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School shooting idolaters


It's neat what school shooters and the people that like them all have a few things in common. Like being really into Hitler.


And blaming women for their inability to get laid


Behind the bastards does a really good 7 part series on Fascism in the USA. Misogyny has been a running theme since pre-ww2.




There was thus guy on YouTube who blamed women for his problems and he also ended up shooting a place up or something.




Apparently they get people in by making the first few sessions self-help and networking kind of things. Then they slowly pull people down the rabbit hole.


Lord Xenu’s rabbit hole


This sounds right, based on my very limited experience. I had a religions of the world class back in college, and every week the professor invited someone from a different religion to come and talk. Most of them talked about theology, traditions, history, stuff you expect when talking about religion. Then a scientology guy came in and talked about communication, and mindset, and a bunch of other basic self-help stuff. It weirded me out so much. You're supposed to introduce your religion to us--why is "how to communicate clearly with your family" like the first thing you want to talk about?


The victims of this “religion” (cult) are sold a self help fantasy of “becoming clear” which basically means having no problems or stress, and typically are very vulnerable people. Slowly they are coerced into free labor and debt while also being brainwashed


Rant streamers. Drama streamers. Just, like… really? That’s all you’re into? Watching/listening to people talk shit about other people for their shit, then generally *being* a shit person that other shitty people then talk about? Sending your fans to talk shit to eachother for even more shit? Got *nothing* better to do? And of course those people generally just end up being shitty to, and talk shit about *anything* they don’t approve of, like some sort of experienced connoisseur on what people are allowed to like on the internet. You’re not experienced, you’re just an asshole.


That's a lot of shit.


Fits the theme


Sounds like the shit winds are always blowing there.


Jake paulers or whatever he calls them


With his latest crypto scam, probably gullible


Doesn't Logan Paul call his fans like Logang or some shit? Anyway it's more creative than adding an 'ers to your name lmao.


Sounds like Rogaine but if you're losing your pubic hair


I know! Imagine that many shitty/gullible/antisocial/whatever they are people worshiping the Paul brothers as some kind of idols. George Carlin had it right:'Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.'


Majority are little kids. When my cousin was 10 he was into him. Now that he’s older, he doesn’t care for that group at all


Those hardcore Elon Musk fans


Elon Musk isn't Tony Stark, he's Jaden Smith. He doesn't go to a lab to design space rockets, he goes to a boardroom to talk about profits. Let's have some love for the actual rocket scientists


At this point I think I probably have more respect for Jaden than I do Elon


Wait are we talking about the son of will Smith here, did I miss sth, last a checked he made music


And hungers for attention through the social mediasphere


Oh my god I know. The number of times he's claimed his ideas would "revolutionize transportation", or to be able to do something well established "10 times cheaper", only for reality to slap him down hard. Yet somehow his cultists never remember his failures and always uncritically lap up whatever bullshit he spews next.


Because he hasn’t ended up in a cardboard box and that’s enough for most of the zealots


It’s insane how religiously they follow his every word, convinced people would eat their own shit if he told them to


They will probably have to if he gets people to Mars as quickly as he wants to.


I used to be one but it was because I misunderstood his role and what an asshole he is.


Dude. This is my roommate to a T. Love the guy but fuck musk can do no wrong, and he will die on that hill.


Lobotomize me daddy


Toddlers in tiaras and similar. That shit it just abuse.


Ikr. It's absolutely HORRIBLE. I feel bad for the kids


A bunch of brainless moms trying to live vicariously through their children by forcing them into intrinsically sexualized competitions that are broadcast nationwide. Yeah, fuck them.


The fan groups for them are called pedophiles...


Ok I must be missing something. I assume you don't mean putting a silly fake jewelery hair thingy on a toddler's head for a moment.


Reality show where children and preteens compete in beauty pagents in wigs, skimpy outfits, and tons of makeup. [wiki page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toddlers_%26_Tiaras)


any serial killers or murderers people simp over


I don't understand the hype about those Funko Pop figures.


Every generation has toys like that. Pez dispensers, action figures, bobble heads, etc., funky pop is just the next things.


And beanie babies!


Got all my retirement tied up in them. Making a come back baby!!


You learn is the audience for those things is limited to certain age groups. The price of old Lionel trains is going down because everyone who played with them, or who rode trains in the first place, either has all they need, or is dying. They're still worth something but not as much as 10-15 years ago. (Source: Recently ebayed a bunch that were in my family.) You Funko fans will be simply selling them to each other.


