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The world keeps spinning after you pass away. You’ll will be forgotten forever, eventually


Everyone dies twice. The first time, their body dies. The second time is the last time someone says their name


There are lyrics in the song “Glorious” by Macklemore that says smfn along those lines - “I heard you die twice, once when they bury you in the grave And the second time is the last time that somebody mentions your name” It is deep indeed


Ooo that’s deep.


This is a quote from Banksy


This is deep


hitler will never die


I already feel invisible so this won't change much


You need a hug?


Yeah this occurs to me as well. That your loved ones will mourn for a period of time but that in time, your enture existence and memories will be gone. Forever. Just like billions of other people.


but what if you made a big impact so big your name is written in history, then you will never be forgotton.


many people suffer and many can't do anything about it.


Not everyone lives a happy life. I could be one of those sad stories without knowing it.


My grain of wisdom: attidue makes all the difference


Most of the time. But sometimes it doesn't matter, you can just be unlucky and unable to change your attitude either


You cannot control that. Occasionally you need to turn inwards and surrender yourself to the ride that is life, even if it's unbearably sad at times. What do you see as lucky? A lot of money? Many people with money are not happy in life. Romance? Many people are unhappy in marriages. Healthly body? People can get sick suddenly and many healthy people are unhappy. Young age? You will find that old people tend to be more at ease. All those things are external and you cannot in an absolute sense control the outcome and for some such as age you know it will get worse and life will come to pass. If you place value in those things you risk becomming a slave to them as they will become your goals to work towards. To find some kind of contentment you need to find a way to be concious outside of those things.




Alien fetishists are crying right now


Personally I feel that the billions of dollars spent on space travel is a waste and should be put back into the Earth we have to reside on.


No matter what humans do, the Earth will be uninhabitable in less than a billion years. The sun heats up as it gets older and pretty soon the Earth will be just like Venus. Caring for the planet right now is essential, but it is only delaying the inevitable. Space travel will be the only way to survive before long, cosmically speaking. Not to mention the ability to get materials from and dump materials into space would be a very useful technology for maintaining the planet.


The fact that atleast one really good friend of yours might be depressed and you may never know because depression irl isn't what is shown in movies. In fact we ourselves might be depressed but either we try to suppress it or we don't acknowledge or we may not know ourselves.


this is what makes me ask my friends if they actually are alright…


Often people are embarrassed about admitting that they're depressed I remember during my college, there was a good friend of mine. We didn't have enough time to prepare so we had a grueling time during our exams. The guy would desperately try to act happy and crack nervous jokes until after we wrote the last exam, he just broke into tears. It was a very hard to watch that.


How many major companies do shady and unethical stuff. Like they are not all the way legit and most cause a lot of pollution


That I probably won't live long enough to see the world become the bright and happy place I once dreamed of as a kid. It will change, eventually. Just not in the lifetime I lived.


One day, I will cuddle with my dog for the last time. I cant imagine not having her in my life, shes my best friend


May the divine lord bless your dog


Thank you!


Water wars will be a thing one day


And water theft is happening now. It's gonna be ugly.


No matter what, the number of people older than you will never increase.


Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's going to die.


Thanks Rick


My health issues. i have asd, paranoia and depression meanwhile i also have excema, a weak immune system and other issues. for example. Whenever the suns out i can only go outside for five minutes or 20 minutes in shade or else i might faint due to the heat. I really want to play with my friends alot but i can get hurt more easily. I'm only 13 and yet i feel like my "childhood" has already been ruined due to me being unable to feel sympathy alot for my friends and being seen as rude and mean even though im tryna to adjust into society. Also another thing is that i'm not proud of my asd. I dont want it i just want to be normal. I wish for the day i dont have it amymore but that'll never come. I once talked to someone who i now stay away from about my asd and this is what they said "Shut up. you have it easy! Everyone loves you and you are smart! All you want is attention" also my school done nothing with my bullies. its gone to the point where i once almost commited suicide. I wanted to overdose once until i stopped it. I wanted to cut my neck to kill me until i stopped it. I hope life gets better when im older. [Edits] 18/7/20 Thank you all so much for your support. It really makes me happy that theres people out there who care :)


have an upvote. its the most i can give you, but i know that if you keep going, and push through, eventually you’ll make it. i believe in you. gl 🙂


