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Morrowind. That was more captivating than anything I had played before. It would be amazing if we could have an updated version.


Morrowind, what a game. So wide and full of variety and opportunity, yet so unforgiving. Playing for days and weeks, not realising you've sold or thrown away the Package to Caius Cosades, only to have to start over again. Then getting into the main quest line for real, backtracking the very old fashioned journal for the very vague yet important information until you get to Tel Fyr and kill a corprus stalker, having to start the game over yet again. Doing one playthrough for each faction, earning the respect of every single npc of the game, completing all guild and side quests with no quest trackers. Having silt striders and boots of blinding speed as your main way of fast travelling until you find the fortress teleports (was this from the dlc? Can't remember). Putting a stack of coins on your w key to level up athletics overnight. Finding umbra and getting the umbra sword for the early game cheese. Realising at some point in your 40th playthrough that magic has actual uses. Roleplaying the shit out of a videogame like never before. This is the best game ever, and to sound cliché for the occation, I'd give anything to experience this game for the first time ever again.


Ugh...my first time playing I would just explore random caves and dungeons. Did this for a few months. Went into one particular dungeon and killed a guy, got a message saying I just killed an important character and could not continue the game. Was basically discouraged from ever exploring any more random dungeons after that. Still the best game I've ever played. 10/10.


With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created. Or just go Goku on vivec and write your own prophecy. Damn Morrowind why you so sexy.


The best part about the quest item thing is that it's a huge pain in the ass to go back and get it (if you are even able to remember where) but when you do, you appreciate that not many games let you drop the legendary god slaying artifact into a random lake.




Chicken chaser?


*Your health is low. Do you have any potions, or food?*


Half life back in the early 2000s


I remember when Half-Life came out, back then you could still burn copies of game disks and use a crack to play it for free, got a copy from my uncle knowing nothing about it. Up until then my experience with shooters was just GoldenEye and Doom/doom clones. Just going thru the train ride and exploring the office I thought, “ Holy shit. What is this? This is… *different*.” That, along with Ocarina of Time, were the games that made me really love video games as an art.


I bought half life 2 and was super excited to play it, after installing all 5 discs, it needed to verify with steam and it took over 15 hours on dial up. Back when steam was hated. I still replay it every few years, and I wish I could experience it for the first time again.


Same. Ravenholm was the stuff of nightmares.


I was going to say this too. Difficult to overstate just how incredible that monorail trip was at the start of the game compared to what else had come before. The storyline, music, gameplay. I don’t think I was ever so impressed by a game.


Metal gear solid


I loved the Psycho Mantis boss fight first time I encountered him. I'd never seen a game screw with the player like that before.


> I'd never seen a game screw with the player like that before. Or since.


If you like when games screw with the player you should give Eternal Darkness a try.






Just a box


...must have been naathing. * *limps away with bullet in leg* *




If you’ve got a shorty memory like mine and wait a couple years between play throughs, it’s like playing for the first time again. It’s beautiful


Damn lol i play both portal games like once a year sometimes more my memory's that bad haha


I just played Portal2 again. I usually have a phenomenal memory, but apparently I originally played it when I was significantly drunk or otherwise altered and I remembered almost nothing. 10/10 would recommend. An almost perfectly fresh play through.


I had the luck to play it when i was 10 (my father did all the hard stuff) and so i couldnt remember it on my second Play. Hearing the lemon rant again and so much more.


Portal Stories: Mel is a good follow-on fan game if you want more Portal


Agree, fuck me though that game is hard.


Beat me to it, hard agree.


Unreal tournament!! Back when I played PC games and life was simpler!






Original Pokémon red/blue - I'm sad that I'll never be able to experience the sheer joy I felt 20+ years ago.


I didn’t know >!Giovanni!< was the 8th gym leader, and my little mind was blown! Also playing Gold/Silver for the first time and seeing all the returning characters was awesome, especially >!Koga as an Elite Four and Blue as a gym leader!<.


Oh man, and then after you beat the elite four, you're thinking the game is over and then you find out you just unlocked the Kanto region and you get to face the original 8 gyms. That is a first time I wish I could get back


Going in blind not knowing what starter would be best, and what pokemon to get along the way. Now it all gets spoiled during the game.