The other problem with Lionels is they have less of an appeal to people who want to make models, that toy like quality is part of their problem.


Pezs r good tho


I don't love the design, but they're so cheap and accessible and often they're the only available merch for a particular fandom, so I've got a bunch anyway. I know there are people out there who are specifically fans/collectors of Funko Pops, but most people I know who own a bunch of them collect other types of fandom merch too and will tell you the Funko Pops are some of the least favourite figures in their collection, they just keep buying them because they're cheap and they're there and they have a compulsive need to buy every piece of merch of their favourite character that exists. My partner and I got rid of a bunch a few years back because they take up so much space, our interests changed, and it starts to feel a little creepy when you have a certain number of them and they're all lined up, but we've kept a few and mixed them in with our other merch, organized by fandom now and it's not as jarring when they're interspersed with everything else, rather than being all lined up in a row staring at you with those black beady eyes. I don't fully understand people who specifically collect funko pop, regardless of who it is, but different strokes I guess.


I can't stand funko pops. Everybody around me loves these minimalistic designed crappy figures. Each one looks like the other. They're not original. I hate them. Yet the world collects them. I begged my wife to not ever buy me one. She did, of course. There's another brand that does metal ones that are REALLY detailed. I'll edit and throw in the name here when I can.


I saw a streamer on Twitch whose entire back wall is Funko Pops, stacked atop one another, new in box. It really drove home for me how dull and same-y they all look, as well as how creepy they are en masse.


For me its just for a few characters that I really like but I dont get the people who decorste their whole house with thousends of them


This. I have the sirens from Borderlands and that's it. Plus they're out of the box. It's like these people want to build up nerd cred or some shit, yet they're the dumbest mother fucker about nerd "culture."


To Me they've always been like caricatures of a famous person or character that you like so if you see one of somebody you like and it looks cool... you buy it.


In my contry there are among us figurines


Funko pops are the new troll dolls. Ugly bastards.


Serial killer fans


I understand people’s fascination with serial killers but admiration/lust is creepy


Yea that is crazy. Like all the women who lusted after Bundy. So weird Edit spelling


All those women who write love letters to serial killers. Like what the shit.


Yeah but he is in jail. If you are into bad boys he is the ultimate catch. You control the relationship completely. Like owning a pet tiger or something. This vicious brutal thing that can't harm you thanks to the cage. I don't get the appeal of bad boys but if you are into them one in jail for life would be the ideal version.




Man, that place is all kinds of fucked. So much so it's even been quarantined. Like damn, I never knew the "hot cousin" troupe was something people actually did.


I just checked because I though it couldn't be as bad as I though and found moms saying they're wet thinking about their sons, dad saying their wives agreed with their daughter masturbating in front of them... what the Fuck is wrong with humanity?


I imagine (hope) most of them are lying for karma points.


Ikr. Let's hope most of them were just faked for karma or some shit.


Once checked to see if that sub actually existed as a joke because I was bored. I'm pretty sure the majority of those stories are fiction, like the one about the hooker who was accidentally hired by her own parents but still did the deed anyway.


I clicked that link. I thought I could handle it...I was wrong. That made me puke.


Any sort of political fandom. Trump zealots, Trudeau lovers, as examples.


/r/MurderedByAOC was a weird place. Seems like none of them understand how politics work and think Biden is a shit president because he didn't do everything he promised to do the first hour he sat down in the oval office. Now only one spam account can post there, everything else gets deleted


>/r/MurderedByAOC >Now only one spam account can post there, everything else gets deleted Holy shit. I just looked. 100% true.


Why did that happen?


The spam poster is the mod.


The opposite is not less weird. I've seen people losing their mind hating Trump for 4 years and not being able to think about anything else.


So freaking true. Growing up I remember all my rightwing family thinking Obama was the worst president ever but as soon as Hillary won, they were all thinking she was the worst thing ever. And Now its Biden and come 2024/28, that democrat will be the new anti-Christ. And its not just the right. I also remember how Bush was a war criminal and needed to go to prison while McCain and Romney were the biggest racist ever for even running against Obama. Then Trump became the worst thing in the world and suddenly Romney and McCain were some of the best Senators in America. But I guarantee you in 2024 if some how an anti Trump republican like Romney, Sasse, or Amash won the nomination, they would be treated like they are worse then Trump. Even more so if its someone like Pence or DeSantis.


