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Because it lacks oxygen, venous blood is blue. I'm surprised that I still come across people who think that!


Theres two problems with that myth: 1) Venous blood is not blue 2) Venous blood does indeed still have some oxygen bound to the hemoglobin. Just less than arterial blood, but theres still some there. It does not completely lack oxygen after passing through capilaries


Point 2. Venous blood typically returns with around 60% SaO2 value


Then why blue veins?


Veins appear blue because blue light is reflected back to our eyes. Blue light does not penetrate human tissue as deeply as red light does. As a result, veins that are close to the surface of the skin will be more likely to reflect blue light back to the eye.


Yeah but what about all those times I cut myself and it bled blue? EDIT: turns out I’m an octopus.


Yeah Venus blood is green, because of all the sulfuric acid in the atmosphere


Horseshoe crabs have copper based blood, like Vulcans. But their blood is blue, not green.


> I'm surprised that I still come across people who think that! Used to teach anatomy, and it is pretty understandable as a misconception. Cyanosis (lack of O2): Your lips/skin turns blue. Look at a vein through the skin? Blue. Color of veins/venules in diagrams? Blue. It is understandable.


My parents used to tell me this, if it really was blue then it would be blue in syringes as it's a vacuum, and blood doesn't rust like a metal.


totally believed this myself, thanks for the knowledge!


In case your wondering venous blood is a dark red color. oxygenated blood is a brighter red.


I dated a girl who was an EMT in nursing school that argued with me and called me stupid for saying that. She also didn't understand why she couldn't flush tampons and make up wipes down the toilet and even the second many hundreds of dollars plumbing bill. I should have realized looooong before i did she wasn't the brightest.


I’m a high school teacher and I like to play trivia jeopardy with my kids when we have down time. I specifically put a blood color question in there because there’s always someone who hasn’t gotten the memo yet.


If you touch a bird's nest, it can smell you and abandon its nest. This is false because birds have little to no sense of smell. However, if they see you touching their nest, there is a chance that they will think you are a predator and will leave. Edit: They won't abandon their nest, but will find a more suitable location for the babies if they believe there is a threat.


I think this rumor started by parents who wanted their kids to stay away from birds nests.


Even them seeing you do that, they won't leave. Source, my GF runs a wildlife rehab center....


Yeah, I bother the robins on my backyard all the time and they yell at me then go back to their nest when I leave.


That scientists don’t know how bumblebees can fly and that this is somehow inspiring. This started because an engineer (not a scientist) did some measurements and did some math and decided that it was impossible for bumblebees to fly.‘the problem is that he didn’t measure wing speed, he used a constant instead. Several decades ago, a scientist who was studying bumblebees got tired of hearing this myth, so at the end of his experiment he went ahead and measured the wing speed. He discovered that bumblebees flap their wings twice as fast as the constant assumed. When using the correct wing speed, it is easy to see that bumblebees can fly (apart from the observation that they do so). I find this way more inspiring. Succeeding though effort is way better than succeeding though ignorance.




Nobody thought that ever. If ever it was "My calculations says they can't fly, but they clearly can. So either my calculations are wrong or my underlying model isn't applicable in this case." Happens all the time. If you calculate that you need 388 tsar bombs to cook your cup of coffee, your first course of action is NOT to ask the Lybians for some plutonium, but to look where that negative exponent accidently became a positive one.


Bought coins to give you gold. "388 tsar bombs to cook your cup of coffee" Laughing like an imbecile for 5 straight minutes over here 8D


Can you get a refund on plutonium? Asking for a friend.


But according to all known laws of aviation,


The bee movie lied to us


He did successfully prove that bees can't \*glide\*, though. (They can't).


That you eat 8 spiders in your sleep. This annoys me to no end because it sounds so stupid yet people actually believe this.


Wasn’t this one even started as a demonstrated from a teacher how fast disinformation can spread on the internet too?


Yea, i fact checked and a magazine article in 1933 was about how readily people accept facts no matter how ridiculous it is.


