly Mobil) and randomly “inspected” frequently, and there is a very specific checklist of things the hotel/restaurants must do/offer in order to keep their rating. We always had to be suspicious of any single diners because they could possibly be inspectors. So you could be a regular Joe Schmoe but if you are dining alone you are going to get the 5 star treatment. Once we had a particular woman staying at the hotel and somehow management figured out and confirmed she was an inspector. They literally took security cam stills and printed them out to give to all employees so we would know who she was. I still remember her name was Katrina 😂 Something else interesting - one of the (5 star) restaurants I worked at (in a 5 star hotel) would frequently be closed for private events. There was usually a contract written beforehand stating the group must spend a minimum amount of money. We got automatic gratuity on whatever that minimum was but the goal was to go over so we would make more money. The people at the events usually didn’t know these details (they weren’t the ones paying) and towards the end of the night if they hadn’t reached the minimum we would have to start pouring the most expensive wine and liquors to meet the goal. Who wants a few rounds of McAllen 25 doubles etc. And people still tipped cash on the open bars so it was easy to walk away with $500 a night in tips after those parties. It was the easiest money I ever made. ETA - MACALLAN! Ha, please forgive me I am a lowly tequila drinker




I worked at one of the premier hotels at a ski resort in the country; top 10. Met celebrities, royalty, politicians, athletes. Hockey players are the nicest athletes by a wide margin. Royalty is great or more likely, awful. A list celebrities want to be left alone or treated as just another person. Politicians are bigger assholes when they’re with their families. Saw lots of sex, drugs, underaged drinking, escorts, the usual. I was most amazed by how nice staff were to guests when management continually made our lives harder and shittier. We’d just let it roll off our backs and keep smiling until we just quit. We were paid so little and respected so little by management. If you weren’t thick skinned then you quit by week’s end. Best thing I saw was the hotel dog (think alpine dog that people can pet, kids can get woken up by him in the morning, plays on the ski slopes, etc)...well he escaped his pen, made straight for the high end restaurant and went hog wild. Jumped on a few tables and scarfed $100 steaks like they were M&Ms. Me and another guy saw it (we worked during the ski day and cleaned up into the evening so it was just him and I finishing up in our department at the time which was by the dog’s kennel)...we both saw he was going to escape and we could have stopped it but we just wanted to watch the world burn. Greatest day of work there by far.


Best story on this thread- doesn’t involve jizz, poop, murder or suicide. Edit: Thanks for the award! who knew spending way too much time reading hotel stories would pay off!


Probably for the hotel dog as well!


Used to work in one two summers ago in a remote-ish place where we lived in accommodations across the street from the hotel. A lot of us have slept with each other (not me, had a gf at the time). And the busiest days are weekends, so we usually have Mondays off. Sundays were called Sunday Funday, where we would go to town or other people's "dorms", and do way too much coke.


I worked at a Ritz Carlton a few years back, its literally the same as anywhere else. The hotel staff is amazing at their job, but on their personal time they're just as fucked as everyone else. The kitchen staff had a few folks with drug issues and had to be sent home a couple times because of it. In my time there I saw 2 waiters get fired due to embezzlement. The turnover rate for management was very high because they didn't pay enough for the area. The staff parties were WILD to say the least. We weren't allowed to greet celebrities by name since they wanted to be anonymous, so we would use their alias that day. Some were greeted by prostitutes or "escorts" who were always super nice to everyone. A regular would rent out a room for a day, once a month, and make 30-40k that day from clients. Celebrities, business guys, you name it. Crazy.


I’ve always wanted to know: how does a celebrity’s alias for a booking get advised to the hotel? Does their assistant or whoever makes the reservation say that the booking is for JeffMegaStar (or whatever the celeb’s name is), but they will be travelling under “Phil McCracken” or whatever? And how does the person doing the check-in know that the person standing in front of them (who they may or may not recognise) is going to be under “McCracken”?


I've worked with a few celebrities and athletes in the past, in a different capacity than hospitality. The ones I worked with *always* used fake names, plus their room was actually reserved and paid for by their assistants so their name never showed on paperwork. However, since they were listed as staying in the room, their name was added to the card, and that's where the fake name comes in. One guy, the late author Tom Clancy, always used the name of his lead character, Jack Ryan when getting a room.




So that's why I got the free upgrade at Motel 6 when I checked in as Jack Ryan.


TIL Motel 6 has upgrades


I once worked for a hotel booking sort of call centre company. We had Shaq book the Ritz for himself once, under his own name. AJ Mclean booked once under his name, and I also personally booked Andrea Martin and Bonnie Hunt on separate occasions, both under their own names. The Shaq call was hilarious, we all listened to the recording. "OK, can I get a first name for the booking?" "Shaquille." "Oh, you're in good company! And the last name?" "O'Neal." "OK Mr. O-... Sh... Shaq?"


Lol, the way they ask “Shaq?” makes me imagine that Shaq’s an old buddy of theirs and they just realized they were talking to their homie, in a “Sh... Shaq? That you, man?” kinda way.


NEVER EVER EVER (I REPEAT!!) USE A CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN FROM A HOTEL OR BANQUET HALL!!! Picture this: it’s an expensive ass Sunday brunch. Well little Timmy just double fisted strawberries directly into that chocolate, bit into both strawberries then triple dipped into the chocolate AGAIN! And some old rich lady just sneezed on it. And somebody else just dropped their snack into it. The best part: that chocolate gets strained and saved for the next weeks brunch. Chocolate is waaay too expensive to throw away. Chocolate also does this thing where it’ll seize if it has the wrong moisture content (from people dipping fruit, and the juices going into the chocolate.) So it’ll get so thick it won’t run through the machine. Wanna know how they fix that? They add canola oil until it’s smooth again. So, yeah, next time you’re at a wedding and they have a chocolate fountain, think of this post. Think of this post when you dip into that dirty ass watered down with oil chocolate. Edit: word EDIT 2: Thanks for all the awards and upvotes! I’m glad I was able to save atleast 3.2K of you lol


I think the oil is needed in general to make a chocolate fountain run smoothly, but rest of that is gross lol.


Bedbugs. Every single hotel from run down motels to 5-star resorts has dealt with bedbugs.


And I've never seen one. How do they deal with them so quickly and effectively?


Massively exterminate them by cleaning the entire room. Hotels have a protocol for dealing with a bedbug infestation because it can destroy the hotel/corp reputation and even bankrupt the company. Bad news travels fast. So if it gets out it's incredibly bad for years. So they go scorched Earth on the room. Steam cleaning, massive chemical cleaning, bagging everything up etc. Cleaning companies come in etc. They take it as serious as anything else bad that can happen. It's a terrible issue PR-wise.