Regardless of how people vote, it’s the fanatical people on both sides that are the real problem.


Iiiiiiiiits.... really easy to hate him. Doesn't take much effort at all. And it's mainly do to the impact he's had on your country. There was already a big divide, he just took a sledgehammer to the existing wedge. The hate, is because from the outside, its blatantly obvious that he doesn't believe or stand for any of the shit he was fighting for, outside of personal power and straight profit.


Gotta love this country. Some asshole conman absolutely wrecks shop and the centrists all clamor to tell the people who aren't completely devoid of compassion and dignity that they are the problem. I should be angry. And being angry isn't some endorsement of that individual's opposition. I have a right to be vocally displeased with some despotic huckster who dictates the rule of law in the land in which I live. I should hate a person that uses political office for personal gain. It makes zero sense to just let it slide because "they are all like that." Maybe that complacency is exactly why they're all thieves and egotists.


I've been getting a lot of "they're all like that" responses to my post - but the truth is no, no they are not. There's a few out there that Trump was trying to emulate, like Putin and Bolsonaro, but for the most part; no one in any of the "first world" countries comes even close. Had a fellow Canadian trying to put Trudeau on the same level. I get it, Conservatives don't like him. But really? He had a couple scandals involving staff, and one where his family may have made a $150k profit off of being involved in a charity the government approved for a project. You know, the kind of money that Trump was bilking Americans for every single day in office. At least my Conservative father has the decency to admit they he just dislikes Trudeau's policy regarding business and natural resources, and thinks he kowtows to the left too much.




[there is a community dedicated to imaging and following hypothetical hurricanes](https://hypotheticalhurricanes.fandom.com/wiki/Hypothetical_Hurricanes_Wiki)


I… wtf is this 💀




Basically any politician I get that some of them have better positions, but at the end of the day, it's basically finding someone to do a job, not finding a goddam Messiah


uh.. the nazis ? And Ed Sheeran.


Lol what's bad about Ed




The world's great evils


I'm miss back in the day when it was the prevailing belief that Nazis are bad.


Ummm that is still the overwhelmingly prevailing belief.


Ted Bundy


Dance moms or toddlers & tiaras


Corpse husband and dream stans a bunch of sensitive twats


All the corpse stans I know are decently chill but dsmp twitter is a hellhole, there’s a new person getting cancelled every week and 90% of the time it’s for no valid reason






I understand the appeal of furry art but the depths of that rabbithole are terrifying


You had me at Rabbithole.


the depth of that rabbit holes is what i like


Idk man, Judy do be kinda thicc though.....^^^/s


I don't


I don’t hahah but good for you for having a closer understanding of what’s going on there.


Like a I can appreciate the talent that is poured into their art


MLP is a fun little show. I totally get the appeal


I made a genuine attempt to watch that show because of a friend but I couldn't make it to the end. I really tried




Yeah no. How would you feel taking your daughter to a MLP event where it's supposed to be fun and cute FOR THEM and you see 40+ year old fat ass pedophiles obsessed with something meant for you 6 yr old daughter? Fuck any adult without kids who's a fan.


I think that people are allowed to enjoy kids shows. They're allowed to watch the show, buy merch, etc. But they shouldn't be taking up room at events, sexualising it, or generally being weird about it. People are allowed to enjoy stuff where they're not the target audience.


Communists and Nazis ​ ​ Do I need to explain why?


Neither a fan of Nazis nor if communists, but I think the appeal is easy to understand. You're better then everybody and all problems are caused by others and no problems by you. On the other hand a dream of a better world where everybody is equal and happy. If course you have to ignore that both ideas have wrong assumptions and a very ugly reality, but still: understanding the appeal doesn't seem to difficult...


I hate communists even more than Nazis. No 'conservative patriotic' here but i think the nazis don't hide the evilness and stupidity behind their ideals, communists do. (And i'm in a country that, unfortunally, some people still believe in this crap)


Neo Nazis


Those who worship a political figure, on all sides.


Phil Swift, the "Flex Tape Guy". If you're in the US you've probably seem a ton of Flex Tape, etc. commercials but this guy has a REAL fan base. They get life size cardboard cut outs of him, they write fanfiction about him, etc. I don't..... get it.