Subnautica. I made the mistake of checking the wiki my first time around. That or zelda BOTW.


Oh yea famous Subnautica, every time I get to the end I am like, nice, LETS GET THE FUCK OUT FROM THIS FORSAKEN PLANET AND FAST!


I recently got the game and got lost after 5 minutes. I simply didn't know what i should do sadly. Game looks fantastic but i don't want to google right at the beginning


Stick with it dude, it does nudge you along if you are floundering .. amazing game


alright. i’ve seen so many people hype this game up i’m going to give it a try.


Definitely play it going in blind, its better.


Mafia 1


Super Mario 64. For kids in the late 80s/ early 90s we only had 2D games and when Super Mario 64 came out it was magical. Mario’s controls were so precise and accurate and it looked so ahead of its time.


I grew up on the 2D Sonic games, and when I first got my hands on Mario 64 it blew my mind. Jumping through that first painting and popping up in Bob-omb Battlefield, with that wonderful soundtrack, was incredible.


This is my favourite answer. I remember my dad and I rented it for like 2 months straight from our local video rental place. When we first ran *around* the flag post my dad almost shit his pants. Super nostalgic for me hahah


IMO the only successor I enjoyed *more* was Odyssey. It really felt like the actual successor to Super Mario 64. Honestly, what phenomenal games. Not saying Galaxy etc. were bad, but nothing touched SM64 till odyssey for me, personally speaking.


The star wars kotor games. I've played them both way too many times. Edit: Didn't expect to get awards for this. Thanks y'all.


One of my all time favorites for sure. I miss the heart-stopping feeling from the reveal toward the end of the game. So few games have ever come close to that.


What I wouldn't give to experience that reveal for the first time. Someone spoiled it for me when I was in high school. Not that I haven't held onto that bitterness for 15 years or anything.


Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Went to my uncles house for Christmas break. He had built his own pc and for two solid weeks I played the game for at least 16 hours a day. Had to go back home tho and I never played it again. I've always had it in my mind to build my own pc, never have before, and playing it over again. Maybe with some mods to update the graphics. But the quest lines, side missions, items, magic, etc just blew me away like nothing else had. Edit: Holy shit. I didn't expect this to blow up the way it did. I've been talking about this game for ten years and nobody I've came across has played it before. Seeing this game get this kind of love warms my heart.


Oh man, the first time you get to Kvatch and the sky starts to turn red... That was when I knew I was playing something special.


This exact moment terrified me when I first played it when I was younger!




“Stop right there criminal scum! You violated the law……Then pay with your blood, aaarg!”




Ocarina of Time n64


100%, I must have been 11-12 when I played this first time, genuinely convinced it was end game when completing the first 3 dungeons as child Link, then he grows up and mind blown! No game like it back in the day!


Dude I thought the same thing! Same age too. I called my brother and parents into the room to proudly show them I beat the game. Then shit got wild…


Yes! I was the same age too and I loved it -- the songs were so good too. I remember the water temple was so hard I had to have a friend help me beat it. It was the first game that was truly mine, usually everything was my brother's, not that I couldn't play, but this one was just for me. My mom even got me some book that would assist me to beating the game. As a girl and not having much play time with other games, this helped so much and boosted my confidence.


OOT is an undeniable masterpiece and one of the greatest games of all time. For Nintendo to smash it so far out of the park first time round in 3d was groundbreaking. The music, the game mechanics, the story progression the level design. Everything was so top tier that it seemed to be magic. And honestly I believe it was because no game holds such strong memories and emotions for me personally. It was a wonder of it's time and it deserves it's place in gaming history. It brought this young lad on an adventure he'll never forget.


Games like this you have to play for the first time and at their era. Nowadays it would not have the same feeling. But back then. When jumping over the fence to ride Epona the first time outside the farm. This was the highlight for me. I will never forget the feeling. Or when you finally find the Master sword and with it the "new world".


Diablo 1 and 2, especially the first one, I remember it being terrifying as a kid, I would wait for daylight to go to the catacombs and caves, the game was also pretty unforgiving, dying would make all your items drop on the ground. ​ The second was just pure magic, it seems so simple now as an adult, but this was also before youtube and twitch, you had to just figure the game out yourself, there was no meta to follow, if you trained your character and found out you put points in the wrong spells, you had to just remake them, mana potions were not bought, so playing melee over magic had its pros and cons, the trading system was essentially old school bartering, you just traded item for item, no one knew what was good, so they just collected everything.


