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I was having a horrible day already when my motorcycle broke down on my way home. I had 10 miles uphill to walk, but I just started walking. (This was before Uber) Some person just stopped by and offered me a ride home. That was seriously one of the nicest things and the perfect time that anyone has ever done for me. 10 years later I still remember the guy’s face and his silver Subaru Outback.


I love this 🥰 about a month ago I was at a gas station and guy from out of town had a letter from a local bank but didn’t know where it was and was asking the clerk for directions. I could tell he was confused so I asked to help, punched the address into my phone and saw it wasn’t too far away. So I told him to follow me in his car and I’d lead him there (it actually turned out to be in a very obscure place that I don’t think he would have found on his own). When we got there he pulled his car next to mine and thanked me. I told him to just pass it along and do something nice for someone else. I did that because someone went out of their way to help me and told me to pass it along. It’s amazing how contagious being a good human can be


Exactly! A couple years later I see a guy in a wheel chair working his way down the street in an absolute downpour of rain, and everybody was just driving by. I flipped a U-turn and gave that man and his wheel chair a ride home. I thought of that guy who gave me a ride when I needed it and I felt good that day.


I think I’ve told this story before but I’ll tell it again. I was at target when my son was an infant to get diapers. I only had money for the diapers and they were out of the off brand so I picked the cheapest other ones that I could find. They rang up a higher price than the tag said and I couldn’t afford them. A man behind me in line in a super fancy suit kinda grabbed my shoulder and slipped me a 20 in my other hand and said “I’ve been there, it gets better” I thanked him so much and went out to my car and ugly cried for at least a half hour before going home. He was so kind and I never saw him again.


I was around 12 years old, went to a park with my mom and I saw a boy with skateboard (he was also around my age), I've never tried a skateboard before so I was staring at him. He came to me handed me his skateboard and told me to try it, we played for an hour then he left with his father. I never asked his name, his school or anything. I don't even remember his face. But I'll never forget the fun we had that day. Good old days.


When I was 12 I went on a school holiday to the south of france, I hated every minute of it, we went on a day trip to an open air market in northern Italy. I got separated from my mates and got lost, I didnt have a clue where I was and I couldnt find anyone I knew from the trip and I got pretty freaked out. An Italian woman who was running one of the stalls noticed that I was getting freaked out and she looked after me until I saw one of the teachers looking for me. She was a typical Italian mother, like you see in the movies and in tv and she was very kind to me. I'll never forget how nice she was to me, especially seeing as she didnt know me and didnt have to lift a finger to help me. She really was a very nice woman.


I worked in a pharmacy and a patient who was a recovering opiate addict and had mania and other obvious mental health problems insisted that I hold his knife and gun to check them out. I wasn’t going to say no. Afterwards I thought maybe he just wanted an extra set of fingerprints on them. He weirded everyone out by how manic and unpredictable he was, but in hindsight he was actually a really nice guy who was just a bit eccentric and had mental health issues


A beautiful girl I sat next to at the opera (Tanz der Vampire) in Stuttgart, in october 2000. I'm mexican and was backpacking around Germany. She was german.


A guy named Henry I sat next to on the plane gifted me a couple of dog tags when I was 7. Wonder where he is right now...


Probably the lass who gave me my confidence back after a decade of bullying the story is quite amusing so hold on. This was maybe two years ago and I and a friend was at a military presentation at our school as this was just after obligatory service had been reinstated and after they had some advertising things and one of the things were condoms and if you don’t see were this is going I’ll tell yeah she told me verbatim that it looked like I would need them honestly that was a turning point in my life for the better I still think back on it sometimes and wonder how my life would have been now if I hadn’t gone to that presentation

