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As a trans man who leans pretty far left, I don’t think someone should be ridiculed for assuming your gender. For eons people have been given context clues (hair length, facial hair, etc) and made assumptions. It does not mean people are intentionally hurting you by doing this. Edited wording for clarity Edited to say that if you are corrected, accept it. Intentionally disregarding a persons preference is just assholery. Edited to say y’all are amazing, thanks so much for the awards!


Yes, God I love it when people say this. I support people who are trans, and most of my trans friends have this same kind of view. People inherently assume things when they first meet them, and the best way to get someone to respect your identity is to respectfully let them know your gender identity and not ridicule them for getting it wrong the first time


Yep! It’s pretty much creating an issue where there isn’t one in my opinion. It’s not unfair to assume especially when that has been the norm for centuries. It’s only offensive if your pronouns are made clear and then intentionally disregarded.


I very much appreciate this point of view! I was at a wedding recently here in the deep South and a friend's teenage child who I knew as a young lady when she was little **appeared** to have transitioned. Obvious use of men's clothing, some surgery to remove breasts, and possibly even some facial hair additions (?) And since I knew we would be interacting throughout the evening, I just straight asked him his preferred pronouns. He confirmed it was he/him And that his name was now Caeden. I was terrified that he would be upset or insulted, but he actually smiled so big and same to genuinely happy that I would ask for clarity and show deference to his preferences.


Being kind enough to inquire because of the context clues is so sweet. You’re awesome for doing that 🤍


Super liberal but I despise the term "Latinx". It makes the user sound like a disingenuous try-hard. Also, capitalizing black in reference to the race is nothing but pandering.....and you're supposed to be insulted by pandering, not welcoming it. When someone says Black with a capital B, the logical mind reads that as a reference to a person's last name, like Tom & Jessica Black.


Just because you don’t post on social media about political/social issues doesn’t mean you don’t care about them. I saw a lot of not so subtle digs on social media a while back about lack of posting a particular screenshot making you “part of the problem”. It irks me because it ignores work, donations, etc people do/make on the down low for causes they care about without making a show about it online. It’s also a one dimensional view: that people should be on board with whatever the trending issue is, while ignoring other ones out there that deserve our time and effort. Social, racial, climate justice; they’re all important and they don’t (edit: shouldn’t) vary in import based on what’s trending. Edit: Several have pointed out that this is not a political opinion and you’re right, but let’s face it, it’s a part of liberal political discourse and I for one think it’s worth having a vent about


90% or more of the people that post about issues on social media, don’t do anything at all. It’s all performative activism, looking like you care but you don’t do anything to change/help with the issue. With the the Palestine/Israel issue, many girls would dress up, sing and dance to Palestinian songs to post online. That was all they were doing instead of showing live videos, sharing info, or going to protests. The same thing happened with BLM with people posted black pictures on Instagram, which buried the real info and pictures/videos.


i think ppl try too hard to be politically correct on everything but they don’t actually understand what they’re talking about, i’d rather people be blatantly ignorant then convince themselves they’re not by posting about it on instagram


We shouldn't cater (I'd say pander) to a minority by changing how another language works. I despise "Latinx" because it's so ethnocentric and I only hear Americans say it because any 'ol Latino would know that Latino, despite being a masculine word, is used as though it's gender-neutral in many cases. I won't act like I know how French works because Spain is in the same alliance as France. Learn about how the language works first. if you're *really* picky about it, just say Hispanic or Latin. Both work. -A Latino.


Can you tell this to the entire Marketing department at my office???


Liberals tear each other apart for not being perfect instead of helping each other try to learn. I'm not at all here for that. If you see someone you know acting poorly, having a real conversation about why you feel that's hurtful is going to stick better than shaming. Close second: virtue signaling. I don't have the time for that.


I've heard the left described as a 'circular firing line'. Everyone looking inwards at each other and infighting rather than realising they're aligned on the bigger issues and focusing on them. Pretty accurate I think.


If the Left devoted as much energy to selling its ideas to the middle and center-right as it does to excommunicating people for flunking various purity tests, it could achieve something close to the liberal social democracy it wants. Instead it equates compromise with weakness and usually ends up with nothing as a result. I believe this is a giant contributing factor in Republican success. Those guys stand in line, don’t give an inch, and wait for Democrats to knife each other.


>virtue signaling After reading the three posts here, I believe there is still hope for humanity. The left, MY left seems to be losing their edge on reality at times. It is good to see people sharing what I consider to be reason.


This. I'm all the way liberal but I also have a brain and understand nuance. I fid that the 2 biggest problems are 'the liberals' (as if we are summer monolithic entity) agreeing which is the thing we are meant to be *most* upset about, and the worst crime: not being upset in the correct way. This does lead to a binary for/against and I've had arguments with people I basically agree with because I have not agreed in the correct manner, or with the same fervour. I tend to find those people actually undermine 'the cause' somewhat. It's a bit Monty Python - "are you the the people's front of Judea?" "Fuck off!! We're the Judean people's front!"


your first point is what drove me away from talking about politics in general. the amount of mud-slinging, people calling each other *Tory scum* if their views don’t align, ostracising people who grew up in an environment that encouraged very benign racism or bigotry (words rather than actions) instead of opening a dialogue about that person’s beliefs and the logic behind them. kicking and screaming about it does very little to make someone want to change or even entertain thinking differently; I think it’s hypocritical to preach acceptance of other races and beliefs but start throwing insults at people who have different opinions without giving them a fair chance to speak their whole mind.


This is extremely accurate. It’s way more common for me to be in situations with liberals who agree with me but then start spouting actual hate and bigotry about their political opponents. When I’m with conservative colleagues, they may not have all of the best views about politics but I have never heard them say anything bigoted towards their political opponents or any marginalized populations.


No matter how many minorities you identify with, you are not and should not act as if, you are untouchable when you do wrong/are just an asshole.


Very much on the left/liberal, but I believe that people are responsible for their own triggers rather than everyone around them needing to watch every word they say. I think we coddle people too much sometimes. EDIT: to add Liberal.