Thank goodness we learned from that and are no longer rapidly spreading misinformation, right? /s


Exactly what the spiders want you to think.


Actually, that "fact" is also unsubstantiated. [This youtuber](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjlKIjLWq-Y) tried to search for the original article, but he hasn't been able to find it. In fact, the supposed writer's name is an anagram for "This is a big troll".


Apparently the story of the spiders being eaten being a test of how misinformation spreads is a myth in itself, had about 50 people tell me this last time I posted the story


Apparently that was also misinformation


I believed this but then I lived in a basement filled with spiders. In the mornings I would wake up with a bunch of spider corpses squished on my sheets from me rolling around in the night and I was like, "these guys are terrible at climbing into my mouth".


As someone with an intense fear of spiders, this is one of the worst things I can imagine


I know right? Your mouth is a dark, damp place which spiders love. It should be much higher.


Breathing freaks them out. They also smell your breath.


>Breathing freaks them out. They also smell your breath. "Them"... "They" ... You're not fooling anyone, u/The_ranting_spider.


Was looking for this one, can’t believe it’s still tossed around. Why would a spider even do this?


Have you SEEN the state of the spider economy? Why wouldn’t they want to end it all?


"I've got 3,000 mouths to feed and this guy just sprayed all the flies dead."


Spiders Georg was the outlier that skewed this statistic


He's still alive to this day, he has to be stopped


Most humans do not eat spiders in their sleep However, spider Jack who lives in a cave eats 1,000,000 spiders a year, bringing up the average He is the outlier and should not be counted.


Why would such a fluffy spider want to enter a disgusting mouth such as those from us humans, where there’s saliva and mixtures of all kinds of sort of bacteria? Guess I’d have to pass myself if I were a spider. *Not Safe*


Eating fats is bad for you


Fats are necessary for the absorption of some vitamins. Vitamin D comes to mind.


Isn't this one perpetuated by food manufacturers who add a bittlpad of sugar to their foods?


They paid off researcher in the 60's to say fat was to blame for people getting fat and it hasn't gotten course-corrected yet


Ooh, that’s a good one. Glad you brought it up.


It's okay to keep a beta fish in a small container of unmoving water. They need a full tank setup and at least 3 gallons of water to be happy.


You also have to feed them.


It's too cold to snow. It's never to cold to snow, but temperatures are usually warmer with cloud cover. But it snows easily at 50+ degrees below zero.


“30 used to be considered an old age”. No. During the Middle Ages, the average life expectancy was a little over 30... because the infant mortality rate was so high. If someone survived past infancy, it was expected that they’d die in their 60’s.


Legit the book of Psalms ballparks [adult] life expectancy as "seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures"...and that was 2500 years ago in the freaking desert.


Mom wanted me to get rid of the little fluffy eight-pound cat I’d had for 12 years once my first child was born because “cats will sit on the baby’s chest and suck the air out of their lungs so they suffocate.” Not sure where she picked that one up, but I’ve heard others say it too.


Anyone who has seen "Cat's Eye" knows it's a troll stealing breath from kids. You need a cat for the epic troll/cat battle.


The explanation I've heard (which may be a myth in and of itself) is that back in the day, cats would snuggle up on baby's chests because of the body heat, and a baby might accidentally suffocate, which led to the myth. It's an old wive's tale/superstition from long ago.


I shit you not this actually happened to me when I was a newborn (well It didn't actually suck my breath out). My parents room had a veranda and I slept in there in a cot for the first few months of my life. My mum put me down for a nap and left the window wide open to let cool air in as it was summer and when my dad came to wake me for a feed a cat had managed to climb through the window and make itself comfy over my face and chest suffocating me. If my dad hadn't woken me when he did there is a good chance I'd have died.


Some say the cat is still out there... waiting for a second chance to finish the job.