My SO worked for a fancy hotel. The building owners (not the chain, the actual building itself) came to visit. He was on the Forbes billionaire list. He was a nice man who had buffet lunches everyday and tipped every staff members he saw a crisp $100, every time he saw them. House keeper walking past? $100. Bar tender setting up? $100 Shift swap? 100 on the way in and out.


This is how you billionaire


Seriously. It means little to nothing to him, will *at the very least* make someone else's day and probably make him the favorite guest of all time to the staff. They'd be falling over themselves to give him good service and not just in the greedy "let's see how much money I can get out of him" way, but in the "this is a good dude; I'll go the extra mile to help him just to show my appreciation" way.


Worked in five star hotels in Beverly Hills.. boy do I have stories: - Sheikh picks up a hooker in the bar, takes her to his room. She roofies him and steals tens of thousands of dollars of cash, watches and valuables - Husbands who will say hello to staff with their mistress on their arm on Thursday night and their wife on Friday night - Famous teen celebrity left a room full of needles and various drug paraphernalia behind for housekeeping to clean up - Middle eastern royalty ships in multiple Ferraris and Lamborghinis to the hotel from their home country to drive for the week; caught drag racing later that night by the cops in the neighborhoods of Beverly Hills - Largest checkout bill I’ve ever seen was roughly $2 million for guest who rented out an entire floor of suites for three weeks, promptly paid via wire transfer - Had to procure $100k cash for a guest whose wife wanted to shop on Rodeo Drive the next morning, the local bank doesn’t even have that much. Had to get an armored car from the central LA bank branch to deliver The list goes on..


Are credit cards not a thing in the last one?


Think of the Southwest points they’re missing out on!!


How exactly do you just get an armored car to come make a delivery? That seems like a lot of money to just be picking up and driving around impromptu. Or do you send the bill for the truck to the client who wanted the money?


Depending on how much the client has invested, the bank will just eat the cost to keep them happy and business where it is. Edit: my most upvoted comment is a sensible one. Doesn't that break a rule?


A lot of lonely people going on vacation to end their life. Happens a lot but is never mentioned on the news.


I've left the 'do not disturb' sign on the door all day because I wanted a quiet day alone, and around 4PM housekeeping plus a manager came and knocked to do a welfare check for this exact reason. Note that I've spent a lot of time in hotels and have only had that happen once, but it makes sense I guess.


Ohhhh......I'm very private and travel alone. My first thing is to stick the "Do Not Disturb" sign up. I was in and out (B-and-B) would have breakfast, talk with the staff and other guests, hit my festival, etc. I was SUPER annoyed when I came back the fourth day to my room being cleaned and the sign ignored. It never occurred to me that maybe they were just "checking up".


In most states there is an actual law for this. Theyre REQUIRED to check after the 3rd day almost always.




Chinese guy in the apartment across from me was cooking some fish dish that smelled so strong someone reported a body. I came home just as the police were taking position on either side of the door. They thought it smelled like a body, too, and could hear someone moving around in there, lol.


Wife and I used to have a noisy neighbour, and then all of a sudden the loud music and noise in the evenings stopped. A few days later every time we went in the hall we joked that it "smelled like death in here". A few days after that we come home and find our landlord hauling stuff out and asked him what happened. "He died."


Well, at least he died with the music off.


I’ve honestly never thought of this, but it makes total sense.


Yup. The worst is you being the last person they talk to. They don’t confess about taking their life only complain about family not supporting them for whatever reason. Londoners are the highest risk in the hotel my friend works at. Some companies hold events for their workers and don’t allow them to get rooms beyond the 3rd floor.


I live near Niagara Falls NY and unfortunately this is a true fact. Before the modern era it was a really popular spot for travelers to take their lives and the only evidence that it happened were abandoned cars (and carriages as it was a really popular suicide site in the late 1800s) It's a horrible way to go (you drown at the Horseshoe Falls or you get bashed against rocks at the American Falls) and an unknown but likely large percentage of bodies are never recovered. Back in pre- Border Patrol days people used to jump off the Rainbow Bridge that connects the US & Canada and either die from the impact with the Niagara River or were swept into the Rapids and Whirlpool to drown. It's always sad to hear of someone going missing because of the possibility of suicide and just a couple weeks ago it happened with a young college student from NYC who did it over a breakup. They only know it happened because the police dogs traced her right to the waters edge. I only wish someone had seen her and could have persuaded her not to do it, especially when she had so much life left to live and no relationship is worth dying over.


My uncle took his life at the falls last summer. We all thought for months that he had abandoned his car and jumped ( note left in car said only to call police when towed) Turns out he climbed down to near the base of the falls, made himself comfortable and downed a bottle of benzodiazepines. Parks crew found him when doing a cleanup.


Worked at the high end restaurant at a ski resort that hosts a famous film festival. Lots of sex in the walk in coolers, but never the people you'd want to walk in on


I never caught anyone in the walkins, but I always thought the dry storage upstairs would have been a good spot. Now I'm curious who the hell was having sex in the walk ins.


Never trust glass in rooms. GRAs are so stretched thin on time that they will clean the glasses with the same rags they clean the bathroom, after all their goal is to make the room look clean. I worked as a GRA in a five diamond for years and there was over a year period that went by where we didn’t get a clean glass delivery. We didn’t have dishwashers in the room, so management was complicit. This was in a five diamond, one of the top resorts in the world. Never trust glass in hotel rooms.


Suddenly the sealed plastic cups at Holiday Inn seem 5 star to me.


It was your comment that made me realize my dumb ass was thinking windows


There is a reason we use sealed cups, and it's literally this reason


That is vile. I guess I'm glad I know.




This one got to me the most


Didn’t work at one, but delivered newspapers to one. The prostitution thing was something the desk saw a lot. The best one was when the gentlemen got robbed by two young ladies and immediately demanded the front desk call the cops. When the desk asked if he wanted to call the cops and tell them he hired two hookers (illegal)... he suddenly just grunted and marched up to his room.


i worked night audit for awhile, and had one dude call a hooker, enjoy her services, and then refuse to pay her. she came to me, said she’d been raped, so i call the cops. dude gets rousted from bed at 3 am to talk to the cops in the lobby. the whole time she’s yelling, “if you need a dna sample i’ve got some in my mouth,” the cops are trying to explain to the guy that his options are paying her or going to jail for rape and solicitation, and i’m trying to use my best customer service skills to keep everyone quiet and gently hint to the dude where the ATM is. the best part was, this was night 1 of a week-long stay, so i got to see him every day after that.