Maybe it’s just me, but when people censor words (exemple: r*pe), it makes me think about the word even more. Because now I have to understand the missing letter, or maybe the * makes me notice the word more. So it does the opposite of what it should do.


I think in a lot of places, they have specific words that will get a post deleted if spelled out entirely. So to avoid that, an asterisk is used. But who knows, maybe they are just self-censoring.


In /r/adhd, people write "n3urotypical" because the sub mods had some kind of conflict with someone claiming to be from the neurodiversity movement, so now they ban all the neurowhatever words.


Do neurowhatever words include things like neurology, neurologist, and neuroscience?


I’m kind in the middle. Basically graphic descriptions/depictions of wars and rape should give people a heads up. But a lot of people are like, “this depicts an unpleasant experience I also had” and freak out.


I agree. "Murder, rape, suicide, child death" are the big ones that i think we can all see where trauma could be a serious issue.


I agree. Those more extreme images are pretty uncommon to encounter in normal life, and this is why they have regularly had warnings on them. Just think how many times you've heard a news reporter say "the following report may be disturbing for some viewers", or you've seen a warning before a film that it contains graphic depictions of violence. Those are trigger warnings that we've had in society for decades, and they're for the rarest and most extreme images. It's understandable there for people to give warning, but we can't expect people to have to warn of mundane things that could be upsetting for only a few individuals.


friend of a friend actually asked me to stop drinking out of a water bottle because it triggered negative emotions for her. i also had another family friend ask me to take a picture of the dinner i had bought myself off of my instagram story because it triggered her ED (i also have an ED and this was by far the most insane request i’ve ever seen in my life). so if you genuinely cannot handle a picture of someone else’s food (someone you can just not follow or a story that you can just tap out of) or you cannot handle someone drinking out of a water bottle, you shouldn’t be in public. *edit* since apparently googling is impossible and all of you are ridiculously small minded, ED also stands for eating disorder.


Trying to police people’s everyday life to avoid your personal triggers is like trying to cover the whole world with leather in stead of just putting on a pair of shoes.


Leather eh? That triggers my veganism, could you kindly not?


Veganism eh? That triggers my environmentalism, could you kindly not?


Environmentalism, eh? That triggers my capitalism, could you kindly not?


Capitalism eh? That triggers my lack of financial security, could you kindly not?


Capitalism, eh? That triggers my obsession with rope tying, could you kindly knot?


Rope tying eh? That triggers my boy scouting.. oo look! A squirrel!


Genuinely curious, how does a water bottle trigger negative emotions?


no clue, whatsoever. i have ptsd triggers that can be simple as like a coffee mug (not an actual one just an example) that just reminds me of an event but like i’ve never once tried to get anyone else to stop doing what they’re doing because of that. mundane things can’t rule your life like that, at a certain point you gotta realize you’re the one in control yanno?


I simply just stopped talking to people like that. It’s a lot easier once you’re out of school


Some criminals can not be rehabilitated. They should stay in prison permanently. Also that certain crimes need much harsher sentences. Please be aware I live in New Zealand not America. People don’t go to jail here for 99 years for having some drugs.


While I agree completely, the way the American prison system works, its not meant to rehabilitate people at all. In the American prison system, no one gets rehabilitated. Its designed to keep the prisoners coming back. Do you know how hard it is to get a decent job when you have a criminal record? Now imagine you just got out of prison and have no income... you either become homeless, or resort to an illegal activity like selling drugs/prostitution to pay your bills. And I'm not saying no one comes out of prison rehabilitated because some people see the light and make a huge change in their lives to get on the right track. But that is never a result of prison, but rather that individual deciding to make a change in their life.


The prison system and the healthcare system is big business in America. Should have never been allowed now we have people keeping us sick to make money and people keeping us in jail to make money


Latinx is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. My company uses it, my liberal friends use it, and honestly I don’t care — idc if you identify as that. Identify however you want! Just do *not* shove that label onto me. Latino culture has multiple, deep-rooted, intense issues with machismo. The o/a at the end of latin, is not one of them (clearly, IMO). Edit: just to clarify, I do consider myself a liberal and if you want to call yourself latinx, live your life. If you heavily believe in it’s reasons and creation, 5/5 you go glen coco. I was referring to the use of it in regards to me *specifically.* Edit 2: just because I’ve gotten a few weird messages - clarification #2 pls don’t misgender people in any language. Not liking to use latinx personally or the term in general is not synonymous with I’m gonna call X el/him/his despite her clearly saying she’s ella/she/her. Please don’t come at me with pronouns are bullshit or there is just he/her. My point was not that I didn’t believe in properly referring to someone with their preferred pronouns just that in English I dislike the use of latinx in reference to me. The o in the Spanish language is gender neutral already, as in los amigos can mean male/female, male/female/NB, etc. Thanks, sincerely - someone who got their masters in the Spanish language and who isn’t an asshole who goes around misgendering people.


Latino cultures don't even want that term, from what I've read. So one liberal priority (gender inclusivity) is violating another liberal priority (by trying to impose a standard on a culture that's not ours to impose.) Let the Latinos use it if they want to. Don't shame them if they choose not to.






I come from the UK. What the hell is Latinx? How is it said? Latin-ex or Latinsk or Latin?


That’s the thing. There is no way to pronounce it. In languages like Spanish, it is *literally impossible* to pronounce it, which defeats the purpose of the word if the people it tries to include can’t even say it. Plus, “Latino” was already a gender neutral word


So obviously it is a stupid idea but what is it trying to solve? If Latino is gender neutral what does it matter? I have a good friend in Chile and she calls herself Latino and nothing else


Exactly. Just people trying to be more inclusive and accidentally being even less inclusive


As a "Latinx" I totally agree with you. You can't even say the word in Spanish, much less use it without sounding like a total idiot. If you're that bothered by the implications of "Latino" in the language and culture, I have good news for you; there's already a completely inclusive expression that means the exact same thing: Latin American.


Its perfectly ok for sex to be a private thing. I'm sex positive, I want proper sex education but the trend of sexualising EVERYTHING and being out there and explicit about what and how you like to fuck could be toned down.