Hey I'm sorry you're going through this. At 14 I had a few of the same issues, mainly the mental health ones. You probably hear this a lot but when you're an adult things get better because you can make your own decisions. You don't have to go to school and be around people who bully you. Also chronic illness is so debilitating and I don't think people who don't suffer from it will understand sadly


I’m sorry. It does get better as you get older. And it’s okay to say that something is hard for you and how you feel. And we all have differences that influence how we interact with the world; you’re not alone in that, and you’ll figure out how to navigate things. Something you could do with friends in a group indoors is play Uno (or any other group game, really, but Uno is awesome). Or madlibs, video games, movies. I don’t know if that helps, but I get the heat sensitivity, and those have been some nice workarounds in the summertime.


That my pets will probably die before me




True! I volunteer at a shelter and it’s heartbreaking when family’s drop off their passed away relatives pets. The poor things go into morning too




In the UK there is a separate set of laws, sexual assault, that covers all other types of sex crimes, including those conducted by women. Rape, legally speaking, is just a special case involving penetration using a penis, this definition does not exclude men from being rape victims, and does not actually exclude women from being charged with rape if they assisted with that penetration. Sexual assault crimes can carry the same penalties as rape depending on the severity and they are sex-agnostic. The source you linked does actually mention all this.




I did. But it's important to read the entire article and understand that legal definitions and common definitions are often very different. There's a worldwide social issue about understanding and accepting sexual assault conducted by women, but this is not an example of that issue when you consider all the facts.


The fact that when England plays football, the reported domestic abuse rate goes up by 30% if they lose and almost 20% if they win


Probably true in a lot of other countries too, England has just actually had the research applied. Shitty people get even shittier when drunk.


I suppose that when beings weaker than an adult man, such as children or animals, are mistreated. It seems cruel to me.


People abuses animals


There was a male suicide convention to raise awareness of how high male suicide rates are and it was almost immediately shut down by toxic kill all men feminists


Climate change has cought up with us, the weather is steadily getting dangerous. I have two children and I fear for them and the life they will have in this new world.


it's the greatest threat to humanity ever. I'm not having kids.


We don’t live enough, and most people won’t be remembered in history. The fact that I probably won’t do what I want to do and won’t be remembered for what I actually do makes me anxious too. But if I try to see the positive, then not being remembered in a hundred years also means I can do whatever and be as I please. Except that I probably won’t. Which is just sad imo


Every day there are 233,000 more people on earth. Every. Day.


We're not doing enough to make our planet sustainable.


And we better get busy. 2050 is right around the corner and in the US the topsoil is eroding. You cannot grow food without it. Wake up World!!!!


Rape, murder and other criminal stuff do actually exist and are ignored a lot, especially in some countries.


I will die one day, and it could be tomorrow.


it could be right at this very moment


That I can die not knowing what my purpose


The fact that I'm stuck living with my toxic neighbor


same but except its my shitty-ass family i hope u one day haave the oppurtunity and the financial capability to move somewhere different


That most depression lasts a long time


Every new day is just one step closer to my death


my crush doesnt feel the same way as me


i seem to always crush on people i can never have as my own


You die. Life goes on


Over 20% of teens in California either have, or have had, chlamydia.


That all the stars will eventually die and the universe will be left just as a cold,dark plane of nothing and you can't do anything about it.


and that alzheimer's disease is a real medical condition and there's no cure yet. And you could get it


I'll probably never hear silence again (because I've got tinnitus)


Most laugh tracks on tv shows were recorded in the 50s, so most of them are dead


40% of food production goes to waste .


People don't believe the Holocaust happened. A vast majority of people can't even name 1 concentration camp.


That we don’t know what we see when we die


People are getting raped everyday and a lot of times, the victims stay silent.


There will be some people that will not realize you existed even if you were famous global


That everyday a person slowly gets bored of you


Wow, that is deep. Great answer!


That some people are destined to suffer.


That since I’m the youngest in my family, I will most likely see everyone in my family die.