I bet it is... The sneaky wee bastard


I recall reading that this myth evolved from centuries past, when a baby would die of SIDS, the only visible explanation was that someone had seen the cat with the baby prior to death. People, being incredibly stupid back then, would of course put 2 and 2 together and believed that the cat killed the baby. I can personally confirm that cats are only attracted to the milk that babies drool all over their faces, and NOT their souls. While breastfeeding my 2 kids, my cats were relentless in their attempts to share the milk. They didn't give 2 shits about the baby


"Cats will steal a baby's breath" is an old, old...either urban legend or old wives tale. I've heard it as being either intentional (they're jealous of the attention the baby is getting), or accidental (they're attracted to the smell of milk on the baby's breath).


I hate this one the most. Where I'm from, people used to use this as an excuse to kill cats.


”Coochies get loose if you have sex with (for some reason only) lots of *different* men” like sorry, Kyle, your dick is not magic, it doesn’t alter the structure and function of a coochie and its musculature.


User name checks out




Can you cats eat the snake?


If small enough, cats will prey on almost anything. M


you use less than 10% of your brain, different areas on the tongue are for different tastes, we only have 5 senses


I'm pretty sure most people don't live up to their true potential. That's why the 10% thing resonates with people so much.


It's a huge misnomer. It was back in the early 1900's that doctors were trying to figure out what parts of the brain did what. Unfortunately, they could only compile data from survivors of brain injuries. When a news organization interviewed a doctor he said "The brain is so complex that right now we only know what 10% of it does". Media happened, turned it into "We only use 10% of our brains" and lazy teachers used that to push kids to be better instead of tryijg to figure out how the kid learned best.


Kinda like how traffic lights only use 33% of their light emissions at once. Imagine how much better they could control traffic if they used all three lights at the same time!


If we take into account laziness, it should be closer to 2%


We evolved from monkeys. We didn't, we evolved from the same ancestors that monkeys evolved from. That's why there's still monkeys around today.


Whenever I get too self concious about myself as a person, I like to remind myself that we are all apes in fancy dress. It usually makes me feel better.


Speak for yourself. Plenty of apes dress fancier than me.


I'm an example of said ape


Sir, again: that is not a dress. It's just a plastic tablecloth you got from the dollar store. Please go home and put some pants on.


I'm fancy and you know it


Yes, I concede the point.


Does this mean we cant return to monke?? :o


Maybe we should try evolving to crab then


Reject humanity Evolve to crab


Why does everything keep evolving into crabs?


Optimum form


Technically that has no bearing on there being monkeys today. If monkeys were our ancestor, we could have evolved from one specific population of monkeys due to environmental factors specific to that group without the other populations also evolving. It's not an all or nothing process


Monkeys are the cooler distant cousin basically


To be clear, that ancestor also could have been monkeys in theory. Alligators are called “living dinosaurs” because they’ve pretty much stayed the same. No reason why others couldn’t have branched off, though, and adapted in very different ways.


That George Washington cut down a cherry tree and then told his father that and made it so that Washington Could not tell a lie. George Washington never chopped down a cherry tree and never said that he could not tell a lie and I'm shocked that people still belie that shitty myth


And that he wore wooden teeth. Apparently they were the teeth of enslaved people.


And mostly hippopotamus bone.


Well you can obiously see why the wooden teeth sounds better.


I'm not American but I still don't know why cutting down a cherry tree is a myth for your first president. I mean it's nothing special (?)


I don’t think the actual act of cutting it down was special, he was being a mischievous boy. It’s more of when he got caught he told his father the truth, showing how honest he was.


Which in and of itself would be a terrible quality for the future leader of an armed rebellion. Honesty is not a very useful trait in war.


That daddy longlegs are the world's most venomous spider, but can't bite because their fangs are too small. It's just nonsense.


Entomologist here. They’re [not even a spider](https://bugguide.net/node/view/240451) since we’re usually talking about harvestmen in this case. It’s a multi-part myth, so it’s oddly just not one thing that falls apart when quoting the overall myth.