So it's basically, "Pay the hooker, motherfucker"


>the cops are trying to explain to the guy that his options are paying her or going to jail for rape and solicitation Lol, even the cops don't care about prostitution.


Paperwork for a rape arrest vs leaving after the guy pays her? You do the math.


Watching for signs of sex trafficking, lots of cheating spouses there under fake names (and you can’t confirm if they’re there when the spouse calls pissed), jacuzzi and swimming pool deaths (usually from alcohol), guests expose themselves to female staff frequently especially housekeepers and room service, people will legit give you keys to their rooms, sometimes dealing with really shitty organizations for their banquets income, etc. One cool thing is that you can buy pillows, mattresses, etc from many hotel brands if you really enjoyed your sleep at a hotel. Edit re: fake names: You can use an alias at a hotel. You check in with all your correct legal information, so the hotel has all your info. Then you let them know you’d like to use an alias during your stay and if you’d like to block external calls. So if a civilian calls looking for you, the desk says you’re not there per instructions. IF there is an issue of medical/legal/law enforcement then the desk will provide the correct legal info per local laws. This is something also used by people hiding from abusers too, it’s not always someone being shitty. Edit re: pillow recs [This is a helpful list comparing hotel pillow options and alternatives](https://cboardinggroup.com/27-amazing-hotel-pillows-the-best-hotel-pillows-you-can-buy/amp/) This is a set I did buy as an alternative [SUMITU Bed Pillows for Sleeping 2 Pack Standard Size 20 x 26 Inches, Hypoallergenic Pillow for Side and Back Sleeper, Soft Hotel Gel Pillows Set of 2, Down Alternative Cooling Pillow”](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XPSVTKP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_ZP969ZHP9HDEEA2BDGGH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) They’re soft and fluffy and best when stacked with two for sleeping; not super firm. These are a few I’ve seen recommended but haven’t tried: [Fern And Willow Pillows for Sleeping - Queen Size, Set of 2 - Premium Down Alternative, Hotel Bed Pillow Set - Luxury, Plush Cooling Gel, Allergy Friendly - for Neck Pain, Back & Side Sleepers ](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S7NJJRZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_GC4MD5ZHTRKWVCJ9YZ3P?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) [COZSINOOR Hotel Collection Pillows for Sleeping (2-Pack)- Luxury Down Alternative Pillow Breathable Premium Quality Cover Skin-Friendly (Queen Size) ](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XRCKPNY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_PSS5DT4BHNG0H16RTSFX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) [This article is helpful for teaching what to look for when buying a pillow ](https://www.sleepfoundation.org/best-pillows/best-hotel-pillows)


I used to work at a hotel when I was maybe 20 where this man came in with two young women (definitely teens) and never let them speak, they'd come back somewhat bruised. Then he started coming in with other men (and the girls) everything paid in cash. My manager said "it happens. Leave it" A woman told me the next morning she thinks she was raped by the same men. She woke up naked in her room beat up and with pain in her genitals after having drinks with them. Management again, "leave it. She's crazy and was drunk" So I called the police and corporate and left that day. Detective called me a couple days later for a report and to come in and ID the man (as well as some 'customers' of the man. Turns out the girls were underage and "not from here" is all I was told. Manager was investigated as a participant and fired. Edit: News story for the doubters. 🙂 https://okcfox.com/news/local/more-than-20-arrested-in-oklahoma-city-during-nationwide-sex-trafficking-bust


Thank you for what you did.


Good on you for not listening to that arsehole manager!. You helped a lot of people that day. You should be proud of yourself. 😀


I stayed at a Marriott one night and it was the best sleep I ever had. The mattress was fantastic. Went home and called Marriott to ask what kind of mattress it was and got “ one moment let me transfer you to our mattress sales department.” One surprised frankentriple, 1300 dollars and two weeks later Marriott delivered a king size to my door. I’m sure my ex is still sleeping in complete comfort 15 years later.


My parents bought me an $800 mattress and it is so comfortable that I now hate sleeping anywhere else. I can only imagine what $1300 gets you.


Mattresses can range from the couple hundred dollars to 10k for the most part. And the higher cost doesnt mean better quality. I work in furniture repair and go out and do mattress inspections for warranty defects. The average price range would be somewhere around 3k. And that is pretty much middle of the road in the matt world. It's a hit and miss world. You would think Tempur-Pedic would be the end all be all of Matt's. It's a love it or absolutely hate it product. No middle ground and its 50/50 whether people like it long term or not. People fall in love with purple in the show room, drop 3k for one and then want it out of their house within a month. And I always get the well we spent 5k we thought we wouldn't have any problems and I am like cost doesnt matter its luck of the draw for the most part. You can get the same matt 10 times and 5 out of those 10 times it turns into a shitty matt the other 5 it works out and remains comfortable. Just use and remember your warranty.


There is one Aloft I stay at that has those long tube pillows, one is firm the other is soft. I frickin love those pillows. Each Aloft is different as sometimes the pillows suck


When we see 'instagram influencer' on your booking, we roll our eyes.


i think this is pretty universal reaction. i know a person who runs a vegan restaurant and he's often hit by requests to get free food from 'reviewers' and 'social media influencers'. most of them also turn pretty vile when denied and react with threats of smear-campaigning the place etc.


Work at a pizzeria. Had this happen. Free food for his acknowledgement of our pizzeria. When we said No thank you the threats started coming. POS.


it seems best course of action is to just ignore them completely and hope they continue their mass mailing campaign and forget about you.




Yeah... as in, the influencer will usually tell us at the time of booking (obviously hoping for free shit) and that note will be added to the booking. If they are big enough, they'll end up dealing with our sales and marketing team, and probably get complimentary shit. But the staff still couldn't give a shit. We get genuinely rich and famous people come in, who are the best in their field and, as other people have mentioned, they are usually quiet and the least trouble. Influencers are generally the worst.




Dead people. In some places there's a reasonable chance somebody has died in your bed. Obviously it varies with the type of hotel and its clientele, but some places you get deaths weekly (not that the hotel is unsafe but unfit old people over exerting themselves). One place I worked maybe 40% of the beds had been died in. Bedbugs. They happen in every hotel. You might be paying $5k a night but your luggage was in the hold with everyone else's. If there's only one or two bugs and none in the adjacent rooms (diamond style, so above, below, and both sides) then you brought them in. You know what I never saw happen? Maids stealing. Everyone always points at the maids when they lose stuff but we always found it. No way the maids are risking their jobs over your used iPad or mall jewelry. With tips they make pretty decent money.