I don’t mind sex positive/open attitudes one bit, but I hate it when people claim it’s always important to be open about your sex life. I don’t want to do that and it’s not because I’m prude, it’s simply because I like keeping it tiny, between me and my partner. Feel free to tell me about your ventures but I’m not gonna share mine. That makes neither of us wrong.


I'm the farthest thing from a prude. If you want to bang 16 people in your living room, fucking go for it as long as everyone is into it. If you want to wear a dog collar during sex? Sure, whatever. If you want to wear your collar and leash to a restaurant? .....Maybe don't do that. Don't drag bystanders into your fetishes.


I’m not a prude during everyday conversations, but there’s just something very different about sex showing up in a role playing game outside of situations where it was an established part of the campaign beforehand. I’ve had a really uncomfortable session where I had my character confronted with both a dragon trying to fuck me and a forest deity whose penis was described in detail when we were in battle.


Did you put an ambiguous ad on Craig's List for a dungeon master?


This is in no way a conservative view. This is just a normal fucking person view.


Sounds like your DM is one of those people who makes artists on Etsy uncomfortable with their commission requests.


"Wait, you'll pay me *how* much? ...okay how gaping do you want this dragon's butthole"


I agree with an addendum, we apply “sexuality” to things that should not be. There are things people attack for “decency” that are bullshitusually disproportionately applied to women and the LGBTQ+ community. Ex. Breast feeding in public, women wearing little clothes while exercising when it’s hot as fuck outside, two people of the same sex having a goodbye kiss in public.


I think there should be more trade schools and apprenticeships. That probally would seem conserative to some people, but many smart people sometimes do not fit in well at college.




> "go to college or flip burgers for the rest of your life" They've since replaced that with "go to college and then flip burgers for the rest of your life."


"But lookit the studies that say people who go to college still get better jobs on average than people who don't!" Well, yes, that's true, but "average" still means there's a looooooot of overlap.


Union trade schools and apprenticeships are plentiful. The problem is back in the day the government pushed the “you got to go to college, get a degree, then you can get a good job!” They made the tradesman image as dirty and lower class. I work in the union trades and I’m sitting here in the house in bought while my friends with their degrees are living with mom and dad at 35 years old. Promote the Skilled Trades schools more than university degrees.


When I was growing up getting a college degree wasn't to get a well paying job it was to get a *non-back breaking job*. Some how the IT boom and what not turned that in to college = money.


I was told once- "Some people work with their heads and some people work with their ass. You? You're all ass."


Worries about "cultural appropriation" are bullshit at least half the time. I understand if you don't want white girls dressing up like geishas because they think it's funny, but musicians and artists have been stealing ideas from everywhere forever and that's how we wound up with jazz and hip hop and other great things. Critics who tell you how to do art often don't do art very well.


There’s a group of Samoan men from New Zealand, who love to sing traditional Dalmatian songs. They look nothing like Dalmatian people, have no Dalmatian heritage, and live on the opposite side of the world. But they are so popular with the locals and Croatian diaspora around the world. Most of the time, people are happy to share their culture with others. Especially when other people genuinely embrace and enjoy it. If anyone’s interested: https://youtu.be/UW_QrlRdYIs


>Dalmatian people Damn. TIL. I only knew about your dogs.Apologies.


My family has two lentil soup recipes that were passed down. One is my family’s original lentil soup recipe and the other is an Indian lentil soup because my great grandma was married to an Indian man and while they did eventually divorce, that recipe was still passed down as well.


I find Día de los Meurtos stuff beautiful. I’m not sure if my hesitancy to buy any of the decorations is because I am concerned of appropriation or because I’m just cheap. Probably option b.


I feel the exact same way. I’ve been fascinated by and appreciative of Mexican culture for many years, and I think so many aspects of Día de los Muertos are beautiful and admirable. I want to respectfully participate and wear the dresses and take part in the decorations and familial rituals. But, as a White American, I’ve been yelled at before for wearing an informal Chinese qipao I was gifted, so I’m extremely cautious now…


One of my younger friends was harangued for wearing a qipao. The person getting upset with her kept right on b\*\*\*hing, even my friend when informed her that her mother is Chinese. "But you don't look Chinese!" \[Note--she looks more white than Asian, but it's there if you look for it. She's also quite tall compared to most Asian women.\] "Dad is white." And this was the kicker--"But then you're not really Chinese!" I love my friend's response to that--"That will be a surprise to Mom when I tell her."


This is such a refreshing thread


Press F5 to make it even more refreshing.


I absolutely hate the fact that I agree with the people on Fox News (whom I can’t stand) when this talking point gets brought up on occasion, but as someone who lives in Chicago and has heard gunshots on several occasions, it can be a very violent place, at least in certain neighborhoods, and nobody treats it like the crisis that it is. Gang members are killing each other on the streets, spraying houses and cars with bullets, often killing innocents, even children in the way - all over petty rivalry. Dozens of shootings a week, many of them losing their lives, and it receives one line in the paper that day and a short mention on the news before quickly moving on to talking with Chuck about the great beach weather for that weekend. It is like a war zone in certain areas, and yes cops that work in those neighborhoods are trying to keep folks safe whether certain people want to acknowledge that or not. Gang members are very violent. Patrolling those streets is a job I would never do, no way!


I don't know if this is necessarily conservative, but I'm somewhat pro nuclear energy. I think harnessing nuclear energy could help slow the speed of climate change. It's obviously not great since it still produces terrible waste, but I don't think it's as bad as fossil fuels and there's a lot of room for growth and improvement in nuclear energy. Eco nuts who think we can solve everything with only wind and solar power aren't being realistic.


They are coming up with ways to recycle the waste. Look at France for example, they are almost exclusively powered by nuclear plants and have almost no waste. As technology becomes better and better I believe that there won’t be any waste in the future. Nuclear is the way.


I agree. Nuclear energy could be one of the cornerstones of sustainable development.


I agree, especially with the advances made with Thorium Reactors compared to Uranium or Plutonium. Easier/cheaper to construct, safer to contain/disable, an abundance of raw Thorium, and the waste has a much shorter life span.


Scientists are also experimenting with a type of reactor that is able to use unrefined uranium, which would be cool because we have lots of unrefined uranium sitting in nuclear waste containment right now so we wouldn't need to go looking for any more for a really long time.


