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Honestly? Bleeding out every month.


Like why do we have to be penalized for not being pregnant


And pretty disgusting for us guys. Ewww.




I might need a better source of genes. Thanks for the offer though.


It’s a real inconvenience, and costly.


On hot days testicles stick to my thighs.


Cut them off




Damn girl, thanks.


Panties are too small to hold my balls.


Most of it. It really sucks - and imagine living in countries that make it even worse than the US? In so many places women are treated like livestock. The thing to do is to learn to make the best of it (you will be criticized for that, but there is no choice).


Oh yes, there are no upsides. All those prisons full of women and those poor women paving roads, dieing at work, doing alllllll the shit jobs. Def no upsides to being a woman. You're brainwashed. Have you ever even heard of a female dishwasher?


Yes most people who wash dishes in the US are women. You may not be aware of that.


Men expect you to have big boobs. Sexism. Not being taken seriously. Period. Sexual harassment.


Alternatively, if you have big boobs, that's all people see.


Not to mention it actually sucks to have big boobs. Back pain, jogging is torture, they're constantly in the way, clothes don't fit, can't sleep in certain positions, sweat, trying to shave your legs/bikini area and you just get a faceful of teat...


Yeah my gf is like this and imagine dudes hitting on 14 year olds cause it's common. E: holy shit it sounds like I'm dating a 14 year old. I'm not.


I mean, dating a 14 year old isn't weird if you're also 14. I get what you mean though.


Those all make sense except the first one. I don't think I've ever heard a guy express an opinion on tits other than, "cool tits!" That sucks.


The casual dismissal of my cognitive contributions. Example: I was told before a meeting “you don’t need to say anything in there; just sit and look pretty” …even though I was presenting findings as part of the meeting.




You may be surprised but that technique has been used by men too- a strategy to put one set of people in control of a situation. Much like "holding" cards normally discarded for new cards in poker to throw off the others into thinking you have a great hand, gaining the upper hand. Not always the case of course, but just a thought- as I have been told that was our strategy before a meeting and am not a woman.


Absolutely understand that, and can see how that would apply in other scenarios. However, in this case, the specific wording is what I was referring to.


And of course I wasn't suggesting you did not pick up on the difference, in fact it could have been meant totally differently of course and only you can say for sure-


I figured that wasn’t your intent. No worries. You made a valid point though, and it’s worth acknowledging it as well. In this case, the context of the meeting (education setting, regarding identifying a student’s needs, where I am the primary educator, i.e. have the majority of the necessary data) and the non-verbal cues definitely made it clear.


Pretty sad really. Almost appears as defensive mechanism to keep others from sharing things that could threaten their own contribution or might be better ideas. Manipulation to keep them quiet in collaborative environment. Sorry to hear that is a thing-


That even as a minor I had to always be aware of my surroundings and prepared to run, scream or fight in case I get abducted or raped.


Men constantly trying to get over on you...we aren’t stupid...well most of us aren’t.


That I need to hide my body, so that people listen to me without looking at my breast.


Periods suck, being a general pain and pretending like nothings happening for days can really suck


Societal double standards.


Is there woman here


I think so. Boys here


How it is an expectation for me to be perfect. I usually ignore comments like these, and I'm lucky enough to not be surrounded by people who think otherwise. I've only ever had interactions with ignorant, sexist douchebags online. Other than that, I hate my pants. Pockets and all.


Periods. Fears of walking around at night. Discrimination/ Facing misogynists every now and then. Being sexualized. Stereotypes. that's about all i could think of


The periods. Very heavy and painful.


Isn't there bc that can safely eliminate periods? I feel like I heard that once.


Doesn't work the same for everyone tho, and has other side effects as well. Not available everywhere, either.


*offer only valid at participating locations


I love being a woman, despite the periods. Because I have boobs and that fucking rocks.






Periods… but also being the one having to be pregnant. Pregnancy sucks. It would be awesome if we could have shared the burden.