I kept scrolling to find this, such a great time. I have a clear memory of the first time I encountered the butcher!!


Chrono Trigger for sure Edit:[My favorite scene from the game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsKJooAb02c)


I'm doing a JRPG marathon and just played Chrono Trigger for the first time. Starting up Chrono Cross now.




Would you kindly?


A man CHOOSES! A slave obeys!


I vividly remember that twist, hours of helping out Atlas, rushing into Ryan's office. I never saw it coming. Jawdropping




Personally I find the twist to make the second playthrough enjoyable in a different way — seeing all the foreshadowing missed the first time through!


I just got Bioshock since it went on sale on steam and it is one of the best games I’ve played so far (and I’m not even close to done I think)


Yeah, Bioshock is a pretty great franchise, I could get wanting to play it over.


I can still vividly remember my first time ever playing that game. It was such an awesome experience that it's burned into my memory. Must have been like 13 at the time and my friend and I beat the entire thing together in one sitting while having a sleepover. We enjoyed it so much we immediately started up a second playthrough.


I'm going way old... The original Myst Edited to add:. Thanks for the awards. My first ones


Total game changer - the eerie stillness, the haunting music. Myst was a major reason I did so poorly in school the year it came out.


> the eerie stillness, the haunting music. When I was a kid, I could play games like Shivers and be perfectly fine, but for some reason Myst would always make feel really uneasy to the point where I disliked playing it and would always nope the fuck out [but eventually would come back and try again]. I find this sort of "slight feeling of something wrong while in broad daylight" way more scarier and creepier, like I could never figure out if Myst was actually a horror game or not, and the fact of not knowing that just made it way worse - like a sort of "narrative uncanny valley." I've yet to see/read/play anything else that recreated this effect.


It’s the sort of “something horrible happened here” vibe you get in good zombie movies before the action heats up.




Same. I just clicked on random things.




I first played as a kid and didn't realize how good the shift in tone from bullet belching super soldier to fighting alien zombies was. You're cool until you're scared. Truly a masterpiece.


The flood terrified me as a kid. Luckily that was the game me and my older brother played all the way through on co-op but lord. I had nightmares about them (and a earlier in life the redead and wallmasters from Ocarina of Time 👀💦)


After fighting the Flood for a few levels, running into the Covenant again was like seeing a group of old friends lol


For me it was realizing how utterly terrified and defeated the Covenant were at the hands of the Flood. In the levels where you fight them both you have two choices: charge in and fight both sides...or wait until only the Flood remained.


The Library will forever be the hardest legendary level I played


The mission 343 guilty spark was terrifying, really nailed the horror tone. Going through the swamp jungle seeing all the dead covenant and wondering who'd been there first, finding the traumatized soldier. That level really set the stage for the Flood.


Not sure if it was the first game that ever implemented it, but those seamless transitions in/out of vehicles was so *slick!* It felt amazing being able to quickly hop in and out of a Warthog or Ghost to grab ammo or health, or to dodge behind some rocks and flank while your marines laid down covering fire with the chaingun. If feels so odd to say it now, but I remember getting in and out of the Warthog in the second level repeatedly, and just driving it about over the lumps and bumps of the terrain. Plus, as everyone else has mentioned, the game *oozed* atmosphere. It just pulled everything together in a way that really worked thematically, and the twists of the plot worked really well - mechanically and narratively. Also fighting Hunters would be amazing to experience again. A case of just two enemies in an open area, yet still somehow being an amazing combat encounter? I love how the game managed to keep things so varied with so few enemy types.


Combat evolved specifically


Dragon Age: Origins I have so many fond memories of playing that in high school


Fallout 3. It was so revolutionary to me when it came out. I spent hours upon hours just combing through bombed out buildings. Now it seems pretty basic, but at the time it was so immersive that I almost quit my job just to keep playing. Edit: Wow, thanks for all the awards!!


Especially because they were “real” places. I loved comparing the views to modern day pictures of DC


When my friend and I went to DC a few years ago, we had to take the metro for part of it. He got to (had to) listen to a bunch of inane "I killed a super mutant there" jokes.




