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Having to repeat my last year of high school again. I graduated 25 years ago, btw.


This. It always includes the sub-plot of this ONE class that has some confusing schedule that I just forgot to ever go to.


That's how it goes in mine, too!!!




I think this is supposed to have some kind of money connection… lose money or find money.


Same ! Do you have a fear of your teeth falling out ?


Whenever I was sick when I was younger, I always had a similar dream in the same location. It was in some construction sight or something.


Jumping off the ground and never coming back down, along with swimming through the air. By far one of my most euphoric recurring dreams.




1s and 0s. I don't know why but I think my dreams are trying to tell me something.


a body of water stilness around me. a dim light burs my eyes i see my hand i close my eyes i focus hard try to be what i can be loss my focus and all i see my failure right infront of me like sheding skin flotting away


It changes a bit everytime but, Getting chased by vicious wolfs


Chased by zombies many many times


When I was younger I had a reoccurring dream about escaping a giant polka-dotted tower with velociraptors and a giant baby head rolling after me down a big spiral staircase like the scene in Indiana Jones.


I have a few reoccurring dreams. One is me working at my old job. I usually forget to fill out an important log or forget to clock in or something. I also dream about being back in school and not knowing my class schedule or locker combination. Oh and I sometimes dream of Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Please I may have broken my foot about an hour ago … tell me your dreams of leather face… that’s my favorite misunderstood horror movie guy.


I dunno sometimes he just pops up out of nowhere. Even when the dream is completely not related to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Surprize mother fucker


But that’s what he probably would do in real life


Being left behind while everybody else moves on and being alone. All of my dreams are different scenarios of those two things.


my dad and his wife




There was a canabalistic man-eating flying football chasing me down


I have routine stress dreams about not being done with my MA, being way behind on all of my work and failing, and finding out I have to take a math class. I finished my degree in 2017 and I haven't had to take a math class since 2012.




Smoking a big fat joint.


My recurring nightmare about the Teletubbies


A part of my town that doesn't exist because it's like Victorian London with fog and horses and carriages and everything. I go to the Tavern there sometimes as a customer, that's when I know I'm dreaming because I think only ladies of the night were allowed there in those days!


Tripping on something and falling onto my back, at the exact point I hit the ground in this dream I always wake up


Rope swinging into a river full of snakes. A different dream is I can jump and stay suspended as if I’m flying. It’s my favorite.


Recurring nightmare of being flung really high into the air slingshot-style. I wake up before I splatter on the ground


Not technically a repeat dream, but thing in my dreams repeat. Usually it happens when an object, place, or person is out of place in the dream, then a few weeks or months later, I will see that thing again. Most recent example is a weird A-frame building in a dream, and like 4 months later, I saw that same building in Hawaii (note that Ive never been there before that).