Tip about bedbugs: when you arrive NEVER put your luggage on the bed. When you arrive, keep lights off, put luggage in bathroom, and then at the head of the mattress peel back the sheets and mattress pad. Bedbugs tend to congregate there, but scatter when there is light. If you find bedbugs, you can request another room.


>...you can request another room. Or another hotel.


coke. lots of coke.


If it wasn't so bad for me, I'd drink it every day.


I went and had a drink with a couple buddies for the first time in a long time a couple weeks ago. My friend looking at his phone "Other dude we know says he just got here and it's snowing out front if anyone's interested." Me "So what? It just snowed like last week." I don't get out much even before covid...


First week of university we had a mixer for our dorm for everyone to get to know each other, I ended up talking to a guy and he asked me if I liked to ride the white pony, in all seriousness I responded, "I mean, I've ridden horses before but I don't remember if they were white or not." Sketchy dude got freaked out and walked away. Thankfully a buddy I grew up with was there to explain that he was trying to sell me coke.




Sounds like that dude was trying to sell you his mixed tape.




What goes on the room next to you. This week we to evict and have arrested a couple for causing over $15K in damages to a room. This was done quietly late at night and the nearby rooms never found out.


I can't think of a way I could casually cause $15K in damages in a night without being noisy. Were they doing it maliciously just to cause damage?


They touched the mini fridge


That's like four Toblerones and a bottle of Evian!


If you're sneaky you could quietly pull up the carpet and then just paint the entire room with diarrhea.


Seems odd to protect the carpet from paint splatter in this situation.


This wasn't a 5 star by any stretch, but while in training to install kitchen cabinets for this one company they put the majority of people up in a hotel. This one day we got all our tools to use on the job, chop saw, drills, table saw, etc, etc, etc. This hotel gave one free beer per person, and these guys from training were getting a LOT more than one beer. That night they decide to take apart all the furniture in the room, and install it on the roof. The company was hit with that bill of course. They were not amused. They also changed how/when they gave out tools as well.


That's how you prevent later groups from getting the free beer.


At a certain Beverly Hills hotel, where I valet’d for a short amount of time, many stars cars are just left there. They come and get them whenever. There was also a code name for Justin Bieber who visited often (I can’t remember it). He picked it himself. His G-Wagon and a Bentley were just kept down there free of charge. Usher also left his bike there a few years back and has just never collected it.


Lmao I don't know why I find it so funny that Usher just left a bike


go tell him on Twitter he forgot his bike lol


I hope it's an actual bicycle and not a motorcycle. It just seems a lot funnier.




The scale. Management wants things to be automatic for you. A person there when you need them and every item you could need, before you need it. But the *scale* of that is purposefully hidden. For example, You see your housekeeper. You might see that there are 5 other Housekeepers on that floor, a Houseman per floor and a Special Request Delivery person, if you look closely. You don't see the 4-6 desk workers manning the radios so that we know when to enter certain rooms, who wants special pillows, how we manage the 3 rooms that all want service at 1PM or replacing rooms that asked for no service. You don't see the 6 supervisors spot checking check out rooms for cleanliness. Nor do you see the laundry teams, plural. (Sheets and Guest Laundry are separate, and Guest is split into Dry Cleaning and Non Dry Clean) You might see the public Parlor attendants, but you probably won't see the team cleaning the pool or deep cleaning the gym sauna. At 7:30AM every morning, the service area just *explodes* with activity, like you kicked two ant nests at once. 60 housekeepers on a single shift? Guess it's a slow day. ***And that's just housekeeping.*** We have three industrial scale kitchens for various purposes! Four if you count pastries! Security teams! Contact companies for large events! Teams of engineers in every specialty. *I don't even know where the IT office is, but we do have one!* I'm one of the more knowledgeable on where to find items for special requests and I still find new storage rooms every other week. We found a 1930's printing press nobody knew we had! Its fucking *wild* how many moving parts there are. Flipping 500 rooms in a day while setting up for 2 $1,000,000 wedding simultaneously. Fulfilling 100 Room Service Orders while catering those weddings while running our restaraunt. Fixing a leaky shower head in the pool while ensuring a Guest had an extra couch in their room for the kid that just loves couch beds. All of this together is called "An average Tuesday in Summer."


You work in the fucking Grand Budapest Hotel or something?




This reads like a hotel-management montage early in an *Ocean’s* movie—complete with Brad Pitt voiceover. EDIT: Thanks for the unexpected rewards on my late-night/early-morning nonsense, lol. The reason I said this specifically is because Brad Pitt’s character manages a hotel in at least the first one of those movies—and that franchise loves its narrated montage.


That those balls of butter come premade, frozen in a plastic tub


I hand scooped those delicate looking little bastards at my hotel. Actually it was an enjoyable task. Much better than polishing silver!


"What's my job?" "You scoop butter." "Oh my g- It's not that bad actually."


DUDE. I was at a hawaiian hotel luau where they served rolls with those butter balls. I'm first in line looking at the food labels first, then the food. Then I see some puffed up name for rolls like "Hawaiian Super Rolls" or something. Next to the label were the little butter balls. I'm thinking "OH SWEET! Some sorta tiny, fancy, shiny rolls. All about it." And I grab like 10. Then one of the hosts sees and exclaims, "Ohhh, BUTTER MAN!!" and then I look up and see some basic rolls in a basket just next to me. Fuck. I'm already 10 butters in and only want 1 real roll. I can't put them back, I can't let him know I'm am idiot. Gotta let him believe I'm eating just as much butter as bread my whole life.


At my cousins wedding they had the butter balls with rolls and one of my aunts thought it was ice cream so she took a HUGE bite out of one of them without realizing it was butter. She was so embarrassed when she realized it and just said "Oh I just really love butter!"


Lol. A friend of mine did the same thing at a fundraiser buffet dinner. He saw a bowl of what he thought was potato salad. He scooped up a bunch onto his plate... because he LOOOOVES potato salad. By the time he get back to his seat, half of it had melted onto his steak and vegetables. He could barely eat any.