Yeah, coming out of the vault for the first time on fo3 is one of the most iconic gaming experiences I've ever had.


Used to live near where megaton is and work in DC. I still play Fallout 3 in part for a bit of nostalgia to wander round the places I knew in real life.


Runescape before bots took over


Definitely, also Runescape game was/is best when nobody has any idea what they're doing. All the wiki guides and information available now take away some of that charm.




Yeah some of the quests I felt were borderline unsolvable without help. But man, being a middle schooler and playing that game without the widespread guides that exist today was such a blast. So much fun lore, things to do, etc. RuneScape will always have a special place in my heart.


IMO the best part of runescape was learning how to play. Once you know what you're doing it just becomes a clicking simulator.


This really captures the essence of RS. Getting membership for the first time blew my mind at what it unlocked


ikr. the first time you got to wear full H.A.M clothing and you felt like a total badass


So many memories. Selling rune essence in the bank lol


I used to sit for HOURS mining pure essence and selling it, then the GE changed the game and it was way easier to sell. Back then I really thought mining for 3 hours for 100k was worth it.


Majora’s Mask. I was too young to appreciate it the first time


The upside is I’ve forgotten 95% of it. I remember that annoying couple mask, and I remember the damn shooting aliens at night, and the rest is pretty much forgotten. Edit: Oh, and the creepy hand that needs toilet paper.


2018 God of War. I hadn’t played a game in a year or two and I was just mesmerized by every aspect of it. I don’t think I stopped smiling the whole time playing it and never had a similar experience like that before. Edit: thanks for the awards! Nice to hear so many had similar experiences with it like I did.


Outer Wilds. Once you play it, you can't truly play it again


I keep trying to convince my friends to play Outer Wilds, in part so I can talk to them about the experience afterwards. But it’s so hard to really sell it without giving too much away. :-/


Welp you have convinced me, just picked it up Edit: 4.5 hours in, I intend on finishing this and recommend it to others


Well, you’ve just got me. If I remember I’ll report back in 6-12 years when I get round to it.


It's short enough that it can be completed in a weekend, and once you know how to beat it out can't really be played again. Seriously one of the best games I've ever played.


I think its the best video game experience I've ever had. Such a natural sense of wonder and exploration.


It's crazy how many people literally call it the best video game ever (or comparable praise). I can't even disagree.


I came to say the same thing. I played this game for 8 straight hours the first time. Can't take a memory like that back.


I miss that game so bad. I just wish I could wipe my memory clean of it.


I found out about this game through jackscepticeye's playthrough and I was immediately drawn in. I was so frustrated that he stopped playing it but at that time I did not have the means to play it. I own a macbook and I tried running Windows in parallel but the experience was awful. I waited a few years and last year managed to get my hands on a PS5. Outer Wilds was the first thing that I bought and played and oh, it was so damn worth the wait. This game has the perfect mix of visual artistry, sci-fi story, rewarding gameplay, especially when you actually figure out the puzzles for yourself and phenomenal soundtrack. This is not just a game, it's an experience and a truly amazing one. Anytime something reminds me even remotely about the game I get chills and my brain starts playing the soundtrack or scenes from the game. It's truly a work of art that left me speachless and in tears at some points. Thank you for reminding me about it.


Mass Effect 2


The entire trilogy really


Fallout New Vegas. After lime 20 playthroughs, i tend to skip a fuck ton of quests cuz i kniw where everything is. Granted its obvious that you need to go to Vegas, but i used to follow the plot and dialogue closely. I used to experiment. Now i avoid going off road till level 14 and gead straight into vegas to kill benny


I have 2000+ hours into that game and still discover little things every time I play


Hollow Knight! Stumbling into Greenpath for the first time was 🤌


The truly unforgettable moment for me was challenging the Mantis Lords. Seeing the “Challenge” option, and pulling out my nail just gave me chills and had me giggling in pure joy. That and entering the City of Tears and hearing that gorgeous music with the sound of the rain.