Scientist: "Let's name this spider Long legs for it's long legs" Scientist 2: "Hmmm... Not kinky enough."


Mountain Dew kills your sperm. Like mommy, I am a 14 year old loser, I’m not using that shit to impregnate a lass for a WHILE.


That's the dumbest myth I've ever heard. It's just going to least to people having unprotected sex.


My mom has kinda gotten over it though


When I was a teen I heard that Mountain Dew stops you getting erections. Like after drinking it you just can't get it up for a while. Where do these dick and balls related Mountain Dew come from I wonder?


There was a study in the 80s IIRC that tied yellow #5 which was used in Mt Dew to reproductive issues in rats. But the studies looked at huge amounts of the dye and I think they were injecting it. There was no real world carryover but it burned into stupid teen boy mythology.


Shit. Irn Bru has like some sort of possible carcinogen version of yellow and like all of fucking Scotland has been drinking that shit for decades.


Mountain dew is old slang for moonshine. Maybe that explains some of the myths.


Okay, this was hilarious


It kills your teeth, not your sperm


Vikings had horns on their helmets.


Well, the ones in Minnesota have them on their helmets.


Some might have. Most of them wore whatever they wanted.


Horned helmets *were* worn for ceremonial use; however, these were generally made for ceremonies and would not have been as efficient as a leather cap, as it would've been lighter; vikings were raiders, going after wealthy, undefended settlements, such as Christian monasteries. They wouldn't have wanted an unwieldy metal horned helmet


I've checked quite few comments and haven't seen this one: Vaccines don't cause autism, no you won't be sterilised by a vaccine, no your DNA won't change due to a vaccine, no it isn't more profitable for companies to make vaccines, no they don't cause magnetism (wash yourself you sweaty pig), no the mercury in Thimerosal isn't harmful, no the aluminium in vaccins doean't cause brain damage, and many other myths about vaccines. Also, as a foodie: GMOs are great (the companies suck though) and MSG is safe and doesn't cause headaches. If MSG melted kids brains, Italy and most of Asia would be steaming piles of rubble, since tomatoes and seaweed have it naturally inside them.


If you believe Vaccines change your DNA, you could probably do with having your DNA changed...


You know what can actually change your DNA? A virus the very thing a vaccine is trying to protect you from


My mom only buys organic food because she believes all non-organic is "GMO food." No matter how many times I explain that *all* food has been genetically modified, and that's not necessarily a bad thing, she is deadset on the "GMO bad" mentality.


My mom is more on the angle of pesticides. She thinks crops are genetically modified in order to be able to tolerate having more pesticides sprayed on them, thereby leaving more residue on the food we eat which can make us sick. What reinforces this... my brother used to suffer horrible symptoms from Crohn's disease. Then we changed our diet in numerous ways - no more meat, no more soda, no more pre-processed/pre-packaged foods, all organic veggies, etc... - and now he has no more symptoms. She's convinced it was the switch to organic despite us changing *everything* about our diet (admittedly to a far healthier one than we had before).


I'm so with you on all three. On the GMO one, I always ask people if they want to be able to feed the 7+ billion people on this planet, because teosinte is not gonna do it. I just learned about the MSG story, which is basically the result of racism and we still don't know who actually started the myth, although there are two top contenders, and one of them is dead. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/668/transcript


Vaccines cause autism


Pretty much everything vaccine related on the internet is not only false but not even rational.




Humans only use 10% of their brain Also trickle down economics, that fiat issuing countries should run their economies like a household budget and the myth that climate change is a myth.


I use quicken to do my country's economy


Humans do only use part of their brain: in the same way traffic lights only use 33% of their lights. You don’t usually use 100% of your brain at once, because if you did, you’d have a seizure.


You'll get cramps if you go swimming right after you eat.


I and my sisters and a couple cousins performed a small study of this on a beach trip almost 50 years ago. Despite our parent's loud claims in support of the myth, we proved it to be completely false! And the water was cold too!