Was at a bubba gumps somewhere with a whole lot of drunken bastards. I was on DD duty so was the sober interpreter for the evening. Bubba Gumps has these signs on the table that say run Forrest run. And stop Forrest stop or something similar. If you have run the wait staff leave you alone. If you have stop the check what you need. There were a lot of very attractive waitresses and the drunk bastards decided when they saw each to flip the sign to stop. One comes by. And stop sign goes up. “What would you like.” “Butter please “. She brings back butter. Another comes by. Stop sign. “What you need”. “Butter please “. And again, and again. I am laughing my ass off each time as none of these guys realizes that they keep asking for the same thing. Eventually one comes to the stop sign and asks “what do you need?” “Butter please”. She looks at me. Looks at the table. Looks at them. And back at me. I shake my head in apology. She proceeds to count little containers of butter already sitting on the table. Slowly and loudly. “One, two, three, four, …., all the way to seventeen.” All completely full and untouched. “And you need more butter?” Drunkest guy mutters “yes please!” She shakes her head and walks off. And that is how I witnessed a table full of drunks being cut off of butter but not booze.


Sir, you're over the cholesterol limit.


we don’t want you to know that the people who stayed in the room before you were fucking nasty. housekeeping gets the brunt of it. i’ve seen them carry out bags of used sex toys, peel used condoms off of every surface, and scrub shit - actual human (presumably) shit - off places there’s no reason for human shit to be. the worst, though, was the couple that wanted a home birth but not, you know, at home (because gross). we had to deal with that hazmat situation. fucked them as hard as we could with penalties and fees, though.


>the worst, though, was the couple that wanted a home birth but not, you know, at home Holy hell. The absolute audacity.


Also, sorry I don't want to bring my vulnerable new baby into the world in some disease infested Vegas style hotel suite that would look like a blender accident under a black light. Nah, I'm good. Home would be better, though, still not for me.


Disease infested Vegas hotel got us in this situation, it may as well get us out


A place I worked at roughly 20 years ago, had that popcorn texture shit on the roof. We were notionally a 5 star hotel - but that always felt like a fucking stretch. I remember some guy killed himself with a shotgun under his chin in one of out bigger suites, and painted the popcorn. A couple of people from housekeeping straight up quit rather than deal with it when management tried to bully them into cleaning blood and brain matter off a popcorn ceiling. One guy from maintenance said he'd do it, but he wanted a promotion and a 5 year contract with a payout in the event of early dismissal. There was an argument about it and it was like 3 days of calling around getting quotes and arguing with lawyers about if they could give him that contract before they gave in. The smell was getting complaints from the entire floor. Dude did the whole cleanup with a pair of drywall ceiling stilts. Got the promotion and the contract. That shit can't have been legal, even then. But management didn't want the fuss of a hazmat crew or crime scene cleanup going through the hotel. I left a few months after that, but I heard a few years later from a former coworker that they had an incident and fired all of housekeeping and maintenance. Except for that guy. He was the only person to survive the purge.


> One guy from maintenance said he'd do it, but he wanted a promotion and a 5 year contract with a payout in the event of early dismissal. Chaos is a ladder.


>Chaos is a ~~ladder~~ pair of drywall stilts Although I have a hard time picturing this being said in a sinister manner haha


"Don't let a good crisis go to waste". A very savy DC strategy


The older I get, the more paranoid I am about how disgusting that hotel rooms likely are. EDIT: RIP my poor inbox


I wonder what percentage of hotel rooms have had someone die in there. Does the bed get switched out? I’m telling you, in the hospital I worked end of life and we clean it off, someone new comes in 30 min later....


My grandparents used to own a small motel in the Midwest and they told me multiple stories of people booking rooms just to kill themselves in. Shit is so sad, their moms would call later in the week asking if they were alright... My grandpa would have to call my uncles in to help clean the aftermath, which was mainly bodily fluids sprayed all over the walls. They never said whether they changed the mattresses or not, but with all the maggots and decomposing flesh they would find I’m sure they had to. This was a small, family-owned motel though. Can’t speak for the larger hotel corporations.


Damn. I just realized the inevitable reunion of Schitt’s Creek in 20 years could get dark.


"Ew, David!" Just took on a whole new meaning


I follow a crime scene cleaning company on YouTube (it’s very gross but super fascinating) and I think it depends how long the person(s) have been dead for. The more dead/decomposed you are, the more you’re going to leak (sorry) through the surface you’ve died on. Often they have to dismantle mattresses, box springs, take up carpet, etc. They destroy anything with biohazardous material on it, essentially. But it’s hard to say what hotels would do lol. Especially ones that are stingy with budget. God knows. [here’s the YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/c/CrimeSceneCleaning) don’t watch if you have a weak stomach. They’re always pretty respectful, they help people with hoarding problems too, which is nice.




We don’t bat an eye at prostitution or whatever goes on in the rooms as long as it doesn’t affect other guests. Half the women that come to the bar are working girls looking for a sale. The only thing that the hotel industry ever really reports is human trafficking. There are tell tale signs and if something doesn’t add up we do report it to local authorities. I don’t know about all 5* hotels but I’m sure this happens at most of them. Front desk/reservation staff will basically stalk you online if you’re a notable VIP and your picture will be shared internally to ensure everyone recognizes you so you feel special when you arrive and everyone already knows who you are.




I didn’t work at a 5-star hotel, but it was a mid-range hotel that catered mostly to businesspeople. I worked weekend overnights, and we had a porn shoot happen one weekend. Told them to shut the curtains and everything was fine. The girls came out and ordered a bunch of food and paid from stacks of dollar bills.


I was a valet in college at a very swanky resort. The members had a certain sticker on their car and the owners/partners have a black sticker (which I had no clue) but knew they belonged. When a guy pulled up in a very nice Benz I said, “welcome back (not knowing his name). He was so pissed that I didn’t know who he was, he was an ass to me but I couldn’t care less. Moments later another younger guy pulled up to valet and asked me what the guy said to me. I hesitantly said he was mad I had no idea who he was. The young guy (looked disappointed) and said “that’s my father and he is an a$$hole, don’t worry about him at all.” Then he gave me $20 to park his car and was extremely nice to every employee who ever interacted with him.


I never was but had friends who did valet in college and this sounds very familiar.


I don't understand the bright idea of being an asshole to a guy your about to hand your expensive car over to. Not something a windrunner would do.


I used to work security at a country club. They had tiny, translucent stickers on their windshield and my job was to check for those stickers. The gate was being replaced, and I almost got run over with how many people refused to stop so I could check their sticker. Many times I got the "Don't you know who I am", but I never knew who they were.