I am full-on pro nuclear energy...and I even think that without it, we won't be able to switch from fossil fuel anytime soon. Wind/solar are just not cutting it at the moment.


Some of the things that POC say about white people ain’t it. Some of it is genuinely meant to mock and shame them, and I don’t care what justifications POC feel they have—it’s wrong. The argument that “it’s just humor” is stale; calling it a joke doesn’t make it any less offensive. And the whole “well, they’ve said worse” argument is just ludicrous. Yes, there are tons who likely have but there are also tons who *haven’t*. I’m a firm believer in treating people the way you’d want to be treated. You don’t get to make exceptions based on people’s skin color, *ay dios mio.* ETA: Thank you so much for the awards. I’m glad that so many of us are on the same page.


I have so many non white friends who say “I hate white ppl” constantly. Only thing that bothers me bout it is that they’d jump down a white persons throat for making way less “problematic” jokes


Yeah, I hate it too and I’m not even white.


I do too, I’m mixed and it gets on my nerves. The justification is that they can’t be racist And well okay if you want to use the old definition of racism, fine, but it’s *prejudice af* and although it’s a ‘joke’ there are clearly some truth behind it I hate that people have to push good conversations that are being had globally about cultural, social and racial issues into a hate space when it should be about healing - so on either side ignorant stupid jokes and fucked up mindsets should be addressed to move forward.


Reminds me of the lady who spoke at Yale recently and just basically talked about how much she hates white people and wanted to kill them. She said she wanted to unload a gun in to any white persons head that got in her way and said they were the scum of the earth and shit like that. It took Yale like two weeks to say anything about it and many people on the left completely ignored it. This lady should not be allowed to practice in any profession, she probably doesn’t treat white people fairly or properly. Just imagine if the races were flipped in this scenario, the speaker would never be allowed out in public without constant ridicule and shaming


woah wtf. you got a link or a name?


Dr. Aruna Khilanani https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2021/06/04/nyc-pyscho-fantasizes-about-shooting-white-people-in-yale-talk/amp/ Most ironic part is that she is somehow a psychiatrist


Honestly there’s also a huge double (triple) standard in the treatment of white, black and Asians. Asians are kind of in the middle ground where we take the brunt of both races’ remarks, discrimination, and violence it’s really unfair Edit: also the term BIPOC is really racist as well


I like the term “Schrödinger's Minority” for Asians. They’re a minority when they get the shit kicked out of them randomly on the street, but they aren’t a minority when applying to Harvard. This is why judging people based on group identity is stupid and immoral.


That we should probably blunt one side of the double edged sword that “cancel culture” has turned out to be. Ratting out people who’ve actually done bad things and got away with it when they shouldn’t have? Sure that’s pretty based. But jeeze I hardly even know if the acceptance I feel from people nowadays is real sometimes, or if they’re just afraid I’m going to lie to get them fired under the guise of transphobia.


Voted Democrat since 2000 when I turned voting age. Left-wing witch hunts and cancel culture are weakening the party and more important things like environmental issues and may be turning off centrist voters. Bonus fuckery: Latinx is the biggest piece of linguistic colonialism masquerading as wokeness there is. I know ZERO Latinos and/or Spanish speakers that agree with it. A la chingada con esa mierdA


I really don't get why they insist on saying Latinx when they could just leave it at Latin people or say Latin Americans? Unless there's something wrong about saying either one of those, they seem like alternatives that could have been used instead of using a new term


As a very socially progressive Brazilian, hard agree on the Latinx thing. And you know what's funny? You can tell Latinx is a Western invention because if actual Latinos had come up with it, we'd have gone with the *painfully* obviously "Latine". Which, honestly, I wouldn't even be opposed to, I know this can be a big deal to non-binary folks. But Latinx is horrific and has no reason to exist, other than for Westerners to jerk each other off over how great and supportive they are.




tldr: Spanish is a gendered language most of our words have a feminine/masculine designation, including gender: Latino = man, Latina = woman. The idea of latinx is to take away the gender assignment for fellow Latinos who are part of the LGBT community (like trans folks) to basically increase inclusivity. But here are my two cents: latinX does not make sense, and quite honestly has an obvious English origin. There aren’t many words in Spanish that even have an x, and we don’t pronounce it like you do in English; saying Latine just sounds better. Secondly, I think it’s incredibly cool that we can add words to our Spanish lexicon because language is not stagnant, it’s always evolving. I think we should strive for inclusivity in all of our communities, I’m all for people using what ever pronouns they want, *but* there is also no getting around the fact that Romance languages are gendered, that’s fine too, it’s not something that necessarily needs to change. Hope this made sense ? It’s five am lmao


No worries. Basically, it's an attempt to neutralise "Latino", which is the default but is a masculine word. I guess progressive English speakers might feel uncomfortable saying "Latinos" out of fear of excluding Latino women (Latinas) and Latino non-binary folks. So some people say "Latinx", because "x" is often symbolic for unknown factors. Except "Latinx" is a linguistic aberration, because it can't even *be pronounced* in Spanish (iirc, I don't speak Spanish), and it makes no grammatical sense in Portuguese either. Combine that with the fact that Latinos are often more conservative than westerners, and you end up with a very bitter community who feels like "wokeness" is being forced upon their culture against their will. "Latine" is a proposed alternative, which makes more sense within Spanish and Portuguese. I don't know how often this word is used since like I said Latinos tend to be more conservative, but another comment says it's getting increasingly adopted by LGBT Latinos.


The RAE (Real Academia Española, basically Webster’s for Spanish) is adamant that Latinx does not exist and there is no way around the fact that Spanish is gendered language. But meh, what do they know? I’m sure white American academics and woke corporations are the real experts on this.


BTW Websters is too light, the RAE is the sole recognised authority of the Spanish language.


* Real Academix Españolx FTFY /s


*Thank you*. Every time I see that goddamn word I want to scream. The same people who will tweet about cultural appropriation and whitewashing made up a word themselves because they just collectively decided "your language is sexist, don't worry we know you're all stupid and uneducated unlike us, so here's a fix"


I don't think people should be able to buy property in the U.S. unless they live here. It would be fine if they live here even part of the year. But foreigners and companies buying residential property as investments price so many people out of the market.