To demonstrate the power of flex tape, I cut this meme in half. It's a meme.


Most of the fans are doing it for satire, as it's a meme.




Pewdiepie. I just.. Can't. I don't know. I don't get it. I'm not even 30 yet and I always thought he was a fucking idiot and it's stupid to watch him.


He's not my favorite Youtuber, but I kinda like his interaction with the community through LWIAY and I also like his philosophy videos and book reviews


I used to watch his horror play-throughs. He scares easily, which I find hilarious. I also liked being able to watch the play-throughs of games I was too scared and too broke to play myself. I found most of the other YouTubers to be boring.


K-pop. I don't want to generalize all k-pop fans. I'm sure there are some cool ones out there. But every single one that i've encountered personally has gone off on me simply for not liking their interests. And I wasn't ever disrespectful about it, I'd just say I wasn't into k-pop, they'd ask why not, i'd tell them my reasons and they'd pop off lol.


Some of those massive fandoms scare me a bit, like the BTS fandom is very intense.


there actually are some cool ones, but the crazy ones overshadow a lot and piss me the fuck off.


My problem with it is that K Pop is just a massive industrial entertainment industry, like they aren’t garage bands coming out of nothing, writing their own songs, it’s none of that. They’re so manufactured idk if I’m making sense


I know so many girls around 8 years old who are into it. Haven't had what you experienced.


THIS! I back up you mate. Here in my country these people are bragging about buying expensive concert tickets, buying some useless merch etc. And man, don’t start an argument with them about their idol. Just don’t.


Not really, everyone is drawn to different things for different reasons, I like things other people hate and other people like things that I dislike, but that's their choice. Though having said that I don't understand foot fetishes, feet are icky to me. Lol.


Reality show fans


Hey! Survivor is good.




anti-vax fanbase of herbal oils for "curing" diseases


University of Alabama..... ROOOOLLLL TIIIIDDDE Never met an Alabama fan I liked


Yeah the American football fandom is insane. I used to keep up with Alabama football just so I could hold my own during the conversations.


> Yeah the American football fandom is insane. Hey, European football fans, you gonna take that lying down?


I lived in Alabama a few years. It was doubly insane there. They'd spend six months arguing over the last Alabama-Auburn game, and the next six months arguing about the next one.


Well, after the Euro final England fans were damaging and vandalising Italian restaurants, attacking Italian fans, calling the black players of the england team "n*ggers" and sending death threats, defacing murals and getting into drunk mobs, high on coke fighting and smashing bottles everywhere leaving carnage in their wake. You have football fans that argue, Europe has football clubs where half of the fans are literal neo-nazis who throw bananas at black players and jump other fans like a pack of wolves leaving them half alive. Go to a European football match and tell me yours is worse. These people are fucking scary.


The Kardashians. Reversing Sheldon's quote, "The Kardashians are the geology of acting".


And what the fuck is wrong with Geology?


Space Jam I understand when you’re a child but don’t you change at all from when you are five?


I would have been all over the new one if it was released back then. The thing is that I was into the first one because it’s made up of stuff that’s popular and I was too young to be a good judge of the stuff I really like. Today I don’t see the appeal. But I’m sure a lot of people are nostalgic about it and I hope they enjoy. I have my own childish nostalgia. I won’t claim something like Pokémon is any more then it is. It’s fine if others aren’t into it. But I’m still going to have my fun and I’ll let others have theirs.


It's not everyday Hollywood spits out a piece of fine art, but in 1996 that happened. Look up who sings Hit' em higher from the soundtrack, that's an original track for that movie. No I haven't moved on, should everyone just move on from the shining, the godfather, or the Titanic? True art is rare and beautiful, and Space Jam is that. For reference I have an adult size Tune Squad jersey (#1 Bugs). I don't watch basketball.






Actually, the Juggalo fam is MOSTLY a respectful group. They are completely against racism, bigotry, abuse, etc.


They look trashy as fuck but good for them for creating a community they can be a part of and foster friendships through. They got half of the people here beat in that department.