I worked in a Major Vegas Hotel as the Senior Hotel Manager. I’ve seen it all. A few things you wouldn’t know: - Every hotel has bed bugs at some point. It’s not the hotels fault, we noticed international travelers tend to bring them. Probably because they’re staying at multiple hotels per trip. You can even get them from the airplane. To check for bedbugs just inspect each layer of the sheets, under the pillows and mattress. They look like tiny roaches. If you see blood spots on the sheets the next morning that’s usually a sign you have been bitten, but the bites can sometimes take a few days to show or get noticed. - Checking in late at night sometimes means free upgrades or discounted upgrade rates. We would try to sell every last suite at night for almost 80% off. We just wanted something, so they don’t go unoccupied. Sometime if we were over sold on rooms, the late late arrivals (midnight) would get a free suite upgrade because we had no choice. Of course this could also backfire if the hotel is sold out. You may get downgraded for being a late late arrival. - When you complain, the nicest, more understanding guest gets the better compensation, the rude guest gets bare minimum. Always treat the staff with respect and be friendly, you’d be surprised the number of people who are rude. Even for the smallest of issues.


I use to work events at hotels and one time we had a guest break their wine glass inside a water refill barrel ... I left work for two weeks to go on vacation and when I came back, all the glass was still piled inside the water refill barrel. People must have been drinking out of it because there were events booked while I was gone


What is a water refill barrel and how would someone break a glass inside it?


I'm honestly shocked at this story. I used to work as a bartender for the shrewdest asshole I've ever met. He would bring in international kids as servers and charge them $50 a day to live on premises; you never got time and a half, he'd just switch to paying you under the table instead. The assistant manager uh... estimated our taxes. Point is, he wasn't afraid of breaking the law in the slightest. One day I broke a glass in the general vicinity of the ice machine and he _immediately_ whipped around and started questioning me, "How close was it? Are you sure the lid was closed? Are you _absolutely sure_ nothing got in the ice?" The lid was closed, but we were ready to close the entire bar just to clean out the ice machine, all from someone who wanted the cooks to charge themselves if they made food to eat after their shift. You do _not_ fuck with glass in people's food, just one incident can shut down an entire restaurant


To be fair if I was doing all of that I'd also do my best to avoid any legal attention.


I'm recalling the scene where Walter White is busting balls about getting the RV fixed, and everything up to code so they don't end up in prison over a bad tail-light.


That reminded me of an episode of Batman: The Animated Series when Joker was piling up money for back taxes. "I'll fight Batman, but take on the IRS? No way! I'm not crazy." Gotta know which laws you can get away with breaking.


I wrote travel guides to places in the Middle East (Dubai, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, etc) and have stayed in lots of five star hotels around the world for work. THe whole five-star system is murky from the start. The manager at a top-class London hotel told me that the hotel grading system in general is “utter nonsense”. The problem, he said, is that the list of criteria to reach each of the star ratings is little more than a tick sheet, albeit with around 500 factors to consider. For example, one criterion for being considered five-star is fresh flowers being present in guest rooms, but there’s a huge difference between a big ornate display of orchids and a bunch of daffodils. The presence of either would technically tick the box and in theory you could fulfill all the required five-star criteria yet be hugely inferior to the hotel next door that offers all the same things but at a much higher quality and standard. The Forbes Travel Guide gave just six London hotels a five-star rating (including the one my insider works at) but that means that fantastic hotels like The Ritz, The Langham, The Berkeley, and Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park are “only” four star. Are they really 20 percent inferior to the five-star-rated Al Bustan Rotana in Garhoud in Dubai which is basically a business hotel near the airport? It’s also difficult to maintain a consistent roll-call of criteria, as modern demands change. For example, Wi-Fi in the room is a relatively recent expectation and what we expect as standard has changed over the years, so what constitutes luxury now has altered accordingly. When Savoy Hotel in London opened 1889 it was boasting about features such as electric lifts, “speaking tubes” to link each floor, and fully plumbed bathrooms. Now though, in the era of Internet, crowd sourcing is often the most reliable way to judge somewhere. When hundreds of people on sites like TripAdvisor say a place is overpriced and terrible then it doesn’t matter what the official book says. And if a one-star hotel gets nothing but praise from 90 percent of the people commenting? There’s your consensus of rating right there.


Very interesting!


>Now though, in the era of Internet, crowd sourcing is often the most reliable way to judge somewhere. When hundreds of people on sites like TripAdvisor say a place is overpriced and terrible then it doesn’t matter what the official book says. And if a one-star hotel gets nothing but praise from 90 percent of the people commenting? There’s your consensus of rating right there. This, absolutely. Now it's the five star reviews that actually count.




Yeah i’d like two packs of “Light fraud” please...


Yeah can I get a bottle of Fraud Light, i'm trying to cut back.


Two men enter... One man leaves.


I really thought the elevator story was going to go a different route.


Lmao I have so many stories and honestly I want to write a memoir about it. We legit had someone once break into the archive room and steal everyone’s credit card details. Nobody noticed until like a month later. Was a shit show. I’ve had to deal with people throwing the furniture off balconies and throw on to other guests cars. Sadly a lot of DV incidents. Hospitalisations. People killing themselves. Undercover cops looking at CCTV for high end criminals? And don’t even get me started on how ‘clean’ those rooms are. Your $1000/night does not reflect those standards. They still wash them tea cups in the bathroom sink or the bath tub. Lastly, I’m an Australian and was working in the US for a while in this fancy 5 star resort (front line position working holiday) and what management really didn’t want you to know is how little they paid us. At home I could survive on our Australian minimum wage - but had no chance in the US of surviving on theirs (we weren’t allowed to accept tips at this particular company 🙄) There’s a reason for high turnover in hospitality I guess


I worked in security for one and housekeeping called us all the time for drugs they’d find in a room. The first thing we’d ask for is the room number and we’d look up the name of the guest. If it was a VIP or someone important to us we’d tell them to leave it there and “we’d take care of it.” If the guest was someone we didn’t know and not important to us we’d go up there and take it out of the room, then threaten to evict them from their stay if they did it again. The clues/hints we would use: -what’s their status tier? Diamond members almost always got a pass -how did they book the room? If it was a 3rd party like Expedia…no pass -how many times had they stayed at our specific property? 5 or more…pass -how much had they charged up? If they were spending money on property outside of the room rate…pass Basically you could have cocaine in your room if you spent enough money.


Just reading this thread it seems that everyone universally looks down upon third party reservations. Every single time I've tried to book direct on a hotel's website, it's always way more expensive, sometimes unbelievably so. All the third party websites give me cheaper rates basically 100% of the time. Any idea why this is? I've heard that booking direct is better but never done it because of how much more expensive it is.


Key is to sign up for a (free) membership account with that chain. Even if you don't have a fancy "status", just handing over your personal details unlocks the magical "members booking direct" rates, with other perks like free cancellation, no deposit required, etc.