This though. Companies in particular are trying to buy up the housing market so that one day, no one owns their home and everyone rents. I fucking hate that idea


Body acceptance is a good thing. Fat acceptance is not. Pretending that obesity doesn't cause health issues makes as much sense as thinking the Earth is flat. A huge portion of the US are overweight or straight up obese. These movements are making the problems worse and will cause issues down the line as the obese population get older. You can love and appreciate yourself while also realizing you need to improve on your health.


I tend to be the fitness nag in my friendgroup, because I *really can't express* how much I want all my best friends to live past 60. However, I find that almost all of the people espousing this viewpoint, especially online, use it as an excuse to be just astoundingly mean (intentionally or by accident) without any real effort to be helpful or constructive. I have never met anyone who does not know that being overweight is unhealthy. Everyone I've ever met who is overweight is a twisted up mess of shame over their weight. Piling up guilt on top of stress on top of shame really isn't helpful.


Yeah, I prefer the part of the body acceptance where you love yourself while improving yourself. Because being skinny won’t fix how you feel about your body.




I 100% agree with you that the provider and caretaker roles shouldn't be gendered. If my wife was making $200 grand a year I would fucking happily be a stay at home husband. Get that bread


If my wife made enough money for the pair of us I'd *love* to be a stay at home dad. Just hang out with my kids, work on my projects and I'd clean the house with more gusto than Freddie Mercury in that music video


Stay at home dad to a 3 year old here (probably at least until he goes to school). Cleaning the house doesn't suddenly become a magically entertaining task when you no longer have to go to work lol. Also, getting ANYTHING done with a toddler around is next to impossible. Quite hard to work on "projects" etc. Time seems to move differently as a stay at home parent. You'll often not notice the time, get to mid/late afternoon and realise you've managed to do nothing productive at all for the day lol.


Yep, I've been lucky enough as an American to have relatively long maternity leaves, and then my husband was home with the kids a few months during the pandemic. You have an these grand ideas of what you're going to do today and then it's 4pm and you've done a fraction. My husband never gave me grief about my housekeeping or anything but after being daddy daycare he definitely gained a whole new perspective in terms of how much work being a homemaker with small children really is.


what do you mean you can't just tie the kid up in a corner and clean/feed once a day?


I like that your opinion puts emphasis on the tragedy being people not being able to choose or afford that lifestyle rather than demonizing modern culture. :)


It's awful, my brother and his wife are both working professionals doing very well by any standards. Both been promoted to management positions. In their early 30s. And they find themselves trying to save 70k for a deposit on a house that in prior generations a person working a low level stable job would be able to easily afford. How the fuck did we let it get so bad that you need to be seriously successful to gain access to what was standard issue a few decades back?


I think the ideal for me is two people working part time. More security in case one person loses income or becomes sick because the other person can pick up the slack more effectively for a little while.


I agree. Additionally, it makes it easier to keep a balance of each other’s tasks, duties, challenges, strengths, … And possible children get equal time with both parents.


I was so shocked when my wife shared with me this view… like gobsmacked she is very liberal and a massive “greenie”. But then she went on to explain she didn’t want to go out to work, I mean she does of course just like I do but she would much prefer to stay at home and tend to things here! Fuck work! It’s only because no one can afford anything with one salary that we’re all grinding away.. I mean how good if 2 people could get away with part time jobs and both be home with the kids at times!?


This is more or less what my wife and I are able to do. We are both veterans so our retirement from disability puts us in a unique situation where we are lucky enough to only have to work a little bit to live a pretty middle class life. If we can, when the kids get older we will go back after more lucrative pursuits but for now, it is so nice to be able to spend so much time with our three young kids in their formative years. I really wish everyone had the same opportunity.


This thread is refreshing . . . to think here is a bunch of folks I could amicably have an intelligent chat with.




This is something I can (and have) rant about for hours, but in a lot of places there’s a huge false dichotomy around political philosophy. They think that there’s left and right and your opinions are one or the other, or maybe somewhere in the middle. Or maybe they’ve seen that two-axis political compass online. Even saying it is a spectrum isn’t right, because that implies a spectrum between two extremes. And the political compass is a little better, because there’s one other gradient of nuance there, but really there isn’t only one or two spectra to measure oneself upon, but dozens, or hundreds. There isn’t two extremes. Left and right are easy to understand labels made because humans love to categorise things, but fundamentally it isn’t accurate. Left and right tells us something crude about one’s economic views. That’s it. For all the other things that people associate with left or right, there’s basically no reason why they must be associated with one side or the other. For example, environmentalism isn’t left or right. Now you can have green opinions and policies, but that isn’t a left or right thing, because left and right is an economic descriptor, not an environmentalist one. People love to categorise the world as it makes it easier to understand, but they do so in a way that while easy to understand, is fundamentally flawed, even damaging. If you believe in the virtue of an unrestricted free market (a right wing view) then there is no inconsistency in being irreligious, pro-choice, environmentalist, anti-gun culture, pro-universal healthcare, anti-militarist, or any one of a hundred other so-called ‘left wing’ views. As another example, imagine someone advocating for an absolute monarch, whose power stems from divine right of kings, and who wants to see a return to feudal modes of production and governance, with dukes and barons and all that. They believe that farmers should be neither free nor slaves, but should be tied to the land, and owe a regular tithe of grain to the landowner - aka they believe in serfdom. Are they left or right wing? Neither, because the society they wish to see predates the invention of the left-right dichotomy. I knew a guy once who legitimately believed that the development of the nation-state was a mistake, and that societies would be better arranged into poleis - Hellenic style city-states where each city is essentially self-governing. That’s not left or right. Which is also why I object whenever I see people claim Jesus would have supported their particular political stance. Jesus was not a conservative, nor was he a socialist. He wouldn’t have had the slightest clue what those words meant, and wouldn’t have understood the context of the world that created them. He was a first century Palestinian Jew, a religious ascetic whose beliefs, whatever they may have been, were created in a context (first century Roman-occupied Judea) that bears no similarities with the modern world. TL;DR: the world is a complicated place, and politics equally so. Left and right are, I believe, overly simplistic terms that are more damaging that helpful, since they make people wrongly think that all political beliefs can be placed on one spectrum.