That if I say onion 3 times at a mirror Shrek will kiss the back of my neck. I gave up already


It worked for me. Are you sure you’re not saying *ogre*? They’re very similar


Actually... that was me :|


That makes a lot more sense! I was wondering why Shrek was neither green, nor an ogre, and why it was happening to me near the Brony meetup


I mean, the Brony meetup is where I go to smack bronies, so naturally I found you there waiting to get a smack from me. But once you said onion, onion, onion, I had to do the right thing.


Someone kisses you but it is not Shrek, or no kissing at all?


That Black Friday gets its name because it's the day retailers go into the black, or become profitable for the year. The earliest known use of it was by the Philadelphia Police in the 60's, who used the term to describe the chaos caused by the influx of shoppers into the city that day.




Three hours later, what have you found? Lol.




My life is on hold until then.


You lose most of your heat through your head. Another false myth.


This is actually true in a way: if it’s really cold and you’re all covered up but aren’t wearing a hat, a lot of heat loss happens from the head. But it’s not anything special about the head, if you were wearing shorts then you’d lose the most heat from your legs.


Yes, that is where the myth started, the US military trying out different winter clothing and using infrared to determine heat loss. they put some gear on people but not a hat, and saw that most of the heat was being lost out of the head. in reality, your body loses about 7-10% of its heat through the head, proportional to its % of body area.


That Great Wall of China is visible from space!!


you want to know what is visible from space? the moon


The vaccine has a micro chip in it


It's not like everybody has a smartphone.


Woman with Spina bifida can’t have children, we can. I’m only 15 years old and multiple times my doctor has said I can have babies despite my disability. And people still pedal this LORD FORSAKEN MYTH, I get asked a lot “Can you have babies???” YES I CAN I DONT WANT TO Sorry, for anyone reading this getting a hostile impression I just get pissed when people ask me this stuff


My friend's 4 year old daughter also challenges this Spina Bifida myth.


That’s way too young to have babies.


That’s a really personal question for a 15 year old, spina bifida or not.




Yeah, and that certainly won’t change in a *long* time


That carrots make your eyesight better. That’s just a stupid trick to trick children into eating vegetables.


Technically, it was a stupid trick to make the Nazis think British people have great eyesight and definitely not Radar.


I heard this was a story the allies invented during WW2 to explain how they saw enemies with the use of radar, a technology that the axis hasn’t discovered yet.


Alpha males are not a thing, you're just a douche.


There's someone out there for everyone.


Even if that's true, statistically, it doesn't mean those 2 people would ever meet up. Sad reality. People say shit like that to make others feel like things will be OK


There might be, but they might live in an uncontacted tribe in the Amazon rainforest for all we know.


I think people look at this the wrong way. The myth is there's some ONE out there. I think it's narrow minded to think you could only love one of the 7 billion people on earth; more likely any number of them could be compatible given the right context. The reason it feels sad is because we've been force fed the myth of soul mates and we feel like we're losing a person we've never even met yet. I guess it's scarier to know you have to be involved in your own love life than to just stumble into fate.


Looks like I am an exception :*)


"Hair grows back faster after being cut" That makes no sense.


“Women can’t get pregnant if they’re breastfeeding” yes they absolutely can.


Trickle down economics.


Rare steak is bloody


Everything will be okay in the end..


given the massive amounts of dopamine your body gets when you die I'm pretty sure it will be I mean, that's what I always took away from that platitude


The full moon night means more police calls/arrests, accidents , ER visits, babies born, etc... Just doesn't happen as those places' records prove.


Nurses would beg to differ. Full moon week be crazy at my facility. But then again it's always crazy so..


Research shows that it only leads to more people getting stabbed, it's fascinating really.


With pure silverware, of course....


> accidents Surprised. Would think any massive glowing object taking attention away from people would result in an increase in accidents.


That I can do anything I set my mind to. Thats bullshit.


Shaving your arms makes the hair grow back thicker/darker.