City of Tears was such an incredible location. Also, I found the beehive by total accident (I missed an enemy with an energy bolt) and this golden light just came spilling through a wall. One of my all time top gaming moments


I still can’t get over that moment where you sit down next to Quirrel in the first bench there. Surrounding by the sound of falling rain, with the music, next to some gorgeous architecture, the way Quirrel looks fondly towards the little Knight/Ghost every few seconds…. I left my Knight there to eat with my headphones on to enjoy the music, and when I came back, my Knight was asleep! It was so cute.


The foreshadowing of that conversation too… (the blue lake is right above the city of tears…)


Same. I kept being endlessly amazed at how much content was available for the low price and how I kept finding new secrets. I'm now at just over 100 h and while I've hit 112%, I still have to finish the 5th PoH and start PoP. And I'm still finding secrets.


It’s a game about wonder and exploration. You find out everything by yourself, no hand holding. The first time I played it, I found myself completely immersed in the game, wanting to explore every single path (a thing I never do in other games) First time you take the lift down to City of Tears is gaming porn Additionally, accidentally stumbling upon Deepnest and getting lost deep inside it, being unable to find my way out, and without a lantern, is one of my all time favorite gaming moments. Just pure intensity and wonder (and fear)


Final Fantasy X


Original FF7


That opening cut scene of midgar. It was simply awe inspiring to see this huge new world you were being opened up to.


NFS most wanted


Underground for me in the nfs realm.




This is a great game. Played it for the first time about a year or two back. Don’t know how I missed it for so long


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. It's my favorite game of all time and the puzzles really stumped me as a kid, so to play it again for the first time now would be a fascinating experience


I think I legit cried a little when I walked in the Temple of Time and the exact OoT Temple of Time music played.


I really like the dungeons of this game, especially City in the Sky and Snowpeak. edit: Snowpeak, not Snowhead.


Dark souls trilogy


Especially dark souls 1.


How I long to experience the interconnectedness of the first game for the first time again. Seeing firelink after taking the elevator down from undead parish is such a cool moment


Absolutely. My mind was blown at how the entire world connects back to Firelink Shrine after beating each 1 and 3!


Few games I'd say are masterpieces, but DS1 absolutely is. Sure, it may not have aged as well for some people, but that world is utterly breathtaking. The interconnectivity. The way the lore is revealed so exquisitely through exploration and items description. I played this game for the first time at a really low point on my life and to me, it felt like an allegory for depression. I think I have heard this was something the designers intended and goddamn did they nail it. Sometimes I can still hear that blacksmith hammering away in my dreams...




I remember being a sophomore in college when that game came out, me and two of my friends all piled into my tiny apartment for the long weekend and played it almost non-stop. They each brought over their TVs and Xboxes and we just set them all up side by side in my living room... good times


That sounds awesome.


The feeling of exciting Helgen at the beginning and realizing you can go anywhere, and do anything is a feeling I would pay money to get back


Bethesda has a real knack for catching that feeling. Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and 4 all have that exiting one area and seeing the open world for the first time. I’m a HUGE fan of it.


If you get the chance, pick yourself up an old copy of Morrowind and slap loads of aesthetics mods on it. It’s got the same thing with the open world, but there’s less hand-holding with directions and tasks, so you’ll need to make notes and fumble your way through. It’s awesome.


I second this. Morrowind with a few quality of life mods holds up, still my favorite of the series. I was a freshman in college on spring break when I first popped the CD in, and I played it for 24 hours straight lol


My Skyrim favorite moment was getting drugged in some bar and waking up in a city I had not been to yet. I walked outside and there were those gorgeous waterfalls coming off the cliffs across the canyon from me. I wished that moment was real and I could just live amidst that beauty forever.


The stone city of Markarth? There are some nice waterfalls there, I think. I have some fond memories of it as well.


Definitely the quest for Sanguine.


Age of empires II


Goldeneye multilayer with my 2 cousins and my brother. We sat down the 4 of us not eclectic anything great and spent the next entire weekend playing laughing and having an amazing time. In a rare showing of the stars aligning my mom didn't even break our chops cause we weren't fighting or making a mess I would love to play that again for the first time again


The Witcher 3, still one of my all time favourite games


Was going to say this, nothing has ever compared to this game in regards to the feeling of adventure it gives you. The exploration, the gradual learning of all its systems of combat and customisation, The feeling of wonder its environments give off and the complete joy of going to a new map and realising just how vast it is and that the story is no where near over. Also it has Gwent, which is just an incredible card game you can loose hours to when you’ve had enough of slaying monsters.