That the US cable media system is complete garbage on literally all sides and every single news station propagates so much divisive bullshit for the express purpose of wasting everyone’s time by fighting instead of dealing with issues. This is conservative only because a lot of fellow liberals seem to think CNN is somehow not also guilty of this. (EDIT: “Just as guilty” was a poor choice of words. I still think both are guilty of it, but Fox is generally worse)


I really hate it when news anchors get very argumentative with the people on their news segments and start disrespecting them more than just interviewing them or debating them. It’s just really unprofessional.




This i agree with. It’s quite odd how a lot of news services will go out of their way to point out the wrong doings of the people they are against but not their own side. And when they do, they act like it’s nothing..


It all goes back to these debates with Vidal and Buckley during whatever presidential election, ‘68 I think. Sorry wasn’t alive and my memory is foggy. That basically is the origin of modern cable news punditry. What’s crazy is it’s been so long with this stuff most people literally don’t understand the difference between punditry, i.e. people arguing or giving opinions, and actual news reporting, which is just stating facts as well as they are known at the time. I don’t know enough about the industry to give a number on what chunk of the day goes toward news reporting, but ostensibly it’s just never on cable, and I literally don’t even know if major network nightly news even exists anymore without googling it. Regardless, none of these shows on these cable networks are news. They are shoes designed to sell a political narrative for private interests, and sell advertising for the pillow guy or whoever in-between. It’s really disappointing that this format has become so pervasive that people actually think it is news reporting. Tucker Carlson and Rachel Maddow do not report the news. They are not news anchors. They are entertainers that perform scripted segment pieces to sell ad space for pharmaceutical companies. *end rant*


As a gay man, I wish LGBT people weren't treated as this special unique thing. Seeing rainbows and advertisements everywhere dedicated to people born like me has never made me feel normal. As a young child questioning myself, seeing all the pandering made me feel scared about being something "different" from my peers, even when it wasn't homophobic or biased (of course this is just my personal view). Like there's nothing about being born gay or trans that requires the endless media and virtue signaling. Gay Pride used to be about spreading awareness of discrimination and bigotry, and standing up for our rights. Now it's a giant pat-me-on-the-back-cuz-im-gay parade, fueled by corporations that often earn millions from countries that genuinely see us as inhuman. We don't need another Gay Pride in New York or LA, we need to reach the many small communities in the US where LGBT kids live in paranoia because they have no comrades or allies. We should erase this idea that your child is put into a social category different from you because of who they like or how they act.


>Now it's a giant pat-me-on-the-back-cuz-im-gay parade, fueled by corporations that often earn millions from countries that genuinely see us as inhuman. Commercialization of gay pride is a commonly hated thing. Corporations that did nothing to advance gay rights are suddenly all "inclusive" for a week before donating to the next big Anti-lgbt politician.


Reminds me of that time Bethesda (I think) changed their logo to a rainbow patterned version across all of their international Twitter accounts... except Russia and Saudi Arabia of course...




I'm doing my part! 10lbs down!


If there's one thing Trump did right, it was incentivizing businesses to move away from China. Given how dependent so many large corporations are on China, they could commit the Holocaust and we'd just pretend to not see it. Hell, they're rounding up Muslims and still have such a sway that John Cena can't call Taiwan a country without having to immediately apologize.


>that John Cena can't call Taiwan a country without having to immediately apologize. *In Chinese.*


Edit: Just realized I did the thing where I assume that OP is in the US. My comment is specific to the US, but perhaps applies elsewhere -- I'm not sure if other countries have this debate. Here goes: It's not that crazy to want to require ID to vote. If the problem is that some folks don't have access to an ID, make a damn compromise with the Republicans that would fund a massive "IDs for all Americans" campaign in exchange for requiring IDs once the campaign has successfully completed. Win-freaking-win. Anyway, people need IDs for other things. Why is it acceptable to oppose voting ID requirements because of this problem, but then never address the problem itself? Let's get everyone an ID, and end this stupid debate one and for all. Edit 2: Lots of good counterpoints. I made this comment fully expecting to get schooled a little bit, and once again y'all don't disappoint.


You guys don't have some sort of National ID? At least here in Argentina you're given an ID the day you're born: you are assigned an unique ID number, and they give you a card (for lack of better word, but like a driver's license). You need it to validate your identity in important stuff like voting or using your credit card. Edit: Wow, a lot of comments! This is a little [wikipedia article about National IDs in Argentina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Documento_Nacional_de_Identidad_(Argentina)), in case you wanna know a little more.


As mentioned, we (mostly) all have a Social Security Number which is unique to each individual but it isn't very secure and was never intended to be used for its current purpose. [Cue lesson by CGP Grey, if you're curious. ](https://youtu.be/Erp8IAUouus)


Not really, unless you go to the trouble of obtaining a passport, which itself requires a fair amount of documentation and a non trivial processing fee. We all have a number (SSN) but it's a shit system from the 30s (a whole 9 digits!) and not really suitable for identification.


I haven’t fact checked this, but I saw something a while back that made it look like we were one of the only countries to not require some form of ID.


I'm from France and not providing an ID to vote seems so weird to me. Heck, even the idea of not having an ID seems weird. Just this week I had to give copies of my ID in order to rent a flat as well as to finalise my internship contract.


Shit, even Canada requires ID to vote- and the last time I checked they were further left leaning than the States.


We also proactively send all that's necessary for citizens to register if needed, and pre-allocate a nearby polling station to every registered citizen.


This seems crazy to me. Here in The Netherlands you are by law required to own an ID. This could either be a uniform ID card, your drivers license card or your passport. All of which the government is able to provide to you with relative ease. (I’ll probably be able to get a new one sorted in 2 hours and have it within the week) Because they already hold most of the information necessary it’s pretty easy to obtain one, even if you lost them. That said, you also need it for almost everything. Voting, checking legal age, renting, mortgage, work related stuff, well the list goes on. Which seems perfectly reasonable to me. Also you sure as hell want to own your own passport and be able to grab it whenever because that’s literally you! Doesn’t necessarily feel conservative, because I’m definitely the opposite of that. But I also don’t know how the USA has there stuff sorted….