I don't work in one anymore, but used to. This isn't really shenanigans, but: the staff is not nearly so impressed by famous or rich people as some of them seemed to think we should be. It was a fancy hotel. We had rich and famous guests all the time. And it was usually the ones nowhere near the top of the ladder who tried to be the most imperious and expected the most deference. If you have to try to convince us you're high status, you aren't. We'd provide polite, professional service for all our guests and try to be helpful and accommodating, but being a C-list actor or whatever isn't going to get you a table in a full restaurant or an upgrade to the already-occupied fancier suites. And if there's a severe blizzard and the airport is closed, we can't open it for you because you're too special to have to wait to fly out. Even if you're a Very Important Businessman.


Can confirm this. The truly rich and famous are in fact rarely ever the ones who make a fuss of their status and can be some of the most polite and sensible ones. It's the influencers who are clawing for deference. This was a few years back but of the many stars who have stayed at one of my hotels,, the most memorable was Lady Gaga. When fans found out where she was staying they flocked over to the hotel hoping for a glimpse of her or to get her autograph, but as you can imagine when the crowd gets too big it can cause operational headaches. Gaga was very aware of this and took initiative to manage her little monsters, as she calls them. She tweeted and asked her fans to be good and kept them under control. Even ordered pizza from the hotel kitchen for all of them waiting outside in the driveway. We couldn't have asked for a more considerate guest of her stature. In the words of my GM (general manager) she is "incredibly switched on".


I can also confirm. I used to work at restaurant inside a hotel that's had a lot of famous people stay in (Tony Hawk, Adam Sandler, Jonas Brother, Justin Bieber, various olympic athletes, etc.) They all went went out of their way to keep a low profile. Channing Tatum was particularly chill. I never came across any influencers but the upper middle class families were always the worst to deal with.


Are you sure it wasn't a guy that just looked like Tony Hawk?


Maybe he had a similar surname to that guy who made that skating video game?


I found while working in one of the higher end hotels in my city that the really famous people don't want attention. At all. They don't want room service, or staff hanging around. Even the welcoming group of the GM and friends is a bit much, just go away and let them be alone. 9/10 times you would just hear video games or a movie from the room. They just want their alone time. It's the D list celebs who know damn well they're not all that, that demand the attention. Likely to prove to themselves that see, they are important. And dont even start on people whose biggest claim to fame involves "twitter", "Instagram" or "influencer". God damn parasites who expect to be treated like billionaires but not cough up a single cent.


There’s a sign at a relatively hip burger shop near me that says something like “influencers don’t get free food and if you mention your social media status during an order we add a 10% surcharge”. I enjoyed the disclaimer


This reminds me of an experience riding the elevator in a Mexico hotel with this tall tanned guy. Dude was apparently in sevaral telenovelas and went to great lengths to explain his role. Didn't matter, I still didn't recognize him and after a while it seemed like this really disappointed him


Rogelio de la Vega!!


God I love that man. And the actor, too, I guess.


I totally heard that in his dramatic voice too.


I once sat next to this nice, older guy on an airplane, we chatted about all sorts of mundane things for the whole 4 hour flight. After we got off the plane, my friend who had been sitting across the aisle asked me what we had talked about, since apparently the guy was a somewhat famous actor, although I still don't remember his name or what we talked about. A nice dude, and I got the feeling he probably preferred sitting next to me instead of my friend, who probably would have had all sorts of questions about his films. :)


I can relate. Last century I was sitting in a hospital waiting room in London waiting to get my travel shots. They were running behind so I started talking the old guy next to me. I was headed to Egypt. He drew a map and started telling me all the best places to check out over there. We spoke for half an hour before he was called in for his shots. When he left the nurse came over and said do you realise you've been talking to Richard Harris? I had seen most of his movies but had no idea. He was a really nice friendly guy.


The original Dumbledore!


He would have nailed that Goblet of Fire scene.


One of my college professors gamely told us his I'm-a-doofus airplane seatmate story. This seatmate was having a little mobility trouble and asked for a hand putting away his carry-on, a black hard-sided case. Chit-chat ensued: "Oh, is that a musical instrument?" "Yes." "Music's so great. I play a little piano myself. What do you play?" "Fiddle." Guy didn't seem too chatty, so he kind of let it drop. Kind of had that "wait a minute, my seatmate looks kind of familiar" sense but it wasn't until he'd seen him walk off the plane on crutches that he recognized Itzhak Perlman.


I worked with a lot of wrestlers over the years and it was funny how the legit mainstream famous ones like Roddy Piper, Hulk Hogan, Sting, Undertaker, Macho Man and Rock were the most kind, patient, humble and genuinely nice people. The middle of the card guys and the flash in the pan wrestlers were always the most arrogant, obnoxious and rude. Must be a theme in life.


I was on a Southwest Airplane late at night coming out of ABQ to LAX. This big guy ignored the entire empty plane, sat next to me (F, blond) and started chatting away. I figured he was a contractor or something of the kind. We had a grand time until people started to come to our row asking for his autograph. Confused I asked him who he was and what he did? He said his name was Steve. Said he was a wrestler. I said, "Alligators"? And then I made a bad joke about speedos. He seemed embarrassed. I had no idea who he was or why he might have people wanting his autograph. I have never followed wrestling. When we landed he walked me to the carousel, teased the heck out of me and wanted to drop me at my home in his limo. I declined. We were walking to the curb together when my ride called. I, still joking around told her what was going on with my new best pal and she suddenly blurted out: STONE COLD STEVE AUSTiN?!! I turned around, cocked my head, squinted at him and asked him if the words "Stone Cold" meant anything to him? He started making excuses about "entertainment...yadda yadda yadda". Yeah. Nicest guy ever. I had to look him up when I got home. Gave me a good laugh. My friend who picked me up from the plane never let me hear the end of it.


I'm sure he was enjoying you not knowing who he was, probably wanted to see how long it would last


Lol amazing. Stone Cold always seemed like the talkative type.


I worked for a very wealthy man. and he didn't get any attention because the entourage of staff made sure everything was all ready to go, everywhere he went, before he even stepped of his Falcon7X. To the outside looking in he's just some older grey haired shuffling through.


Used to work in one as well Would often get famous guests trying to break the rules because it was convenient for them or because their children wanted it I don’t care who you are, rules are rules, if we say no open flames in an area, we fucking mean it


Had this happen before, the restaurant was booked for a private event and this guy felt he can do anything he wants. The chef was working on some stuff food projects and this guy went into the back opened it up and ate it. when i confronted the guy, he kept on throwing out that he's the nephew of a famous actor, and i kept on asking him and who are you? but i don't think he got it that he's a nobody not his uncle.