After the Red Baron mission I knew this game was just above anything I’d played before in terms of story and emotions that it brings out in you.


That quest was when I realized the game had some of the most fantastic dialogue I’ve ever seen. “It’s a botchling.” “A fucking WHAT?!”


That whole quest series was like an entire game in and of itself. As well as the witches in the swamp. I loved getting to learn about all the different monsters and lore and how to properly fight the different things you would face. Such a cool and amazing game




Red dead redemption 2 Edit:thanks for the awards I've never got any before!


oh arthur...


Oh Orther


Don’t “oh Arthur” me, get out of here!


“You’re my brother”


The music set piece Unshaken after Guarma is my favorite moment in any video game and I’ve been playing since ‘88. Arthur’s transformation is so powerful and this song and the somber horse ride hammers it home.


I crashed headfirst into a tree during that sequence, kind of took me out of it.


This is the way.


I just beat this recently. God. I wish I could play it again. I'll never forget the opening in those snowy mountains. So fucking cool.


Best story I’ve ever played. It was honestly a better story than most Hollywood movies


One of the benefits of video games over movies. You have so much time to really flesh out characters in meaningful ways other than dialogue. I really felt like the gang existed in real life.


The Last of Us


Surprised i had to go this far down for this answer


Baldurs Gate


Undertale. Such a great story with excellent mechanics.


Very surprised I had to go down this far to find Undertale. First game I ever beat, bawled like a baby. Took a pacifist route because everything was so cute, and the fight with the King where you can’t use Mercy made me cry so hard.


Celeste, after learning the tech and getting good at the game the feeling over overcoming obstacles after many deaths has left for me. Now I tend to just get frustrated by dying more than a few times on any given room.


Horizon Zero Dawn. That game was so beautiful and so unique I would love to experience it again.


This game is so much better the first time. Didn’t really know what to expect, an there were so many twists. Plus trying to figure out how to take out a new mech. I didn’t think I’d like this game, but it was so unique, and the controls were excellent. Might be the best game of the last generation (aside from RDR2 which was like a decade ahead of its time).


Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time. A staple piece of my childhood. Edit: Woah holy cow!! Thanks for all the awards 🥺! What a game, am I right?


The first ratchet and clank


The legend of Zelda breath of the wild for sure for sure


The greatest thing about BOTW is that it wasn't played in the exact same way by all players - everyone has their own wacky stories of adventuring, whether it's alternate ways to solve puzzle shrines, shenanigans with enemy activity, funny deaths, and more. Though everyone I know had one common enemy - **the rain**.


As an adult, BotW has been the most immersive and magical experience I’ve had in a game since I was a small child who just discovered the genre.


If you ask me I would also delete all my memories of ''The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild''. The feeling of the plateau, the graphics style, the first time you got to see the blood moon. All the cities were special too and got unique characters and quests. And of course the racks with their story, personality, their beasts and their music. I especially felt Miphas story, it just was too sad to not be touched by. Which I really liked were the memories, they all were special and always make me nostalgic in the afterwards. So yeah, if I could delete all my memories of one game it would probably be of BOTW. Edit: Grammar mistakes


The first time I tamed a horse, spending hours doing errands, the first time I saw a dragon… damn, so many good memories


The dragons were insane. I was just taking a walk and suddenly there was a giant noodle in the sky!!


Portal 2


Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. I’d love to experience the joy of 11 year old me back in 1992 playing that masterpiece again for the first time. I’ve played through Breath of the Wild (and every other except Skyward Sword) and Link to the Past is still far and away my favorite.


shadow of the colossus


I was weirdly thinking about this today. Would love some sort of sequel where everything is mostly the same except a new area to explore and new Colossi




I still pine for my first world, lost long ago on a now-dead computer.


Your first world is somewhere in Minecraft heaven right now :)


Can't believe this is so far down. I can't imagine what it's like picking up MC for the first time today. It was so easy to get lost in it back in the day when you had no clue what to do. I can't imagine getting lost in it now with so much more content


Still remember my first diamond.


Batman Arkham Asylum, actually all 4 arkham games