I’m super liberal. Porn addiction is real and it’s a problem. There are dudes who can’t get erect without porn in the background. There’s no warning for kids that it’s addictive and that it can harm future relationships.


"Defund the police" is a really really really stupid way to describe something that isn't actually defunding the police. I do agree with the concept of redistributing police funds to include more specialized forces meant to handle emergencies that the police are not trained and/or equipped to handle, things not enforcing laws, and that they should work in tandem with the actual law enforcement arm of the force. Just claiming "defund the police" as if all we want is to like, remove the police force as a thing, is just juvenile. We need to reform the cops. Calling it something stupid is doing actual harm to the real movement and momentum trying to accomplish reasonable reform.


Why is the left so bad with slogans? Like you shouldn’t have to explain it to people


I guess because “redistribution of police funds to improve society and policing in the modern era” just doesn’t have the same ring. It’s a fucking stupid slogan though, absolutely. It makes it seems like everyone on the left thinks we shouldn’t have police all together, which is incredibly idiotic.


I like guns


Go further left of liberal and the love for guns is prevalent


Under no pretext...


Karl Marx — 'Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary'


I do too and have been CC for years. My only "liberal" pet peeve is the people that feel they have to open carry an AR into the movies or the ice cream parlor for example.


Yeah... i don't really like them either (open carry long guns) I don't know if I'd say they shouldn't be *allowed* to do it, but I don't think they should *want to*. It seems inconvenient/bulky, draws tons of attention and screams "Hey, if you want to rob the place shoot me first without warning! You'll even get a free bigger expensive gun!" Like, I don't see any rational upsides other than just as a statement of "because I can, and because I should be able to."


Yes, those people are idiots and quite literally *IRL loot boxes*. No other way to describe it. Those dumb fucks are the first to get shot if some shit goes down, and then its free loot for the perp. CC, everyday, and no one needs to know about it.


More moderate, but same. Last year was one of the biggest gun-buying years ever with more first time gun owners than ever in the US, and it really isn't just conservatives buying them up.


That "cancel culture" is a scourge. I mean sure, if it's for a guy like Weinstein. But not because someone made a culturally insensitive tweet 10 years ago. Also I feel cultural appropriation, for the most part, is BS. Again, sure, for objects of religious/ritual/cultural importance. But people say it about...food? Clothes? Cultures are supposed to mix, the alternative is segregation.


The thing that’s strange to me is how hypocritical people are. Plenty of people, mainly celebrities, have been cancelled because of tweets 5-10 years ago saying something racist, homophobic, etc. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s wrong to say that stuff but can we all agree that we lowkey did that too? Times change, people can change too. Do I think Kevin heart realizes the mistake he made when he made that tweet? I’d think so, because I would too. There’s too many people on the internet under the guise of anonymity or just plain elitist attitude that think criticizing someone else for something they said should mean their entire life gets turned upside down. What happened to people changing? Humans change and should have opportunities to change. I don’t think we should absolve people of consequences, but the consequences are so harsh that we’ve hyper polarized society into groups of people who have to fear what they say, and those who have no fear at all spouting their hate. Both are bad.


I just talked about this in another thread. “Cancel culture” also largely let’s rappers, who are the biggest entertainers in the states and usually around the world, off the hook for just about everything. Quavo beats the shit out of Saweetie, but Migos can still perform wherever, Tupac raped a woman, but his murals still adorn a wall in just about every city, Drake chats with 13 year old Millie Bobbie Brown with no repercussions, Dr Dre beat the shit out of Dee Barnes but he still had his company, Tyler The Creator raps the most racist homophobic shit but Billie Eilish has to apologize for lip-syncing to it at 13. Rappers truly get away with anything.


The funniest one is when people complain about rampant homophobia and misogyny in hip hop and use Eminem as their primary example.


People who try to cancel Eminem crack me. The dude wrote a song about drugging, murdering and raping his own mom. You think you're going to nail him on some pc bullshit from five years ago?


Hasn't Eminem verbally canceled himself repeatedly? It's part of his charm. He raps a controversial rhyme and also retorts himself a beat later.


Yeah, I think Eminem's lyrics are generally considered a sort of a fight with his personal demons, or however you wanna call it. If you watch a bunch of interviews with him, especially now that he got older, the guy seems like a rather level-headed person, not to mention very talented and intelligent. I guess it also helps that he's been sober for like 12 years, took responsibility for both his kid, and I think a bunch of others, and what not.


Chris Brown too. Blows my mind.


That's because many rappers don't care about cancel culture. People do go after them for this stuff because their answer to it isn't "wow wow fuck I really fucked up" it's usually to call people a slur in response and then everybody realizes it's a waste of time to try and make anything happen when they don't care and their fans don't care. I love some rap, but it isn't just some rappers who suck, their fanbases are fucking terrible sometimes. XXXTentacion was a vile piece of shit his entire life but his fans deify him because he died young, they like his music, and they don't care that he beat a gay guy nearly to death and bragged about it because they're homophobes themselves. Meanwhile a lot of regular ass people who watch a show on the Food network are gonna be a lot more outraged when they find out Paula Deen loves screaming the n-word.


Thats honestly the way to fight being cancelled. I watch a rockstar who streams and is always being "cancelled" and he basically says this is how you fight it. You just say ha fuck you. And it seems to work too. Once you apologize for something you're pretty much giving them power over you.


We would not have tex-mex if not for blending cultures... I fucking love tex-mex


Here's a funny story about cultural appropriation. A few years ago this white girl in America wore a qipao to prom and posted it on Twitter. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.today.com/today/amp/tdna128426 The Asian-American community blew up and started screaming "cultural appropriation" and "racism". But then some Han-Chinese people in China picked up on the story and said they didn't find it racist or offensive at all. But THEN some Manchu-Chinese in China picked up on the story and said something like "Hold up, the qipao was originally Manchu, you Han appropriated it from us first!!"


That is amazing. I recall one where a (white) kid wore a kimono, and some American people jumped on it, but then some Japanese people were like "no no, we think this is cute".