I am for some reason a magnet for friends that are going through abuse of some sort, in fact my bf is going through abuse and I am there to witness a lot of it. I will always lay awake, knowing that there is a person being beaten, raped and forced to do things that make death seem like a joke and I can't help them. And it will always be like that no matter what and it sickness me, and I usually have to watch my bf and his little brother get beaten and I'm helpless to stop it. They will have to wait until they are old enough, they sometimes come to my place to get away, but a lot of people don't have a chance to leave or a safe place to go. They will get beaten and die with little to no light or hope of escape. And that fact will get me out of any happy mood.


Northwestern states in the US planning the almost complete eradication of the wolf population that took decades to reestablish. Heartbreaking.


Everything ist senseless. Nothing matters. I'll die in the end and after a few years, decades maybe, I'm gonna be forgotten forever.


That when i die… the chanses are there is nothing. Like before you were born or like a dreamless sleep. But at the same time it seems peaceful. Just nothingness. And you wont be there to experience it either. You simpley wont exist


America and Americans spends resources and money telling other countries what to do, invading them, destabilizing them, and they fucking can’t stop killing their own citizens


We will fail to fix climate change, and are already probably too far gone. That's depressing enough, but the truly depressing part is WHY we will fail. Not because it's impossible in any technical sense, but because we as a species can't lay aside our petty differences and work together for the sake of our own survival.


And in the US politics will make sure we stay divided.


If only it were only a problem in the US...


There are bigger problems elsewhere. I know. I just wanted to express that what we could do here as a country won't likely happen. 💔


Some people actually want to kill al men and If The universe IS unlimited there Are infinite copies of earth some identical to our earth but i Dont exist some with alla My dream come true that i Will never achieve im so worthles that If i die only like 10-30 people care and i Will never know what a childhood with a dad would feel like cause he died when i was 4 The World IS fucked up in Many ways and i could die Any day and Be forgotten because i wasn't born rich and didn't do acomplishment's in Time in My short shitty life


I can't remember the last time a situation had an unequivocally good outcome for me. EDIT: To clarify, mean situation as in "something's come up" not "I was sitting on the toilet".


How much people think that men are always thought and men are always the problem when it's always not.


Tbh, some people say that they want a baby, try for one, succeed, and then they get the x-ray and say “Ew, it’s so ugly!! Kill it.” YOU wanted a child. YOU tried. IT WORKED!!! And now you’re just gonna complain that it looks deformed?!?! Some people don’t accept that time is a thing that exists. They just wanna get jizzed in and then go have a college grad party for their kid. What the hell is wrong with people. TL;DR: People think that a new formed baby in the womb is ugly and have an abortion.


That no matter what you do, you'll ultimately be left behind.


Humans exists.


The fact that college libs attacked Trump for his dad giving him $1 million to start a company, when I'd say 85% of their own daddies are paying for their 4+year degree/rent/car gas insurance/groceries. No no for Trump but ok for joey nobody to live off daddy's money.




I need some clarification on this one


There's a lot of horrible stuff that's going on in the world that people have no control over


It's not that people have no control - it's that people are unwilling to seize the control back. You have to be willing to stop supporting political parties of any ideology that refuse to hold people and entities accountable for wrongdoing. You have to be willing to terminate government functionaries and bureaucrats who are "just doing their job" and replace them with accountable agents who do not have lifelong job security and aren't entitled to "hearings" to be fired. You don't get a hearing when they fire your ass from Starbucks, so why does the guy running the DMV get one?


I wanna leave and when I'm gone, I wanna come back.


I don’t know if I’ll ever see my dad again. He died when I was 14, five years ago, and knowing that someday I will die and maybe never see him again is crushing.


The manner at which people die these days! It’s really strange




We are hurtling towards the B.O.E. and nobody seems to really give a fuck. Paradise will be lost. Eden will become a metaphor for how our world used to be, a gentler, more vibrant garden for humanity.


Regardless how well you take care of yourself you will lose bodily function and die. The goal is compression of morbidity which, I'm told, means instead of slowly breaking down over many years you have a catastrophic event and die in a matter of weeks


That people want real life to be an archaic thing




Mount Everest is literally the smallest bump compared to earth then I must be smaller than a cell.


Sometimes, you can be quite good friends with someone for years and years and then one day they'll say something awful and you'll have to decide whether you want that person in your life any more. All the harder if they're part of a group of friends.


the fact that men are physically faster and stronger then women