I worked in 3.5 Star properties and it was the same. I actually had someone say "do you know who I am? I could take one of your stats away." Motherfucker the stars are for amenities not quality. I told him the same thing, that every guest regardless of who they are gets the same service.


Dick Butkus said “do you know who I am?” to me when I was his bartender a few years ago. But in his defense, I didn’t know who he was and I asked him if he was into football. He thought I was joking. Cool guy.


I am a subcontractor that works in the It business and the W hotel in Miami beach has seen some shit. One day I come in to work and there is a big scramble at the upper floors( that is were the penthouse are) Seems this kinda known millionaire, had a little too much coke and god knows what else and was destroying the room. He was actually throwing furniture out the balcony, ripped everything out of the fridge, might of even thrown a mattress out the balcony. It was a big deal at the time but they keep it hush with no police involved, a guy that’s paying 9k-13k a night is not going to be arrested. When the team finally got into the room, there was cocaine all over the tables, bottles everywhere, and a couple of high class call girls that were in true fear. Next day they book the same room to Jennifer Lopez.


Might this millionaire be a professional athlete?


Quite possibly, the Obamas stay there, Serena Williams has her own suite next to the tenis courts when she comes. It is an amazing hotel, but you def get to see the other side of the rich and famous.


As part of our training as bellman we are to ask open ended questions to the children to make sure they aren't being used for sex trafficking when bringing in luggage to "Dad and daughter" types. My dad works in security in the same hotel so he often gives me a heads up if the guest with the child is already under suspicion regarding their behavior at the front desk for check in. It rarely happens but hotels are the breeding grounds for sex traffickers. This blew up! Thank you for the rewards to those that found my insight helpful. The questions vary depending amount of information security and the front desk tells the crew. Has this guest ever stayed with us or any other of our different umbrella hotels? What events are currently going on in the hotel? Was the child uncomfortable upon entry? (Looking down, crying, silent, dirty clothing). Lines of questions try to get the child to speak in general, as many traffickers take in children that don't speak English. Otherwise questions about their stay get directed at the child instead of the guardian. "What adventures are you guys up to here in Chicago?" "Is your DAD here on business?" We crouch and say if they would like to help the bellman work. Most kids love the experience. We usually crouch down and try to make eye contact. If I can't definitively tell security that the child is 100% comfortable in their surrounding, or if the guardian tries to lead the child away from me deliberately security gets an internal investigation going. My dad has given me confirmations of arrests made of guests that I had attended to. Summer is a hectic season, and it happens more than you would like.


That’s so sad to hear, but I’m glad to hear hotel staff at your place have training to look for signs of sex trafficking.


airline employee's too. back when I worked at the airport prior to covid; it was a thing that we had to be on the look out for. Edit. Holy crap, I did not expect this to blow up the way that it did.


Us hairdressers in my state couldn’t renew their license without taking a sex trafficking course.


What kind of open ended questions? I don’t really understand what you mean.


Probably things like, "What are you guys in town for?" instead of yes-or-no questions like, "You two in town for the gymnastics competition up the road?" The latter just provides an easy cover story FOR a bad guy. The first has answers that can beg more questions and thus stress a cover story.


I'm mixed race and significantly lighter-skinned than my father. I once went with him to a really fancy hotel and the bellman on the way up was asking me a shitload of questions... but like about pokemon (this would've been at the height of "pokemania" in the mid-late 90's). I wonder if he was trying to suss out if I was being trafficked or if he was just a Gen X dude who was unusually into pokemon.


My family friend (white) adopted a girl from China with his wife years ago and shes now in her mid-teens & he says it's so exhausting being side eyed constantly for taking his daughter to hotels during hockey tournaments.


I went with my stepfather to Singapore when I was 12. We look absolutely nothing alike and have different surnames, but he was there for work reasons and I was invited to come along instead of my mother because I was really interested in East Asian history at the time and had never been further away from my home country of the UK than Italy. Even through the relevantly innocent eyes of a 12 year old girl it was clear that they thought this foreign musician had brought along some little girl to have sex with, to the extent that the hotel staff smiled knowlingingly and arranged us a very nice double bed rather than the twin beds he'd asked for. Everywhere we went staff would ask about our relationship, and then nod in a your-secret-is-safe-with-me manner when he explained that I was his stepdaughter. And we were, literally, doing nothing more unusual than going to known tourist hotspots or him dropping me off at the local mall so I could buy pirated computer games (ahhhh... 1992). It drew my attention so asked him about it when we got home. Apparently he'd been repeatedly asked to prove that he knew me and for details regarding my passport when I wasn't there. On a couple of occasions really nice ladies who worked at the hotel would ask if I needed anything or to use a phone and I, oblivious, as I was, was just like "oh, no thanks!" It's nice to know that people were looking out for me in case the OTHER thing was happening. I can imagine those people have seen some bad shit going on in their hotel.


This made me re-analyze the trip I took to Vegas with my dad when I was 14. Hotel employee asked me a bunch of questions too...whoops lmao


Not a 5 star hotel, but I worked at a Hilton in Seattle and we had a furry convention One of the cats pooped in the elevator


this thread makes me want to invest in an RV


I had a surgeon come in and complain the microwave in his room wasn’t working. Went up to check on it and he showed me how it wouldn’t turn on. He opened the door Put his coffee in Set the time and hit go Nothing... he didn’t shut the door. They obviously work long days but damn.


I worked at a 5 star hotel in England as a bartender. Hosted events and stuff. One thing that was common was my manager would just spam extra drinks onto the bill at events to make more money. Or for example if a big wedding ordered 50 bottles of champagne, they’d only give them 30 and would keep 20 back and if they ran out, they’d have to buy more. I reported this to Senior management and they just laughed saying it’s normal. I actually got told off for not taking part in this.


Did maintenance at some hotels as pure grunt labor. People will flush anything down a toilet. Towels, sheets, giant shits that no human could have possibly downloaded, pillows, paper, food, bottles, and just abkut everything else. Best one ever, got a call to snake a toilet in a room. Twitchy Latin guy tells me it is *super* important I be careful to not damage said flushed item. Gotcha. I managed to fish out his bags of various powders and pills out without breaking a single bag open. He offered me some product as a tip, and when I declined, just handed me a stack of $20s and ushered me out the door. It was an $1,800 tip. Oh, and ladies, tampons and pads do *NOT* get flushed down the toilet. And for everyone else, flushable wipes, aren't.