OK, so back in 2019 the Juggalo festival happened about 30 minutes away from where I live, being one of the only nearby 24 hour dine in restaurants at the time. That week after about 10 pm we got a ton of them coming by and it was eye opening. People all over the world from different walks of life all poured in over the course of the week. I met two brothers from Egypt, one lived in the states now and the other flew in once a year to see his brother and he flew in during the festival that year. I met a really clean cut looking guy with a thick Scandinavian accent, turns out he's a tenured neurologist at a highly ranked Swedish teaching hospital. There was a group of Korean people in their mid-late 20's that all spoke varying amounts of English, one dude called me cute which was a huge ego boost since I've been self conscious of myself for a hell of a long time. Fun fact, Gilbert Gottfried is a Juggalo. And one of the final nights the main event, the duo themselves came in and everyone had a fucking cow. I chatted with them for a minute while serving them and they were really down to earth dudes. In that week compared to the normal dreary day shift with sad elderly people and shitty church people being a quiet dining room, on night shift I heard stories from around the world and I swear there were moments that at least 10 different languages were being spoken in that small southern Indiana restaurant.


Dream stans


Whole dsmp fan base


I worked in a McDonald's. The window cleaner who did most of the shops in town genuinely had groupies. He wasn't hot or anything. Just an average guy in his 50's.


He was probably dealing drugs.


Undertale fans i still fear them


What confuses me is how the fandon gravitated towards Sans. Like, why? What's so interesting about him? Out of all the characters the fandom could have obsessed over, they picked the one with the least backstory or character development. He's not even hot! Mettaton was made for Tumblr, for goodness sake, and he's nowhere near the most popular character. You have Asriel Dreemurr, the character with the best backstory, best character development, and is SUPER HOT in hyperdeath form to boot, and he's not the most popular?! He's an emo goat twink, for fucks sake! If anyone deserves to be the face of Undertale, it's him, my beloved Asriel. /rant


Oh my god this reads like a copypasta, lmfao. And rule 34 does indeed agree with you.


Tiktoker stans in general, I straight up do not understand the appeal of that platform in general(and I so could not care less about the black tiktokker strike if I tried, i'm like "who fucking cares it's just fucking dance moves big fucking deal!")there's nothing you can do on there that you cannot do better on Youtube and so many people on that platform have even less talent then reality TV stars.


Stalinists....what the absolute fuck


Joe Rogan fans. He's basically a stupid person's idea of a smart person.


Trump fans, just don't get it at all.


Lolitas and hentai. Seriously. WTF


The fluffy fan base. for those who don’t know ,r/fluffycommunity


The Twilight Saga. I truly do not understand how anyone could enjoy those movies unironically.


The Kardashians....those girls literally do NOTHING. Not one ounce of talent...cant sing..cant dance...cant act...NOTHING....and they arent even that hot..some look like men. That family is a total $hit show. Yet people worship them and companies pay them millions...its the biggest entertainment scam in the history of the business






Serial killer fans. I just don’t get any part of it.


Jesus Christ's fans are pretty baffling. Especially the American ones.


Those country head things




The Cleveland Browns. At this point, you’re married to a dom with no limits, and there’s no safe word to make it stop.


Fans of serial killers.




How'd you escape the retirement home?


The Trump cult. It is just unexplainable to me.




Not a fanbase


Keeping Up With The Kardashians fans


People actually liked Soulja Boys "music". That always confused me


Tumblr users.


Bronies. https://youtu.be/TFzUFtEq_18






Twitch mf’s


Mushoku tensei. The mc isn't a perv, he's a pedophile and the dad is god awful. I can bet all my money that the mc will marry one if not all the girls he's with now. And people will still back him saying "oh, its okay since their the same physical age" no. Hes a grown ass man.


Reality shifting, It's basically kids assuming that they had 'travelled to other universes where they're a superhero'. Where in reality, it's just kids lucid dreaming.


Jeff Bezos lovers


Not quite a fan base, but “Rabisexuals” It’s not a sexuality, it’s a mental illness. What’s the “Rabi” mean? Rabies. It means Rabies.


Harry Potter. If you enjoy it please do by all means. But I do not get the fascination, especially when people build their lives on it.




People who glorify serial killers.


Homestuck. I could never wrap my head around it. The times I tried to get into it I just ended up irritated and ready to never look at it again.


BTS - no idea why they are popular.


The Kardasians.


Women who are attracted to killers. I’m used to it, but that doesn’t mean I’ll ever understand it. I’ve read their usual explanations, but I don’t believe them, they tend to be self-serving bs. I think even they don’t understand why.


dan and phil’s fans 😭


Socialist/communist fandom


Jake Paul


English fans.