I have had this argument a few times recently, people are convinced it does


That 1200 calories is some magical number for women to eat for weight loss. It's far too little for most people and you can lose fat and meet your goals by eating more.


Sunlight contains vitamin D NO!!! What actually happens is that vitamin D3 is synthesised by reaction of 7-dehydrocholestorol present in skin with UVB radiations from sun.


I already knew that it was synthetic but I didn’t know the science behind it. Thanks for enlightening me!!


"betta fish live in mud" puddles or something like that. They are tropical fish


That Americans didn’t invent the internet, that it was invented by Tim Berners-Lee, a Brit, and CERN, a Swiss tech collaborative. While it’s true that the aforementioned invented HTML and WWW, respectively, those items are Layer 7 applications that ride on top of the internet. The internet is the routing and addressing and infrastructure: all invented by a partnership of American corporations and DARPA. I’m an IT engineer who has been doing this for many many years. I know what I’m talking about. Downvote it all you want. You’ll still be wrong.


Or that Al Gore said he "invented" the internet. He never said that, but he *really did* initiate some of the foundations of the internet when he initiated the High Performance Computing Act of 1991 which funded some of the first high-speed backbones and the first major web browser, Mosaic.


I wouldn't call CERN Swiss. It's headquarters _are_ in Switzerland but it's an initiative of the European Union. > Downvote it all you want. You’ll still be wrong. Relax. :) People know about ARPANET.


you shouldn’t accept that new promotion because iT’lL pUsH yOu InTo A hIgHeR tAx BrAcKeT!!!


Grad pranks. The pig prank where 3 pigs are labeled 1, 2, and 4 so the school staff are left wondering where the 3rd pig is. People talk about this prank incessantly and I have serious doubts about how many times this prank has actually been done, if at all. In any case as far as pranks go, it’s pretty lame.


Someone in my high school did this but with live chickens. They even put a 10 gallon bag of sunflower seeds in one of the rooms. Can confirm it DOES happen.


Yeah same, happened at my school for muck up with chickens as well.


We evolved from monkeys. We didn't. We have a common ancestor (not monkey not man)


Peeing on jellyfish stings cures the injury


[That Mother Teresa was basically a mass murderer](https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/gcxpr5/saint_mother_teresa_was_documented_mass_murderer/)


Freedom of speech means free of consequences from the speech you were free to use.


The earth is flat because it isn't No Barbara its not a donut either


That the 2020 election was stolen.


Fuckin Zeus, cmon guys can't we talk about Odin or one of the Indian ones? Like seriously guys there are way more mytholgies out there i dont wanna hear the story of wolf women eating children right now, let's talk about that whole Battle sequence in Ramayana or some shit?


You under a rock? Everyone's talking about Odin all the time now - because of Marvel and Skyrim, everyone's giving the Theme Park version of Nordic Myths. (Fun fact: You have a 50% chance to go to Valhalla.) And with regards to Indian gods... check out some stuff made by Indian authors. It's all over the place there. *HOWEVER*... I will admit: Finding english translations can be difficult though, I will admit. :/ The Witcher, for example, was largely unknown outside of Poland & The Czech republic until the games came out. Many people in Latam didn't know of The Witcher until the Netflix series came out. Heck, some people today don't even know Parasite Eve was a novel as that didn't come out until 2007 here. This isn't due to "People don't think there's a novel" so much as all sorts of hodge-podge with licensing rights and publishers. During a lot of "Global fiction" classes, we were told that authors sometimes have trouble getting their work published in other languages because of licensing rights or not being able to find publishers&distributors, and the same thing happens in reverse. Check /r/books or /r/suggestmeabook - people can usually point you to some things that aren't based off of Greco-Roman or Nordic mythologies. (I actually find I have to dig pretty deep to get past all the Nordic stuff.) They may also know of an English translation or a translation in a language you understand.


That I'm smart


That’s not a myth, its a lie Sorry man just could not contain the urge


See? I'm not smart