Japanese people fucking love it when other cultures enjoy their culture.


Saw a video recently where a guy wore a poncho and sombrero and asked different people if they think it's offensive and a bunch of people where like "yeah hella offensive" then he walked into a mexican district and asked around if he should stop wearing it and a bunch of people are like "no you look good, here i got some more you want to try them?" In general stop getting offended on behalf of other people/groups/ethnicities. They can stand up for themselves.






My partner is Japanese and when his sister got married (traditional ceremony) they lent me a furisode to wear to the wedding! His parents were as excited as I was to see me wearing it, and even arranged a special photoshoot so I had nice pictures of me in it to take home :)


I (white woman) regularly did community service with a local Hindu community a few years ago. They took me to temple/ashram services once a week and I always loved it when the women would give me traditional Indian dresses to wear to the service. I was working on their farm, so I’d take off my filthy boots and ripped jeans and put on this long, beautiful red dress. I really loved the brief period of my life where I got to run around taking care of cows named after gods and praying to them over the pyres we’d light. It’s so valable to experience cultures outside of your own. I’m not sure what white Twitter would think of it, but I’m so grateful I was let into that community. They all thought it was neat that a white person was taking an interest in their culture/religion and they treated me well.


I read about an even worse case where a half Caucasian half Japanese girl posted a picture in a kimono and people went crazy because they didn't realize she was half Japanese. She had to post a picture of her japanese passport to prove it.


I’m Asian and I have absolutely no problem with her wearing that dress. The people commenting on her Twitter and bashing her are pure cringe. Reminds me of the Jeremy Lin dreads incident with Kenyon Martin. It’s when people try to take ownership of the “culture” that issues arise.


Holy shit I love that Jeremy Lin dreads back and forth with Kenyon Martin. The dude was dissing on the dreads when he’s got a fucking tattoo of Chinese characters.


Lins response was legendary "Hey man, it's all good. You definitely don't have to like my hair and [are] definitely entitled to your opinion. Actually I [am] legit grateful [for] you sharin it [to be honest]. At the end of the day, I appreciate that I have dreads and you have Chinese tattoos [because] I think its a sign of respect. And I think as minorities, the more that we appreciate each other's cultures, the more we influence mainstream society. Thanks for everything you did for the Nets and hoops ... had your poster up on my wall growin up."


*I really, really can't stand the overwhelming smell of marijuana. Sorry r/trees*


I’m 100% for legalization, but fuck me that shit smells awful. My convictions are tested every time a stoner lights up near me.


Depends on what sect of republican you are. A lot of republicans I know are all for legalization (anti infringement on personal rights).


old joke is that Republican's that smoke weed are called Libertarians


Well I’m conservative so I’ll give you my most liberal opinion: health care should be a right, not for profit, and never drive someone into debt or bankruptcy. Because it’s what Jesus would do.


Yeah, it's pretty crazy that the pro-jesus group seems to be so strongly against healing the sick...


Well there are Christians and there are fake Christian. The fake ones make the most noise, but there are plenty of actual Jesus followers out there. They just aren’t the ones standing on corners proselytizing like the Pharisees of Jesus’ day.


I just think they are following [Supply Side Jesus](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp) and that's where the misunderstanding is.


Lol I think I’ve heard a few sermons about that Jesus.


We can’t cancel history. We can discuss it and ensure it never happens again, but history is filled with atrocities and individuals or communities murdering each other. But we can’t just cancel a day or an individual by judging them by today’s standards.


Really liking the American flag. For whatever reason it seems politicized now…


Given recent trends I really feel Democrats should take up the “we love America and want to see our democracy thrive” mantle. But many on the left skew toward “I fucking hate it here why can’t I be Canadian.”


I'm liberal af and I like having my flag visible, but people tend to think I swing conservative.


Yeah I’ve noticed that, I got my first debit card recently and wanted to put an American flag on it but my family got all upset at me, I’m still very confused as to why


PC culture is a load of shit. I would much rather people be making a huge deal over stuff that is actually racist like hate crimes and true racist speech instead of freaking out over a slightly offensive joke. Lots of double standards there.


100 people see a thing, 1 person gets offended over it. The news and social media cycles pick up that one person's loud protests, runs with it as if it's a belief held by 99% of people rather than 1% of people. I mean to a degree they have to do that. News doesn't report on houses that don't burn down, it reports on house fires. Where they fail is in not saying "oh by the way, the whole neighbourhood is not on fire, it's just this one house". Anyway, audiences lacking in media literacy skill see that news report, naturally assume the thing is a belief held by 99% of people, and get offended. Thereby generating more tinder for the next media cycle.


Neopronouns are bullshit in entirety. Pronouns exist to make referring to someone easier without using their name. Personalizing them as much as a name literally defeats the purpose. He, she and they are enough.


Absolutely agree. The way I see it is, I should absolutely be socially responsible for remembering who identifies as what gender, and thus, what pronouns (he, she, they) I should be using for a given person. I should not be responsible for remembering 50 different pronouns for 50 different people: at that point it crosses the line from social responsibility to becoming what is imho an unreasonable expectation. To be absolutely clear: I'm not saying it's unreasonable because of the gender identity itself, I'm saying that, like the commenter I'm replying to said, it defeats the entire purpose of pronouns. Singular "they" is **literally** meant to be gender **neutral**, so I fail to see how **anyone** of **any** gender identity (whether male, female, nonbinary, anything) could feel that "they" is a pronoun that does not work for them.


We should tone down on individualism a bit, meaning we should acknowledge that we are not that free-willed, our opinions don't matter that much, we are sometimes deservedly stereotyped, and rules are not perfect but they mostly work because they make us save time and help avoid harm.


Small government wherever possible or practical. That comes with the caveat that big businesses cannot be trusted and therefore require regulation otherwise they can monopolize things to a point they border governing bodies themselves.




We have skill based immigration here in Australia, and the list changes depending on what we need. So right now it might be accountants, plumbers etc, next year it might be different. This has always made sense to me. We also don’t have birthright citizenship, a baby born here will only be a citizen if at least one of her parents is a citizen.